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Nitric oxide (NO) production in therat placenta was monitored and quantified by electron paramagneticresonance (EPR) spectroscopy with hemoglobin and anFe-N-(dithiocarboxy)sarcosine (DTCS) complex as NO-trappingreagents. Expression of nitric oxide synthase (NOS) isoformswas also examined by quantitative RT-PCR analysis. The EPR spectrum ofthe placenta with hemoglobin trapping showed a three-line hyperfinestructure (g = 2.008 and a = 1.66-mT). The EPR signal was diminished after the placenta was homogenized or the NOSinhibitor L-NAME was administered to pregnant rats.Therefore, the specific signal was definitely identified as beingderived from endogenous NO spin-trapped by hemoglobin, and the EPRspectrum showed that the NO adduct existed as a pentacoordinate -NOheme species. The EPR spectrum of the placenta with Fe-DTCS trapping showed a triplet signal (g = 2.038) derived from anNO-Fe-DTCS complex. The height of the triplet signal did not varysignificantly with gestational stage during the last few days ofgestation. At the gestational stages examined, the level of NOS II mRNAexpression was significantly higher than that of NOS III mRNA. NOS IIexpression in term (day 21.5) placenta was significantlyincreased compared with that in preterm (day 19.5) placenta(P < 0.01, n = 4 or 5). These resultssuggest that NOS II is the predominant producer of NO in the placentaand that NOS II-generated NO plays significant roles in the maintenanceof placental functions immediately before birth.


The role of islet constitutive nitric oxide synthase (cNOS) in insulin-releasing mechanisms is controversial. By measuring enzyme activities and protein expression of NOS isoforms [i.e., cNOS and inducible NOS (iNOS)] in islets of Langerhans cells in relation to insulin secretion, we show that glucose dose-dependently stimulates islet activities of both cNOS and iNOS, that cNOS-derived nitric oxide (NO) strongly inhibits glucose-stimulated insulin release, and that short-term hyperglycemia in mice induces islet iNOS activity. Moreover, addition of NO gas or an NO donor inhibited glucose-stimulated insulin release, and different NOS inhibitors effected a potentiation. These effects were evident also in K+-depolarized islets in the presence of the ATP-sensitive K+ channel opener diazoxide. Furthermore, our results emphasize the necessity of measuring islet NOS activity when using NOS inhibitors, because certain concentrations of certain NOS inhibitors might unexpectedly stimulate islet NO production. This is shown by the observation that 0.5 mmol/l of the NOS inhibitor N(G)-monomethyl-L-arginine (L-NMMA) stimulated cNOS activity in parallel with an inhibition of the first phase of glucose-stimulated insulin release in perifused rats islets, whereas 5.0 mmol/l of L-NMMA markedly suppressed cNOS activity concomitant with a great potentiation of the insulin secretory response. The data strongly suggest, but do not definitely prove, that glucose indeed has the ability to stimulate both cNOS and iNOS in the islets and that NO might serve as a negative feedback inhibitor of glucose-stimulated insulin release. The results also suggest that hyperglycemia-evoked islet NOS activity might be one of multiple factors involved in the impairment of glucose-stimulated insulin release in type II diabetes mellitus.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that nitric oxide (NO) produced within the carotid body is a tonic inhibitor of chemoreception and determined the contribution of neuronal and endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) isoforms to the inhibitory NO effect. Accordingly, we studied the effect of NO generated from S-nitroso-N-acetylpenicillamide (SNAP) and compared the effects of the nonselective inhibitor N(omega)-nitro-l-arginine methyl ester (l-NAME) and the selective nNOS inhibitor 1-(2-trifluoromethylphenyl)-imidazole (TRIM) on chemosensory dose-response curves induced by nicotine and NaCN and responses to hypoxia (Po(2) approximately 30 Torr). CBs excised from pentobarbitone-anesthetized cats were perfused in vitro with Tyrode at 38 degrees C and pH 7.40, and chemosensory discharges were recorded from the carotid sinus nerve. SNAP (100 microM) reduced the responses to nicotine and NaCN. l-NAME (1 mM) enhanced the responses to nicotine and NaCN by increasing their duration, but TRIM (100 microM) only enhanced the responses to high doses of NaCN. The amplitude of the response to hypoxia was enhanced by l-NAME but not by TRIM. Our results suggest that both isoforms contribute to the NO action, but eNOS being the main source for NO in the cat CB and exerting a tonic effect upon chemoreceptor activity.  相似文献   

