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中国生物多样性就地保护的研究与实践   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
马建章  戎可  程鲲 《生物多样性》2012,20(5):551-558
中国是世界上生物多样性最丰富的地区之一,但面临着较大的生态衰退风险。中国生物多样性受到的威胁来自包括人口众多、经济发展模式单一落后、工业化进程加快、气候变化和外来物种入侵等多种因素。生物多样性的就地保护对于维护国家生态安全具有重要意义,同时也是中国可持续发展的需要。本文就中国生物多样性就地保护的研究成果和保护成就进行了回顾,提出了未来应该着重加强的研究领域。中国生物多样性的就地保护研究与实践主要集中在生物多样性资源调查、濒危物种管理和自然保护区建设等方面。中国政府在生物多样性就地保护领域开展了大量卓有成效的工作,发布实施了一系列的保护行动规划,不断提高了生物多样性的保护水平。中国的生物多样性就地保护经过了由数量发展到质量发展的阶段后,未来的研究重点应该集中在生物多样性形成与维持机制、生物多样性受胁原因与响应机制、生物多样性长期监测与评估、自然保护区有效管理和自然保护区立法等方面。  相似文献   

革质花盘亚组野生种参与了栽培牡丹的起源,在生物多样性保护和牡丹品种改良中具有重要价值。为了科学合理地保护和开发利用我国特有的野生牡丹资源,本研究通过野外实地调查,结合文献记录,在全国尺度上对革质花盘亚组野生牡丹资源的生物学特性、地理分布特点进行了系统分析。结果表明:革质花盘亚组共有5个野生种和1个杂交种,分布在秦巴山区、陕甘黄土高原和川西北黄土高原地区,其中陕西省野生牡丹资源最为丰富,并在陕西省商南县和旬阳县发现了卵叶牡丹新的原生地分布点;同时对革质花盘亚组的种群特征进行了分析,并针对革质花盘亚组种质资源的药用、观赏和油用潜在利用价值和濒危现状提出了开发利用建议和保护对策。  相似文献   

Applied ethnobotany is a new subject in ethnobiological sciences referring to the transferring,reviving and cultivating ethnobotanical knowledge among different social groups within intra-and-inter-communities.Much research related to biodiversity in many countries is largely devoted to the gathering of more academic information,rather than to more incise studies focusing on finding answers to pressing challenges related to the use of plants by communities.China is country possessing rich biodiversity and cultural diversity.The long history of Chinese traditional medicine,diversity of cultivated crops and utilization of wild plant species are great cultural traditions to the country.Today,many societies of the country are still intricately linked to the natural environment economically as well as societies and groups within China.However,China is facing major changes in modernization of the coutry‘s economy,and globalization to form part of the world exchange system.Increasingly high levels of consumptions of natural plants,as well as national and international traes on plant products have resulted,space in over-harvesting of wild resources and accelerated environmental degradation.Local social structures and cultural traditions have also changed in order to cope with policy changes.In this background,over the last decade,applied ethnobotany for rural community development and conservation has been employed in different field projects and ethnic minority communities in Yunnan province of China.The applied ethnobotany has focused on work at community level to achieve sustainable use of naural resources and conservation.This presentation discusses findings and lessons learned from the projects on alternatives and innovations to shifting cultivation in Xishuangbanna,southwestern China.  相似文献   

遗传资源是21世纪的战略资源之一, 是当代国际谈判中的热点问题。本文首先分析了《濒危野生动植物种国际贸易公约》(Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, CITES)的运作机制、该公约涉及的遗传资源管理的条款及其对我国遗传资源管理的影响, 简要回顾了我国在CITES履约与遗传资源方面的立法和管理现状, 指出我国遗传资源管理领域亟待解决管理部门过多、立法不足、缺少明确的对外政策和国家战略、资源本底情况不详、产权划分不清、没有建立有利于野生动植物遗传资源保护与利用的经济调控机制等问题。最后, 我们提出了制定国家战略、建立遗传资源的协调管理机制、将遗传资源保护问题纳入相关法规、开展野生动植物遗传资源状况调查、建立有利于遗传资源保护的经济机制等解决对策。  相似文献   

