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This study investigated the occurrence of human Norovirus (HuNoV) by genotype in 1,486 groundwater samples collected from 843 groundwater wells suspected of contamination during 2007–2016, in South Korea. We identified and genotyped 186 HuNoV sequences in 178 HuNoV-positive samples using the RIVM-NoroNet norovirus genotyping tool (NGT) and phylogenetic tree analysis based on RIVM-NoroNet reference sequences. HuNoV GII was more prevalent than GI. The major genotypes detected were HuNoV GII.4 (43.0%), GII.22 (15.6%), GI.5 (10.2%), and GI.1 (8.6%); several genotypes accounted for < 5.0% of all HuNoVs, including GII.17, GI.6, GI.4, GII.6, GI.8, GII.3, GII.13, GI.3, GI.7, GI.2, GI.9, GII.1, GII.8, and GII.10. The prevalence of HuNoVs and number of genotypes detected has drastically decreased over the last decade. HuNoV GII.17, the emerging genotype worldwide including Europe and Asia, appeared in Korean groundwater from 2010, dominated in 2013–2014, and continued to be observed. HuNoV GII.4, the major type occurred last decade from Korean groundwater except 2013–2014, continued to be detected and prevalent similar to HuNoV GII.17 in 2016.  相似文献   

Harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) inhabit the seas surrounding Denmark and are an important top predator in the marine food chain. This trophic position exposes them to environmental contaminants with disease epidemics and hunting being additional threats to this population. It is therefore important to study how environmental pollution at the current order of magnitude affects the health of the population. Earlier studies have shown that occurrence of periodontitis could be linked to the amount of pollution the seals were subjected to. In order to investigate this further, 380 skulls and 141 mandibles of harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) from the Wadden Sea, the Limfjord, and Kattegat collected during the period 1970–2014 were examined. The skulls were examined for pathological lesions. The Hounsfield Units (HU) which are correlated to the bone mineral density (BMD) were measured in a subsample (n = 34) using CT scans. The macroscopic examination revealed (with the exception of the Swedish part of Kattegat) a significant increase of pathological lesions over the study period of 1981–2014. The examination of HU showed that median HU measured at multiple sites was highest in the healthy skulls compared to the skulls with one or more of the lesions. A discriminant analysis allowed high discriminatory capacity to separate healthy skulls from the skulls with pathologies, simply by the utilization of the HU data. Former studies of BMD in marine mammals have shown that exposure to environmental chemicals alter BMD and cause periodontitis. The present study, based on temporal and spatial trends in BMD, confirms the results of previous studies.  相似文献   

The photoswitching behaviour of the green fluorescent protein (GFP) chromophore and its analogs opens up exciting horizons for the engineering and development of molecular devices for high sensitivity in vivo studies. In this work we present the synthesis and photophysical study of four GFP chromophore analogs belonging to butenolide and pyrrolinone classes. These chromophores possess an intriguing photoinduced cistrans isomerization mechanism. Stereochemical structural assignment was unambiguously performed by 1D Nuclear Overhauser Effect NMR measurements. The spectroscopic properties of both cis and trans isomers were studied, and photoconversion quantum yield for cistrans isomerization was assessed to be in the 0.1–0.4 range. Finally, the 3JC,H coupling constant in the 13C–C=C–H motif was in excellent agreement with theoretical DFT calculations, thus providing a further confirmation of cistrans photoisomerization of the structurally analog GFP chromophore.  相似文献   

Manufacture of nitroorganic explosives generates toxic wastes leading to contamination of soils and waters, especially groundwater. For that reason bacteria living in environments highly contaminated with 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT) and other nitroorganic compounds were investigated for their capacity for TNT degradation. One isolate, Raoultella terrigena strain HB, removed TNT at concentrations between 10 and 100 mg l−1 completely from culture supernatants under optimum aerobic conditions within several hours. Only low concentrations of nutrient supplements were needed for the cometabolic transformation process. Radioactivity measurements with ring-labelled 14C–TNT detected about 10–20% of the initial radioactivity in the culture supernatant and the residual 80–90% as water-insoluble organic compounds in the cellular pellet. HPLC analysis identified aminodinitrotoluenes (2-ADNT, 4-ADNT) and diaminonitrotoluenes (2,4-DANT) as the metabolites which remained soluble in the culture medium and azoxy-dimers as the main products in the cell extracts. Hence, the new isolate could be useful for the removal of TNT from contaminated waters.  相似文献   

Changes of 5S rDNA at the early stage of allopolyploidization were investigated in three synthetic allopolyploids: Aegilops sharonensis × Ae. umbellulata (2n = 28), Triticum urartu × Ae. tauschii (2n = 28), and T. dicoccoides × Ae. tauschii (2n = 42). Fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) revealed quantitative changes affecting separate loci of one of the parental genomes in S3 plants of each hybrid combination. Southern hybridization with genomic DNA of the allopolyploid T. urartu × Ae. tauschii (TMU38 × TQ27) revealed a lower intensity of signals from Ae. tauschii fragments compared with those derived from T. urartu. This confirmed the signal reduction revealed for chromosome 1D of this hybrid by FISH. Neither Southern hybridization nor PCR testing of 5–15 plants of the S2-S3 generations revealed an appearance of new 5S rDNA fragments or a complete disappearance of parental fragments from the allopolyploids under study. No changes were found by aligning nine 5S rDNA sequences of the allopolyploid TMU38 × TQ27 with corresponding sequences of the parental species. The similarity between one of the synthetic allopolyploids examined and a natural allopolyploid with the same genome composition points to an early formation of the 5S rDNA organization unique for each allopolyploid.  相似文献   

