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黄志华  薛庆中 《植物学报》2006,23(4):402-408
假基因(pseudogene)是指基因组中与正常基因序列相似, 但是缺乏功能的DNA 序列。通过序列同源性搜索, 可以收集基因组中假基因的群体特性、染色体分布和同源家族等特性。假基因很好地保留了数百万年前基因组中祖先基因的分子记录, 被视为“基因化石”, 因此假基因在进化和比较基因组学中是重要的资源。应用假基因和基因比较体系, 可以探究生物基因的进化史和基因组稳定性。如: 用Ka/Ks比值确定假基因的自然选择压、物种亲缘关系和进化距离, 分析假基因自身的进化趋势, 探讨DNA 突变的成因等。  相似文献   

假基因的组成、分布及其分子进化   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
假基因(pseudogene)是指基因组中与正常基因序列相似,但是缺乏功能的DNA序列.通过序列同源性搜索,可以收集基因组中假基因的群体特性、染色体分布和同源家族等特性.假基因很好地保留了数百万年前基因组中祖先基因的分子记录,被视为"基因化石",因此假基因在进化和比较基因组学中是重要的资源.应用假基因和基因比较体系,可以探究生物基因的进化史和基因组稳定性.如:用Ka/Ks比值确定假基因的自然选择压、物种亲缘关系和进化距离,分析假基因自身的进化趋势,探讨DNA突变的成因等.  相似文献   

假基因研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
假基因是功能基因的缺陷拷贝,它在序列结构上与功能基因非常相似,但已丧失了正常的蛋白质编码功能.假基因曾被认为是一类典型的非编码“垃圾DNA”,而如今人们发现假基因在基因表达调控和基因组进化过程中发挥着重要作用.从假基因的起源、序列结构特征、假基因的识别、假基因在染色体上的分布、分子进化规律,以及假基因功能等几个方面较为全面地介绍了该领域的最新研究进展.  相似文献   

线粒体DNA(mtDNA)多态性在动物保护生物学中的应用   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
本文从两个方面论述了mtDNA在动物保护生物学中的应用:一是对物种进行遗传多样性的检 测与管理,二是进行与种群统计学数据相关的遗传分析。前者与保护的长期效益(如进化) 密切相关,而后者则主要用于指导短期管理措施的制定。同时,本文重点论述了mtDNA在进 化显著单位(ESUs)和管理单位(MUs)的认定方面的作用。认定ESUs的目的是隔离管理遗传多 样性,它是一系列系统进化史独特的种群,这种独特性同时表现在mtDNA和核DNA上;MUs是 种群统计意义上的生殖隔离单位,具有独特的等位基因频率,与系统发生结构和遗传分歧水 平无关。ESUs与MUs都是保护生物学中保护与管理的重要基本单位。  相似文献   

动物线粒体DNA在进化遗传学研究中的应用   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
介绍了进化遗传学研究的主要内容、基本的研究方法以及线粒体的结构和遗传特点;综述了近年来线粒体DNA在进化遗传研究上的主要应用情况。  相似文献   

线粒体DNA在分子进化研究中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
线粒体作为古老的细胞器广泛存在于真核生物中,由于线粒体DNA的高进化速率,已被作为DNA标记广泛应用于现代分子生物学研究。长期以来,线粒体DNA一直被认为是中性进化或者受到纯净化选择。线粒体通过氧化呼吸链提供>95%的动物运动所需的自由能,并提供保持体温的热能。据此,近期已有研究推测并验证了线粒体与动物运动能力及气候适应性的相关性。该文简述线粒体基因组成及其进化,通过列举线粒体DNA在分子进化研究中的应用(如利用线粒体DNA重建物种的系统发育关系、从线粒体DNA角度分析生物能量代谢的适应性进化以及线粒体DNA密码子重定义对生物适应性的作用等),概述了线粒体DNA的分子进化研究。  相似文献   

