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Chronic mast cell activation is a characteristic feature of asthma. BEAS-2B human airway epithelial cells (AEC) profoundly inhibit both constitutive and IgE-dependent human lung mast cell (HLMC) histamine release. The aim of this study was to examine the regulation of HLMC degranulation by primary AEC from healthy and asthmatic subjects, and investigate further the inhibitory mechanism.


HLMC were co-cultured with both BEAS-2B and primary AEC grown as monolayers or air-liquid interface (ALI) cultures.


Both constitutive and IgE-dependent HLMC histamine release were attenuated by BEAS-2B, primary AEC monolayers and ALI cultures. This occurred in the absence of HLMC-AEC contact indicating the presence of a soluble factor. Unlike healthy ALI AEC, asthmatic ALI-AEC did not significantly reduce constitutive histamine release. AEC inhibitory activity was transferable in primary AEC monolayer supernatant, but less active than with Transwell co-culture, suggesting that the inhibitory factor was labile. The AEC inhibitory effects were attenuated by both AEC wounding and pertussis toxin, indicating the involvement of a G0/Gi receptor coupled mechanism. Solid phase extraction of lipids (<10 kDa) removed the AEC inhibitory activity. The lipid derivatives resolvin D1 and D2 and lipoxin A4 attenuated HLMC histamine release in a dose-dependent fashion but were not detectable in co-culture supernatants.


Primary AEC suppress HLMC constitutive and IgE-dependent histamine secretion through the release of a soluble, labile lipid mediator(s) that signals through the G0/Gi receptor coupled mechanism. Manipulation of this interaction may have a significant therapeutic role in asthma.  相似文献   

Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) describes chronic inflammatory conditions of the gastrointestinal tract, and TNF-alpha plays a pivotal role in mediating the response. The proinflammatory cytokine TNF-alpha is rapidly released by mast cells after degranulation. In the present study, we hypothesized TNF-alpha to be an important player in our recently described mast cell-dependent murine model for IBD. The effect of neutralizing anti-TNF-alpha MAb was studied on colonic hypersensitivity in mice induced by a skin application of dinitrofluorobenzene (DNFB) followed by an intrarectal challenge with dinitrobenzene sulfonic acid. Features of the colonic hypersensitivity response included diarrhea, mast cell infiltration and activation, infiltration of inflammatory cells in the colon, colonic patch hypertrophy, and increased mast cell-derived TNF-alpha levels in the colon. Anti-TNF-alpha MAb could effectively abrogate diarrhea in DNFB-sensitized mice 72 h after the challenge. The numbers of colonic patches and total tissue damage scores were reduced by anti-TNF-alpha MAb treatment in DNFB-sensitized mice 72 h after the challenge. Mast cell infiltration and activation remained unaffected by neutralizing anti-TNF-alpha MAb. Treatment with the corticosteroid dexamethasone, a frequently used therapeutic treatment in IBD, resulted in a reduction of diarrhea, cellular infiltration, and total tissue damage scores to the same extent as anti-TNF-alpha MAb. Additionally, dexamethasone treatment could also reduce total TNF-alpha levels in the colon, mast cell numbers, and mast cell activation in both vehicle- and DNFB-sensitized mice 72 h after the challenge. These findings suggest that TNF-alpha can play an instrumental role in causing inflammatory responses in the present murine model for IBD downstream from mast cell activation.  相似文献   

