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The enzyme which catalyzes the transfer of sulfate ester group from 3'-phosphoadenosine-5'-phosphosulfate to salivary mucus glycoprotein was located in the detergent extract of the Golgi-rich membrane fraction of rat sublingual salivary glands. Alkaline borohydride reductive cleavage of the synthesized 35S-labeled glycoprotein led to the liberation of the label into the reduced acidic oligosaccharide fraction. A 90.3% of the total label was found incorporated in two oligosaccharides. These were identified in order of abundance as sulfated penta- and heptasaccharides. The pentasaccharide was characterized as SO3H,6G1cNAc beta 1,3Ga1 beta 1, 4G1cNAc beta 1,3(NeuAc alpha 2,6)Ga1NAc-01, and the heptasaccharide as SO3H,6G1cNAc beta 1,3Ga1 beta 1,4G1cNAc beta 1,3Ga1 beta 1,4 G1cNAc beta 1,3(NeuAc alpha 2,6)Ga1NAc-01.  相似文献   

The primary translation products of pulmonary surfactant-associated glycoprotein(s) A, the major apolipoprotein in mammalian surfactants, exhibit extensive charge heterogeneity. After in vitro translation of poly(A)+ mRNa from rat lung, the primary translation products of glycoprotein(s) A were identified as a charge train of five proteins of 26 kDa (pI 4.6–5.0), the predominant forms being the more acidic members (pI < 4.8). Inhibition of acetylation during in vitro translationof rat lung poly(A) mRNA resulted in a predominance of the more basic isoforms (pI ≥ 4.8). Intracellular forms of glycoprotein(s) A were immunoprecipitated from rat Type II epithelial cells after treatment with tunicamycin or after deglycosylation with endoglycosidase H. Five intracellular precursors consisting primarily of acidic members of the charge train were identified, this being consistent with the intracellular acetylation of the protein. In contrast, canine glycoprotein(s) A translation products consisted of only three proteins of 26 kDa (pI 4.8–5.0), in which most of the radiolabel was concentrated in the more basic components. Acetylation may account for some, but not all, of the charge heterogeneity in the primary translation products and processed forms of surfactant-associated glycoprotein(s) A in the rat.  相似文献   

Summary The genomic components identified by each of two closely related cDNA clones for the major 35 kilodalton non-serum surfactant-associated proteins (PSP-A) were shown to derive from human chromosome 10 by Southern blot analysis of DNAs from human-rodent somatic cell hybrids. By in situ hybridization to human metaphase chromosomes, the cDNA probes were localized to the region 10q21-q24.  相似文献   

In vivo and in vitro tyrosine sulfation of a membrane glycoprotein   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A431 cells incorporate 35SO4 into a protein of Mr 61,000 (P61). We examined sulfation of P61 by cells (in vivo) and by a cell-free system (in vitro) which requires only addition of A431 cell membranes and a 3'-phosphoadenosine 5'-phospho[35S]sulfate-generating system prepared from Krebs ascites cells. Sulfate is found exclusively in the form of tyrosine SO4 by two-dimensional high voltage electrophoresis following Pronase digestion. Endoglycosidase F digestion reduces the Mr by 2,000 but does not release the sulfate, indicating that P61 is a glycoprotein but that sulfate is not incorporated into the carbohydrate. Sulfated P61 is not found in the medium from cultured cells and remains associated with the membrane fraction following cell lysis. Treatment of membranes with 0.4 M NaCl, 0.3 M KCl, 15 mM EDTA, or pH 11.0 does not release sulfated P61. P61 is solubilized by Triton X-114 treatment of membranes and partitions into the detergent phase upon warming. Based on these characteristics, we conclude that P61 is an integral membrane protein. Trypsin digestion experiments with intact cells suggest that sulfated P61 is predominantly located in the plasma membrane. This is the first example of an integral membrane protein which is sulfated on tyrosine. The properties of the sulfation reaction are distinct from those reported for secreted proteins and are consistent with the possibility that this modification occurs at the plasma membrane rather than in the Golgi.  相似文献   

