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Fungal-induced seed germination is a phenomenon characteristic of mycorrhizal plants that produce dust-like seeds with only minimal nutritional reserves. In such systems, fungi trigger germination and/or subsidize development. We studied mycorrhizal germination in relation to mycorrhizal specificity in the Monotropoideae, a lineage of dust-seeded non-photosynthetic plants that are dependent upon ectomycorrhizal fungi of forest trees. A total of 1695 seed packets, each containing two to five compartments with seeds from different sources, were buried for up to 2 years near known ectomycorrhizal fungi in six different native forest locations. Upon harvest, seedlings were analysed by cultivation-independent molecular methods to identify their mycorrhizal fungi. We report that (i) germination is only induced by the same fungus that associates with mature plants or by closely related congeners; (ii) seedlings associated with the latter fungi develop less than those associated with maternal fungal species in most settings; and (iii) exceptions to this pattern occur in allopatric settings, where novel plant-fungal associations can result in the greatest seedling development. We interpret these results as evidence of performance trade-offs between breadth of host range and rate of development. We propose that in conjunction with host-derived germination cues, performance trade-offs can explain the extreme mycorrhizal specificity observed at maturity. The allopatric exceptions support the idea that performance trade-offs may be based on a coevolutionary arms race and that host range can be broadened most readily when naive fungal hosts are encountered in novel settings.  相似文献   

高越  郭顺星  邢晓科 《菌物学报》2019,38(11):1808-1825
自然环境下,兰科植物种子细小无胚乳,需要和适宜的真菌共生才能萌发,因而与真菌有天然的共生关系。自身繁殖率低加之近年来栖息地环境破坏导致兰科植物资源更加濒危,而通过筛选适合的真菌进行种子的共生萌发可以有效地实现兰科植物的种质保育及濒危种类野生居群的生态恢复。本文对地生型、附生型以及腐生型等兰科植物已发现的萌发真菌的多样性进行了系统地梳理,发现担子菌门的胶膜菌科、角担菌科以及蜡壳耳目真菌为已报道共生萌发真菌的主要类群;同时对兰科植物种子的共生萌发机制,包括形态学机制、营养机制和分子机制等方面的相关研究进行了归纳论述,但是当前关于兰科植物和真菌互作机制方面的研究还相对较少,许多问题需要进一步明确。本文对共生萌发真菌在兰科植物保育和繁育中的应用以及共生萌发机制的研究等方面具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

We investigated the physiological ecology of the Asian non-photosynthetic orchid Gastrodia confusa. We revealed its mycorrhizal partners by using molecular identification and identified its ultimate nutritional source by analysing carbon and nitrogen natural stable isotope abundances. Molecular identification using internal transcribed spacer and large subunit nrDNA sequences showed that G. confusa associates with several species of litter- and wood-decomposer Mycena fungi. The carbon and nitrogen isotope signatures of G. confusa were analysed together with photosynthetic plant reference samples and samples of the ectomycorrhizal epiparasite Monotropa uniflora. We found that G. confusa was highly enriched in 13C but not greatly in 15N, while M. uniflora was highly enriched in both 13C and 15N. The 13C and 15N signatures of G. confusa were the closest to those of the fruit bodies of saprotrophic fungi. Our results demonstrate for the first time using molecular and mass-spectrometric approaches that myco-heterotrophic plants gain carbon through parasitism of wood or litter decaying fungi. Furthermore, we demonstrate that, several otherwise free-living non-mycorrhizal, Mycena can be mycorrhizal partners of orchids.  相似文献   

Breakdown and delayed cospeciation in the arbuscular mycorrhizal mutualism   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The ancient arbuscular mycorrhizal association between the vast majority of plants and the fungal phylum Glomeromycota is a dominant nutritional mutualism worldwide. In the mycorrhizal mutualism, plants exchange photosynthesized carbohydrates for mineral nutrients acquired by fungi from the soil. This widespread cooperative arrangement is broken by 'cheater' plant species that lack the ability to photosynthesize and thus become dependent upon three-partite linkages (cheater-fungus-photosynthetic plant). Using the first fine-level coevolutionary analysis of mycorrhizas, we show that extreme fidelity towards fungi has led cheater plants to lengthy evolutionary codiversification. Remarkably, the plants' evolutionary history closely mirrors that of their considerably older mycorrhizal fungi. This demonstrates that one of the most diffuse mutualistic networks is vulnerable to the emergence, persistence and speciation of highly specific cheaters.  相似文献   

