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Four distinct DNA polymerase activities were isolated from ovaries of the frog Xenopus laevis. Specific assays for each activity were established. The isolated activities were characterized by molecular weight, template-primer preferences, and sensitivity to specific inhibitors as Xenopus laevis ovarian DNA polymerases-α1, -α2, -β, and -γ. All previously described Xenopus laevis DNA polymerases were classified using these properties.  相似文献   

Mouse interferon messenger RNA was isolated from Newcastle disease virus-induced mouse Lpa cells and then translated in Xenopus laevis oocytes. The resulting oocyte homogenate containing translated interferon activity was unstable to treatment with 5 m urea and to repeated freeze/thaw cycles, and it was 1% cross-reactive on human cells, as was native mouse interferon. Both native mouse interferon and the mouse interferon produced by the translation of mouse interferon mRNA behaved almost similarly on CPG, poly(U)-Sepharose, and anti-mouse interferon antibody columns. When the oocyte-translated product was partially purified and analyzed on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels, it migrated as a major single band of activity at 21–22,000 daltons with a trailing edge at 22–30,000 daltons. Only minor activity was detected in the region of 35–40,000 daltons where the vast majority of the native mouse interferon migrated. Thus, the oocyte-translated mouse interferon product comigrated largely with the minor species of native mouse interferon with a little activity which corresponds with the larger molecular weight species of native mouse interferon.  相似文献   

The 4 and 5 S RNA containing 42 S ribonucleoprotein (RNP) particles characteristic of previtellogenic and white oocytes cannot be detected in full-grown oocytes. When full-grown oocyte RNPs are separated on sucrose gradients 4 and 5 S RNA cannot be detected in the 42 S region. However, not all of the 5 S RNA stored during early oogenesis is incorporated into ribosomes at later stages. A substantial pool (20% of the total) of 5 S RNA remains in a non-ribosome-bound fraction sedimenting at about 7 S in full-grown oocytes.  相似文献   

The tissue and developmental distribution of the various myosin subunits has been examined in bovine cardiac muscle. Electrophoretic analysis shows that a myosin light chain found in fetal but not in adult ventricular myosin is very similar and possibly identical to the light chain found in fetal or adult atrial and adult Purkinje fiber myosins. This light chain comigrates on two-dimensional gels with the bovine skeletal muscle embryonic light chain. Thus, this protein appears to be expressed only at early developmental stages in some tissues (cardiac ventricles, skeletal muscle) but at all stages in others (cardiac atria). The heavy chains of these myosins have been examined by one- and two-dimensional polypeptide mapping. The ventricular and Purkinje fiber heavy chains are indistinguishable. They are, however, different from the heavy chain found in cultured skeletal muscle myotubes, in contrast to the situation concerning the embryonic/atrial light chain.  相似文献   

The distribution of sites hybridizing with mitochondrial 4 S RNA molecules on mitochondrial DNA of Xenopus laevis has been mapped in relation to the ribosomal RNA genes and EcoRI restriction endonuclease sites. RNA molecules linked to ferritin were employed for this purpose. We have obtained evidence for 15 4 S RNA sites on the H-strand and six sites on the L-strand of X. laevis mtDNA. An indication of the possible existence of one additional site on the H-strand and four additional sites on the L-strand has been obtained. One 4 S RNA site is located in the gap between the two rRNA genes, and one site flanks each outside end of the rRNA genes. The other 4 S RNA sites are distributed almost evenly throughout both strands of the mtDNA. A comparison with the map of 4 S RNA sites on the mtDNA of HeLa cells (Angerer et al., 1976) suggests considerable evolutionary conservation of site organization.  相似文献   

From the bulk of the Xenopus laevis mitochondrial proteins insoluble in 1% Triton X-100 + 1M NaCl, we have isolated, by DNA-cellulose chromatography, a protein fraction enriched in DNA-binding proteins. This fraction contains proteins showing a specific affinity for supercoiled DNA molecules containing the mitochondrial DNA displacement-loop region, as measured by filter binding and competition assays.  相似文献   

