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Interspecies genetic variability of Baikal seal was studied for 22 proteins encoded by 24 loci. Genetic variants have been detected in transferrin (TfA = 0.96; TfB = 0.04), postalbumin (PaA = 0.130; PaB = 0.870) and "slow" carboxylesterase (CrE-6A = 0.98; CrE-6B = 0.02). Low genetic variability is characteristic of species as well as of many other representatives of Pinnipedia order.  相似文献   

The sulci and gyri of the neocortex, as well as cyto-, synaptoarchitectonics and neuronal composition of the sensomotor (brain area) have been studied in the Baikal ringed seal. The structure of the sulci and gyri have been found to be similar to that in carnivores. The following specific features have been revealed in the brain of this endemic species: a thick layer I, presence of giant pyramidal cells in the layer III, large mitochondria in the presynaptic parts and dendrites. The results obtained are discussed concerning adaptation to semiaqueous way of life and to diving.  相似文献   

Populations of Steller sea lions, northern fur seals, and northern sea otters declined substantially during recent decades in the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands region, yet the population status of harbor seals has not been assessed adequately. We determined that counts obtained during skiff‐based surveys conducted in 1977–1982 represent the earliest estimate of harbor seal abundance throughout the Aleutian Islands. By comparing counts from 106 islands surveyed in 1977–1982 (8,601 seals) with counts from the same islands during a 1999 aerial survey (2,859 seals), we observed a 67% decline over the ~20‐yr period. Regionally, the largest decline of 86% was in the western Aleutians (n= 7 islands), followed by 66% in the central Aleutians (n= 64 islands), and 45% in the eastern Aleutians (n= 35 islands). Harbor seal counts decreased at the majority of islands in each region, the number of islands with >100 seals decreased ~70%, and the number of islands with no seals counted increased ~80%, indicating that harbor seal abundance throughout the Aleutian Islands was substantially lower in the late 1990s than in the 1970s and 1980s.  相似文献   

A review is made of current information on the numbers of Grey seal (Halichoerus grypus throughout its range. The world stock is estimated at 52,500 with 5000 in the north-west Atlantic, 42,500 in the north-east Atlantic (34,200 in Great Britain) and 5000 in the Baltic.  相似文献   

Summary A general method—the Least Square Index Method—for estimating marine mammal populations is developed and applied to the Northwestern Atlantic harp seals. Each age group is allowed to have their own vulnearability, catchability, and natural mortality. The age samples need therefore not be representative of the age structure of the animals on the hunting grounds. The abundance estimates are not dependent on the values of the natural mortalities. The sensitivity to fluctuations in the vulnerability and catchability is tested by simulation. This analysis shows that the estimate of the average pup production, , is robust, while the estimate of the rate of change in pup production is not robust. Consequently, only may be used in the assessment. A new method for estimating the average natural mortality may then be developed by starting a population projection with . The estimates obtained by the Least Square Index Method are: Average pup production in the 1960's: 400 000; Average natural mortality: 0.105; Pup production around 1980: 390 000.  相似文献   

The data obtained in 2003 and 2004 characterize the quality of water from drinking water sources used by inhabitants of the Ust’-Ordynskii Buryat Autonomous District (BAD), Irkutsk oblast, and Aginskii BAD. In the 20th century, these regions were affected by the technogenic and radiation pollution (as a result of nuclear weapon tests).Analysis of water samples has shown for the majority of the examined sources that the permissible concentrations are exceeded in many parameters of the chemical composition. Permanent use of water from these sources can be one of the health hazards for the local population.  相似文献   

Abstract The northern elephant seal (NES) suffered a severe population bottleneck towards the end of the nineteenth century. Theoretical expectations for the impact of population bottlenecks include the loss of genetic diversity and a loss of fitness (e.g. through a disruption of developmental stability); however, there are few direct demonstrations in natural populations. Here, we report on the comparison of archive samples collected prior to and following the NES population bottleneck. Measures of genetic diversity show a loss of variation consistent with expectations and suggest a strong disruption in the pattern of allele frequencies following the bottleneck. Measures of bilateral characters show an increase in fluctuating asymmetry.  相似文献   

Among the materials excavated by the 1975 joint USSR–USA team in Siberia are two burials from Shaman's Cape, Olkhon Island, Lake Baikal. One is a middle-aged male of the Serovo culture, 6,000 B.C. , and the other is a young male of the Glaskovo culture of 2,000 B.C. This later burial displays an unusual pathology affecting the nose and post-cranial regions of the pelvic girdle and lower limbs. Osteon analysis confirms the determination of age at death and illustrates the difference between normal and pathological bone. Numerous cultural materials were associated with these burials, including harpoon heads, knives, a compound fishhook and a pestle with the Serovo man, and nephrite ornaments with the Glaskovo man. The skulls, though far apart in time, are pronouncedly Mongoloid and alike in their low cranial vaults. A low, broad and inclined ascending ramus resembles Chukchi, Eskimos and Aleuts. These two specimens document the Mongoloid character of the early inhabitants of Lake Baikal.  相似文献   

