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The article reports the finding of some late Paleocene (Thanetian) species of Phaeodarian Radiolaria in phosphorite concretions occurring in the Holmehus Formation of Denmark. These species are associated with a rich assemblage of diatoms and sparse spherical radiolarians. Phaeodarians are very well-preserved in celestobarite (BaSrSO4) and consist of representatives of the families Challengeridae (Challengerebium triangulovum nov. sp. and Challengerebium sp.) and particularly Medusettidae (Medusetta danica nov. sp. and M. densicostata nov. sp.), which are the most frequent. A new genus of medusettid phaeodarians (Pseudochallengeranium nov. gen.) is also described.  相似文献   

The family Heliodiscidae Haeckel, 1881, which includes five genera, is reviewed. New methods of investigation are applied to the inner structure of Cretaceous spherical radiolarian skeletons, which reveal numerous taxa with an eccentric microsphere. Three new species, Astrophacus marinae sp. nov., Excentrosphaerella kovalenkovi sp. nov., and Excentrosphaerella kurilovi sp. nov., are described. The eccentric position of the microsphere suggests that these forms are nontypical Mesozoic radiolarians or new representatives of the family Heliodiscidae Haeckel, 1881, which was previously recorded in the Cenozoic.  相似文献   

Bacterial diversity in surface sediments from the Pacific Arctic Ocean   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
In order to assess bacterial diversity within four surface sediment samples (0–5 cm) collected from the Pacific Arctic Ocean, 16S ribosomal DNA clone library analysis was performed. Near full length 16S rDNA sequences were obtained for 463 clones from four libraries and 13 distinct major lineages of Bacteria were identified (α, β, γ, δ and ε-Proteobacteria, Acidobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Chloroflexi, Actinobacteria, Firmicutes, Planctomycetes, Spirochetes, and Verrucomicrobia). α, γ, and δ-Proteobacteria, Acidobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Actinobacteria were common phylogenetic groups from all the sediments. The γ-Proteobacteria were the dominant bacterial lineage, representing near or over 50% of the clones. Over 35% of γ-Proteobacteria clones of four clone library were closely related to cultured bacterial isolates with similarity values ranging from 94 to 100%. The community composition was different among sampling sites, which potentially was related to geochemical differences.  相似文献   

A high-resolution record of radiolarian faunal changes from Site Y8 south of the Subtropical Front (STF), offshore eastern New Zealand, provides insight into the paleoceanographic history of the last 265 kyrs. Quantitative analysis of radiolarian paleotemperature indicators and radiolarian-based sea surface temperature (SST) estimates reveal distinct shifts during glacial–interglacial (G-I) climate cycles encompassing marine isotope stages (MIS) 8–1. Faunas at Site Y8 are abundant and diverse and consist of a mixture of species typical of the subantarctic, transitional and subtropical zones which is characteristic of subantarctic waters just south of the STF. During interglacials, diverse radiolarian faunas have increased numbers of warm-water taxa (~ 15%) while cool-water taxa decrease to ~ 11% of the assemblage. Warmest climate conditions occurred during MIS 5.5 and the early Holocene Climatic Optimum (HCO) at the onset of MIS 1 where SSTs reach maxima of 12.8 and 12.9 °C, respectively. This suggests that temperatures during the HCO were comparable to the Eemian, one of the warmest interglacial intervals of the Late Quaternary. Glacials are characterized by less diverse radiolarian faunas with cool-water taxa increasing to 49% of the assemblage. Coolest climate conditions occurred in MIS 4 and 2 where SSTs are reduced to 5.4 °C and 4.3 °C, respectively. Radiolarian faunal changes and SST estimates clearly identify major water masses and oceanic fronts in the offshore eastern New Zealand area. During warmest MIS 5.5 and early MIS 1 substantial influence of northern-sourced Subtropical Surface Water (STW) is evident at Site Y8. This implies southward incursions of STW around the eastern crest of Chatham Rise with the STF displaced towards higher latitudes and spinning off eddies as far south as Campbell Plateau. Additionally, increased flow of the Southland Current (SC) might have enhanced the local occurrence of warm-water radiolarians derived from the subtropical Tasman Sea. Coolest glacials are marked by a strong inflow of cool, southern-sourced waters at Site Y8 indicating a more vigorous flow along the Subantarctic Front (SAF).  相似文献   

