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Since its introduction into the United States in the past 10 yr, soybean aphid, Aphis glycines Matsumura (Hemiptera: Aphididae), has been a damaging pest to soybean, Glycine max (L.) Merrill. During 2008 and 2009, fields in central and north central Iowa experienced pockets of high soybean aphid populations. Electroantennograms have shown that soybean aphid alatae are capable of detecting host plant volatiles and sex pheromones. Here, we evaluated baited pan traps as a potential soybean aphid attractant. Yellow pan traps were placed in soybean fields after planting along with lures that contained plant volatiles and sex pheromones in 2008 or sex pheromones only in 2009. Pan trap contents were collected weekly, and plant counts also were conducted. Aphids were identified, and soybean aphids were counted to determine whether one chemical lure was more attractive to spring migrants than other lures. In both years, soybean aphids collected in pan traps with lures were not significantly different from the other products tested.  相似文献   

Bacteria are ubiquitous inhabitants of animals.Hormaphidinae is a particular aphid group exhibiting very diverse life history traits.However,the microbiota in this group is poorly known.In the present study,using high-throughput sequencing of bacterial 16S ribosomal RNA gene amplicons,we surveyed the bacterial flora in hormaphidine aphids and explored whether the aphid tribe,host plant and geographical distribution are associated with the distribution of secondary symbionts.The most dominant bacteria detected in hormaphidine species are heritable symbionts.As expected,the primary endosymbiont Buchnera aphidicola is the most abundant symbiont across all species and has cospeciated with its host aphids.Six secondary symbionts were detected in Hormaphidinae.Arsenophonus is widespread in Hormaphidinae species,suggesting the possibility of ancient acquisition of this symbiont.Ordination analyses and statistical tests show that the symbiont composition does not seem to relate to any of the aphid tribes,host plants or geographical distributions,which indicate that horizontal transfers might occur for these symbionts in Hormaphidinae.Correlation analysis exhibits negative interference between Buchnera and coexisting secondary symbionts,while the interactions between different secondary symbionts are complicated.These findings display a comprehensive picture of the microbiota in Hormaphidinae and may be helpful in understanding the symbiont diversity within a group of aphids.  相似文献   

The migration of cereal aphids and the time of their arrival on winter cereal crops in autumn and spring are of particular importance for plant disease (e.g. barley yellow dwarf virus infection) and related yield losses. In order to identify days with migration potentials in autumn and spring, suction trap data from 29 and 45 case studies (locations and years), respectively, were set‐off against meteorological parameters, focusing on the early immigration periods in autumn (22 September to 1 November) and spring (1 May to 9 June). The number of cereal aphids caught in a suction trap increased with increasing temperature, global radiation and duration of sunshine and decreased with increasing precipitation, relative humidity and wind speed. According to linear regression analyses, the temperature, global radiation and wind speed were most frequently and significantly associated with migration, suggesting that they have a major impact on flight activity. For subsequent model development, suction trap catches from different case studies were pooled and binarily classified as days with or without migration as defined by a certain number of migrating cereal aphids. Linear discriminant analyses of several predictor variables (assessed during light hours of a given day) were then performed based on the binary response variables. Three models were used to predict days with suction trap catches ≥1, ≥4 or ≥10 migrating cereal aphids in autumn. Due to the predominance of Rhopalosiphum padi individuals (99.3% of total cereal aphid catch), no distinction between species (R. padi and Sitobion avenae) was made in autumn. As the suction trap catches were lower and species dominance changed in spring, three further models were developed for analysis of all cereal aphid species, R. padi only, and Metopolophium dirhodum and S. avenae combined in spring. The empirical, cross‐classification and receiver operating characteristic analyses performed for model validation showed different levels of prediction accuracy. Additional datasets selected at random before model construction and parameterization showed that predictions by the six migration models were 33–81% correct. The models are useful for determining when to start field evaluations. Furthermore, they provide information on the size of the migrating aphid population and, thus, on the importance of immigration for early aphid population development in cereal crops in a given season.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that the aphid species, Aphis fabae Scopoli and Megoura viciae Buckton, do not produce winged offspring in the presence of natural enemies, in contrast to results for the pea aphid (Acyrthosiphon pisum (Harris)) and the cotton aphid (Aphis gossypii Glover); but these studies did not involve exposing aphids directly to natural enemies. We exposed colonies of both A. fabae and M. viciae to foraging lacewing (Chrysoperla carnea (Stephens)) larvae and found that the predators did not induce winged morphs among offspring compared to unexposed controls. Colonies of A. fabae responded to an increase in aphid density with increasing winged morph production, while such response was not found for M. viciae. We suggest that different aphid species differ in their susceptibility to natural enemy attack, as well as in their sensitivity to contact.  相似文献   

