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Tethered cockroaches turn from unilateral antennal contact using asymmetrical movements of mesothoracic (T2) legs (Mu and Ritzmann in J Comp Physiol A 191:1037–1054, 2005). During the turn, the leg on the inside of the turn (the inside T2 leg) has distinctly different motor patterns from those in straight walking. One possible neural mechanism for the transformation from walking to inside leg turning could be that the descending commands alter a few critical reflexes that start a cascade of physical changes in leg movement or posture, leading to further alterations. This hypothesis has two implications: first, the descending activities must be able to influence thoracic reflexes. Second, one should be able to initiate the turning motor pattern without descending signals by mimicking a point farther down in the reflex cascade. We addressed the first implication in this paper by experiments on chordotonal organ reflexes. The activity of depressor muscle (Ds) and slow extensor tibia muscle (SETi) was excited and inhibited by stretching and relaxing the femoral chordotonal organ. However, the Ds responses were altered after eliminating the descending activity, while the SETi responses remain similar. The inhibition to Ds activity by stretching the coxal chordotonal organ was also altered after eliminating the descending activity.  相似文献   

Summary Connections between the four DMD neurons and metathoracic motoneurons in the locustSchistocerca were examined by recording extracellularly from the interneurons in the pro-mesothoracic connectives and intracellularly from seventeen motoneurons. A DIMD or DCMD spike causes an EPSP in the fast extensor tibiae motoneuron, which can be modified by changing the membrane potential. The EPSP always follows spikes at frequencies up to 200 Hz and with a latency of 0.9 ms, suggesting that the connections are monosynaptic and chemically mediated. EPSPs from the DIMD or DCMD arrive at the same time, their axons having the same conduction velocity, and appear simultaneously in the fast extensor tibiae motoneurons on both sides of the ganglion. There is spatial and temporal summation between the inputs but on no occasion did the motoneurons spike. Three inhibitory neurons are depolarized by DMD inputs and may on occasion spike, but it is not known whether these connections are direct. Similarly the slow excitatory motoneuron to the anterior coxal adductor muscle is hyperpolarized by DMD input. Other leg, flight or ventilatory motoneurons examined received no inputs from the DMD neurons. The connections shown are consistent with the hypothesis that the DMD neurons are in some way involved with initiation of a jump, but to achieve this must act synergistically with other inputs. This work was supported in part by USPHS grant No. NS 09404-03 to C.H.F.R. Dr. Rowell wishes to thank Dr. J. Phillipson for the use of facilities in the Oxford Department of Zoology during sabbatical leave.  相似文献   

Tethered cockroaches turn from unilateral antennal contact using asymmetrical movements of mesothoracic (T2) legs (Mu and Ritzmannin J Comp Physiol A 191:1037–1054, 2005). During the turn, the leg on the inside of the turn (the inside T2 leg) has distinctly different motor patterns from those in straight walking. The transformation from walking to inside leg turning could be triggered by descending commands that alter a few critical reflexes that start a cascade of physical changes in leg movement or posture, leading to further alterations. This hypothesis has two implications: First, the descending activities must be able to influence thoracic reflexes. Second, one should be able to initiate the turning motor pattern in the absence of descending signals by mimicking a point farther down in the reflex cascade. We addressed the first implication in the companion paper. To examine the second implication, we compared kinematics and motor activities of the T2 leg during searching with that of inside leg turning. The reaching movements made during searching were found to be similar to the movements made by the inside leg during turning. Moreover, even after disconnecting the brain from the thoracic ganglia the reaching movements were similar. This observation is consistent with the second implication from the hypothesis.  相似文献   

In 18 dogs anesthetized with morphine-chloralose the interaction between the aortic nerve (AN) pressor and depressor reflexes was studied. Low-intensity, high-frequency electrical stimulation of the AN causes large decreases in heart rate and systemic pressure characteristic of baroreflex responses. High-intensity, low-frequency stimulation of the AN causes modest increases in heart rate and systemic pressure similar to the responses observed to intraaortic nicotine. Simultaneous electrical stimulation of these antagonistic reflexes results in much smaller (P less than 0.001) reductions in heart rate and systemic pressure that can be explained on the basis of simple addition of the individual responses. Similarly the AN depressor reflexes are suppressed during intraaortic infusions of nicotine (40 micrograms/min). The results suggest that the inhibitory effects of the AN baroreflexes are suppressed by the aortic chemoreflexes . This interaction occurs in the CNS rather than at the level of the heart or vascular smooth muscle.  相似文献   

