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Evolutionists have long recognized the role of reproductive isolation in speciation, but the relative contributions of different reproductive barriers are poorly understood. We examined the nature of isolation between Mimulus lewisii and M. cardinalis, sister species of monkeyflowers. Studied reproductive barriers include: ecogeographic isolation; pollinator isolation (pollinator fidelity in a natural mixed population); pollen competition (seed set and hybrid production from experimental interspecific, intraspecific, and mixed pollinations in the greenhouse); and relative hybrid fitness (germination, survivorship, percent flowering, biomass, pollen viability, and seed mass in the greenhouse). Additionally, the rate of hybridization in nature was estimated from seed collections in a sympatric population. We found substantial reproductive barriers at multiple stages in the life history of M. lewisii and M. cardinalis. Using range maps constructed from herbarium collections, we estimated that the different ecogeographic distributions of the species result in 58.7% reproductive isolation. Mimulus lewisii and M. cardinalis are visited by different pollinators, and in a region of sympatry 97.6% of pollinator foraging bouts were specific to one species or the other. In the greenhouse, interspecific pollinations generated nearly 50% fewer seeds than intraspecific controls. Mixed pollinations of M. cardinalis flowers yielded >75% parentals even when only one-quarter of the pollen treatment consisted of M. cardinalis pollen. In contrast, both species had similar siring success on M. lewisii flowers. The observed 99.915% occurrence of parental M. lewisii and M. cardinalis in seeds collected from a sympatric population is nearly identical to that expected, based upon our field observations of pollinator behavior and our laboratory experiments of pollen competition. F1 hybrids exhibited reduced germination rates, high survivorship and reproduction, and low pollen and ovule fertility. In aggregate, the studied reproductive barriers prevent, on average, 99.87% of gene flow, with most reproductive isolation occurring prior to hybrid formation. Our results suggest that ecological factors resulting from adaptive divergence are the primary isolating barriers in this system. Additional studies of taxa at varying degrees of evolutionary divergence are needed to identify the relative importance of pre- and postzygotic isolating mechanisms in speciation.  相似文献   

Postmating reproductive isolation can help maintain species boundaries when premating barriers to reproduction are incomplete. The strength and identity of postmating reproductive barriers are highly variable among diverging species, leading to questions about their genetic basis and evolutionary drivers. These questions have been tackled in model systems but are less often addressed with broader phylogenetic resolution. In this study we analyse patterns of genetic divergence alongside direct measures of postmating reproductive barriers in an overlooked group of sympatric species within the model monkeyflower genus, Mimulus. Within this Mimulus brevipes species group, we find substantial divergence among species, including a cryptic genetic lineage. However, rampant gene discordance and ancient signals of introgression suggest a complex history of divergence. In addition, we find multiple strong postmating barriers, including postmating prezygotic isolation, hybrid seed inviability and hybrid male sterility. M. brevipes and M. fremontii have substantial but incomplete postmating isolation. For all other tested species pairs, we find essentially complete postmating isolation. Hybrid seed inviability appears linked to differences in seed size, providing a window into possible developmental mechanisms underlying this reproductive barrier. While geographic proximity and incomplete mating isolation may have allowed gene flow within this group in the distant past, strong postmating reproductive barriers today have likely played a key role in preventing ongoing introgression. By producing foundational information about reproductive isolation and genomic divergence in this understudied group, we add new diversity and phylogenetic resolution to our understanding of the mechanisms of plant speciation.  相似文献   

