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The AtoS-AtoC signal transduction system in E. coli, which induces the atoDAEB operon for the growth of E. coli in short-chain fatty acids, can positively modulate the levels of poly-(R)-3-hydroxybutyrate (cPHB) biosynthesis, a biopolymer with many physiological roles in E. coli. Increased amounts of cPHB were synthesized in E. coli upon exposure of the cells to acetoacetate, the inducer of the AtoS-AtoC two-component system. While E. coli that overproduce both components of the signal transduction system synthesize higher quantities of cPHB (1.5-4.5 fold), those that overproduce either AtoS or AtoC alone do not display such a phenotype. Lack of enhanced cPHB production was also observed in cells overexpressing AtoS and phosphorylation-impaired AtoC mutants. The results were not affected by the nature of the carbon source used, i.e., glucose, acetate or acetoacetate. An E. coli strain with a deletion in the atoS-atoC locus (delta atoSC) synthesized lower amounts of cPHB compared to wild-type cells. When the delta atoSC strain was transformed with a plasmid carrying a 6.4-kb fragment encoding the AtoS-AtoC system, cPHB biosynthesis was restored to the level of the atoSC+ cells. Introduction of a multicopy plasmid carrying a functional atoDAEB operon, but not one with a promoterless operon, resulted in increased cPHB synthesis only in atoSC+ cells in the presence of acetoacetate. These results indicate that the presence of both a functional AtoS-AtoC two-component signal transduction system and a functional atoDAEB operon is critical for the enhanced cPHB biosynthesis in E. coli.  相似文献   

The AtoS–AtoC signal transduction system in E. coli, which induces the atoDAEB operon for the growth of E. coli in short-chain fatty acids, can positively modulate the levels of poly-(R)-3-hydroxybutyrate (cPHB) biosynthesis, a biopolymer with many physiological roles in E. coli. Increased amounts of cPHB were synthesized in E. coli upon exposure of the cells to acetoacetate, the inducer of the AtoS–AtoC two-component system. While E. coli that overproduce both components of the signal transduction system synthesize higher quantities of cPHB (1.5–4.5 fold), those that overproduce either AtoS or AtoC alone do not display such a phenotype. Lack of enhanced cPHB production was also observed in cells overexpressing AtoS and phosphorylation-impaired AtoC mutants. The results were not affected by the nature of the carbon source used, i.e., glucose, acetate or acetoacetate. An E. coli strain with a deletion in the atoS–atoC locus (ΔatoSC) synthesized lower amounts of cPHB compared to wild-type cells. When the ΔatoSC strain was transformed with a plasmid carrying a 6.4-kb fragment encoding the AtoS–AtoC system, cPHB biosynthesis was restored to the level of the atoSC+ cells. Introduction of a multicopy plasmid carrying a functional atoDAEB operon, but not one with a promoterless operon, resulted in increased cPHB synthesis only in atoSC+ cells in the presence of acetoacetate. These results indicate that the presence of both a functional AtoS–AtoC two-component signal transduction system and a functional atoDAEB operon is critical for the enhanced cPHB biosynthesis in E. coli.  相似文献   

An efficient method for the preparation of optically active alkyl (R)-(-)-3-hydroxybutyrates by chemical depolymerization of biopolymer, poly-(R)-(-)-(3-hydroxybutyrate), was established. This method consists of simple recovery of poly-(R)-(-)-(3-hydroxybutyrate) from bacterial cells followed by acidic alcoholysis. When poly-(R)-(-)-(3-hydroxybutyrate) was purified by a simple digestion method that used 0.2 N sodium hydroxide, alkyl (R)-(-)-hydroxybutyrates were most efficiently produced by alcoholysis with anhydrous hydrochloric acid.  相似文献   

