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Three Acipenseridae species live in the rivers and marine waters of the Khabarovsk Territory, Russia: Sakhalin sturgeon, Acipenser mikadoi, Amur sturgeon, A. schrenckii, and kaluga, Huso dauricus. We review the general biology and life history of each species, including their historic and current distributions, and examine current paleogeographic theories to outline the possible origin and evolution of these three species in the Amur River, Sea of Okhotsk, and Sea of Japan biogeographic province. Apparently, these species have evolved during distinct geologic time periods, which has reinforced the reproductive isolation of these species although hybridization does occur. They have convergently adapted to the unique environmental conditions of the Amur River and Russian Maritime regions, and yet developed behavioral adaptations to reduce competition between species. Sakhalin sturgeon is the least studied species among anadromous sturgeon in the world. This species is highly migratory and spends the majority of its life in the ocean only returning to natal rivers to spawn. Amur sturgeon and kaluga are distributed throughout the Amur River basin and the estuary and share many life history traits. They are both represented by distinct morphs. Additionally, we present size and weight relationships to estimate the growth of Amur sturgeon and kaluga. All three species have suffered declines in abundance due to over fishing and their contemporary distributions have contracted compared to their historic ranges. We identify gaps in knowledge and suggest further research useful for guiding management of each species.  相似文献   

Synopsis Mercury concentration in axial muscle of brown trout, Salmo trutta, whitefish, Coregonus lavaretus, Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus, smelt, Osmerus eperlanus and pike, Esox lucius, were studied in Lake Tyrifjorden during 1978–1982. Our data demonstrate that older and bigger fish on an average have higher mercury concentration than smaller and younger. Further, complex life histories as in brown trout influence the pattern of mercury accumulation. During young stages accumulation in brown trout is moderate, while accumulation in older stages is highly correlated to lake residency time. Based on our data we suggest the following requirements for a test organism and the collecting procedure; (1) life history should be simple with small sexual differences, (2) ageing should be easy and reliable, and (3) large representative samples should be easily obtained during (4) a fixed biological period i.e. the spawning period. We consider smelt as an appropriate test organism based on these criteria.  相似文献   

Background information. The Plasmodium parasite, during its life cycle, undergoes three phases of asexual reproduction, these being repeated rounds of erythrocytic schizogony, sporogony within oocysts on the mosquito midgut wall and exo‐erythrocytic schizogony within the hepatocyte. During each phase of asexual reproduction, the parasite must ensure that every new daughter cell contains an apicoplast, as this organelle cannot be formed de novo and is essential for parasite survival. To date, studies visualizing the apicoplast in live Plasmodium parasites have been restricted to the blood stages of Plasmodium falciparum. Results. In the present study, we have generated Plasmodium berghei parasites in which GFP (green fluorescent protein) is targeted to the apicoplast using the specific targeting sequence of ACP (acyl carrier protein), which has allowed us to visualize this organelle in live Plasmodium parasites. During each phase of asexual reproduction, the apicoplast becomes highly branched, but remains as a single organelle until the completion of nuclear division, whereupon it divides and is rapidly segregated into newly forming daughter cells. We have shown that the antimicrobial agents azithromycin, clindamycin and doxycycline block development of the apicoplast during exo‐erythrocytic schizogony in vitro, leading to impaired parasite maturation. Conclusions. Using a range of powerful live microscopy techniques, we show for the first time the development of a Plasmodium organelle through the entire life cycle of the parasite. Evidence is provided that interference with the development of the Plasmodium apicoplast results in the failure to produce red‐blood‐cell‐infective merozoites.  相似文献   

