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The objective of this study is to investigate the responses of methanogen populations to poultry waste addition by comparing the archaeal microbial populations in continuous anaerobic digesters with or without the addition of poultry waste as a co-substrate. Poultry waste was characterized as an organic/nitrogen-rich substrate for anaerobic digestion. Supplementing dilute dairy waste with poultry waste for anaerobic co-digestion to increase organic loading rate by 50% resulted in improved biogas production. Elevated ammonia derived from poultry waste did not lead to process inhibition at the organic loadings tested, demonstrating the feasibility of the anaerobic co-digestion of dairy and poultry wastes for improved treatment efficiency. The stability of the anaerobic co-digestion process was linked to the robust archaeal microbial community, which remained mostly unchanged in community structure following increases in organic loading and ammonia levels. Surprisingly, Crenarchaeota archaeal populations, instead of the Euryarchaeota methanogens, dominated the archaeal communities in the anaerobic digesters. The ecological functions of these abundant non-methanogen archaeal populations in anaerobic digestion remain to be identified.  相似文献   

Cellulosic plant and waste materials are potential resources for fermentative hydrogen production. In this study, hydrogen producing, cellulolytic cultures were enriched from compost material at 52, 60 and 70 °C. Highest cellulose degradation and highest H2 yield were 57% and 1.4 mol-H2 mol-hexose−1 (2.4 mol-H2 mol-hexose-degraded−1), respectively, obtained at 52 °C with the heat-treated (80 °C for 20 min) enrichment culture. Heat-treatments as well as the sequential enrichments decreased the diversity of microbial communities. The enrichments contained mainly bacteria from families Thermoanaerobacteriaceae and Clostridiaceae, from which a bacterium closely related to Thermoanaerobium thermosaccharolyticum was mainly responsible for hydrogen production and bacteria closely related to Clostridium cellulosi and Clostridium stercorarium were responsible for cellulose degradation.  相似文献   

Archaea are prokaryotes but some of their chaperoning systems resemble those of eukaryotes. Also, not all archaea possess the stress protein Hsp70(DnaK), in contrast with bacteria and eukaryotes, which possess it without any known exception. Further, the primary structure of the archaeal DnaK resembles more the bacterial than the eukaryotic homologues. The work reported here addresses two questions: Is the archaeal Hsp70 protein a chaperone, like its homologues in the other two phylogenetic domains? And, if so, is the chaperoning mechanism of bacterial or eukaryotic type? The data have shown that the DnaK protein of the archaeon Methanosarcina mazei functions efficiently as a chaperone in luciferase renaturation in vitro, and that it requires DnaJ, and the other bacterial-type chaperone, GrpE, to perform its function. The M. mazei DnaK chaperone activity was enhanced by interaction with the bacterial co-chaperone DnaJ, but not by the eukaryotic homologue HDJ-2. Both the bacterial GrpE and DnaJ stimulated the ATPase activity of the M. mazei DnaK. The M. mazei DnaK-dependent chaperoning pathway in vitro is similar to that of the bacterium Escherichia coli used for comparison. However, in vivo analyses indicate that there are also significant differences. The M. mazei dnaJ and grpE genes rescued E.coli mutants lacking these genes, but E.coli dnaK mutants were not complemented by the M. mazei dnaK gene. Thus, while the data from in vitro tests demonstrate functional similarities between the M. mazei and E.coli DnaK proteins, in vivo results indicate that, intracellularly, the chaperones from the two species differ.  相似文献   

The aim was to investigate pathogen survival during composting of pig manure solids with and without bulking agents in two trials of 56 days duration, each with four treatments. Salmonella was detected in the sawdust and straw bulking agents but was undetectable in the compost, except in one treatment at day 0. Enteric indicator organisms were reduced by day 7 (P<0.001) and were undetectable in the final compost, except for coliform which were present at 3.66-4.43 log?? CFU/g. Yeasts and moulds were reduced and aerobic spore-formers remained stable in one trial but both increased in the other (P<0.001). Bacillus licheniformis and Clostridium sporogenes were the predominant culturable spore-forming bacteria recovered. Microbial counts were influenced by the bulking agent but only at particular time points (P<0.05). Overall, the pig manure-derived compost complied with EU regulations for processed manure products, as E. coli and Enterococcus were below limits and it was Salmonella-free.  相似文献   