Historical accounts of alcohol administration to patients with breathing problems suggest that alcohol may have bronchodilating properties. We hypothesized that acute alcohol exposure will alter airway responsiveness (AR) in mice. To test this hypothesis, C57BL/6 mice were fed either 20% alcohol in drinking water (fed) or received a single intraperitoneal (ip) injection of alcohol (3 g/kg). Control groups received regular drinking water or ip saline. AR was assessed by means of ventilation or barometric plethysmography and reported as either total lung resistance or enhanced pause for each group of mice. To confirm alcohol exposure, elevated blood alcohol levels were documented. Alcohol feeding significantly blocked methacholine-triggered AR compared with water-fed controls. Comparable blunting of AR was also accomplished through a single ip injection of alcohol when compared with saline-injected controls. The alcohol response was slowly reversible in both routes of administration after withdrawal of alcohol: AR attenuation by alcohol persisted 12-20 h (ip) or up to 2 wk (fed) after blood alcohol cleared consistent with a sustained bronchodilator effect. These data demonstrate that brief alcohol exposure blunts AR in this murine model of alcohol exposure suggesting a role for alcohol in the modulation of bronchial motor tone.  相似文献   

Cerebellar granule neurons grown in high potassium undergo rapid apoptosis when switched to medium containing 5 mm potassium, a stimulus mimicking deafferentation. This cell death can be blocked by genetic deletion of Bax, a member of the pro-apoptotic Bcl-2 family, cycloheximide an inhibitor of macromolecular synthesis or expression of dominant-negative c-jun. These observations suggest that Bax activation is the result of c-jun target gene(s) up-regulation following trophic withdrawal. Candidate genes include the BH3-only Bcl-2 family members Dp5 and Bim. The molecular mechanisms underlying granule cell neuronal apoptosis in response to low potassium were investigated using CEP-1347 (KT7515), an inhibitor of the MLK family of JNKKK. CEP-1347 provided protection of potassium-serum-deprived granule cells, but such neuroprotection was not long term. The incomplete protection was not due to incomplete blockade of the JNK signaling pathway because c-jun phosphorylation as well as induction of c-jun RNA and protein were completely blocked by CEP-1347. Following potassium-serum deprivation the JNKK MKK4 becomes phosphorylated, an event blocked by CEP-1347. Cells that die in the presence of CEP-1347 activate caspases; and dual inhibition of caspases and MLKs has additive, not synergistic, effects on survival. A lack of synergism was also seen with the p38 inhibitor SB203580, indicating that the neuroprotective effect of the JNK pathway inhibitor cannot be explained by p38 activation. Activation of the JNK signaling pathway seems to be a key event in granule cell apoptosis, but these neurons cannot survive long term in the absence of sustained PI3 kinase signaling.  相似文献   



This study seeks to compare the ability of repeatable invasive and noninvasive lung function methods to assess allergen-specific and cholinergic airway responsiveness (AR) in intact, spontaneously breathing BALB/c mice.


Using noninvasive head-out body plethysmography and the decrease in tidal midexpiratory flow (EF50), we determined early AR (EAR) to inhaled Aspergillus fumigatus antigens in conscious mice. These measurements were paralleled by invasive determination of pulmonary conductance (GL), dynamic compliance (Cdyn) and EF50 in another group of anesthetized, orotracheally intubated mice.


With both methods, allergic mice, sensitized and boosted with A. fumigatus, elicited allergen-specific EAR to A. fumigatus (p < 0.05 versus controls). Dose-response studies to aerosolized methacholine (MCh) were performed in the same animals 48 h later, showing that allergic mice relative to controls were distinctly more responsive (p < 0.05) and revealed acute airway inflammation as evidenced from increased eosinophils and lymphocytes in bronchoalveolar lavage.


We conclude that invasive and noninvasive pulmonary function tests are capable of detecting both allergen-specific and cholinergic AR in intact, allergic mice. The invasive determination of GL and Cdyn is superior in sensitivity, whereas the noninvasive EF50 method is particularly appropriate for quick and repeatable screening of respiratory function in large numbers of conscious mice.  相似文献   