Cambrian-Ordovician sedimentary sequences crop out extensively in the area surrounding the Sarydzhaz River, a remote mountainous region situated in the eastern part of Kyrgyzstan. These sequences, composed essentially of fine siliciclastic lithologies, were deposited on a passive margin of the peri-Gondwanan Karatau-Naryn microplate. Palaeontological constraints for the age of these sequences are rare. Recent efforts of geological mapping in the area discovered reasonably well-preserved radiolarian and conodont faunas. The occurrence of conodonts was mentioned previously, but no taxonomic details were ever reported. Two conodont assemblages are identified from the Oldzhobai Formation; the first is dominated by Paracordylodus gracilis, which can be correlated with the upper Tremadocian to lower Floian; the second assemblage is more diverse and characterized by Prioniodus elegans, suggesting a mid Floian age. This is the first discovery of Ordovician Radiolaria from Kyrgyzstan. In spite of its rather moderately good to poor preservation, the fauna is interesting in many respects, especially due to the presence of a new radiolarian species (Inanigutta (?) kyrgyza nov. sp.). The latter is easily identifiable by the distinctive pore pattern of its cortical shell and has therefore the potential to become in the future a biostratigraphic marker species.  相似文献   

In the Galala Mountains of the Eastern Desert, Egypt, carbonate platform and basin deposits have excellent exposure. These exposures show a late Campanian–early Paleocene rimmed platform evolving into a late Paleocene distally steepened ramp. We modelled the evolution of the platform–basin transition from the Maastrichtian to Selandian (68.7–59 Ma) with the 2-D stratigraphic simulation program PHIL and compared the modelled results with outcrop sections. Stratigraphic, facies, and environmental data are summarized and operate as input and control parameters for the computer simulation. The most important parameters that control the depositional geometries of the late Cretaceous mixed carbonate siliciclastic platform and the Paleogene carbonate platform are changes in relative sea level, sediment flux and initial topography. The simulation provides an understanding of platform growth and slope to basin deposition, particularly in areas of the platform that are poorly exposed or have been eroded. Moreover, the simulated geologic parameters like lithology, overall thickness and palaeowater depth closely resemble field and laboratory measurements of the individual sections. In an earlier study, the Maastrichtian slope angle was calculated to be 5–8° and this was confirmed in this study. In this earlier study also the timing of the transition from a rimmed platform to a distally steepened ramp was established to be during latest Maastrichtian–early Paleocene. The present study shows that the rimmed platform persisted at least until the late Paleocene (59 Ma), as indicated by the relatively high slope angle of 6°.  相似文献   


The lower Maastrichtian deposits of the Mateur-Beja area in northern Tunisia are mainly composed of fine-grained marl and limestone alternations occasionally interbedded by coarse-grained calcarenites and gravel deposits. In the coarse-grained intervals sedimentary structures are indicative of storm-induced high-energy currents in an outer ramp to slope setting and of local reworking by bottom currents in the basin. In deeper environments, fine-grained sediments accumulated mainly while settling from storm-induced suspensions. The lower Maastrichtian deposits contain abundant Zoophycos exhibiting two main morphotypes, skirt-shaped Zoophycos in deposits around storm-wave base and tongue-shaped Zoophycos in somewhat deeper sediments. The types differ in burrow architecture, morphology of lobes, and size of structural elements. These differences are attributed to different behavioral programs modulated by the availability of benthic food that decreased seaward. Storm-affected environments seem to be a prerequisite for these Zoophycos-producers to choose their habitat.  相似文献   

Drilling predation provides a rare opportunity to study and quantify prey-predator interactions in the fossil record. Records of drilling predation on scaphopod mollusc are rare. Here, we report naticid drilling predation on scaphopods from a “Turritelline-dominated assemblage” (TDA) stratigraphically just below the K-Pg boundary sections in Rajahmundry, India, which was situated in the Southern Hemisphere during that time. Low drilling frequency was found in the present assemblage based on 248 specimens, which was similar to most of the Cretaceous values previously reported. Majority of the specimens of previous studies were reported from higher latitudes in the Northern Hemisphere. Our report extended the palaeobiogeography of naticid predation on scaphopods into the Southern Hemisphere. Size and site stereotypy of drillholes on the scaphopod shell suggested that predatory behavior of naticids was already highly evolved, but evidence of escalation was less clear in scaphopod prey.  相似文献   

