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Escherichia coli (E. coli) bacteria have been identified to be the cause of variety of health outbreaks resulting from contamination of food and water. Timely and rapid detection of the bacteria is thus crucial to maintain desired quality of food products and water resources. A novel methodology proposed in this paper demonstrates for the first time, the feasibility of employing a bare fiber Bragg grating (bFBG) sensor for detection of E. coli bacteria. The sensor was fabricated in a photo‐sensitive optical fiber (4.2 µm/80 µm). Anti‐E. coli antibody was immobilized on the sensor surface to enable the capture of target cells/bacteria present in the sample solution. Strain induced on the sensor surface as a result of antibody immobilization and subsequent binding of E. coli bacteria resulted in unique wavelength shifts in the respective recording of the reflected Bragg wavelength, which can be exploited for the application of biosensing. Functionalization and antibody binding on to the fiber surface was cross validated by the color development resulting from the reaction of an appropriate substrate solution with the enzyme label conjugated to the anti‐E. coli antibody. Scanning electron microscope image of the fiber, further verified the E. coli cells bound to the antibody immobilized sensor surface.


A rapid biosensor for the detection of bacterial growth was developed using micromechanical oscillators coated in common nutritive layers. The change in resonance frequency as a function of the increasing mass on a cantilever array forms the basis of the detection scheme. The calculated mass sensitivity according to the mechanical properties of the cantilever sensor is approximately 50 pg/Hz; this mass corresponds to an approximate sensitivity of approximately 100 Escherichia coli cells. The sensor is able to detect active growth of E. coli cells within 1 h. The starting number of E. coli cells initially attached to the sensor cantilever was, on average, approximately 1,000 cells. Furthermore, this method allows the detection of selective growth of E. coli within only 2 h by adding antibiotics to the nutritive layers. The growth of E. coli was confirmed by scanning electron microscopy. This new sensing method for the detection of selective bacterial growth allows future applications in, e.g., rapid antibiotic susceptibility testing.  相似文献   

A group-specific bioluminescent Escherichia coli strain for studying the action of beta-lactam antibiotics is described. The strain contains a plasmid, pBlaLux1, in which the luciferase genes from Photorhabdus luminescens are inserted under the control of the beta-lactam-responsive element ampR/ampC from Citrobacter freundii. In the presence of beta-lactams, the bacterial cells are induced to express the luciferase enzyme and three additional enzymes generating the substrate for the luciferase reaction. This biosensor for beta-lactams does not need any substrate or cofactor additions, and the bioluminescence can be measured very sensitively in real time by using a luminometer. Basic parameters affecting the light production and induction in the gram-negative model organism E. coli SNO301/pBlaLux1 by various beta-lactams were studied. The dose-response curves were bell shaped, indicating toxic effects for the sensor strain at high concentrations of beta-lactams. Various beta-lactams had fairly different assay ranges: ampicillin, 0.05-1.0 microg/ml; piperacillin, 0.0025-25 microg/ml; imipenem, 0.0025-0.25 microg/ml; cephapirin, 0.025-2.5 microg/ml; cefoxitin, 0.0025-1.5 microg/ml; and oxacillin, 25-500 microg/ml. Also, the induction coefficients (signal over background noninduced control) varied considerably from 3 to 158 in a 2-hour assay. Different non-beta-lactam antibiotics did not cause induction. Because the assay can be automated using microplate technologies, the approach may be suitable for higher throughput analysis of beta-lactam action.  相似文献   

A highly sensitive and specific RNA biosensor was developed for the rapid detection of viable Escherichia coli as an indicator organism in water. The biosensor is coupled with protocols developed earlier for the extraction and amplification of mRNA molecules from E. coli [Anal. Biochem. 303 (2002) 186]. However, in contrast to earlier detection methods, the biosensor allows the rapid detection and quantification of E. coli mRNA in only 15-20 min. In addition, the biosensor is portable, inexpensive and very easy to use, which makes it an ideal detection system for field applications. Viable E. coli are identified and quantified via a 200 nt-long target sequence from mRNA (clpB) coding for a heat shock protein. For sample preparation, a heat shock is applied to the cells prior to disruption. Then, mRNA is extracted, purified and finally amplified using the isothermal amplification technique Nucleic acid sequence-based amplification (NASBA). The amplified RNA is then quantified with the biosensor. The biosensor is a membrane-based DNA/RNA hybridization system using liposome amplification. The various biosensor components such as DNA probe sequences and concentration, buffers, incubation times have been optimized, and using a synthetic target sequence, a detection limit of 5 fmol per sample was determined. An excellent correlation to a much more elaborate and expensive laboratory based detection system was demonstrated, which can detect as few as 40 E. coli cfu/ml. Finally, the assay was tested regarding its specificity; no false positive signals were obtained from other microorganisms or from nonviable E. coli cells.  相似文献   