Economic threshold for soybean aphid (Hemiptera: Aphididae)   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Soybean aphid, Aphis glycines Matsumura (Hemiptera: Aphididae), reached damaging levels in 2003 and 2005 in soybean, Glycine max (L.) Merrill, in most northern U.S. states and Canadian provinces, and it has become one of the most important pests of soybean throughout the North Central region. A common experimental protocol was adopted by participants in six states who provided data from 19 yield-loss experiments conducted over a 3-yr period. Population doubling times for field populations of soybean aphid averaged 6.8 d +/- 0.8 d (mean +/- SEM). The average economic threshold (ET) over all control costs, market values, and yield was 273 +/- 38 (mean +/- 95% confidence interval [CI], range 111-567) aphids per plant. This ET provides a 7-d lead time before aphid populations are expected to exceed the economic injury level (EIL) of 674 +/- 95 (mean +/- 95% CI, range 275-1,399) aphids per plant. Peak aphid density in 18 of the 19 location-years occurred during soybean growth stages R3 (beginning pod formation) to R5 (full size pod) with a single data set having aphid populations peaking at R6 (full size green seed). The ET developed here is strongly supported through soybean growth stage R5. Setting an ET at lower aphid densities increases the risk to producers by treating an aphid population that is growing too slowly to exceed the EIL in 7 d, eliminates generalist predators, and exposes a larger portion of the soybean aphid population to selection by insecticides, which could lead to development of insecticide resistance.  相似文献   

A 658-bp fragment of mitochondrial DNA from the 5' region of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase 1 (COI) gene has been adopted as the standard DNA barcode region for animal life. In this study, we test its effectiveness in the discrimination of over 300 species of aphids from more than 130 genera. Most (96%) species were well differentiated, and sequence variation within species was low, averaging just 0.2%. Despite the complex life cycles and parthenogenetic reproduction of aphids, DNA barcodes are an effective tool for identification.  相似文献   

The soybean aphid, Aphis glycines Matsumura (Hemiptera: Aphididae), is a major pest of soybean, Glycine max (L.). Merr., that significantly reduces yield in northern production areas of North America. Insecticides are widely used to control soybean aphid outbreaks, but efforts are underway to develop host plant resistance as an effective alternative management strategy. Here, previously identified resistant lines were evaluated in laboratory tests against field-collected populations of soybean aphid and in field-plot tests over 2 yr in South Dakota. Six lines previously identified with resistance to soybean aphid--Jackson, Dowling, K1639, Cobb, Palmetto and Sennari--were resistant in this study, but relatively high aphid counts on Tie-feng 8 in field plots contrasted with its previously reported resistance. Bhart-PI 165989 showed resistance in one of two laboratory tests, but it had relatively large aphid infestations in both years of field tests. Intermediate levels of soybean aphid occurred in field plots on lines previously shown to have strong (Sugao Zairai, PI 230977, and D75-10169) or moderate resistance to soybean aphid (G93-9223, Bragg, Braxton, and Tracy-M). Sugao Zairai also failed to have a significant proportion of resistant plants in two laboratory tests against aphids field-collected in 2008, but it was resistant in laboratory tests with aphids collected in 2002, 2005, and 2006. Overall, results showed that lines with Rag (i.e., Jackson) or Rag1 gene (i.e., Dowling) had low aphid numbers, whereas lines with Rag2 (i.e., Sugao Zairai, Sennari) had mixed results. Collectively, responses of soybean aphid populations in laboratory and field tests in 2008 resembled a virulence pattern reported previously for biotype 3 soybean aphids, but virulence in soybean aphid populations was variable and dynamic over years of the study. These results, coupled with previous reports of biotypes virulent to Rag1, suggest that deployment of lines with a single aphid-resistance gene is limited for soybean aphid management, and that deployment strategies relying on multiple resistance genes may be needed to effectively use plant resistance against soybean aphid.  相似文献   

