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Imported willow leaf beetles Plagiodera versicolora oviposit on willow leaves, and both larvae and adults feed on the leaves. In the field, eggs were found on leaves near the center of branchlets, and the number of eggs per cluster was independent of the leaf area and position. However, in the laboratory, females chose young leaves over old leaves, for both oviposition and feeding and choice did not rely on information on relative position or size of leaves. Developing on young versus old leaves may provide both advantages and disadvantages. In the laboratory, larvae developed more quickly and attained a greater adult weight when fed young versus old leaves, perhaps because of increased mandibular wear of larvae fed old leaves. However, in the field, survival of eggs was lower on young versus old leaves. In the laboratory, rates of cannibalism and survivorship to adulthood did not differ on young versus old leaves.  相似文献   

Herbivorous insects may be informed about the presence of competitors on the same host plant by a variety of cues. These cues can derive from either the competitor itself or the damaged plant. In the mustard leaf beetle Phaedon cochleariae (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae), adults are known to be deterred from feeding and oviposition by the exocrine glandular secretion of conspecific co-occurring larvae. We hypothesised that the exocrine larval secretion released by feeding larvae may adsorb to the surface of Chinese cabbage leaves, and thus, convey the information about their former or actual presence. Further experiments tested the influence of leaves damaged by conspecific larvae, mechanically damaged leaves, larval frass and regurgitant on the oviposition and feeding behaviour of P. cochleariae. Finally, the effect of previous conspecific herbivory on larval development and larval host selection was assessed. Our results show that (epi)chrysomelidial, the major component of the exocrine secretion from P. cochleariae larvae, was detectable by GC-MS in surface extracts from leaves upon which larvae had fed. However, leaves exposed to volatiles of the larval secretion were not avoided by female P. cochleariae for feeding or oviposition. Thus, we conclude that secretion volatiles did not adsorb in sufficient amounts on the leaf surface to display deterrent activity towards adults. By contrast, gravid females avoided to feed and lay their eggs on leaves damaged by second-instar larvae for three days when compared to undamaged leaves. Mechanical damage of leaves and treatment of artificially damaged leaves with larval frass or regurgitant did not affect oviposition and feeding of P. cochleariae. Since no adverse effects of previous herbivory on larval development were detected, we suggest that female P. cochleariae avoid Chinese cabbage leaves damaged by feeding larvae for other reasons than escape from competition or avoidance of direct negative effects that result from consuming induced plant material.  相似文献   

The effects of distance between hatching larvae on survival and development were investigated inMonochamus alternatus. Two newly-hatched larvae were inoculated intoPinus densiflora bolts at a distance of 2.5 cm or 10 cm, simultaneously or at an interval of 2 weeks. Some larvae were inoculated singly as a control. When larvae were inoculated simultaneously, mortality of the closely-inoculated larvae was significantly higher than that of distantly-inoculated larvae. Such high mortality was identified as due to conspecific bites. When the two larvae were inoculated asynchronously, the first-inoculated larvae killed some second-inoculated larvae but were never killed by them. Consequently, mortality was higher in second-inoculated larvae than in first-inoculated larvae. In particular, there was a significant difference in mortality between them when the larvae had been inoculated closely. The mortality of second-inoculated larvae was higher in the closely-inoculated group than in the distantly-inoculated group although there was no significant difference between them. In the case of two simultaneously-inoculated larvae, the initial distance between them had no significant effect on the development and growth in the early larval stage. When the larvae were inoculated asynchronously, the first-inoculated larvae grew more quickly than singly-inoculated control larvae.  相似文献   

The reproductive system was studied inCrocus genus (Iridaceae) following intra- and interspecific pollination, by using light and scanning electron microscopy. The results suggest that the stigma-style tract of theCrocus pistil is a mere promoter of pollen tube growth, while intra- and interspecific discrimination of compatible and incompatible pollen occurs in the ovarian tract. Here, the transmitting tissue consists of special epidermal cells, whose granular or floccular secretions provide the selective medium for the growth of pollen tubes. The ovarian self-incompatibility (SI) is widespread within the genus, resulting in a partial or complete suppression of self-fertilization. Moreover, postzygotic SI mechanisms, as well as postzygotic mechanisms of unknown nature, seem to be recurrent and both are responsible for seed abortion. The interspecific ovarian incompatibility concerns only unrelated crosses; crosses between related fertile species succeed both in fertilization and seed-set.  相似文献   