Staphylococcus aureus, a primary source of bacterial superantigen (SAg), is known to colonize the human respiratory tract and has been implicated in airway inflammation. Studies have documented a role for SAgs in respiratory disorders, such as nasal polyps, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, chronic rhinosinusitis, and asthma. However, cellular and molecular mediators involved in SAg-mediated pulmonary disease have not been clearly identified. In this study, we investigated the effect of intranasal staphylococcal enterotoxin A (SEA) exposure on murine lung. The pathological features in the lung resulting from SEA exposure had characteristics of both obstructive and restrictive pulmonary disorders. There was also an increase in bronchoalveolar lavage protein concentration and cellularity following SEA challenge. Massive CD8(+)Vbeta3(+) T cell accumulation observed in the lung was dependent on CD4 T cell help, both for recruitment and for IFN-gamma synthesis. The primary source of IFN-gamma synthesis was CD8 T cells, and depletion of these cells abrogated disease. IFN-gamma deficiency also prevented SEA-mediated disease, and this was by enhancing early recruitment of neutrophils as detected in the bronchoalveolar lavage. Thus, IFN-gamma appeared to selectively aid the recruitment of T cells to the lungs while preventing the neutrophil accumulation. Therefore, our results show that IFN-gamma-producing CD8 T cells mediated pulmonary alveolitis and inflammation, which were dependent upon CD4 T cells for their recruitment to the lung.  相似文献   

The involvement of mast cells in anti-tumor resistance was studied by employing 2 strains of mast cell deficient but otherwise immunocompetent mice on a C57BL/6 (H-2b) background (W/Wv and Sl/Sld) and their respective normal +/+ littermate controls. Sensitization of control mice with irradiated semisyngeneic B16 melanoma cells (H-2b) resulted in protection against subsequent challenge with viable B16 cells, in contrast to sensitization of either W/Wv or Sl/Sld mice. The involvement of serotonin in antitumor resistance was studied by employing 2 serotonin active drugs: reserpine, that depletes mast cells of serotonin; and methysergide, a serotonin antagonist. Sensitization of BDF1 mice with irradiated B16 cells and sensitization of DBA/2 mice (H-2d) with irradiated SL2 cells (H-2d) resulted in protection against subsequent challenge with viable B16 cells and viable SL2 cells, respectively. Treatment with either reserpine or methysergide resulted in a decreased protection. Delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) footpad responses to allogeneic L5178Y (H-2d) tumor cells in C57BL/6 mice showed a biphasic reaction pattern, similar to that found in DTH responses to simple reactive haptens, such as picryl chloride. Moreover, the early swelling responses were also dependent on T cells and on mast cells. BDF1 mice carrying a semisyngeneic L5178Y tumor on the chest showed an early swelling response after footpad challenge but no late response, possibly indicating that selective down regulation of the late component of DTH was associated with progressive tumor growth in these animals. The biphasic patterns of DTH to both tumor cells and picryl chloride and the T cell and mast cell dependence of both antitumor resistance and DTH to tumor cells suggest that T cell-dependent activation of mast cells to allow entry of mononuclear leukocytes into sites of tumor growth is similar to the mechanism that occurs in DTH.  相似文献   

Diabetes has been reported to modulate the airway smooth muscle reactivity and lead to attenuation of allergic inflammatory response in the lungs. In this study, we aimed to study the effect of insulin on cell activation and airway responsiveness in patients with diabetes mellitus (DM). The airway contraction in rat model groups including a non‐DM group, a non‐DM+INDUCTION group, a DM+INDUCTION group and a DM+INDUCTION+INSULIN group was measured to observe the effect of insulin on airway responsiveness. Radioenzymatic assay was conducted to measure the levels of histamine, and ELISA assay was conducted to measure bronchial levels of interleukin (IL)‐1b, tumour necrosis factor (TNF)‐a, cytokine‐induced neutrophil chemoattractant (CINC)‐1, P‐selectin and β‐hexosaminidase. The tension in the main and intrapulmonary bronchi of DM+INDUCTION rats was lower than that of the non‐DM+INDUCTION rats, whereas the treatment of insulin partly restored the normal airway responsiveness to OA in DM rats. The release of histamine was remarkably suppressed in DM+INDUCTION rats but was recovered by the insulin treatment. Also, OA significantly increased the levels of IL‐1b, TNF‐a, CINC‐1 and P‐selectin in non‐DM rats, whereas insulin treatment in DM+INDUCTION rats partly restored the normal levels of IL‐1b, TNF‐a, CINC‐1 and P‐selectin in DM rats. Moreover, the expression of IR and IGF1R was evidently suppressed in DM rats, with the methylation of both IR and IGF1R promoters was aggravated in DM rats. Therefore, we demonstrated that DM‐induced hypermethylation inhibited mast cell activation and airway responsiveness, which could be reversed by insulin treatment.  相似文献   