The soybean aphid, Aphis glycines Matsumura (Hemiptera: Aphididae), is a worldwide pest of soybean, Glycine max (L.) Merr. Studies to find control methods were initiated in 2000 when it was first detected in North America. A. glycines can reduce yields by as much as 50%, and it is the vector of several viral diseases. A. glycines removes phloem sap, which can result in a reduction of chlorophyll content. Quantification of chlorophyll loss caused by A. glycines feeding on soybean is of vital importance. The SPAD-502 chlorophyll meter is a device that has been used to measure chlorophyll loss caused by nonchewing insects. Chlorophyll loss was studied in no-choice tests on the infested and uninfested leaves of a susceptible check (KS4202). The minimum combined number of days and aphids needed to detect significant chlorophyll loss was 30 aphids confined for 10 d. In a similar experiment, seven resistant entries and two susceptible checks were evaluated. There was no significant chlorophyll reduction between infested and uninfested leaves of five of the resistant entries (K1621, K1639, Pioneer 95B97, Dowling, and Jackson). Percentage of loss of chlorophyll in the susceptible checks was approximately 40%; Jackson and Dowling had a significantly lower percentage loss (13 and 16%, respectively) compared with the susceptible checks. The percentages of chlorophyll loss of K1621, K1639, and Pioneer 95B97 were not statistically different from the percentage of loss of Jackson.  相似文献   

There is need for efficacious biocontrol agents for aphids in commercial orchards. As a preliminary step to this end we determined the virulence of several Hypocreales fungi to pecan aphids. In the first experiment we tested the virulence of Isaria fumosorosea (ARSEF 3581) blastospores to three pecan aphids Monellia caryella, Melanocallis caryaefoliae, and Monelliopsis pecanis under laboratory conditions. Rates of 1 × 107 or 1 × 108 spores per ml were applied in 2 ml via a spray tower to 90 mm Petri dishes containing 10 aphids each. Mortality and mycosis were determined after 24, 48 and 72 h. Treatment effects were observed by 48 h post-application, and by 72 h the higher application rate caused >90% mortality and mycosis in M. caryella and M. caryaefoliae, whereas <70% was observed in M. pecanis.We conducted two subsequent experiments (Experiments 2 and 3), using the same methodology, to compare the virulence of several Hypocreales species and strains against the aphid of primary economic concern to most pecan growers, M. caryaefoliae. In Experiment 2, we compared blastospores and conidia of two I. fumosorosea strains (ARSEF 3581 and ATCC 20874 [= strain 97]). The blastospores of ARSEF 3581 and conidia of ATCC 20874 showed higher virulence than other treatments and thus were included in Experiment 3, which also compared the virulence of conidia of Beauveria bassiana (GHA strain) and Metarhizium anisopliae (F52 strain). Results in Experiment 3 indicated the highest virulence in I. fumosorosea 3581 blastospores and M. anisopliae (F52) followed by I. fumosorosea (20874) conidia. The detection of pathogenicity to pecan aphids establishes the potential for commercial usage and additional study. Results reported here will narrow treatments to test in future greenhouse and field trials.  相似文献   

The elementary traits and diversity of embryonic setal patterns of 31 species of 22 genera, in three tribes of Hormaphidinae are studied. The embryonic setal patterns to every species are provided. Based on the parsimony principle and the developmental principle, these patterns are analyzed in each tribe following the terminology of Richards (1965). It is suggested that the setal patterns of abdominal tergites are the most important characters in embryonic and adult setal patterns. In conclusion, neoteny is a phylogenetic trend in the Hormaphidinae. Nipponaphidini and Hormaphidini have more typical neoteny in each genus and more diversity in different types of adult viviparous females than Cerataphidini, by showing more frequent and various protopatterns or mesopatterns.  相似文献   