The processes of symbiotic germination and seedling development were analysed in the myco-heterotrophic orchid Corallorhiza trifida , seeds of which were buried in 'packets' either adjacent to or at varying distances from adult plants in defined communities of ectomycorrhizal tree species. Germination occurred within eight months of burial under Betula – Alnus and within seven months under Salix repens . It was always associated with penetration of the suspensor by a clamp-forming mycorrhizal fungus. Four distinct developmental stages were defined and the rates of transition through these stages were plotted. There was no evidence of a relationship between extent of germination or rate of development and the presence of naturally distributed plants of C. trifida at the spatial scale of 1 m. The best germination and the most rapid rate of development of C. trifida seedlings occurred in a Salix repens community located at a considerable distance from any extant C. trifida population. Determination of internal transcribed spacer (ITS) RFLPs and of gene sequences of the fungi involved in symbiotic germination and growth of C. trifida , revealed them to belong exclusively to the Thelephora – Tomentella complex of the Thelephoraceae. These fungi are known also to be ectomycorrhizal associates of trees. It is hypothesized that the rate of growth of the C. trifida seedlings is determined by the ability of the fungal symbionts to transfer carbon from their ectomycorrhizal co-associates.  相似文献   

Seedlings of the myco-heterotrophic orchid Corallorhiza trifida which had been germinated in the field in mesh bags developed hyphal links and mycorrhizas with Betula pendula and Salix repens , but not with Pinus sylvestris , when transplanted into soil microcosms. The fungus connecting the myco-heterotroph to Betula and Salix formed endomycorrhiza in the orchid with typical pelotons, but formed ectomycorrhizas with the autotrophs. The orchid plants, when linked to Betula and Salix by fungal hyphae, gained 6–14% in weight over 25–28 wk. In microcosms supporting P. sylvestris , and in control microcosms which lacked autotrophs, the Corallorhiza plants lost 13% of their weight over the same period. In the course of the 28-wk experimental period new Corallorhiza seedlings, in addition to those added as part of the experiment, appeared in the microcosms containing Salix and Betula but not in the Pinus microcosms. Shoots of Betula and Salix plants grown in association with Corallorhiza were fed with 14CO2, and the movement of the isotope was subsequently traced by a combination of digital autoradiography and tissue oxidation. Direct transfer of C from both autotrophs to the myco-heterotroph occurred in all cases where the associates had become connected by a shared fungal symbiont. Orchid seedlings lacking these hyphal connections, introduced to the microcosms as controls immediately before isotope feeding, failed to assimilate significant amounts of C. The results provide the first experimental confirmation that growth of Corallorhiza trifida can be sustained by supply of C received directly from an autotrophic partner through linked fungal mycelia.  相似文献   

Megaspore germination and embryo development in Azolla filiculoides was examined using SEM and thin–sectioning. Within the released megaspore apparatus, resting cells of the endosymbiont Anabaena azollae Stras. arc located distally to the outside of the mcgasporangial wall and adhering to the inside of the megasporocarp wall. Growth of the female gametophyte displaces the floats pushing this part of the wall (the indusial cap) upwards, so providing access to the archegonia for the multifiagellalc spermalozoids. Embryo development and its inoculation with Anabaena involves a subtly–timed sequence of events resulting in the perpetuation of the symbiosis. Growth of the lunnel–shaped cotyledon leaf ruptures the mcgasporangial wall to provide access and a channelled route between the Anabaena and embryo shoot apex; subsequent leaf development severely restricts such access. During this process, the Anabaena is dislodged by the cotyledon leaf and growth of the first leaf traps the now actively–dividing Anabaena colonv; this becomes established around subapical trichomes from where filaments become incorporated into the cavities of developing leaves. The voung sporophyte rises vertically to the water surface as a result of gas accumulation in intercellular spaces; at no stage do floats endow buoyancy.  相似文献   