The intracellular location of the mRNA for the testis-specific isozyme of phosphoglycerate kinase-2 (PGK-2) has been determined for two spermatogenic cell types. The mRNA activity for PGK-2 from the polysomal and nonpolysomal fractions of pachytene primary spermatocytes or round spermatids has been assayed by cell-free translation with the polypeptide products monitored by immunoprecipitation, followed by one-dimensional or two-dimensional electrophoresis and fluorography. The results reveal that the majority of PGK-2 mRNA activity of round spermatids was present in the polysomal fraction while the relatively less abundant PGK-2 mRNA of pachytene primary spermatocytes was present in the nonpolysomal fraction. No PGK-2 mRNA activity was observed in the cytoplasmic RNA from primitive type A spermatogonia or prepubertal Sertoli cells. These data indicate that mature PGK-2 mRNA first appears in the cytoplasm of spermatogenic cells during the prophase of meiosis and increases in amount after meiosis. Although mature PGK-2 mRNA is present in meiotic cells it is not actively translated until after meiosis has been completed. Thus, mRNA accumulation and translational mechanisms are involved in the control of phosphoglycerate kinase-2 synthesis during spermatogenesis.  相似文献   

Quantitative flow cytometry was used to examine the embryonic origin of lymphocytes in Xenopus laevis. Reciprocal head/body transplants were made between diploid (2N) and triploid (3N) embryos of the same developmental stages ranging from neural plate to tail bud stages. Thymuses and spleens were removed from postmetamorphic chimeras. Cell suspensions were stained with the fluorescent DNA stain, mithramycin, and the ploidy (relative fluorescence intensity) of the cells was then determined by flow cytometry. All lymphocytes in the chimeras were derived from the posterior portion of the embryo. In other experiments, various regions of the lateral plate or ventral mesoderm were grafted from triploid to diploid embryos. Only transplants that included middorsal mesoderm gave rise to lymphocytes.  相似文献   

In 27% DeBoer's saline (DBS), which yields maximum fertility rates, Xenopus eggs fertilized in vitro are monospermic, regardless of sperm concentration. One block to polyspermy (the “slow” block), described previously, occurs at the fertilization envelope that is elevated in response to the cortical reaction. This paper describes properties of an earlier, “fast” block at the plasma membrane and evaluates the functional significance of the two blocks at physiological sperm concentrations in natural mating conditions. Unfertilized eggs have a resting membrane potential of ?19 mV in 27% DBS. Fertilization triggers a rapid depolarization to +8 mV (the fertilization potential, FP); the potential remains positive for ca. 15 min. Activation of eggs with the ionophore, A23187, produces a slower but similar depolarization (the activation potential, AP). As in other amphibian eggs, the FP appears to result from a net efflux of Cl?, since the peak of the FP (or the AP in ionophore-activated eggs) decreases as the concentration of chloride salts in the medium is increased. In 67% DBS no FP or AP is observed; eggs fertilized in 67% DBS become polyspermic and average 2 sperm entry sites per egg. In the 5–37 mM range, I? and Br?, but not F?, are more effective than Cl? in producing polyspermy. In 20 mM NaI the plasma membrane hyperpolarizes in response to sperm or ionophore; 100% levels of polyspermy and an average of 14 sperm entry sites per egg are observed. NaI does not inhibit or retard elevation of the fertilization envelope; the cortical reaction and fertilization envelope are normal in transmission electron micrographs. In 67% DBS, which also inhibits the fast block, the slow block was estimated to become functional 6–8 min after insemination. Eggs fertilized by natural mating in 20 mM NaI exhibit polyspermy levels of 50–90% and average 5 sperm entry sites per egg. Since eggs become polyspermic when fertilized by natural mating under conditions that inhibit the fast, but not the slow, block to polyspermy, we conclude that the fast block is essential to the prevention of polyspermy at the sperm concentrations normally encountered by the egg.  相似文献   

The kinetics of acetylcholine (ACh) receptor channels on cultured myotomal muscle cells from Xenopus embryos were studied by analyzing focally recorded membrane currents. The mean open time for receptor channels on embryonic muscle cells grown in dissociated cell cultures showed a time-dependent decrease similar to that seen in vivo. The changes in power density spectra are consistent with the hypothesis that the decrease results from the appearance of a class of ACh receptor with a short mean channel open time (0.7 msec) and a decrease in the proportion of receptors with a long mean channel open time (3 msec). The addition of dissociated neural tube cells to muscle cell cultures resulted in an unexpected increase in mean channel open time for ACh receptors in both synaptic and nonsynaptic regions. These studies demonstrate that ACh receptor function may be altered in cultured muscle cells.  相似文献   