Winter pruning is a cultural practice used to modify vegetative growth, which is likely to affect the development of pests. However, it has been poorly defined as a cultural method for diminishing the population levels of the pomegranate aphid Aphis punicae (Hemiptera, Aphididae) in pomegranate orchards. This study aimed to evaluate the impact of winter pruning of pomegranate on A. punicae population and their natural enemies. The results showed that winter pruning significantly decreased the population of A. punicae (p < 0.05) in pomegranate. Also, number of natural enemies decreased in pomegranate trees after winter pruning. This technical practice affects the number of winged and wingless individuals, the mean relative growth rate, the specific age of the population and the infestation rate. Winter pruning for A. punicae control in pomegranate orchards is highly recommended.  相似文献   

The biotypic diversity of the Russian wheat aphid, Diuraphis noxia (Kurdjumov) (Hemiptera: Aphididae), was assessed in five isolates collected in Colorado. Three isolates, RWA 1, RWA 2, and an isolate from Montezuma County, CO, designated RWA 6, were originally collected from cultivated wheat, Triticum aestivum L., and obtained from established colonies at Colorado State University. The fourth isolate, designated RWA 7, was collected from Canada wildrye, Elymus canadensis L., in Baca County, CO. The fifth isolate, designated RWA 8, was collected from crested wheatgrass, Agropyron cristatum (L.) Gaertn., in Montezuma County, CO. The four isolates were characterized in a standard seedling assay, by using 24 plant differentials, 22 wheat lines and two barley, Hordeum vulgare L., lines. RWA 1 was the least virulent of the isolates, killing only the four susceptible entries. RWA 8 also killed only the four susceptible entries, but it expressed intermediate virulence on seven wheat lines. RWA 6, killing nine entries, and RWA 7, killing 11 entries, both expressed an intermediate level of virulence overall, but differed in their level of virulence to 'CO03797' (Dn1), 'Yumar' (Dn4), and 'CO960293-2'. RWA 2 was the most virulent isolate, killing 14 entries, including Dn4- and Dny-containing wheat. Four wheat lines, '94M370' (Dn7), 'STARS 02RWA2414-11', CO03797, and 'CI2401', were resistant to the five isolates. The results of this screening confirm the presence of five unique Russian wheat aphid biotypes in Colorado.  相似文献   

The effects of two natural aphid enemies, adult Coccinella septempunctata Linneaus, a predator, and Aphidius rhopalosiphi de Stefani Perez, a parasitoid, on spread of barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV) transmitted by the bird cherry-oat aphid, Rhopalosiphum padi (Linnaeus) were studied under laboratory conditions. Predators or parasitoids were introduced to trays of durum wheat seedlings and the patterns of virus infection were observed after two, seven and 14 days of exposure. More plants were infected with BYDV in control trays without A. rhopalosiphi than in trays with the parasitoid present, both seven and 14 days after the introduction of parasitoids. Patterns of virus infection were found to be similar over time in trays with a parasitoid present and in control trays. More plants were infected in trays with C. septempunctata present than in control trays, both two and seven days after the introduction of the coccinellid. The spread of virus infections progressed differently over time for the two treatments (predator and parasitoid), differences between treatments being most marked after two days and seven days, when more plants exposed to predators but fewer exposed to parasitoids were infected with BYDV compared to their respective controls. However, by the 14th day 88% of all plants were infected and there was no significant difference between the two treatments. The role of natural enemies in spread of BYDV is discussed.  相似文献   