Biodiversity conservation in China: Legislation, Plans and Measures   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
China is one of the megadiversity countries with over 30,000 species of higher plants and 6347 species of vertebrates, including numerous endemic species and relict species. The vast territory, with its various climates and landforms have formed complex and manifold habitats and rich diversity of ecosystems. China is a signatory country to several international conventions and agreements related to biodiversity and has established a legislation framework for biodiversity conservation. State, interdepartmental, departmental plans related to biodiversity have been made, such as Chinas Agenda 21, the Chinese Country Study on Biological Diversity, the Chinese Biodiversity Conservation Action Plan, the Chinese Environmental Protection Action Plan, and the Guideline for Nature Reserve Development Planning in China (1996–2010). Great efforts have also been made to protect natural resources and the environment, including policies for in situ and ex situ conservation, ecological construction, scientific research, education and training, and international cooperation. However, under the high pressure of population and economy, severe contradiction exists between conservation and the exploitation of biodiversity. This paper describes such achievements and related problems.  相似文献   

郑晓明  杨庆文 《生物多样性》2021,29(2):167-1156
农业生物多样性是农业安全生产的基础条件和农业可持续发展的战略资源。中国自20世纪50年代就开始重视农业生物多样性的保护, 建立了较为完善的法律法规等保障体系, 并在农业生态系统、物种和遗传多样性3个层面采取了一系列保护措施, 基本形成了异位保存和原生境保护相互补充的保护体系, 取得了显著的保护成效。本文概述了中国近70年来农业生物多样性保护在法律法规和保护机制、保护规划、保护体系和能力建设方面取得的进展, 指出我国农业生物多样性保护面临着未与国际国内发展战略相适应、保护体系不完整、保护能力不足等问题, 并提出完善我国农业生物多样性保护体系、促进农业生态系统服务功能系统化、加快农业生物多样性主流化进程以及加强能力建设等相关建议。  相似文献   

For conservation to be effective in forests with indigenous peoples, there needs to be greater recognition of indigenous customary rights, particularly with regards to their use of natural resources. Ideally, legislation regulating the use of natural resources should include provisions for the needs of both indigenous peoples and biodiversity. In reality, however, legislative weaknesses often exist and these can result in negative impacts, either on indigenous peoples’ livelihoods, their surrounding biodiversity, or both. Here, our case study demonstrates why conservationists need to pay greater attention to natural resource legislation affecting indigenous peoples’ rights. Apart from examining relevant laws for ambiguities that may negatively affect biodiversity and livelihoods of indigenous people in Peninsular Malaysia (known as the Orang Asli), we also provide supporting information on actual resource use based on questionnaire surveys. In order to address these ambiguities, we propose possible legislative reconciliation to encourage policy reform. Although there are positive examples of conservationists elsewhere adopting a more inclusive and participatory approach by considering the needs of indigenous peoples, greater recognition must be afforded to land and indigenous rights within natural resource laws for the benefit of indigenous peoples and biodiversity.  相似文献   

China is among the world's richest countries in terms of plant biodiversity. Besides the abundant flora, containing some 33,000 vascular plants (30,000 angiosperms, 250 gymnosperms, and 2600 pteridophytes), there is extraordinary ecosystem diversity, as well as a large pool of both wild and cultivated germplasms. China is also considered one of the main centers of origin and diversification for seed plants on Earth, and is especially profuse in phylogenetically primitive taxa and/or paleoendemics due to the refuge role glaciation played during the Quaternary period. The collision with the Indian subcontinent significantly enriched Chinese flora and led to the formation of many neoendemisms. However, flora distribution remains uneven, and some local floristic hotspots are found across China, such as Yunnan, Sichuan and Taiwan. Unfortunately, this biodiversity faces enormous threats, which have increased substantially over the last 50 years. The combined effects of habitat destruction and/or fragmentation, environmental contamination, over-exploitation of natural resources, and to a lesser extent, introduction of exotic species, have caused irreparable damage to China's plant biodiversity. Burgeoning economic and population growth have also contributed to this deterioration. It is believed that up to 5000 flora species are currently endangered in China, with some taxa having already become extinct. Although in recent years government authorities have made some efforts to preserve biodiversity, much work remains to be done. While China has established an extensive network of nature reserves and protected areas, encompassing more than 16% of the total land area, insufficient budgetary and staffing commitments are common limitations in their management structures. Ex-situ conservation is also deficient, primarily because the botanical gardens are not representative of several local floras, nor are they often of adequate size or representative of endangered species. The lack of effective and efficient environmental legislation and education are also problems that continue to accelerate the loss of plant biodiversity in China.  相似文献   