This paper considers the extent to which differences in pollen tube growth rates can provide prezygotic reproductive isolation between Mimulus nasutus and its presumed progenitor, Mimulus guttatus . Mimulus nasutus is partially cleistogamous, but its larger chasmogamous flowers offer appreciable opportunity for outcrossing. Mimulus nasutus was found to have smaller pollen grains and shorter styles than M. guttatus . No differences were observed in pollen grain germination on conspecific and heterospecific stigmas. However, pollen tube growth rates of M. nasutus were found to be much slower than those of M. guttatus in the styles of that species. Consequently, any M. nasutus pollen transferred to an M. guttatus stigma was found to be competitively disadvantaged in an M. gutattus style. By contrast, no difference in pollen tube growth rate was detected between the species when growing in M. nasutus styles, possibly because M. nasutus styles are unable to support fast pollen tube growth. We tested the prediction from the pollen tube studies that a 50:50 mix of M. guttatus and M. nasutus pollen would produce 50% hybrid seeds when M. nasutus was the maternal parent, and near to 0% hybrid seed when M. guttatus was the maternal parent. The results were found to support this prediction. We conclude that pollen–pistil interactions can effect strong reproductive isolation between these species, as M. guttatus pollen tubes have a competitive advantage over those of M. nasutus in an M. guttatus style, but not in an M. nasutus style.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to investigate the evolution of intrinsic postzygotic isolation within and between populations of Mimulus guttatus and Mimulus nasutus. We made 17 intraspecific and interspecific crosses, across a wide geographical scale. We examined the seed germination success and pollen fertility of reciprocal F1 and F2 hybrids and their pure-species parents, and used biometrical genetic tests to distinguish among alternative models of inheritance. Hybrid seed inviability was sporadic in both interspecific and intraspecific crosses. For several crosses, Dobzhansky–Muller incompatibilities involving nuclear genes were implicated, while two interspecific crosses revealed evidence of cytonuclear interactions. Reduced hybrid pollen fertility was found to be greatly influenced by Dobzhansky–Muller incompatibilities in five out of six intraspecific crosses and nine out of 11 interspecific crosses. Cytonuclear incompatibilities reduced hybrid fitness in only one intraspecific and one interspecific cross. This study suggests that intrinsic postzygotic isolation is common in hybrids between these Mimulus species, yet the particular hybrid incompatibilities responsible for effecting this isolation differ among the populations tested. Hence, we conclude that they evolve and spread only at the local scale.  相似文献   

The process of speciation is key to the origins of biodiversity, and yet the Caenorhabditis nematode model system has contributed little to this topic. Genetic studies of speciation in the genus are now feasible, owing to crosses between the recently discovered Caenorhabditis sp. 9 and the well-known C. briggsae producing fertile F(1) hybrid females. We dissected patterns of postzygotic reproductive isolation between these species by crossing eight isogenic strains of C. briggsae reciprocally with six strains of C. sp. 9. We determined that overall patterns of reproductive isolation are robust across these genetic backgrounds. However, we also quantified significant heritable variation within each species for interspecific hybrid incompatibilities for total adult progeny, egg-to-adult viability, and the percentage of male progeny. This demonstrates that intraspecific variation for interspecific hybrid incompatibility occurs despite extensive, albeit incomplete, reproductive isolation. Therefore, this emerging general phenomenon of variable reproductive isolation is not restricted to highly interfertile, early-stage incipient species, but also applies to species in the latest stages of the speciation process. Furthermore, we confirm Haldane's rule and demonstrate strongly asymmetric parent-of-origin effects (Darwin's corollary) that consistently manifest more extremely when hermaphroditic C. briggsae serves as maternal parent. These findings highlight Caenorhabditis as an emerging system for understanding the genetics of general patterns of reproductive isolation.  相似文献   

Barriers to gene flow between species result from selection against foreign linkage blocks in hybrids. When the geographic ranges of taxa meet at multiple locations, the opportunity exists for variation in the genetic architecture of isolating barriers. Hybrid zones between two sunflower species (Helianthus annuus and H. petiolaris) in Nebraska and California exhibited remarkably similar patterns of introgression of mapped molecular markers. Congruence among hybrid zones may result from limited intraspecific variation at loci contributing to isolation and from similar selective effects of alleles in the heterospecific genetic background. The observed consistency of introgression patterns across distantly separated hybrid zones suggests that intrinsic forces predominate in determining hybrid zone dynamics and boundaries between these sunflower species.  相似文献   