The soybean aphid, Aphis glycines Matsumura (Hemiptera: Aphididae), is an introduced pest of soybean, Glycine max (L.) Merr., in North America, and it can reduce yields by 50%. Since 2000, when A. glycines was first detected in the United States, studies of this insect and possible control methods have been initiated. Plant resistance to this aphid species is one important component of integrated control. Reproduction of A. glycines was compared on 240 soybean entries in a pesticide-free greenhouse. Eleven entries had fewer nymphs produced, compared with the susceptible checks, and these entries were used in follow-up experiments to assess antibiosis and antixenosis. Antibiosis was estimated in true no-choice tests, in which adults were confined individually in double-sided sticky cages stuck to the upper side of leaves. Antixenosis was assessed in choice tests, in which all entries were planted in a single pot. Adult aphids were placed in the center of the pot, and 24 h later the number of adults on each plant was counted. Of the 11 entries evaluated, nine showed a moderate antibiotic effect to A. glycines, and the other two entries (K1639 and Pioneer 95B97) showed not only a strong antibiotic effect but also exhibited antixenosis as a category of resistance to A. glycines. The resistant soybean entries found in this work are potential sources for A. glycines control.  相似文献   

The effects of intercropping wheat, Triticum aestivum L., with mung bean, Vigna radiate L., on the populations of English grain aphid, Sitobion avenae (F.) (Hemiptera: Aphididae), and its natural enemies were evaluated by field and laboratory experiments. The population densities of aphids and their natural enemies were evaluated in the intercropped field against different row ratio combinations of wheat-mung bean. Results showed that wheat-mung bean intercropping caused a drop in aphid densities, and the ratio 12 wheat: 4 mung bean brought about the largest drop (> 8%). In addition, the population densities of coccinellids (ladybirds) and parasitoids and the species diversity of all the natural enemies of aphid were higher in the intercropped field than in the field planted only with wheat. However, intercropping did not influence the community indices (evenness and index of dominance concentration) of the natural enemies. Y-tube olfactometer bioassays were carried out in the laboratory to test whether odor blends of host and nonhost plants affect the host selection of S. avenae. Bioassays indicated that both apterous and alate aphids significantly preferred host plant odor over odor blends of host and intercropped species. Hence, the olfactory-based host location of aphids in the field might be affected by intercropping. The intercropping experiment clearly showed that increased crop species diversity suppresses aphid population growth and preserves the population of natural enemies of aphids. Our results also provide support for the "resource concentration hypothesis" and the "enemies hypothesis".  相似文献   

Over the past dozen years, considerable effort has been devoted to unravelling the higher‐level phylogenetic relationships of viviparous aphids (Aphididae). However, to date, there is still no commonly accepted phylogenetic hypothesis. In this study, we establish a robust phylogenetic framework for the Aphididae based on mitochondrial genome sequences of 35 aphid species, 22 of which are newly reported. Phylogenetic inferences are performed using multiple data sets, alternative partitioning schemes and different model‐based methods. Our analyses result in well‐supported backbone relationships for the major lineages of aphids, suggesting the feasibility of mitogenome data for resolving phylogenetic questions in aphids. Mindarinae is strongly supported as the earliest branching lineage within Aphididae. A monophyletic clade comprising Calaphidinae, Phyllaphidinae and Saltusaphidinae is corroborated to be the sister group to the species‐richest subfamily Aphidinae. In addition, the morphologically defined subfamily Eriosomatinae is uncovered to be non‐monophyletic.  相似文献   

The relative contributions of host plant, herbivore species and clone to variation in the interaction between cereal aphids and wheat were investigated using five clones each of three species, Rhopalosiphum padi (Linnaeus), Sitobion avenae (Fabricius) and Schizaphis graminum (Rondani), on seedlings of two cultivars of Triticum aestivum L. and one cultivar of Triticum durum Desf. More individuals and biomass of R. padi than of the other two species were produced on seedlings. The three wheat cultivars lost similar amounts of biomass as a result of infestation by aphids, with the amount lost depending on aphid species: S. avenae caused the lowest loss in biomass. Variation in aphid biomass production was due mostly to differences among aphid species (70%), less to the interaction between wheat type and aphid species (7%), and least to aphid clone (1%). The specific impact of the aphids on the plants ranged from 1.7 to 3.7 mg of plant biomass lost per mg of aphid biomass gained, being lowest for R. padi and highest for S. graminum. Variation in plant biomass lost to herbivory was due mostly to unknown sources of error (95%), probably phenotypic differences among individual seedlings, with 3% due to aphid species and none attributable to aphid clone. For these aphid-plant interactions, differences among aphid clones within species contributed little to variation in aphid and plant productivity; therefore, a small sample of clones was adequate for quantifying the interactions. Furthermore, one clone of each species maintained in the laboratory for about 200 parthenogenetic generations was indistinguishable from clones collected recently from the field.  相似文献   