Five sections of the Cardenas and Tabaco formations in east-central Mexico have been analyzed by means of bio-, Sr-isotope, and sequence stratigraphy, in order to evaluate their age as well as the timing of rudist decline.Ammonites [Pachydiscus (Pachydiscus) neubergicus (Hauer), Sphenodiscus pleurisepta (Conrad), Coahuilites sheltoni Böse] indicate an early Maastrichtian age for the topmost lower member of the Cardenas Formation and planktic foraminifera [e.g., Globotruncanita stuarti (de Lapparent), Archaeoglobigerina cretacea (d’Orbigny), Globotruncanella petaloidea (Gandolfi), Gansserina gansseri (Bolli), Globotruncana linneiana (d’Orbigny)] a late early Maastrichtian age for the middle member corresponding to the foraminiferal zones CF5 and CF6. Sr-isotope stratigraphic data yield an early late Maastrichtian age (66.93 Ma < 67.98 Ma < 68.96 Ma) for the last rudist assemblage in the topmost upper member of the Cardenas Formation, coinciding with the foraminiferal zone CF4.17 small-scale and 3 large-scale depositional cycles have been identified, which correspond to para- and depositional sequences. The progradational pattern of the large-scale cycles indicates an overall regression trend, which terminated in subaerial exposure of the area, indicated by paleosoils in the red beds of the Tabaco Formation. The correlation of the large-scale cycles with the global sea level charts indicate that eustatic sea level fall caused the regression and led to the exposure during the middle late Maastrichtian. This subaerial exposure resulted in the loss of habitat and thus the disappearance of rudists in east-central Mexico.  相似文献   

Abstract: A mass occurrence, numbering tens of thousands of individuals in a single lens, belonging to a single species of asteroid, is described from the late Maastrichtian (Late Cetaceous) of Morocco. The lens of partially silicified asteroidal limestone is made up largely of fully articulated specimens of similar size and probably represents the mass mortality of a single recruitment. By comparison with mass strandings of the present‐day species Asterias rubens (Linnaeus), it can be inferred that a feeding swarm of individuals was swept into a submarine channel by either a storm or an exceptionally strong tidal current, and permanently buried. The genus and species are herein described as Cretasterias reticulatus gen. et sp. nov. The exceptional preservation of the material enables the identification of wreath organs (clusters of crossed pedicellariae set in a dermal pad around spines) for the first time in the fossil record. Comparison between extant Asteriidae, putative fossil asteriids and C. reticulatus provides ambiguous evidence of its affinities; it appears to display a combination of plesiomorphic and derived characters. It is shown that all Mesozoic forcipulatid asteroids described so far share a very simple arm construction (single row of adradial ossicles) unknown in adult extant Forcipulatida.  相似文献   

A new species,Saccopharynx berteli, is described from one specimen collected in the Central Pacific Ocean. It differs from the other nine species in the genus in morphometric characters, principally including the extreme elongation of the caudal region (88.5% of TL) compared with 71–82% in the other species.  相似文献   


Using a morphology‐based approach, we explore the relationships between three poorly understood species of organic‐walled Foraminifera. Thalmann and Bermudez (1954) described Chitinosiphon rufescens as the type species of a new monotypic genus which they compared to the tubular agglutinated foraminiferan Bathysiphon. Loeblich and Tappan (1964), however, considered C. rufescens to be identical to Reophax membranacea Brady 1879, type species of another organic‐walled genus, Nodellum. Based on a re‐examination of the type specimens of both species, new material of C. rufescens from the Lost City hydrothermal field, and new material of N. membranacea from the NE Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, we show that these two deep‐sea species are distinguished by the following features. (1) Chitinosiphon rufescens lacks the distinct, regular constrictions that divide the tubular test of N. membranacea into a series of segments. (2) The proloculus is spindle‐shaped in C. rufescens but sub‐cylindrical in N. membranacea. (3) A distinctive, pocket‐like invagination is developed at the base (proximal end) of the proloculus in N. membranacea but not in C. rufescens. However, a series of undescribed species which occur in deep‐sea sediments blur the distinction between the two genera. We therefore adopt a conservative position and regard Chitinosiphon as a junior synonym of Nodellum. We also examined the holotype and new material of Nodellum moniliforme Resig, 1982, the type species of Resigella Loeblich and Tappan, 1984, in which the organic‐walled test comprises a series of bulbous chambers. This species exhibits a basal invagination, identical to the feature present in Nodellum membranacea. These three remarkable species are united by the basically tubular test and the nature of the test wall which is largely organic, brownish in colour, and exhibits no internal structure when broken sections are examined by SEM. The surface of the organic test of Nodellum rufescens from Lost City is strewn with tiny (≤1μm), needle‐shaped mineral particles, visible only by SEM. More equidimensional, micron‐sized particles are present in the other two species. We agree with Thalmann and Bermudez (1954) that N. rufescens is related to tubular agglutinated taxa such as Bathysiphon. Resigella may have similar affinities, although this needs to be tested using molecular approaches.  相似文献   