Summary For the 70% of New Zealand under private ownership, native biodiversity conservation has to occur within a landscape that must also provide a productive return to land owners. Recent New Zealand legislation, especially the Resource Management Act 1991, promotes sustainable management on private land by allowing for the economic and cultural well-being of local communities while providing for the protection of natural resources including native biodiversity. We suggest that, to effectively conserve native biodiversity in rural landscapes, we need to consider four key issues: (i) what might be realistic goals for native biodiversity conservation; (ii) how might we better arrange different land uses to meet both native biodiversity and production goals; (iii) what is the optimum arrangement of native biodiversity; and (iv) how native biodiversity conservation can improve productive returns to land managers. Options to enhance native biodiversity conservation include a variety of incentives (e.g. management agreements, financial incentives and regulatory systems) and onsite management options (e.g. remnant management, restoration plantings, weed and pest control, use of native species for commercial and amenity purposes, use of exotic species to facilitate native biodiversity). The importance of taking a landscape-based rather than a paddock-based approach to management is emphasized.  相似文献   

Illegal wildlife trade in the Himalayan region of China   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
The Himalayan region of China, with its rich biodiversity, used to be important for hunting and collecting of medicinal plants. In the past decades, conservation attitudes and legislation for wildlife conservation have developed rapidly in China. Increasing numbers of species are listed in the state protection list and local protection lists. In the Himalayan region, the area of natural reserves is high accounting for 70% of total area of natural reserves in China. However, wildlife in Himalayan region is suffering from illegal hunting and trade even after China has enforced the China Wildlife Protection Law (CWPL). The illegal wildlife trade and smuggling across Sino-neighbouring country borders and illegal wildlife trade related to domestic use flourish in the region. Although domestic illegal trade has declined in the past ten years, international illegal trade and smuggling continue, and are even expanding, thereby threatening survival of many endangered species such as the Tibetan antelope (Pantholops hodgsoni), Giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) and Saker Falcon (Falco cherrug). Illegal wildlife trade in the region is attributed to four factors. First, the CWPL is still imperfect, especially concerning illegal trade and smuggling across borders. Second, CWPL is not fully enforced. Third, infrastructure in many nature reserves is undeveloped and human resources are lacking. Fourth, protection is hampered by differences in the laws of neighbouring countries, differences in penalties and in degrees of protection. Furthermore, national legislation is often not fully enforced in areas that are inhabited mainly by tribal and minority communities.  相似文献   

