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A small intraperitoneal radio transmitter was developed and used successfully in California sea otters. The transmitter weighs about 120 g and has an internal antenna. Thirty-five implanted transmitters were located for an average of 526 d. The carcasses of five animals that died were recovered; there were no complications associated with the transmitters in these individuals. Reproductive performance of the adult females with implanted transmitters appeared normal. The main advantages of this transmitter are its reliability and long life. It has enabled the collection of significant new information on California sea otters.  相似文献   

Six free-ranging marine otters (Lontra felina) were livetrapped on the central coast of Chile and implanted with specially designed radiotransmitters as part of a spatial ecology study. Marine otters frequent the rocky seashore, often squeezing their narrow bodies through cracks and crevices and grooming themselves on the rocks. They are also among the smallest of the otter species, weighing between 3.4 kg and 4.5 kg. For these reasons, the transmitter used was small, rectangular, and flat, measuring 3.5 x 3.2 x 1.0 cm. They were implanted using a ventral midline approach to minimize contact between the skin incision and sharp-edged rocks. Surgical incisions healed within 2 wk. The transmitters functioned well, but the duration varied from 62 days to 143 days instead of the 240 days predicted by the manufacturer. All six marine otters reestablished in their home ranges, and survey results suggest they survived well beyond the life of the transmitters.  相似文献   

The Brownie tag‐recovery model is useful for estimating harvest rates but assumes all tagged individuals survive to the first hunting season; otherwise, mortality between time of tagging and the hunting season will cause the Brownie estimator to be negatively biased. Alternatively, fitting animals with radio transmitters can be used to accurately estimate harvest rate but may be more costly. We developed a joint model to estimate harvest and annual survival rates that combines known‐fate data from animals fitted with transmitters to estimate the probability of surviving the period from capture to the first hunting season, and data from reward‐tagged animals in a Brownie tag‐recovery model. We evaluated bias and precision of the joint estimator, and how to optimally allocate effort between animals fitted with radio transmitters and inexpensive ear tags or leg bands. Tagging‐to‐harvest survival rates from >20 individuals with radio transmitters combined with 50–100 reward tags resulted in an unbiased and precise estimator of harvest rates. In addition, the joint model can test whether transmitters affect an individual's probability of being harvested. We illustrate application of the model using data from wild turkey, Meleagris gallapavo, to estimate harvest rates, and data from white‐tailed deer, Odocoileus virginianus, to evaluate whether the presence of a visible radio transmitter is related to the probability of a deer being harvested. The joint known‐fate tag‐recovery model eliminates the requirement to capture and mark animals immediately prior to the hunting season to obtain accurate and precise estimates of harvest rate. In addition, the joint model can assess whether marking animals with radio transmitters affects the individual's probability of being harvested, caused by hunter selectivity or changes in a marked animal's behavior.  相似文献   

American minks (Mustela vison) are difficult to radio tag because of their similar head and neck circumference as well as their semi-aquatic and frequently subterranean behaviour patterns. During a radio-telemetry study of American mink, we compared collar transmitters and intraperitoneal-implanted transmitters with reference to animal welfare and practicability in the field. Between October 2003 and March 2004, we fitted eight minks with collar transmitters. Six showed serious neck injuries caused by carrying the radio collars. From April 2004 to June 2005, radio transmitters were surgically implanted in the peritoneal cavity of 14 minks by veterinarians. After surgery, the observation of mink in a quarantine cage for 72 h appeared adequate to ensure that they do not attack the sutures. During quarantine, minks were calm and took the offered food (fresh carp). The replacement of five failed implanted transmitters after 2–10 months revealed that the transmitters were floating freely in the peritoneal cavity, and no local reactions were observed. Except for one male, intraperitoneal implants do not appear to affect short-term survival or reproductive potential of minks. For long-term telemetry studies, we recommend implanted transmitters instead of external radio collars to radio tag American minks.  相似文献   

Fledgling birds are notoriously difficult to find and capture because of their cryptic behavior. As a result, researchers usually affix transmitters to nestlings to study aspects of post-fledging ecology. However, parents may attempt to remove nestling transmitters, which could negatively impact nestlings. We attached radio-transmitters to 95 Sprague’s Pipit (Anthus spragueii) nestlings using a modified Rappole and Tipton leg harness. Within 1–2 days after transmitter attachment, we recorded six cases of parents removing transmitters from nestlings and depositing the transmitters outside the nest. At one of these nests, we videotaped parents pecking and pulling at nestlings that had transmitters and also dragging a nestling out of the nest by the transmitter. Of 12 video-monitored nests where we attached transmitters to nestlings, 33% had cases of parents attempting to remove transmitters by pecking and pulling at nestlings. Our observations highlight the need to closely monitor nestlings with transmitters so that researchers have the opportunity to reattach transmitters should parents remove them and to monitor the health of nestlings. Video-monitoring nests could also help to identify any unseen, negative impacts on nestlings due to transmitter attachment.  相似文献   