Crystal structures of human endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) and human inducible NOS (iNOS) catalytic domains were solved in complex with the arginine substrate and an inhibitor S-ethylisothiourea (SEITU), respectively. The small molecules bind in a narrow cleft within the larger active-site cavity containing heme and tetrahydrobiopterin. Both are hydrogen-bonded to a conserved glutamate (eNOS E361, iNOS E377). The active-site residues of iNOS and eNOS are nearly identical. Nevertheless, structural comparisons provide a basis for design of isozyme-selective inhibitors. The high-resolution, refined structures of eNOS (2.4 A resolution) and iNOS (2.25 A resolution) reveal an unexpected structural zinc situated at the intermolecular interface and coordinated by four cysteines, two from each monomer.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide (NO) is a free radical that is largely produced by three isoforms of NO synthase (NOS): neuronal (nNOS), endothelial (eNOS), and inducible (iNOS). NO regulates numerous processes in the gastrointestinal tract; however, the overall role that NO plays in intestinal inflammation is unclear. NO is upregulated in both ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease as well as in animal models of colitis. There have been conflicting reports on whether NO protects or exacerbates injury in colitis or is simply a marker of inflammation. To determine whether the site, timing, and level of NO production modulate the effect on the inflammatory responses, the dextran sodium sulfate model of colitis was assessed in murine lines rendered deficient in iNOS, nNOS, eNOS, or e/nNOS by targeted gene disruption. The loss of nNOS resulted in more severe disease and increased mortality, whereas the loss of eNOS or iNOS was protective. Furthermore, concomitant loss of eNOS reversed the susceptibility found in nNOS-/- mice. Deficiencies in specific NOS isoforms led to distinctive alterations of inflammatory responses, including changes in leukocyte recruitment and alterations in colonic lymphocyte populations. The present studies indicate that NO produced by individual NOS isoforms plays different roles in modulating an inflammatory process.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide is produced from the amino acid L-arginine by nitric oxide synthase, which has three known isoforms: (1) endothelial nitric oxide synthase and (2) brain nitric oxide synthase, both of which are constitutive nitric oxide synthase; and (3) inducible nitric oxide synthase. The authors' hypothesis is that after reperfusion injury, endothelial cell dysfunction leads to disruption of nitric oxide synthase-mediated nitric oxide production and that this may in part explain the deleterious effects of ischemia-reperfusion injury on tissue survival and blood reflow in flaps. An experiment was designed to study the effects of ischemia-reperfusion injury on the bioactivity of all three isoforms of nitric oxide synthase. Buttock skin flaps and latissimus dorsi myocutaneous flaps were elevated in eight pigs. Flaps on one side of the animal were randomized to receive 6 hours of arterial ischemia, whereas flaps on the other side served as controls. At 6 hours of ischemia and at 1, 4, and 18 hours after reflow, tissue biopsy specimens were obtained and were processed for both constitutive nitric oxide synthase and inducible nitric oxide synthase enzyme activity on the basis of the L-citrulline assay. In addition, specimens were processed for Western blot analysis of the three isoforms. The authors' results revealed three key findings: first, there was a statistically significant (p < 0.001) decrease in constitutive nitric oxide synthase activity of ischemia-reperfusion-injured flaps as compared with controls in both skin and muscle for all time intervals measured. Second, Western blot analyses of endothelial nitric oxide synthase and brain nitric oxide synthase showed a significant decrease in the signal intensity in ischemic and reperfused tissue as compared with controls. Third, the inducible nitric oxide synthase isoform's activity and protein remained undetectable in both tissue types for all time points measured. The authors' data demonstrated that following ischemia-reperfusion injury in the pig flap model there was a disruption of constitutive nitric oxide synthase expression and activity, which may lead to decreased nitric oxide production. The significant decrease in nitric oxide synthase activity found in the current study may partly explain the mechanism of tissue damage in flaps subjected to ischemia-reperfusion injury. Knowledge of the kinetics of nitric oxide synthase activity under conditions of ischemia-reperfusion injury has important implications for the choice and timing of delivery of therapeutic agents whose goal is to increase the bioavailability of nitric oxide in reperfused tissue.  相似文献   