AtoSC two-component system (TCS) upregulates the high-molecular weight poly-(R)-3-hydroxybutyrate (PHB) biosynthesis in recombinant phaCAB + Escherichia coli strains, with the Cupriavidus necator phaCAB operon. We report here that AtoSC upregulates also the copolymer P(3HB-co-3HV) biosynthesis in phaCAB + E. coli. Acetoacetate-induced AtoSC maximized P(3HB-co-3HV) to 1.27 g/l with a 3HV fraction of 25.5 % wt. and biopolymer content of 75 % w/w in a time-dependent process. The atoSC locus deletion in the ?atoSC strains resulted in 4.5-fold P(3HB-co-3HV) reduction, while the 3HV fraction of the copolymer was restricted to only 6.4 % wt. The ?atoSC phenotype was restored by extrachromosomal introduction of AtoSC. Deletion of the atoDAEB operon triggered a significant decrease in P(3HB-co-3HV) synthesis and 3HV content in ?atoDAEB strains. However, the acetoacetate-induced AtoSC in those strains increased P(3HB-co-3HV) to 0.8 g/l with 21 % 3HV, while AtoC or AtoS expression increased P(3HB-co-3HV) synthesis 3.6- or 2.4-fold, respectively, upon acetoacetate. Complementation of the ?atoDAEB phenotype was achieved by the extrachromosomal introduction of the atoSCDAEB regulon. Individual inhibition of β-oxidation and mainly fatty acid biosynthesis pathways by acrylic acid or cerulenin, respectively, reduced P(3HB-co-3HV) biosynthesis. Under those conditions, introduction of atoSC or atoSCDAEB regulon was capable of upregulating biopolymer accumulation. Concurrent inhibition of both the fatty acid metabolic pathways eliminated P(3HB-co-3HV) production. P(3HB-co-3HV) upregulation in phaCAB + E. coli by AtoSC signaling through atoDAEB operon and its participation in the fatty acids metabolism interplay provide additional perceptions of AtoSC critical involvement in E. coli regulatory processes towards biotechnologically improved polyhydroxyalkanoates biosynthesis.  相似文献   

AtoSC two-component system plays a pivotal role in many regulatory indispensable Escherichia coli processes. AtoSCDAEB regulon, comprising the AtoSC system and the atoDAEB operon, regulates the short-chain fatty acids catabolism. We report here, that AtoSC up-regulates the high-molecular weight PHB biosynthesis, in recombinant phaCAB(+)E. coli, with the Cupriavidus necator phaCAB operon. PHB accumulation was maximized upon the acetoacetate-mediated induction of AtoSC, under glucose 1% w/v, resulting in a yield of 1.73 g/l with a biopolymer content of 64.5% w/w. The deletion of the atoSC locus, in the ΔatoSC strains, resulted in a 5 fold reduction of PHB accumulation, which was restored by the extrachromosomal introduction of the AtoSC system. The deletion of the atoDAEB operon triggered a significant decrease in PHB synthesis in ΔatoDAEB strains. However, the acetoacetate-induced AtoSC system in those strains increased PHB to 1.55 g/l, while AtoC expression increased PHB to 1.4 g/l upon acetoacetate. The complementation of the ΔatoDAEB phenotype was achieved by the extrachromosomal introduction of the atoSCDAEB regulon. The individual inhibition of β-oxidation and mainly fatty-acid biosynthesis pathways by acrylic acid or cerulenin respectively, reduced PHB biosynthesis. Under those conditions the introduction of the atoSC locus or the atoSCDAEB regulon was capable to up-regulate the biopolymer accumulation. The concurrent inhibition of both the fatty acids metabolic pathways eliminated PHB production. PHB up-regulation in phaCAB(+)E. coli, by AtoSC signaling through atoDAEB operon and its participation in the fatty acids metabolism interplay, provide additional perceptions of AtoSC critical involvement in E. coli regulatory processes towards the biotechnologically improved polyhydroxyalkanoates biosynthesis.  相似文献   