Asian small-clawed river otters (Aonyx cinerea) were given the opportunity to hunt for and capture live crickets (Acheta domestica) in a public interactive display. The otters learned the experimental routine during the first day of exposure. Different response levels were recorded at each of three capture sites, A, B, and C. The animals showed continued motivation for hunting despite the fact that there was no deprivation and the crickets represented an insignificant part of the diet. Besides live crickets, other items—cat food, dead crickets, and gelatin capsules—were introduced for five days each. The otters made the most captures per opportunity for live crickets, followed, in order of preference, by dead crickets, cat food, and gelatin capsules. Although gelatin capsules were found to be the least motivating prey item, the otters hunted for them whenever they were offered. Thus, any active opportunity to produce a change in their environment was rewarding to the otters.  相似文献   

Body temperature (Tb) is a valuable parameter when assessing the physiological state of animals, but its widespread measurement is often constrained by methods that are invasive or require frequent recapture of animals. Alternatives based on automated remote sensing of peripheral Tb show promise, but little is known about their strengths and limitations. We measured peripheral Tb in great tits Parus major with subcutaneously implanted passive integrated transponders (PIT tags) and externally attached radio transmitters to determine repeatability of measurements, sensitivity of each method to variation in ambient temperature (Ta) and wind speed, the relationship between methods, and their ability to capture circadian variation in Tb. Repeatability of measurements by radio transmitters was high (> 80%) when readings were taken within 20 min, but reduced to 16% when measures were spaced 3.5 h apart. PIT tag data for the 3.5 h interval were more repeatable (33%) and less variable (cv). Data were affected by Ta with a stronger effect on the externally attached transmitters, but the influence of wind speed was small for both methods. There was a significant positive relationship between transmitter‐ and PIT tag temperature during both days and nights. Both methods were equally suited to detect diel changes in peripheral Tb. However, transmitters offered longer detection distance and better temporal resolution. These qualities should be considered when deciding how to collect Tb data remotely. If properly deployed, both methods allow measurement of peripheral Tb over a wide range of natural systems and conditions in small, free‐ranging, birds.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT We present and evaluate a protocol for the capture of otters (Lutra lutra) using padded leg-hold traps coupled with Global System for Mobile communication (GSM) trap alarms. The trapping method was highly efficient, capturing 46 otters at 6.9 trap-nights each. Functioning alarms allowed us to remove 36 otters from their traps within 22 (SD = 14) minutes of capture. We caught 10 otters in trap sets with malfunctioning trap alarms and retrieved them the following morning, after ≤24 hours. Functioning alarms reduced the injuries suffered from an average cumulative score of 77.7 to just 5.5 on the International Organization for Standardization 10990-5 trauma scale (Z=-5.074, P ≤ 0.001). As a result, we strongly encourage the use of GSM trap alarms under the principle of refinement in animal experiments.  相似文献   

Out of 33 Pileated Woodpeckers (Dryocopus pileatus) captured and fitted with radio-transmitters, 12 were later found dead. Three carcasses were recovered and submitted for necropsy. One bird had large pale foci in multiple muscles. Microscopically, skeletal muscle in all three had evidence of severe coagulative necrosis, consistent with capture myopathy.  相似文献   

