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Nucleotide sequencing has demonstrated that the Small genome segment of Bunyaviruses contains the genetic information for two viral proteins (N and NSs) in overlapping reading frames (Akashi and Bishop, 1983; Cabradilla et al., in press). Using 3′ end-labeled genome probes, La Crosse virus (LAC) infected cells were shown to contain three leader RNAs, which start at position 1 and terminate at approximate positions 74, 95, and 115 from the 3′ end of the genome. Primer extension and S1 mapping studies have shown that LAC-infected cells contain seven mRNAs, five of which initiate at positions 1, 74, 101, 117, and 123 and two more which initiate at approximate positions 147 and 159 from the 3′ end of the Small genome segment. The existence of multiple leader RNAs and mRNAs from the Small genome segment may allow access to both overlapping reading frames by ribosomes that still initiate only at 5′ proximal AUGs, without the need to splice the mRNA.  相似文献   

Sub-cellular localization of vesicular stomatitis virus messenger RNAs.   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) messenger RNAs (mRNAs) appear to be compartmentalized within the infected HeLa cells. Analysis by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in formamide of the RNA associated with the membrane bound polyribosomes from VSV-infected cytoplasmic extracts shows predominantly one size class of VSV mRNA, which is absent from the remaining cytoplasm. These results are consistent with the mRNA for the viral glycoprotein being exclusively associated with membrane bound polysomes since the latter have been shown to synthesize mainly the virion glycoprotein in an in vitro translation system.  相似文献   

A modification of the known method for obtaining radioactive fingerprints from non-radioactive nucleic acids by labelling a digest with 5'-hydroxyl polynucleotide kinase and [gamma-32P]-ATP has been applied to RNase T1 digests from various high molecular weight virus RNAs and to ovalbumin mRNA. Fractionation of the resultant [32P]-labelled T1 RNase digests by two-dimensional polyacrylamide electrophoresis demonstrates that in the case of virus RNAs, the fingerprints thus obtained are very similar to those derived from uniformly labelled RNAs. The value of this technique is that it requires only 1-5 microgram of purified virus RNA and at least three orders of magnitude less radioactivity than is routinely employed in preparing uniformly labelled RNA.  相似文献   

The three La Crosse virus genomes are found as circular structures in the electron microscope, and the RNA ends of at least the small (S) and medium (M) segments are highly complementary. When examined for psoralen cross-linking, about half of the S, at most 1 to 2% of the M, and none of the large (L) nucleocapsid RNAs could be cross-linked in virions or at late times intracellularly, under conditions in which each free RNA reacted completely. For the S segment, genomes and antigenomes first detected intracellularly could not be cross-linked at all, and their cross-linkability increased gradually with time. Antigenomes behaved similarly to genomes in all respects. It appears that the majority of all three segments are base paired at their ends and that the limited cross-linkability reflects the accessability of the RNA within nucleocapsids to psoralen. The gradual increase in cross-linkability may be important in persistent mosquito cell infection, in which it correlates with decreased S mRNA synthesis rates, and may be part of the mechanism which this infection becomes self-limiting. The implications of double-stranded RNA panhandles within nucleocapsids are discussed.  相似文献   

C D Rao  A Kiuchi    P Roy 《Journal of virology》1983,46(2):378-383
The 3'-terminal sequences of the 10 double-stranded RNA genome segments of bluetongue virus (serotypes 10 and 11) were determined. The double-stranded RNAs were 3' labeled with [5'-32P]pCp and resolved into 10 segments by electrophoresis. After denaturation, the two complementary strands of segments 4 through 10 were resolved into fast- and slow-migrating species by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, and their 3' end sequences were determined. Complete RNase T1 digestion of the individual 3'-labeled double-stranded RNA segments yielded two labeled oligonucleotides, one of which migrated faster than the other on 20% polyacrylamide-7 M urea gels. Sequence analyses of the two oligonucleotides of segments 4 through 10 confirmed the corresponding RNA sequence data. For RNA segments 1 through 3 the oligonucleotide analyses gave comparable results. The 3'-terminal sequences of the fast-migrating RNA species were HOCAAUUU. . . ; those of the slow-migrating RNA species were HOCAUUCACA. . . . Similar results were obtained for double-stranded RNA from bluetongue virus serotypes 10 and 11. Beyond the common termini, the sequences for each segment varied considerably.  相似文献   

The relationship of the mRNAs encoding the NS1 and NS2 polypeptides of influenza virus has been investigated through synthesis and characterisation of complementary DNA copies of the mRNAs. Previous work had shown that both mRNAs are encoded by virion RNA segment 8, and that the sequences comprising the smaller of the two mRNAs (the NS2 mRNA) were also present on the NS1 mRNA. Our results indicate that the mRNA encoding the NS2 polypeptide of the avian influenza, fowl plague virus, is approximately 400 ntds long, and that its sequences correspond largely with the 3'-terminal region of the NS1 mRNA.  相似文献   

The genome and the intracellular RNAs of avian myeloblastosis virus   总被引:32,自引:0,他引:32  
Avian myeloblastosis virus (AMV) is an acute leukemia virus which causes a myeloblastic leukemia in birds and transforms myeloid hematopoietic cells in vitro. We have analyzed RNA from AMV virions and from AMV-transformed producer and nonproducer cells by gel electrophoresis followed by transfer to chemically activated paper and hybridization to several complementary DNA (cDNA) probes. Using a cDNA probe specific for AMV, we identified two RNA species of 7.2 and 2.3 kb, which were present in all AMV-transformed cells and in all AMV virion preparations examined. The 7.2 kb species, which is presumably the genome of AMV, appears to contain the entire retroviral gag gene and at least part of the pol gene, but lacks much (or all) of the env gene. Thus AMV differs from other acute leukemia viruses described to date, since the latter have genomes of 5.5 to 5.6 kb, have only part of the gag gene and lack pol sequences. The smaller RNA does not contain gag-, pol- or env-specific nucleotide sequences but does carry nucleotide sequences from both the 5' and 3' termini of the genome, suggesting that it may be a subgenomic mRNA. Both the 7.2 and 2.3 kb species were associated with the 70S RNA complex in virions. These results suggest that AMV, unlike other acute leukemia viruses, does not express its transforming gene via a gag-related "fusion" protein but rather as a (so far unidentified) protein translated from a subgenomic mRNA.  相似文献   

