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Dialysis cultures of a diatom, Chaetoceros affinis Lauder, and a dinoflagellate, Gymnodnium splendens Lebour were subjected to simulated upwelling conditions which were followed by oligotrophy. Upwelling was simulated by pumping nutrient-enriched sea water past the enclosed cultures. Oligotrophy was simulated by pumping nutrient-poor sea water past the cultures. After the period of upwelling oligotrophy was carried on for 65 days for G. splendens and 80 days for C. affinis. Both algae survived oligotrophic conditions as evidenced by the ability to initiate new cultures or by observation of motility. Nutrient analyses showed that oligotrophy developed slowly — over a period of several days — so that the cultures were subjected to slow changes similar to those which might occur in the sea when upwelling ceases or when upwelled water moves offshore. C. affinis responded to oligotrophy by developing small flagellated cells (male gametes), by losing discrete protoplasts in silicified cells, and by the breaking up of normal chains of cells. Plastids in G. splendens cells became more discrete under oligotrophic conditions and some large non-flagellated cells were observed. The use of dialysis cultures to simulate features of the ocean is discussed.  相似文献   

Taxonomic structure and biomass weighting are important determinantsof measurable marine phytoplankton community growth potential.Maximal diel-averaged growth rates of communities appear tofall between 3 and 3.6 doublings day–1. Mean net growthrates are considerably lower. Ranges of community growth ratesmeasured in tropical, sub-tropical and (summer) temperate ecosystemsare similar. There appears to be a broad dichotomy between thegrowth potential of diatom species as compared to non-diatoms.Doubling rates of small diatoms frequently exceed communitybiomass doubling rates by wide margins. Diel-averaged growthrates of large diatoms, microflagellates and non-motile ultraplanktonpopulations are lower and similar in magnitude to communitygrowth estimates. Maximum growth rates of species measured insitu are in good agreement with maximum growth rates measuredin laboratory cultures. High specific productivity of sub-dominantor rare diatom species or assemblages will be diluted in thelower specific growth rates of microflagellate and non-motileultraplankton assemblages. Specific rates of grazing upon speciesand functional groups remain to be quantified, but stabilityof community size and taxonomic structure implies close linkagebetween growth and mortality rates at the species level overtime intervals of several generations.  相似文献   

Equation 14 on p. 68 should read: Equation 20 on p. 69 should read:   相似文献   

Mathematical models of planktonic ecosystems use a variety ofdifferent formulations to relate phytoplankton growth ratesto environmental conditions. Does the formulation influencethe model result? We have modified the model of Fasham, Ducklowarid McKelvie (J. Mar. Res., 34,591–639, 1990) to testhow its results would respond to changes in algal growth rateformulations. The original model uses a Monod relationship betweennutrient concentration and relative growth rate, and a multiplicativerule to combine light and nutrient effects. Use of a Droop formulationfor algal growth rate or a threshold (Blackman's law) mechanismto combine light and nutrient limitation produced significantchanges in simulation results. One important effect was to increasezooplankton population and, as a result, the regenerated production.While there are aesthetic reasons to prefer these alternateformulations, a more accurate formulation will require morelaboratory work on algal physiology. Such laboratory work shouldbe encouraged as an adjunct to modeling work.  相似文献   

  • 1 The effect of light fluctuations on the growth rates of four species of freshwater phytoplankton was investigated. Experimental light regimes included constant irradiance and fluctuations of a step function form, with equal proportion of high (maximum of 240 µmol photons m‐2 s‐1) and low light (minimum of 5 µmol photons m‐2 s‐1) (or dark) in a period. Fluctuations of 1, 8 and 24‐h periods were imposed over several average irradiances (25, 50, 100 and 120 µmol photons m‐2 s‐1).
  • 2 Growth rate responses to fluctuations were species‐specific and depended on both the average irradiance and the period of fluctuations. Fluctuations at low average irradiances slightly increased growth rate of the diatom Nitzschia sp. and depressed growth of the cyanobacterium Phormidium luridum and the green alga Sphaerocystis schroeteri compared to a constant irradiance.
  • 3 Fluctuations at higher average irradiance did not have a significant effect on the growth rates of Nitzschia sp. and Sphaerocystis schroeteri (fluctuations around saturating irradiances) and slightly increased the growth rates of the cyanobacteria Anabaena flos‐aquae and Phormidium luridum (when irradiance fluctuated between limiting and inhibiting levels).
  • 4 In general, the effect of fluctuations tended to be greater when irradiance fluctuated between limiting and saturating or inhibiting levels of a species growth‐irradiance curve compared to fluctuations within a single region of the curve.
  • 5 The growth rates of species under fluctuating light could not always be predicted from their growth‐irradiance curves obtained under constant irradiance. When fluctuations occur between limiting and saturating or inhibiting irradiances for the alga and when the period of fluctuations is long (greater than 8 h), steady‐state growth‐irradiance curves may be insufficient to predict growth rates adequately. Consequently, additional data on physiological acclimation, such as changes in photosynthetic parameters, may be required for predictions under non‐constant light supply in comparison to constant conditions.