The essential oils of Guatteriopsis blepharophylla, Guatteriopsis friesiana and Guatteriopsis hispida were obtained by hydrodistillation and analysed by GC and GC/MS. The main compound found in the leaf oil of G. blepharophylla was caryophyllene oxide (1) (69.25%). The leaf oil of G. friesiana contained predominantly beta-eudesmol (2) (51.60%), gamma-eudesmol (3) (23.70%), and alpha-eudesmol (4) (14.56%). The major constituents identified in the leaf of G. hispida were beta-pinene (38.18%), alpha-pinene (30.77%) and (E)-caryophyllene (20.59%). The antimicrobial activity of the essential oils was evaluated against 11 species of microorganisms. The oil of G. friesiana exhibited significant antimicrobial activity for all microorganisms tested, whereas that of G. hispida and G. blepharophyla had potent activity against Rhodococcus equi with MIC of 50 microg mL(-1). The major constituents of each oil were also tested separately, and showed lower activity compared to the oils. Moreover, mixtures of the main constituents, in the same proportions found in G. friesiana and G. hispida oils, did not show the same activity as the original oils.  相似文献   

The archaeal community present in a sample of Mixed Thermophilic Culture-B (MTC-B) from a laboratory-scale thermophilic bioleaching reactor was investigated by temperature gradient gel electrophoresis (TGGE) and fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH). Both techniques were specifically adapted for use on native state bioleaching samples, with a view to establishing convenient means for monitoring culture composition. Using the TGGE protocol developed, the relative species composition of the thermophilic bioleaching sample was analysed, and included four phylotypes belonging to the Sulfolobales, which were related to Stygiolobus azoricus, Metallosphaera sp. J1, Acidianus infernus and Sulfurisphaera ohwakuensis. However, the St. azoricus-like phylotype was difficult to resolve and some micro-heterogeneity was observed within this phylotype. Specific FISH probes were designed to qualitatively assess the presence of the phylotypes in MTC-B. The sample was dominated by Sf. ohwakuensis-like Archaea. In addition, the St. azoricus-like, Metallosphaera species-like and Acidianus species-like cells appeared in similar low abundance in the community. Most strikingly, FISH identified Sulfolobus shibatae-like cells present in low numbers in the sample even though these were not detected by PCR-dependent TGGE. These results highlight the importance of using more than one molecular technique when investigating the archaeal diversity of complex bioleaching reactor samples.  相似文献   

The rocky intertidal has been a model system for experimentally testing hypotheses regarding the factors that structure natural communities. Many ecologists have proposed that changes in the intensity of recruitment of individuals into a community should influence community structure. Past work investigating this hypothesis has primarily been surveys of recruitment and community structure across large spatial scales. Surprisingly, no researchers to date have manipulated recruitment into a rocky intertidal community to assess the response of interactions of the whole community to variation in recruitment intensity. We manipulated the densities of Balanus glandula and Chthamalus spp. recruits across a four-fold difference at two sites spanning the Monterey Bay, California, USA, to experimentally test if differences in recruitment intensity influenced initial changes in community composition and if these changes persisted through time. The results of this work indicate that differences in recruitment influence community composition initially, but that these changes can be short-lived.  相似文献   

A series of steroids (progesterone, testosterone acetate, 17β-acetoxy-5α-androstan-3-one, testosterone and androst-4-en-3,17-dione) have been incubated with the thermophilic ascomycete Myceliophthora thermophila CBS 117.65. A wide range of biocatalytic activity was observed with modification at all four rings of the steroid nucleus and the C-17β side-chain.This is the first thermophilic fungus to demonstrate the side-chain cleavage of progesterone. A unique fungal transformation was observed following incubation of the saturated steroid 17β-acetoxy-5α-androstan-3-one resulting in 4-hydroxy-3,4-seco-pregn-20-one-3-oic acid which was the product generated following the opening of an A-homo steroid, presumably by lactonohydrolase activity. Hydroxylation predominated at axial protons of the steroids containing 3-one-4-ene ring-functionality. This organism also demonstrated reversible acetylation and oxidation of the 17β-alcohol of testosterone.All steroidal metabolites were isolated by column chromatography and were identified by 1H, 13C NMR, DEPT analysis and other spectroscopic data. The range of steroidal modification achieved with this fungus indicates that these organisms may be a rich source of novel steroid biocatalysis which deserve greater investigation in the future.  相似文献   