Altered restriction of nuclear RNA during incubation in vitro   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Nuclei were isolated from rat liver and incubated invitro in two commonly employed RNA transport assays. Released [14C] RNA was isolated and hybridized with filter-bound DNA in the presence of competing cytoplasmic RNA. A significant portion of RNA which was transported to either medium was not represented in cytoplasmic RNA. These results indicate that the restriction of some sequences to the nucleus invivo is not maintained invitro.  相似文献   

We have examined the synthesis of messenger-like RNA in unfertilized sea urchin eggs. Most of the RNA synthesized is restricted to the nucleus and sediments from 16 to 30S. A small fraction can be isolated from the postmitochondrial supernatant and displays a sedimentation profile typical of embryonic mRNA with peaks at 9 and 18S. This cytoplasmic RNA is largely present as free RNPs and we estimate that less than 20% of the RNA is in polysomes. The RNA made in the egg is unstable and reaches a steady state with a half-time of about 30 min. We have examined the accumulation of RNA in the egg and have calculated a rate of synthesis of 1.4 × 10?14 g of RNA/min/egg which is similar, on a per-nucleus basis, to that found in the just-fertilized egg and very early embryo. It is approximately 10 times greater than the rate of RNA synthesis in the blastula nucleus. We estimate that the RNA synthesized by the unfertilized egg amounts to a maximum of 3 × 10?13 g of potential mRNA at the time of fertilization, or 10–15% of its immediate needs. This RNA cannot account for the increase in protein synthesis that occurs after fertilization, which must be the result of the translation of another population of more stable egg or oogenic mRNA that is kinetically distinct from the RNA we have measured. The steady-state level of labeled RNA present in the egg does not change upon fertilization until after the first cleavage, at about 2.5 hr after fertilization. Thus the RNA synthesis that occurs in the just-fertilized zygote appears to be merely a continuation (at least quantitatively) of the RNA synthesis taking place in the egg.  相似文献   

Immature, Stage VI oocytes of Xenopus laevis fail to activate (i.e., to propagate a cortical reaction and elevate a fertilization envelope) when pricked or exposed to A23187. We determined the times during maturation when immature oocytes treated with progesterone in vitro developed the capacity to respond to pricking and to ionophore. Responsiveness to ionophore first appears at about 3.5-4.5 hr after progesterone treatment; all oocytes are activated by 8-9 hr after progesterone. The capacity to respond to pricking appears about 1.0-1.5 hr after first signs of ionophore responsiveness. We examined the cortical endoplasmic reticulum (CER) by TEM to determine whether the morphology of this component could be correlated with the development of responsiveness during maturation. Fully mature oocytes exhibit an extensive CER that (1) forms a "shell" around most cortical granules, (2) appears to interconnect cortical granules, and (3) forms junctions with the plasma membrane. The CER-plasma membrane junctions are especially obvious in preparations of isolated cortex. The elaborate CER is not present in immature oocytes. It first appears during maturation of progesterone-treated oocytes at 4.5-5.0 hr, coincident with the time when maturing oocytes develop their responsiveness to ionophore and to pricking. This temporal correlation is consistent with the hypothesis that the CER is one of the components required for regulation of intracellular free calcium in oocytes.  相似文献   

The number of sequences represented in the polyadenylated RNA population of the Xenopus oocyte and the degree to which these sequences are specific for early development have been determined by RNA-cDNA hybridization. Approximately 20,000 different sequences are found in the immature oocyte and the mature oocyte, and these sequences are the same in both types of cells. Approximately 5% of these sequences are present at a 15-fold higher concentration than the other 95%. The percentage of nonrepeated nuclear DNA homologous to the polyadenylated RNA was also determined and was in agreement with the number of sequences determined by the cDNA measurement. In addition, the number of sequences present in the Xenopus laevis kidney tissue culture cell and in the swimming tadpole was measured; approximately 20,000 different sequences were present in both the tissue culture cell and in the tadpole. The majority of the sequences present in the oocyte are not specific for early development since they are shared with both the tissue culture cell and the swimming tadpole; however, some sequences appear to be greatly increased in relative abundance in the tissue culture cell and the tadpole as compared to the oocyte.  相似文献   

The fate of nuclear RNA migrated into isolated mitochondria   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Nuclear RNA migrating into isolated mitochondria under appropriate conditions may be reisolated intact. From electrophoretic evidence on polyacrylamide gels it is concluded that the size of the nuclear RNA species migrating into the mitochondria is approximately 9S.  相似文献   

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