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A straightforward method is described for screening methanotrophic colonies for soluble methane monooxygenase (sMMO) activity on solid media. Such activity results in the development of a colored complex between 1-naphthol, which is formed when sMMO reacts with naphthalene, and o-dianisidine (tetrazotized). Methanotrophic colonies expressing sMMO turned deep purple when exposed successively to naphthalene and o-dianisidine. The method was evaluated within the contexts of two potential applications. The first was for the enumeration of Methylosinus trichosporium OB3b in a methane-amended, unsaturated soil column dedicated to vinyl chloride treatment. The second application was for the isolation and enumeration of sMMO-bearing methanotrophs from sanitary landfill soils. The technique was effective in both applications.  相似文献   

Methylosinus trichosporium OB3b biosynthesizes a broad specificity soluble methane monooxygenase that rapidly oxidizes trichloroethylene (TCE). The selective expression of the soluble methane monooxygenase was followed in vivo by a rapid colorimetric assay. Naphthalene was oxidized by purified soluble methane monooxygenase or by cells grown in copper-deficient media to a mixture of 1-naphthol and 2-naphthol. The naphthols were detected by reaction with tetrazotized o-dianisidine to form purple diazo dyes with large molar absorptivities. The rate of color formation with the rapid assay correlated with the velocity of TCE oxidation that was determined by gas chromatography. Both assays were used to optimize conditions for TCE oxidation by M. trichosporium OB3b and to test several methanotrophic bacteria for the ability to oxidize TCE and naphthalene.Abbreviations A600 absorbance due to cell density measured at 600 nm - HPLC high pressure liquid chromatography - NADH reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide - SDS-PAGE sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - sMMO soluble methane monooxygenase - TCE trichloroethylene  相似文献   

A fluorescence-based assay was developed to estimate soluble methane monooxygenase (sMMO) activity in solution. Whole cells of Methylosinus trichosporium OB3b expressing sMMO were used to oxidize various compounds to screen for fluorescent products. Of the 12 compounds tested, only coumarin yielded a fluorescent product. The UV absorbance spectrum of the product matches that of 7-hydroxycoumarin, and this identification was confirmed by 13C-NMR spectroscopy. The dependence of the fluorescent reaction on sMMO activity was investigated by pre-incubation with acetylene, a known inhibitor of sMMO activity. Apparent kinetic parameters for whole cells were determined to be Km(app)=262 microM and Vmax(app)=821 nmol 7-hydroxycoumarin min(-1) mg protein(-1). The rate of coumarin oxidation by sMMO correlates well with those of trichloroethylene degradation and naphthalene oxidation. Advantages of the fluorescence-based coumarin oxidation assay over the naphthalene oxidation assay include a more stable product, direct detection of the product without additional reagents, and greater speed and convenience.  相似文献   

Following the example set by studies of the mechanistic aspects of the substrate specificity of various cytochrome P-450 enzymes, we have undertaken a parallel investigation of the soluble methane monooxygenase from Methylococcus capsulatus (Bath). Soluble methane monooxygenase is a multicomponent enzyme with a broad substrate specificity. Using substrates previously tested with cytochrome P-450 enzymes and using purified enzyme preparations, this work indicates that soluble methane monooxygenase has a similar oxidative reaction mechanism to cytochrome P-450 enzymes. The evidence suggests that soluble methane monooxygenase oxidizes substrates via a nonconcerted reaction mechanism (hydrogen abstraction preceding hydroxylation) with radical or carbocation intermediates. Aromatic hydroxylation proceeds by epoxidation followed by an NIH shift.  相似文献   

Screening of obligate methanotrophs for soluble methane monooxygenase genes   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A 5.8 kb fragment of chromosomal DNA from Methylococcus capsulatus (Bath) containing genes encoding the soluble methane monooxygenase enzyme complex was used as a probe for the detection of soluble monooxygenase genes in a number of representative strains of obligate methanotrophs. Only type II methanotrophs of the genus Methylosinus were found to contain homologues to the Methylococcus gene probe. This probe was also used successfully to detect soluble methane monooxygenase genes in a variety of methanotrophs by colony hybridizations.  相似文献   

