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Simple pour plate and spectrophotometric techniques for the evaluation of growth curves of several anaerobic bacteria on solid media are described. Three basic patterns of anaerobic growth were observed. The curves obtained were very reproducible when studied on separate occasions. The curves obtained by spectrophotometric measurement were comparable to those obtained by the pour plate method, especially when a large bacterial inoculum was used. Limitations in the interpretation of the results are discussed. The methods and principles reported could provide the basis for the determination of bacterial growth on solid media using other organisms and different experimental conditions.  相似文献   

Anaerobic Growth of Purple Nonsulfur Bacteria Under Dark Conditions   总被引:18,自引:11,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
Purple nonsulfur photosynthetic bacteria were cultured anaerobically in the absence of light by a modification of the Hungate technique. Growth was slow and resembled that of fastidious anaerobes; on yeast extract-peptone-agar medium, each cell produced about 16 descendants in 15 to 20 days. Growth was stimulated by addition of ethyl alcohol, acetate and H2, or pyruvate and H2. Cells grown in the presence of pyruvate and H2 produced acetate and CO2; each cell produced approximately 10 descendants in 24 hr under anaerobic, dark conditions. Spectrophotometric evidence obtained from cells which were the product of five generations suggests no difference between the bacteriochlorophyll and carotenoids synthesized by cells grown anaerobically under dark or light conditions. Likewise, the ultrastructure of the photosynthetic apparatus in cells grown anaerobically in the dark and in the light appears similar.  相似文献   

MER  C. L. 《Annals of botany》1957,21(1):13-22
Oat seedlings when grown in 5 per cent. CO2 show an increasedgrowth of the mesocotyl and a reduced growth of the coleoptile.To elucidate this effect the following data, for both treatedand control plants, have been obtained: (1) fresh and dry weightincreases in the whole plants and in the separate organs, (2)water contents, and (3) progressive depletion of the endosperm. The enhanced growth of the mesocotyl in CO2 was closely, correlatedwith dry-matter content but not with water content. The depletionof the endosperm was reduced by treatment with CO2, and of thesmaller amount of carbohydrate entering the embryo a higherproportion remained in the mesocotyl; coleoptile growth wasconsequently diminished. The distribution of dry matter betweenthe coleoptile and mesocotyl must be an important factor intheir reciprocal growth behaviour.  相似文献   

Transition metals are known to cause toxic effects through their interaction with oxygen, but toxicity under anoxic conditions is poorly understood. Here we investigated the effects of iron (Fe) and copper (Cu) on the anaerobic growth and gene expression of the purple phototrophic bacterium Rhodopseudomonas palustris TIE-1. We found that Fe(II) and Cu(II) act synergistically to delay anaerobic growth at environmentally relevant metal concentrations. Cu(I) and Cu(II) had similar effects both alone and in the presence of ascorbate, a Cu(II) reductant, indicating that reduction of Cu(II) to Cu(I) by Fe(II) is not sufficient to explain the growth inhibition. Addition of Cu(II) increased the toxicity of Co(II) and Ni(II); in contrast, Ni(II) toxicity was diminished in the presence of Fe(II). The synergistic anaerobic toxicity of Fe(II) and Cu(II) was also observed for Escherichia coli MG1655, Shewanella oneidensis MR-1, and Rhodobacter capsulatus SB1003. Gene expression analyses for R. palustris identified three regulatory genes that respond to Cu(II) and not to Fe(II): homologs of cueR and cusR, two known proteobacterial copper homeostasis regulators, and csoR, a copper regulator recently identified in Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Two P-type ATPase efflux pumps, along with an FoF1 ATP synthase, were also upregulated by Cu(II) but not by Fe(II). An Escherichia coli mutant deficient in copA, cus, and cueO showed a smaller synergistic effect, indicating that iron might interfere with one or more of the copper homeostasis systems. Our results suggest that interactive effects of transition metals on microbial physiology may be widespread under anoxic conditions, although the molecular mechanisms remain to be more fully elucidated.  相似文献   

The composition of the lipid of the forehead skin surface and the sebum excretion rate were determined in 217 subjects and controls. Acne was associated with an increase in serum excretion rate and in the squalene and wax and sterol esters in surface lipid. The changes in sebum excretion rate and squalene were statistically significant only in women, but acne in men was associated with a significant decrease in the free fatty acid content or surface lipid.The increased amounts of squalene and wax esters may lead to pilosebaceous obstruction in acne subjects. The increased sebum excretion rate in acne may ensure increased production of sebaceous triglyceride substrate available for lipolysis to irritant free fatty acids, which may then mediate the inflammatory changes of acne.  相似文献   

The concentration of amitrole (3-amino-l,2,4-triazole) causing 50 per cent inhibition of Prototheca zopfii growth is 1.25 mg/100 g at 25°C. This inhibition is not reversed by adenine. 50 per cent inhibition of growth is also caused by 100–120 mg/ 100 g 2-aminopurine and this inhibition is partially reversed by 40 mg/100 g adenine, the highest adenine concentration tested due to solubility problems. Imidazoleglycerol accumulation occurs in the medium of cells grown in the presence of amitrole.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Endosymbiotic methanogenic bacteria of three species of anaerobic ciliates (Plagiopyla frontata, Metopus conforms , and M. palaeformis) were inactivated with the specific methanogen inhibitor 2-bromoethanesulfonic acid. the absence of endosymbiont methanogens reduced growth rate and growth yield by about 30% in P. frontata and M. contortus , while no significant change in fitness was observed in M. palaeformis. In Plagiopyla the growth rate constant is not affected by an artificially increased pH2 neither in normal nor in methanogen-free ciliates. the energetic advantage conferred by endosymbiont methanogens in Plagiopyla and in Metopus contortus probably is due to excretion of organic material from the bacteria at the expense of bacterial reproduction. It is unlikely that the maintenance of a low pH2 within the cells due to H2-consumption by the bacteria is important to the ciliates.  相似文献   

Four pure cultures of denitrifying bacteria, which had previously been isolated on defined alkylbenzenes, were capable of anaerobic growth with crude oil as the only source of organic substrates. Chemical analyses after growth revealed that the known growth substrates toluene, ethylbenzene, and m-xylene were selectively consumed from the oil. o-Xylene and p-xylene, which as pure compounds did not support growth, were consumed to a lesser extent.  相似文献   

Further observations, by light and electron microscopy, on theanatomy of root contraction in Hyacinthus orientalis cvs. arereported, together with some comparisons with Narcissus andGladiolus. It is maintained that root contraction in these andsome other species is essentially a growth process, as previousinvestigators have shown, and that an understanding of the re-directedgrowth of the cortical cells which brings it about may be basedon the specialized structural features of their cell walls,here described. Physical, anatomical and comparative reasonsare given for our belief that the alternative explanation ofthe contractile process in Gladiolus which relates it to cellcollapse resulting from transpirational ‘pull’ isuntenable. anatomy, contraction, Hyacinthus, Narcissus, Gladiolus, root  相似文献   

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