Measurement of in situ rates of nitrification in sediment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A method has been developed for the measurement of nitrification rates in intact sediment cores without disturbing the concentration gradients of oxygen and ammonium. N-serve (2-chloro-6-trichloromethyl-pyridine), a specific inhibitor of the autotrophic ammonium oxidation, was injected into a 0–2 cm surface layer of the sediment (20 ppm) and added to the water column of sediment cores (5 ppm). N-serve in these concentrations was sufficient to inhibit nitrification, but did not change the rate of ammonium production or incorporation in sediment suspensions, which were incubated aerobically and anaerobically. The ammonium accumulation in cores injected with N-serve was thus equal to the amount of ammonium which was oxidized to nitrate in the control cores. Nitrification rates were in the range of 0–3 mmol N m–2 –1  相似文献   

The life cycle of Arabidopsis plants was examined by growing them on a horizontal clinostat. Seeds on agar media were allowed to germinate and seedlings were grown under a simulated microgravity on a horizontal clinostat. Clinorotation (3 rpm) did not appear to interfere with germination of plant seeds and development of cotyledons and leaves. Stress relaxation parameters of the cell wall, the minimum relaxation time and the relaxation rate did not appear to be affected by clinostat rotation. On the other hand, the length of inflorescences was reduced to 61-62% by clinostat rotation. Rotation was found to inhibit the polar transport of auxin, although inflorescence growth and auxin transport were not completely inhibited. From these facts, it is possible that the life cycle in Arabidopsis plants could be accomplished in space, although growth phenomena involving auxin transport and its action may be disturbed. Plants may have a capacity to grow in space and we may be able to cultivate crops in space.  相似文献   

We developed a three-dimensional (3-D) clinostat to simulate a microgravity environment and studied the changes in plant growth processes under this condition. The rate of germination of cress (Lepidium sativum), maize (Zea mays), rice (Oryza sativa), pea (Pisum sativum), or azuki bean (Vigna angularis) was not affected on the clinostat. The clinostat rotation did not influence the growth rate of their roots or shoots, except for a slight promotion of growth in azuki roots and epicotyls. On the contrary, the direction of growth of plant organs clearly changed on the 3-D clinostat. On the surface of the earth, roots grow downward while shoots upward in parallel to the gravity vector. On the 3-D clinostat, roots of cress elongated along the direction of the tip of root primordia after having changed the direction continuously. Rice roots also grew parallel to the direction of the tip of root primordia. On the other hand, roots of maize, pea, and azuki bean grew in a random fashion. The direction of growth of shoots was more controlled even on the 3-D clinostat. In a front view of embryos, shoots grew mostly along the direction of the tip of primordia. In a side view, rice coleoptiles showed an adaxial (toward the caryopsis) while coleoptiles of maize and epicotyls of pea and azuki bean an abaxial curvature. The curvature of shoots became larger with their growth. Such an autotropism may have an important role in regulation of life cycle of higher plants under a microgravity environment.  相似文献   

Carbon-specific phytoplankton growth rates: a comparison of methods   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Measurements of biomass and growth rate of two axenic algalcultures were carried out using three different methodologicalapproaches: the specific 14C-labelling of chlorophyll a, [3H]adenineincorporation into DNA and net organic carbon assimilation.Time-course experiments revealed that the specific activitiesof chlorophyll a were significantly higher than the specificactivity of total algal carbon in six of seven experiments.When the specific activity of chlorophyll a is used to calculatethe carbon biomass and growth rate, the carbon biomass of thealgae will thus be underestimated and the specific growth ratewill be too high. Determination of growth rates from incorporationof [3H]adenine gave lower values than those obtained from netorganic carbon assimilation and from 14C incorporation intochlorophyll a. Problems with adenine saturation are suggested.When [3H]adenine is used to measure growth rates in dense algalcultures, additions of >1 µM [3H]adenine are oftenrequired to maximally label the extracellular and intracellularadenine pools and hence DNA.  相似文献   

