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The gene responsible for cystic fibrosis (CF) has recently been identified. Coding sequence for the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) spans at least 230 kb of the human genome. Although all 27 exons of the gene are represented in cosmid or bacteriophage clones, there are still several gaps in the physical map of this region. It should be possible to complete the map and to clone the entire CFTR gene in a single fragment of DNA using a yeast artificial chromosome (YAC) vector. Herein we describe the construction and physical mapping of a 1.5-Mb YAC contig which encompasses D7S8 (J3.11) and D7S23 (KM19), two genetic loci flanking the CF locus. One of the clones in the contig, 37AB12, contains a 310-kb YAC which includes the entire CFTR gene and flanking sequence in both the 5' and 3' directions.  相似文献   

The yeast artificial chromosome (YAC) system (Burke et al., 1987, Science 236: 806-812) allows the direct cloning of large regions of the genome. A YAC contig map of approximately 700 kb encompassing the region surrounding the type 1 neurofibromatosis (NF1) locus on 17q11.2 has been constructed. A single YAC containing the entire NF1 locus has been constructed by homologous recombination in yeast. In the process of contig construction a novel method of YAC end rescue has been developed by YAC circularization in yeast and plasmid rescue in bacteria. YACs containing homology to the NF1 region but mapping to another chromosome have also been discovered. Sequences of portions of the homologous locus indicate that this other locus is a nonprocessed pseudogene.  相似文献   

One hundred twenty-seven yeast strains with artificial chromosomes containing Xq24-Xqter human DNA were obtained starting from a human/hamster somatic cell hybrid. The clones were characterized with respect to their insert size, stability, and representation of a set of Xq24-Xqter DNA probes. The inserts of the clones add up to 19.3 megabase (Mb) content, or about 0.4 genomic equivalents of that portion of the X chromosome, with a range of 40-650 kb in individual YACs. Eleven clones contained more than one YAC, the additional ones usually having hamster DNA inserts; the individual YACs could be separated by extracting the total DNA from such strains and using it to retransform yeast cells. One of the YACs, containing the probe for the DXS49 locus, was grossly unstable, throwing off smaller versions of an initial 300-kb YAC during subculture; the other YACs appeared to breed true on subculture. Of 52 probes tested, 12 found cognate YACs; the YACs included one with the glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogense gene and another containing four anonymous probe sequences (DX13, St14, cpx67, and cpx6). Xq location of YACs is being verified by in situ hybridization to metaphase chromosomes, and fingerprinting and hybridization methods are being used to detect YACs that overlap.  相似文献   

Constructs carrying the entire or part of the tobacco nitrate reductase cDNA (NIA) cloned between the promoter and terminator sequences of the 35S RNA of the cauliflower mosaic virus were introduced into tobacco, in an attempt to improve nitrate assimilation. Several transgenic plants that had elevated NIA mRNA and nitrate reductase (NR) activity were obtained. In addition, a few plants that exhibited a chlorotic phenotype characteristic of NR-deficient mutants were also obtained. One of these plants contained no NIA mRNA, no NR activity and accumulated nitrate. This phenotype was therefore assumed to result from co-suppression of 35S-NIA transgenes and host NIA genes. NR-deficient plants were also found among the progeny of transformants overexpressing NIA mRNA. Genetic analyses indicated that these NR-deficient plants were homozygous for the 35S-NIA transgene, although not all homozygous plants were deficient for NR. The ratio of normal to NR-deficient plants in the progeny of homozygous plants remained constant at each generation, irrespective of the state of expression of the NIA genes (active or inactive) in the previous generation. This ratio also remained unchanged when field trials were performed in two areas of France: Versailles and Bergerac. The analysis of homozygous plants revealed that co-suppression was reversible at some stage of sexual reproduction. Indeed, host genes and transgenes reactivated at each generation, and co-suppression always appeared after a lag period of normal growth, suggesting that the phenomenon is developmentaly regulated. We observed that the triggering of cosuppression was delayed when plants were initially grown under limited light and/or watered with limited nitrate supply (light and nitrate both being required for the expression of the host NIA genes). However, this delay did not affect the final ratio between normal and NR-deficient plants after transfer to nitrate-fertilized fields. Independent transformants exhibited either different co-suppression ratios or no co-suppression at all, irrespective of the transgene copy number, suggesting that genomic sequences surrounding the transgene might play a role in determining co-suppression.  相似文献   