EPR spin-trapping experiments were carried out using the three-component soluble methane monooxygenase (MMO). Spin-traps 5,5-dimethyl-1-pyrroline N-oxide (DMPO), alpha-4-pyridyl-1-oxide N-tert-butylnitrone (POBN), and nitrosobenzene (NOB) were used to investigate the possible formation of substrate radical intermediates during catalysis. In contrast to a previous report, the NADH-coupled oxidations of various substrates did not produce any trapped radical species when DMPO or POBN was present. However, radicals were detected by these traps when only the MMO reductase component and NADH were present. DMPO and POBN were found to be weak inhibitors of the MMO reaction. In contrast, NOB is a strong inhibitor for the MMO-catalyzed nitrobenzene oxidation reaction. When NOB was used as a spin-trap in the complete MMO system with or without substrate, EPR signals from an NOB radical were detected. We propose that a molecule of NOB acts simultaneously as a substrate and a spin-trap for MMO, yielding the long-lived radical and supporting a stepwise mechanism for MMO.  相似文献   

Soluble methane monooxygenase (MMO) is shown to be capable of catalyzing desaturation reactions in addition to the usual hydroxylation and epoxidation reactions. Dehydrogenated products are generated from MMO-catalyzed oxidation of certain substrates including ethylbenzene and cyclohexadienes. In the reaction of ethylbenzene, desaturation of ethyl C-H occurred along with the conventional hydroxvlations of ethyl and phenyl C-Hs. As a result, styrene is formed together with ethylphenols and phenylethanols. Similarly, when 1,3- and 1,4-cyclohexadienes were used as substrates, benzene was detected as a product in addition to the corresponding alcohols and epoxides. In all cases, reaction conditions were found to significantly affect the distribution among the different products. This new activity of MMO is postulated to be associated with the chemical properties of the substrates rather than fundamental changes in the nature of the oxygen and C-H activation chemistries. The formation of the desaturated products is rationalized by formation of a substrate cationic intermediate, possibly via a radical precursor. The cationic species is then proposed to partition between recombination (alcohol formation) and elimination (alkene production) pathways. This novel function of MMO indicates close mechanistic kinship between the hydroxylation and desaturation reactions catalyzed by the nonheme diiron clusters.  相似文献   

Soluble methane monooxygenase (sMMO) maximization studies were carried out as part of a larger effort directed towards the development and optimization of an aqueous phase, multistage, membrane bioreactor system for treatment of polluted groundwater. A modified version of the naphthalene oxidation assay was utilized to determine the effects of methane:oxygen ratio, nutrient supply, and supplementary carbon sources on maximizing and maintaining sMMO activity inMethylosinus trichosporium OB3b.Methylosinus trichosporium OB3b attained peak sMMO activity (275–300 nmol of naphthol formed h–1 mg of protein–1 at 25°C) in early stationary growth phase when grown in nitrate mineral salts (NMS) medium. With the onset of methane limitation however, sMMO activity rapidly declined. It was possible to define a simplified nitrate mineral salts (NMS) medium, containing nitrate, phosphate and a source of iron and magnesium, which allowed reasonably high growth rates (max 0.08 h–1) and growth yields (0.4–0.5 g cells/g CH4) and near maximal activities of sMMO. In long term batch culture incubations sMMO activity reached a stable plateau at approximately 45–50% of the initial peak level and this was maintained over several weeks. The addition of d-biotin, pyridoxine, and vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) increased the activity level of sMMO in actively growing methanotrophs by 25–75%. The addition of these growth factors to the simplified NMS medium was found to increase the plateau sMMO level in long term batch cultures up to 70% of the original peak activity.Abbreviations sMMO soluble methane monooxygenase - pMMO particulate methane monooxygenase - NMS nitrate mineral salts - TCE trichloroethene - NADH reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide  相似文献   

