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13NO3 and 13NH4+ compartmental analyses were carried out in seedling roots of trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx.), lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta Dougl. ex Loud. var. latifolia Engelm.) and interior Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii var. glauca [Beissn.] Franco) at 0·1 and 1·5 mol m–3 external NO3 or NH4+ concentrations ([NO3]o or [NH4+]o, respectively). At the lower [NO3]o, the capacities and efficiencies of acquisition and accumulation of NO3, based upon NO3 fluxes and cytoplasmic NO3 concentrations ([NO3]c), were in the order aspen >> Douglas-fir > pine. At 1·5 mol m–3[NO3]o, the NO3 influx increased 18-fold in pine, four-fold in Douglas-fir and approximately 1·4-fold in aspen; in fact, at 1·5 mol m–3[NO3]o, the NO3 influx in pine was higher than in aspen. However, at high [NO3]o, efflux also increased in the two conifers to a much greater extent than in aspen. In aspen, at both [NO3]o, approximately 30% of the 13N absorbed was translocated to the shoot during 57 min of 13N loading and elution, compared with less than 10% in the conifers. At 0·1 mol m–3[NH4+]o, influx and net flux were in the order: aspen > pine > Douglas-fir but the differences were much less than in NO3 fluxes. At 1·5 mol m–3[NH4+]o, NH4+ influx, efflux and [NH4+]c greatly increased in aspen and Douglas-fir and, to a much lesser extent, in pine. In aspen, 29 and 12% of the 13N absorbed was translocated to the shoot at 0·1 and 1·5 mol m–3[NH4+]o, respectively, compared with 5 to 7% in the conifers at either [NH4+]o. These patterns of nitrogen (N) uptake, particularly in the case of NO3, and the observed concentration responses of NO3 uptake, reflect the availability of N in the ecological niches, to which these species are adapted.  相似文献   

13NO3 influx into the roots and in vivo nitrate reductase activity (NRA) in the roots and leaves have been measured in trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx.) and lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta Dougl.) seedlings after exposure to either 0·1 or 1·5 mol m–3 NO3 for varying periods up to 20 d. Both NO3 influx and NRA were inducible in these species and, in trembling aspen, peak induction of nitrate influx and NRA were achieved within 12 h, compared to 2–4 d for influx and 4–12 d for NRA in lodgepole pine. In trembling aspen, ≈ 30% of the total 13N absorbed during a 10 min influx period followed by 2 min of desorption was translocated to the shoot. In lodgepole pine, by contrast, translocation of 13N to the shoot was undetectable during the same time period. Root NRA as well as NO3 influx from 0·1 mol m–3 NO3 were substantially higher in trembling aspen than in lodgepole pine at all stages of NO3 exposure, i.e. during the uninduced, the peak induction, and steady-state stages. In order to examine whether the lower rates of NO3 influx and NRA were related to proportionately fewer young (unsuberized) roots in lodgepole pine, we determined these parameters in young and old (suberized) roots of this species separately. Induction of influx and NRA were initially greater in young roots but at steady-state there were only minor differences between the young and the old roots. However, even the elevated initial rates in the young roots of lodgepole pine were substantially lower than those of aspen. In pine, influx at 1·5 mol m–3 NO3 was ~ 6-fold higher than at 0·1 mol m–3 NO3 and appeared to be mostly via a constitutive system. By contrast, in aspen, steady-state influxes at 0·1 and 1·5 mol m–3 were not significantly different, being similar to the rate attained by pine at only the higher [NO3]. In aspen, leaf NRA was ~ 2-fold higher than that of roots. In lodgepole pine NRA of the needles was below the detection limit. These results show that trembling aspen seedlings are better adapted for NO3 acquisition and utilization than lodgepole pine seedlings.  相似文献   