The region of chromosome 2 encompassed by the polymorphic markers D2S378 (centromeric) and D2S391 (telomeric) spans an approximately 10-cM distance in cytogenetic bands 2p15-p21. This area is frequently involved in cytogenetic alterations in human cancers. It also harbors the genes for several genetic disorders, including Type I hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC), familial male precocious puberty (FMPP), Carney complex (CNC), Doyne's honeycomb retinal dystrophy (DHRD), and one form of familial dyslexia (DYX-3). Only a handful of known genes have been mapped to 2p16. These include MSH2, which is responsible for HNPCC, FSHR, the gene responsible for FMPP, EFEMP-1, the gene mutated in DHRD, GTBP, a DNA repair gene, and SPTBN1, nonerythryocytic beta-spectrin. The genes for CNC and DYX-3 remain unknown, due to lack of a contig of this region and its underrepresentation in the existing maps. This report presents a yeast- and bacterial-artificial chromosome (YAC and BAC, respectively) resource for the construction of a sequence-ready map of 2p15-p21 between the markers D2S378 and D2S391 at the centromeric and telomeric ends, respectively. The recently published Genemap'98 lists 146 expressed sequence tags (ESTs) in this region; we have used our YAC-BAC map to place each of these ESTs within a framework of 40 known and 3 newly cloned polymorphic markers and 37 new sequence-tagged sites. This map provides an integration of genetic, radiation hybrid, and physical mapping information for the region corresponding to cytogenetic bands 2p15-p21 and is expected to facilitate the identification of disease genes from the area.  相似文献   

A map-based cloning technique for crop plants is being developed using tomato as a model system. The target gene jointless is a recessive mutation that completely suppresses the formation of flower and fruit pedicel abscission zones. Previously, the jointless locus was mapped to a 3 cM interval between the two molecular markers TG523 and RPD158. Physical mapping of the jointless region by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis demonstrated that TG523 and RPD158 reside on a 600 kb SmaI fragment. In this study, TG523 was used as a probe to screen a tomato yeast artificial chromosome (YAC) library. Six tomato YAC (TY) clones were isolated, ranging from 220 to 380 kb in size. Genetic mapping of YAC ends demonstrated that this set of overlapping YACs encompasses the jointless locus. Two YAC ends, TY159L (L indicates left end) and TY143R (R indicates right end), cosegregate with the jointless locus. Only one of the six YACs (TY142) contained single-copy DNA sequences at both ends that could be mapped. The two ends of TY142 were mapped to either side of the jointless locus, indicating that TY142 contains a contiguous 285 kb tomato DNA fragment that probably includes the jointless locus. Physical mapping of the TY142 clone revealed that TY159L and TY143R reside on a 55 kb SalI fragment. Southern blot hybridization analysis of the DNAs of tomato lines nearly isogenic for the jointless mutation has allowed localization of the target locus to a region of less than 50 kb within the TY142 clone.Communicated by H. Saedler  相似文献   

A sequence tagged site (STS)-based approach has been used to construct a 2.6-Mb contig in yeast artificial chromosomes (YACs) spanning the human dystrophin gene. Twenty-seven STSs were used to identify and overlap 34 YAC clones. A DNA fingerprint of each clone produced by direct Alu-PCR amplification of YAC colonies and the isolation of YAC insert ends by vectorette PCR were used to detect overlaps in intron 1 (280 kb) where no DNA sequence data were available, thereby achieving closure of the map. This study has evaluated methods for mapping large regions of the X chromosome and provides a valuable resource of the dystrophin gene in cloned form for detailed analysis of gene structure and function in the future.  相似文献   

D de Bruin  M Lanzer  J V Ravetch 《Genomics》1992,14(2):332-339
Molecular genetic studies of the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum have been hampered in part due to difficulties in stably cloning and propagating parasite genomic DNA in bacteria. This is thought to be a result of the unusual A+T bias (>80%) in the parasite's DNA. Pulsed-field gel electrophoretic separation of P. falciparum chromosomes has shown that large chromosomal polymorphisms, resulting from the deletion of DNA from chromosome ends, frequently occur. Understanding the biological implications of this chromosomal polymorphism will require the analysis of large regions of genomic, and in particular telomeric, DNA. To overcome the limitations of cloning parasite DNA in bacteria, we have cloned genomic DNA from the P. falciparum strain FCR3 in yeast as artificial chromosomes. A pYAC4 library with an average insert size of approximately 100 kb was established and found to have a three to fourfold redundancy for single-copy genes. Unlike bacterial hosts, yeast stably maintain and propagate large tracts of parasite DNA. Long-range restriction enzyme mapping of YAC clones demonstrates that the cloned DNA is contiguous and identical to the native parasite genomic DNA. Since the telomeric ends of chromosomes are underrepresented in YAC libraries, we have enriched for these sequences by cloning P. falciparum telomeric DNA fragments (from 40 to 130 kb) as YACs by complementation in yeast.  相似文献   

The functional analysis of genes frequently requires manipulation of large genomic regions embedded in yeast artificial chromosomes (YACs). We have designed a yeast-bacteria shuttle vector, pClasper, that can be used to clone specific regions of interest from YACs by homologous recombination. The important feature of pClasper is the presence of the mini-F factor replicon. This leads to a significant increase in the size of the plasmid inserts that can be maintained in bacteria after cloning by homologous recombination in yeast. The utility of this vector lies in its ability to maintain large fragments in bacteria and yeast, allowing for mutagenesis in yeast and simplified preparation of plasmid DNA in bacteria. Using PCR-generated recombinogenic fragments in pClasper we cloned a 27 kb region from a YAC containing the Hoxc cluster and a 130 kb region containing the entire Hoxb cluster. No rearrangements were seen when the recombinants in the shuttle vector were transferred to bacteria. We outline the potential uses of pClasper for functional studies of large genomic regions by transgenic and other analyses.  相似文献   

