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Long-chain hydrocarbons were analyzed in peel wax, leaf wax, stem, seeds and juice sacs of Duncan grapefruit. The distribution of alkanes in juice sacs  相似文献   

Summary The fetal rat pancreas, explanted at 18 days of gestation and cultured up to ten days, contains numerous acetylcholinesterase-positive neurons. These nerves usually appear in small ganglia although single nerve cells are encountered. The axons of these intrapancreatic nerves appear to terminate only in the islet tissue and not on any exocrine components of the expiant. It is concluded that the fetal rat pancreas contains an islet-specific group of cholinergic neurons.We gratefully acknowledge the skilled technical assistance of Dan Whitehead and the secretarial assistance of Mary Pat Brady  相似文献   

Cartilaginous tissues such as the intervertebral disk are predominantly loaded under compression. Yet, they contain abundant collagen fibers, which are generally assumed to contribute to tensile loading only. Fiber tension is thought to originate from swelling of the proteoglycan-rich nucleus. However, in aged or degenerate disk, proteoglycans are depleted, whereas collagen content changes little. The question then rises to which extend the collagen may contribute to the compressive stiffness of the tissue. We hypothesized that this contribution is significant at high strain magnitudes and that the effect depends on fiber orientation. In addition, we aimed to determine the compression of the matrix. Bovine inner and outer annulus fibrosus specimens were subjected to incremental confined compression tests up to 60 % strain in radial and circumferential direction. The compressive aggregate modulus was determined per 10 % strain increment. The biochemical composition of the compressed specimens and uncompressed adjacent tissue was determined to compute solid matrix compression. The stiffness of all specimens increased nonlinearly with strain. The collagen-rich outer annulus was significantly stiffer than the inner annulus above 20 % compressive strain. Orientation influenced the modulus in the collagen-rich outer annulus. Finally, it was shown that the solid matrix was significantly compressed above 30 % strain. Therefore, we concluded that collagen fibers significantly contribute to the compressive stiffness of the intervertebral disk at high strains. This is valuable for understanding the compressive behavior of collagen-reinforced tissues in general, and may be particularly relevant for aging or degenerate disks, which become more fibrous and less hydrated.  相似文献   

Ultrastructure of neuronal and glial nuclei has been studied in various parts of the CNS, in parenchymatous cells of internal organs, in endotheliocytes and pericytes of their blood capillaries in intact rats--mature (6-8-month-old) and old (26-28-month-old), as well as at certain experimental influences. In all the cellular populations studied (most often in neurons), various in their structure, intranuclear inclusions (INI) have been revealed, that are considered as five main types. The number of INI increases sharply at ageing, that is especially noticeable under experimental conditions. Some INI are situated in morphologically preserved, actively working cells, being normal components of the nucleus, others--reflect profound rearrangements of nuclear proteins, disturbances in lipid metabolism up to irreversible destructive processes in the nucleus.  相似文献   

Summary The innervation of the anococcygeus muscle of the rat was investigated with regard to the histochemical features of nerve fibers within the muscle and to the location of the postganglionic autonomic neurons which are the source of these fibers. Acetylcholinesterase-positive fibers and catecholaminergic fibers are abundant in the anococcygeus as well as the related retractor penis muscle. Neuronal somata, either between muscle bundles of the anococcygeus or in the connective tissue sheath, are also acetylcholinesterase-positive. Nerve fibers and a minority of the ganglion cells in the anococcygeus and retractor penis muscles are immunoreactive for vasoactive intestinal polypeptide. Injection of the retrogradely transported dye Fluorogold into the anococcygeus muscle filled neurons in the abdominopelvic sympathetic chain, pelvic plexus and a small number of neurons in the inferior mesenteric ganglion. In the pelvic plexus, some neurons were located in the major pelvic ganglion but most were found along the main penile nerve and its branches to the anococcygeus muscle. Immunocytochemistry of these identified neurons indicates that about one half of them are positive for vasoactive intestinal polypeptice. These results raise the possibility that both acetylcholine and vasoactive intestinal polypeptide are important neurotransmitters in autonomic nerves to the anococcygeus muscle.  相似文献   