Morphological variation in nine characters of 157 clones of Myzus persicae (Sulzer) was examined by multivariate analysis. The clones were collected from peach, Prunus persica, the primary host and the secondary hosts tobacco, Nicotiana tabacum, cabbage, Brassica oleracea, sugarbeet, Beta vulgaris and pepper Capsicum annuum. The 156 clones originated from various regions of Greece, both in the north, where a large part of the population has an annual bisexual generation on peach, and in more southerly regions, where populations are predominantly unisexual. One clone was collected from tobacco in Caserta, Italy. All clones were laboratory-reared on potato. Canonical variate analysis, hierarchical cluster analysis and a non-parametric classification tree method both revealed morphological differences associated with the host-plant on which they were collected. The scores of the first two canonical variates separated the tobacco-feeding clones from those originating from other secondary host-plants. However, in tobacco-growing areas the tobacco-feeding form predominated in spring populations on peach, and was sometimes found on other secondary hosts. In addition, using cluster analysis, the clones from tobacco which were sampled in the most southeasterly region showed a relatively large phenotypic distance from those collected further north and west. Moreover, clonal phenotypes were affected both by host plant and by long-term parthenogenetic rearing. However, in spite of these effects, the tobacco form was generally distinguishable from aphids originating from other hosts, indicating that the difference must have a genetic basis. In separate analyses of the clones originating from secondary hosts no association was found between morphology and either life cycle category or colour. Discriminant analysis showed that 89% of 1723 specimens could be correctly classified into the two groups.  相似文献   

The soybean aphid, Aphis glycines Matsumura (Hemiptera: Aphididae), is a major pest of soybean, Glycine max (L.) Merr. Since 2000, when A. glycines was detected in the United States, several studies on this insect have been done in different areas, but there is no report of any studies of stylet penetration behavior by A. glycines on resistant and susceptible soybean. Assessment of feeding behavior of this aphid species was compared on four resistant entries (K1639, Pioneer 95B97, Dowling, and Jackson) and a susceptible check (KS4202) by using the electrical penetration graph (EPG) technique. Feeding behavior of A. glycines adults was recorded during a 9-h period. The average time needed to reach the first sieve element phase by A. glycines was 3.5 h in KS4202, whereas it was 7.5 h in the resistant entries. The total duration in the sieve element phase was longer than an hour in KS4202, and only 2 to 7 min in the resistant entries. These results suggest that morphological or chemical factors in the phloem tissue of resistant plants affect stylet penetration activities of A. glycines. In the majority of the recordings, however, the aphid stylet reached the xylem phase before penetrating the sieve element, and the time that aphids spent ingesting xylem sap was not different among all entries. Therefore, it is possible that xylem sap in the resistant entries may contain toxic substances that change aphid behavior and that affect further activities in the sieve element phase.  相似文献   

The spectrum of entomophthoroid fungal species parasitising aphids on cereal crops and a study of the phenology and prevalence of these pathogens were investigated in Argentina. The studies were conducted at six different sites cultivated with crops of Triticum aestivum (wheat), Avena sativa (oats) and Sorghum bicolor (sorghum) during two consecutive years. Entomopathogenic fungi from the new phylum Entomophthoromycota were recorded from six aphid species on cereals in Argentina: Rhopalosiphum maidis, Rhopalosiphum padi, Rhopalosiphum rufiabdominalis, Schizaphis graminum, Sitobion avenae and Sipha maydis. Three species of entomophthoroid fungi were found infecting these aphid species: Pandora neoaphidis, Zoophthora radicans (Entomophthorales: Entomophthoraceae) and Neozygites fresenii (Neozygitales: Neozygitaceae). Entomophthoroid fungal infections occurred mostly in autumn–winter seasons (March–August), and coincided with periods of high relative humidity and comparatively low temperatures. This study represents the first base‐line characterisation of entomophthoroid fungi infecting aphids on cereal crops in Argentina.  相似文献   

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