在多种动物类群中,基于线粒体细胞色素c氧化酶亚基Ⅰ(COⅠ)基因的DNA条形码是一种高效的物种鉴别手段,然而猫科Felidae动物中广泛存在的线粒体假基因可能影响DNA条形码的有效性。本研究共涉及猫科动物12属25种119个样本。采用3对条形码通用引物对6属11种29个猫科动物样本进行了扩增及测序。结果3个样本扩增失败,8个样本得到假基因,18个样本获得了条形码序列。结合另外93条猫科动物条形码序列(源自BOLD Systems),采用Kimura 2-parameter模型计算遗传距离,构建Neighbor-Joining(NJ)树。结果显示,遗传距离种内为0%~8.1%,平均0.8%;种间为1.4%~13.1%,平均8.7%;属间为8.2%~21.8%,平均15.1%。NJ树显示,除3个种外,其余物种均以极高的置信度(99%)形成单系分支。而假基因序列有些可以单独形成分支,有些夹杂在COⅠ序列形成的分支中,对物种鉴定产生干扰。  相似文献   

人类基因组上的假基因   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
周光金  余龙  赵寿元 《生命科学》2004,16(4):210-214,230
假基因是基因组上与编码基因序列非常相似的非功能性基因组DNA拷贝,一般情况都不被转录,且没有明确生理意义。假基因根据其来源可分为复制假基因和已加工假基因。迄今为止,明确鉴定的人类假基因多为已加工假基因,有8000个之多。在Swiss-Prot/TrEMBL收录的编码蛋白质的将近25500个基因序列中,约10%在基因组中有一个或多个近全长已加工假基因。其余的功能基因都没有已加工假基因。核糖体蛋白基因具有最多数量的已加工假基因,约有l700个(占已加工假基因数的22%),少数基因,如cyclophilinA、肌动蛋白(actin)、角蛋白(keratin)、GAPDH、细胞色素C(cytochromec)和nucleophosmin等则有很多份已加工假基因。总体上讲,假基因在人类染色体上的分布与染色体长度成比例,但已加工假基因在GC含量为41%~46%的染色体区域密度最高。已加工假基因的拷贝数和功能基因在生殖器官中的表达高度一致,说明许多假基因发生在胚胎阶段,另外也和基因中GC含量和基因大小密切相关。假基因的准确鉴定对基因组进化、分子医学研究和医学应用具有重要意义。  相似文献   

青蟹线粒体COI假基因的分离和特征分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
线粒体DNA标记在遗传结构和系统进化研究中得到广泛应用,然而核假基因的存在对此有很大威胁。本文以中国东南沿海的青蟹(Scylla paramamosain)为研究对象,利用线粒体COI基因的通用引物和特异性引物进行扩增,分别得到34个假基因(nuclear mitochondrial pseudogenes, Numts)和5个线粒体COI基因序列。在所获得的34个假基因中共定义了29种单倍型,根据序列的相似度,这些假基因可以分为2类,每类假基因都有各自保守的核苷酸序列。第Ⅰ类假基因存在2处插入序列和1处8 bp的缺失序列,这些位点导致了整个阅读框的移位;在第Ⅱ类假基因和5个线粒体COI序列中只有碱基替换,未发现插入和缺失序列。实验结果分析表明,这两类假基因分别代表了2次核整合事件,即核转移事件的最低值。研究结果提示了  相似文献   

刘慧  邹枨  林凤 《生物工程学报》2013,29(5):551-567
被称为"垃圾基因"的假基因是真核生物基因组中的重要组成部分。近年来对假基因的功能研究表明其并非是基因组中的沉默成员。如一些假基因参与RNA转录,一些假基因转录本能够形成小干扰RNA(siRNA),通过小RNA干扰作用调节功能基因。另外,还有研究发现,一些假基因能够通过microRNA调节肿瘤抑制因子。然而,对假基因功能的深入挖掘需要建立在对其更精准、更全面的鉴定基础之上。随着各物种全基因组测序的完成及序列比对算法的完善,全面而又精确地鉴定假基因已经成为可能。下文就近年来假基因相关鉴定方法、调节功能以及在进化上的意义进行了阐述,并对未来假基因研究方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