Malagoli  M.  Dal Canal  A.  Quaggiotti  S.  Pegoraro  P.  Bottacin  A. 《Plant and Soil》2000,221(1):1-3
In forest soils, ammonium is usually the predominant form of inorganic nitrogen. However, the capacity of trees to utilize both NO3 - and NH3 + may provide greater flexibility in responding to changes of nitrogen supply from the environment. Such capacity has been studied in seedlings of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and European larch (Larix decidua Mill.) grown in the presence or absence of either nitrate or ammonium. Nitrate-induced plants showed a higher nitrate uptake rate than non-induced plants; this difference was almost negligible after 24 h of exposure to NO3 -. Ammonium uptake in both species was consistently higher than that of nitrate, regardless of prior nitrogen provision. In both nutrient conditions, larch showed a more efficient transport system in comparison with Scots pine, with higher ammonium and nitrate uptake rates in both induced and non-induced plants. This was consistent also with the activity of nitrate reductase, measured in vivo in roots and leaves. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Most Vaccinium species have strict soil requirements for optimal growth, requiring low pH, high iron availability and nitrogen primarily in the ammonium form. These soils are limited and are often located near wetlands. Vaccinium arboreum is a wild species adapted to a wide range of soils, including high pH, low iron, and nitrate-containing soils. This broader soil adaptation in V. arboreum may be related to increased efficiency of iron or nitrate uptake compared with the cultivated Vaccinium species. METHODS: Nitrate, ammonium and iron uptake, and nitrate reductase (NR) and ferric chelate reductase (FCR) activities were compared in two Vaccinium species grown hydroponically in either nitrate or ammonia, with or without iron. The species studied were the wild V. arboreum and the cultivated V. corymbosum interspecific hybrid, which exhibits the strict soil requirements of most Vaccinium species. RESULTS: Ammonium uptake was significantly greater than nitrate uptake in both species, while nitrate uptake was greater in the wild species, V. arboreum, compared with the cultivated species, V. corymbosum. The increased nitrate uptake in V. arboreum was correlated with increased root NR activity compared with V. corymbosum. The lower nitrate uptake in V. corymbosum was reflected in decreased plant dry weight in this species compared with V. arboreum. Root FCR activity increased significantly in V. corymbosum grown under iron-deficient conditions, compared with the same species grown under iron-sufficient conditions or with V. arboreum grown under either iron condition. CONCLUSIONS: V. arboreum appears to be more efficient in acquiring nitrate compared with V. corymbosum, possibly due to increased NR activity and this may partially explain the wider soil adaptation of V. arboreum.  相似文献   

冬小麦等4种作物对铵,硝态氮的吸收能力   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
采用水培试验探讨了冬小麦、大豆、油菜和莴笋4种作物对硝、铵态氮的相对吸收能力以及这两种氮源对它们生长发育的影响。试验表明:(1)不同氮源对供试作物的生长发育影响极大。供给硝态氮,这些作物生长发育良好,供给等量的NO^-3和NH^-4(1:1)时,蔬菜作物莴笋生长量下降幅度最大;供给铵态氨,莴笋和大豆极为敏感,供给NO^-3时莴笋吸氮量显著高于供给等氮量NO^-3和NH^+4,莴上麦供给等量NO^-  相似文献   

针对不同营养状况的富营养化水体修复而选择吸收养分效率较强的水生植物,采用改进常规耗竭法比较研究了6种不同基因型水生植物凤眼莲(Eichhornia crassipes Solms)、黄花水龙(Jussiaea stipulacea Ohwi)、再力花(Thalia dealbata Fraser)、美人蕉(Canna glauca L.)、水芹[Oenanthe javanica(Bl).DC]和豆瓣菜(Nasturtium officinaleR.Br.)对铵态氮和硝态氮吸收动力学特性。结果表明,不同基因型水生植物吸收铵态氮和硝态氮的动力学特性可用Michaelis-Menten方程来描述。在低浓度培养下,不同基因型水生植物对NH4+-N和NO3--N吸收的动力学参数Imax和Km差异较大,其吸收NH4+-N和NO3--N的Imax最大是水芹,其次是豆瓣菜;Km值最小的是水芹,其次是豆瓣菜;且水芹对NH4+-N和NO3--N不仅具有较强的亲和力,还具有较高的离子吸收速率。结果还表明,当介质中氮浓度较低时,水芹有优先吸收硝态氮的趋势,而豆瓣菜和再力花有优先吸收铵态氮的趋势。  相似文献   