A rapid biosensor for the detection of bacterial growth was developed using micromechanical oscillators coated by common nutritive layers. The change in resonance frequency as a function of the increasing mass on a cantilever array forms the basis of the detection scheme. The sensor is able to detect active growth of Escherichia coli cells within 1 h which is significantly faster than any conventional plating method which requires at least 24 h. The growth of E. coli was confirmed by scanning electron microscopy. This new sensing method for the detection of active bacterial growth allows future applications in, e.g., rapid antibiotic susceptibility testing by adding antibiotics to the nutritive layer.  相似文献   

Optical fibre gratings, especially long period gratings, have been recently proposed as optical devices for biochemical sensing. A biochemical interaction along the grating portion induces a refractive index change and hence a change in the fiber transmission spectrum. This provides an alternative methodology with respect to other label‐free optical approaches, such as surface plasmon resonance, interferometric configurations and optical resonators. The fibre biofunctionalization has been carried out by means of a novel chemistry using Eudragit L100 copolymer as opposed to the commonly used silanization procedure. Antigen‐antibody interaction has been analysed by means of an IgG/anti‐IgG bioassay. The biosensor was fully characterised, monitoring the kinetics during the antibody immobilization and the antigen interaction and achieving the calibration curve of the assay. A comparison of the biosensor performance was made by using two different long period gratings with distinct periods. (© 2014 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

为构建一种能够特异性检测镉离子的大肠杆菌荧光报告菌株,本研究通过对检测元件模式和荧光蛋白的筛选后,以蓝色荧光蛋白mTagBFP2基因作为报告基因,使用双启动子模式,构建融合报告载体Pmer::merR-m-Pmer::mTagBFP2-pMD19-T。然后将报告载体转化至E.coli MC4100菌中,构建特异性检测镉离子的微生物传感器,并对此微生物传感器进行了最佳培养基、起始诱导浓度和时间、最适检测范围等相关参数的确定,以及对特异性进行了测定。研究表明,此微生物传感器检测镉离子背景信号低,选定起始菌液浓度为OD600=0.1,于IHMM培养基中诱导2 h为最佳检测条件,检测镉离子线性浓度范围为0.1-75μmol/L,并且只对Cd2+响应,特异性较高。因此,本研究成功构建了能够特异性检测镉离子的生物传感器,为重金属微生物传感器的优化研究工作提供了有用方案。  相似文献   

We report here the construction of a bacterial reporter system for high-throughput screening of antimicrobial agents. The test organism is the Escherichia coli K-12 strain carrying luciferase genes luxC, luxD, luxA, luxB, and luxE from the bioluminescent bacterium Photorhabdus luminescens in a runaway replication plasmid. The replication of the plasmid can be induced, resulting in a change of the plasmid copy number from 1-2/cell to several hundreds per cell within tens of minutes. This increase in plasmid copies is independent of the replication of the host cells. The system will therefore amplify the effects of antibiotics inhibiting bacterial replication machinery, such as fluoroquinolones, and the inhibitory effects can be measured in real time by luminometry. The biosensor was compared with a strain engineered to emit light constitutively, and it was shown to be much more sensitive to various antibiotics than conventional overnight cultivation methods. The approach shows great potential for high-throughput screening of new compounds.  相似文献   

We have studied possibilities for constructing Escherichia coli strains capable of producing stable light. Light production in E. coli is achieved by cloning the genes encoding bacterial luciferase from Vibrio harveyi. To gain the advantage of sensitive detection of light we transferred the genes under the control of a strong, regulatable promoter system. Stabilization of light produced by E. coli clones was accomplished by finding the optimal plasmid construction and growth conditions as well as suitable measuring buffers. The adjustment of the luciferase synthesis for bioluminescence measurements to a high but not harmful level gives healthy cells and stable luciferase. Cultivation at 30 °C in an uninduced state was found to be the most important factor in getting stable-light production. The overall cell metabolism being unstressed gives us the possibility of monitoring cell physiology and factors affecting it via bioluminescence reactions in vivo. To make the results easy to interpret the light emission has to be stable during a measurement period of one to several hours. In the case of the original light-producing bacteria, Vibrio and Photobacterium strains it has not thus far been possible to find conditions where light emission would be stable for several hours. Based on our findings an automated biosensor system can be developed to monitor the effects of biologically active compounds against stable-light-producing bacteria.  相似文献   