The family 3 beta-glucosidase from Thermotoga maritima is a highly thermostable enzyme (85 degrees C) that displays transglycosylation activity. In contrast, the beta-glucosidase from Cellvibrio gilvus is mesophilic (35 degrees C) and displays no such transglycosylation activity. Both enzymes consist of two domains, an N-terminal and a C-terminal domain, and the amino acid identities between the two enzymes in these domains are 32.4 and 36.4%, respectively. In an attempt to identify the molecular basis underpinning the display of transglycosylation activity and the requirements for thermal stability, eight chimeric genes were constructed by shuffling the two parental beta-glucosidase genes at four selected borders, two in the N-terminal domain and two in the C-terminal domain. Of the eight chimeric genes constructed, only two chimeric enzymes (Tm578/606Cg and Tm638/666Cg) gave catalytically active forms and these were the ones shuffled in the C-terminal domain. For these active chimeric enzymes, 80% (Tm578/606Cg) and 88% (Tm638/666Cg) of their amino acid sequences originated from T. maritima. With regard to their thermal profiles, the two active chimeric enzymes, Tm578/606Cg and Tm638/666Cg, displayed profiles intermediate to those of the two parental enzymes as they were optimally active at 65 and 70 degrees C, respectively. These two chimeric enzymes were optimally active at pH 4.1 and 3.9, which is closer to that observed for the T. maritima enzyme (pH 3.2-3.5) than that for the C. gilvus enzyme (pH 6.2-6.5). Kinetic parameters for the chimeric enzymes were investigated with five different substrates including pNP-beta-D-glucopyranoside. The kinetic parameters obtained for the chimeric enzymes were closer to those of the T. maritima enzyme than to those of the C. gilvus enzyme. Transglycosylation activity was observed for both chimeric enzymes and the activity of the Tm578/606Cg chimera was at a level twice that observed with the T. maritima enzyme. This study is an effective demonstration of the usefulness of chimeric enzymes in altering the characteristics of an enzyme.  相似文献   

Many shallow water subtidal habitats in Massachusetts, USA have recently been invaded by five non-indigenous ascidian species: Ascidiella aspersa, Botrylloides violaceus, Didemnum sp., Diplosoma listerianum and Styela clava. This study examined the effects of seawater temperature, as a proxy for climate change, on B. violaceus and D. listerianum and the impact these ascidians have on native sessile fouling communities. Field experiments were conducted over a four month period at two locations (Lynn and Woods Hole, MA) to examine growth dynamics over regional thermal and geographic ranges. Invasive ascidians occupied as much as 80% of the primary substratum and accounted for the majority of species richness. B. violaceus and D. listerianum growth were similar at both study sites, but initial colony growth of D. listerianum was positively affected by temperature. B. violaceus and D. listerianum exhibited rapid two-week growth rates during the summer months with more rapid growth at the warmer Woods Hole site. Competition for space between B. violaceus and D. listerianum typically resulted in neutral borders between colonies. Overgrowth occurred if the colony of one species was disproportionably larger than the colony of the other species. Recruitment and growth of native species influenced the long-term composition of experimental communities more than the pre-seeding with B. violaceus or D. listerianum colonies. Elevated temperatures, however, increased initial growth of B. violaceus and D. listerianum and may have facilitated the species success to invade the communities during crucial periods of introduction. With projected global climate change, a rise in sea surface temperatures may exacerbate the cumulative impacts of invasions on benthic communities and facilitate the invasion of other non-native ascidian species.  相似文献   