In many peptide hormones and neuropeptides, the carboxy-terminal alpha-amide structure is essential in eliciting biological activity. In the present study, a rapid and sensitive assay method for the determination of peptidylglycine alpha-amidating monooxygenase (PAM) activity has been reported. This method is based on the monitoring of the absorption at 460 nm of 4-dimethylaminoazobenzene-4'-sulfonyl-Gly-L-Phe-NH2 (Dabsyl-Gly-Phe-NH2), enzymatically formed from the substrate 4-dimethylaminoazobenzene-4'-sulfonyl-Gly-L-Phe-Gly, after separation by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) using a C-18 reversed-phase column by isocratic elution. This method is sensitive enough to measure Dabsyl-Gly-Phe-NH2 at concentrations as low as 1 pmol and yield highly reproducible results and requires less than 5 min per sample for separation and quantitation. The concentrations of copper and ascorbic acid required for maximal enzyme activity were 1 microM and 2 mM, respectively. The pH optimum for PAM activity was 5.0 to 5.5. The Km and Vmax values were respectively 3.5 microM and 100 pmol/micrograms/h with the use of enzyme extract obtained from bovine pituitary. By using this method, PAM activity could be readily detected in a single rat saliva. The sensitivity of this assay method will also aid in the effort to examine the regulation of in vivo PAM activity.  相似文献   

A rapid, sensitive, assay for enzymes that degrade heparin is described. The procedure is based on the interference of heparin with color development during the interaction of protein with the dye Coomassie brilliant blue. The loss of this property when the glycosaminoglycan is degraded by heparinase can be used to quantify activity of the enzyme in pure form, or in complex biological samples such as tissue homogenates or serum. The assay is also suitable for studying dependence of heparinase activity under conditions such as varying pH and temperature.  相似文献   

Soluble methane monooxygenase (sMMO) contains a nonheme, carboxylate-bridged diiron site that activates dioxygen in the catalytic oxidation of hydrocarbon substrates. Oxygen kinetic isotope effects (KIEs) have been determined under steady-state conditions for the sMMO-catalyzed oxidation of CH(3)CN, a liquid substrate analog. Kinetic studies of the steady-state sMMO reaction revealed a competition between fully coupled oxygenase activity, which produced glycolonitrile (HOCH(2)CN) and uncoupled oxidase activity that led to water formation. The oxygen KIE was measured independently for both the oxygenase and oxidase reactions, and values of 1.0152 +/- 0.0007 and 1.0167 +/- 0.0010 were obtained, respectively. The isotope effects and separate dioxygen binding studies do not support irreversible formation of an enzyme-dioxygen Michaelis complex. Additional mechanistic implications are discussed in the context of previous data obtained from single turnover and steady-state kinetic studies.  相似文献   

Phenylacetylene was investigated as a differential inhibitor of ammonia monooxygenase (AMO), soluble methane monooxygenase (sMMO) and membrane-associated or particulate methane monooxygenase (pMMO) in vivo. At phenylacetylene concentrations > 1 microM, whole-cell AMO activity in Nitrosomonas europaea was completely inhibited. Phenylacetylene concentrations above 100 microM inhibited more than 90% of sMMO activity in Methylococcus capsulatus Bath and Methylosinus trichosporium OB3b. In contrast, activity of pMMO in M. trichosporium OB3b, M. capsulatus Bath, Methylomicrobium album BG8, Methylobacter marinus A45 and Methylomonas strain MN was still measurable at phenylacetylene concentrations up to 1,000 microM. AMO of Nitrosococcus oceanus has more sequence similarity to pMMO than to AMO of N. europaea. Correspondingly, AMO in N. oceanus was also measurable in the presence of 1,000 microM phenylacetylene. Measurement of oxygen uptake indicated that phenylacetylene acted as a specific and mechanistic-based inhibitor of whole-cell sMMO activity; inactivation of sMMO was irreversible, time dependent, first order and required catalytic turnover. Corresponding measurement of oxygen uptake in whole cells of methanotrophs expressing pMMO showed that pMMO activity was inhibited by phenylacetylene, but only if methane was already being oxidized, and then only at much higher concentrations of phenylacetylene and at lower rates compared with sMMO. As phenylacetylene has a high solubility and low volatility, it may prove to be useful for monitoring methanotrophic and nitrifying activity as well as identifying the form of MMO predominantly expressed in situ.  相似文献   

