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Function of myocardial alpha-adrenoceptors   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
B G Benfey 《Life sciences》1982,31(2):101-112
Myocardial α-adrenoceptors are similar to vascular α-adrenoceptors; therefore the drugs which are used to study myocardial α-adrenoceptors can affect the heart indirectly by acting on vascular α-adrenoceptors. High concentrations of α-adrenoceptor stimulant and α-adrenoceptor blocking drugs can exert cardiac effects that do not result from action on α-adrenoceptors; therefore relatively low concentrations of these drugs must be used to obtain specific effects.An α-adrenoceptor mediated positive inotropic effect has been observed in relatively slow beating isolated heart preparations; it is not associated with shortening of the duration of systole or an increase in myocardial cyclic AMP concentration and is probably accompanied by an increase in Ca2+ influx. Usually α-adrenoceptor stimulation has no effect on heart rate.Myocardial α-adrenoceptor mediated ventricular arrhythmias have been caused in animals by high concentrations of catecholamines, and a transient increase in α-adrenoceptor concentration has been found in ischemic myocardium. We do not know how myocardial α-adrenoceptor stimulation causes arrhythmias. In isolated heart preparations low concentrations of epinephrine and norepinephrine prolong refractory period and action potential duration by α-adrenoceptor stimulation, and higher concentrations of the catecholamines shorten refractory period and action potential duration by α-adrenoceptor stimulation. In isolated specialized conducting fibers low concentrations of catecholamines reduce automaticity by α-adrenoceptor stimulation and higher concentrations increase automaticity by β-adrenoceptor stimulation. In partially depolorized ventricle preparations α-adrenoceptor stimulation has been reported both to depress and to restore electrical and mechanical activity. Clearly, much remains to be done before we understand α-adrenoceptor mediated cardiac effects.  相似文献   

Even though there are a few studies dealing with the cardiac effects of amylin, the mechanisms of amylin-induced positive inotropy are not known well. Therefore, we investigated the possible signaling pathways underlying the amylin-induced positive inotropy and compared the cardiac effects of rat amylin (rAmylin) and human amylin (hAmylin).Isolated rat hearts were perfused under constant flow condition and rAmylin or hAmylin was infused to the hearts. Coronary perfusion pressure, heart rate, left ventricular developed pressure and the maximum rate of increase of left ventricular pressure (+dP/dtmax) and the maximum rate of pressure decrease of left ventricle (-dP/dtmin) were measured.rAmylin at concentrations of 1, 10 or 100 nM markedly decreased coronary perfusion pressure, but increased heart rate, left ventricular developed pressure, +dP/dtmax and -dP/dtmin. The infusion of H-89 (50 μM), a protein kinase A (PKA) inhibitor did not change the rAmylin (100 nM)-induced positive inotropic effect. Both diltiazem (1 μM), an L-type Ca2+ channel blocker and ryanodine (10 nM), a sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) Ca2+ release channel opener completely suppressed the rAmylin-induced positive inotropic effect, but staurosporine (100 nM), a potent protein kinase C (PKC) inhibitor suppressed it partially. hAmylin (1, 10 and 100 nM) had no significant effect on coronary perfusion pressure, heart rate and developed pressure, +dP/dtmax and -dP/dtmin.We concluded that rAmylin might have been produced vasodilatory, positive chronotropic and positive inotropic effects on rat hearts. Ca2+ entry via L-type Ca2+ channels, activation of PKC and Ca2+ release from SR through ryanodine-sensitive Ca2+ channels may be involved in this positive inotropic effect. hAmylin may not produce any significant effect on perfusion pressure, heart rate and contractility in isolated, perfused rat hearts.  相似文献   