Although the grey seal Halichoerus grypus is one of the most familiar and intensively studied of all pinniped species, its global population structure remains to be elucidated. Little is also known about how the species as a whole may have historically responded to climate‐driven changes in habitat availability and anthropogenic exploitation. We therefore analysed samples from over 1500 individuals collected from 22 colonies spanning the Western and Eastern Atlantic and the Baltic Sea regions, represented by 350 bp of the mitochondrial hypervariable region and up to nine microsatellites. Strong population structure was observed at both types of marker, and highly asymmetrical patterns of gene flow were also inferred, with the Orkney Islands being identified as a source of emigrants to other areas in the Eastern Atlantic. The Baltic and Eastern Atlantic regions were estimated to have diverged a little over 10 000 years ago, consistent with the last proposed isolation of the Baltic Sea. Approximate Bayesian computation also identified genetic signals consistent with postglacial population expansion across much of the species range, suggesting that grey seals are highly responsive to changes in habitat availability.  相似文献   

Two putative populations of hooded seals (Cystophora cristata) occur in the North Atlantic. The Greenland Sea population pup and breed on the pack ice near Jan Mayen ('West Ice') while the Northwest Atlantic population is thought to pup in the Davis Strait, in the Gulf of St. Lawrence (the 'Gulf'), and off southern Labrador or northeast Newfoundland (the 'Front'). We used microsatellite profiling of 300 individuals at 13 loci and mitochondrial DNA sequencing of the control region of 123 individuals to test for genetic differentiation between these four breeding herds. We found no significant genetic differences between breeding areas, nor evidence for cryptic nor higher level genetic structure in this species. The Greenland Sea breeding herd was genetically most distant from the Northwest Atlantic breeding areas; however, the differences were statistically nonsignificant. Our data therefore suggest that the world's hooded seals comprise a single panmictic genetic population.  相似文献   

Population bottlenecks may lead to diminished genetic variability and correlative effects on fitness. The Guadalupe fur seal was nearly exterminated by commercial sealers during the late 18th and early 19th centuries. To determine the genetic consequences of this population bottleneck, we compared the variation at a 181 bp section of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region from the bones of 26 prebottleneck fur seals versus variation in the extant population. We found 25 different mtDNA genotypes in the prebottleneck fur seals and only 7 genotypes among 32 extant fur seals, including only one of the ancient genotypes. These data demonstrate a substantial loss of genetic variability correlating with the recent population bottleneck. We also found from several genetic measures that the prehistoric population of Guadalupe fur seals was robust and that it had been increasing at some time during the late prehistoric period. Continued recovery of this species may, however, owe more to more immediate nongenetic factors, such as poaching and local availability of food resources during the breeding season and consequent effects on pup survival, than on the reduced genetic variability.  相似文献   

The origin and genetic relationships of the Baikal seal, Phoca sibirica, were studied by restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). Using 17 different six-base recognition restriction endonucleases, we examined 98 Baikal seals, and two other related species, the ringed seal, P. hispida, (n=87), and the Caspian seal, P. caspica, (n=94). Analysis revealed the existence of 87 mtDNA haplotypes in the total of 279 specimens. The haplotypes of each species were divided into different clusters on a dendrogram obtained by UPGMA based on haplotype frequency and mtDNA base substitution. No common haplotypes were found among the species examined. The Baikal seal is much more closely related to the ringed seal than the Caspian seal. The amount of divergence suggested that an ancestor of the Baikal seal came down to the lake approximately 0.4 million years ago as was previously indicated by paleontological studies. The seals examined here showed lower variabilities.  相似文献   

Incorporating movement into models of grey seal population dynamics   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1. One of the most difficult problems in developing spatially explicit models of population dynamics is the validation and parameterization of the movement process. We show how movement models derived from capture-recapture analysis can be improved by incorporating them into a spatially explicit metapopulation model that is fitted to a time series of abundance data. 2. We applied multisite capture-recapture analysis techniques to photo-identification data collected from female grey seals at the four main breeding colonies in the North Sea between 1999 and 2001. The best-fitting movement models were then incorporated into state-space metapopulation models that explicitly accounted for demographic and observational stochasticity. 3. These metapopulation models were fitted to a 20-year time series of pup production data for each colony using a Bayesian approach. The best-fitting model, based on the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC), had only a single movement parameter, whose confidence interval was 82% less than that obtained from the capture-recapture study, but there was some support for a model that included an effect of distance between colonies. 4. The state-space modelling provided improved estimates of other demographic parameters. 5. The incorporation of movement, and the way in which it was modelled, affected both local and regional dynamics. These differences were most evident as colonies approached their carrying capacities, suggesting that our ability to discriminate between models should improve as the length of the grey seal time series increases.  相似文献   

The phenotypic composition of the Baikal population of the harlequin ladybird Harmonia axyridis (Pallas, 1773) was analyzed based on the material collected in Irkutsk Province in 2009–2010. Significant microgeographic phenotypic variation was revealed on the Baikal coast and in the city of Irkutsk. The morph axyridis, widespread in Siberia, was dominant (80–90%) but the light-colored morph succinea was also present with high frequencies (43–59%) in some samples. Some individuals possessed an elytral ridge, their frequency in the Baikal population being low (4–6%). An increase in the number of the morph succinea in Irkutsk Province is not related to hybridization between the populations from the Far East and Siberia.  相似文献   

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