Evidence from animalsindicates that skeletal muscle afferents activate the vestibular nucleiand that both vestibular and skeletal muscle afferents have inputs tothe ventrolateral medulla. The purpose of the present study was toinvestigate the interaction between the vestibulosympathetic andskeletal muscle reflexes on muscle sympathetic nerve activity (MSNA)and arterial pressure in humans. MSNA, arterial pressure, and heartrate were measured in 17 healthy subjects in the prone position duringthree experimental trials. The three trials were 2 min of 1)head-down rotation (HDR) to engage the vestibulosympathetic reflex,2) isometric handgrip (IHG) at 30% maximal voluntarycontraction to activate skeletal muscle afferents, and 3)HDR and IHG performed simultaneously. The order of the three trials wasrandomized. HDR and IHG performed alone increased total MSNA by 46 ± 16 and 77 ± 24 units, respectively (P < 0.01). During the HDR plus IHG trial, MSNA increased 142 ± 38 units (P < 0.01). This increase was not significantlydifferent from the sum of the individual trials (130 ± 41 units).This finding was also observed with mean arterial pressure (sum = 21 ± 2 mmHg and HDR + IHG = 22 ± 2 mmHg). Thesefindings suggest that there is an additive interaction for MSNA andarterial pressure when the vestibulosympathetic and skeletal musclereflexes are engaged simultaneously in humans. Therefore, no centralmodulation exists between these two reflexes with regard to MSNA outputin humans.


Thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) produced a depolarization in lumbar motoneurons of neonatal rats. The depolarization by TRH persisted after extracellular Ca2+ was replaced by Mg2+ or Mn2+, indicating its direct action upon motoneurons. Stimulation of the ventral descending tract at the lower thoracic segment evoked slow excitatory postsynaptic potentials (e.p.s.ps) lasting 20-30 s in every motoneuron. Both the TRH-induced depolarization and descending slow e.p.s.p. were accompanied by a decrease in input conductance of motoneurons. When the membrane potential of the motoneuron was shifted, both the TRH-induced depolarization and slow e.p.s.p. became larger in amplitude during depolarization and smaller during hyperpolarization. However, they could not be reversed in polarity by hyperpolarization. During the depolarization of motoneuron produced by TRH application, the slow e.p.s.p. was markedly reduced in amplitude, suggesting the involvement of identical ionic mechanisms in the two responses. After incubation of the isolated spinal cord with antisera to TRH, the depolarizing response produced by TRH as well as the descending slow e.p.s.p. was greatly diminished. In contrast, monosynaptic reflexes evoked by dorsal root stimulation remained unchanged under this condition. These results suggest that TRH serves as a neurotransmitter mediating the descending slow e.p.s.p. in motoneurons.  相似文献   

Postsynaptic potentials evoked by stimulation of the motor cortex or pyramids before and after acute pyramidotomy were investigated in the lumbar motoneurons of monkeys. In response to activation of fibers of the pyramidal tract monosynaptic EPSPs predominated in motoneurons innervating the distal muscles of the hind limbs. Monosynaptic EPSPs in the motoneurons of the distal muscles had a significantly higher amplitude and could be evoked by weaker stimuli than EPSPs in the motoneurons of the proximal muscles. Cortico-motoneuronal EPSPs in the motoneurons of the distal muscles had a less marked frequency potentiation than EPSPs with monosynaptic segmental delay in the motoneurons of the proximal muscles. Cortico-extrapyramidal synaptic responses appeared in the pyramidotomized monkeys during intensive repetitive stimulation of the motor cortex in motoneurons of both distal and proximal muscles. These effects, transmitted by descending projections of the brain stem, may be responsible for the partial preservation of cortical motor control after pyramidotomy.I. M. Sechenov Institute of Evolutionary Physiology and Biochemistry, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Leningrad. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 4, No. 6, pp. 587–596, November–December, 1972.  相似文献   