The possible significance of nestmate recognition in prevention of robbing and parasitism in three species of stingless bees was assessed. Nestmate discrimination abilities vary among them; Melipona quadrifasciataworkers attacked 74% of nonnestmate conspecifics that were encountered, while M. scutellarisand M. rufiventriswere less discriminating, attacking only 14 and 60% of non-nestmates, respectively. In tests of interspecific interactions, M. quadrifasciataand M. scutellariswere the least mutually tolerant of all species pairs tested. Tests with Apis melliferashowed a high degree of intolerance by two of the three Meliponaspecies.  相似文献   

This paper provides a simple mathematical model of the aggregation behavior of the gregarious intracortical-feeding larvae of the bark beetle, Dendroctonus micans. The model's assumptions are that each individual produces pheromones at a constant rate and reacts positively to a pheromone gradient. These hypotheses have been tested by comparing experiments and simulations, both of which showed that (1) homogeneously distributed individuals aggregate rapidly at the center of the experimental or theoretical arena and (2) eccentric, preformed groups succeed in attracting dispersed individuals, provided that the initial size of these groups is sufficiently high. There is good agreement between most of the experimental and theoretical results, providing a link among chemical communication, density of larvae, and random events occurring during the development of a spatial structure.  相似文献   

To examine whether enemy-free space is an important factor determining the host utilization pattern of a leaf beetle Plagiodera versicolora, we investigated the relationship between adult preference and offspring performance on three co-occurring willow species, Salix sachalinensis, S. miyabeana and S. integra. Salix sachalinensis was by far the most preferred host plant of feeding adults, while both S. miyabeana and S. integra were rarely fed upon. The fact that most oviposition was observed on S. sachalinensis also suggested that P. versicolora preferred S. sachalinensis to other willows for oviposition. This adult preference did not correspond well to patterns of larval performance on the three willow species in the absence of enemies. Higher survivorship, shorter developmental time and larger adult size were achieved on S. sachalinensis and S. miyabeana than on S. integra. Performance as indicated by female adult size and development time on S. miyabeana were higher than on S. sachalinensis. In the presence of enemies, however, the survivorship of first-instar larvae on S. miyabeana was much lower than on other willows. Adults of P. versicolora apparently avoided S. miyabeana as an oviposition and feeding host and preferred S. sachalinensis as an enemy-free space. This was not because larvae had poorer performance on S. miyabeana, but because predation pressure on eggs and early instar larvae was more severe on S. miyabeana.  相似文献   

Genetic and environmental factors causing intraspecific variation of the thistle Cirsium kamtschaticum Ledeb. as a host plant of the phytophagous ladybird Epilachna pustulosa Kôno were investigated through simple food-choice tests and rearing of larvae. Two thistle clones (T1U1 and T4H2) were used, originally growing approximately 12 km apart. A previous study showed that adult female ladybirds preferred T1U1 to T4H2, and that larval performance was better on T1U1, when leaves from the clones in situ were examined. The two clones retained their characteristics with respect to beetle preference after transplantation into a common garden. However, the difference between T1U1 and T4H2 with respect to larval performance was reduced after the transplantation. When leaves from shoots of T1U1 exposed to different sunlight intensities were offered, adult female ladybirds did not show obvious preferences. Larval eclosion rates increased significantly with the increase in leaf sunlight intensity exposure. These results suggest strongly that both genetic and environmental factors are involved in interclonal variation of thistle quality in beetle preference and/or performance. It is suggested that the quality of thistle leaves for larval performance is largely affected by environmental factors, while leaf quality for beetle preference may be determined strictly by genetic factors. Under certain conditions, E. pustulosa females may behave maladaptively, preferring plants not appropriate for larval growth, or not choosing plants appropriate for the larval growth.  相似文献   