D Vetrie  F Flinter  M Bobrow  A Harris 《Genomics》1992,14(3):634-642
A PCR-based screening approach was used to isolate six yeast artificial chromosome (YAC) clones containing segments of the human alpha 5(IV) collagen gene (COL4A5). This gene is located at Xq22 and is known to be involved in the kidney disorder known as Alport syndrome (AS). By analyzing sequence-tagged sites, cDNA content, and rare-cutting restriction site patterns in these YAC clones, a contig that spans the entirety of the alpha 5(IV) gene was constructed. This contig may contain as much as 690 kb of DNA from the alpha 5(IV) locus. On the basis of the information obtained from these YAC clones, the genomic map and gene structure of the alpha 5(IV) gene have been refined. This study has also provided a valuable resource for subsequent studies of the alpha 5(IV) gene and its flanking DNA sequences.  相似文献   

We report a protocol for cloning large DNA fragments in yeast artificial chromosomes (YAC). A partial library has been constructed from a somatic hybrid containing chromosome 21 as the single source of human DNA. About 4.0 Mb of human DNA was recovered in 17 YAC clones. Three clones were analyzed by in situ hybridization and mapped on chromosome 21. One clone hybridized with the chromosome 21 centromeric region and may provide new insight both on the molecular structure of centromere and on the localization of Alzheimer disease gene.  相似文献   

Basic to the development of long-range physical maps of DNA are the detection and localization of landmarks within recombinant clones. Sequence-tagged sites (STSs), which are short stretches of DNA that can be specifically detected by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), can be used as such landmarks. Our interest is to construct physical maps of whole human chromosomes by localizing STSs within yeast artificial chromosome (YAC) clones. Here we describe a generalized strategy for the systematic generation of large numbers of STSs specific for human chromosome 7. These STSs can be detected by PCR assays developed following the sequencing of anonymous pieces of chromosome 7 DNA, which was derived from flow-sorted chromosomes or from lambda clones made from DNA of a human-hamster hybrid cell line. Our approach for STS generation is tailored for the development of PCR assays capable of screening a large YAC library. In this study, we report the generation of 100 new STSs specific to human chromosome 7.  相似文献   

Yeast artificial chromosomes (YACs) were used to construct a physical map of the germline human T-cell chain gene complex (TCRB). Variable region genes (BV) for the 25 known subfamilies were used as probes to screen the ICRF AM4x YAC library. Of the five positive YACs identified, one YAC designated B3, 820 kilobase pairs (kbp) in size, scored positive for all 25 TCRBV subfamilies plus the constant region genes (BC) when analyzed by pulse field gel electrophoresis. Restriction enzyme mapping of B3 located TCRBV and TCRBC gene regions to 4 Sfi I fragments of 280 110, 90, and 125 kbp and was in accordance with published data. In addition comparison of hybridization results of Sfi I-restricted B3 and genomic DNA from the parental cell line GM1416B revealed identical banding patterns. The data thus showed YAC B3 encoded a complete and unrearranged TCRB gene locus of some 600–620 kbp. The map was further resolved by locating restriction sites for Sal I and Bss HII on B3, giving more precise localization of the individual TCRBV gene families. Flourescent in situ hybridization of B3 to spreads of human metaphase chromosomes localized B3 to 7q35. However, two additional signals were obtained; one attributable to the TCRBV orphon cluster on 9p21, the second to the long arm of chromosome 2. Polymerase chain reaction amplification of a chromosome 2 somatic cell hybrid, using primers for all 25 TCRBV gene families, revealed that the signal was not attributable to a second orphon cluster. It is suggested that B3 is a chimeric YAC with an intact TCRB locus flanked by chromosome 2 sequences.  相似文献   

Summary We were able to refine the chromosomal position of two existing marker loci, using an extended chromosome 21 somatic cell hybrid panel. The locus D21S26 mapped in the region 21q11.2–q21.1, and the locus D21S24 in 21q22.1–q22.2. Physical and genetic analysis indicated that D21S26 is tightly linked to D21S13 and D21S16, two markers previously linked to familial Alzheimer's disease.  相似文献   

We have developed a system which facilitates the detection of recombination between Yeast Artificial Chromosomes (YAC's) carrying homologous inserts. The system consists of a classical YAC vector, a new YAC vector and two appropriately labelled yeast strains of opposite mating type. The new YAC vector differs in markers from the canonical YAC vector. To test whether homologous recombination takes place, phage lambda DNA was cloned in the two vectors to provide a region of homology. The two constructs were then introduced into yeast strains of opposite mating type in which the endogenous genes for the selective markers present in the vectors are not expressed. Artificial chromosomes obtained by meiotic recombination are detected in the spores resulting from the mating.  相似文献   

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