We have analyzed Semliki Forest virus defective interfering RNA molecules, generated by serial undiluted passaging of the virus in baby hamster kidney cells. The 42 S RNA genome (about 13 kb 2) has been greatly deleted to generate the DI RNAs, which are heterogeneous both in size (about 2 kb) and sequence content. The DI RNAs offer a system for exploring binding sites for RNA polymerase and encapsidation signals, which must have been conserved in them since they are replicated and packaged. In order to study the structural organization of DI RNAs, and to analyze which regions from the genome have been conserved, we have determined the nucleotide sequences of (1) a 2.3 kb long DI RNA molecule, DI309, (2) 3′-terminal sequences (each about 0.3 kb) of two other DI RNAs, and (3) the nucleotide sequence of 0.4 kb at the extreme 5′ end of the 42 S RNA genome.The DI309 molecule consists of a duplicated region with flanking unique terminal sequences. A 273-nucleotide sequence is present in four copies per molecule. The extreme 5′-terminal nucleotide sequence of the 42 S RNA genome is shown to contain domains that are conserved in the two DI RNAs of known structure: DI309, and the previously sequenced DI301 (Lehtovaara et al., 1981). Here we report which terminal genome sequences are conserved in the DI RNAs, and how they have been modified, rearranged or amplified.  相似文献   

T7 early messenger RNAs are the direct products of ribonuclease III cleavage   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
T7 early RNAs were synthesized in vitro by transcribing T7 DNA with Escherichia coli RNA polymerase and treating the resulting precursor molecule with ribonuelease III. Oligonucleotide fragments from the 5′ and 3′ termini of several of the cleaved species were then selectively isolated. Structural analysis revealed sequences identical to the corresponding in vivo RNAs. Thus, the T7 early RNAs found in phage-infected cells appear to be the direct products of RNAase III cleavage of a large precursor molecule. We conclude further that RNAase III action on this particular natural substrate is a sequence-specific event.  相似文献   

Initiation sites for translation of sindbis virus 42S and 26S messenger RNAs.   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
Sindbis virus 26S RNA is the principal species of virus-specific RNA found in the infected cell; it is derived from a one third segment of virion 42S RNA. When translated in cell-free extracts from mouse ascites cells or rabbit reticulocytes, 26S RNA directed the synthesis primarily of the 33,000 dalton virus capsid protein, and the protein products were in the form of free peptides rather than peptidyl-tRNA. In contrast, the polypeptides synthesized in either extract in response to Sindbis virus 42S RNA were heterogeneous, ranging in molecular weight from 33,000 to 190,000, and were largely in the form of peptidyl-tRNA. The number of independent initiation sites on the 26S and 42S RNAs was determined by analyzing a tryptic digest of reaction products labeled with yeast N-formyl-35S-methionyl-tRNAFmet. The 26S RNA appeared to contain a single initiation site, and this site could also be found in varying amounts in different preparations of 42S RNA. However, a second initiation site, distinct from that of 26S RNA, was the major site in 42S virion RNA. These results suggest that 42S virion RNA contains two potential sites for initiation of protein synthesis. Only one of these may be active, however, and it is postulated that the second site functions primarily, if not exclusively, in the subgenomic 26S RNA species. In this regard, Sindbis virus 42S RNA may represent a novel form of a eucaryotic messenger RNA.  相似文献   

It was shown that all eight RNA segments of influenza B viruses are most likely monocistronic and code for eight virus-specific polypeptides. A genetic map of the influenza B virus genome was established, and six polypeptides (P1 protein, nucleoprotein, hemagglutinin, neuraminidase, M protein, and nonstructural protein) were unambiguously assigned to specific RNA segments. Molecular weight estimates of the eight individual genes are obtained by using the glyoxal method. These results suggest that each influenza B virus RNA segment has a greater molecular weight than the influenza A virus RNA segment which codes for the analogous gene product.  相似文献   

Lampreys are very primitive vertebrates belonging to the Agnata group. Although higher vertebrates have polymeric hemoglobin molecules which are encoded by several differentially expressed genes, lampreys have monomeric hemoglobins. However, it is unclear whether one or more globin genes are present. In this paper we show that four different species of globin can be separated by electrophoresis in acetic acid-urea-Triton gels. Two of the four species are present only before metamorphosis, while the other two are present only during adult life. In order to discover whether these differences are due to post-translational modifications of a unique amino acid sequence, we extracted globin mRNAs from both larval and adult stages and translated them in vitro. We found that both larval and adult globin mRNAs produce single globin bands; however, larval and adult bands are different from each other. Our data are consistent with the idea that two different globin genes are present in lampreys and that they are differentially expressed during development.  相似文献   

A 6-12S RNA fraction has been isolated following sucrose gradient fractionation of mouse testis RNA, and further resolved into poly A+ and poly A- RNA fractions by oligo-(dt)-cellulose chromatography. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of products formed in a reticulocyte lysate-dependent cell-free translation system has enabled identification of histone variants, H1t, H2S, H2A . X, an H4-like protein and a low Mr protein (presumably TP and/or protamine). Cell-free synthesis of a number of these histone variants appears to be directed by poly A+ mRNAs.  相似文献   

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