Reactive species of oxygen and nitrogen have been collectively implicated in pulmonary oxygen toxicity, but the contributions of specific molecules are unknown. Therefore, we assessed the roles of several reactive species, particularly nitric oxide, in pulmonary injury by exposing wild-type mice and seven groups of genetically altered mice to >98% O2 at 1, 3, or 4 atmospheres absolute. Genetically altered animals included knockouts lacking either neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS(-/-)), endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS(-/-)), inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS(-/-)), extracellular superoxide dismutase (SOD3(-/-)), or glutathione peroxidase 1 (GPx1(-/-)), as well as two transgenic variants (S1179A and S1179D) having altered eNOS activities. We confirmed our earlier finding that normobaric hyperoxia (NBO2) and hyperbaric hyperoxia (HBO2) result in at least two distinct but overlapping patterns of pulmonary injury. Our new findings are that the role of nitric oxide in the pulmonary pathophysiology of hyperoxia depends both on the specific NOS isozyme that is its source and on the level of hyperoxia. Thus, iNOS predominates in the etiology of lung injury in NBO2, and SOD3 provides an important defense. But in HBO2, nNOS is a major contributor to pulmonary injury, whereas eNOS is protective. In addition, we demonstrated that nitric oxide derived from nNOS is involved in a neurogenic mechanism of HBO2-induced lung injury that is linked to central nervous system oxygen toxicity through adrenergic/cholinergic pathways.  相似文献   

Lead (Pb), a ubiquitous and potent neurotoxicant, induces several neurophysiological and behavioural changes, while Pb alters the function of multiple organs and systems, it primarily affects the central nervous system. In human adults, encephalopathy resulting from Pb intoxication is often characterized by sleeplessness, poor attention span, vomiting, convulsions and coma; in children, Pb-induced encephalopathy is associated with mental dullness, vomiting, irritability and anorexia; diminished cognitive function resulting in a mental deficit has been also observed during Prolonged exposure to Pb. Pb can produce oxidative stress, disrupt the blood–brain barrier and alter several Ca2+-dependent processes, including physiological processes that involve nitric oxide synthesis on central nervous system in development and adult animals. This review summarizes recent evidence showing that Pb can interfere with the production of nitric oxide and can disrupt the function of nitric oxide synthase. Lead interferes with nitric oxide-related physiological mechanisms, and Pb neurotoxicity may affect processes involved in learning and memory.  相似文献   

Despite evidence which supports a neurotransmitter-like role for nitric oxide (NO) in the CNS, relatively little is known regarding mechanisms which control NO formation within CNS neurons. In this study, isolated nerve endings (synaptosomes) from rat cerebral cortex were used to ascertain whether NO can autoregulate its own formation within neurons through feedback inhibition of the NO biosynthetic enzyme nitric oxide synthase (NOS). Under the conditions described here, N-nitro-l-arginine methyl ester-sensitive conversion ofl-[3H]arginine intol-[3H]citrulline (i.e., NOS activity) was found to be highly calcium-dependent and strongly inhibited (up to 60 percent) by NO donors, including sodium nitroprusside, hydroxylamine and nitroglycerin. The inhibitory effect of sodium nitroprusside was concentration-dependent (IC50100 M) and prevented by the NO scavenger oxyhemoglobin.l-Citrulline, the other major end-product from NOS, had no apparent effect on synaptosomal NOS activity. Taken together, these results indicate that neuronal NOS can be inhibited by NO released from exogenous donors and, therefore, may be subject to end-product feedback inhibition by NO that is formed locally within neurons or released from proximal cells.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide synthases (NOSs) have been shown to modulate thermal hyperalgesia and mechanical hypersensitivity in inflammatory and neuropathic pain. However, little is known about the effect of NOSs on baseline function of sensory nerve fibers. Using genetic deficiency and pharmacologic inhibition of NOSs, we examined the impact of the three isoforms NOS1, NOS2, and NOS3 on baseline nocifensive behavior by measuring current vocalization threshold in response to electrical stimulation at 5, 250, 2000 Hz that preferentially stimulate C, Aδ, and Aβ fibers. In response to 5, 250 and 2000 Hz, NOS1-deficient animals had significantly higher current vocalization thresholds compared with wild-type. Genetic deficiency of NOS2 was associated with higher current vocalization thresholds in response to 5 Hz (C-fiber) stimulation. In contrast, NOS3-deficient animals had an overall weak trend toward lower current vocalization thresholds at 5 Hz and significantly lower current vocalization threshold compared with wild-type animals at 250 and 2000 Hz. Therefore, NOSs distinctively affect baseline mouse current vocalization threshold and appear to play a role on nocifensive response to electrical stimulation of sensory nerve fibers.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide (NO) has emerged as an important intra-ovarian regulatory factor. We investigated effects of low dose capsaicin (CAP) treatment on the different NOS isoforms in prepubertal rat ovaries. Fifteen 21-day-old female Sprague-Dawley rats were divided randomly into three groups. The first group received no treatment, the second group received 0.5 mg/kg/day CAP dissolved in the vehicle, and the third group was treated with the vehicle only. The animals were euthanized by ether inhalation after 15 days and their ovaries were excised. Ovaries were fixed in 10% neutral buffered formalin and embedded in paraffin. Sections were processed for standard immunohistochemistry using the labeled streptavidin-biotin technique for expression of nNOS, eNOS and iNOS. We demonstrated that CAP induced expression of NOS isotypes including eNOS, iNOS and nNOS in prepubertal rat ovaries. CAP may lead to release of NO either directly from nerves or indirectly by evoking release from other cells via the action of neuropeptides that are released from afferent terminals and are involved in regulating female reproductive function.  相似文献   