Summary A rich dasycladalean assemblage, mainly consisting of new taxa, has been discovered in upper Maastrichtian coarse bioclastic limestones of shelf margin facies cropping out along the southeastern coast of Salento peninsula (Puglia, Southern Italy). It consists of 8 species grouped into 6 genera:Cymopolia decastroi Parente 1994;C. barattoloi Parente, 1994;Zittelina fluegeli n.sp;Jodotella koradae (Dieni, Massari & Radoicic, 1983) nov. comb.;Barattoloporella salentina n. gen. n. sp.;Morelletpora dienii n. sp.;Neomeris spp. (two different species). Zittelina fluegeli n. sp. is characterized by an ovoid thallus with calcification made by a calcareous wall enveloping only the proximal part of the branches (except in basal whorls) and by closely packed, and partly coalescent, calcified ampullae arranged all around the median and distal portion of branches. The transferral ofNeomeris (Larvaria) koradae Dieni, Massari & Radoicic, 1983 into the genusJodotella, with the new combinationJodotella koradae, is proposed on the basis of new observations on the number and arrangement of fertile ampullae. The new genusBarattoloporella, type-speciesBarattoloporella salentina n. gen. n. sp., is erected for dasycladalean algae characterized by a segmented thallus. Each segment consists of: a) basal and apical sterile whorls made by primary branches only, b) central fertile whorls made by primary branches bearing in terminal position one fertile ampulla and one or two secondary branches. morelletpora dienii n. sp. is characterized by a segmented thallus with barrel shaped to pear shaped repetitive elements, consisting of simple whorls of first order branches only. Shape of the branches varies from regularly phloiophorous to more or less differentiated in a stalk and a swollen portion, with or without a subterminal constriction. This is by far the most diverse dasycladalean assemblage ever found in the Maastrichtian. Its diversity supports the conclusion that, within the Late Cretaceous, the Maastrichtian represents a maximum in dasycladalean diversity. Its taxonomic composition strenghtens the hypothesis that dasycladaleans were hardly affected by K/T mass extinction.  相似文献   

The bathyal genus Bassogigas (Teleostei: Ophidiidae) is revised based on 25 specimens, 18 from the west Atlantic Ocean and seven from the Indo-west Pacific Ocean. One specimen, from off Guam, west Pacific Ocean, represents a new species, Walker's cusk eel Bassogigas walkeri. The other 24 specimens all belong to the type species, Gills cusk eel Bassogigas gillii. A comparison between the Atlantic and the Indo-west Pacific Ocean specimens of B. gillii showed no differences in meristic and morphometric characters, but in two of the Indo-west Pacific Ocean specimens the sagittal otolith varied somewhat from the remaining specimens. The two Bassogigas species differ in the length of the lateral line, the number of scales in the midline of the body, the form of the median basibranchial tooth patches and in the thickness of the otolith.  相似文献   

We describe and interpret a posterior mandibular symphysis of a very large azhdarchid pterosaur. The specimen LPB (FGGUB ) R.2347 exhibits a series of morphological characters present in both azhdarchid and tapejarid pterosaurs, suggesting a more basal position within the clade Azhdarchidae. This fossil was collected from Maastrichtian continental deposits near V?lioara in the Ha?eg Basin, Romania, but cannot be confidently referred to the contemporaneous giant Hatzegopteryx thambema, also from V?lioara, due to the absence of overlapping skeletal elements. Remarkably, this mandibular symphysis shares a number of features the smaller azhdarchoid Bakonydraco galaczi from the Santonian of Hungary. Additional comparisons with previously described large‐sized azhdarchid mandibles indicate a certain degree of morphological and probably ecological disparity within the group. This specimen represents the largest pterosaur mandible ever found and provides insights into the anatomy of the enigmatic giant pterosaurs.  相似文献   