Membrane-bound beta-Gal-3'-sulfotransferase (GP3ST) was expressed and used for in vitro sulfation of Tamm-Horsfall glycoprotein. Further, the regioselective transfer of sulfate to an N-acetyllactosamine derivative could be realised with soluble chimeric GP3ST, also in combination with Lac transglycosylation by means of beta-galactosidase. Two alternative straightforward chemical syntheses for the target compound could be elaborated.  相似文献   

Surfactant-associated glycoproteins A were identified by two-dimensional sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of crude surfactant from canine alveolar lavage: an unglycosylated form (protein A1), 27,000-28,000 daltons; glycoprotein A2, 32,000-34,000 daltons; and glycoprotein A3, 37,000-38,000 daltons; pH at isoelectric point (pI) 4.5-5.0. Glycoproteins A2 and A3 were electroeluted and used to prepare a monospecific antiserum that identified proteins A1, A2, and A3 in immunoblots of crude surfactant obtained from dog lung lavage. This antiserum precipitated several proteins from in vitro translated canine lung poly(A)+ mRNA; proteins of 27,000 daltons, pI 5.0, and 28,000 daltons, pI 4.8-5.0, which precisely comigrated with proteins A1 from canine surfactant. Cotranslational processing of the primary translation products by canine pancreatic microsomal membranes resulted in larger proteins of 31,000-34,000 daltons, pI 4.8-5.0. Treatment of these processed forms of glycoprotein A with endoglycosidase F, to remove N-linked carbohydrate, resulted in proteins of 27,000-28,000 daltons which precisely comigrated with surfactant protein A1. These observations demonstrate that the polypeptide precursors to the glycoproteins A complex are extensively modified by addition of asparagine N-linked complex carbohydrate and are subsequently secreted as glycoproteins A2 and A3.  相似文献   

Surfactant-associated protein of Mr = 35,000, SAP-35, is the major glycoprotein present in mammalian pulmonary surfactants. In this study, canine SAP-35 and several of its COOH-terminal peptides were purified and characterized by amino acid composition and NH2-terminal sequencing analysis. These proteins were then studied in terms of their specific lipid-binding characteristics and surface activity when combined with a synthetic phospholipid mixture, SM, chosen as an approximation of lung surfactant phospholipids. Purified, delipidated SAP-35 bound SM strongly. In contrast, SAP-21 (a non-collagenous fragment generated by collagenase digestion) bound phospholipid weakly; SAP-18 (an acidic COOH-terminal fragment comprising residues Gly-118 to Phe-231) did not bind phospholipid, demonstrating the importance of hydrophobic amino acid residues Gly-81 to Val-117 and the NH2-terminal collagenous domain in interaction of the SAP-35 with phospholipids. In surface activity experiments, purified SAP-35 enhanced the adsorption of SM phospholipids in terms of both rate and overall surface tension lowering. However, the adsorption facility of the SM-SAP-35 mixture did not approach that of either whole surfactant or the surfactant extract preparations, calf lung surfactant extract or surfactant-TA, used in exogenous surfactant replacement therapy for the neonatal respiratory distress syndrome. In addition, the dynamic surface activity of the SM-SAP-35 mixture was well below that of natural surfactant or surfactant extracts. This was also true of mixtures of SM phospholipids combined with the SAP-18 and SAP-21 fragments of SAP-35.  相似文献   