Radio-telemetry is a commonly used scientific technique that allows researchers to collect detailed movement, habitat use, and survival data of animals; however, evidence indicates that using telemetry can affect behavior and survival. Using multiple breeding colonies and years, we investigated the effects of attached radio-transmitters on growth and survival of Forster's tern (Sterna forsteri) chicks in San Francisco Bay, California, USA, 2010–2011. We tested these potential effects at isolated islands that allowed for high re-capture rates (typically >85%) in radio-marked and banded-only chicks. Modeled Gompertz growth curves suggested that transmitters had a small negative effect on some of the asymptotic growth parameters of tern chicks; tarsus (−1.5 ± 0.7% [SE]), culmen (−1.7 ± 1.2%), and wing (−4.9 ± 2.0%) lengths were shorter for radio-marked chicks compared to banded-only chicks. In contrast, there was no difference in asymptotic mass between radio-marked chicks and banded-only chicks. Survival from hatching to fledging was lower for radio-marked chicks than banded-only chicks during 2010 (banded-only = 0.313 ± 0.162 vs. radio-marked = 0.250 ± 0.165) and 2011 (0.193 ± 0.030 vs. 0.123 ± 0.027). Most of the transmitter effect occurred within the first week after hatching, rather than in older chicks. Notably, the effect of transmitters on chick survival was primarily additive, indicating that the effect of transmitters on radio-marked chicks was not influenced by other ecological covariates. Given the effect radio-transmitters had on survival did not change across temporal or ecological gradients, transmitters can still be used to evaluate ecological factors affecting survival and timing of mortality and radio-marked birds can be used to make inferences to the general population. Published 2020. This article is a U.S. Government work and is in the public domain in the USA.  相似文献   

Between 1988 and 1994, 58 beavers were translocated from the Elbe region (Germany) to the Netherlands. In 43 animals, radio-transmitters were implanted with a pulse interval which was dependent on body temperature; subsequently, 22 of the released animals were found dead and the cause of death was investigated. Infectious diseases were the most important cause of death (50%), in particular yersiniosis and leptospirosis. Yersiniosis is relatively rare in the source population along the Elbe, and leptospirosis has not been reported before in beavers. We hypothesize that the immune system of the translocated animals was weakened by stress at a time of exposure to new pathogens. In future translocations of beavers, we recommend to reduce the stress, improve the hygiene, and to vaccinate against Yersinia pseudotuberculosis and leptospirosis prior to the release.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Reduced chick survival has been implicated in declines of greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) populations. Because monitoring survival of unmarked sage-grouse chicks is difficult, radiotelemetry may be an effective technique to estimate survival rates, identify causes of mortality, and collect ecological data. Previous studies have used subcutaneous implants to attach radiotransmitters to hatchlings of several species of birds with precocial young. Previous researchers who used subcutaneous implants in free-ranging populations removed chicks from the capture location and implanted transmitters at an alternate site. Because logistics precluded removing newly hatched greater sage-grouse chicks from the field, we evaluated a method for implanting transmitters at capture locations. We captured 288 chicks from 52 broods and monitored 286 radiomarked chicks daily for 28 days following capture during May and June 2001–2002. Two (>1%) chicks died during surgery and we did not radiomark them. At the end of the monitoring period, 26 chicks were alive and 212 were dead. Most (98%, 207/212) radiomarked chick mortality occurred < 21 days posthatch and predation (82%, 174/212) was the primary cause of death. Necropsies of 22 radiomarked chicks did not indicate inflammation or infection from implants, and they were not implicated in the death of any chicks. Fate of 48 chicks was unknown because of transmitter loss (n = 16), radio failure (n = 29), and brood mixing (n = 3). Overall, the 28-day chick survival rate was 0.220 (SE = 0.028). We found that mortalities related to the implant procedure and transmitter loss were similar to rates reported by previous researchers who removed chicks from capture sites and implanted transmitters at an alternate location. Subcutaneous implants may be a useful method for attaching transmitters to newly hatched sage-grouse chicks to estimate survival rates, identify causes of mortality, and collect ecological data.  相似文献   

Capturing and marking free‐living birds permits the study of important aspects of their biology but may have undesirable effects. Bird welfare should be a primary concern, so it is necessary to evaluate and minimize any adverse effects of procedures used. We assess short‐term effects associated with the capture, handling and tagging with backpack‐mounted transmitters of Pin‐tailed Pterocles alchata and Black‐bellied Pterocles orientalis Sandgrouse, steppe birds of conservation concern. There was a significantly higher mortality (15%) during the first week after capture than during the following weeks (< 2.5%) in Pin‐tailed Sandgrouse, but no significant temporal mortality pattern in Black‐bellied Sandgrouse. In Pin‐tailed Sandgrouse, mortality rate during the first week increased with increasing relative transmitter and harness weight regardless of season, and with increasing handling time during the breeding season. There were no significant differences in mortality rate between study areas, type of tag, sex or age or an effect of restraint time. These results suggest the use of lighter transmitters (< 3% of the bird's weight) and a reduction of handling time (< 20 min), particularly during the breeding season, as essential improvements in procedure to reduce the mortality risk associated with the capture, handling and tagging of these vulnerable species.  相似文献   