Fibroblast growth factors interact with appropriate endothelial cell (EC) surface receptors and initiate intracellular signal cascades, which participate in modulating blood vessel growth. EC, upon exposure to basic fibroblast growth factors (bFGFs) undergo profound functional alterations, which depend on their actual sensitivity and involve gene expression and de novo protein synthesis. We investigated the effects of bFGF on signaling pathways of EA.hy926 cells in different environments. EC were cultured under normal gravity (1 g) and simulated microgravity (micro g) using a three-dimensional (3D) clinostat. Microgravity induced early and late apoptosis, extracellular matrix proteins, endothelin-1 (ET-1) and TGF-beta(1) expression. Microgravity reduced eNOS mRNA within 24 h. Moreover, a six- to eightfold higher amount of IL-6 and IL-8 was secreted within 24 h micro g. In addition, microgravity induced a duplication of NF-kappaB p50, while p65 was quadrupled. At 1 g, bFGF application (4 h) reduced ET-1, TGF-beta(1) and eNOS gene expression. After 24 h, bFGF enhanced fibronectin, VEGF, Flk-1, Flt-1, the release of IL-6, IL-8, and TGF-beta(1). Furthermore, bFGF promoted apoptosis, reduced NFkB p50, but enhanced NFkB p65. After 4 h micro g, bFGF decreased TGF-beta(1), eNOS, and ET-1 gene expression. After 24 h micro g, bFGF elevated fibronectin, Flk-1 and Flt-1 protein, and reduced IL-6 and IL-8 compared with vehicle treated micro g cultures. In micro g, bFGF enhanced NF-KappaB p50 by 50%, Bax by 25% and attenuated p65, activation of caspase-3 and annexin V-positive cells. bFGF differently changes intracellular signals in ECs depending whether it is applied under microgravity or normal gravity conditions. In microgravity, bFGF contributes to protect the EC from apoptosis.  相似文献   

Potential carbon-specific growth rates of phytoplankton wereestimated from a series of measurements of photosynthetic radio-carbonuptake over 4- and 24-h exposure periods in the light fieldsof three large limnetic enclosures (‘Lund Tubes’),each providing different limnological and trophic conditions.Photosynthetic behaviour and short-term, chlorophyll-specificcarbon-fixation rates conformed to well-established criteriabut, over 24 h, the net retention represented 23–82% ofthe carbon fixed during the daylight hours. Potential mean growthrates (k'p, of the photo-autotrophic community were calculatedas the net exponential rates of daily carbon-accumulation relativeto derived, instantaneous estimates of the cell carbon-content.Apparent actual community growth rates (k'D were calculatedas the sum of the exponential rates of change of each of themajor species present, corrected for probable rates of in situgrazing and sinking, and expressed relative to the fractionof total biomass for which they accounted. The correspondingvalues were only occasionally similar, k'p generally exceedingK'D by a factor of between 1 and 30 or 1 and 14, depending uponthe carbon:chlorophyll ratio used. The ratio, K'p/K'D was foundto vary inversely both to k'D and to kn, the net rate of changein phytoplankton biomass, suggesting that measured carbon fixationrates merely represent a capacity for cellular increase which,owing to other likely limitations upon growth, is seldom realized.Apparent rates of loss of whole cells do not account for theloss of carbon; that the ‘unaccounted’ loss rates(K'pK'D varied in direct proportion to K'p (i.e., losseswere least when chlorophyll-specific photosynthetic productivitywas itself limited) is best explained by physiological voidingof excess carbon (for instance, by respiration, photorespiration,excretion) prior to the formation of new cells.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton growth rates can be estimated from measurementsof light-dependent [14C]bicarbonate uptake (photosynthesis)rates using the integrated (logarithmic) form of the exponentialgrowth law. A clanfication of this method is presented herein view of confusions in the recent literature.  相似文献   

