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Plumage coloration is generally perceived as a static traitand therefore not a good indicator of current condition. However,changing of feather colors after molt does occur and may haveimportant implications for signal function and sexual selection.We studied longitudinal changes in blue tit (Parus caeruleus)crown ultraviolet (UV)/blue color, a sexually selected trait,by repeatedly measuring the same individuals between early winterand late spring. Whereas crown UV reflectance (UV chroma andhue) decreased dramatically over time, brightness and saturationdid not show consistent patterns of change. The magnitude ofthe decline in coloration exceeded sexual and age dichromatismin hue and UV chroma, respectively. Hence, seasonal color changescould have strong effects on blue tit sexual signaling. Between-individualvariation in the decline in UV coloration was large and relatedto attributes of male, but not female, quality, such as sizeand condition. Thus, conspecifics could potentially gain informationabout male phenotypic quality by assessing color change overthe year. However, the degree of decline in male UV color didnot affect breeding success because neither the number of within-pairnor the number of extrapair offspring produced correlated withchanges in crown color. Seasonal changes in the expression ofplumage coloration are probably widespread, and maintainingplumage coloration could thus constitute an additional honesty-enforcingmechanism after molt is completed.  相似文献   

In socially monogamous species, extra-pair paternity can increase the variance in reproductive success and thereby the potential for sexual selection on male ornaments. We studied whether male secondary sexual ornaments are selected through within- and/or extra-pair reproductive success in the blue tit (Parus caeruleus). Male blue tits display a bright blue crown plumage, which reflects substantially in the ultraviolet (UV) and previously has been indicated to be an important sexual signal. We show that males with a more UV-shifted crown hue were less cuckolded, which probably resulted from female preference for more ornamented mates. By contrast, however, older males and males with a less UV-shifted hue sired more extra-pair young. This probably did not reflect direct female preference, since cuckolders were not less UV-ornamented than the males they cuckolded. Alternatively, a trade-off between UV ornamentation and other traits that enhance extra-pair success could explain this pattern. Our results might reflect two alternative male mating tactics, where more UV-ornamented males maximize within-pair success and less UV-ornamented males maximize extra-pair success. Since crown colour was selected in opposite directions by within-pair and extra-pair paternity, directional selection through extra-pair matings seemed weak, at least in this population and breeding season. Reduced intensity of sexual selection due to alternative mating tactics constitutes a potential mechanism maintaining additive genetic variance of male ornaments.  相似文献   

The study of primary sex ratio adjustment in birds is notoriousfor inconsistency of results among studies. To develop our understandingof avian sex ratio variation, experiments that test a prioripredictions and the replication of previous studies are essential.We tested if female blue tits Parus caeruleus adjust the sexratio of their offspring to the sexual attractiveness of theirmates, as was suggested by a previous benchmark study on thesame species. In 2 years, we reduced the ultraviolet (UV) reflectanceof the crown feathers of males in the period before egg layingto decrease their attractiveness. In contrast to the simpleprediction from sex allocation theory, we found that the overallproportion of male offspring did not differ between broods ofUV-reduced and control-treated males. However, in 1 year, theUV treatment influenced offspring sex ratio depending on thenatural crown UV reflectance of males before the treatment.The last result confirms the pattern found in the previous bluetit study, which suggests that these complex patterns of primarysex ratio variation are repeatable in this bird species, warrantingfurther research into the adaptive value of blue tit sex ratioadjustment to male UV coloration.  相似文献   

The differential allocation hypothesis predicts that parents should adjust their current investment in relation to perceived mate attractiveness if this affects offspring fitness. It should be selectively advantageous to risk more of their future reproductive success by investing heavily in current offspring of high reproductive value but to decrease investment if offspring value is low. If the benefits of mate attractiveness are limited to a particular offspring sex we would instead expect relative investment in male versus female offspring to vary with mate attractiveness, referred to as 'differential sex allocation'. We present strong evidence for differential allocation of parental feeding effort in the wild and show an immediate effect on a component of offspring fitness. By experimentally reducing male UV crown coloration, a trait known to indicate attractiveness and viability in wild-breeding blue tits (Parus caeruleus), we show that females, but not males, reduce parental feeding rates and that this reduces the skeletal growth of offspring. However, differential sex allocation does not occur. We conclude that blue tit females use male UV coloration as an indicator of expected offspring fitness and adjust their investment accordingly.  相似文献   

Coloration in birds can act as an important sexual signal in males, yet in many species, both sexes display bright colors. Social selection may account for this pattern, with more brightly colored individuals pairing together on the best territories. Mutual mate choice may also explain this, as males investing a great deal of parental care in the offspring should be choosy about their social mates. It is less clear whether this pattern of mate choice can apply to extra‐pair partners as well. We examined western bluebirds (Sialia mexicana) to determine whether more colorful individuals tended to pair with one another, both in social pairs and between females and their extra‐pair partners. Both male and female western bluebirds display both UV‐blue structural plumage and a melanin‐based chestnut breast patch, although females are duller than males. Social pairs mated assortatively with regard to UV‐blue brightness, but not chestnut coloration. There was no evidence that extra‐pair partners mated assortatively, but males with brighter UV‐blue coloration had fewer extra‐pair offspring in their nests. Older males were more successful at siring extra‐pair offspring, despite displaying no differences in coloration compared to younger males. Coloration did not play a role in determining extra‐pair male success. These results suggest that coloration plays a role in the formation of social pairs, but not mate choice for extra‐pair partners.  相似文献   