Hussain, Sabah N. A., Qasim El-Dwairi, Mohammed N. Abdul-Hussain, and Dalia Sakkal. Expression of nitric oxidesynthase isoforms in normal ventilatory and limb muscles.J. Appl. Physiol. 83(2): 348-353, 1997.Nitric oxide (NO), an important messenger molecule withwidespread actions, is synthesized by NO synthases (NOS). In thisstudy, we investigated the correlation between fiber type and NOSactivity among ventilatory and limb muscles of various species. We alsoassessed the presence of the three NOS isoforms in normal skeletalmuscles and how various NOS inhibitors influence muscle NOS activity.NOS activity was detected in various muscles; however, NOS activity inrabbits and rats varied significantly among different muscles.Immunoblotting of muscle samples indicated the presence of both theneuronal NOS and the endothelial NOS isoforms but not thecytokine-inducible NOS isoform. However, these isoforms were expressedto different degrees in various muscles. Although the neuronal NOSisoform was detectable in the canine diaphragm, very weak expressionwas detected in rabbit, rat, and mouse diaphragms. The endothelial NOSisoform was detected in the rat and mouse diaphragms but not in thecanine and rabbit diaphragms. We also found thatNG-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester,7-nitroindazole, andS-methylisothiourea werestronger inhibitors of muscle NOS activity than was aminoguanidine. These results indicate the presence of different degrees ofconstitutive NOS expression in normal ventilatory and limb muscles ofvarious species. Our data also indicate that muscle NOS activity is not determined by fiber type distribution but by other not yet identified factors. The functional significance of this expression remains to beassessed.



Nitric oxide (NO) has emerged as an important intra-ovarian regulatory factor. We investigated effects of low dose capsaicin (CAP) treatment on the different NOS isoforms in prepubertal rat ovaries. Fifteen 21-day-old female Sprague-Dawley rats were divided randomly into three groups. The first group received no treatment, the second group received 0.5 mg/kg/day CAP dissolved in the vehicle, and the third group was treated with the vehicle only. The animals were euthanized by ether inhalation after 15 days and their ovaries were excised. Ovaries were fixed in 10% neutral buffered formalin and embedded in paraffin. Sections were processed for standard immunohistochemistry using the labeled streptavidin-biotin technique for expression of nNOS, eNOS and iNOS. We demonstrated that CAP induced expression of NOS isotypes including eNOS, iNOS and nNOS in prepubertal rat ovaries. CAP may lead to release of NO either directly from nerves or indirectly by evoking release from other cells via the action of neuropeptides that are released from afferent terminals and are involved in regulating female reproductive function.  相似文献   