Habitat modifying organisms can alter the distribution of associated species. We surveyed soft-sediment patches in Bodega Harbor, California and found that patches with high densities of the phoronid Phoronopsis harmeri (Pixell, 1912), a chemically-defended tube-building lophophorate, have higher infaunal abundance and richness than similar patches with low densities of P. harmeri. To determine whether this difference was driven by P. harmeri and whether this difference is attributable to the activities of the organism, or simply its physical structure, we conducted a field experiment with four treatments: live phoronids, mimics of phoronid structure, phoronid-free sediments (bare) and unmanipulated sediments. Although the field experiment did not detect differences in the overall abundance or richness of infauna among the manipulated treatments, some of the individual species did show a positive response to the presence of phoronids and phoronid structure (i.e., mimics). In particular, the polychaete Boccardia proboscidea, the amphipod Monocorophium uenoi, and harpacticoid copepods were facilitated by the presence of phoronids and phoronid structure when there was sediment disturbance. The inconsistency between the results of the survey and of the manipulative experiment may be largely driven by the disturbance caused by the manipulation. However, where P. harmeri has an effect, it is generally positively associated with infaunal abundance that may be attributable to the stabilization of sediments.  相似文献   

桉-桤不同混合比例凋落物分解过程中 土壤动物群落动态   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
采用凋落物分解袋法研究了10:0(TⅠ)、7:3(TⅡ)5:5(TⅢ)、3:7(TⅣ)和0:10(TV)巨桉(Eucalyptus grandis)和台湾桤木(Alnus formosana)混合凋落物分解过程中的土壤动物群落特征.从5种类型、3种规格的810只凋落袋中共收集土壤动物75651只,隶属2门10纲20目,其中弹尾目(Collembola)和蜱螨目(Acarina)为优势类群.土壤动物个体数最高是7-8月,大型土壤动物个体数最高是7月,中小型土壤动物个体数最高是7-8月.大型、中小型土壤动物类群数各月间均波动较小.与30目和6目相比,260目网袋中弹尾目和蜱螨目等中小型土壤动物数量更高.相对台湾桤木(TV)而言,巨桉(TⅠ)凋落物中弹尾目数量更多.啮虫目(Psocoptera)在台湾桤木(TV)凋落物中的数量远远高于其它凋落物,后孔寡毛目(Opisthopora)在混合凋落物中数量较高.不同比例的凋落物混合可改变凋落物中土壤动物的数量和组成.桤木、混合凋落物中大型土壤动物的个体数高于巨桉凋落物,而且上述凋落物的分解速率亦明显快于巨桉凋落物,这意味着大型土壤动物的活动可加速凋落物的分解.因此,在巨桉人工纯林中混栽台湾桤木,可显著提高大型土壤动物的数量,促进凋落物的分解.  相似文献   

In our screening program for new agrochemicals from local wild plants, essential oil of Artemisia vestita Wall (Asteraceae) was found to possess strong insecticidal activity against maize weevil, Sitophilus zeamais Motsch. Essential oil of aerial parts of A. vestita was obtained from hydrodistillation and was investigated by GC and GC–MS. The main components of essential oil were grandisol (40.29%), 1,8-cineol (14.88%) and camphor (11.37%). The essential oil of A. vestita possessed strong fumigant toxicity against S. zeamais adults with a LC50 value of 13.42 mg/L air. The essential oil of A. vestita also showed contact toxicity against S. zeamais adults with a LD50 value of 50.62 mg/adult.  相似文献   

Yu J  Lei J  Yu H  Cai X  Zou G 《Phytochemistry》2004,65(7):881-884
The essential oil of Scutellaria barbata was obtained by hydrodistillation with a 0.3% (v/w) yield and analysed by GC and GC-MS. The main compounds in the oil were hexahydrofarnesylacetone (11.0%), 3,7,11,15-tetramethyl-2-hexadecen-1-ol (7.8%), menthol (7.7%) and 1-octen-3-ol (7.1%). The antimicrobial activity of the oil was evaluated against 17 microorganisms using disc diffusion and broth microdilution methods. The gram-positive bacteria, including methicillin-resistant Staphlococcus aureus, were more sensitive to the oil than gram-negative bacteria and yeasts.  相似文献   

The strongly conserved amino acid sequences of the P8 outer capsid proteins of Rice dwarf virus (RDV) and Rice gall dwarf virus (RGDV) and the distribution of electrostatic potential on the proteins at the interfaces between structural proteins suggested the possibility that P8-trimers of RGDV might bind to the 3-fold symmetrical axes of RDV core particles, with vertical interaction between heterologous P3 and P8 proteins and lateral binding of homologous P8 proteins, thereby allowing formation of the double-layered capsids that are characteristic of viruses that belong to the family Reoviridae. We proved this hypothesis using chimeric virus-like particles composed of the P3 core capsid protein of RDV and the P8 outer capsid protein of RGDV, which were co-expressed in a baculovirus expression system. This is the first report on the molecular biological proof of the mechanism of the assembly of the double-layered capsids with disparate icosahedral lattices.  相似文献   