Aging is a multifold process affected by many genes and thus many biochemical pathways. This conclusion is underscored by the failure to find simple central controls for the aging process during the 20th Century. This situation poses a fundamental challenge to anti-aging medicine: how to develop effective therapies for a genomically complex pathology. We propose such a strategy. As a first step, we recommend the use of model systems in which significant genetic intervention is not proscribed or impractical. Second, we propose that work with such model systems begin with selected lines that have genetic enhancements that allow increased lifespan. Third, genomic methods should be used to identify a number of biochemical pathways for increasing lifespan. Fourth, biochemical pathways that have been identified in model systems would then be available for pharmaceutical development, first in rodents, eventually in a clinical human population. This may seem to be a cumbersome R&D strategy, but starting with human populations or inadequately pre-screened compounds would be unlikely to succeed because of the complexity of the aging problem.  相似文献   

车前属(Plantago L.)植物生态与进化生物学研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
郭水良 《植物学通报》2002,19(5):567-574
车前属植物是理论生态学、生理生态学、进化生物学研究的理想材料。本文综述了近年来国内外学者在车前属生态学、进化生物学、系统分类学方面的研究概况。  相似文献   

A mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) study, based on 43 European populations (33 of them sampled in France) of Monochamus galloprovincialis , vector of the pinewood nematode, and 14 populations of its sister species Monochamus sutor was realized. Sequencing of 792 bp of the cytochrome oxidase I (COI) and 521 bp of the COII genes revealed numerous ambiguities on multiple nucleotide sites for half of M. galloprovincialis specimens studied (44.8%). Hypotheses of heteroplasmy and pseudogenes ( Numts ) were examined. The mtDNA isolation by alkaline lysis and cloning (for three successfully used individuals) both support the hypothesis that the ambiguous sequences amplified were not of mtDNA nature and validate the presence of Numts in the nuclear genome of M. galloprovincialis . Multiple copies of mtDNA-like sequences were found paralogous to COI, tRNA leucin and COII regions. Phenetic analysis placed different recently diverged mtDNA-like sequences as a close relative of mtDNA sequences, and grouped 10 closely related mtDNA-like sequences as a more basal clade, closer to ancestral states and to M. sutor . This result supports that this nuclear family of pseudogenes arose independently of the other events and may represent mitochondrial haplotypes sampled from M. galloprovincialis ancestral populations. This is the first time that Numts are proved for a longhorned beetle, whereas no Numts were found within its sister species M. sutor. The incorporation mechanism of Numts in unknown for M. galloprovincialis , however, excess of ambiguous sites corresponding to synonymous mutations placed on third codon position as well as the absence of Numts in M. sutor , conducted to the hypothesis of a recent transfer of these Numts in the nuclear genome of M. galloprovincialis .  相似文献   

Stephen Jay Gould is rightly remembered for many different kinds of contributions to our intellectual life. I focus on his criticisms of uses of evolutionary ideas to defend inegalitarian doctrines and on his attempts to expand the framework of Darwinian evolutionary theory. I argue that his important successes in the former sphere are applications of the idea of local critique, grounded in careful attention to the details of the inegalitarian proposals. As he became more concerned with the second project, Gould was inclined to suggest that the abuses of evolutionary ideas rested on an insufficiently expanded Darwinism. I suggest that what is valuable in Gould's contribution to general evolutionary theory is the original claim about punctuated equilibrium (advanced, with Niles Eldredge in1972), and the careful defense of that claim through the accumulation of paleontological evidence. I try to show that the more ambitious program of a hierarchical expansion of neo-Darwinism is misguided, and that the endeavor to go beyond local critique fails.  相似文献   

We present quantitative results for the doctoral thesis of the first-named author of this article. The objective was to recommend and test a teaching proposal for core knowledge of evolutionary biology in secondary education. The focus of the study is ‘Problem cores in teaching’. The ‘Weaving evolutionary thinking’ teaching unit, designed for and tested in this study, entailed: selecting basic evolutionary knowledge from the model of evolution through variation and natural selection; designing a coordinated set of activities, teaching resources and evaluation tools; leading a process of teacher training; and building bridges between: the teaching model, research into the teaching of evolutionary biology, our own teaching experience and that of the secondary school teacher who participated in the project. The data collected through questionnaires show significant differences in favour of the experimental group, which means that the proposal may be favourably assessed in the context of Mexican education, in terms of feasibility, relevance and the pedagogical transformation of knowledge.  相似文献   