In this study, we aimed at validating a rotary cell culture system (RCCS) bioreactor with medium recirculation and external oxygenation, for cartilage tissue engineering. Primary bovine and human culture-expanded chondrocytes were seeded into non-woven meshes of esterified hyaluronan (HYAFF-11), and the resulting constructs were cultured statically or in the RCCS, in the presence of insulin and TGFbeta3, for up to 4 weeks. Culture in the RCCS did not induce significant differences in the contents of glycosaminoglycans (GAG) and collagen deposited, but markedly affected their distribution. In contrast to statically grown tissues, engineered cartilage cultured in the RCCS had a bi-zonal structure, consisting of an outgrowing fibrous capsule deficient in GAG and rich in collagen, and an inner region more positively stained for GAG. Structurally, trends were similar using primary bovine or expanded human chondrocytes, although the human cells deposited inferior amounts of matrix. The use of the presented RCCS, in conjunction with the described medium composition, has the potential to generate bi-zonal tissues with features qualitatively resembling the native meniscus.  相似文献   

The chronology of development of spindle neural elements was examined by electron microscopy in fetal and neonatal rats. The three types of intrafusal muscle fiber of spindles from the soleus muscle acquired sensory and motor innervation in the same sequence as they formed--bag2, bag1, and chain. Both the primary and secondary afferents contacted developing spindles before day 20 of gestation. Sensory endings were present on myoblasts, myotubes, and myofibers in all intrafusal bundles regardless of age. The basic features of the sensory innervation--first-order branching of the parent axon, separation of the primary and secondary sensory regions, and location of both primary and secondary endings beneath the basal lamina of the intrafusal fibers--were all established by the fourth postnatal day. Cross-terminals, sensory terminals shared by more than one intrafusal fiber, were more numerous at all developmental stages than in mature spindles. No afferents to immature spindles were supernumerary, and no sensory axons appeared to retract from terminations on intrafusal fibers. The earliest motor axons contacted spindles on the 20th day of gestation or shortly afterward. More motor axons supplied the immature spindles, and a greater number of axon terminals were visible at immature intrafusal motor endings than in adult spindles; hence, retraction of supernumerary motor axons accompanies maturation of the fusimotor system analogous to that observed during the maturation of the skeletomotor system. Motor endings were observed only on the relatively mature myofibers; intrafusal myoblasts and myotubes lacked motor innervation in all age groups. This independence of the early stages of intrafusal fiber assembly from motor innervation may reflect a special inherent myogenic potential of intrafusal myotubes or may stem from the innervation of spindles by sensory axons.  相似文献   

The frictional properties of cartilaginous tissues, such as the hydraulic permeability, the electro-osmotic permeability, the diffusion coefficients of various ions and solutes, and the electrical conductance, are vital data to characterise the extracellular environment in which chondrocytes reside. This paper analyses one-dimensional measurement principles of these coefficients. Particular attention is given to the deformation dependence of them and the highly deformable nature of the tissues. A suggested strategy is the combination of a diffusion experiment using radiotracer methods, an electro-osmotic flow experiment and an electro-osmotic pressure experiment at low electric current.  相似文献   

The transformation of leukotriene A4 into dihydroxyeicosatetraenoic acids and sulfidopeptide leukotrienes was determined in homogenates of rat tissues supplied with glutathione and albumin. The highest production of leukotriene B4 was found in spleen, lung and small intestine, while leukotriene C4 dominated in liver and lung. 5(S),6(R)-Dihydroxy-7,9-trans-11,14-cis-eicosatetraenoic acid (5,6-DHETE) was formed in all tissues, most prominently in kidney, heart and brain. We also found another isomer of 5,6-dihydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid produced in the kidney. This compound was derived from 5,6-DHETE by isomerization, probably of the 11-cis double bond to 11-trans, and the process appeared to be catalyzed by a membrane-bound factor.  相似文献   

A classification of teleostean cartilages is essentially an impossible task because of an intergrading of tissues along an almost continuous spectrum of skeletal tissue types. Teleost fish display a spectrum that ranges from cartilage‐like connective tissue to bone‐like cartilage. In addition, many teleost cartilages cannot be equated with mammalian hyaline cartilage. Existing classifications of teleost cartilage are often disregarded due to the necessarily cumbersome terminology that is used to describe the astounding array of tissue types, a neglect that hampers enhancing our knowledge of the origin and function of teleost cartilage.  相似文献   