The molecular mechanism of the unique cis to trans isomerization of unsaturated fatty acids in the solvent-tolerant bacterium Pseudomonas putida S12 was studied. For this purpose, the carbon isotope fractionation of the cistrans isomerase was estimated. In resting cell experiments, addition of 3-nitrotoluene for activation of the cistrans isomerase resulted in the conversion of the cis-unsaturated fatty acids into the corresponding trans isomers. For the conversion of C16:1 cis to its corresponding trans isomer, a significant fractionation was measured. The intensity of this fractionation strongly depended on the rate of cistrans isomerization and the added concentration of 3-nitrotoluene, respectively. The presence of a significant fractionation provides additional indication for a transition from the sp2 carbon linkage of the cis-double bond to an intermediate sp3 within an enzyme–substrate complex. The sp2 linkage is reconstituted after rotation to the trans configuration has occurred. As cytochrome c plays a major role in the catabolism of Cti polypeptide, these findings favour a mechanism for the enzyme in which electrophilic iron (Fe3+), provided by a heme domain, removes an electron of the cis double bond thereby transferring the sp2 linkage into sp3.  相似文献   

Summary   Marcetia candolleana A. K. A. Santos & A. B. Martins, is apparently restricted to Mucugê, Bahia (Brazil), where it occurs in areas of campo rupestre vegetation. This new species is closely related to the sympatric M. mucugensis Wurdack, but can be easily recognised by its semi-prostate to procumbent habit, reddish glandular-hirsute indument, loose and flexuous branches, leaves with inconspicuous reticulation on the abaxial surface, connectives very shortly prolonged below the thecae, style curved towards the apex, not exceeding the anthers, and pendulous fruit.
Resumo   Marcetia candolleana A. K. A. Santos & A. B. Martins, é aparentemente restrita a Mucugê, Bahia (Brasil), onde ocorre em áreas de campo rupestre. Esta nova espécie é proximamente relacionada à M. mucugensis Wurdack, mas pode ser facilmente reconhecida por seu hábito semi-prostado a procumbente, indumento glandular-hirsuto, vináceo, ramos flexuosos, folhas inconspicuamente reticuladas na face abaxial, conectivos muito curtamente prolongados abaixo das tecas, estilete curvo no ápice, n?o ultrapassando o comprimento das anteras, e fruto pêndulo.

The mating system and seed variation of Acacia hybrid (A. mangium × A. auriculiformis) were studied using allozymes and random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers, respectively. Multi-locus outcrossing rate estimations indicated that the hybrid was predominantly outcrossed (mean±s.e. t m = 0.86±0.01). Seed variation was investigated using 35 polymorphic RAPD fragments. An analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) revealed the highest genetic variation among seeds within a pod (66%–70%), followed by among pods within inflorescence (29%–37%), and the least variation among inflorescences within tree (<1%). In addition, two to four RAPD profiles could be detected among seeds within pod. Therefore, the results suggest that a maximum of four seeds per pod could be sampled for the establishment of a mapping population for further studies.  相似文献   



The presence of β-lactamases in Y. enterocolitica has been reported to vary with serovars, biovars and geographical origin of the isolates. An understanding of the β-lactamases in other related species is important for an overall perception of antibiotic resistance in yersiniae. The objective of this work was to study the characteristics of β-lactamases and their genes in strains of Y. intermedia and Y. frederiksenii, isolated from clinical and non-clinical sources in India.  相似文献   

The occurrence of extended-spectrum-β-lactamase (ESBL)-producing strains in the community was investigated in a private laboratory located in Juiz de Fora, Brazil. All enterobacterial isolates analysed were collected from urine of human patients between the years 2000 and 2002. ESBL production was confirmed by double disk screening, combination disk method, and Etest ESBL strip. The isoelectric point of each β-lactamase was determined in the crude extracts from each isolate. Detection of ESBL genes was performed by polymerase chain reaction and the genetic relatedness of the isolates determined by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). Of the 1,481 isolates, 22 (12 Klebsiella pneumoniae, 7 Escherichia coli, 1 Providencia stuartii, 1 Citrobacter freundii, and 1 Serratia marcescens) were identified as ESBL producers. The frequency of ESBL producers in the community was 1.48%. TEM-type enzymes were identified in 95.4% of the isolates, followed by the SHV type. Seven strains produced CTX-M–type enzymes. This study showed that strains producing multiple β-lactamases are also present in community-acquired bacterial isolates. Multiple strains exhibiting identical PFGE genotypes were found in individual patients indicating a common source of acquisition.  相似文献   