Function of myocardial alpha-adrenoceptors   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
B G Benfey 《Life sciences》1990,46(11):743-757
In addition to beta-adrenoceptors (beta ARs), cardiac myocytes of animals and man possess alpha 1ARs, but not alpha 2ARs. Norepinephrine and epinephrine have a higher affinity for myocardial alpha 1ARs than for beta ARs. Unlike beta AR stimulation, myocardial alpha 1AR stimulation does not increase the slow inward current. The alpha 1AR-mediated positive inotropic effect seen in isolated heart preparations appears to involve increased Ca sensitivity of myofibrils and production of inositol triphosphate (IP3) and diacylglycerol (DAG), but the functions of IP3 and DAG are not clear. Myocardial alpha 1AR stimulation reduces rate of isolated atria and Purkinje fibers and lengthens refractory period and action potential duration. Hypoxia increases alpha 1AR density in cardiomyocytes. alpha 1AR-mediated arrhythmias occur in isolated Purkinje fibers during hypoxia, following infarction, and in the presence of Ba2+ or high Ca2+. In animals, coronary artery occlusion and/or reperfusion increase myocardial alpha 1AR density and responsiveness, and alpha AR blocking drugs attenuate arrhythmias. However, an antiarrhythmic effect of alpha AR blocking drugs mediated by action on coronary vascular alpha ARs cannot be excluded. Presently available drugs do not differentiate between myocardial and vascular alpha ARs and thus affect the coronary and systemic circulations and, indirectly, the heart. Additional myocardial alpha 1AR-mediated effects include production of cardiac hypertrophy, stimulation of glucose uptake and phosphofructokinase and cyclic AMP phosphodiesterase activity, and release of atrial natriuretic peptide.  相似文献   

The metabolic and physiological responses of hearts from male rats and guinea-pigs to isoprenaline and SK&F 94120 (a phosphodiesterase III inhibitor), have been studied. Doses which gave similar chronotropic stimulation gave different inotropic responses. In both species, isoprenaline generated a greater increase in developed tension than SK&F 94120. With both drugs the inotropic response in the rat was less than than in the guinea-pig. 31P-NMR investigation of high-energy phosphate levels showed reduction in PCr concentration and an accompanying acidosis in the isoprenaline-perfused rat heart only. In both species, lactate production was stimulated by SK&F 94120 but not by isoprenaline. These results are discussed with reference to G-protein activation of ion channels and differences in Ca2+ handling by the two species.  相似文献   

Modulation of phosphofructokinase activity by positive effectors   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Positive myocardial imaging was undertaken on 120 unselected patients admitted to a coronary care unit with clinical suspicion of acute myocardial infarction. Multipurpose mobile gamma-cameras were used for serial imaging after administration of 99mtechnetium-labelled imidodiphosphonate, a low-cost radiopharmaceutical that is 97% specific for myocardial necrosis, with myocardial uptake and blood clearance most suitable for myocardial imaging. The sensitivty of detection was 94% for patients whose infarction was unequivocal on the ECG; when the presence of raised enzyme concentrations was also used as a criterion for myocardial necrosis, the overall sensitivity for all 120 patients remained 94%. In 73 patients (61%), whose ECGs were unhelpful or difficult to interpret, scintigraphy allowed infarction to be diagnosed in 11 (15%) and to be excluded in five (7%). In 32 (44%) of this group whose ECGs were totally uninterpretable due to previous myocardial damage or disorders of electrical activation, scintigraphy provided confirmation of a diagnosis that otherwise rested only on whether enzyme concentrations were raised. Myocardial imaging is thus a useful technique that permits more definite diagnosis in patients for whom ECG and enzyme data are uncertain.  相似文献   