Yu WJ  Juang SW  Chin WT  Chi TC  Chang CJ  Cheng JT 《Life sciences》2000,68(6):625-634
Nitric oxide (NO) is known to play an important role in the pathophysiology of insulin-dependent diabetic mellitus (IDDM). In an attempt to investigate the relation between insulin and NO in IDDM, the present study employed male Wistar rats to induce IDDM by intravenous injection of streptozotocin (STZ). Four groups of rats were used; untreated normal control group, insulin treated STZ group, vehicle-treated STZ control, and one group of age-matched rats which were orally supplied with glucose to increase plasma glucose (glucose-challenged rats). Changes of the activity and gene expression of neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS) were examined in cerebellum and kidney of these groups. The activity of nNOS in cerebellum, determined by conversion of [3H] L-arginine to [3H] L-citrulline, in STZ-induced diabetic rats was markedly lower than normal rats. Insulin treatment reversed the nNOS activity. Similar reversion by insulin treatment was also obtained in the gene expression of nNOS. However, the activity and gene expression of nNOS in glucose-challenged rats were not different from those in normal rats. The role of hyperglycemia can thus be ruled out. These findings indicated that an impairment of nNOS in the brain of rats with IDDM is mainly due to the absence of insulin.  相似文献   

Fetal baroreflex responsiveness increases in late gestation. An important modulator of baroreflex activity is the generation of nitric oxide in the brainstem nuclei that integrate afferent and efferent reflex activity. The present study was designed to test the hypothesis that nitric oxide synthase (NOS) isoforms are expressed in the fetal brainstem and that the expression of one or more of these enzymes is reduced in late gestation. Brainstem tissue was rapidly collected from fetal sheep of known gestational ages (80, 100, 120, 130, 145 days gestation and 1 day and 1 wk postnatal). Neuronal (nNOS), inducible (iNOS), and endothelial (eNOS) mRNA was measured using real-time PCR methodology specific for ovine NOS isoforms. The three enzymes were measured at the protein level using Western blot methodology. In tissue prepared for histology separately, the cellular pattern of immunostaining was identified in medullae from late-gestation fetal sheep. Fetal brainstem contained mRNA and protein of all three NOS isoforms, with nNOS the most abundant, followed by iNOS and eNOS, respectively. nNOS and iNOS mRNA abundances were highest at 80 days' gestation, with statistically significant decreases in abundance in more mature fetuses and postnatal animals. nNOS and eNOS protein abundance also decreased as a function of developmental age. nNOS and eNOS were expressed in neurons, iNOS was expressed in glia, and eNOS was expressed in vascular endothelial cells. We conclude that all three isoforms of NOS are constitutively expressed within the fetal brainstem, and the expression of all three forms is reduced with advancing gestation. We speculate that the reduced expression of NOS in this brain region plays a role in the increased fetal baroreflex activity in late gestation.  相似文献   

Selective inhibition of the nitric oxide synthase isoforms (NOS) is a promising approach for the treatment of various disorders. However, given the high active site conservation among all NOS isoforms, the design of selective inhibitors is a challenging task. Analysis of the X-ray crystal structures of the NOS isoforms complexed with known inhibitors most often gives no clues about the structural determinants behind the selective inhibition since the inhibitors share the same binding conformation. Aimed at a better understanding of the structural factors responsible for selective inhibition of NOS isoforms we have performed MD simulations for iNOS, nNOS and eNOS complexed with Nω-NO2-L-Arg (1), and with the aminopyridine derivatives 2 and 3. The slightly better selectivity of 1 for nNOS may be assigned to the presence of extra charge–charge interactions due to its “extended” conformation. While the high affinity of 2 for iNOS can be explained by the formation of an iNOS-specific subpocket upon binding, the lack of affinity for eNOS is associated to a conformational change in Glu363. The strong van der Waals and electrostatic interactions between 3 and the active site of nNOS are most likely responsible for its higher affinity for this isoform. Owing to the elongated and narrow binding pocket of iNOS, the correct positioning of 3 over the heme group is difficult, which may account for its lower affinity toward this isoform. Brought together, our results might help to rationalize the design of selective NOS inhibitors.
Overall RMSD of the protein backbone over 8 ns simulation is shown for the complexes 3:eNOSmonomer and 3:eNOSdimer  相似文献   