The leafless, circumboreal orchid Corallorhiza trifida is often assumed to be fully myco-heterotrophic despite contrary evidence concerning its ability to photosynthesize. Here, its level of myco-heterotrophy is assessed by analysing the natural abundance of the stable nitrogen and carbon isotopes (15)N and (13)C, respectively. The mycorrhizal associates and chlorophyll contents of C. trifida were investigated and the C and N isotope signatures of nine C. trifida individuals from Central Europe were compared with those of neighbouring obligate autotrophic and myco-heterotrophic reference plants. The results show that C. trifida only gains c. 52 +/- 5% of its total nitrogen and 77 +/- 10% of the carbon derived from fungi even though it has been shown to specialize on one specific complex of ectomycorrhizal fungi similar to fully myco-heterotrophic orchids. Concurrently, compared with other Corallorhiza species, C. trifida contains a remarkable amount of chlorophyll. Since C. trifida is able to supply significant proportions of its nitrogen and carbon demands through the same processes as autotrophic plants, this species should be referred to as partially myco-heterotrophic.  相似文献   

Hoffmannseggella cinnabarina has not been found in the wild for the last 70?yr in the State of S?o Paulo and, therefore, wild populations of this native orchid are thought to be extinct. This investigation studied seed storage at a low temperature, in vitro germination, and seedling development of H. cinnabarina in order to establish an optimized protocol for propagation, and thus assure species conservation. Seeds of different ages were incubated on Knudson C (KC), Murashige and Skoog, and Vacin and Went media with or without 1???M of N6-benzyladenine (BA) and exposed to either 12 or 16?h of light (30???mol?m?2?s?1 at 26?±?2°C). Seed surface sterilization was deleterious to 3-mo-old seeds and severely reduced the viability of the 4-mo-old seeds. More mature seeds were not affected by the sterilization procedure. In general, the germination of 4-, 5-, 6-, and 7-mo-old seeds increased when BA was added to the culture medium especially under 16?h of light. Germination rates were highest with 8- and 9-mo-old seeds, and application of BA failed to enhance germination rates further. Developmental studies revealed that this cytokinin reduced seed and protocorm mortality rates; however, protocorm development was negatively affected in its presence. Seedling development was more pronounced when KC medium with 16?h of light was used. Long-term seed storage at 4°C did not provide promising results. The protocol described in this study proved to be efficient and relevant to in vitro seed germination and initial development of H. cinnabarina, and thus will contribute to conservation of this orchid species.  相似文献   

Fungal endophytes: diversity and functional roles   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

Partially mycoheterotrophic plant species obtain organic carbon, via both photosynthesis and mycorrhizal symbiosis. In this study, we investigated the mycorrhizal fungi association and nutritional mode of Cheirostylis liukiuensis, which is suspected to be a partial mycoheterotrophic plant, due to its characteristic reduced underground organs, low-light growth environment, and some fully mycoheterotrophic species in the phylogenetically related genera. Molecular analysis of the dominant mycobiont and stable isotope analysis suggested that C. liukiuensis is a partial mycoheterotrophic plant predominantly associate with non-ectomycorrhizal Ceratobasidiaceae fungi. As examples of partial mycoheterotrophic orchids exploiting non-ectomycorrhizal rhizoctonia are still limited, this study provides valuable information on the nutritional modes of green orchids.  相似文献   