Beta-adrenergic receptor antagonists are currently used as first-line therapy in the treatment of hypertension and angina pectoris, but are contraindicated or used with caution in patients with bronchospastic syndromes. In this study we evaluated in vivo the effects of nebivolol on airway responsiveness compared to atenolol, pindolol, and propranolol. In New Zealand white rabbits total lung resistance (R(L)) and dynamic compliance (Cdyn) were calculated. In acute protocol, the animals were intravenously injected with the beta-blockers at different doses while in the chronic protocol, animals were daily injected for 30 days. Furthermore, the changes induced by beta-blockers (higher doses) in R(L) and Cdyn after a treatment with salbutamol were calculated. In acute treatment, airway responsiveness to histamine was not modified by nebivolol at any dosage, but increased significantly following the exposure to the higher doses of the other beta-blockers. In chronic treatment, the thirty-day exposure to nebivolol, did not modify the airway responsiveness to histamine, whereas the other beta-blockers significantly increased airway responsiveness. Moreover, nebivolol affected the salbutamol-induced relaxation less markedly than other beta-blockers do. These data demonstrate that nebivolol respect the other beta-blockers used in this study, does not significantly affect the airway responsiveness, therefore it could be used in patients with both cardiovascular and bronchial diseases more safely than other beta-blockers drugs.  相似文献   

The mouse is the most extensively studied animal species in respiratory research, yet the technologies available to assess airway function in conscious mice are not universally accepted. We hypothesized that whole body plethysmography employing noninvasive restraint (RWBP) could be used to quantify specific airway resistance (sRaw-RWBP) and airway responsiveness in conscious mice. Methacholine responses were compared using sRaw-RWBP vs. airway resistance by the forced oscillation technique (Raw-FOT) in groups of C57, A/J, and BALB/c mice. sRaw-RWBP was also compared with sRaw derived from double chamber plethysmography (sRaw-DCP) in BALB/c. Finally, airway responsiveness following allergen challenge in BALB/c was measured using RWBP. sRaw-RWBP in C57, A/J, and BALB/c mice was 0.51 +/- 0.03, 0.68 +/- 0.03, and 0.63 +/- 0.05 cm/s, respectively. sRaw derived from Raw-FOT and functional residual capacity (Raw*functional residual capacity) was 0.095 cm/s, approximately one-fifth of sRaw-RWBP in C57 mice. The intra- and interanimal coefficients of variations were similar between sRaw-RWBP (6.8 and 20.1%) and Raw-FOT (3.4 and 20.1%, respectively). The order of airway responsiveness employing sRaw-RWBP was AJ > BALBc > C57 and for Raw-FOT was AJ > BALB/c = C57. There was no difference between the airway responsiveness assessed by RWBP vs. DCP; however, baseline sRaw-RWBP was significantly lower than sRaw-DCP. Allergen challenge caused a progressive decrease in the provocative concentration of methacholine that increased sRaw to 175% postsaline values based on sRaw-RWBP. In conclusion, the technique of RWBP was rapid, reproducible, and easy to perform. Airway responsiveness measured using RWBP, DCP, and FOT was equivalent. Allergen responses could be followed longitudinally, which may provide greater insight into the pathogenesis of chronic airway disease.  相似文献   