中国生物多样性就地保护成效与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王伟  李俊生 《生物多样性》2021,29(2):133-1754
生物多样性就地保护是指通过开展自然保护地体系的建立与管理, 结合自然保护地以外其他有效的基于区域的保护措施(other effective area-based conservation measures, OECMs), 从而实现物种种群及其栖息地的保护与恢复以及保障和提升生态系统服务的目标。就地保护是实现2020年全球生物多样性保护目标最为重要的措施之一。本文从自然保护地数量与面积、代表性、有效性, 以及其他生物多样性就地保护措施等方面, 整理和综述了国内外近年来的相关报道。总体来看, 我国基本建立了具有中国特色的生物多样性就地保护与管理体系, 实施了各项生物多样性保护恢复措施, 取得了一系列重大进展。自然保护地的面积和数量均呈现上升趋势, 已覆盖陆域国土面积的18%, 对一些重要生态系统及重点保护物种的保护取得了一定成效。正在建设的10处国家公园体制试点提升了部分重点物种的保护连通性。自然保护区总体管理状况相对较好, 保护了90%以上的哺乳动物和97%的兰科植物。此外, 其他有效的基于区域的保护措施亦为生物多样性就地保护贡献了民间力量。在此基础上, 本文对照《中国生物多样性保护战略与行动计划(2011-2030年)》中对“加强生物多样性就地保护”的各项要求, 分析总结了当前我国生物多样性就地保护仍然存在的问题与不足, 具体表现在以下几个方面: 自然保护地整体保护能力仍有待提升; 生物多样性保护优先区域仍然存在保护空缺; 自然保护区管理质量有待提升; 缺乏公共协商机制; 自然保护地以外的其他就地保护工作仍在探索阶段等。在此基础上, 对将来我国生物多样性就地保护提出了进一步建议与展望: (1)制定更为具体和量化的生物多样性就地保护目标; (2)加大力度减少物种受威胁程度, 特别是受关注较少的物种; (3)以保障和提升生态系统服务为目标, 提升生态系统保护修复的系统性与整体性; (4)加强自然保护地以外的生物多样性就地保护; (5)完善长期监测体系, 为生物多样性就地保护成效评估提供数据支撑。本文可为“2020年后全球生物多样性框架”特别是就地保护目标的制定与实施提供参考。  相似文献   

巴西是世界上生物多样性最丰富的国家之一,同时也曾一度是世界遗传资源的主要提供者。巴西很早就意识到保护本国生物遗传资源的重要性,巴西政府于2001年发布了《巴西保护生物多样性和遗传资源暂行条例》。随后又对《暂行条例》进行了数十次修订,直到2015年由总统签署以宪法修正案的形式通过了《生物多样性保护法》(第13.123号法律)。巴西立法对有关概念和术语做了比《名古屋议定书》更为详细的区分和解释,并分别对生物遗传资源与传统知识的获取、审批、转让、惠益分享、行政处罚等内容做出了规定。为了更好地管理生物遗传资源,巴西还成立了"遗传资源委员会(CGEN)",并建立了"国家惠益分享基金(FNRB)"。中国与巴西同属生物多样性大国,且国情相似,本文对巴西遗传资源立法过程及其在遗传资源获取程序、管理机构、惠益分享等方面的相关规定进行了系统整理分析,为国内立法提供参考依据。  相似文献   

野生蜜蜂及其传粉作用的研究现状   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
传粉是维持与提升生物多样性的重要生态过程。膜翅目蜜蜂总科昆虫是自然界中最重要的传粉者, 但对野生蜜蜂的研究一直以来非常薄弱, 如野生蜜蜂类群的资源调查、种类的准确鉴别、营巢生物学与传粉生物学研究等方面。目前, 生物多样性与保护生物学方面的工作越来越多地涉及野生蜜蜂与植物的相互关系, 地方植物区系与农林作物的传粉生物学基础研究与应用项目也引起重视。本文综述了国内外野生蜜蜂的研究现状, 期望从分类学、营巢生物学与传粉生物学等方面推动野生蜜蜂传粉在农林业生产实践中的应用。  相似文献   

SOS!濒临极限的生物多样性   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文论述了生物多样性的价值、多样性丧失的严重性和后果,以及多样性保护与持续利用的对策。文中强调指出,生物界中的每片基因,每一个物种,每一类生态系统对人类的持久生存都是无价之宝,任何多样性的丧失都是不可逆、不可再生的,因而对人类的损失是难以估量的。然而目前由于人类剧烈的活动干扰如滥砍滥伐、滥捕滥猎、环境污染、火灾、垦荒等,生物多样性丧失的速率怵目惊心!若不赶快行动起来,人类赖以生存的生物多样性将所剩无几,人类生存的危机也将难以避免。从保护与利用及其协同发展出发,本文呼吁要大力开展生物多样性的研究和开发工作,目的一方面在于进一步加强生物多样性的基础调查和研究工作,另一方面在于使生物多样性资源更好地为人类造福。为减缓目前生物多样性所承受的压力及促进其恢复,本文建议对完全依赖野生生物资源的传统产业征收“资源更新税”;而对开发和利用生物多样性资源,不仅不影响野生资源,而且能替代它,或减缓其压力,或促进其恢复的高新技术产业,在税收上给予特别优惠。  相似文献   