Speciation often involves the evolution of numerous prezygotic and postzygotic isolating barriers between divergent populations. Detailed knowledge of the strength and nature of those barriers provides insight into ecological and genetic factors that directly or indirectly influenced their origin, and may help predict whether they will be maintained in the face of sympatric hybridization and introgression. We estimated the magnitude of pre- and postzygotic barriers between naturally occurring sympatric populations of Mimulus guttatus and M. nasutus. Prezygotic barriers, including divergent flowering phenologies, differential pollen production, mating system isolation, and conspecific pollen precedence, act asymmetrically to completely prevent the formation of F(1) hybrids among seeds produced by M. guttatus (F(1)g), and reduce F(1) hybrid production among seeds produced by M. nasutus (F(1)n) to only about 1%. Postzygotic isolation is also asymmetric: in field experiments, F(1)g but not F(1)n hybrids had significantly reduced germination rates and survivorship compared to parental species. Both hybrid classes had flower, pollen, and seed production values within the range of parental values. Despite the moderate degree of F(1)g hybrid inviability, postzygotic isolation contributes very little to the total isolation between these species in the wild. We also found that F(1) hybrid flowering phenology overlapped more with M. guttatus than M. nasutus. These results, taken together, suggest greater potential for introgression from M. nasutus to M. guttatus than for the reverse direction. We also address problems with commonly used indices of isolation, discuss difficulties in calculating meaningful measures of reproductive isolation when barriers are asymmetric, and propose novel measures of prezygotic isolation that are consistent with postzygotic measures.  相似文献   

Understanding the process by which hybrid incompatibility alleles become established in natural populations remains a major challenge to evolutionary biology. Previously, we discovered a two-locus Dobzhansky-Muller incompatibility that causes severe hybrid male sterility between two inbred lines of the incompletely isolated wildflower species, Mimulus guttatus and M. nasutus. An interspecific cross between these two inbred lines revealed that the M. guttatus (IM62) allele at hybrid male sterility 1 (hms1) acts dominantly in combination with recessive M. nasutus (SF5) alleles at hybrid male sterility 2 (hms2) to cause nearly complete hybrid male sterility. In this report, we extend these genetic analyses to investigate intraspecific variation for the hms1-hms2 incompatibility in natural populations of M. nasutus and M. guttatus, performing a series of interspecific crosses between individuals collected from a variety of geographic locales. Our results suggest that hms2 incompatibility alleles are common and geographically widespread within M. nasutus, but absent or rare in M. guttatus. In contrast, the hms1 locus is polymorphic within M. guttatus and the incompatibility allele appears to be extremely geographically restricted. We found evidence for the presence of the hms1 incompatibility allele in only two M. guttatus populations that exist within a few kilometers of each other. The restricted distribution of the hms1 incompatibility allele might currently limit the potential for the hms1-hms2 incompatibility to act as a species barrier between sympatric populations of M. guttatus and M. nasutus. Extensive sampling within a single M. guttatus population revealed that the hms1 locus is polymorphic and that the incompatibility allele appears to segregate at intermediate frequency, a pattern that is consistent with either genetic drift or natural selection.  相似文献   

External male reproductive structures have received considerable attention as a cause of reproductive isolation (RI), because the morphology of these structures often evolves rapidly between populations. This rapid evolution presents the potential for mechanical incompatibilities with heterospecific female structures during mating and could thus prevent interbreeding between nascent species. Although such mechanical incompatibilities have received little empirical support as a common cause of RI, the potential for mismatch of reproductive structures to cause RI due to incompatible species‐specific tactile cues has not been tested. We tested the importance of mechanical and tactile incompatibilities in RI between Enallagma anna and E. carunculatum, two damselfly species that diverged within the past ~250,000 years and currently hybridize in a sympatric region. We quantified 19 prezygotic and postzygotic RI barriers using both naturally occurring and laboratory‐reared damselflies. We found incomplete mechanical isolation between the two pure species and between hybrid males and pure species females. Interestingly, in mating pairs for which mechanical isolation was incomplete, females showed greater resistance and refusal to mate with hybrid or heterospecific males compared to conspecific males. This observation suggests that tactile incompatibilities involving male reproductive structures can influence female mating decisions and form a strong barrier to gene flow in early stages of speciation.  相似文献   