The aquatic‐to‐terrestrial shift in the life cycle of most anurans suggests that the differences between the larval and adult morphology of the nose are required for sensory function in two media with different physical characteristics. However, a better controlled test of specialization to medium is to compare adult stages of terrestrial frogs with those that remain fully aquatic as adults. The Ceratophryidae is a monophyletic group of neotropical frogs whose diversification from a common terrestrial ancestor gave rise to both terrestrial (Ceratophrys, Chacophrys) and aquatic (Lepidobatrachus) adults. So, ceratophryids represent an excellent model to analyze the morphology and possible changes related to a secondary aquatic life. We describe the histomorphology of the nose during the ontogeny of the Ceratophryidae, paying particular attention to the condition in adult stages of the recessus olfactorius (a small area of olfactory epithelium that appears to be used for aquatic olfaction) and the eminentia olfactoria (a raised ridge on the floor of the principal cavity correlated with terrestrial olfaction). The species examined (Ceratophrys cranwelli, Chacophrys pierottii, Lepidobatrachus laevis, and L. llanensis) share a common larval olfactory organ composed by the principal cavity, the vomeronasal organ and the lateral appendix. At postmetamorphic stages, ceratophryids present a common morphology of the nose with the principal, middle, and inferior cavities with characteristics similar to other neobatrachians at the end of metamorphosis. However, in advanced adult stages, Lepidobatrachus laevis presents a recessus olfactorius with a heightened (peramorphic) development and a rudimentary (paedomorphic) eminentia olfactoria. Thus, the adult nose in Lepidobatrachus laevis arises from a common developmental ‘terrestrial’ pathway up to postmetamorphic stages, when its ontogeny leads to a distinctive morphology related to the evolutionarily derived, secondarily aquatic life of adults of this lineage.  相似文献   

Commercial and research interest in nanotechnology has exploded in recent years, with nearly US$9 billion in investment from public and private sources in 2005. While the list of potential applications for nanotechnologies continues to grow, there is increasing pressure from governments and researchers alike to understand the implications of this new class of materials. The emerging field of green nano applies green chemistry and engineering principles to the synthesis of nanomaterials. Here we outline several strategies for the development of green nano and review past policy and research activities in understanding nanotechnology's environmental implications. By means of the green chemistry metric of E‐factor, an analysis is undertaken of the traditional syntheses of several specific nanomaterials, including carbon nanotubes, fullerenes, and metal nanoparticles. It was found that the E‐factors of these production processes vary over several orders of magnitude, making it difficult to comment generally about the resource use efficiencies of nanomaterials production. For gold nanoparticles specifically, E‐factors for six different production methods are found to range from 102 to 105, demonstrating that greener synthesis routes are possible and that environmental benefits can begin to be quantified. Expanding the analysis to include life‐cycle stages upstream and downstream of production and to incorporate environmental health effects is encouraged, though significant data gaps exist.  相似文献   

1. This study aimed to quantify ontogenetic changes in the drifting of Elmis aenea, Oulimnius tuberculatus, Esolus parallelepipedus and Limnius volkmari (Coleoptera: Elmidae), and to relate their drift to benthic density. Monthly samples were taken over 39 months, using three surface nets at each of two contrasting sites in a small stream: one in a deep section with abundant macrophytes, and the other in a shallow stony section. 2. Most larvae and adults were taken in the drift at night with little variation between catches in the three nets at each site. Day catches were very low, often zero. No significant relationships could be established between mean numbers in the drift catches and benthic densities. 3. When night catches were converted to drift densities (number caught per 100 m3 of water sampled), the latter were positively related to monthly losses in the benthos, but not to benthic densities. A linear regression described the relationship, and equations for the different life‐stages within each species were not significantly different from the equation for all life‐stages combined. However, drift losses were only about 0.07% of total losses in the benthos. A severe spate in October 1967 increased the number of larvae and adults in the drift, but not drift densities, except for immature adults of E. aenea, O. tuberculatus and E. parallelepipedus. 4. Key life‐stages with the highest drift density were the earliest life‐stage soon after egg hatching for E. aenea, the start of the larval overwintering period for O. tuberculatus and L. volkmari, and mature adults during the mating season for all three species. Drift density for E. parallelepipedus was too low to identify a key life‐stage. These key life‐stages corresponded with critical periods for survival in the life cycle, as identified in an earlier study in the same stream. Mortality was high during these critical periods, hence the strong relationship between drift density and benthic losses. The latter relationship was very consistent for different life‐stages within each species, and partially supported the rarely‐tested hypothesis that drift represents surplus production in the benthos.  相似文献   

