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The Su(Hw) insulator found in the gypsy retrotransposon is the most potent enhancer blocker in Drosophila melanogaster. However, two such insulators in tandem do not prevent enhancer-promoter communication, apparently because of their pairing interaction that results in mutual neutralization. Furthering our studies of the role of insulators in the control of gene expression, here we present a functional analysis of a large set of transgenic constructs with various arrangements of regulatory elements, including two or three insulators. We demonstrate that their interplay can have quite different outcomes depending on the order of and distance between elements. Thus, insulators can interact with each other over considerable distances, across interposed enhancers or promoters and coding sequences, whereby enhancer blocking may be attenuated, cancelled, or restored. Some inferences concerning the possible modes of insulator action are made from collating the new data and the relevant literature, with tentative schemes illustrating the regulatory situations in particular model constructs.  相似文献   

The suppressor of Hairy-wing [SU(HW)] binding region disrupts communication between a large number of enhancers and promoters and protects transgenes from chromosomal position effects. These properties classify the SU(HW) binding region as an insulator. While enhancers are blocked in a general manner, protection from repressors appears to be more variable. In these studies, we address whether repression resulting from the Polycomb group genes can be blocked by the SU(HW) binding region. The effects of this binding region on repression established by an Ultrabithorax Polycomb group Response Element were examined. A transposon carrying two reporter genes, the yellow and white genes, was used so that repression and insulation could be assayed simultaneously. We demonstrate that the SU(HW) binding region is effective at preventing Polycomb group repression. These studies suggest that one role of the su(Hw) protein may be to restrict the range of action of repressors, such as the Polycomb group proteins, throughout the euchromatic regions of the genome.  相似文献   

Chromatin insulators, or boundary elements, appear to control eukaryotic gene expression by regulating interactions between enhancers and promoters. Boundaries have been identified in the 3' cis-regulatory region of Abd-B, which is subdivided into a series of separate iab domains. Boundary elements such as Mcp, Fab-7, and Fab-8 and adjacent silencers flank the iab domains and restrict the activity of the iab enhancers. We have identified an insulator in the 755-bp Mcp fragment that is linked to the previously characterized Polycomb response element (PRE) and silences the adjacent genes. This insulator blocks the enhancers of the yellow and white genes and protects them from PRE-mediated repression. The interaction between the Mcp elements, each containing the insulator and PRE, allows the eye enhancer to activate the white promoter over the repressed yellow domain. The same level of white activation was observed when the Mcp element combined with the insulator alone was interposed between the eye enhancer and the promoter, suggesting that the insulator is responsible for the interaction between the Mcp elements.  相似文献   

Mutations in the suppressor of Hairy-wing [su(Hw)] locus reverse the phenotype of a number of tissue-specific mutations caused by insertion of a gypsy retrotransposon. The su(Hw) gene encodes a zinc finger protein which binds to a 430 bp region of gypsy shown to be both necessary and sufficient for its mutagenic effects. su(Hw) protein causes mutations by inactivation of enhancer elements only when a su(Hw) binding region is located between these regulatory sequences and a promoter. To understand the molecular basis of enhancer inactivation, we tested the effects of su(Hw) protein on expression of the mini-white gene. We find that su(Hw) protein stabilizes mini-white gene expression from chromosomal position-effects in euchromatic locations by inactivating negative and positive regulatory elements present in flanking DNA. Furthermore, the su(Hw) protein partially protects transposon insertions from the negative effects of heterochromatin. To explain our current results, we propose that su(Hw) protein alters the organization of chromatin by creating a new boundary in a pre-existing domain of higher order chromatin structure. This separates enhancers and silencers distal to the su(Hw) binding region into an independent unit of gene activity, thereby causing their inactivation.  相似文献   

Transposable element P of Drosophila melanogaster is one of the best-characterized eukaryotic transposons. Successful transposition requires the interaction between transposase complexes at both termini of the P element. Here we found that insertion of one or two copies of the Su(Hw) insulator in the P transposon reduces the frequency of its transposition. Inactivation of a Mod(mdg4) component of the Su(Hw) insulator suppresses the insulator effect. Thus, the Su(Hw) insulator can modulate interactions between transposase complexes bound to the ends of the P transposon in germ cells.  相似文献   

This study is devoted to clarifying the role of Mod(mdg4)-67.2 and Su(Hw) proteins in the interaction between Su(Hw)-dependent insulator complexes and identifying the specific domains of the Su(Hw) protein required for insulation or mutual neutralization of insulators. Using genetic techniques and experiments in yeast two-hybrid system, we have demonstrated that the zinc finger domain of the Su(Hw) protein is involved in forming a functional insulator complex and cannot be replaced with the DNA-binding domain of the GAL4 protein.  相似文献   

Lankenau DH  Peluso MV  Lankenau S 《Chromosoma》2000,109(1-2):148-160
P element-induced double-strand breaks (DSBs) on the X chromosome of Drosophila melanogaster were repaired up to four times more frequently when functional Su(Hw) chromatin insulator protein was removed from all genomic binding sites. Simultaneous comparisons of interallelic gap repair frequencies at two target loci on the X chromosome confirmed that a Su(Hw) binding site nested within a template had no effect on DSB repair efficiency. The results suggest that the genome-wide homology search of broken ends for homologous template sequences is affected because it is the only step in the recombinational repair process with an apparent genome-wide interaction. We propose that the searching 3′-hydroxy ends gain a higher degree of freedom for the search in a su(Hw) mutant background. Received: 22 September 1999; in revised form: 17 December 1999 / Accepted: 28 December 1999  相似文献   