Rashid  G. H.  Schaefer  R. 《Plant and Soil》1988,106(1):43-48
The effects of different sources of organic carbon on the potential NO 3 reduction rates in an acid mull and an anmoor (anmoor is a type of soil which is rich in organic matter, remains water saturated most of the time and where organic and mineral fractions are closely associated) were studied under anaerobic incubation. The disappearance of NO 3 was higher in the anmoor than in the mull in all cases. This contradicts our previous findings where the apparent denitrification was higher in the mull than in the anmoor in the presence of added glucose. This seems to indicate that drying of soil samples might have caused the formation of stable soil aggregates in the case of anmoor (containing 16% of organic matter). Thus a favourable condition was created for securing improved diffusion of nutrients in the anmoor. Glucose, a readily available source of carbon, led to a very high degree of NO 3 disappearance. Among other sources, the cellulose caused higher reduction of NO 3 than litter and lignin. The accumulation although small, of NH 4 + which was presumably formed (at least partially) during dissimilatory reduction of NO 3 , and its biological immobilization were more apparent in the anmoor than in the mull.  相似文献   

Summary Seasonal patterns of net N mineralization and nitrification in the 0–10 cm mineral soil of 9 temperate forest sites were analyzed using approximately monthlyin situ soil incubations. Measured nitrification rates in incubated soils were found to be good estimates of nitrification in surrounding forest soils. Monthly net N mineralization rates and pools of ammonium-N in soil fluctuated during the growing season at all sites. Nitrate-N pools in soil were generally smaller than ammonium-N pools and monthly nitrification rates were less variable than net N mineralization rates. Nitrate supplied most of the N taken up annually by vegetation at 8 of the 9 sites. Furthermore, despite the large fluctuations in ammonium-N pools and monthly net N mineralization, nitrate was taken up at relatively uniform rates during the growing season at most sites.  相似文献   

Influx isotherms were obtained for nitrate and ammonium from three legumes, Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp., Cicer arietinum L. and Arachis hypogaea L. and three cereals, Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench., Pennisetum glaucum L. and Zea mays L. The transition in influx isotherms for both nitrogen sources was found to be within the concentration range (0.05–2.5 mM) tested. There were significant differences in Km and Vmax for ammonium between legumes and cereals. The difference in the kinetic properties for nitrate uptake between the two groups of plants only became apparent at the higher concentration tested. Legumes translocated absorbed nitrate and ammonium to shoots more rapidly than cereals. Results show that there are significant differences in uptake and translocation of ammonium and nitrate between legumes and cereals.  相似文献   

Seedlings of Scots pine ( Pinus sylvestris L.) were grown on perlite for 21 days under controlled conditions. Apart from the water control, KNO3 (15 m M ), (NH4)2SO4 (7.5 m M ), and NH4NO3 (15 m M ) were offered to study the effects of a high nitrogen supply on nitrogen assimilation. In some experiments 1.3 m M potassium was added to the basic ammonium solutions. In labelling studies nitrate and ammonium were 2.3 atom%15N-enriched. It was found that over the 21-day period approximately three times more ammonium-N was taken up than nitrate-N. However, nitrate and ammonium, applied simultaneously, were taken up to the same extent as if they were applied separately (additivity). The presence of K+ in the medium did not affect N-uptake. Among the soluble N-containing compounds nitrate, ammonium and 8 amino acids were quantified. It was found that assimilation of nitrate can cope with the uptake of NO3 under all circumstances. Neither free nitrate nor ammonium or amino acids accumulated to an extent exceeding the values of water-grown seedlings. On the other hand, in case of high ammonium supply considerably more nitrogen was taken up than could be incorporated into nonsoluble N-containing substance ('protein'). The remaining nitrogen was found to accumulate in intermediary storage pools (free NH4+, glutamine, asparagine, arginine). Part of this accumulated N could be incorporated into protein when potassium was offered in the nutrient solution. It is concluded that potassium is a requirement for a high rate of protein synthesis not only in crop plants but also in conifers.  相似文献   

Abstract The uptake of ammonium and nitrate nitrogen by cultured plants of the green freshwater alga Chara hispida L. has been compared quantitatively with the contribution of its rhizoidal tissue. In the short-term, the rhizoid takes up 7–20% of the ammonium nitrogen, and about 15% of the nitrate that is taken up by whole plants under similar conditions. The uptake was studied over a range of both temperatures and external concentrations. The apparent activation energy for the uptake of NH4+ and NO3? by the whole plant was found to be 50 kJ mol?1 and 30 kJ mol?1, respectively. For the rhizoid, the values were similar for both nitrogenous ions, 106 kJ mol?1 and 70–100 kJ mol?1. The rhizoidal uptake mechanism for ammonium nitrogen operates more efficiently compared to that in the whole plant. Nitrate is taken up by the rhizoid by a mechanism with a substrate affinity higher than in the plant taken as a whole. The possible ecological significance of the results is discussed.  相似文献   