During a survey of the coccidian parasites of reptiles from Iowa, three specimens of Crotalus horridus L., the Timber Rattlesnake, and one of Sistrurus catenatus (Rafinesque), the Massasauga Rattlesnake, were found to be passing oocysts of a Caryospora, here described as C. bigenetica n. sp. Since these snakes (family Crotalidae) are known to subsist mainly on small mammals, oocysts from one of the Timber Rattlesnakes were fed to laboratory white mice (Mus musculus L.) to determine if mammals might be involved as alternate hosts in the life cycle. At necropsy, tissues of the tongue and dermis of the mice revealed a sequence of stages which included mature male and female gamonts, fully sporulated sporocysts, “excysted” sporozoites, and “resting” sporozoites that lay individually in solitary, cyst-like host cells termed “caryocysts.” A coccidia-free Massasauga that was fed an infected mouse, at a time when caryocysts in the mouse would have been present, later passed oocysts similar to those of the original inoculum. These results, along with the discovery of endogenous stages (asexual and sexual) in the intestine of the Timber Rattlesnake and the experimentally infected Massasauga, suggest that this parasite has a heteroxenous life cycle pattern, with sexual stages occurring both in the ophidian and the mammalian hosts.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. The endogenous stages of Isospora serini Aragão and Isospora canaria Box are described from experimentally infected canaries, Serinus canarius Linnaeus. Unlike other Coccidia, the first part of the I. serini life cycle takes place in mono-nuclear phagocytes. Five asexual generations are described from this cell type; 2 additional asexual generations and the sexual stages take place in the intestinal epithelium. Isospora canaria, on the other hand, has a conventional coccidian life cycle in that all of the endogenous stages are in the epithelium of the small intestine, with 3 asexual generations and the sexual generation described in the duodenal epithelium. The 2 species differ in their position relative to the nucleus of the intestinal epithelial cell. Isospora serini is usually on the lumenal side of the nucleus while I. canaria is below the nucleus, toward the basement membrane. The prepatent period is 4–5 days for I. canaria and 9–10 days for I. serini. Patency lasts for 11–13 days in I. canaria infections, but duration of oocyst output is more chronic in I. serini infections, persisting for as long as 231 days. Both species have a diurnal periodicity of oocyst discharge which occurs in late afternoon and evening.  相似文献   

Ticks are gorging-fasting organisms; their life cycle is characterized by alternate off-host (starvation) and on-host (meal) conditions. Their generation time is estimated in several years and many ticks spend more than 95% of their life off the host. They seem to have a unique strategy to endure the off-host state for a long period. Thus, we focused on autophagy, which is induced by starvation and is essential for extension of the lifespan, and hypothesized that ticks also have a system of autophagy to overcome the starved condition. Recently, we showed the existence of a homologue of an ATG gene, ATG12, and its expression pattern from nymphal to adult stages in a three-host tick, Haemaphysalis longicornis. The expression level of HlATG12 was downregulated at the beginning of feeding and was highest at 3 months after engorgement. In addition, the HlAtg12 protein was localized to the region around granule-like structures within midgut cells of unfed adults. These results indicate that HlATG12 functions during unfed stages. Here, a potential role of autophagy in unfed ticks is discussed with regard to reports in other animals, such as yeast, mammal, and fruit fly.