A pulmonary surfactant-associated protein complex with components of 36, 32 and 28 kDa was isolated from human lung homogenates and reassembled with surfactant lipids prepared as small unilamellar liposomes. The role of divalent cations in the assembly of this recombinant lipoprotein complex was studied by monitoring the changes in turbidity, intrinsic tryptophanyl fluorescence and surface activity. The protein-facilitated lipid aggregation was promoted on addition of 5 to 20 mM Ca2+. Intrinsic fluorescence measurements on SP-A (28-36 kDa) indicated that the tryptophan side chains were in a relatively hydrophobic environment, that the wavelength of maximum fluorescence emission and also the relative fluorescence, were changed upon the binding of lipid. Tryptophanyl fluorescence of the lipoprotein assembly was quenched as indicated by a reduction in the effective Stern-Volmer constant. These results suggest that Ca2+ lipid-protein interactions are involved in the structure and function of extracellular lung surfactant assembly.  相似文献   

Given the tolerance of the right heart circulation to mild regurgitation and gradient, we study the potential of using motionless devices to regulate the pulmonary circulation. In addition, we document the flow performance of two mechanical valves. A motionless diode, a nozzle, a mechanical bileaflet valve, and a tilting disk valve were tested in a pulmonary mock circulatory system over the normal human range of pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR). For the mechanical valves, regurgitant fractions (RFs) and transvalvular pressure gradients were found to be weak functions of PVR. On the low end of normal PVR, the bileaflet and tilting disk valves fluttered and would not fully close. Despite this anomaly, the regurgitant fraction of either valve did not change significantly. The values for RF and transvalvular gradient measured varied from 4 to 7% and 4 to 7 mm Hg, respectively, at 5 lpm for all tests. The diode valve was able to regulate flow with mild regurgitant fraction and trivial gradient but with values higher than either mechanical valve tested. Regurgitant fraction ranged from 2 to 17% in tests extending from PVR values of 1 to 4.5 mm Hg/lpm at 5 lpm and with concomitant increases in gradient up to 17 mm Hg. The regurgitant fraction for the nozzle increased from 2 to 23% over the range of PVR with gradients increasing to 18 mm Hg. The significant findings were: (1) the mechanical valves controlled regurgitation at normal physiological cardiac output and PVR even though they failed to close at some normal values of PVR and showed leaflet flutter; and (2) it may be possible to regulate the pulmonary circulation to tolerable levels using a motionless pulmonary valve device.  相似文献   

Recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2 (rhBMP-2) was biotinated, and the bioactivity of biotinated protein was assessed in vitro (alkaline phosphate induction in limb bud cells) and in vivo (osteoinduction in the rat ectopic assay). Amino-biotinated rhBMP-2 exhibited an increase in bioactivity whereas carboxy-biotinated rhBMP-2 did not exhibit any changes in bioactivity in vitro. Avidin inhibited the bioactivity of amino-biotinated but not carboxyl-biotinated rhBMP-2. Both amino- and carboxy-modified rhBMP-2 induced bone at an equivalent level to that of unmodified rhBMP-2 in vivo. The presence of avidin did not affect the osteoinductive activity of both types of biotinated rhBMP-2. The overall results indicated that binding to a large protein, avidin, might affect rhBMP-2 activity in vitro depending on the binding site; however, in vivo activity was unaffected by the avidin binding.  相似文献   

肺表面活性物质相关蛋白A与肺部免疫防御研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
肺表面活性物质相关蛋白A(SP—A)是一种高度保守的亲水性糖蛋白,属于C-型凝素家族成员,相对分子质量为29~36kDa。SP—A是肺部重要的天然免疫防御分子,在肺的局部防御和天然免疫反应中起着十分重要的作用。它不仅可调节局部免疫和炎症反应、调理吞噬作用,还可凝集病原微生物、影响趋化作用及促进杀菌作用等。  相似文献   

