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Summary Chick retinal cells of different stages of development, and of different areas of the retina, were stained with two vital fluorescent stains, reaggregated, and analysed for sorting-out. Sorting-out of cells within aggregates occurred if one cell sample was derived from the retinae before and the other after day 7 of incubation. No such cell-sorting effects were found in experiments performed on cells of different areas at the same stage. It is suggested that the sorting-out reflects either a change in cell population around day 7 (such as an increase in postmitotic neuronal cells), or the effect of a stage specific signal which changes the surface properties of a substantial part of most or all cell types.  相似文献   

Summary The mode of formation of the myoneural and myotendinous junctions was investigated in the thigh muscles of the chick embryo. Myotendinous junctions first appeared on day 11 of incubation, whereas myoneural junctions developed on day 12. Intracellular AChE activity in the muscles increased by the 12th day of incubation, and decreased rapidly after the formation of the myoneural junctions. Light and electron microscopically, AChE activity was demonstrated in the nuclear envelope, sarcoplasmic reticulum, Golgi complex, and in large granules which appeared to be derived from the Golgi complex. Large granules showing an intense AChE activity accumulated in the sarcoplasm at the poles of the muscle fiber before the formation of myotendinous junctions. After the translocation of this intracellular enzyme onto the sarcolemma, most likely the result of an exocytosis of the granules, the myotendinous junctions were formed. The AChE-rich granules present in the middle of myotubes developed into spindle- or comma-shaped cisternae which were located in the sarcoplasm just below the presumptive motor endplates. The present results suggest that the transport of AChE-rich granules to the sarcolemma is the first step in the formation of myoneural and myotendinous junctions.This work was carried out under grant 38848 from the Ministry of Education of Japan  相似文献   

Aggregates of Hydra cells were studied to find out how the primary centers that form new heads are generated in a system of cells in which the original pattern has been destroyed. Since cells that originate near the heads (apical cells) temporarily maintain a high level of head activation potential during aggregate formation and may contribute to pattern formation, their distribution in the aggregates was investigated. The mutual distances between labeled epithelial cells were followed by vitally staining apical cells with DAPI. The distribution was random during early regeneration stages (3, 6, 24 hr). These results show that epithelial cells originating from apical regions do not sort. That is, dynamic cell movement to generate rudiments of new heads is not necessary for head formation in aggregates. A possible explanation of the mechanism is discussed.  相似文献   

Desmosomes (macula adherens) have been associated with the function of adhesion. Their possible role in aggregation and sorting of chick and mouse epithelial cells has been investigated. Treatment of aggregates with 2-5 microgram/ml of actinomycin D which inhibited RNA synthesis also inhibited both desmosome formation and aggregation if administered at the beginning of the aggregation process. In contrast, if the drug was administered at six hours, when the cells had recovered from the process of dissociation, then aggregation over the following six hours appeared normal from observation of living samples. Such aggregates incorporated leucine-3H at roughly 85% of the control level. A quantitative comparison was made of desmosome formation in aggregates treated with actinomycin D for hours 6-12 and those cultured in normal medium. Desmosome formation was inhibited by the drug, although aggregation could proceed. Combinations of chick corneal and mouse skin cells sorted out in the presence of actinomycin D to the same extent as controls. Thus desmosome formation, which normally occurs during aggregation of the epithelial cells studied here, is not coupled with the aggregation or cell sorting process in these cells of stratified epithelia. When cells were treated with cycloheximide (100 muM) both desmosome formation and the progressive rounding up of aggregates was inhibited.  相似文献   