芸薹属自交不亲和基因的分子生物学及进化模式   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
芸薹属的自交不亲和性是受单基因座、复等位基因控制的孢子体控制型。自交不亲和基因座位(S-locus)是由多个基因组成的复杂区域,称之为S多基因家族,其大多数成员分布于芸薹属的整个染色体组。目前已鉴定出100多个S等位基因,它们的起源分化始于一千万年前。S-座位上存在的多基因有3种:SRK,SLG和SCR/SPII;SRK和SLG在柱头中表达,SCR/SPII在雄蕊中表达。SRK蛋白在识别同类花粉的过程中起主要作用,而SLG蛋白增强了这种自交不亲和反应。SLG与SRK基因中编码S-结构域的核苷酸序列相似性程度高达85%~98%。基因转换可能是SLG和SRK的高度同源性能够得以保持的原因。SRK,SLG和SCR基因紧密相连,并表现出高水平的序列多样性。SRK与SLG基因间的距离很近,在20~25kb之间。在柱头和花粉中,自交不亲和等位基因之间的共显性关系要比显性和隐性关系更加普遍,这是芸薹属自交不亲和性的一大特点。自交不亲和基因的进化模式存在两种假说:双基因进化模式和中性变异体进化模式;可能存在几种不同的进化方式,它们共同在自然群体中新的S等位基因进化过程中起作用。  相似文献   

Zhang W  Zhang Z  Shen F  Hou R  Lv X  Yue B 《Journal of genetics》2006,85(2):107-116
Using oligonucleotide primers designed to match hypervariable segments I (HVS-1) ofPanthera tigris mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), we amplified two different PCR products (500 bp and 287 bp) in the tiger (Panthera tigris), but got only one PCR product (287 bp) in the leopard (Panthera pardus). Sequence analyses indicated that the sequence of 287 bp was a D-loop-like nuclear mitochondrial sequence (Numts), indicating a nuclear transfer that occurred approximately 4.8–17 million years ago in the tiger and 4.6–16 million years ago in the leopard. Although the mtDNA D-loop sequence has a rapid rate of evolution, the 287-bp Numts are highly conserved; they are nearly identical in tiger subspecies and only 1.742% different between tiger and leopard. Thus, such sequences represent molecular ‘fossils’ that can shed light on evolution of the mitochondrial genome and may be the most appropriate outgroup for phylogenetic analysis. This is also proved by comparing the phylogenetic trees reconstructed using the D-loop sequence of snow leopard and the 287-bp Numts as outgroup.  相似文献   

Darwin Day is an international celebration of Charles Darwin’s birthday, February 12, and is used as an occasion for education and outreach in evolutionary biology. I describe the history and structure of Darwin Day at the University of Tennessee, one of the oldest Darwin Day organizations in the world. I detail past events including speakers, themes, and advertising ideas that have worked for us and suggestions for getting a Darwin Day started. I encourage interested groups especially those at schools, museums, libraries, nature centers, and other institutions to adapt ideas from our organization to fit their own circumstances and to start planning their own Darwin Days for the celebration of Darwin’s 200th birthday in 2009.  相似文献   

Evolutionary biology presents a bewildering array of phenomena to scientists and students alike—ranging from molecules to species and ecosystems; and embracing 3.8 billion years of life’s history on earth. Biological systems are arranged hierarchically, with smaller units forming the components of larger systems. The evolutionary hierarchy, based on replication of genetic information and reproduction, is a complex of genes/organisms/demes/species and higher taxa. The ecological hierarchy, based on patterns of matter–energy transfer, is a complex of proteins/organisms/avatars/local ecosystems/regional ecosystems. All organisms are simultaneously parts of both hierarchical systems. Darwin’s original formulation of natural selection maps smoothly onto a diagram where the two hierarchical systems are placed side-by-side. The “sloshing bucket” theory of evolution emerges from empirical cases in biological history mapped onto this dual hierarchy scheme: little phenotypically discernible evolution occurs with minor ecological disturbance; conversely, greatest concentrations of change in evolutionary history follow mass extinctions, themselves based on physical perturbations of global extent. Most evolution occurs in intermediate-level regional “turnovers,” when species extinction leads to rapid evolution of new species. Hierarchy theory provides a way of integrating all fields of evolutionary biology into an easily understood—and taught—rubric.
Niles EldredgeEmail:

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