In this paper we describe the present status of the large migratory catfish fisheries in the Upper Amazon. We present biological information about the main species and we give strong evidence that the stock of piraíba (Brachyplatystoma filamentosum),the largest catfish in the Amazon Basin is probably over-exploited. In conclusion, we raise some hypotheses about the causes and prospects for the future.  相似文献   

Genes of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) have been characterized in all extant lineages of mammals. The tammar wallaby (Macropus eugenii) is well established as a model marsupial species; however, no classical MHC sequences have been described from this species. We have isolated two MHC class II -chain sequences from a tammar wallaby spleen cDNA library using a tammar MHC class II probe. These sequences belong to the marsupial MHC class II DBB gene family. Two additional DBB sequences were amplified from tammar wallaby genomic DNA. All four sequences were obtained from the same individual, indicating that there are at least two DBB loci in the tammar wallaby.Nucleotide sequence data reported are available in the GenBank database under the accession numbers AY438038–AY438042  相似文献   

A putative Type II restriction–modification system of Thermotoga neapolitana, TneDI, was cloned into Escherichia coli XL1-Blue MRF′ and characterized. Gene CTN_0339 specifies the endonuclease R.TneDI, while CTN_0340 encodes the cognate DNA methyltransferase M.TneDI. Both enzymes were purified simply by heating the cell lysates of E. coli followed by centrifugation. The enzymes were active over a broad range of temperatures, from 42°C to at least 77°C, with the highest activities observed at 77°C. R.TneDI cleaved at the center of the recognition sequence (CG↓CG) and generated blunt-end cuts. Overexpression of R.TneDI in BL21(DE3) was confirmed by both SDS-PAGE and Western blotting.  相似文献   



Carotenoids are a group of C40 isoprenoid molecules that play diverse biological and ecological roles in plants. Tomato is an important vegetable in human diet and provides the vitamin A precursor β-carotene. Genes encoding enzymes involved in carotenoid biosynthetic pathway have been cloned. However, regulation of genes involved in carotenoid biosynthetic pathway and accumulation of specific carotenoid in chromoplasts are not well understood. One of the approaches to understand regulation of carotenoid metabolism is to characterize the promoters of genes encoding proteins involved in carotenoid metabolism. Lycopene β-cyclase is one of the crucial enzymes in carotenoid biosynthesis pathway in plants. Its activity is required for synthesis of both α-and β-carotenes that are further converted into other carotenoids such as lutein, zeaxanthin, etc. This study describes the isolation and characterization of chromoplast-specific Lycopene β-cyclase (CYC-B) promoter from a green fruited S. habrochaites genotype EC520061.  相似文献   

Most primates live in habitats with some level of anthropogenic disturbance, and such disturbances have a larger impact on frugivorous primates that are more sensitive to ecological disruptions than folivores. Fecal glucocorticoid metabolites provide insight into how the external environment affects internal physiological state, and thus provide information on how anthropogenic pressures become embodied. Here, I examine how subgroup size and glucocorticoids vary with high and low fruit abundance, and how fruit abundance, subgroup size, and activity budget affect fecal glucocorticoid metabolites in female spider monkeys (Ateles geoffroyi) living in an anthropogenically disturbed habitat. I measured these variables via behavioral, ecological, and fecal sampling for 15 months in 17 female spider monkeys at El Zota Biological Field Station. Subgroup size was significantly larger during periods of high fruit abundance, but glucocorticoids did not differ between periods of low and high fruit abundance. Monthly fruit abundance predicted subgroup sizes significantly, but did not predict fecal glucocorticoid concentrations. Increased resting time and reproductive state predicted fecal glucocorticoid concentrations significantly, but travel and foraging time had no significant effect on glucocorticoid concentrations. Individual resting time over the study period correlated negatively with glucocorticoid concentrations. These results suggest that spider monkeys cope with variation in fruit abundance by adjusting subgroup size, and that these adjustments may mitigate environmental stress in this mildly seasonal environment. The large, relatively productive forest size at this site, and the availability of anthropogenic food sources, enable this population of spider monkeys to cope with human-induced habitat disturbance.  相似文献   

Socioecology suggests that female distribution in space is determined by the distribution of food resources and the male distribution is influenced by female distribution. Though studies have traditionally focused on females, males have received increasing attention in recent years. We compared male–male relationships in lion-tailed macaques and bonnet macaques. Because bonnet macaques have a high adult male:female sex ratio and are seasonal breeders whereas lion-tailed macaques have a low adult male:female sex ratio and are largely aseasonal breeders, we predicted that bonnet macaque males would be spatially and socially more tolerant of each other and would have less linear dominance relationships than lion-tailed macaques. We recorded male–male and male–female relationships in 1 group of wild macaques of each species via scan sampling and 1–0 sampling. The results revealed that lion-tailed macaque males largely remained at a distance from each other whereas bonnet macaque males remained in close proximity to one another. Lion-tailed macaque males were more agonistic toward each other whereas bonnet macaque males showed more affiliative interactions. The dominance hierarchy among lion-tailed macaque males was more linear than among bonnet macaque males. Our data support the hypothesis that the study of spatial structuring, temporality of interactions, and linearity of social relationships may contribute to a better understanding of macaque social systems.  相似文献   

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