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对核质不同步分裂时染色体、DNA数量变化规律进行了补充,对染色体、DNA在细胞核中的数量变化进行了分析,并绘制曲线加以比较。  相似文献   

It is now generally accepted that chromosomes in the cell nucleus are organized in distinct domains, first called chromosome territories in 1909 by the great cytologist Theodor Boveri. Yet, even today chromosomes have remained enigmatic individuals, whose structures, arrangements and functions in cycling and post-mitotic cells still need to be explored in full detail. Whereas numerous recent reviews describe present evidence for a dynamic architecture of chromosome territories and discuss the potential significance within the functional compartmentalization of the nucleus, a comprehensive historical account of this important concept of nuclear organization was lacking so far. Here, we describe the early rise of chromosome territories within the context of the discovery of chromosomes and their fundamental role in heredity, covering a period from the 1870th to the early 20th century (part I, this volume). In part II (next volume) we review the abandonment of the chromosome territory concept during the 1950th to 1980th and the compelling evidence, which led to its resurrection during the 1970th to 1980th.  相似文献   

Gene dynamics and nuclear architecture during differentiation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract Recent advances have demonstrated that placing genes in a specific nuclear context plays an important role in the regulation of coordinated gene expression, thus adding an additional level of complexity to the mechanisms of gene regulation. Differentiation processes are characterized by dynamic changes in gene activation and silencing. These alterations are often accompanied by gene relocations in relation to other genomic regions or to nuclear compartments. Unraveling of mechanisms and dynamics of chromatin positioning will thus expand our knowledge about cellular differentiation.  相似文献   

The interchromosome domain (ICD) model proposes that genes are selectively positioned at the surfaces of chromosome territories to facilitate their regulation. A paper in the May 13 issue of the Journal of Cell Biology provides evidence that supports a reinterpretation of this model.  相似文献   

Interphase chromosomes form distinct spatial domains called chromosome territories (CTs). The arrangement of CTs is non-random and correlated with cellular processes such as differentiation. The purpose of this study is to provide some behavior information of CTs during lymphocyte EBV-infection, which is thought to be a general extra-biological model. Three-dimensional fluorescence in situ hybridization (3D-FISH) was performed on human lymphocytes every 24 h over 96 h periods in EBV-infection. Chromosomes 17 and 18 were selected as target territories for similar size and different gene density. The data indicate that the radial position of territories 17 was altered with time, whereas territories 18 showed relative stable localization. The relative CT volume of CTs 18 to 17 also changed with infection. Our study is the first to examine the timely changes of chromatin positioning and folding in EBV-lymphocyte infection. Dynamic changes in position and folding status of target chromosomes reflected an impact of EBV infection on genome stability.  相似文献   

Part II of this historical review on the progress of nuclear architecture studies points out why the original hypothesis of chromosome territories from Carl Rabl and Theodor Boveri (described in part I) was abandoned during the 1950s and finally proven by compelling evidence forwarded by laser-uv-microbeam studies and in situ hybridization experiments. Part II also includes a section on the development of advanced light microscopic techniques breaking the classical Abbe limit written for readers with little knowledge about the present state of the theory of light microscopic resolution. These developments have made it possible to perform 3D distance measurements between genes or other specifically stained, nuclear structures with high precision at the nanometer scale. Moreover, it has become possible to record full images from fluorescent structures and perform quantitative measurements of their shapes and volumes at a level of resolution that until recently could only be achieved by electron microscopy. In part III we review the development of experiments and models of nuclear architecture since the 1990s. Emphasis is laid on the still strongly conflicting views about the basic principles of higher order chromatin organization. A concluding section explains what needs to be done to resolve these conflicts and to come closer to the final goal of all studies of the nuclear architecture, namely to understand the implications of nuclear architecture for nuclear functions.  相似文献   