It has been proposed that intracellular alkalinization underlies the enhanced contractility of ventricular myocytes exposed to endothelin (ET)-1. The effects of ET-1 on the contractility and intracellular pH (pH(i)) were examined here in cultured adult rat ventricular myocytes by employing the pH-sensitive fluorescent dye SNARF-1. Variable pH(i) changes were observed on ET-1 stimulation. Most myocytes (n = 20 of 32) did not alkalinize, but showed an approximate 60% increase in twitch amplitude in response to ET-1. In the remaining myocytes (12 of 32), ET-1 induced an increase in pH(i) by 0.05 +/- 0.02 pH units with a similar approximate 60% increase in twitch amplitude. Therefore, there was no strong correlation between ET-1-mediated positive inotropy (enhanced contractility) and intracellular alkalinization. To determine whether ET-1 contractile and pH(i) responses were mediated by protein kinase C (PKC), yellow fluorescent protein (YFP)-fused dominant negative (dn) PKC constructs were used as isoform specific inhibitors. In dn-PKC-epsilon-YFP-expressing myocytes, the ET-1-mediated positive inotropic response was greatly diminished to 13 +/- 15%, but alkalinization was still observed. Expression of dn-PKC-delta-YFP also did not block alkalinization, but in this case the positive inotropic response was still observed. In a previous study, we showed that expression of PKC-delta and PKC-epsilon caused a strong positive inotropy on stimulation with phorbol 12,13-dibutyrate (PDBu). Using this system, PDBu failed to affect pH(i) in the majority of PKC expressing myocytes despite increases in twitch amplitudes of >60%. Overall, the poor correlation of positive inotropic responses and alkalinization was observed for ET-1 with and without dn-PKC constructs and for PDBu with and without wild-type PKC constructs. These results suggest that ET-1 produces positive inotropy via PKC-epsilon by mechanisms other than intracellular alkalinization.  相似文献   

In vivo competition experiments were designed to identify the role of trans-acting cellular factors in the virus-inducible activation of the interferon-beta promoter. Co-transfection of a constant amount of IFN-beta/CAT test gene and increasing amounts of competitive DNA containing different IFN regulatory domains into human epithelioid 293 cells identified a low abundance, positive cellular factor(s) that interacts with the IFN regulatory region. Competition of the factor decreases virus-induced and constitutive level expression of the IFN-beta promoter, and also partially inhibits expression from the SV40 promoter. Negative regulatory effects produced by factors interacting with the IFN upstream region (-135 to -202) and with the SV40 enhancer were also observed.  相似文献   

A Goldbeter 《FEBS letters》1974,43(3):327-330

Quantitative studies of metabolic fluxes during Saccharomyces cerevisiae sporulation on acetate in the presence of the glucose analog, 2-deoxy glucose (2dG) are reported. We have studied the inhibition of sporulation and associated catabolic or anabolic fluxes by 2dG. Sporulation frequencies decreased from 50% to 2% asci per cell at 2dG concentrations in the range of 0.03 to 0.30 g l>-1, respectively. Under the same conditions, the acetate consumption flux was inhibited up to 60% and the glyoxylate cycle and gluconeogenic fluxes decreased from 0.7 and 0.3 mmol h>-1 g>-1 dw, respectively, to negligible values. We observed a linear correlation of the acetate consumption rate with the sporulation frequency by varying the 2dG concentration. The linear correlation was also verified between the frequency of sporulation and the fluxes through glyoxylate cycle and gluconeogenic pathways. In addition, the same association of inhibition of sporulation and metabolic fluxes was found in other S. cerevisiae strains displaying different potentials of sporulation. The results presented suggest that inhibition of sporulation in the presence of the glucose analog may be attributed, at least in part, to the inhibition of anabolic fluxes and might be associated with catabolite repression.  相似文献   

Angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors are a widely used intervention for blood pressure control, and are particularly beneficial in hypertensive type 2 diabetic subjects with insulin resistance. The hemodynamic effects of ACE inhibitors are associated with enhanced levels of the vasodilator bradykinin and decreased production of the vasoconstrictor and growth factor angiotensin II (ATII). In insulin-resistant conditions, ACE inhibitors can also enhance whole-body glucose disposal and glucose transport activity in skeletal muscle. This review will focus on the metabolic consequences of ACE inhibition in insulin resistance. At the cellular level, ACE inhibitors acutely enhance glucose uptake in insulin-resistant skeletal muscle via two mechanisms. One mechanism involves the action of bradykinin, acting through bradykinin B(2) receptors, to increase nitric oxide (NO) production and ultimately enhance glucose transport. A second mechanism involves diminution of the inhibitory effects of ATII, acting through AT(1) receptors, on the skeletal muscle glucose transport system. The acute actions of ACE inhibitors on skeletal muscle glucose transport are associated with upregulation of insulin signaling, including enhanced IRS-1 tyrosine phosphorylation and phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase activity, and ultimately with increased cell-surface GLUT-4 glucose transporter protein. Chronic administration of ACE inhibitors or AT(1) antagonists to insulin-resistant rodents can increase protein expression of GLUT-4 in skeletal muscle and myocardium. These data support the concept that ACE inhibitors can beneficially modulate glucose control in insulin-resistant states, possibly through a NO-dependent effect of bradykinin and/or antagonism of ATII action on skeletal muscle.  相似文献   

Yeasts are known to have versatile metabolic traits, while how these metabolic traits have evolved has not been elucidated systematically. We performed integrative evolution analysis to investigate how genomic evolution determines trait generation by reconstructing genome‐scale metabolic models (GEMs) for 332 yeasts. These GEMs could comprehensively characterize trait diversity and predict enzyme functionality, thereby signifying that sequence‐level evolution has shaped reaction networks towards new metabolic functions. Strikingly, using GEMs, we can mechanistically map different evolutionary events, e.g. horizontal gene transfer and gene duplication, onto relevant subpathways to explain metabolic plasticity. This demonstrates that gene family expansion and enzyme promiscuity are prominent mechanisms for metabolic trait gains, while GEM simulations reveal that additional factors, such as gene loss from distant pathways, contribute to trait losses. Furthermore, our analysis could pinpoint to specific genes and pathways that have been under positive selection and relevant for the formulation of complex metabolic traits, i.e. thermotolerance and the Crabtree effect. Our findings illustrate how multidimensional evolution in both metabolic network structure and individual enzymes drives phenotypic variations.  相似文献   

Reduced myocardial function at very high heart rates may be due to limited coronary blood supply. The effects of the vasodilators nitroglycerin (10 micrograms kg-1 min-1) and elevated CO2 upon regional function during tachycardia were studied. In open-chest anaesthetized dogs, regional contractile force, epicardial tissue blood flow and local NADH redox level were recorded during graded ventricular pacing. It was found that the vasodilating action of nitroglycerin in the unpaced heart was much lower than produced by CO2 (23.6 +/- 5.8% vs. 137.6 +/- 33.5%). Maximal pacing at 275 bpm caused only a moderate flow elevation in control (20 +/- 6.8%) and CO2 conditions (20.3 +/- 4.03%), but marked vasodilation during nitroglycerin infusion (85.2 +/- 14.6%). Regional function during tachycardia was improved similarly by both vasodilators. NADH levels increased with heart rates under all experimental conditions, but the absolute NADH levels were consistently lower following vasodilator treatments. The lowest NADH levels were observed during nitroglycerin treatment at all heart rates. It is suggested that nitroglycerin augments myocardial functional reserve by preserving oxygen balance more than predicted by its vasodilatory effect alone.  相似文献   