Lactation is the most energetically demanding stage of reproduction in female mammals. Increased energetic allocation toward current reproduction may result in fitness costs, although the mechanisms underlying these trade‐offs are not well understood. Trade‐offs during lactation may include reduced energetic allocation to cellular maintenance, immune response, and survival and may be influenced by resource limitation. As the smallest marine mammal, sea otters (Enhydra lutris) have the highest mass‐specific metabolic rate necessitating substantial energetic requirements for survival. To provide the increased energy needed for lactation, female sea otters significantly increase foraging effort, especially during late‐lactation. Caloric insufficiency during lactation is reflected in the high numbers of maternal deaths due to End‐Lactation Syndrome in the California subpopulation. We investigated the effects of lactation and resource limitation on maternal stress responses, metabolic regulation, immune function, and antioxidant capacity in two subspecies of wild sea otters (northern: E. l. nereis and southern: E. l. kenyoni) within the California, Washington, and Alaska subpopulations. Lactation and resource limitation were associated with reduced glucocorticoid responses to acute capture stress. Corticosterone release was lower in lactating otters. Cortisol release was lower under resource limitation and suppression during lactation was only evident under resource limitation. Lactation and resource limitation were associated with alterations in thyroid hormones. Immune responses and total antioxidant capacity were not reduced by lactation or resource limitation. Southern sea otters exhibited higher concentrations of antioxidants, immunoglobulins, and thyroid hormones than northern sea otters. These data provide evidence for allocation trade‐offs during reproduction and in response to nutrient limitation but suggest self‐maintenance of immune function and antioxidant defenses despite energetic constraints. Income‐breeding strategists may be especially vulnerable to the consequences of stress and modulation of thyroid function when food resources are insufficient to support successful reproduction and may come at a cost to survival, and thereby influence population trends.  相似文献   

A long‐term study of botos (inia geoffrensis) in the Brazilian Amazon permitted the comparison of survival and reproduction between 51 adults fitted with radio transmitters and an equal number that were captured and handled in the same way but released without a transmitter. For both sexes combined, 47 radio tagged botos (92.2%) survived at least three years after release compared with 42 (82.4%) without radios, equating to annual survival of 97.3% and 93.6% respectively. The difference was not statistically significant. Eight of 15 closely monitored radio tagged females were lactating at capture, and all their calves weaned successfully. Two that were pregnant at capture subsequently gave birth. The mean number of calves per year born to these 15 females after first release was 0.172 (SD = 0.107) and to 17 non‐tagged was 0.174 (SD = 0.095), again a non‐significant difference. These results indicate that the anchoring of packages to the dorsal fin of dolphins can be accomplished with no measurable impact on their subsequent survival or reproductive output. However, botos may be unusually robust to handling, and this study should not be used to justify using similar techniques on other species without customary caution, diligence, and expert guidance.  相似文献   

Telemetric investigations of various parameters are widely used to estimate an animal's state. However, the implantation of the transmitters includes anaesthesia and surgery and has short and longer lasting impacts on the studied object. The aim of the present paper was to evaluate these effects in Mongolian gerbils, namely the hypothermia caused by the anaesthetic and the enduring disturbance of daily rhythmicity until complete recovery. The surgery associated with the implantation of the transmitters differed both in severity and type of anaesthesia. Whereas normal values of body temperature were restored within hours, restoration of daily rhythm required several days, depending on the severity of the surgical procedure. Also, the sensitivity of the body temperature to activity changes was different until the rhythms were re-established. A method based on the rhythm magnitude and shape was proposed to estimate the time until complete recovery of the animals.  相似文献   