Ca2+ fluxes through ionotropic glutamate receptors regulate a variety of developmental processes, including neurite outgrowth and naturally occurring cell death. In the CNS, NMDA receptors were originally thought to be the sole source of Ca2+ influx through glutamate receptors; however, AMPA receptors also allow a significant influx of Ca2+ ions. The Ca2+ permeability of AMPA receptors is regulated by the insertion of one or more edited GluR2 subunits. In this study, we tested the possibility that changes in GluR2 expression regulate the Ca2+ permeability of AMPA receptors during a critical period of neuronal development in chick lumbar motoneurons. GluR2 expression is absent between embryonic day (E) 5 and E7, but increases significantly by E8 in the chick ventral spinal cord. Increased GluR2 protein expression is correlated with parallel changes in GluR2 mRNA in the motoneuron pool. Electrophysiological recordings of kainate-evoked currents indicate a significant reduction in the Ca2(+)-permeability of AMPA receptors between E6 and E11. Kainate-evoked currents were sensitive to the AMPA receptor blocker GYKI 52466. Application of AMPA or kainate generates a significant increase in the intracellular Ca2+ concentration in E6 spinal motoneurons, but generates a small response in older neurons. Changes in the Ca(2+)-permeability of AMPA receptors are not mediated by age-dependent changes in the editing pattern of GluR2 subunits. These findings raise the possibility that Ca2+ influx through Ca(2+)-permeable AMPA receptors plays an important role during early embryonic development in chick spinal motoneurons.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of chemical and reflex drives on the postinspiratory inspiratory activity (PIIA) of phrenic motoneurons using a single-fiber technique. Action potentials from "single" fibers were recorded from the C5 phrenic root together with contralateral mass phrenic activity (also from C5) in anesthetized, paralyzed, and artificially ventilated cats with intact vagus and carotid sinus nerves. Nerve fibers were classified as "early" or "late" based on their onset of discharge in relation to mass phrenic activity during hyperoxic ventilation. Only the early fibers displayed PIIA but not the late fibers, even when their activity began earlier in inspiration with increased chemical drives. Isocapnic hypoxia increased, whereas hyperoxic hypercapnia shortened the duration of PIIA. Pulmonary stretch and "irritant" receptors inhibited PIIA. Hypercapnia and stimulation of peripheral chemoreceptors by lobeline excited both early and late units to the same extent, but hypoxic ventilation had a less marked excitatory effect on late fiber activity. Irritant receptor activation increased the activity of early more than late fibers. Hyperoxic hyperventilation eliminated late phrenic fiber activity, whereas early fibers became tonically active. Bilateral vagotomy abolished this sustained discharge in eight of nine early units, suggesting the importance of vagal afferents in producing tonic firing during hyperventilation. These results suggest that early and late phrenic fibers have different responses to chemical stimuli and to vagally mediated reflexes; late units do not discharge in postinspiratory period, whereas early fibers do; the PIIA is not affected in the same way by various chemical and vagal inputs; and early units that exhibit PIIA display tonic activity with hyperoxic hypocapnia.  相似文献   

Respiratory afferent stimulation can elicit increases in respiratory motor output that outlast the period of stimulation by seconds to minutes [short-term potentiation (STP)]. This study examined the potential contribution of spinal mechanisms to STP in anesthetized, vagotomized, paralyzed rats. After C(1) spinal cord transection, stimulus trains (100 Hz, 5-60 s) of the C(1)-C(2) lateral funiculus elicited STP of phrenic nerve activity that peaked several seconds poststimulation. Intracellular recording revealed that individual phrenic motoneurons exhibited one of three different responses to stimulation: 1) depolarization that peaked several seconds poststimulation, 2) depolarization during stimulation and then exponential repolarization after stimulation, and 3) bistable behavior in which motoneurons depolarized to a new, relatively stable level that was maintained after stimulus termination. During the STP, excitatory postsynaptic potentials elicited by single-stimulus pulses were larger and longer. In conclusion, repetitive activation of the descending inputs to phrenic motoneurons causes a short-lasting depolarization of phrenic motoneurons, and augmentation of excitatory postsynaptic potentials, consistent with a contribution to STP.  相似文献   

In acute experiments on spinal 5-30-day rat puppies, studies have been made of the effect of DOPA (100 mg/kg intraperitoneally) on monosynaptic reflex in extensors (evaluated by parameters of H-reflex) as well as on polysynaptic segmentary reflexes. In 5-7-day animals, mainly the inhibitory effect was observed with a short phase of facilitation of monosynaptic reflex. From the 10th day, facilitatory effect of DOPA becomes a predominant one reaching maximum to the 16th day. Within first 16 days of postnatal life, DOPA exhibits facilitatory effect on short-latent polysynaptic reflexes and inhibits long-latent ones. To the 30th day, reactions which are typical of adult animals are observed: inhibition of short-latent and facilitation of long-latent polysynaptic discharges. The data obtained indicate that in early postnatal development the effect of DOPA on mono- and polysynaptic reflexes qualitatively differs from that in adult animals.  相似文献   