This study was performed to clarify how weather and current dynamics affect the resistance to temperature change in the oceanic sea skaters, Halobates. Heat coma temperature (HCT) was measured for the adults and 5th instar larvae of four Halobates species collected from a fixed sampling location (12°00′N, 135°00′E ) in western tropical Pacific Ocean and from 13 locations in the eastern area of the India Ocean ranging from 08°00′N-06°00′S and 86°00-76°00′E. Both the gap temperature for heat coma (GTHC, mean±SD: 7.83±1.86 °C, n=32) and the heat coma temperature (HCP, 35.03±1.80 °C, n=32) of individuals collected from the Pacific Ocean, during the first half (10 days) of the sampling period at the fixed sampling point, were significantly higher than those during the second half (GTHC: 5.10±2.05 °C, n=63; HCP: 34.03±2.02 °C, n=63). The reduction in heat tolerance shown in the second half of the 20 day period may have been caused by a decrease in air temperature due to rainfall that occurred around the sampling point accompanied with the arrival of Typhoon No. 6.In the study of individuals collected from the Indian Ocean, significantly higher average GTHCs of >8 °C were recorded for the adult H. micans collected at 02°00′S and 06°00′S (89°00′E) than those at 0°00-8°00′N in the eastern Indian Ocean. Dynamic mixture of water from northern and southern currents occurs at 02°00-6°00′S of the Indian Ocean and might relate to such high heat tolerance.Temperature dynamics in the ocean habitat might directly affect the temperature resistance of the oceanic sea skaters.  相似文献   

以4个人体癌细胞株为模型、利用四甲基偶氮唑盐(Methyl Thiazolyl blue Tetrazolium bromide,MTT)比色法和磺酰罗丹明(SulfoRhodamine B,SRB)染色法对55株来自于热带太平洋深海微生物(细菌和霉菌)的培养液的乙酸乙酯抽提物以及菌体的甲醇提取物进行了细胞毒活性筛选,并主要采用分子生物学方法鉴定了该批菌株. 结果表明,55株微生物发酵样品共110个提取物中,90%样品表现出细胞毒活性;其中13株微生物的活性较强(提取物有效抑制浓度≤16μg/ml),具有较好的开发应用前景。同时还发现,菌体中检测到的活性菌株数大于发酵液中检测到的活性菌株数, 细菌的筛选得率高于霉菌的筛选得率.鉴定结果显示, 50株微生物分属于21属、29种,其中13个较高活性菌株来源于8个属。本文为我国深海微生物资源的开发利用,提供了探索性研究信息。  相似文献   

A new genus and species of monogenean belonging to Hexabothriidae, Hypanocotyle bullardi n. gen. n. sp., is described based on specimens collected from the gill filaments of the diamond stingray, Hypanus dipterurus (Jordan et Gilbert) (Myliobatiformes: Dasyatidae), a demersal chondrichthyan collected off the coast of Callao, Peru. Hypanocotyle n. gen. has the following combination of diagnostic features that differentiate it from other hexabothriid genera: haptor symmetrical; vasa efferentia having proximal (narrow, with thin glandular wall) and distal (expanded, interlaced, with thick glandular wall) portions, joining medially to form vas deferens; vas deferens having proximal (expanded, sinuous, with thick glandular wall) and distal (narrow, strongly sinuous, with thin glandular wall) portions; male copulatory organ unarmed, proximal portion slightly sinuous and tube-like, distal portion funnel-shaped; prostatic glands present, distributed around of the MCO; seminal receptacle present; ootype lacking longitudinal rows of large cells (no oötype côtelé); vaginae parallel, with well-differentiated proximal (glandular, narrow, tube-like, slightly sinuous) and distal (musculoglandular, convoluted) portions; gland cells surrounding the vaginal duct along the entire length of distal portion, densely clustered in middle portion; uterine eggs with 2 elongate filaments. Phylogenetic reconstructions by maximum-likelihood method, based on newly obtained partial 18S and 28S sequences, shows that H. bullardi n. gen. is included within the family Hexabothriidae, order Diclybothriidea. This is the second hexabothriid genus recorded from a diamond stingray (Dasyatidae), and the fourth hexabothriid species recorded from Peru. A key to hexabothriid genera is provided.  相似文献   

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