Survival estimates are critical components of avian ecology. In well-intentioned efforts to maximize the utility of one's research, survival estimates often derive from data that were not originally collected for survival assessments, and such post hoc analyses may include unintentional biases. We estimated the survival of Whimbrels captured and marked at two breeding sites in Alaska using divergent data streams that in isolation were subject to methodological biases. Although both capture sites were chosen to study the migration ecology of Alaska-breeding Whimbrels, maximizing the conservation value of the data we collected was obviously desirable. We used multi-year telemetry information to infer survival from one site (Colville River) and mark–resight techniques to estimate survival from a second site (Kanuti River). At Colville River, we could not feasibly include a control group of birds to assess potential survival effects of externally mounted transmitters, and at Kanuti River we were unable to account accurately for potential emigration events because we used resightings alone. We integrated these datasets in a Bayesian hierarchical framework, an approach that permitted insights across sites that moderated methodological biases within sites. Using telemetry enabled us to detect permanent emigration events from breeding sites in two of 10 birds, results that informed estimates for birds without tracking devices. These datasets yielded point estimates of true survival of Whimbrels from Colville River equipped with solar-powered satellite transmitters that were higher (0.83) than true survival estimates of Whimbrels from Kanuti River marked with leg flags alone (0.74) or equipped with surgically implanted satellite transmitters (0.50), but the 95% credible intervals on these estimates overlapped across groups. For species such as Whimbrels that are difficult and costly to study, combining information from disparate data streams allowed us to derive novel demographic estimates, an approach with clear application to other similar studies.  相似文献   

We fitted Northern Pintail Anas acuta in Japan with satellite transmitters and monitored their spring migration movements relative to locations where the highly pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza virus was detected in Whooper Swans Cygnus cygnus in 2008. Pintails were assumed not to be infected with the H5N1 virus at the time they were marked because capture occurred between 2 and 5 months before reported outbreaks of the virus in Japan. We assessed spatial and temporal overlap between marked birds and occurrence of the virus and tracked Pintails after they departed outbreak locations. Eight of 66 (12.1%) Northern Pintails marked with satellite transmitters used wetlands in Japan where the H5N1 virus was detected in Whooper Swans. Apparent survival did not differ between Pintails that used H5N1 sites and those that did not. However, the proportion of Pintails that migrated from Japan was significantly lower among birds that used H5N1 sites compared with those that did not (0.50 vs. 0.79). Northern Pintails were present at the H5N1 sites from 1 to 88 days, with five birds present at the sites from 0 to 7 days prior to detection of the virus in Swans. The six Pintails observed to depart H5N1 sites did so within 2–77 days of the reported outbreaks and moved between 6 and 1200 km within 4 days of departure. Four Pintails migrated to eastern Russia. After their departure from outbreak sites, Northern Pintails made long‐distance migrations within the period when newly infected ducks would shed the H5N1 virus. This supports a hypothesized mechanism by which a highly pathogenic avian influenza virus could be spread by migratory birds.  相似文献   

The Norwegian coast is a very important winter area for king eiders (Somateria spectabilis), but their origin has been unknown. We determined spring and autumn migration routes, timing of migration and potential breeding areas of king eiders wintering in north-eastern Norway using implanted satellite transmitters. Five males and five females were equipped with transmitters in February 2008, and location data were received from six birds. All birds departed within 10 days in mid April and flew to the Pechora Sea and Kara Sea in western Russia where they staged until mid June. Subsequently, four of five birds with active transmitters (two females and two males) moved east to potential breeding locations on the Gydan and Taymyr Peninsulas. In early July, the males moved west to moult at Kolguyev Island and in the Pechora Sea. The two females departed in mid July, one probably moulting between the gulfs of the Ob and Yenisei Rivers, after which it moved to the Pechora Sea. The other female probably moulted in the eastern Taymyr, thereafter moving to Novaya Zemlya. This female returned to the north-eastern coast of Norway 1 December, while the other female returned 2 January. For the males, the transmitters stopped in December/January when they were still in the Pechora/Kolguyev area. King eiders wintering in north-eastern Norway thus originate from the western half of Arctic Russia, and the Taymyr Peninsula is probably the dividing point between the eastern and western flyways.  相似文献   

The diet of the Iberian otter (Lutra lutra) was determined by analysing 547 spraints collected at 28 sites within a wide area invaded by centrarchid fishes (pumpkinseed sunfish, Lepomis gibbosus and largemouth bass, Micropterus salmoides): the middle Guadiana basin (South-west Iberian Peninsula). Fish was the otters’ main prey, representing more than 60% of total individuals and more than 80% of total biomass. Otters preyed on most of the fish species captured in the field; however, the consumption of centrarchids was low compared to their abundance in the streams, and Jacobs’ index of preference showed a clear rejection of both species by the otter. Consumption of native fish genera (Squalius, Barbus and Chondrostoma) by otters increased in relation to their increase in the environment. In contrast, increasing numbers of L. gibbosus in the field was not reflected in otter consumption. The general decline of native freshwater fishes in Iberian rivers, the preferred prey of otters, together with the spread of exotic fish species (centrarchids and others) could put otter populations at risk.  相似文献   

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