The involvement of nitric oxide (NO) as both pro and anti-inflammatory agent in allergic, airway inflammatory, and asthmatic diseases and the active participation of eosinophils in such ailments have been previously suggested. NO modulates eosinophil number, migration and their survival. The microenvironment of NO synthase (NOS) in subcellular organelles determines its rate and efficiency of catalysis, which in turn influences NO generation at distinct intracellular locales. The present study was undertaken to assess the intracellular distribution of NOS isoforms by transmission electron microscopy followed by morphometric analysis in human and rat eosinophils. Rat eosinophils were explored in parallel, and since they are widely used as model systems to mimic human diseases, a comparative study on NOS localization patterns might provide useful information in deciphering NO role in diverse aspects of eosinophil-related inflammatory ailments. The results demonstrated predominance of neuronal NOS (nNOS) in the eosinophilic granules and even distribution of inducible NOS (iNOS) and nNOS in the cytoplasm and nucleus of human eosinophils. In rat eosinophils, however, iNOS was mainly localized in the eosinophilic granules and nucleus, while nNOS was distributed evenly in cytoplasm and nucleus. Distribution of endothelial NOS (eNOS) in eosinophils was scanty. Differences in NOS isoforms and their localization in human and rat cells might have implications in differential mode of catalysis and functional contribution to eosinophil physiology and pathology, warranting detailed investigations. The present study highlights species-specific differences in the relative abundance and distribution pattern of NOS isoforms in rat and human eosinophils, which should be considered cautiously in interpreting the rat data to humans.  相似文献   

C(3)-tris-malonyl-C(60)-fullerene and D(3)-tris-malonyl-C(60)-fullerene derivatives inhibit citrulline and NO formation by all three nitric oxide synthase isoforms in a manner fully reversible by dilution. The inhibition of citrulline formation by C(3)-tris-malonyl-C(60)-fullerene occurs with IC(50) values of 24, 17, and 123 microM for the neuronal, endothelial, and inducible nitric oxide synthase (NOS) isoforms, respectively. As measured at 100 microM l-arginine, neuronal NOS-catalyzed nitric oxide formation was inhibited 50% at a concentration of 25 microM C(3)-tris-malonyl-C(60)-fullerene. This inhibition was a multisite, positively cooperative inhibition with a Hill coefficient of 2.0. C(3)-tris-malonyl-C(60)-fullerene inhibited the arginine-independent NADPH-oxidase activity of nNOS with an IC(50) value of 22 microM but had no effects on its cytochrome c reductase activity at concentrations as high as 300 microM. The inhibition of nNOS activity by C(3)-tris-malonyl-C(60)-fullerene reduced the maximal velocity of product formation but did not alter the EC(50) value for activation by calmodulin. C(3)-tris-malonyl-C(60)-fullerene reduced the maximal velocity of citrulline formation by inducible NOS without altering the K(m) for l-arginine substrate or the EC(50) value for tetrahydrobiopterin cofactor. As measured by sucrose density gradient centrifugation, fully inhibitory concentrations of C(3)-tris-malonyl-C(60)-fullerene did not produce a dissociation of nNOS dimers into monomers. These observations are consistent with the proposal that C(3)-tris-malonyl-C(60)-fullerene inhibits the inter-subunit transfer of electrons, presumably by a reversible distortion of the dimer interface.  相似文献   

Endothelium-derived nitric oxide: actions and properties   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
Vascular smooth muscle relaxation in response to chemically diverse naturally occurring neurotransmitters and autacoids has been attributed to the formation and/or release of one or more vascular endothelium-derived relaxing factors (EDRFs) distinct from prostacyclin. The chemical, biochemical, and pharmacological properties of one such EDRF resemble closely the properties of nitric oxide (NO). Thus, both arterial and venous EDRFs as well as authentic NO cause heme-dependent activation of soluble guanylate cyclase, endothelium-independent vascular and nonvascular smooth muscle relaxation accompanied by tissue cyclic GMP formation, and inhibition of platelet aggregation and adhesion to endothelial cell surfaces. EDRF from artery, vein, and freshly harvested and cultured aortic endothelial cells was recently identified as NO or a labile nitroso species as assessed by chemical assay and bioassay. Endothelium-derived NO (EDNO) has an ultrashort half-life of 3-5 s due to spontaneous oxidation to nitrite and nitrate, both of which have only weak biological activity. EDNO can be synthesized from L-arginine and possibly other basic amino acids and polypeptides, perhaps by oxidative metabolic pathways that could involve polyunsaturated fatty acid-derived oxygen radicals. Inorganic nitrite could serve as both a stored precursor and an inactivation product of EDNO. EDNO and related EDRFs may serve physiological and/or pathophysiological roles in the regulation of local blood flow and platelet function.  相似文献   

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