Polyploidy has played an important role in angiosperm diversification, but how polyploidy contributes to reproductive isolation remains poorly understood. Most work has focused on postzygotic reproductive barriers, and the influence of ploidy differences on prezygotic barriers is understudied. To address these gaps, we quantified hybrid occurrence, interspecific self‐compatibility differences, and the contributions of multiple pre‐ and postzygotic barriers to reproductive isolation between diploid Erythronium mesochoreum (Liliaceae) and its tetraploid congener Erythronium albidum. Reproductive isolation between the study species was nearly complete, and naturally occurring hybrids were infrequent and largely sterile. Although postzygotic barriers effected substantial reproductive isolation when considered in isolation, the study species’ spatial distributions and pollinator assemblages overlapped little, such that interspecific pollen transfer is likely uncommon. We did not find evidence that E. albidum and E. mesochoreum differed in mating systems, indicating that self‐incompatibility release may not have fostered speciation in this system. Ultimately, we demonstrate that E. albidum and E. mesochoreum are reproductively isolated by multiple, hierarchically‐operating barriers, and we add to the currently limited number of studies demonstrating that early acting barriers such as pollinator‐mediated isolation can be important for effecting and sustaining reproductive isolation in diploid‐polyploid systems.  相似文献   

Buggs RJ 《Molecular ecology》2008,17(8):1875-1876
Populations of natural allopolyploids with available and well‐developed genomic resources are currently hard to come by. These are needed because whole genome duplication and hybridization — both combined in allopolyploids — are significant processes in evolution, especially the evolution of plants. The new characterization of a naturally occurring allopolyploid in the genus Mimulus by Sweigart et al. in this issue of Molecular Ecology is therefore to be welcomed. Mimulus is rapidly emerging as a model system for evolutionary functional genomics. Sequences of the whole genome and 200 000 expressed sequence tags of diploid M. guttatus, a putative parent of the polyploid described in this issue, will soon be available. These will facilitate investigation of the fates of genes duplicated by whole genome duplication, and their effects on morphology, mating system and ecology in natural populations.  相似文献   

Whole genome duplication (polyploidization) is a mechanism of “instantaneous” species formation that has played a major role in the evolutionary history of plants. Much of what we know about the early evolution of polyploids is based upon studies of a handful of recently formed species. A new polyploid hybrid (allopolyploid) species Mimulus peregrinus, formed within the last 140 years, was recently discovered on the Scottish mainland and corroborated by chromosome counts. Here, using targeted, high‐depth sequencing of 1200 genic regions, we confirm the parental origins of this new species from M. x robertsii, a sterile triploid hybrid between the two introduced species M. guttatus and M. luteus that are naturalized and widespread in the United Kingdom. We also report a new population of M. peregrinus on the Orkney Islands and demonstrate that populations on the Scottish mainland and Orkney Islands arose independently via genome duplication from local populations of M. x robertsii. Our data raise the possibility that some alleles are already being lost in the evolving M. peregrinus genomes. The recent origins of a new species of the ecological model genus Mimulus via allopolyploidization provide a powerful opportunity to explore the early stages of hybridization and genome duplication in naturally evolved lineages.  相似文献   

The evolutionary transition from outcrossing to self-fertilization has far-reaching implications for patterns of intraspecific genetic diversity and the potential for speciation. Using DNA sequence variation at two nuclear loci, we examined the divergence history of two closely related species of Mimulus. To investigate the effects of mating system and introgressive hybridization on the outcrossing M. guttatus and the selfing M. nasutus, we inspected nucleotide diversity within and between natural populations spanning the species' geographic ranges. High sequence similarity among populations of the selfing M. nasutus points to a single evolutionary origin for the species. Consistent with their distinct mating systems, all genetic variation in M. nasutus is distributed among populations, whereas M. guttatus exhibits appreciable levels of nucleotide diversity within populations. Silent genetic diversity is extensive in M. guttatus (mean theta(sil)/site = 0.077) and greatly exceeds the predicted twofold elevation in neutral variation for outcrossers relative to selfers. The finding of several M. guttatus sequences that share complete identity with sequences from M. nasutus suggests that recent asymmetric introgression may have occurred. We argue that exceptionally high nucleotide diversity in M. guttatus is consistent with a long-term history of directional introgression from M. nasutus to M. guttatus throughout the divergence of these two species.  相似文献   