Transmembrane ion transport, a critical process in providing energy for cell functions, is carried out by pore-forming macromolecules capable of discriminating among very similar ions and responding to changes in membrane potential. It is widely regarded that ion channels are exclusively proteins, relatively late arrivals in cell evolution. Here we discuss the formation of ion-selective, voltage-activated channels by complexes of two simple homopolymers, namely, inorganic polyphosphates (polyPs) and poly-(R)-3-hydroxybutyrates (PHBs), derived from phosphate and acetate, respectively. Each has unique molecular characteristics that facilitate ion selection, solvation, and transport. Complexes of the two polymers, isolated from bacterial plasma membranes or prepared from the synthetic polymers, form voltage-dependent, Ca2+-selective channels in planar lipid bilayers that are selective for divalent over monovalent cations, permeant to Ca2+, Sr2+, and Ba2+, and blocked by transition metal cations in a concentration-dependent manner. Recently, both polyP and PHB have been found to be components of ion-conducting proteins: namely, the human erythrocyte Ca2+-ATPase pump and the Streptomyces lividans potassium channel. The contribution of polyP and PHB to ion selection and/or transport in these proteins is yet unknown, but their presence gives rise to the hypothesis that these and other ion transporters are supramolecular structures in which proteins, polyP, and PHB cooperate in forming well-regulated and specific cation transfer systems.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli outer membrane protein A (OmpA) is a well-established model for the study of membrane assembly. Previous studies have shown that the essential sequence for outer membrane localization, known as the sorting signal, is contained in a segment of the eighth beta-strand, residues 163-171. Sequential digestion of OmpA, purified from outer membranes or inclusion bodies with cyanogen bromide and Staphylococcus aureus GluC, yielded peptides 162-174(LSLGVSYRFGQGE). Western blot and chemical assays indicated that the peptide was covalently modified by oligo-(R)-3-hydroxybutyrate (cOHB), a flexible, amphipathic oligoester. MALDI/MS was consistent with modification of peptides 162-174 by up to ten R-3-hydroxybutyrate (HB) residues. Western blot analysis of mutants of the peptide, using anti-OHB IgG, indicated that cOHB modification was not inhibited by the single mutations S163G, S167G, Y168F, R169N or R169D; however, cOHB was not detected on peptides containing the double mutations S163G:S167G S163G:V166G, L162G:S167G, and L164G:S167G. MALDI/MS/MS of double mutant S163G:S167G confirmed the absence of cOHB-modification. The results suggest that cOHB may be attached to one or both serines, and point to the importance of the flanking hydrophobic residues. Modification by cOHB may play a role in outer membrane targeting and assembly of OmpA.  相似文献   

Poly-3-hydroxybutyrate from recombinant E. coli was recovered using homogenization and continuous centrifugation with a purity of 94%. Final protein and DNA concentrations were 1.0% w/w and 1.9% w/w, respectively, when a hypochlorite treatment was employed prior to centrifugation. High fractional cell debris removal (94%) was achieved with two centrifugation steps.  相似文献   

Understanding the mechanisms by which cytochrome(s) P450 (CYP) discriminate good from poor substrates, and orient them for highly regio- and stereoselective oxidation, has considerable intrinsic and practical importance. Here we present results of a study of fatty acid hydroxylation by CYP2B1 in a reconstituted system and in microsomes from phenobarbital-pretreated rats. The results indicate that 2B1 prefers decanoic acid as the optimum fatty acid substrate (among C(8)-C(16)) and that it hydroxylates all positions five or more methylene groups distant from the carboxylate carbon. That hydroxylation does not occur at carbon atoms closer to the carboxyl group than the C(6) position suggests that these carbons may not reach the ferryl oxygen because the carboxyl group is anchored to a specific site at a fixed distance from the heme iron.  相似文献   