In neurodegenerative diseases, including pathologies with well-known causative alleles, genetic factors that modify severity or age of onset are not entirely understood. We recently documented the unexpected prevalence of transfer RNA (tRNA) mutants in the human population, including variants that cause amino acid mis-incorporation. We hypothesized that a mistranslating tRNA will exacerbate toxicity and modify the molecular pathology of Huntington''s disease-causing alleles. We characterized a tRNAPro mutant that mistranslates proline codons with alanine, and tRNASer mutants, including a tRNASerAGA G35A variant with a phenylalanine anticodon (tRNASerAAA) found in ∼2% of the population. The tRNAPro mutant caused synthetic toxicity with a deleterious huntingtin poly-glutamine (polyQ) allele in neuronal cells. The tRNASerAAA variant showed synthetic toxicity with proteasome inhibition but did not enhance toxicity of the huntingtin allele. Cells mistranslating phenylalanine or proline codons with serine had significantly reduced rates of protein synthesis. Mistranslating cells were slow but effective in forming insoluble polyQ aggregates, defective in protein and aggregate degradation, and resistant to the neuroprotective integrated stress response inhibitor (ISRIB). Our findings identify mistranslating tRNA variants as genetic factors that slow protein aggregation kinetics, inhibit aggregate clearance, and increase drug resistance in cellular models of neurodegenerative disease.  相似文献   

Disc polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (disc PAGE) analyses of chick-mouse somatic cell hybrids [LM(TK)/CRB]isolated from fusion mixtures of chick erythrocytes and thymidine (TdR) kinase-deficient mouse [LM(TK)]cells have demonstrated that the somatic cell hybrids contain only chick cytosol TdR kinase F and mouse mitochondrial TdR kinase A activities. Karyotypes were analysed by the method which sequentially reveals Q- and C-bands. Four hybrid clones contained the full complement of mouse chromosomes and 1 to 3 chick micro-chromosomes. Counterselection of the LM(TK)/CRB hybrids in 5-bromodeoxyuridine (BUdR) medium resulted in the loss of chick cytosol TdR kinase F activity and at least one of the chick chromosomes, but mouse mitochondrial TdR kinase A activity was unaffected. Unlike the LM(TK)/CRB somatic cell hybrids, the BUdR-resistant clones could not grow in HATG (hypoxanthine-aminopte-rin-thymidine-glycine) medium. The results demonstrate that: (1) the chick cytosol TdR kinase F gene is on a member of the micro-chromosomes; and (2) selection in HATG- and BUdR-containing medium involves only cytosol TdR kinase F.  相似文献   

Outward membrane currents in aggregates of atrial cells prepared from 7-12-d-old chick embryonic hearts were measured with the two microelectrode voltage-clamp technique. Two outward current components, Ix1 and Ix2, were found in the plateau potential range of the action potential. The Ix1 component is activated between -50 and -20 mV; the Ix2 component is activated between -15 and +20 mV. The Ix1 component inwardly rectifies, whereas Ix2 has an approximately linear current-voltage relation. These preparations lack a time-dependent pacemaker current component, even though they beat spontaneously with an interbeat interval of approximately 1 s. A mathematical model of electrical activity is described based on our measurements of time-dependent outward current, and measurements in the literature of inward current components.  相似文献   

Summary We analysed pairs of reciprocal homologous junctions resulting from intermolecular conservative homologous recombination in mouse cells. The assay used did not rely on the reconstitution of a selectable gene. This permitted the introduction of multiple markers in the parental homologous sequences which in turn enabled us to compare the contribution of each parent to the reciprocal products of a given recombination event. In all recombinants analysed we found, when comparing the reciprocal junctions, a middle segment originating from only one parent. This segment of uniparental origin occurred randomly throughout the region of homology and could extend over a thousand base pairs. These results are consistent with a gap repair process like the one proposed for homologous recombination in yeast. However, introducing a double-strand break in the region of homology did not enhance but rather decreased the proportion of recombinants with reciprocal homologous junctions relative to other types of recombinants.  相似文献   

Trifluoperazine (TFP) at 5μM completely blocks the formation of adhesion plaque complexes (adhaerens junctions) between aggregating fibroblasts; the drug at this same concentration did not prevent the cells from producing aggregates of normal size and appearance. Implicit in this finding is that aggregation does not rely on adhesion plaque complex formation. When thymidine-3 H labelled 16C and unlabelled BHK fibroblast cells were experimentally combined to form aggregates in which the cells were initially uniformly distributed, the 16C cells, which produced adhesion plaque complexes within minutes and in greater numbers than did BHK cells, congregated in an internal position after the aggregates had been cultured for 12h. This redistribution of the cells, indicated by the positioning of the labelled 16C nuclei, did not occur when the aggregates were exposed to TFP. Thus cell sorting, unlike aggregation, seems to be reliant on the formation of adhesion plaque complexes.  相似文献   