刘冬伟  图影  方运霆 《生态学杂志》2017,28(7):2353-2360
综述了过去几十年来铵盐和硝酸盐稳定同位素丰度测定方法的历史发展变化,分析了各种方法的优缺点,并对新方法作了介绍和推荐.目前铵盐稳定同位素丰度的最新测定方法为次溴酸盐氧化结合羟胺还原法,硝酸盐氮氧同位素丰度主流的测定方法为反硝化细菌法和镉粉叠氮酸还原化学法.这些方法的主要共同特点是以N2O为分析物,分析精度高,对样品的含氮量需求小,一般只需要10~60 nmol N,适用于低浓度样品.新方法的建立对于国内外开展氮素循环研究将起到极大的推动作用.  相似文献   

异化硝酸盐和亚硝酸盐还原产铵是氮转化附属途径,为生态系统中氮的重复利用提供了依据,已成为近年来的研究热点。据报道,氮源的种类及浓度不同异化还原产铵的发生机制及强度具有差异性,决定着微生物产铵的效率,因此,有必要明确不同氮源异化还原产铵的代谢机制。本文详细论述了参与硝酸盐和亚硝酸盐异化还原产铵过程的相关微生物种类、产铵途径及其机理;系统分析了单一氮源和混合氮源对不同微生物产铵的影响和差异,比较了放线菌与其他微生物产铵的优势,并对未来的研究方向进行了展望,旨在为微生物异化硝酸盐和亚硝酸盐还原产铵提供理论基础。  相似文献   

The woody material of forest canopies has a significant effect on the total forest reflectance and on the interpretation of remotely sensed data, yet research on the spectral properties of bark has been limited. We developed a novel measurement setup for acquiring stem bark reflectance spectra in field conditions, using a mobile hyperspectral camera. The setup was used for stem bark reflectance measurements of ten boreal and temperate tree species in the visible (VIS) to near‐infrared (NIR) (400–1000 nm) wavelength region. Twenty trees of each species were measured, constituting a total of 200 hyperspectral reflectance images. The mean bark spectra of species were similar in the VIS region, and the interspecific variation was largest in the NIR region. The intraspecific variation of bark spectra was high for all studied species from the VIS to the NIR region. The spectral similarity of our study species did not correspond to the general phylogenetic lineages. The hyperspectral reflectance images revealed that the distributions of per‐pixel reflectance values within images were species‐specific. The spectral library collected in this study contributes toward building a comprehensive understanding of the spectral diversity of forests needed not only in remote sensing applications but also in, for example, biodiversity or land surface modeling studies.  相似文献   

Nitrogen limitation compromises the realization of yield potential in cereals more than any other single factor. In rice, the world's most important crop species, the assumption has long been that only ammonium-N is efficiently utilized. Consequently, nitrate utilization has been largely ignored, although fragmentary data have suggested that growth could be substantial on nitrate. Using the short-lived radiotracer 13N, we here provide direct comparisons of root transmembrane fluxes and cytoplasmic pool sizes for nitrate- and ammonium-N in a major variety of Indica rice ( Oryza sativa ), and show that nitrate acquisition is not only of high capacity and efficiency but is superior to that of ammonium. We believe our results have implications for rice breeding and molecular genetics as well as the design of water-management and fertilization regimes. Potential strategies to harness this hitherto unexplored N-utilization potential are proposed.  相似文献   