Lysosomal enzymes from Dictyostelium discoideum contain unusual sulfated N-linked oligosaccharides, whose synthesis has been well studied in vivo. However, little is known about the properties of the pertinent sulfotransferases. To study these transferases, we have prepared a cell-free system which transfers 35SO4 from 3'-phosphoadenosine 5'-phosphosulfate to either endogenous or exogenous acceptors. We found that the 35SO4 was released from macromolecules by protein N-glycanase F to yield a mixture of anionic oligosaccharides with 1-6 negative charges. Some of the labeled molecules contained acid-stable methyl phosphodiesters but none contained phosphomoesters or acid-labile diesters. The sulfate was found in molecules with the acid stability characteristic of esters of primary alcohols. In all these ways, the products resembled those generated in vivo. We also demonstrated that a membrane-associated form of beta-hexosaminidase and the precursor of alpha-mannosidase were among the products. In addition, glycoproteins prepared from a sulfation-deficient mutant strain could act as exogenous acceptors in permeabilized vesicles.  相似文献   

To gain insight into the structural requirements for tyrosine sulfation in vivo, we have constructed and expressed an artificial gene encoding a polypeptide substrate for tyrosylprotein sulfotransferase. This gene codes for a protein, referred to as sulfophilin, which consists of a 12-times repeated heptapeptide unit corresponding to the identified tyrosine sulfation site of chromogranin B (secretogranin I), Glu-Glu-Pro-Glu-Tyr-Gly-Glu. The gene was fused to the signal sequence of secretogranin II to direct the sulfophilin protein to the secretory pathway. Stable expression of the artificial gene in NIH 3T3 cells resulted in the secretion of sulfated sulfophilin. Analysis of the stoichiometry of sulfation revealed that each of the 12 tyrosyl residues in sulfophilin was sulfated. Remarkably, up to 50% of the total protein-bound tyrosine sulfate secreted by the cells was contained in sulfophilin. The results indicate that the structural information contained in the heptapeptide motif is sufficient for stoichiometric tyrosine sulfation to occur in the living cell.  相似文献   

We have characterized a 32,000-36,000-dalton sialoglycoprotein group that is an integral component of the lipoprotein complex called pulmonary surfactant. Our results from the cell-free translation of human lung RNA show that this protein consists of two similarly-sized precursor components of about 29,000-31,000 daltons. Tunicamycin treatment of the lung tissue prevents formation of the normal protein and results in the accumulation of these precursor components which are also seen under normal conditions in very small amounts. Although in vitro translation in the presence of dog pancreatic microsomes suggests that a cleavable signal peptide sequence is present in these precursor molecules, it does not appear that this cleavage occurs in vivo.  相似文献   

Microsomal preparations from cultured chick embryo chondrocytes were incubated with 3'-phosphoadenosine 5'-phosphosulfate and oligosaccharides prepared from chondroitin. Rates of 4- and 6-sulfation were measured at pH 6 and 8 in the presence of MnCl2 and Brij 58. Ratios of the overall 6-sulfation to 4-sulfation rates ranged from 40-200 at pH 8 and from 6-35 at pH 6, depending upon the composition of the assay mixture. When saturating concentrations of 3'-phosphoadenosine 5'-phosphosulfate and the oligosaccharide acceptors were used, the resulting products were mixtures of monosulfated oligosaccharides. The compositions of the mixtures formed from oligosaccharides with degrees of polymerization from 4-12 at pH 6 and 8 were analyzed. Sulfate substituents were found at all N-acetyl-D-galactosamine (GalNAc) residues in the acceptors but were not evenly distributed along the oligosaccharide chains. For oligosaccharides with nonreducing terminal D-glucuronic acid (GlcUA) residues, sulfation at the nonreducing terminal GlcUA----GalNAc occurred exclusively at the C6 of the GalNAc residue. However, for oligosaccharides with nonreducing terminal GalNAc residues the rate of 6-sulfation of the nonreducing terminal GalNAc was markedly reduced and was similar to the rate of 4-sulfation at the same position. The rates of sulfation at the reducing ends of the oligosaccharides were relatively high for the shorter oligosaccharide acceptors but decreased with increasing length of the acceptor, suggesting that the sulfotransferases recognized primarily the GalNAc residues in the nonreducing terminal regions.  相似文献   

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