Reusch RN 《Biochemistry》1999,38(47):15666-15672
The Streptomyces lividans KcsA potassium channel, a homotetramer of 17.6 kDa subunits, was found to contain two nonproteinaceous polymers, namely, poly-(R)-3-hydroxybutyrate (PHB) and inorganic polyphosphate (polyP). PHB and polyP are ubiquitous cellular constituents with a demonstrated capacity for cation selection and transport. PHB was detected in both tetramer and monomer species of KcsA by reaction to anti-PHB IgG on Western blots, and estimated as 28 monomer units of PHB per KcsA tetramer by a chemical assay in which PHB is converted to its unique degradation product, crotonic acid. PolyP was detected in KcsA tetramers, but not in monomers, by metachromatic reaction to o-toluidine blue stain on SDS-PAGE gels. A band of free polyP was also visible, suggesting that polyP is released when tetramers dissociate. The exopolyphosphatase of Saccharomyces cerevisiae degraded the free polyP, but tetramer-associated polyP was not affected, indicating it was inaccessible to the enzyme. PolyP in KcsA was estimated as 15 monomer units per tetramer by an enzymatic assay in which polyphosphate kinase is used to transfer phosphates from polyP to [(14)C]ADP, yielding [(14)C]ATP. The experimentally determined isoelectric point of KcsA tetramer was 6.5-7.5, substantially more acidic than the theoretical pI of 10.3, and consistent with the inclusion of a polyanion. The results suggest that PHB is covalently bound to KcsA subunits while polyP is held within tetramers by ionic forces. It is posited that KcsA protein creates an environment in which PHB/polyP is selective for K(+). The basic amino acids attenuate the negative charge density of polyP, thereby transforming the cation binding preference from multivalent to monovalent, and discrimination between K(+) and Na(+) is accomplished by adjusting the ligand geometry in cation binding cavities formed by PHB and polyP.  相似文献   

Recombinant Escherichia coli was constructed for co-production of hydrogen and polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) due to its rapid growth and convenience of genetic manipulation. In particular, anaerobic metabolic pathways dedicated to co-production of hydrogen and PHB were established due to the advantages of directing fluxes away from toxic compounds such as formate and acetate to useful products. Here, recombinant E. coli expressing hydrogenase 3 and/or acetyl-CoA synthetase showed improved PHB and hydrogen production when grown with or without acetate as a carbon source. When hydrogenase 3 was over-expressed, hydrogen yield was increased from 14 to 153mmol H(2)/mol glucose in a mineral salt (MS) medium with glucose as carbon source, accompanied by an increased PHB yield from 0.55 to 5.34mg PHB/g glucose in MS medium with glucose and acetate as carbon source.  相似文献   

Several recombinant Escherichia coli strains, including XL1-Blue, JM109, HB101, and DH5alpha harboring a stable high-copynumber plasmid pSYL105 containing the Alcaligenes eutrophus polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) biosynthesis genes were constructed. These recombinant strains were examined for their ability to synthesize and accumulate poly-(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate) [P(3HB-co-3HV)] copolymer from glucose and either propionate or valerate. All recombinant E. coli strains could synthesize the P(3HB-co-3HV) copolymer in the medium containing glucose and propionate. However, only the homopolymer poly-(3-hydroxybutyrate) [P(3HB)] was synthesized from glucose and valerate. The PHA concentration and the 3HV fraction could be increased by inducing with acetate and/or oleate. When supplemented with oleate, the 3HV fraction increased by fourfold compared with that obtained without induction. Induction with propionate resulted in lower PHA concentration due to the inhibitory effect, but an 3HV fraction of as high as 33.0% could be obtained. These results suggest that P(3HB-co-3HV) can be efficiently produced from propionate by recombinant E. coli by inducing with acetate, propionate, or oleate. (c) 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Das S  Reusch RN 《Biochemistry》2001,40(7):2075-2079
Poly-(R)-3-hydroxybutyrate/polyphosphate (PHB/polyP) complexes, whether isolated from the plasma membranes of bacteria or prepared from the synthetic polymers, form ion channels in planar lipid bilayers that are highly selective for Ca(2+) over Na(+) at physiological pH. This preference for divalent over monovalent cations is attributed to a high density of negative charge along the polyP backbone and the higher binding energies of divalent cations. Here we modify the charge density of polyP by varying the pH, and observe the effect on cation selectivity. PHB/polyP complexes, isolated from E. coli, were incorporated into planar lipid bilayers, and unitary current-voltage relations were determined as a function of pH. When Ca(2+) was the sole permeant cation, conductance diminished steadily from 97 +/- 6 pS at pH 7.4 to 47 +/- 3 pS at pH 5.5. However, in asymmetric solutions of Ca(2+) and Na(+), there was a moderate increase in conductance from 98 +/- 4 at pH 7.4 to 129 +/- 4 pS at pH 6.5, and a substantially larger increase to 178 +/- 6 pS at pH 5.6, signifying an increase in Na(+) permeability or disorganization of channel structure. Reversal potentials point to a sharp decrease in preference for Ca(2+) over Na(+) over a relatively small decrease in pH. Ca(2+) was strongly favored over Na(+) at physiological pH, but the channels became nonselective near the pK(2) of phosphate (approximately 6.8), and displayed weak selectivity for Na(+) over Ca(2+) at acidic pH. Evidently, PHB/polyP complexes are versatile ion carriers whose selectivity may be modulated by small adjustments of the local pH. The results may be relevant to the physiological function of PHB/polyP channels in bacteria and the role of PHB and polyP in the Streptomyces lividans potassium channel.  相似文献   