The alder leaf beetle (Agelastica alni L., Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) causes approximately 10% of total economic damage to hazelnut product per year in Turkey. A. alni larvae are susceptible to several pathogens indigenous to the area in which these insects occur in Turkey. In the present study, in order to find a more effective and safer biological control agent against this common pest, we evaluated the various biological agents’ insecticidal activity during the four hazelnut seasons from 2002 to 2005 on the larvae of the alder leaf beetle collected from the vicinity of Trabzon, Turkey. The tested agents are 25 insect-originating bacteria, 2 bacterial toxins and 1 viral preparation. The results showed that the highest insecticidal activity was obtained by bacterial isolates at 1.8 × 109 bacteria/mL dose, within ten days on the larvae of A. alni. These are 90% for Bacillus thuringiensis biovar tenebrionis (4AA1), Bacillus sphaericus (Ar4, isolated from Anoplus roboris L., Col.: Curculionidae), and Bacillus thuringiensis (Mm2, isolated from Melolontha melolontha L., Col.: Scarabaeidae). Our results indicate that these isolates may be valuable as biological control agent.  相似文献   

Thirty-seven natural populations of four closely related species ofPinus subsect.Sylvestres, P. mugo, P. funebris, P. pallasiana, andP. sylvestris, occurring in the former Soviet Union were investigated by starch-gel electrophoresis. In the populations assayed 127 allelic variants at 25 loci were revealed.Nei's distance coefficient (Dn) was used to estimate the level of genetic differentiation amongP. sylvestris races and among closely related species. A dendrogram constructed using Dn values shows that of the fiveP. sylvestris races analyzed only the geographically isolated var.hamata exhibited sufficient differences at theDia-2 locus (a mean Dn value relative to the other four races is 0.025) to recognize it as a distinct taxon. The remaining races, sylvestris, cretacea, lapponica, and sibirica, have a similar gene pool (Dn values are not greater than 0.010), and they should be regarded as a single taxon,P. sylvestris var.sylvestris. Interspecific comparisons revealed thatP. sylvestris andP. mugo have the closest genetic affinities to each other withNei's genetic distance of 0.108. The dendrogram demonstrates thatP. funebris is closer toP. sylvestris andP. mugo thanP. pallasiana. The available paleontologic data allowed us to conclude thatNei's (1975) time scale estimate for the time of divergence of the taxa was more accurate thanNei's (1971) time scale estimate.  相似文献   

The life history of three populations ofProtohermes grandis and two populations ofProtohermes immaculatus (Megaloptera: Corydalidae) was compared. In general, the larvae lived in stream riffles for 2 years and the adults appeared in summer. Adult body size differed between these closely related species and also between the populations ofP. grandis. Dwarfism occurred inP. immaculatus, a species that is endemic to the small, isolated island, Amami Island. The population ofP. grandis on Yaku Island, located between Amami Island and the mainland Kyushu, had an intermediate body size between that ofP. immaculatus and the mainland population ofP. grandis. Despite being an insular population,P. grandis on Tsushima Island had a similar body size to mainlandP. grandis. In these populations with large adults, some larvae lived in the streams for 3 years. The size distribution of benthic animals, which are the prey available toProtohermes larvae, differed between the streams studied. The density of large prey was lowest on Amami Island, intermediate on Yaku Island, and highest on the mainland and Tsushima Island. Different size distributions of available prey may be caused by the differences of benthic fauna; most of Ecdyonuridae and Ephemerellidae (large mayflies) and Perlidae (large stoneflies) were not found on Amami and Yaku Islands. Thus, there is a tendency to dwarfism in the populations ofProtobermes inhabiting streams where the density of large prey is low.  相似文献   