The interaction of riboflavin with salmon sperm double-stranded DNA based on the decreasing of the oxidation signal of guanine and adenine bases was studied electrochemically with a pencil graphite electrode (PGE) using differential pulse voltammetry. The decrease in the intensity of the guanine and adenine oxidation signals after interaction with riboflavin was used as an indicator signals for the sensitive determination of riboflavin. Under the optimum conditions, a linear dependence of the guanine and adenine oxidation signals was observed for the riboflavin concentration in the range of 0.5-70 μg mL(-1) with a detection limit of 0.34 μg mL(-1) at ds-DNA modified PGE. The reproducibility and applicability of the analysis to pharmaceutical dosage forms and urine sample were also investigated. These results showed that this DNA biosensor could be used for the sensitive, rapid, simple and cost effective detection and determination of riboflavin-ds-DNA interaction. Pretreated pencil graphite electrode (PPGE) was also used for the determination of riboflavin by differential pulse adsorptive stripping voltammetry. With PPGE, a linear relationship was obtained for riboflavin over the concentration range of 0.003-0.88 μg mL(-1) with differential pulse adsorptive stripping voltammetric signal and with a detection limit of 0.076 ng mL(-1). Both determination methods were fully validated and applied for the analysis of riboflavin.  相似文献   

A biosensor was developed for the detection of tributyltin (TBT), using a bioluminescent recombinant Escherichia coli:: luxAB strain. Dedicated devices allowed the on-line measurement of bioluminescence, pH and dissolved oxygen values and the feed-back regulation of temperature. Bacterial physiology was monitored by the measurement of the cellular density, respiratory activity and the intracellular level of ATP, glucose and acetate levels. Our results showed that a synthetic glucose medium gave a better TBT detection limit than LB medium (respectively 0.02 micro M and 1.5 micro M TBT). High growth and dilution rates ( D=0.9 h(-1)) allowed maximum light emission from the bacterium. Moreover, simple atmospheric air bubbling was sufficient to provide oxygen for growth and the bioluminescence reaction. Real-time monitoring of bioluminescence after TBT induction occurred with continuous addition of decanal up to 300 micro M, which was not toxic throughout a 7-day experiment. The design of our biosensor and the optimization of the main parameters that influence microbial activity led to the capacity for the detection of TBT.  相似文献   

One of the primary requirements of cell- or tissue-based sensors is the placement of cells and cellular material at or near the sensing elements of the device. The ability to achieve precise, reproducible and rapid placement of cells is the focus of this study. We have developed a technique, biological laser printing or BioLP, which satisfies these requirements and has advantages over current technologies. BioLP is capable of rapidly depositing patterns of active biomolecules and living cells onto a variety of material surfaces. Unlike ink jet or manual spotting techniques, this process delivers small volume (nl to fl) aliquots of biomaterials without the use of an orifice, thus eliminating potential clogging issues and enabling diverse classes of biomaterials to be deposited. This report describes the use of this laser-based printing method to transfer genetically-modified bacteria capable of responding to various chemical stressors onto agar-coated slides and into microtiter plates. The BioLP technology enables smaller spot sizes, increased resolution, and improved reproducibility compared to related technologies.  相似文献   

The minimal time between successive initiations on the same origin (the eclipse) in Escherichia coli was determined to be approximately 25-30 min. An inverse relationship was found between the length of the eclipse and the amount of Dam methyltransferase in the cell, indicating that the eclipse corresponds to the period of origin hemimethylation. The SeqA protein was absolutely required for the eclipse, and DnaA titration studies suggested that the SeqA protein prevented the binding of multiple DnaA molecules on oriC (initial complex formation). No correlation between the amount of SeqA and eclipse length was revealed, but increased SeqA levels affected chromosome partitioning and/or cell division. This was corroborated further by an aberrant nucleoid distribution in SeqA-deficient cells. We suggest that the SeqA protein's role in maintaining the eclipse is tied to a function in chromosome organization.  相似文献   