Several recombinant Escherichia coli strains harboring the Alcaligenes eutrophus polyhydroxyalkanoate biosynthesis genes were used to produce poly(3-hydroxybutyrate), PHB, from xylose. By flask culture of TG1 (pSYL107) in a defined medium containing 20?g/l xylose, PHB concentration of 1.7?g/l was obtained. Supplementation of a small amount of cotton seed hydrolysate or soybean hydrolysate could enhance PHB production by more than two fold. The PHB concentration, PHB content, and PHB yield on xylose obtained by supplementing soybean hydrolysate were 4.4?g/l, 73.9%, and 0.226?g PHB/g xylose, respectively.  相似文献   

The biosynthesis of poly-3-hydroxybutyrate (P3HB), a biodegradable bio-plastic, requires acetyl-CoA as precursor and NADPH as cofactor. Escherichia coli has been used as a heterologous production model for P3HB, but metabolic pathway analysis shows a deficiency in maintaining high levels of NADPH and that the acetyl-CoA is mainly converted to acetic acid by native pathways. In this work the pool of NADPH was increased 1.7-fold in E. coli MG1655 through plasmid overexpression of the NADP+-dependent glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase gene (gapN) from Streptococcus mutans (pTrcgapN). Additionally, by deleting the main acetate production pathway (ackA-pta), the acetic acid production was abolished, thus increasing the acetyl-CoA pool. The P3HB biosynthetic pathway was heterologously expressed in strain MG1655 Δack-pta/pTrcgapN, using an IPTG inducible vector with the P3HB operon from Azotobacter vinelandii (pPHB Av ). Cultures were performed in controlled fermentors using mineral medium with glucose as the carbon source. Accordingly, the mass yield of P3HB on glucose increased to 73 % of the maximum theoretical and was 30 % higher when compared to the progenitor strain (MG1655/pPHB Av ). In comparison with the wild type strain expressing pPHB Av , the specific accumulation of PHB (gPHB/gDCW) in MG1655 Δack-pta/pTrcgapN/pPHB Av increased twofold, indicating that as the availability of NADPH is raised and the production of acetate abolished, a P3HB intracellular accumulation of up to 84 % of the E. coli dry weight is attainable.  相似文献   

The lipidic polymer, poly-3-hydroxybutyrate (PHB), is found in the plasma membranes of Escherichia col complexed to calcium polyphosphate (CaPPi). The composition, location, and putative structure of the polymer salt complexes led Reusch and Sadoff (1988) to propose that the complexes function as Ca2+ channels. Here we use bilayer patch-clamp techniques to demonstrate that voltage-activated Ca2+ channels composed of PHB and CaPPi are in the plasma membranes of E. coli. Single channel calcium currents were observed in vesicles of plasma membranes incorporated into planar bilayers of synthetic 1-palmitoyl, 2-oleoyl phosphatidylcholine. The channels were extracted from cells and incorporated into bilayers, where they displayed many of the signal characteristics of protein Ca2+ channels: voltage-activated selective for divalent over monovalent cations, permeant to Ca2+, manner by La3+, Co2+, Cd2+, and Mg2+, in that order. The channel-active extract, purified by size exclusion chromatography, was found to contain only PHB and CaPPi. This composition was confirmed by the observation of comparable single channel currents with complexes reconstituted from synthetic CaPPi and PHB, isolated from E. coli. This is the first report of a biological non-proteinaceous calcium channel. We suggest that poly-3-hydroxybutyrate/calcium polyphosphate complexes are evolutionary antecedents of protein Ca2+ channels.  相似文献   