In honeybees (Apis mellifera), the biogenic amine octopamine has been shown to play a role in associative and non-associative learning and in the division of labour in the hive. Immunohistochemical studies indicate that the ventral unpaired median (VUM) neurones in the suboesophageal ganglion (SOG) are putatively octopaminergic and therefore might be involved in the octopaminergic modulation of behaviour. In contrast to our knowledge about the behavioural effects of octopamine, only one neurone (VUMmx1) has been related to a behavioural effect (the reward function during olfactory learning). In this study, we have investigated suboesophageal VUM neurones with fluorescent dye-tracing techniques and intracellular recordings combined with intracellular staining. Ten different VUM neurones have been found including six VUM neurones innervating neuropile regions of the brain and the SOG exclusively (central VUM neurones) and four VUM neurones with axons in peripheral nerves (peripheral VUM neurones). The central VUM neurones innervate the antennal lobes, the protocerebral lobes (including the lateral horn) and the mushroom body calyces. Of these, a novel mandibular VUM neurone, VUMmd1, exhibits the same branching pattern in the brain as VUMmx1 and responds to sucrose and odours in a similar way. The peripheral VUM neurones innervate the antennal and the mandibular nerves. In addition, we describe one labial unpaired median neurone with a dorsal cell body, DUMlb1. The possible homology between the honeybee VUM neurones and the unpaired median neurones in other insects is discussed. This work was supported by the DFG ME 365/24-2.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. The amount of single-copy DNA sequences transcribed in normal tissues of adult rats (brain and liver) and in the Guerin ascites tumor (GAT) was determined by hybridization of in vitro labelled 125I-single-copy rat DNA with a vast excess of total nuclear RNA to very high Rot values (up to 350,000).
  • 2.2. The tissue specificity of total nuclear RNA (nRNA) was estimated by annealing of single-copy DNA to a mixture of nuclear RNAs of two different organs (brain + GAT; liver + GAT).
  • 3.3. Liver and GAT RNAs annealed to about 12% of the single-copy DNA.
  • 4.4. Hybridization with a mixture of the two RNAs increased slightly the amount of hybridization.
  • 5.5. In contrast to other tissues, brain nuclear RNA hybridized to a much higher level (20% of the single copy DNA). Addition of GAT RNA did not increase this value.

Features of the nerve supply and the encapsulated fibers of muscle spindles were assessed in grafted and normal extensor digitorum longus (EDL) muscles of rats by analysis of serial 10-microns frozen transverse sections stained for enzymes which delineated motor and sensory endings, oxidative capacity and muscle fiber type. The number of fibers was significantly more variable, and branched fibers were more frequently observed in regenerated spindles than in control spindles. Forty-eight percent of regenerated spindles received sensory innervation. Spindles reinnervated by afferents had a larger periaxial space than did spindles which were not reinnervated by afferents. Regenerated fibers innervated by afferents had small cross-sectional areas, equatorial regions with myofibrils restricted to the periphery of fibers, unpredictable patterns of nonuniform and nonreversible staining along the length of the fiber for 'myofibrillar' adenosine triphosphatase (mATPase) after acid and alkaline preincubation. In contrast, regenerated fibers devoid of sensory innervation resembled extrafusal fibers in that they usually exhibited myofibrils throughout the length of the fiber, no central aggregations of myonuclei, uniform staining for mATPase and a reversal of staining for mATPase after preincubation in an acid or alkaline medium. Approximately thirty percent of encapsulated fibers devoid of sensory innervation stained analogous to a type I extrafusal fiber, a pattern of staining never observed in intrafusal fibers of normal spindles. Groups of encapsulated fibers all exhibiting this pattern of staining reflect that either these fibers may have been innervated by collaterals of skeletomotor axons that originally innervated type I extrafusal fibers or that fibers innervated by only fusimotor neurons express patterns of staining for mATPase similar to extrafusal fibers in the absence of sensory innervation. Sensory innervation may also influence the reestablishment of multiple sites of motor endings on regenerated intrafusal fibers. Those regenerated fibers innervated by afferents had more motor endings than did regenerated fibers devoid of sensory innervation. Differences in size, morphology, and patterns of staining for mATPase and numbers of motor endings between fibers innervated by afferents and fibers devoid of sensory innervation reflect that afferents can influence the differentiation of muscle cells and the reestablishment of motor innervation other than during the late prenatal/early postnatal period when muscle spindles form and differentiate in rats.  相似文献   

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