Allergic asthma is characterized by infiltration of eosinophils, elevated Th2 cytokine levels, airway hyperresponsiveness, and IgE. In addition to eosinophils, mast cells, and basophils, a variety of cytokines are also involved in the development of allergic asthma. The pivotal role of eosinophils in the progression of the disease has been a subject of controversy. To determine the role of eosinophils in the progression of airway inflammation, we sensitized and challenged BALB/c wild-type (WT) mice and eosinophil-deficient ΔdblGATA mice with ovalbumin (OVA) and analyzed different aspects of inflammation. We observed increased eosinophil levels and a Th2-dominant response in OVA-challenged WT mice. In contrast, eosinophil-deficient ΔdblGATA mice displayed an increased proportion of mast cells and a Th17-biased response following OVA inhalation. Notably, the levels of IL-33, an important cytokine responsible for Th2 immune deviation, were not different between WT and eosinophil-deficient mice. We also demonstrated that mast cells induced Th17-differentiation via IL-33/ST2 stimulation in vitro. These results indicate that eosinophils are not essential for the development of allergic asthma and that mast cells can skew the immune reaction predominantly toward Th17 responses via IL-33 stimulation.  相似文献   

Recent studies with thymocytes have suggested a critical role for intracellular potassium in the regulation of apoptosis. In this study, we examined the pathways of K(+) regulation during ovarian cell death. In initial studies, fluorographic analysis demonstrated a significant loss of K(+) during apoptosis stimulated by doxorubicin in oocytes and trophic hormone deprivation in granulosa cells. In oocytes, suppression of potassium efflux by potassium-enriched medium prevented condensation, budding, and fragmentation, although it did not block DNA degradation, suggesting the existence of potassium-independent nucleases in oocytes. Culture of granulosa cells in potassium-enriched medium inhibited internucleosomal DNA cleavage, although high-molecular weight DNA cleavage was apparent, suggesting that the nuclease or nucleases responsible for generating 50-kilobase (kb) fragments in these cells is potassium independent. To address this directly, isolated granulosa cell nuclei were stimulated to autodigest their DNA, and internucleosomal, but not large-fragment, cleavage was completely blocked by 150 mM potassium. We next examined whether the proapoptotic caspases are targets for potassium regulation. In cell-free assays, processing of pro-interleukin-1beta and proteolysis of cellular actin by recombinant caspase-1 and caspase-3, respectively, were suppressed by the presence of 150 mM potassium. Other monovalent ions (NaCl, LiCl) exerted a similar effect in these cell-free assays. Thus, in oocytes and granulosa cells, potassium efflux appears to occur early in the cell death program and may regulate a number of apoptotic events including caspase activity and internucleosomal DNA cleavage. However, there also exist novel potassium-independent pathways in both ovarian germ cells and somatic cells that signal certain apoptotic events, such as large-fragment DNA cleavage.  相似文献   

Thrombin exerts a number of effects on skeletal myoblasts in vitro. It stimulates proliferation and intracellular calcium mobilization and inhibits differentiation and apoptosis induced by serum deprivation in these cells. Many cellular responses to thrombin are mediated by protease-activated receptor-1 (PAR-1). Expression of PAR-1 is present in mononuclear myoblasts in vitro, but repressed when fusion occurs to form myotubes. In the current study, we used PAR-1-null mice to determine which of thrombin's effects on myoblasts are mediated by PAR-1. Thrombin inhibited fusion almost as effectively in cultures prepared from the muscle of PAR-1-null myoblasts as in cultures prepared from wild-type mice. Apoptosis was inhibited as effectively in PAR-1-null myoblasts as in wild-type myoblasts. These effects in PAR-1-null myoblasts were mediated by a secreted inhibitor of apoptosis and fusion, as demonstrated previously for normal rat myoblasts. Thrombin failed to induce an intracellular calcium response in PAR-1-null myoblast cultures, although these cells were able to mobilize intracellular calcium in response to activation of other receptors. PAR-1-null myoblasts also failed to proliferate in response to thrombin. These results demonstrate that thrombin's effects on myoblast apoptosis and fusion are not mediated by PAR-1 and that PAR-1 is the only thrombin receptor capable of inducing proliferation and calcium mobilization in neonatal mouse myoblasts.  相似文献   