人口的增长和自然资源的有限性决定了很难把更多的土地用于生物多样性的保护。通过BMAS(生物多样性管理面积选取)模型与GIS(地理信息系统)的结合,可以用尽可能少的土地资源实现一定水平的生物多样性的保护。该方法初步在西双版纳的勐拉县进行了应用。与现实自然保护区面积的对比,用模型选区自然保护区有显著效果。该方法在保护与发展矛盾尖锐的发展中国家非常适用。  相似文献   

高黎贡山地区民族植物学的研究Ⅰ.勒墨人   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
应用民族植物学的方法,对生活在云南西部高黎贡山东坡的勒墨人进行了调查。主要研究结果如下勒墨人对野生植物及环境有较大的依赖性;从 事刀耕火种轮歇栽培,并种植漆树(Toxicodendron vernicifiuum)和桤木(Alnus nepalensis)以促进轮歇地的休闲管理;栽培和管理漆树、收割生漆交换或出售,是勒墨人轮歇农业的一大特色;他们采集利用60余种野生食用植物和100余种药用植物,云黄连(Coptis teeta)和贝母(Fritillaria cirrhosa)等重要药材用于同外界进行物资交换;在对自然界的崇拜过程中,勒墨人对当地生物多样性的保护起到了积极的作用。  相似文献   

《昆明-蒙特利尔全球生物多样性框架》制定了未来一段时期全球范围内生物多样性保护的重要行动,包括将生物多样性及其多重价值纳入经济和社会活动的主流。中国作为联合国《生物多样性公约》(CBD)缔约方之一,在持续推进生物多样性主流化方面作出了不懈努力且成效显著。该文通过探讨解析生物多样性主流化的概念内涵,梳理总结我国生物多样性主流化的具体实践和阶段成效,对标《昆明-蒙特利尔全球生物多样性框架》目标,围绕政府、企业、公众不同行为主体,提出新时期我国全方位推进生物多样性主流化的4个主要实施路径:(1)引入统一的行动框架;(2)发挥政府治理的主导作用;(3)联动企业采取共同行动;(4)提高公众意识以促进其广泛参与,致力于将生物多样性融入各级政府部门政策机制及社会生产生活实践活动中,为完善生物多样性治理决策提供参考。  相似文献   

中国实施2020年全球生物多样性目标的进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对日益严峻的生物多样性丧失形势,国际社会于2010年通过了《生物多样性战略计划》(2011-2020年)。该战略计划确定了2020年全球生物多样性目标。采用“压力-状态-惠益-响应”模型,建立了评估2020年目标进展的指标体系。该指标体系包括生物多样性现状、生态系统服务、压力和响应4个方面,涉及17个一级指标、42个二级指标。研究表明,除目标2、16和18因缺乏相应指标无法评估外,目标1、3、4、5、7、10、11、14、15、17、19、20的相关评估指标均有不同程度的改善,表明这些目标的实施正沿着正确的轨道推进,特别是目标3(鼓励措施)、目标5(减少生境退化和丧失)、目标11(强化保护区系统和有效管理)、目标14(恢复和保障重要生态系统服务)、目标15(增强生态系统的复原力和碳储量)进展较大;但目标5中的草原生态系统保护,目标6(可持续渔业)、目标8(控制环境污染)、目标9(防治外来入侵物种)、目标12(保护受威胁物种)、目标13(保护遗传资源)的相关评估指标大多呈现恶化的趋势,表明虽然已开展了大量工作,但尚需采取更加有效的策略和措施才能实现这些目标。今后应进一步开发生物多样性价值、可持续消费、生态退化、农林渔业对生物多样性的影响、气候变化对生物多样性的影响、保护区的生态代表性和管理有效性、遗传资源和相关传统知识的获取与惠益分享等方面的指标,更加重视生态功能和生物多样性的恢复,重视濒危物种和遗传资源的保护以及外来入侵物种的防控。  相似文献   