Boundary elements have been found in the Abd-B 3' cis-regulatory region, which is subdivided into a series of iab domains. Previously, a 340-bp insulator-like element, M(340), was identified in one such 755-bp Mcp fragment linked to the PcG-dependent silencer. In this study, we identified a 210-bp core that was sufficient for pairing of sequence-remote Mcp elements. In two-gene transgenic constructs with two Mcp insulators (or their cores) surrounding yellow, the upstream yeast GAL4 sites were able to activate the distal white only if the insulators were in the opposite orientations (head-to-head or tail-to-tail), which is consistent with the looping/bypass model. The same was true for the efficiency of the cognate eye enhancer, while yellow thus isolated in the loop from its enhancers was blocked more strongly. These results indicate that the relative placement and orientation of insulator-like elements can determine proper enhancer-promoter communication.  相似文献   

Summary We have isolated a cDNA clone for apolipoprotein CI and a genomic clone for apolipoprotein E, and by hybridisation and mapping experiments found the gene for apoCI to be located on the genomic apoE clone. The distance between the loci was 4.3 kb.  相似文献   

Specific interactions of the genome with the nuclear lamina (NL) are thought to assist chromosome folding inside the nucleus and to contribute to the regulation of gene expression. High-resolution mapping has recently identified hundreds of large, sharply defined lamina-associated domains (LADs) in the human genome, and suggested that the insulator protein CTCF may help to demarcate these domains. Here, we report the detailed structure of LADs in Drosophila cells, and investigate the putative roles of five insulator proteins in LAD organization. We found that the Drosophila genome is also organized in discrete LADs, which are about five times smaller than human LADs but contain on average a similar number of genes. Systematic comparison to new and published insulator binding maps shows that only SU(HW) binds preferentially at LAD borders and at specific positions inside LADs, while GAF, CTCF, BEAF-32 and DWG are mostly absent from these regions. By knockdown and overexpression studies we demonstrate that SU(HW) weakens genome - NL interactions through a local antagonistic effect, but we did not obtain evidence that it is essential for border formation. Our results provide insights into the evolution of LAD organization and identify SU(HW) as a fine-tuner of genome - NL interactions.  相似文献   

A typical example of transvection is a complementation between alleles in the yellow locus: y2 (mdg4 insertion inactivating certain y-enhancers) and y1 (deletion of the y-promoter but not of the enhancer). Transvection was explained by trans-activation of promoter in y2-allele by enhancer of y1-allele. Here we found that the mutation mod(mdg4)1u1 in the modifier of mdg4 locus (a regulatory gene controlling, together with suppressor of Hairy wing) expression of (mdg4) completely suppress the complementation. Removal of an acidic domain from su(Hw) protein product in su(Hw)j mutation partially suppress the complementation. We also have found that mod(mdg4)1u1 mutation trans-inactivates the yellow allele with a wild type phenotype (y+2MC) in heterozygote with the y2 allele, i.e. the negative transvection takes place. In this case, deletion removing an acidic domain even in one copy of su(Hw) suppresses the effect of mod(mdg4)1u1 mutation.  相似文献   

The phenomenon of transvection has been well characterized for the yellow locus in Drosophila. Enhancers of a promoterless yellow locus in one homologous chromosome can activate the yellow promoter in the other when its own enhancers are blocked by the su(Hw) insulator introduced by the gypsy retrotransposon. Insertion of another gypsy into the neighboring scute locus hinders transvection presumably owing to disruption of chromosomal synapsis between the yellow alleles. We determined the sequences of gypsy required for inhibition of transvection. Two partial revertants of the scD1 mutation were obtained in which transvection between the yellow alleles was restored. Both sc revertants were generated by deletion of nine of the twelve su(Hw)-binding sites of gypsy inserted into the scute locus. This result suggests that the su(Hw) region is required for an interaction between two gypsy elements that disrupts trans activation of the yellow promoter by enhancers located on the homologous chromosome.  相似文献   

In the studies reported here, we have examined the properties of the Mcp element from the Drosophila melanogaster bithorax complex (BX-C). We have found that sequences from the Mcp region of BX-C have properties characteristic of Polycomb response elements (PREs), and that they silence adjacent reporters by a mechanism that requires trans-interactions between two copies of the transgene. However, Mcp trans-regulatory interactions have several novel features. In contrast to classical transvection, homolog pairing does not seem to be required. Thus, trans-regulatory interactions can be observed not only between Mcp transgenes inserted at the same site, but also between Mcp transgenes inserted at distant sites on the same chromosomal arm, or even on different arms. Trans-regulation can even be observed between transgenes inserted on different chromosomes. A small 800-bp Mcp sequence is sufficient to mediate these long-distance trans-regulatory interactions. This small fragment has little silencing activity on its own and must be combined with other Polycomb-Group-responsive elements to function as a "pairing-sensitive" silencer. Finally, this pairing element can also mediate long-distance interactions between enhancers and promoters, activating mini-white expression.  相似文献   

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