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Using the steady-state distribution of recessive lethal gene the probability of finding the elevated frequency of Tay-Sachs (TSD) gene among Ashkenazic Jews is computed. For various estimated values of mutation rate and population size, this probability is found to be statistically significant. This probabiltiy, in fact, becomes even smaller if a steady influx of foreign genes into the Ashkenazic Jewish populations is considered. It is suggested that heterozygote advantage together with random genetic drift should be considered as the most probable mechansim for the elevation of TSD gene frequency among the Ashkenazic Jews.  相似文献   

The type II and type III mutations at the FXI locus, which cause coagulation factor XI deficiency, have high frequencies in Jewish populations. The type III mutation is largely restricted to Ashkenazi Jews, but the type II mutation is observed at high frequency in both Ashkenazi and Iraqi Jews, suggesting the possibility that the mutation appeared before the separation of these communities. Here we report estimates of the ages of the type II and type III mutations, based on the observed distribution of allelic variants at a flanking microsatellite marker (D4S171). The results are consistent with a recent origin for the type III mutation but suggest that the type II mutation appeared >120 generations ago. This finding demonstrates that the high frequency of the type II mutation among Jews is independent of the demographic upheavals among Ashkenazi Jews in the 16th and 17th centuries.  相似文献   

The N370S mutation at the GBA locus on human chromosome 1q21, which causes Gaucher disease (GD), has a high frequency in the Ashkenazim and is the second-most-widespread GD mutation in the European non-Jewish population. A common ancient origin for the N370S mutation in the Ashkenazi Jewish and Spanish populations has been proposed on the basis of both a similar haplotype for associated markers and an age estimate that suggests that this mutation appeared several thousand years ago. However, a reappraisal of haplotype data, using the Risch formula properly along with a Luria-Delbrück setting of the genetic clock, allows identification of the likely origin of the N370S mutation in Ashkenazi Jews between the 11th and 13th centuries. This result is consistent with the estimated ages of other mutations that are frequent among Ashkenazim, with the exception of type II (Glu117Stop) factor XI deficiency, which is deemed to be >3000 years old, predating the separation of the Ashkenazi and Iraqi Jews. The present finding supports the hypothesis of a more recent origin for the N370S mutation and is consistent with both a founder chromosome transfer from Ashkenazim who assimilated in some European populations and a non-Jewish origin of the European N370S-bearing chromosomes.  相似文献   

The Ashkenazi Jewish population is enriched for carriers of a fatal form of Tay-Sachs disease, an inherited disorder caused by mutations in the alpha-chain of the lysosomal enzyme, beta-hexosaminidase A. Until recently it was presumed that Tay-Sachs patients from this ethnic isolate harbored the same alpha-chain mutation. This was disproved by identification of a splice junction defect in the alpha-chain of an Ashkenazi patient which could be found in only 20-30% of the Ashkenazi carriers tested. In this study we have isolated the alpha-chain gene from an Ashkenazi Jewish patient, GM515, with classic Tay-Sachs disease who was negative for the splice junction defect. Sequence analysis of the promoter region, exon and splice junctions regions, and polyadenylation signal area revealed a 4-base pair insertion in exon 11. This mutation introduces a premature termination signal in exon 11 which results in a deficiency of mRNA in Ashkenazi patients. A dot blot assay was developed to screen patients and heterozygote carriers for the insertion mutation. The lesion was found in approximately 70% of the carriers tested, thereby distinguishing it as the major defect underlying Tay-Sachs disease in the Ashkenazi Jewish population.  相似文献   

Reliable estimates of the frequency of Gaucher disease-producing mutations are not available. The high frequency of Gaucher disease in the Ashkenazi Jewish population is due to the occurrence of a mutation at nucleotide (nt) 1226. We have screened 593 DNA samples from normal Ashkenazi Jews, as well as 62 DNA samples from all our Ashkenazi Jewish patients with Gaucher disease, for the presence of the 1226 mutation. In the 593 presumed normal Ashkenazi Jewish individuals the 1226 mutation was identified in the heterozygous state in 37 and in the homozygous state in two, giving a gene frequency of .035 for the mutation. This 1226 mutation represented 73% of the 124 Gaucher disease alleles in Jewish Gaucher disease patients. Accordingly we estimate that the gene frequency for Gaucher disease among the Ashkenazi Jewish population is .047, which is equivalent to a carrier frequency of 8.9% and a birth incidence of 1:450.  相似文献   