Postsynaptic responses evoked by stimulation of the descending tract and dorsal roots were investigated by means of intracellular microelectrodes in experiments on preparation of the isolated lamprey spinal cord. Besides giant reticulospinal (Mullerian) axons, a broad spectrum of descending fibers and dorsal-root afferents were shown to form synaptic inputs with both chemical and electrical mechanisms of transmission with motoneurons, as revealed by the sensitivity of the corresponding PSPs to absence of calcium ions and excess of magnesium ions in the external medium. During combined stimulation electrotonic PSPs may have a rapid temporal course characteristic of elementary responses, but they may also lead to smooth and slow depolarization of the postsynaptic membrane, evidence that they may perform not only a mediator but also an integrative function.I. M. Sechenov Institute of Evolutionary Physiology and Biochemistry, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Leningrad. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 9, No. 5, pp. 512–517, September–October, 1977.  相似文献   

Zheng C  Wang MY 《生理学报》2012,64(2):155-162
Descending activation pathways in spinal cord are essential for inducing and modulating autokinesis, but whether the effects of general anesthetic agents on the descending pathways are involved in initiation of skeletal muscle relaxation or not, as well as the underlying mechanisms on excitatory amino acid receptors still remain unclear. In order to explore the mechanisms underlying etomidate's effects on descending activation of spinal cord motoneurons (MNs), the conventional intracellular recording techniques in MNs of spinal cord slices isolated from neonatal rats (7-14 days old) were performed to observe and analyze the actions of etomidate on excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP) elicited by electrical stimulation of the ipsilateral ventrolateral funiculus (VLF), which was named VLF-EPSP. Etomidate at 0.3, 3.0 (correspond to clinical concentration) and 30.0 μmol/L were in turn perfused to MN with steadily recorded VLF-EPSPs. At low concentration (0.3 μmol/L), etomidate increased duration, area under curve and/or half-width of VLF-EPSP and N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor-mediated VLF-EPSP component (all P < 0.05), as well as amplitude, area under curve and half-width of non-NMDA receptor-mediated VLF-EPSP component (all P < 0.05), or decreased amplitude and area under curve of VLF-EPSP, its NMDA receptor component, and non-NMDA receptor component (all P < 0.05). However, at 3.0 and 30.0 μmol/L, it was only observed that etomidate exerted inhibitory effects on amplitude and/or duration and/or area under curve of VLF-EPSP (P < 0.05 or P < 0.01) with concentration- and time-dependent properties. Moreover, NMDA receptor-mediated VLF-EPSP component was more sensitive to etomidate at ≥ 3.0 μmol/L than non-NMDA receptor-mediated VLF-EPSP component did. As a conclusion, etomidate, at different concentrations, exerts differential effects on VLF-EPSP and glutamate receptors mediating the synaptic transmission of descending activation of MNs in neonatal rat spinal cord in vitro.  相似文献   

This study investigated whether the external marker-defined spine inter-segmental rotation is different from the internal vertebral rotation, and explored how to estimate the latter from limited surface measurement. A kinematic model was first created to elucidate analytically the relation between the external and internal rotations. A novel approach guided by the model was proposed for deriving vertebral centers of rotation (CORs) from measured planar trajectories of skin-surface markers. The approach involved a recursive procedure for establishing local (anatomical) coordinate systems, and an optimization routine that identified the maximum-likelihood circles best fitting the marker trajectories in local coordinate systems. An experiment with 10 subjects (5 males and 5 females) was conducted to test the approach along with the model. Skin-surface markers were strategically placed over individual spinous processes and other body landmarks, and recorded by an opto-electronic system while sagittally symmetric load-lifting movements were being performed. For the majority (89%) of measured motions, the COR locations for lumbar vertebrae (L2-L5) were derived successfully: solutions resulting from the optimization routine met a convergence criterion governed by the model, and were in agreement with existing data from radiographic or cadaveric studies. Empirical results confirmed the differences between the external marker-defined inter-segmental motions and corresponding internal vertebral rotations (1.1-5.8 degrees on average, all statistically significant). The study demonstrated the necessity and viability of quantifying internal vertebral kinematics when utilizing non-invasive marker-based measurement for spine-related clinical diagnosis and biomechanical modeling.  相似文献   

Experiments with intracortical microstimulation and intracellular recording from motoneurons of the rat hind limb showed that synaptic effects due to activation of pyramidal neurons of the motor cortex and transmitted along the pyramidal tract are exclusively polysynaptic in character. Mainly excitatory effects were found in motoneurons of flexors and extensors, and of distal and proximal muscles. The minimal intensity of intracortical stimulation required for synaptic excitation of -motoneurons is 5–10 µA. Low-threshold synaptic effects in lumbar motoneurons and movements of the hind limbs are evoked from the same zones.I. M. Sechenov Institute of Evolutionary Physiology and Biochemistry, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Leningrad. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 174–180, March–April, 1973.  相似文献   

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