Heliconius butterflies have become a model for the study of speciation with gene flow. For adaptive introgression to take place, there must be incomplete barriers to gene exchange that allow interspecific hybridization and multiple generations of backcrossing. The recent publication of estimates of individual components of reproductive isolation between several species of butterflies in the Heliconius melpomeneH. cydno clade allowed us to calculate total reproductive isolation estimates for these species. According to these estimates, the butterflies are not as promiscuous as has been implied. Differences between species are maintained by intrinsic mechanisms, while reproductive isolation of geographical races within species is mainly due to allopatry. We discuss the implications of this strong isolation for basic aspects of the hybrid speciation with introgression hypothesis.  相似文献   

Reproductive isolation (RI) is a critical component of speciation and varies strongly in timing and strength among different sister taxa, depending on, for example the geography of speciation and divergence time. However, these factors may also produce variation in timing and strength among populations within species. Here we tested for variation in the expression of RI among replicate population pairs between the sister taxa Arabidopsis lyrata subsp. lyrata and A. arenicola. While the former is predominantly outcrossing, the latter is predominantly selfing. We focused on intrinsic prezygotic and postzygotic RI as both species occur largely in allopatry. We assessed RI by performing within-population crosses and interspecific between-population crosses, and by raising offspring. RI was generally high between all interspecific population pairs, but it varied in timing and strength depending on population history. Prezygotic isolation was strongest between the closest-related population pair, while early postzygotic isolation was high for all other population pairs. Furthermore, the timing and strength of RI depended strongly on cross direction. Our study provides empirical support that reproductive barriers between species are highly variable among population pairs and asymmetric within population pairs, and this variation seems to follow patterns typically described across species pairs.  相似文献   

Reproductive isolation is a critical step in the process of speciation. Among the most important factors driving reproductive isolation are genetic incompatibilities. Whether these incompatibilities are already present before extrinsic factors prevent gene flow between incipient species remains largely unresolved in natural systems. This question is particularly challenging because it requires that we catch speciating populations in the act before they reach the full‐fledged species status. We measured the extent of intrinsic postzygotic isolation within and between phenotypically and genetically divergent lineages of the wild yeast Saccharomyces paradoxus that have partially overlapping geographical distributions. We find that hybrid viability between lineages progressively decreases with genetic divergence. A large proportion of postzygotic inviability within lineages is associated with chromosomal rearrangements, suggesting that chromosomal differences substantially contribute to the early steps of reproductive isolation within lineages before reaching fixation. Our observations show that polymorphic intrinsic factors may segregate within incipient species before they contribute to their full reproductive isolation and highlight the role of chromosomal rearrangements in speciation. We propose different hypotheses based on adaptation, biogeographical events and life history evolution that could explain these observations.  相似文献   

The crucial role of reproductive isolation in speciation has long been recognized; however, a limited number of studies quantify different isolation barriers and embed reproductive isolation in a phylogenetic context. In this study, we investigate reproductive isolation between the often sympatrically occurring orchid species, Gymnadenia conopsea and G. odoratissima. We examine the phylogenetic relationship between the two species and analyse floral isolation, fruit set and seed viability from interspecies crosses, as well as the ploidy level. Additionally, we quantify interspecies differences in floral signals and morphology. The results suggest that the two species have a sister–species relationship. In terms of reproductive isolation, we found complete floral isolation between the two species, but little to no post‐pollination isolation; the species also mostly had the same ploidy level in the studied populations. We also show clear distinctions in floral signals, as well as in floral size and spur length. We propose that respective adaptation to short‐ vs. long‐tongued pollinators was the driver of speciation in the here studied Gymnadenia species. Our study supports the key role of floral isolation in orchid speciation and shows that floral isolation is not restricted to highly specialized pollination systems, but can also occur between species with less specialized pollination.  相似文献   