G197del is the most prevalent LDL receptor (LDLR) mutation causing familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) in Ashkenazi Jew (AJ) individuals. The purpose of this study was to determine the origin, age, and population distribution of G197del, as well as to explore environmental and genetic effects on disease expression. Index cases from Israel (n=46), South Africa (n=24), Russia (n=7), The Netherlands (n=1), and the United States (n=1) were enlisted. All trace their ancestry to Lithuania. A highly conserved haplotype (D19S221:104-D19S865:208-D19S413:74) was identified in G197del chromosomes, suggesting the occurrence of a common founder. When two methods were used for analysis of linkage disequilibrium (LD) between flanking polymorphic markers and the disease locus and for the study of the decay of LD over time, the estimated age of the deletion was found to be 20 +/- 7 generations (the 95% confidence interval is 15-26 generations), so that the most recent common ancestor of the mutation-bearing chromosomes would date to the 14th century. This corresponds with the founding of the Jewish community of Lithuania (1338 a.d.), as well as with the great demographic expansion of AJ individuals in eastern Europe, which followed this settlement. The penetrance of mutation-linked severe hypercholesterolemia is high (94% of heterozygotes have a baseline concentration of LDL cholesterol (LDL-C) that is >160 mg/dl), and no significant differences in the mean baseline lipid level of G197del carriers from different countries were found. Polymorphisms of apolipoprotein E and of scavenger-receptor class B type I were observed to have minor effects on the plasma lipid profile. With respect to determinative genetic influences on the biochemical phenotype, there is no evidence that could support the possibility of a selective evolutionary metabolic advantage. Therefore, the founder effect in a rapidly expanding population from a limited number of families remains a simple, parsimonious hypothesis explaining the spread of G197del-LDLR-linked FH in AJ individuals.  相似文献   

The presence of four lysosomal storage diseases (LSDs) at increased frequency in the Ashkenazi Jewish population has suggested to many the operation of natural selection (carrier advantage) as the driving force. We compare LSDs and nonlysosomal storage diseases (NLSDs) in terms of the number of mutations, allele-frequency distributions, and estimated coalescence dates of mutations. We also provide new data on the European geographic distribution, in the Ashkenazi population, of seven LSD and seven NLSD mutations. No differences in any of the distributions were observed between LSDs and NLSDs. Furthermore, no regular pattern of geographic distribution was observed for LSD versus NLSD mutations-with some being more common in central Europe and others being more common in eastern Europe, within each group. The most striking disparate pattern was the geographic distribution of the two primary Tay-Sachs disease mutations, with the first being more common in central Europe (and likely older) and the second being exclusive to eastern Europe (primarily Lithuania and Russia) (and likely much younger). The latter demonstrates a pattern similar to two other recently arisen Lithuanian mutations, those for torsion dystonia and familial hypercholesterolemia. These observations provide compelling support for random genetic drift (chance founder effects, one approximately 11 centuries ago that affected all Ashkenazim and another approximately 5 centuries ago that affected Lithuanians), rather than selection, as the primary determinant of disease mutations in the Ashkenazi population.  相似文献   

Tay-Sachs disease is an inherited lysosomal storage disorder caused by defects in the beta-hexosaminidase alpha-subunit gene. The carrier frequency for Tay-Sachs disease is significantly elevated in both the Ashkenazi Jewish and Moroccan Jewish populations but not in other Jewish groups. We have found that the mutations underlying Tay-Sachs disease in Ashkenazi and Moroccan Jews are different. Analysis of a Moroccan Jewish Tay-Sachs patient had revealed an in-frame deletion (delta F) of one of the two adjacent phenylalanine codons that are present at positions 304 and 305 in the alpha-subunit sequence. The mutation impairs the subunit assembly of beta-hexosaminidase A, resulting in an absence of enzyme activity. The Moroccan patient was found also to carry, in the other alpha-subunit allele, a different, and as yet unidentified, mutation which causes a deficit of mRNA. Analysis of obligate carriers from six unrelated Moroccan Jewish families showed that three harbor the delta F mutation, raising the possibility that this defect may be a prevalent mutation in this ethnic group.  相似文献   

Ashkenazi Jews in Mexico: Ideologies in the Structuring of. Community. Adina Cimet. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1997. 231 pp.  相似文献   

We have developed rapid semiautomated fluorogenic TaqMan assays for the three common Jewish mutations that occur in Tay-Sachs disease, the TATC 4-bp insertion in exon 11 (1,278insTATC), the IVS 12 + 1G --> C, splice site mutation in intron 12 (1421 + 1 G --> C), and the G --> A change at the 3' end of exon 7 (G269S), as well as for a non-Jewish mutation, IVS9 + I G --> A, believed to be prevalent in patients of Celtic descent. The TaqMan assays are designed to run on the ABI SDS 7700 sequence detection system, using allele-specific probes that carry a reporter dye at the 5' end and a quencher dye at the 3' end. Using a 96-well format, all four assays can be performed simultaneously on the same plate, with real-time fluorescence detection or just an end-point plate read. DNA samples from 78 patients identified as carriers by biochemical screening and genotyped by conventional techniques were used to assess the accuracy and efficiency of the probes in allelic discrimination assays. There were no discrepancies noted between previously assigned genotypes and the results obtained by application of this methodology.  相似文献   