Lipoxygenases (LOXs) are a family of non-heme iron-containing dioxygenases that catalyze the hydroperoxidation of lipids, containing a cis,cis-1,4-pentadiene structure. A rapid and reliable colorimetric assay for determination of the activity of three human functional lipoxygenase isoforms (5-lipoxygenase, platelet 12-lipoxygenase, and 15-lipoxygenase-1) is developed in this article. In the new assay, LOX-derived lipid hydroperoxides oxidize the ferrous ion (Fe2+) to the ferric ion (Fe3+), the latter of which binds with thiocyanate (SCN) to generate a red ferrithiocyanate (FTC) complex. The absorbance of the FTC complex can be easily measured at 480 nm. Because 5-LOX can be stimulated by many cofactors, the effects of its cofactors (Ca2+, ATP, dithiothreitol, glutathione, l-α-phosphatidylcholine, and ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid) on the color development of the FTC complex are also determined. The assay is adaptive for purified LOXs and cell lysates containing active LOXs. We use the new colorimetric assay in a 96-well format to evaluate several well-known LOX inhibitors, the IC50 values of which are in good agreement with previously reported data. The reliability and reproducibility of the assay make it useful for in vitro screening for inhibitors of LOXs and, therefore, should accelerate drug discovery for clinical application.  相似文献   

A new concerted mechanism is proposed for the conversion of methane to methanol on intermediate Q of soluble methane monooxygenase (sMMO), the active site of which is considered to involve an Fe2(mu-O)2 diamond core. A hybrid density functional theory (DFT) method is used for our mechanistic study on the important reactivity of the bare FeO+ complex and a diiron model of intermediate Q. The reaction pathway for the methane hydroxylation on the diiron complex is essentially identical to that for the gas-phase reaction by the bare FeO+ complex. Methane is highly activated on the dinuclear iron model through the formation of a methane complex, in which a coordinatively unsaturated iron plays a central role in the bonding interaction between the diiron model and substrate methane. A H atom abstraction via a four-centered transition state and a recombination of the OH and CH3 groups via a three-centered transition state successively occur on the dinuclear iron-oxo species, leading to the formation of a methanol complex that corresponds to intermediate T. These electronic processes take place in a concerted manner. Our mechanism for methane hydroxylation by sMMO is different from the radical mechanism that has been widely accepted for enzymatic hydrocarbon hydroxylation, especially by cytochrome P450.  相似文献   

A simple and sensitive colorimetric assay for protein phosphatase activity based on the determination of released Pi by an improved malachite green procedure (A. A. Baykov, O. A. Evtushenko, and S.M. Avaeva, 1988, Anal. Biochem. 171, 266-270) is described. Proteins must be removed or stabilized prior to Pi determination with 0.25 N sulfuric acid or 3% (w/w) perchloric acid. Alternatively, to avoid possible acid hydrolysis of phosphate groups from organic compounds during deproteinization, the protein present in the phosphatase assay mixture can be stabilized with sodium dodecyl sulfate. In this case, the excess detergent is subsequently removed by precipitation with KCl because it colors with the malachite green reagent. The above procedure was applied to the determination of phosphorylase phosphatase activity in bovine brain extracts and the results are comparable to those obtained with the radioisotopic phosphatase assay.  相似文献   

A tetrazolium red-based colorimetric assay has been devised to screen for transketolase activity with a range of aldehyde acceptors. The colorimetric TK assay is able to detect >8% bioconversion using non-alpha-hydroxylated aldehydes as acceptor substrates and is significantly faster and more convenient to use than chromatographic procedures.  相似文献   

A rapid, convenient assay to determine the activity of the flavin-containing monooxygenase is described. The method is based on direct analysis of quenched incubation mixtures by thin-layer chromatography and utilizes tritiated dimethylaniline as the substrate. The synthesis of the radiolabeled substrate is described. The usefulness of dimethylaniline N-oxide formation as a measure of flavin-containing monooxygenase activity was assessed using the purified hog liver enzyme, hog liver microsomes, and liver microsomes from untreated and phenobarbital-pretreated rats.  相似文献   

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