Monostichella coryli is the causal agent of the hazelnut anthracnose. The increase in the incidence in hazelnut orchards observed during recent years in Central Italy is increasing the need for information and studies on its biology and ecology, and how environmental factors (e.g., temperature) influence its development. For this purpose, seven isolates from different provenances of M. coryli were studied under controlled laboratory conditions with the goal of laying the foundations of a mathematical model describing key aspects of the pathogen's life cycle. The mycelium growth rate was measured at 6 different constant temperatures (5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 °C) and fixed relative humidity (100% RH), while the germination rate of the conidia was evaluated at 8 different constant temperatures (5, 10, 15, 20, 23, 25, 27, 30 °C). The dataset was subsequently analyzed estimating the parameters of non-linearfunctions which consider the relationship between the mycelium growth rate and the germination of the spores with environmental temperature. The set of parameters provided as the result of this study constitutes a key step forward in the biological knowledge of the species and the basis for future formulations of mathematical models to be used as decision support systems in an integrated pest management framework.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton growth and microzooplankton grazing rates wereevaluated in one station in Bahía Concepción,located in the middle region of the Gulf of California, México.We used high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) estimationsof phytoplankton pigment signatures to evaluate the annual variationof taxon-specific grazing and growth rates obtained with thedilution technique. Chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) concentrations variedwidely (0.34–3.32 µg L–1) and showed two maxima,during late spring and autumn, associated with the transitionbetween mixed and stratified conditions. Phytoplankton growthrates varied seasonally with the lowest rates during summer(range: 0.01–2.55 day–1 for Chl-a; 0.00–3.84day–1 for Chl-b; 0.26–3.29 day–1 for fucoxanthin;0.00–6.27 day–1 for peridinin; 0.00–4.35 day–1for zeaxanthin). Microzooplankton grazing was an important lossprocess (range: 0.0–1.89 day–1 for Chl-a; 0.00–3.12day–1 for Chl-b; 0.26–3.29 day–1 for fucoxanthin;0.00–2.03 day–1 for peridinin; 0.00–3.51 day–1for zeaxanthin). Average grazing rates accounted 68–89%of estimated average phytoplankton pigment-specific growth rates.The analysis of pigment signatures indicates that diatoms anddinoflagellates were the dominant groups, and contrary to expectationfor typical subtropical lagoons, the specific growth rates inBahía Concepción showed a pronounced seasonalvariability, linked to transitional hydrographic conditions.Our results indicate a close coupling between the communitymicrozooplankton grazing and phytoplankton growth rates, withoutselective feeding behavior. These results suggest that microzooplanktonplay a critical role and may significantly modify the availabilityand efficiency of transfer of energy to higher trophic levels.  相似文献   

Stocking piscivorous salmonids in Lake Michigan produced dramaticalterations in food-web structure, including higher numbersof large-bodied zooplankton (especially Daphnia pulicaria),lower summer chlorophyll concentrations and increased watertransparency. Experimental determinations of epilimnetic phytoplanktongrowth rates and of zooplankton grazing rates indicate thatherbivorous zooplankton controlled algal dynamics during thesummer of 1983 because grazers occupied the surface waters throughoutthe day. In 1985, however, both large- and small-bodied Daphniamade approximately equal contributions to total grazer biomass,and all grazers displayed pronounced diel vertical migrations,visiting epilimnetic waters only at night. This prohibited zooplanktonfrom controlling algal dynamics because grazing losses did notexceed phytoplankton growth rates. The changes in zooplanktoncommunity composition and behavior observed in summer 1985 probablyresulted from increased predation by visually orienting planktivorousfish, especially bloater chub (Coregonus hoyi). Effects of food-webmanipulations on phytoplankton dynamics were evident only duringJuly and August. During spring and early summer copepods dominateLake Michigan's zooplankton community. Owing to their smallbody size, copepods are less susceptible to fish predation andexhibit much lower filtering rates than Daphnia. Variabilityin zooplanktivorous fish abundance probably has little effecton phytoplankton dynamics during spring and early summer.  相似文献   

Experiments with gas mixtures intended to simulate the primaeval atmosphere of the Earth yielded many biologically important chemicals. Investigations into the synthesis of porphyrinlike compounds from methane, ammonia and water vapour were carried out by using high frequency discharges. Microanalyses of porphyrins showed that porphyrin-like pigments were formed in this way. The presence of divalent cations in the reaction system increased the yield of porphyrin-like pigments also involving the direct synthesis of their metal complexes.The ready formation of these compounds in abiotic conditions is significant, suggesting the possibility of their appearance during the early stage of chemical evolution.  相似文献   

The oxidation of benzene under sulfate-reducing conditions was examined in column and batch experiments under close to in situ conditions. Mass balances and degradation rates for benzene oxidation were determined in four sand and four lava granules filled columns percolated with groundwater from an anoxic benzene-contaminated aquifer. The stoichiometry of oxidized benzene, produced hydrogen carbonate and reduced sulfate correlated well with the theoretical equation for mineralization of benzene with sulfate as electron acceptor. Mean retention times of water in four columns were determined using radon (222Rn) as tracer. The retention times were used to calculate average benzene oxidation rates of 8–36 μM benzene day−1. Benzene-degrading, sulfide-producing microcosms were successfully established from sand material of all sand filled columns, strongly indicating that the columns were colonized by anoxic benzene-degrading microorganisms. In general, these data indicate a high potential for Natural Attenuation of benzene under sulfate-reducing conditions at the field site Zeitz. In spite of this existing potential to degrade benzene with sulfate as electron acceptor, the benzene plume at the field site is much longer than expected if benzene would be degraded at the rates observed in the column experiment, indicating that benzene oxidation under sulfate-reducing conditions is limited in situ.  相似文献   

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