A sine quanon of hyperresponsive airway disease in asthmatic subjects is the lackof a maximal response with increasing doses of aerosol agonistchallenge. Normal subjects, however, often appear toexhibit an airway response plateau effect even when challenged withhigh concentrations of agonist. To investigate this question of maximalnarrowing in individual airways in vivo, we used high-resolutioncomputed tomography to visualize canine airways narrowed by two routesof agonist challenge. We compared airway narrowing induced bymethacholine (MCh) via the conventional aerosol route to that caused bylocal atomization of MCh directly to individual airways. Our resultsshowed that, with aerosol challenge, airway responses never reached atruly flat plateau even at the highest possible nebulizerconcentrations. Airway closure was never observed. However, when MChwas delivered directly to the airway luminal surface, airways could beeasily narrowed to complete closure at modest (10 mg/ml) agonistconcentrations. Thus neither the elastic recoil of the lung norlimitations of smooth muscle shortening can be responsible for theapparent plateauing of dose-response curves. We suggest that theplateau results from limitations associated with the delivery of highconcentration of agonists via the aerosol route.




Short-term exposure to high concentrations of ozone has been shown to increase airway hyper-responsiveness (AHR). Because the changes in AHR and airway inflammation and structure after chronic ozone exposure need to be determined, the goal of this study was to investigate these effects in a murine model of allergic airway disease.


We exposed BALB/c mice to 2 ppm ozone for 4, 8, and 12 weeks. We measured the enhanced pause (Penh) to methacholine and performed cell differentials in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid. We quantified the levels of IL-4 and IFN-γ in the supernatants of the bronchoalveolar lavage fluids using enzyme immunoassays, and examined the airway architecture under light and electron microscopy.


The groups exposed to ozone for 4, 8, and 12 weeks demonstrated decreased Penh at methacholine concentrations of 12.5, 25, and 50 mg/ml, with a dose-response curve to the right of that for the filtered-air group. Neutrophils and eosinophils increased in the group exposed to ozone for 4 weeks compared to those in the filtered-air group. The ratio of IL-4 to INF-γ increased significantly after exposure to ozone for 8 and 12 weeks compared to the ratio for the filtered-air group. The numbers of goblet cells, myofibroblasts, and smooth muscle cells showed time-dependent increases in lung tissue sections from the groups exposed to ozone for 4, 8, and 12 weeks.


These findings demonstrate that the increase in AHR associated with the allergic airway does not persist during chronic ozone exposure, indicating that airway remodeling and adaptation following repeated exposure to air pollutants can provide protection against AHR.

Interferon (IFN) has been part of the standard treatment of chronic hepatitis B infection for more than 2 decades, yet the mechanism of action of this antiviral remains poorly understood. It was recently observed that members of the human APOBEC family of cytidine deaminases endowed with anti-hepatitis B virus (HBV) activity are upregulated by type I and II IFNs. However, we demonstrated that, in tissue culture, these cellular enzymes are not essential effectors of the anti-HBV action of these cytokines. Here, we show that murine APOBEC3 (muA3) can also block HBV replication. While expressed at low levels in the mouse liver at baseline, muA3 is upregulated upon IFN induction. However, in HBV-transgenic muA3 knockout mice, IFN induction blocked HBV DNA production as efficiently as in control HBV-transgenic muA3-competent animals. We conclude that APOBEC3 is not an essential mediator of the IFN-mediated inhibition of HBV in vivo.  相似文献   