Therapeutic protein productivity and glycosylation pattern highly rely on cell metabolism. Cell culture medium composition and feeding strategy are critical to regulate cell metabolism. In this study, the relationship between toxic metabolic inhibitors and their nutrient precursors was explored to identify the critical medium components toward cell growth and generation of metabolic by-products. Generic CHO metabolic model was tailored and integrated with CHO fed-batch metabolomic data to obtain a cell line- and process-specific model. Flux balance analysis study was conducted on toxic metabolites cytidine monophosphate, guanosine monophosphate and n-acetylputrescine—all of which were previously reported to generate from endogenous cell metabolism—by mapping them to a compartmentalized carbon utilization network. Using this approach, the study projected high level of inhibitory metabolites accumulation when comparing three industrially relevant fed-batch feeding conditions one against another, from which the results were validated via a dose-dependent amino acids spiking study. In the end, a medium optimization design was employed to lower the amount of supplemented nutrients, of which improvements in critical process performance were realized at 40% increase in peak viable cell density (VCD), 15% increase in integral VCD, and 37% increase in growth rate. Tight control of toxic by-products was also achieved, as the study measured decreased inhibitory metabolites accumulation across all conditions. Overall, the study successfully presented a digital twin approach to investigate the intertwined relationship between supplemented medium constituents and downstream toxic metabolites generated through host cell metabolism, further elucidating different control strategies capable of improving cellular phenotypes and regulating toxic inhibitors.  相似文献   



Type 2 diabetes (T2D) is strongly associated with cardiovascular risk and requires medications that improve glycemic control and other cardiovascular risk factors. The authors aimed to assess the relative effectiveness of pioglitazone (Pio), metformin (Met) and any sulfonylurea (SU) combinations in non-insulin-treated T2D patients who were failing previous hypoglycemic therapy.


Over a 1-year period, two multicenter, open-labeled, controlled, 1-year, prospective, observational studies evaluated patients with T2D (n = 4585) from routine clinical practice in Spain and Greece with the same protocol. Patients were eligible if they had been prescribed Pio + SU, Pio + Met or SU + Met serving as a control cohort, once they had failed with previous therapy. Anthropometric measurements, lipid and glycemic profiles, blood pressure, and the proportions of patients at microvascular and macrovascular risk were assessed.


All study treatment combinations rendered progressive 6-month and 12-month lipid, glycemic, and blood pressure improvements. Pio combinations, especially Pio + Met, were associated with increases in HDL-cholesterol and decreases in triglycerides and in the atherogenic index of plasma. The proportion of patients at high risk decreased after 12 months in all study cohorts. Minor weight changes (gain or loss) and no treatment-related fractures occurred during the study. The safety profile was good and proved similar among treatments, except for more hypoglycemic episodes in patients receiving SU and for the occurrence of edema in patients using Pio combinations. Serious cardiovascular events were rarely reported.


In patients with T2D failing prior hypoglycemic therapies, Pio combinations with SU or Met (especially Pio + Met) improved blood lipid and glycemic profiles, decreasing the proportion of patients with a high microvascular or macrovascular risk. The combination of Pio with SU or Met may therefore be recommended for T2D second-line therapy in the routine clinical practice, particularly in patients with dyslipidemia.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: We have recently identified an activation site on (Na+ + K+)-ATPase and found that binding of antibody SSA412 to this specific site of the enzyme markedly augments (Na+ + K+)-ATPase catalytic activity. Demonstration of whether activation of (Na+ + K+)-ATPase affects heart function in animal in vivo was the object of this investigation. METHODS: Male wild-type CD-1 mouse and specific antibody SSA412 were used for the study. A pressure-volume micromanometer-conductance catheter in anesthetized mouse assessed in vivo cardiac functions. RESULTS: Specific antibody SSA412 infusion in mouse shifted pressure-volume loop leftward with increased stroke volume and enhanced end-systolic elastance. Global systolic parameters such as ejection fraction and cardiac output, and load independent contractile parameters including dP/dtmax/IP, PMX/EDV, Ees, and PRSW, were all increased without any effect on relaxation following administration of SSA412. Cardiac preload indexed by EDV and afterload by ESP did not alter, suggesting that SSA412-enhanced myocardial performance is a direct cardiac effect caused by the activation of (Na+ + K+)-ATPase. CONCLUSION: Our study provides the first in vivo physiological evidence to demonstrate that activation of (Na+ + K+)-ATPase induces significant positive inotropic effect in intact animal heart. The finding may lead to new therapeutic strategies for the treatment of heart failure.  相似文献   

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