Based on genetic differentiation, the haploid dioecious bryophyte taxa Polytrichum commune and P. uliginosum have been inferred to be completely reproductively isolated. However, analysing diploid sporophytes from a sympatric population for three diagnostic microsatellite markers, we show here that reproductive isolation between these taxa is far more complex and highly asymmetric. Isolation between female-P. communex male-P. uliginosum seems to be complete and prezygotic (or early postzygotic) as no hybrid sporophytes were observed on P. commune females. In the other direction ( female-P. uliginosumx male-P. commune) isolation was clearly postzygotic as high frequencies of hybrid sporophytes were found on P. uliginosum females. However, during maturation these sporophytes showed irregular development, indicating that hybrid sporophytes are unlikely to produce ripe spores. Mechanisms possibly underlying this asymmetric reproductive isolation pattern are discussed. Notwithstanding hybrid offspring being unlikely, the high frequency of hybrid sporophytes observed suggests that viable spores may be formed occasionally through such rare processes as chromosome nondisjunction, possibly giving rise to allodiploids. Allodiploids have been reported in Polytrichum (and other bryophyte genera). Studies such as the one presented here will therefore help to elucidate the evolutionary importance of interspecific hybridization and allodiploidization in bryophyte speciation.  相似文献   

Genome-wide duplication (polyploidization) is prevalent in a large number of eukaryotic organisms and is particularly widespread in flowering plants. Polyploid species appear to vary from their diploid progenitors in a variety of ecologically important traits, suggesting that genome duplications provide a mechanism for ecological diversification. Studies of nucleotide variation at duplicate genes that arise via polyploidization allow us to infer the evolutionary forces that act on these polyploid loci. In an effort to examine the evolutionary dynamics of homoeologous loci, molecular population genetic analyses were undertaken for duplicate regulatory genes in the allopolyploid Hawaiian silversword alliance, a premier example of adaptive radiation. The levels and patterns of nucleotide variation for the floral homeotic genes ASAPETALA1 (ASAP1) and ASAPETALA3/TM6 (ASAP3/TM6) were studied in two species representing different lineages within the Hawaiian silversword alliance: Argyroxiphium sandwicense ssp. macrocephalum and Dubautia ciliolata ssp. glutinosa. Homoeologueous copies of ASAP1 and ASAP3/TM6 show differing levels and patterns of nucleotide polymorphism. Duplicate ASAP1 copies have similar levels of nucleotide diversity and haplotype structure in both species; by contrast, duplicate ASAP3/TM6 genes display different levels and patterns of variation in D. ciliolata ssp. glutinosa. Additionally, D. ciliolata ssp. glutinosa appears to be segregating for a moderate frequency null allele in one ASAP3/TM6 homoeologue. These results suggest that differing evolutionary forces can affect duplicate loci arising from allopolyploidization.  相似文献   

Cryptic reproductive isolation in the Drosophila simulans species complex   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Forms of reproductive isolation that act after copulation but before fertilization are potentially important components of speciation, but are studied only infrequently. We examined postmating, prezygotic reproductive isolation in three hybridizations within the Drosophila simulans species complex. We allowed females to mate only once, observed and timed all copulations, dissected a subset of the females to track the storage and retention of sperm, examined the number and hatchability of eggs laid after insemination, counted all progeny produced, and measured the longevity of mated females. Each of the three hybridizations is characterized by a different set of cryptic barriers to heterospecific fertilization. When D. simulans females mate with D. sechellia males, few heterospecific sperm are transferred, even during long copulations. In contrast, copulations of D. simulans females with D. mauritiana males are often too short to allow sperm transfer. Those that are long enough to allow insemination, however, involve the transfer of many sperm, but only a fraction of these heterospecific sperm are stored by females, who also lay fewer eggs than do D. simulans females mated with conspecific males. Finally, when D. mauritiana females mate with D. simulans males, sperm are transferred and stored in abundance, but are lost rapidly from the reproductive tract and are therefore used inefficiently. These results add considerably to the list of reproductive isolating mechanisms in this well-studied clade and possibly to the list of evolutionary processes that could contribute to their reproductive isolation.  相似文献   

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