The present study was conducted to characterize the N‐metabolism of important European tree species with different degrees of flooding tolerance. The roots of Fagus sylvatica (sensitive to flooding), Quercus robur (moderately flood tolerant) and Populus tremula × P. alba (flood tolerant) saplings were exposed to different flooding regimes and N uptake, amino acid, protein and chlorophyll concentrations as well as gas exchange were measured. The effects of these treatments on the tree species varied distinctly. In general, the N metabolism of beech was severely affected whereas less impacts were observed on oaks and almost no effects on poplars. The concentrations of amino compounds, particularly of Asp, Asn, Glu and Gln, were lower in the roots of flooded trees than in controls. By contrast, γ‐amino butyric acid concentrations increased. Root protein concentrations remained unaffected in oak and poplar but decreased in beech in response to flooding. The concentrations of pigments remained unaffected by flooding in all tree species investigated. However, photosynthesis and transpiration were severely affected in beech but much less in oak and poplar. The data obtained show a clear correlation between the different flooding tolerances of the trees investigated and the impacts of flooding on N uptake and N metabolism.  相似文献   

Pea seedlings (Pisum sativum L. cv ‘Kleine Rheinlän-derin’) were grown hydroponically in solutions containing either nitrate (3 or 14 mol m−3) or ammonium (3 mol m−3) as the nitrogen source. Ammonium nutrition as such had no negative effect on plant biomass production, but drastically increased the sensitivity to moderate salinity (50 mol m−3 NaCl). The reasons for this effect are investigated here and in a subsequent paper. The appearance of visible symptoms of salt damage (wilting of marginal leaf areas followed by progressive necrosis) was paralleled by the development of several characteristic modifications in the solute and metabolite contents. Major changes were: (i) high salt (NaCl) accumulation in leaves; (ii) accumulation of ammonium (up to 20 mol m−3) and amino acids (up to 110 mol m−3) in leaves, but at decreased ammonium uptake rates; and (iii) decreased protein content. In a comparison paper we report on the subcellular distribution of salts, ammonium and metabolites under the above conditions.  相似文献   

Summary PnET is a simple, lumped-parameter, monthlytime-step model of carbon and water balances of forests built on two principal relationships: 1) maximum photosynthetic rate is a function of foliar nitrogen concentration, and 2) stomatal conductance is a function of realized photosynthetic rate. Monthyly leaf area display and carbon and water balances are predicted by combining these with standard equations describing light attenuation in canopies and photosynthetic response to diminishing radiation intensity, along with effects of soil water stress and vapor pressure deficit (VPD). PnET has been validated against field data from 10 well-studied temperate and boreal forest ecosystems, supporting our central hypothesis that aggregation of climatic data to the monthly scale and biological data such as foliar characteristics to the ecosystem level does not cause a significant loss of information relative to long-term, mean ecosystem responses. Sensitivity analyses reveal a diversity of responses among systems to identical alterations in climatic drivers. This suggests that great care should be used in developing generalizations as to how forests will respond to a changing climate. Also critical is the degree to which the temperature responses of photosynthesis and respiration might acclimate to changes in mean temperatures at decadal time scales. An extreme climate change simulation (+3° C maximum temperature, –25% precipitation with no change in minimum temperature or radiation, direct effects of increased atmospheric CO2 ignored) suggests that major increases in water stress, and reductions in biomass production (net carbon gain) and water yield would follow such a change.  相似文献   

The relative contribution of HN03 to precipitation acidity in eastern Canada has increased in recent years leading to some concern that the relative importance of NO 3 deposition in acidification of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems may increase. To gauge the extent of this impact, annual mass balances for N0 3 and NH+ 4 were calculated for several forested catchments and lakes in Ontario. Retention of NH+ 4 (R NH4) by forested catchments was consistently high compared to retention of NO3 (R NO3) which was highly variable. Retention of inorganic nitrogen was influenced by catchment grade and areal water discharge. In lakes, the reciprocals of retention of N0 3 and NH+ 4 were linearly related to the ratio of lake mean depth to water residence time (z/; equal to areal water discharge), and retention did not appear to be a function of degree of acidification of the lakes. Net N consumption-based acidification of lakes, defined as the ratio of annual NH; mass to N0 3 mass consumption, was negatively correlated with / and N consumption-related acidification was most likely to occur when – was < 1.5 m yr–1.If retention mechanisms are unaffected by changes in deposition, changes in deposition will still result in changes in surface water concentrations although the changes will be of similar proportions. Therefore, NO 3 saturation should not be defined by concentrations alone, but should be defined as decreasing long-term, average NO 3 retention in streams and lakes in response to long-term increases in NO 3 deposition. Analysis o f survey data will be facilitated by grouping lakes and catchments according to similar characteristics.  相似文献   

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