Development requires a precise program of gene expression to be carried out. Much work has focussed on the regulatory networks that control gene expression, for example in response to external cues. However, it is important to recognize that these regulatory events take place within the physical context of the nucleus, and that the physical position of a gene within the nuclear volume can have strong influences on its regulation and interactions. The first part of this review will summarize what is currently known about nuclear architecture, that is, the large-scale three-dimensional arrangement of chromosome loci within the nucleus. The remainder of the review will examine developmental processes from the point of view of the nucleus.  相似文献   

Chromosome territories formed by fluorescence-labeled sub-chromosomal foci were analyzed in time-lapse series of 3D confocal data sets of living HeLa and human neuroblastoma cells. The quantitative analysis of the chromosome territory morphology confirmed previous results obtained by visual observation [Zink et al., Hum. Genet. 102 (1998) 241–251] that chromosome territories persisted as stable entities over an observation time >4 h. The changes in morphology with time of single chromosome territories were found to be less pronounced than differences in morphology of different chromosome territories in fixed cells. The analysis of the individual motion of chromosome territories recently showed ‘Brownian’ diffusion-like motion at very slow rates [Bornfleth et al., Biophys. J. 77 (1999) 2871–2886]. Here, we show that the mutual motion of different chromosome territories was independent and also ‘Brownian’ diffusion-like.  相似文献   

Microviscosity η of the plasma-membrane lipid matrix was measured in exponentially growing and differentiating C1300 mouse neuroblastoma cells, attached to a glass substratum, by fluorescence polarisation of 1,6-diphenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene. Upon differentiation η decreases progressively, reaching values below those observed in the growth phase. Treatment of the cells with dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine vesicles reversibly inhibits morphological differentiation. The results show that a high membrane fluidity is a prerequisite for differentiation.  相似文献   

Chromosome territories formed by fluorescence-labeled sub-chromosomal foci were analyzed in time-lapse series of 3D confocal data sets of living HeLa and human neuroblastoma cells. The quantitative analysis of the chromosome territory morphology confirmed previous results obtained by visual observation [Zink et al., Hum. Genet. 102 (1998) 241-251] that chromosome territories persisted as stable entities over an observation time >4 h. The changes in morphology with time of single chromosome territories were found to be less pronounced than differences in morphology of different chromosome territories in fixed cells. The analysis of the individual motion of chromosome territories recently showed 'Brownian' diffusion-like motion at very slow rates [Bornfleth et al., Biophys. J. 77 (1999) 2871-2886]. Here, we show that the mutual motion of different chromosome territories was independent and also 'Brownian' diffusion-like.  相似文献   

A new approach is presented which allows the in vivo visualization of individual chromosome territories in the nuclei of living human cells. The fluorescent thymidine analog Cy3-AP3-dUTP was microinjected into the nuclei of cultured human cells, such as human diploid fibroblasts, HeLa cells and neuroblastoma cells. The fluorescent analog was incorporated during S-phase into the replicating genomic DNA. Labelled cells were further cultivated for several cell cycles in normal medium. This well-known scheme yielded sister chromatid labelling. Random segregation of labelled and unlabelled chromatids into daughter nuclei resulted in nuclei exhibiting individual in vivo detectable chromatid territories. The territories were composed of subcompartments with diameters ranging between approximately 400 and 800 nm which we refer to as subchromosomal foci. Time-resolved in vivo studies demonstrated changes of positioning and shape of territories and subchromosomal foci. The hypothesis that subchromosomal foci persist as functionally distinct entities was supported by double labelling of chromatin with CldU and IdU, respectively, at early and late S-phase and subsequent cultivation of corresponding cells for 5–10 cell cycles before fixation and immunocytochemical detection. This scheme yielded segregated chromatid territories with distinctly separated subchromosomal foci composed of either early- or late-replicating chromatin. The size range of subchromosomal foci was similar after shorter (2 h) and longer (16 h) labelling periods and was observed in nuclei of both living and fixed cells, suggesting their structural identity. A possible functional relevance of chromosome territory compartmentalization into subchromosomal foci is discussed in the context of present models of interphase chromosome and nuclear architecture. Received: 10 November 1997 / Accepted: 24 November 1997  相似文献   

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