A thermophilic Geobacillus bacterium secreting high activity of endo-glucanase (EC was isolated from rice straw compost supplemented with pig manure. A full-length gene of 1,104 bp, celA, encoding this glycosyl hydrolase family 5 endo-glucanase of 368 amino acids was isolated. No related gene from Geobacillus has been reported previously. The recombinant CelA expressed in Escherichia coli had an optimal activity at 65°C and pH 5.0, and it exhibited tenfold greater specific activity than the commercially available Trichoderma reesei endo-glucanase. CelA displayed activity over a broad temperature range from 45 to 75°C and was a thermostable enzyme with 90% activity retained after heating at 65°C for 6 h. Interestingly, CelA activity could be enhanced by 100% in the presence of 2 mM MnSO4. CelA had high specific activity over β-d-glucan from barley and Lichenan, making it a potentially useful enzyme in biofuel and food industries.  相似文献   

The effect of infection by Pandora neoaphidis and Beauveria bassiana on the reproductive potential of the pea aphid, Acyrthosiphon pisum, and their progeny was assessed. Infection by either P. neoaphidis or B. bassiana reduced the number of nymphs produced within 24 h of inoculation and over the entire infection period compared to uninfected aphids. However, infection by either P. neoaphidis or B. bassiana for 24 or 72 h did not alter the intrinsic rate of increase of the host aphid's progeny. Therefore, fungal infection appears to have no indirect effects on the fitness of the host's progeny.  相似文献   

The biological stabilisation of the organic fraction of municipal solid waste (OFMSW) into a form stable enough for land application can be achieved via aerobic or anaerobic treatments. To investigate the rates of degradation (e.g. via electron equivalents removed, or via carbon emitted) of aerobic and anaerobic treatment, OFMSW samples were exposed to computer controlled laboratory-scale aerobic (static in-vessel composting), and anaerobic (thermophilic anaerobic digestion with liquor recycle) treatment individually and in combination. A comparison of the degradation rates, based on electron flow revealed that provided a suitable inoculum was used, anaerobic digestion was the faster of the two waste conversion process. In addition to faster maximum substrate oxidation rates, anaerobic digestion (followed by post-treatment aerobic maturation), when compared to static composting alone, converted a larger fraction of the organics to gaseous end-products (CO2 and CH4), leading to improved end-product stability and maturity, as measured by compost self-heating and root elongation tests, respectively. While not comparable to windrow and other mixed, highly aerated compost systems, our results show that in the thermophilic, in-vessel treatment investigated here, the inclusion of a anaerobic phase, rather than using composting alone, improved hydrolysis rates as well as oxidation rates and product stability. The combination of the two methods, as used in the DiCOM® process, was also tested allowing heat generation to thermophilic operating temperature, biogas recovery and a low odour stable end-product within 19 days of operation.  相似文献   

Organic co-solvents can expand the use of enzymes in lignocellulose deconstruction through making substrates more soluble and thus more accessible. In choosing the most adequate co-solvent for feruloyl esterases, hydrolysis of methyl p-hydroxycinnamates by three pure enzymes (and a multi-enzyme preparation) was evaluated. Low concentrations of dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) enhanced hydrolysis by two of the enzymes while at levels >20%, activity was reduced. DMSO also enhanced acetyl esterase-type activity of the enzymes. The co-solvent effect was different for each enzyme-substrate couple, indicating that other factors are also involved. Kinetic studies with a Talaromyces stipitatus feruloyl esterase showed low concentrations of dimethylsulfoxide enhanced the hydrolytic rate while Km also increased. Moreover, long-term incubation (96 h) of an Aspergillus niger feruloyl esterase in dimethylsulfoxide:water provided to the enzyme the ability to hydrolyze methyl p-coumarate, suggesting an active-site re-arrangement. Dimethylsulfoxide (10-30%) is proposed as an adequate co-solvent for feruloyl esterase treatment of water-insoluble substrates.  相似文献   

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