Poly-(R)-3-hydroxybutyric acid (PHB) was synthesized anaerobically in recombinant Escherichia coli. The host anaerobically accumulated PHB to more than 50% of its cell dry weight during cultivation in either growth or nongrowth medium. The maximum specific PHB production rate during growth-associated synthesis was approximately 2.3 +/- 0.2 mmol of PHB/g of residual cell dry weight/h. The by-product secretion profiles differed significantly between the PHB-synthesizing strain and the control strain. PHB production decreased acetate accumulation for both growth and nongrowth-associated PHB synthesis. For instance under nongrowth cultivation, the PHB-synthesizing culture produced approximately 66% less acetate on a glucose yield basis as compared to a control culture. A theoretical biochemical network model was used to provide a rational basis to interpret the experimental results like the fermentation product secretion profiles and to study E. coli network capabilities under anaerobic conditions. For example, the maximum theoretical carbon yield for anaerobic PHB synthesis in E. coli is 0.8. The presented study is expected to be generally useful for analyzing, interpreting, and engineering cellular metabolisms.  相似文献   

We assessed the effects of different arcA mutations on poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) (PHB) synthesis in recombinant Escherichia coli strains carrying the pha synthesis genes from Azotobacter sp. strain FA8. The arcA mutations used were an internal deletion and the arcA2 allele, a leaky mutation for some of the characteristics of the Arc phenotype which confers high respiratory capacity. PHB synthesis was not detected in the wild-type strain in shaken flask cultures under low-oxygen conditions, while ArcA mutants gave rise to polymer accumulation of up to 24% of their cell dry weight. When grown under microaerobic conditions in a bioreactor, the arcA deletion mutant reached a PHB content of 27% +/- 2%. Under the same conditions, higher biomass and PHB concentrations were observed for the strain bearing the arcA2 allele, resulting in a PHB content of 35% +/- 3%. This strain grew in a simple medium at a specific growth rate of 0.69 +/- 0.07 h(-1), whereas the deletion mutant needed several nutritional additives and showed a specific growth rate of 0.56 +/- 0.06 h(-1). The results presented here suggest that arcA mutations could play a role in heterologous PHB synthesis in microaerobiosis.  相似文献   

Isolated rat ventricular cardiac myocytes loaded with the fluorescent calcium indicator fura2 showed significant changes in intracellular calcium concentrations upon exposure to greater than 1 microM ATP (EC50 = 7.4 +/- 1.3 microM, n = 4, SE), suggesting that extracellular ATP may have an important influence on myocardial contractility. The response was found to be highly ATP specific and required extracellular calcium. Furthermore, 30 s pretreatment of the cells with 0.2-1 microM norepinephrine decreased the concentration of ATP required for the Ca2+ transient, shifting the EC50 for ATP to 1.7 +/- 0.1 microM (n = 3, SE). beta-Propranolol (a beta 1-receptor antagonist) prevented potentiation, whereas phentolamine (an alpha 1-receptor antagonist) did not, indicating that regulation is through the beta 1-adrenergic receptor. ATP and norepinephrine released locally from sympathetic neurons may act in concert through the ATP and beta 1-adrenergic receptors to regulate myocardial calcium homeostasis.  相似文献   

A novel, quantitative method for detecting poly-3-hydroxybutyrate (PHB) amounts in viable cells was developed to allow for high-throughput screening of mutant libraries. The staining technique was demonstrated and optimized for the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. strain PCC6803 and the eubacterium Escherichia coli to maximize the fluorescence difference between PHB-accumulating and control cells by flow cytometry. In Synechocystis, the level of nonspecific dye binding was reduced by using nonionic stain buffer that allowed quantitation of fluorescence levels. In E. coli, the use of a mild sucrose shock facilitated uptake of Nile red without significant loss of viability. The optimized staining protocols yielded a linear response for the mean fluorescence against (chemically measured) PHB. The staining protocols are novel methods useful in the high-throughput evaluation of combinatorial libraries of Synechocystis and E. coli using fluorescence-activated cell sorting to identify mutants with increased PHB-accumulating properties.  相似文献   

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