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Females that are socially bonded to a single male, either in a social monogamy or in a social polygyny, are often sexually polyandrous. Extrapair copulations (EPC) have often been suggested or rejected, on both empirical and theoretical grounds, as an important mechanism that enables females to avoid fertility risks in case their socially bonded male is infertile. Here, we explore this possibility in two steps. First, we present a mathematical model that assumes that females have no precopulatory information about male fertility, and shows that a female EPC strategy increases female reproductive success only if certain specific conditions are upheld in the nature of male infertility. In particular, these conditions require both (i) that fertile sperm precedence (FSP) is absent or incomplete within ejaculates of the same male (i.e. that an infertile male is, at least partly, truly infertile), and (ii) the existence of FSP among ejaculates of different males (such that infertile spermatozoa of the infertile male are at a disadvantage when competing against spermatozoa of a fertile male). Second, to evaluate their potential role in the evolution of female EPC, we review the abundance and FSP patterns of the different male infertility types. The conclusion is drawn that some common infertility types, such as poor sperm count or motility, contribute to the evolution of female EPC, whereas other common infertility types, such as sperm depletion or allocation in a social monogamy (but not in a social polygyny), and in particular male driven polyspermy, do not. Also, a deeper look at the arms race between sperm fertilization efficiency and female barriers to sperm may answer the non‐trivial question: “why are some types of infertility so common?”  相似文献   

Human semen in two chromosomal abnormalitie cases presents one important increase of small, large and double head spermatozoa. Findings of this type of abnormal sperm morphology must be include chromosome analysis in the subfertile couple investigations.  相似文献   

Nuclear organization and chromosome segregation   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文

This review summarized data on the morphological and biochemical analysis of nuclear pore complexes, which are complex organelles providing the route of passive and active nuclear-cytoplasmic transport to different molecules in the eukaryotic cell. The morphology and functional role of nuclear pores in higher and lower eukaryotes, and molecular aspects of the import and export of molecules from the nucleus are described in addition to factors involved in the regulation of these process. Special attention has been paid to sequential steps of the nuclear pore assembly in vitro and in vivo.  相似文献   

A sample of 202 male Nigerians enrolled in colleges and graduate schools in the state of Kansas were surveyed to determine their perceptions of population problems in Nigeria; attitudes toward family planning, divorce, and male children; and attitudes toward family size. A major limitation of Nigerian-based fertility research has been the neglect of the role of men in couples' reproductive behavior. The majority of Nigerian students surveyed in this study did not think overpopulation is an impending crisis in Nigeria: 40% thought there are just enough people and 13% indicated there are not enough people. 53% supported the concept of a government population policy, but 67% felt the government should not interfere with family size decisions. Although 84% endorsed the idea that family planning services and information should be available, 69% felt women should not practice family planning without the consent of their husbands. 43% believed a man should divorce his wife if the woman is infertile, unable to produce a male child, or unable to bear the number of children demanded by her husband; in addition, 35% indicated a man should marry a second wife or continue to have children if the couple has 5 daughters and no son. In terms of the value of children, 62% stated that children are wealth or better than wealth, whereas 38% claimed that children use up wealth. Duration of stay in the US was inversely correlated with the number of children considered too many, and the number of male children already born was an important determinant of future family size expectations. In general, it appears that level of education and exposure to US standards do not have a major impact on fertility values among Nigerians, particularly the desire for male children. Educated Nigerian men are an important target for population education, however, because they dominate and control many of the structural, behavioral, and cultural dimensions of fertility behavior.  相似文献   

Prenatal diagnosis of chromosome abnormalities can be performed on three different samples; chorion villi (CVS), amniotic fluid (AFS) and fetal blood (FBS). We are presenting data from our own experience on the chromosome analysis of 957 CVS, 1000 AFS and 927 FBS. A total of 69 chromosome abnormalities have been detected in the CVS, 38 in the AFS and 115 in the FBS. The type of abnormalities and their frequencies are compared between the three sampling methods. Our findings are in agreement with published data, and the higher incidence of chromosomal aberrations in the FBS group reflect the greater efficiency with which aneuploidies associated with more severe congenital malformation can be detected by ultrasound.Finally, we reported 18 cases of mosaicism in CVS, 76 in AFS and 31 in FBS. Of these cases, only 10 represented a true mosaicism of the fetus, 98 cases have been classified as pseudomosaicisms and 7 identified as maternal contamination. We have encountered 9 cases of mosaicism confined to the chorionic villi and 1 case limited to the amniotic fluid cells. There appeared to be a similarity between trisomies involved in chorion confined mosaicisms and pseudomosaicism cases of the AFS.The chromosome complement of the placenta may play an important role in the development of the pregnancy, and although a mosaic result in prenatal diagnosis could present difficulties in the prediction of the ffetal karyotype, it might give important information on the general condition of the fetus.  相似文献   

Human chromosome abnormalities revisited.   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文