黄河流域生态保护与高质量发展已上升为重大国家战略, 研究黄河流域的生物多样性保护策略具有重要意义。本文将“为实现生物多样性保护和可持续利用的全球三类分区”实施框架(简称“三类分区框架”)应用于黄河流域。该框架将国土空间分为城市与农田(C1景观)、共享景观(C2景观)和大面积荒野(C3景观)三类分区。基于该框架, 首先描述了黄河流域三类分区的空间格局; 进而基于文献研究, 识别了黄河流域三类分区中5类生物多样性的直接威胁因素, 包括栖息地丧失和退化、气候变化、污染、过度开发与不可持续的利用和外来物种入侵; 最后以系统性的思路从国土空间规划、自然保护地、生态城市、生态农业、生态工程和河流生态系统6个方面, 提出黄河流域的生物多样性保护策略。本文的分析框架也有潜力应用于其他区域的生物多样性保护策略研究。  相似文献   

本文从属、种及地史文献资料三方面对高黎贡山五加科植物进行了植物地理学研究。结果表明:1.高黎贡山五加科植物包括15属56种及13变种。2.从起源来看,高黎贡山五加科植物以热带起源为主,热带属占66.7%(10属),温带属占33.3%(5属),而与地中海地区和中亚地区的联系十分微弱。3.从种的分布区式样来看:高黎贡山五加科植物以温带分布型为主,温带分布型的物种占全科种数的88.4%(61种),这一统计结果与属的统计结果(66.7%)的属系热带属)形成很大的反差,其原因在于掸邦一马来亚板块上的高黎贡山植物区系源于赤道热带,在板块位移过程中,随着高黎贡山的北移,喜马拉雅山脉的强烈隆升,五加科这一起源于热带的古老木本植物,因不适于比赤道带冷得多的气候环境而先后被淘汰,部分属种则在新的环境中经过适应、演化和重新分化,除个别热带属的北缘种在高黎贡山北端独龙江河谷中幸存下来(如树参属Dendropanax)以外,其余新分化出来的植物则是温带性的(如常春木属Merrilliopanax),因此,现在高黎贡山五加科植物区系中,热带起源的属多于温带属,但温带种大大多于热带种。所有这些成分中,中国一喜马拉雅分布的成分(15种)和中国特有的成分(43种)构成了高黎贡山五加科植物区系的基本骨架,这些成分标志着高黎贡山五加科植物区系的东亚温带性质。4.高黎贡山五加科植物特有现象突出。一方面表现在种类丰富,计有中国特有类群22种和变种,云南特有类群12种和变种,高黎贡山特有类群9种,另一方面表现在特有类群的丰富度与纬度成正比,就高黎贡山特有种来说,北段(贡山)的特有类群(8种和变种)远远多于南段的腾冲(仅1种)。5.由于掸邦一马来亚板块位移对高黎贡山生物区系的影响,部分高黎贡山五加科植物从滇东南或滇南至高黎贡山的一些连续分布区被间断为滇西北与滇东南的对角分布式样(如少毛云南 木Aralia thomosonii var. glaerescens,单枝五叶参Pentapanax leschenaultii var.simplex,拟白背叶鹅掌柴Schefflerahy poleucoides),而与此同时,在云南形成了一条从滇西北一滇东南走向的生态地理对角线,由于该对角线的形成,导致部分五加科植物仅能在对角线以西及以南生存和繁衍(如大叶鹅掌柴Schefflera macrophylla)。  相似文献   

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