Synopsis Buoyancy was measured on eight species of estuarine fishes that were caught in 1 m depth or less. Mean buoyancies of the physoclists Fundulus heteroclitus, F. majalis, Cyprinodon variegatus and Leiostomus xanthurus were similar and ranged from –6.5 to –18.0 kiloPascals below atmospheric pressure at sea level. Menidia menidia and Pomatomus saltatrix measured –36.6 and –46.1 kPa, respectively. Two physostomes, Brevoortia tyrannus and Anchoa mitchilli, measured + 2.9 and –23.5 kPa, respectively, but the latter probably releases air when handled.The four most buoyant physoclist species live near the bottom in areas that receive daily tide induced currents. Negative buoyancy probably functions in them as in stream dwelling minnows and salmonids, which respond to currents by decreasing their buoyancy. The pronounced negative buoyancy of M. menidia may be a response to a preference for habitat where the currents are stronger, P. saltatrix, which can secrete gas into the swim bladder at the fastest rate known for any fish, combines high secretion (and resorption) rates with marked negative buoyancy. This enables it to quickly change depths over a wide vertical range, without overexpanding the swim bladder to cause positive buoyancy.  相似文献   

Abstract 1 Paropsine chrysomelid beetles defoliate commercial eucalypt plantations in Australia. Adults and larvae feed on the same host, with the larval food source determined by the oviposition choice of females. Most eucalypt species are heterophyllous, with their foliage undergoing distinct morphological and chemical changes between adult and juvenile growth. 2 The intra‐plant foliage feeding and oviposition preference adults and the larval development of Chrysophtharta agricola were examined using adult and juvenile foliage of a heterophyllous plantation species, Eucalyptus nitens. The foliage types differ in chemistry, toughness, waxiness and timing of production. 3 In the field, feeding damage caused by adult beetles was 15% more frequent on adult foliage than on juvenile foliage; however, egg batches were three times more common on juvenile than on adult foliage. 4 Oviposition preference for juvenile foliage over adult foliage was confirmed in choice trials in the laboratory, with adult fecundity and longevity not significantly different between foliage types. 5 Larval survival, development time and subsequent pupal weight were also unaffected by foliage type, suggesting that neither foliage type is nutritionally superior for adults or for larvae. However, adult foliage was significantly thicker than juvenile foliage and this may prove a physical constraint to larval establishment. Biotic and abiotic factors (including interactions with natural enemies, competition, microclimate and mate location) that may affect patterns of host plant utilization are discussed.  相似文献   

The willow leaf beetle, Plagiodera versicolora (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) overwinters in adult diapause. In this study, the photoperiodic responses for diapause induction and developmental time were examined in the Ishikari (Hokkaido, Japan) population of P. versicolora. All females entered reproductive diapause under short daylength (L10:D14), but 31.7% of females did not enter diapause under long daylength (L16:D8). The developmental time from oviposition to adult emergence was significantly longer at L10:D14 than that at L16:D8. Norm of reaction curves illustrated variation among families in the photoperiodic responses for diapause induction and for developmental time. ANOVA indicated significant family × photoperiod interactions in the developmental time. At L16:D8, developmental time was positively correlated with the incidence of diapause in females. This means that a female having a longer developmental time tends to have a longer critical photoperiod. Such variation may be maintained by differences in selection pressures on the growth rate and the critical photoperiod for diapause induction between univoltine and bivoltine genotypes because Ishikari is located in a transitional area between populations with univoltine and bivoltine life cycles.  相似文献   

D. G. Furth  D. A. Young 《Oecologia》1988,74(4):496-500
Summary Eighteen leaf flavonoid compounds were isolated from several populations of Rhus tripartita from xeric habitats in Israel, ornamental Schinus terebinthifolius from Israel, and three species of Rhus (vulgaris, natalensis, tenuinervis) from mesic habitats in Kenya. Foodplant preference testing of Rhus-feeding Leaf Beetles (Blepharida sacra from Israel and B. marginalis and B. conradsi from Kenya) correlated well with the flavonoid composition of the different foodplants. Blepharida sacra and B. marginalis foodplant preferences demonstrated an herbivore sibling relationship but there is evidence, including foodplant ecology and distribution, that they are separate species. The herbivorefoodplant coevolution of the xeric B. sacra-R. tripartita is distinct from that of the mesic B. marginalis-R. vulgaris/natalensis, however, this study also indicates possible ancestral relationships between the herbivore species as well as between the plant species.  相似文献   