Addendum to: Umemiya R, Matsuo T, Hatta T, Sakakibara S, Boldbaatar D, Fujisaki K. Cloning and characterization of an autophagy-related gene, ATG12, from the three-host tick Haemaphysalis longicornis. Insect Biochem Mol Biol 2007; 37:975-84  相似文献   

Mortality of fish early life stages was measured in a pressure vessel to simulate vertical displacement within the water column. Mortality was measured for three pressure regimes for four fish species: larval bigmouth buffalo Ictiobus cyprinellus, larval blue catfish Ictalurus furcatus, juvenile bluegill Lepomis macrochirus, and juvenile largemouth bass Micropterus salmoides. The maximum pressure‐change tested, 344.8 kPa, equivalent to a 35.2 m displacement of fish within the water column, did not cause significant mortality of larvae or juveniles. Since 32.5 m exceeds depths in most inland navigation channels and possibly the depth to which rapid propeller induced water mixing occurs, the range of pressure changes that could be experienced by early life stages during towboat mixing of the water column will not result in significant mortality.  相似文献   

A popular idea amongst ecologists last century was that animals which exploit dynamic environments often display ‘fast’ life history strategies (high fecundity, rapid growth and maturation, and low or variable adult survival rates) relative to those which occupy more stable environments. Whilst the underlying theory has been discredited, the categorization remains of interest, because species with ‘fast’ life history traits are thought to be more robust to human‐induced environmental change than those with ‘slow’ life history traits. We examined the life history traits of the endangered Australian frog Litoria raniformis, to determine whether it displays ‘fast’ life history traits (like its sister species L. aurea and L. castanea), and to assess the role of these traits in the decline of this species. Mark‐recapture data confirmed that L. raniformis displays rapid growth and maturation. The data also suggest that L. raniformis displays relatively low adult survival rates. We propose that the ‘fast’ life history traits of this species are adaptive to metapopulation dynamics. In turn, we suggest that the rapid decline of L. raniformis may have resulted from metapopulation collapse, driven ultimately by habitat loss, degradation and fragmentation, and proximately by severe stochastic perturbations.  相似文献   

Ecological data is crucial for determining the degree of reproductive isolation among closely related species, and in identifying the factors that have produced this divergence. We studied life history traits for three Asphondylia (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) species that induce fruit galls either on Alpinia, Ligustrum or Aucuba, and we compared the traits with those published for three other closely related Japanese Asphondylia species. We found that the six species were significantly differentiated in important life history traits, such as host range, voltinism, lower developmental threshold temperature, thermal constant and diapausing season. The data indicate that divergence in the assessed life history traits evolves before morphological divergence, and such ecological divergence could strengthen isolating barriers among the taxa. We present scenarios on how host range expansion, host plant shift and host organ shift for galling initiate the early stages of speciation. We also highlight the importance of ecological data in identifying cryptic species. Specifically, we confirm that Alpinia intermedia (Zingiberaceae) is not an autumn–spring host of the soybean pod gall midge Asphondylia yushimai based on many differences in the life history traits between the Alpinia fruit gall midge Asphondylia sp. and A. yushimai.  相似文献   

The response of Emiliania huxleyi (Lohmann) W. W. Hay et H. Mohler, Calcidiscus leptoporus (G. Murray et V. H. Blackman) J. Schiller, and Syracosphaera pulchra Lohmann to elevated partial pressure of carbon dioxide (pCO2) was investigated in batch cultures. We reported on the response of both haploid and diploid life stages of these three species. Growth rate, cell size, particulate inorganic carbon (PIC), and particulate organic carbon (POC) of both life stages were measured at two different pCO2 (400 and 760 parts per million [ppm]), and their organic and inorganic carbon production were calculated. The two life stages within the same species generally exhibited a similar response to elevated pCO2, the response of the haploid stage being often more pronounced than that of the diploid stage. The growth rate was consistently higher at elevated pCO2, but the response of other processes varied among species. Calcification rate of C. leptoporus and of S. pulchra did not change at elevated pCO2, whereas it increased in E. huxleyi. POC production and cell size of both life stages of S. pulchra and of the haploid stage of E. huxleyi markedly decreased at elevated pCO2. It remained unaltered in the diploid stage of E. huxleyi and C. leptoporus and increased in the haploid stage of the latter. The PIC:POC ratio increased in E. huxleyi and was constant in C. leptoporus and S. pulchra. Elevated pCO2 has a significant effect on these three coccolithophore species, the haploid stage being more sensitive. This effect must be taken into account when predicting the fate of coccolithophores in the future ocean.  相似文献   