Copulation preferences in our closest living relative, the chimpanzee, suggest that males prefer older females who have had previous offspring. However, this finding is counter to some behavioral models, which predict that chimpanzee males, as promiscuous breeders with minimal costs to mating, should show little or no preference when choosing mating partners (e.g. should mate indiscriminately). To determine if the preferences indicated by copulations appear in other contexts as well as how they interact, we examined how male chimpanzees' grooming patterns varied amongst females. We found that males' preferences were based on interactions among females' fertility status, age, and parity. First, grooming increased with increasing female parity. We further found an effect of the estrous cycle on grooming; when females were at the lowest point of their cycle, males preferentially groomed parous females at peak reproductive age, but during maximal tumescence, males preferred the oldest multiparous females. Nulliparous females received relatively little grooming regardless of age or fertility. Thus, male chimpanzees apparently chose grooming partners based on both female's experience and fertility, possibly indicating a two-pronged social investment strategy. Male selectivity seems to have evolved to effectively distribute costly social resources in a pattern which may increase their overall reproductive success.  相似文献   

Caenorhabditis elegans has a single lamin gene, designated lmn-1 (previously termed CeLam-1). Antibodies raised against the lmn-1 product (Ce-lamin) detected a 64-kDa nuclear envelope protein. Ce-lamin was detected in the nuclear periphery of all cells except sperm and was found in the nuclear interior in embryonic cells and in a fraction of adult cells. Reductions in the amount of Ce-lamin protein produce embryonic lethality. Although the majority of affected embryos survive to produce several hundred nuclei, defects can be detected as early as the first nuclear divisions. Abnormalities include rapid changes in nuclear morphology during interphase, loss of chromosomes, unequal separation of chromosomes into daughter nuclei, abnormal condensation of chromatin, an increase in DNA content, and abnormal distribution of nuclear pore complexes (NPCs). Under conditions of incomplete RNA interference, a fraction of embryos escaped embryonic arrest and continue to develop through larval life. These animals exhibit additional phenotypes including sterility and defective segregation of chromosomes in germ cells. Our observations show that lmn-1 is an essential gene in C. elegans, and that the nuclear lamins are involved in chromatin organization, cell cycle progression, chromosome segregation, and correct spacing of NPCs.  相似文献   

We have studied the morphology of nuclei in Drosophila embryos during the syncytial blastoderm stages. Nuclei in living embryos were viewed with differential interference-contrast optics; in addition, both isolated nuclei and fixed preparations of whole embryos were examined after staining with a DNA-specific fluorescent dye. We find that: (a) The nuclear volumes increase dramatically during interphase and then decrease during prophase of each nuclear cycle, with the magnitude of the nuclear volume increase being greatest for those cycles with the shortest interphase. (b) Oxygen deprivation of embryos produces a rapid developmental arrest that is reversible upon reaeration. During this arrest, interphase chromosomes condense against the nuclear envelope and the nuclear volumes increase dramatically. In these nuclei, individual chromosomes are clearly visible, and each condensed chromosome can be seen to adhere along its entire length to the inner surface of the swollen nuclear envelope, leaving the lumen of the nucleus devoid of DNA. (c) In each interphase nucleus the chromosomes are oriented in the "telophase configuration," with all centromeres and all telomeres at opposite poles of the nucleus; all nuclei at the embryo periphery (with the exception of the pole cell nuclei) are oriented with their centromeric poles pointing to the embryo exterior.  相似文献   

As the spindle fiber attachment region of the chromosome, the centromere has been investigated in a variety of contexts. Here, we will review current knowledge about this unique chromosomal region and its relevance for proper cell division, speciation, and disease. Understanding the three-dimensional organization of centromeres in normal and tumor cells is just beginning to emerge. Multidisciplinary research will allow for new insights into its normal and aberrant nuclear organization and may allow for new therapeutic interventions that target events linked to centromere function and cell division.  相似文献   

Principles of nuclear organization   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

B. Durand  R. Durand 《Plant science》1991,80(1-2):107-118
The paper summarizes the researches conducted on male sterility in Mercurialis annua. Totally sterile individuals are very scarce in the dioecious species showing as the other Mercuries, unisexual flowers devoid of rudiments of the opposite sex. From one sterile male mutant, a ‘sterile series’ was conducted and genetics was studied. Sterile, semisterile, restored fertile male lines were constructed as well as female lines containing the inducer gene of male sterility, both fertility restorers and the sensitive cytoplasm. Morphology and ontogeny of these isogenic lines were presented. Male sterile anthers (empty) present a splitted tapetum and an abnormal meiotic end. Restored fertile male lines were normal. The relative abundance of auxin and cytokinins was studied. A specific cytokinin pathway measured as a background in fertile lines, the cis-oxidized pathway characterised the ‘sterile series’. Restoration of normal meiosis and tapetum appeared for the highest quantities of cis-zeatin (669 ng instead of 192 ng/100 g fresh weight in totally sterile). Auxin quantities were abundant compared with the normal males. Gene expression in the ‘sterile series’ was also compared with the fertile lines. t-RNAs specific for normal females were expressed in the male ‘sterile series’. Hybridization kinetics and in vitro translations pf poly(A)+RNAs demonstrate specific sequences for each line. Comparisons between identical organs (normal fertile male/restored fertile male or normal female/female of the ‘sterile series’) exhibited nearly 10% differences. The results suggest that for stamen development, a cascade of regulators probably exists: sex genes acting on the induction of stamen or pistil, then genes for sterility/restoration of fertility acting in anthers. Fertility-sterility regulators control the synthesis of a specific cytokinin pathway. The new hormonal signals are linked to several specific genes expressed in the floral morphology characterizing each line of the ‘sterile series’.  相似文献   

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