Clonal variation for rust resistance was studied in a factorial mating design of Populus trichocarpa and P. deltoides with 17 intraspecific and 15 interspecific progenies. Susceptibility to Melampsora larici-populina was assessed both under natural conditions in the nursery and after leaf-disk inoculation with two pathogen races in a controlled environment. Different components of the resistance were taken into account: immunity in the field or in the laboratory, latent period, number and size of uredia in the laboratory, and field resistance at the end of the growing season. Genes controlling immunity were contributed only by the P. deltoides parents. The distributions of clonal means within each family suggested a polygenic inheritance of field resistance in the P. trichocarpa x P. trichocarpa crosses, but major gene effects were suspected in the interspecific progenies. Inefficiency of the quantitative mechanisms of resistance in the interspecific F1 hybrids might have important implications for future breeding strategies. Field and laboratory trials complemented each other well, and a combined selection approach is proposed.  相似文献   

We describe behavioral sequences and daily activities of pre-ovipositing and ovipositing females of Cephalonomia stephanoderis (Hymenoptera: Bethylidae), an ectoparasitoid of the coffee berry borer, Hypothenemus hampei (Coleoptera: Scolytidae). Noticeable behavioral differences among preovipositing and ovipositing females include host examination, host stinging—probing, host feeding, and the oviposition per se. The female of C. stephanoderis feeds primarily on host eggs, but pupae are also exploited, mainly by pre-ovipositing females. After the onset of the oviposition period, C. stephanoderis examines the pupae repeatedly, stings them at frequent intervals, and spends more time feeding than during the pre-oviposition period. Host paralysis is linked both to host feeding and oviposition. It induces irreversible developmental arrest, which presumably allows preservation of the host until subsequent utilization, and contributes to successful offspring development, particularly by reducing host motility. Oviposition consists in a host selection process, a prolonged period of preparation of the potential host, and the egg-laying phase itself. Under our experimental conditions, pre-ovipositing and ovipositing females are active 17% and 36% of the day, respectively. Host handling time averages 6% and 23% in pre-ovipositing and ovipositing females, respectively. All coffee berry borer developmental stages are exploited by C. stephanoderis females, either for host feeding and/or oviposition activities. Such flexible behavior is advantageous given that host availability is limited inside the coffee berries.  相似文献   

The responses of some Lepidoptera to labiate herb and white clover extracts   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Herbs have been traditionally used as intercrops with crop plants on the assumption that their odour repels pest species. Alcohol extracts and essential oils of labiate herbs were tested in the laboratory for deterrent/repellent responses to ovipositing Plutella xylostella (L.) and feeding larvae of P. xylostella and Pieris brassicae L.Alcohol extracts of hyssop, rosemary, sage, thyme and white clover reduce oviposition by P. xylostella on pieces of brassica leaf in dual-choice tests. Essential oils of sage and thyme reduce oviposition on pieces of brassica leaf. Feeding, in dual-choice tests, by final instar P. xylostella and P. brassicae larvae is reduced by application of alcohol extracts of herbs.
Résumé Des plantes médicinales ont traditionnellement été utilisées en association avec des plantes cultivées dans l'espoir que leur odeur repousserait les insectes nuisibles. Des extraits à l'alcool et des essences volatiles de labiées médicinales ont été essayés au laboratoire pour examiner leur effets répulsif et dissuadant pour la ponte de Plutella xylostella et l'alimentation des chenilles de P. xylostella et Pieris brassicae. Les extraits alcooliques d'hysope, de romarin, de sauge, de thym et de trèfle blanc réduisent la ponte de P. xylostella sur des morceaux de feuilles de chou traitées. Les essences volatiles de sauge et de thym réduisent la ponte de P. xylostella sur des morceaux de feuilles de chou dans des expériences de choix. L'alimentation des chenilles de dernier stade de P. xylostella et P. brassicae dans des expériences de choix est réduite par l'application d'extraits alcooliques des labiées médicinales.

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