Living systems are studied using three complementary approaches: living cells, cell-free systems and computer-mediated modelling. Progresses in understanding, allowing researchers to create novel chassis and industrial processes rest on a cycle that combines in vivo, in vitro and in silico studies. This design–build–test–learn iteration loop cycle between experiments and analyses combines together physiology, genetics, biochemistry and bioinformatics in a way that keeps going forward. Because computer-aided approaches are not directly constrained by the material nature of the entities of interest, we illustrate here how this virtuous cycle allows researchers to explore chemistry which is foreign to that present in extant life, from whole chassis to novel metabolic cycles. Particular emphasis is placed on the importance of evolution.  相似文献   

Kholodii G  Bogdanova E 《Genetica》2002,115(2):233-241
Escherichia coli K12 containing the transposon Tn5044 mer operon (merR, T, P, C, and A genes) is resistant to mercuric chloride at 30°C but sensitive to this compound at 37–41.5°C. We have studied the mechanism underlying the temperature-sensitive nature of this mercury resistance phenotype, and found that the expression of the Tn5044 merA gene coding for mercuric reductase (MerA) is severely inhibited at non-permissive temperatures. Additionally, MerA showed a considerably reduced functional activity in vivo at non-permissive temperatures. However, the temperature-sensitive character of the functioning of this enzyme in cell extracts, where it interacted with one of the low-molecular weight SH compounds rather than with the transport protein MerT (as is the case in vivo), was not apparent. These data suggest that the temperature-sensitive mercury resistance phenotype should stay under control at two stages: when the merA gene is expressed and when its product interacts with MerT to accept the mercuric ion.  相似文献   

Dinoflagellates have a unique and interesting intracellular architecture such as permanently condensed chromosomes throughout the cell cycle. However the study of dinoflagellate chromosomes is not amendable because of the unusually higher number of chromosomes and problems in sample preparation. The species of Pyrocystis spend most of their life cycle as vegetative cyst forms and have been used as experimental organisms for bioluminescence and circadian rhythms. Here, we documented the content of DNA in different life stages and the chromosome karyology in a marine non-motile dinoflagellate Pyrocystis lunula, through light and fluorescent microscopy, serial ultra-thin sectioning, and three dimension (3D) modeling. The DNA content doubles during DNA synthesis and in the end of the cell division two separate daughter cells have the approximately same fluorescent values for the mother cells. Using serial ultra-thin sectioning and 3D modeling, we report the first ultrastructural karyogram. The cells chosen were at the end of karyokinesis. A total of 98 chromosomes were counted and assigned to 49 pairs. In this species, DNA synthesis appears to occur before, or during asexual division and P. lunula lives a diplontic life cycle.  相似文献   

Stomachs from 511 Raja velezi and 340 Mustelus henlei captured as by‐catch in the commercial trawling fishery (2010–2012) were analysed to examine diet composition, ontogenetic shifts and degree of dietary overlap between species life stages in the Pacific Ocean of Costa Rica. Shrimps were the most important prey categories in the diet of R. velezi, while teleosts and cephalopods dominated the diet of M. henlei. Diet comparisons between different stages of R. velezi and M. henlei revealed clear ontogenetic dietary shifts: crustaceans (mainly shrimps, crabs and stomatopods) dominated the diet of immature individuals, and adults had a higher proportion of teleosts. The results suggest that R. velezi is an epibenthic predator that specializes in shrimps during early life stages, and to a lesser extent, teleosts as it matures, while M. henlei is an opportunistic predator with a highly diverse diet consisting of teleosts, cephalopods, shrimps and stomatopods. This study also found little evidence of dietary overlap between species or life stages and suggests that intra‐ and interspecific competition between R. velezi and M. henlei may be reduced by: (1) diet specialization in immature stages of R. velezi, (2) ontogenetic dietary shifts between immature and mature individuals, (3) prey‐size selectivity in larger individuals of R. velezi and (4) differences in depth utilization in overlapping geographical regions.  相似文献   

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