To determine the characteristics and reproducibility of circadian rhythms of airway responsiveness to histamine and methacholine and their relationship to airway tone in patients with mild asthma, we studied nine subjects with complaints of nighttime awakening due to dyspnea and/or cough at least once a week. Their mean age was 31.4 yr (range 17-65) and their mean daytime FEV1 was 99 +/- 14 (SD) % predicted. Forced expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV1) and the provocative concentrations of histamine and methacholine necessary to decrease FEV1 by 20% (PC20FEV1) were determined every 4 h for 13 consecutive measurements. Three subjects were measured with histamine, three with methacholine, and three with both histamine and methacholine. Data were evaluated on an individual basis. PC20FEV1 to histamine and methacholine showed significant and reproducible circadian variations in all cases (P less than 0.01 each) with a mean amplitude of 1.00 +/- 0.17 (SD) doubling concentrations for histamine and 1.35 +/- 0.29 doubling concentrations for methacholine. The amplitude of PC20FEV1 was significantly larger (P less than 0.05) and the time of maximum responsiveness was significantly earlier (P less than 0.05) with methacholine compared with histamine. FEV1 showed significant (P less than 0.05) circadian variations in three of nine subjects, and peak expiratory flow rate showed variations in two subjects. Correlation between the variations of FEV1 and PC20FEV1 was significant (P less than 0.05) in 5 of 12 cases.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The roles of gender and sex hormones in lung function and disease are complex and not completely understood. The present study examined the influence of gender on lung function and respiratory mechanics in naive mice and on acute airway inflammation and hyperresponsiveness induced by intratracheal LPS administration. Basal lung function characteristics did not differ between naive males and females, but males demonstrated significantly greater airway responsiveness than females following aerosolized methacholine challenge as evidenced by increased respiratory system resistance and elastance (p < 0.05). Following LPS administration, males developed more severe hypothermia and greater airway hyperresponsiveness than females (p < 0.05). Inflammatory indices including bronchoalveolar lavage fluid total cells, neutrophils, and TNF-alpha content were greater in males than in females 6 h following LPS administration (p < 0.05), whereas whole-lung TLR-4 protein levels did not differ among treatment groups, suggesting that differential expression of TLR-4 before or after LPS exposure did not underlie the observed inflammatory outcomes. Gonadectomy decreased airway inflammation in males but did not alter inflammation in females, whereas administration of exogenous testosterone to intact females increased their inflammatory responses to levels observed in intact males. LPS-induced airway hyperresponsiveness was also decreased in castrated males and was increased in females administered exogenous testosterone. Collectively, these data indicate that airway responsiveness in naive mice is influenced by gender, and that male mice have exaggerated airway inflammatory and functional responses to LPS compared with females. These gender differences are mediated, at least in part, by effects of androgens.  相似文献   

Lundequist A  Abrink M  Pejler G 《Biological chemistry》2006,387(10-11):1513-1519
The formation of active matrix metalloprotease-2 (MMP-2) requires the proteolytic processing of proMMP-2, a process that can occur through the formation of a ternary complex between proMMP-2, the tissue inhibitor of metalloprotease-2 and membrane type 1-MMP. However, other activation mechanisms have been suggested, and in this study we investigated whether mast cells (MCs) may play a role in the activation of proMMP-2. Murine peritoneal cells, a mixture of macrophages, lymphocytes and MCs, were cultured ex vivo. Addition of proMMP-2 to resting peritoneal cell cultures resulted in only slow conversion of proMMP-2 into the active enzyme. However, when MC degranulation was provoked using a calcium ionophore, proMMP-2 processing was markedly enhanced. When the peritoneal cell populations were depleted in MCs, proMMP-2 processing was abrogated, but was reconstituted when purified MCs were added to the depleted cultures. ProMMP-2 processing was sensitive to serine protease inhibitors, but not to inhibitors of other classes of proteases. Furthermore, proMMP-2 processing was completely abrogated in cells lacking serglycin, a proteoglycan that has previously been shown to mediate storage of a variety of MC serine proteases. Taken together, these results suggest a novel mode of proMMP-2 activation mediated by serglycin-dependent MC serine proteases.  相似文献   

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