Summary Lineage analysis in vitro of heterogeneous tissues such as mammary epithelium requires the separation of constituent cell types and their growth as clones. The separation of virgin mouse mammary luminal epithelial and myoepithelial cells by fluorescence-activated cell-sorting, their growth at clonal density, and the phenotyping of the clones obtained with cell-type specific markers are described in this paper. Epithelial cells were isolated by collagenase digestion followed by trypsinization, and the luminal and myoepithelial cells were flow-sorted with the rat monoclonal antibodies 33A10 and JB6, respectively. Sorted cells were cloned under, using low oxygen conditions (<5% vol/vol), in medium containing cholera toxin and insulin, with an irradiated feeder layer of 3T3-L1 cells. Clones were characterized morphologically, and antigenically by multiple immunofluorescence with a panel of antibodies to cytoskeletal antigens specific to either luminal epithelial or myoepithelial cells in situ. Whereas sorted myoepithelial cells gave a single clone type, sorted luminal cells gave three morphological clone types, two of which grew rapidly. All myoepithelially derived clones showed a limited proliferative capacity in vitro, in contrast to their rat and human counterparts, as shown in previous studies. The present results with sorted mouse cells have also allowed the stability of the differentiated phenotype in mouse, rat, and human mammary luminal epithelial and myoepithelial cells in primary clonal culture to be compared. They show that the mouse mammary cells are the least stable in terms of expression of differentiation-specific cytoskeletal markers in vitro.  相似文献   

Tritium-labelled disaggregated chick hypoblast cells were mixed with non-labelled epiblast cells and vice-versa. The mixtures were allowed to aggregate in a gyratory shaker and were transferred on to a solid culture medium for further incubation. The aggregates were fixed after various incubation times, sectioned and examined for sorting-out. There was already a tendency to sort out after 10 h of incubation, a process which was completed after 25 h. The hypoblast cells formed a continuous layer adjacent to the vitelline membrane, while the epiblast cells moved out to form the upper external layer. The position of the two layers was normal as far as the substrate and external environment are concerned, and reversed in relation to their relative position to the vitelline membrane. The hypoblast cells tended to migrate to the margins of the aggregate. The latter phenomenon seems to parallel the migration of hypoblast cells towards the extra-embryonal area during the formation of the primitive streak.  相似文献   

Purified subcellular fractions containing melanosomes from B-16 mouse melanoma were treated with 2% sodium dodecyl sulfate or 0.5 M sodium hydroxide to dissolve protein. Quantitative measurements indicate that each melanosome contains 0.065×10?10 of protein or about 19% by weight. SDS acrylamide gel electrophoresis of proteins from purified melanosomes resolved six polypeptide bands of major density and about 15 minor bands. These results indicate that the melanosome may be more complex than previous genetic, biochemical or morphological evidence had suggested.  相似文献   

The plant lectin concanavalin A (Con A), at concentrations of 5–200 μg/ml, induced a twofold to fivefold increase in spontaneous beat rate of cultured aggregates of ventricular cells from seven-day chick embryos. This response was time, dose, and temperature dependent and was accompanied by a decrease in transmembrane potential. It could be blocked or reversed by α-methyl-D-mannoside but was not reversed by dilution alone. Binding of the lectin occurred in the cold, but a temperature-dependent process was also necessary to produce the response. Divalent (succinyl) Con A did not cause a beat rate increase. Whole heart aggregates responded similarly but less intensely than ventricular aggregates. Atrial aggregates, and whole heart aggregates treated with 5 μg/ml of Con A, produced a biphasic chronotropic response, first decreasing then increasing their beat rates. These results suggest that saccharide-bearing macromolecules on the heart cell surface play a role in regulating spontaneous beat rate.  相似文献   

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