An impedance biosensor based on interdigitated array microelectrode (IDAM) coupled with magnetic nanoparticle-antibody conjugates (MNAC) was developed and evaluated for rapid and specific detection of E. coli O157:H7 in ground beef samples. MNAC were prepared by immobilizing biotin-labeled polyclonal goat anti-E. coli antibodies onto streptavidin-coated magnetic nanoparticles, which were used to separate and concentrate E. coli O157:H7 from ground beef samples. Magnitude of impedance and phase angle were measured in a frequency range of 10 Hz to 1 MHz in the presence of 0.1M mannitol solution. The lowest detection limits of this biosensor for detection of E. coli O157:H7 in pure culture and ground beef samples were 7.4 x 10(4) and 8.0 x 10(5)CFU ml(-1), respectively. The regression equation for the normalized impedance change (NIC) versus E. coli O157:H7 concentration (N) in ground beef samples was NIC=15.55 N-71.04 with R(2)=0.95. Sensitivity of the impedance biosensor was improved by 35% by concentrating bacterial cells attached to MNAC in the active layer of IDAM above the surface of electrodes with the help of a magnetic field. Based on equivalent circuit analysis, it was observed that bulk resistance and double layer capacitance were responsible for the impedance change caused by the presence of E. coli O157:H7 on the surface of IDAM. Surface immobilization techniques, redox probes, or sample incubation were not used in this impedance biosensor. The total detection time from sampling to measurement was 35 min.  相似文献   

Glucose oxidase (GOD) immobilized long period grating (LPG) fibers have been proposed for the specific and sensitive detection of glucose. The treatment of LPG fibers with aminopropyl triethoxysilane has induced biding sites for the subsequent GOD immobilization. Field emission scanning electron microscopy, confocal laser scanning microscopy, infrared spectroscopy and Raman spectroscopy have provided detailed evidences about the effectiveness of the adopted biofunctionalization methodology. The enzyme activity is conserved during the immobilization step. Fabricated LPG sensor was tested on different glucose solutions to record the transmission spectra on an optical spectrum analyzer. The wavelength shifts in the transmission spectra are linearly correlated with the glucose concentration in the range of 10-300 mg dL(-1). The fabricated sensor gives fast response and is demonstrated to be of practical utility by determining glucose contents in blood samples. Proposed technique can further be extended to develop LPG fiber based novel, sensitive and label free nanosensors for disease diagnosis and clinical analysis.  相似文献   

Aptamer selection for the detection of Escherichia coli K88   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In this study, the first group of single-stranded DNA aptamers that are highly specific to enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) K88 was obtained from an enriched oligonucleotide pool by the SELEX (Systematic Evolution of Ligands by Exponential Enrichment) procedure, during which the K88 fimbriae protein was used as the target and bovine serum albumin as counter targets. These aptamers were applied successfully in the detection of ETEC K88. They were then grouped under different families based on the similarity of their secondary structure and the homology of their primary sequence. Four sequences from different families were deliberately chosen for further characterization by fluorescence analysis. Having the advantage of high sensitivity, fluorescence photometry was selected as single-stranded DNA quantification method during the SELEX process. Aptamers with the highest specificity and affinity were analyzed to evaluate binding ability with E. coli. Since ETEC K88 is the only type of bacterium that expressed abundant K88 fimbriae, the selected aptamers against the K88 fimbriae protein were able to specifically identify ETEC K88 among other bacteria. This method of detecting ETEC K88 by aptamers can also be applied to bacteria other than ETEC K88.  相似文献   

Geng P  Zhang X  Teng Y  Fu Y  Xu L  Xu M  Jin L  Zhang W 《Biosensors & bioelectronics》2011,26(7):3325-3330
A new type of DNA sequence-specific electrochemical biosensor based on magnetic beads for the detection of Escherichia coli is reported in the present work. Alginic acid-coated cobalt magnetic beads, capped with 5'-(NH(2)) oligonucleotide and employed not only for magnetic separation but also as the solid adsorbent, were used as DNA probes to hybridize with the target E. coli DNA sequence. This assay was specific for E. coli detection depending on the uid A gene, which encodes for the enzyme β-d-glucuronidase produced by E. coli strains. When daunomycin (DNR) was used as DNA hybridization indicator, the target sequences of E. coli hybridized with the probes resulted in the decrease of DNR reduction peak current, which was proportional to the E. coli concentration. The optimization of the hybridization detection was carried out and the specificity of the probes was also demonstrated. This DNA biosensor can be employed to detect a complementary target sequence for 3.0×10(-10) mol/L and denatured PCR products for 0.5 ng/μL. The linear range of the developed biosensor for the detection of E. coli cells was from 1.0×10(2) to 2.0×10(3) cells/mL with a detection limit of 50 cells/mL. After a brief enrichment process, a concentration of 10 cells/mL E. coli in real water samples was detected by the electrochemical biosensor.  相似文献   

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