Canavan disease (CD) is an infantile neurodegenerative disease that is transmitted in an autosomal recessive manner and has mainly been reported in Ashkenazi Jewish families. The primary enzymatic defect is aspartoacylase deficiency, and an A-to-C transition at nucleotide 854 of the cDNA has recently been reported. We screened 18 patients with CD and 879 healthy individuals, all Israeli Ashkenazi Jews, for the mutation. All 18 patients were homozygotes for the mutation, and 15 heterozygotes were found among the healthy individuals. The results disclose a carrier rate of 1:59 and suggest that a screening for the mutation is warranted among Ashkenazi Jewish couples.  相似文献   

A simple, rapid, nonradioactive assay for detecting the 4-bp insertion defect found in the beta-hexosaminidase alpha-chain gene of 70% of the Ashkenazi Jewish carriers of Tay-Sachs disease is described. In this assay, DNA derived from such carriers serves as a template for the polymerase chain reaction. Following amplification of a 159-bp fragment of exon 11 inclusive of the insertion, a portion of the product is subjected to electrophoresis in a 4% NuSieve agarose minigel. Visualization of the DNA with ethidium bromide demonstrates that heterozygote carriers for the defect display two distinct bands. In contrast, DNA from carriers of the splice junction defect, a mutation found in 30% of the Ashkenazi Jewish carriers of Tay-Sachs disease, displays only one band.  相似文献   

The interaction of genetic drift, mutation, and selection in a random environment is investigated using an asymptotic analysis based on assumptions of weak mutation and strong selection. It is shown that genetic drift can be a potent force for removing variation from the population when the random environment tends to occasionally push alleles down to low frequencies.  相似文献   

Summary A method is introduced for simultaneously using multiple loci to estimate admixutre and test goodness of fit of the model of admixture. Deviation of observed frequencies from expectation caused by sources of error such as sampling and/or drift is allowed for all loci in all populations. This allows investigation of the effects of different assumptions about sources of error on the estimates. Admixture is then investigated for Icelanders and Ashkenazi Jews. Results indicate that the Icelanders have a large Norse contribution, and that the Jews may have a small to moderate contribution from the European gene pool. There are some indications that ABO and G6PD give abnormal estimates of admixture compared to other loci, and that the Jewish gene pool may be derived from additional populations in addition to the populations considered.  相似文献   

Maple syrup urine disease (MSUD) is a rare, autosomal recessive disorder of branched-chain amino acid metabolism. We noted that a large proportion (10 of 34) of families with MSUD that were followed in our clinic were of Ashkenazi Jewish (AJ) descent, leading us to search for a common mutation within this group. On the basis of genotyping data suggestive of a conserved haplotype at tightly linked markers on chromosome 6q14, the BCKDHB gene encoding the E1beta subunit was sequenced. Three novel mutations were identified in seven unrelated AJ patients with MSUD. The locations of the affected residues in the crystal structure of the E1beta subunit suggested possible mechanisms for the deleterious effects of these mutations. Large-scale population screening of AJ individuals for R183P, the mutation present in six of seven patients, revealed that the carrier frequency of the mutant allele was approximately 1/113; the patient not carrying R183P had a previously described homozygous mutation in the gene encoding the E2 subunit. These findings suggested that a limited number of mutations might underlie MSUD in the AJ population, potentially facilitating prenatal diagnosis and carrier detection of MSUD in this group.  相似文献   

Mutations at the hexosaminidase A (HEXA) gene which cause Tay-Sachs disease (TSD) have elevated frequency in the Ashkenazi Jewish and French-Canadian populations. We report a novel TSD allele in the French-Canadian population associated with the infantile form of the disease. The mutation, a GA transition at the +1 position of intron 7, abolishes the donor splice site. Cultured human fibroblasts from a compound heterozygote for this transition (and for a deletion mutation) produce no detectable HEXA mRNA. The intron 7+1 mutation occurs in the base adjacent to the site of the adult-onset TSD mutation (G805A). In both mutations a restriction site for the endonuclease EcoRII is abolished. Unambiguous diagnosis, therefore, requires allele-specific oligonucleotide hybridization to distinguish between these two mutant alleles. The intron 7+1 mutation has been detected in three unrelated families. Obligate heterozygotes for the intron 7+1 mutation were born in the Saguenay-Lac-St-Jean region of Quebec. The most recent ancestors common to obligate carriers of this mutation were from the Charlevoix region of the province of Quebec. This mutation thus has a different geographic centre of diffusion and is probably less common than the exon 1 deletion TSD mutation in French Canadians. Neither mutation has been detected in France, the ancestral homeland of French Canada.  相似文献   

Tanzi RE  Bertram L 《Cell》2005,120(4):545-555

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