Currently, symbiotic rhizobia (sl., rhizobium) refer to the soil bacteria in α- and β-Proteobacteria that can induce root and/or stem nodules on some legumes and a few of nonlegumes. In the nodules, rhizobia convert the inert dinitrogen gas (N2) into ammonia (NH3) and supply them as nitrogen nutrient to the host plant. In general, this symbiotic association presents specificity between rhizobial and leguminous species, and most of the rhizobia use lipochitooligosaccharides, so called Nod factor (NF), for cooperating with their host plant to initiate the formation of nodule primordium and to inhibit the plant immunity. Besides NF, effectors secreted by type III secretion system (T3SS), exopolysaccharides and many microbe-associated molecular patterns in the rhizobia also play important roles in nodulation and immunity response between rhizobia and legumes. However, the promiscuous hosts like Glycine max and Sophora flavescens can nodulate with various rhizobial species harbouring diverse symbiosis genes in different soils, meaning that the nodulation specificity/efficiency might be mainly determined by the host plants and regulated by the soil conditions in a certain cases. Based on previous studies on rhizobial application, we propose a ‘1+n−N’ model to promote the function of symbiotic nitrogen fixation (SNF) in agricultural practice, where ‘1’ refers to appreciate rhizobium; ‘+n’ means the addition of multiple trace elements and PGPR bacteria; and ‘−N’ implies the reduction of chemical nitrogen fertilizer. Finally, open questions in the SNF field are raised to future think deeply and researches.  相似文献   

Lady's slipper orchids (Cypripedium spp.) are rare terrestrial plants that grow throughout the temperate Northern Hemisphere. Like all orchids, they require mycorrhizal fungi for germination and seedling nutrition. The nutritional relationships of adult Cypripedium mycorrhizae are unclear; however, Cypripedium distribution may be limited by mycorrhizal specificity, whether this specificity occurs only during the seedling stage or carries on into adulthood. We attempted to identify the primary mycorrhizal symbionts for 100 Cypripedium plants, and successfully did so with two Cypripedium calceolus, 10 Cypripedium californicum, six Cypripedium candidum, 16 Cypripedium fasciculatum, two Cypripedium guttatum, 12 Cypripedium montanum, and 11 Cypripedium parviflorum plants from a total of 44 populations in Europe and North America, yielding fungal nuclear large subunit and mitochondrial large subunit sequence and RFLP (restriction fragment length polymorphism) data for 59 plants. Because orchid mycorrhizal fungi are typically observed without fruiting structures, we assessed fungal identity through direct PCR (polymerase chain reaction) amplification of fungal genes from mycorrhizally colonized root tissue. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that the great majority of Cypripedium mycorrhizal fungi are members of narrow clades within the fungal family Tulasnellaceae. Rarely occurring root endophytes include members of the Sebacinaceae, Ceratobasidiaceae, and the ascomycetous genus, Phialophora. C. californicum was the only orchid species with apparently low specificity, as it associated with tulasnelloid, ceratobasidioid, and sebacinoid fungi in roughly equal proportion. Our results add support to the growing literature showing that high specificity is not limited to nonphotosynthetic plants, but also occurs in photosynthetic ones.  相似文献   

Aa achalensis is an endangered terrestrial orchid endemic from Argentina. In vitro symbiotic seed germination was evaluated for its propagation. Five different fungal strains were isolated from this species: two Rhizoctonia-like related to Thanatephorus cucumeris and three ascomicetaceous fungi belonging to Phialophora graminicola and one to an uncultured Pezizaceae. All five isolates promoted seed germination being one T. cucumeris strain the most effective. After 16 weeks of growth, 30 % of A. achalensis protocorms developed until seedlings with two/four leaves in this treatment. These findings open an opportunity to the knowledge and preservation of this species.  相似文献   

Recent developments in the study of orchid mycorrhiza   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
Rasmussen  Hanne N. 《Plant and Soil》2002,244(1-2):149-163
Orchids are mycoheterotrophic during their seedling stage and in many species the dependency on fungi as a carbohydrate source is prolonged into adulthood. The mycobionts in orchid mycorrhiza belong in at least 5 major taxonomic groups of basidiomycetes. Traditional records have mainly focused on saprotrophic mycobionts but the participation of both ectomycorrhizal and parasitic fungi in orchid mycorrhiza has been corroborated. There is an increasing evidence of specific relationships between orchids and fungi, though usually not on a species-to-species level. Physiological compatibility demonstrated under artificial conditions, as in vitro, may be much broader, however. Recent development of field sowing techniques has improved the possibilities of evaluating orchid-fungal relations in an ecological context. Although the general nutrient flow in orchid mycorrhiza is well known, some questions remain regarding breakdown processes of fungi within orchid tissues, especially the ptyophagic syndrome that has recently been illustrated at the ultrastructural level for the first time.  相似文献   

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