Trivers proposed that, if parental care by both sexes is advantageous, males should practice a "mixed" strategy of seeking extrapair copulations, while restricting their parental investment to offspring of social mates. We explore circumstances under which males should limit their parental care in the predicted manner. We find that Trivers's "mixed" strategy will generally be evolutionarily stable so long as either socially monogamous or polygynous males usually sire more offspring per brood from a social mate than they typically sire in broods of extrapair mates. Polygynous males should spread investment across their home nests unless the expected number of chicks sired in them differs widely. Whether polygynous males should restrict paternal care to social mates' offspring hinges additionally on resident male investment in broods containing extrapair young: if resident males contribute minimally, some investment by a polygynous extrapair male becomes more advantageous. Recently reviewed data on extrapair fertilization distributions within monogamous and polygynous passerines suggest that extrapair offspring often predominate numerically within their broods, consistent with sperm expenditure theory. Nevertheless, most species conform to the model's criterion regarding relative parentage levels in broods of social versus extrapair mates. Patterns of extrapair parentage thus appear sufficient to stabilize biparental care systems.  相似文献   

In many species of passerine birds yearlings display a less elaborate version of the adult secondary sexual traits, but the causes of such differences in ornamentation are not always well understood. We studied age-related changes in blue tit Parus caeruleus UV/blue structural crown coloration, a sexually selected trait. In our Austrian study population, older blue tits, irrespective of sex, displayed on average a more ultraviolet (lower hue, higher UV chroma), more chromatic and brighter crown coloration than yearlings. This age dichromatism was caused by within-individual changes in the expression of crown coloration between years since males and females became more UV, more chromatic and brighter as they aged. Colour biased survival did not contribute to the observed pattern of age dichromatism since crown coloration was largely unrelated to overwinter survival. Between-year repeatability of crown colour was significant for most colour variables but low in general, and lower for females than for males. In the blue tit, yearling males might benefit from being less ornamented by avoiding adult aggression but at the expense of sexual attractiveness. Adaptive explanations of blue tit age dichromatism should however take into account that age effects were of similar magnitude in males and females. This suggests that both male and female yearlings could benefit from being less ornamented and hence that sexual selection might be acting on both sexes simultaneously in this species.  相似文献   

Many studies have shown that the plumage coloration of male birds can act as an honest signal of quality, indicating benefits that a female could gain from pairing with a specific male. In some species, females also display ornamental plumage, but less is known about the function and potential adaptive significance of female coloration because most research has focused on male coloration. Male Mountain Bluebirds (Sialia currucoides) display full body, ultraviolet (UV)‐blue plumage, whereas female plumage is more subdued, with blue color focused on the rump, wing, and tail. During the 2011 and 2012 breeding seasons (May–July) near Kamloops, BC, Canada, we examined coloration of the rump and tail of female Mountain Bluebirds to determine if their plumage could act as an indicator of direct reproductive benefits (e.g., enhanced parental care or reproductive success) to potential mates. We found no relationship between female plumage coloration and either provisioning rate or fledging success. However, female coloration varied with age, with after‐second‐year (ASY) females having brighter, more UV‐blue tail feathers than second‐year (SY) females. In addition, ASY females with brighter, more UV‐blue tails had larger clutches. We also observed positive assortative mating by tarsus length. Because previous work with other species suggests that female body size may be a good predictor of breeding success, males could potentially benefit from pairing with larger females. However, reproductive success did not vary with female size in our study. Although our evidence that structural plumage coloration of female Mountain Bluebirds is a signal of direct reproductive benefits for males (e.g., higher reproductive success) is limited, our results (i.e., ASY females with brighter tails than SY females, and ASY females with brighter tails having larger clutches) do suggest the potential for sexual selection to act on female coloration.  相似文献   

DNA fingerprinting of an island population of blue tits andgreat tits in southeast Norway revealed that extrapair paternityaccounted for 36% (17/47) and 27% (15/55) of broods and for7% (31/466) and 8% (33/408) of young in the two species, respectively.Cuckolded males did not differ from noncuckolded males withrespect to morphology, age, or survival. There was no seasonalpattern in the frequency of extrapair paternity, and males showedno individual consistency in paternity loss over multiple broods.Extrapair offspring did not grow faster, they did not fledgewith a higher body mass, and they did not show a higher localsurvival rate than their half siblings. Hence, there was noevidence of any association between extrapair paternity andmale phenotypic or genotypic quality. Extrapair offspring wererandomly distributed among broods, with the only exceptionsof one blue tit and two great tit broods in which all young(six to nine) were sired by an extrapair male. This patternis best explained by a small proportion of males (2%–4%)being infertile and by most females performing a few extrapaircopulations as insurance against laying infertile eggs. We concludethat the results suggest a role for fertility insurance butthat alternative functional explanations to extrapair paternityin these populations cannot yet be ruled out.  相似文献   

Extrapair paternity is common in many birds, and it is now generallyaccepted that female choice plays an important role. However,die benefits that females obtain from extrapair paternity aremuch less dear. To test the hypothesis that females obtain indirectfitness benefits, we studied paternity in a blue tit populationover 4 years. Extrapair paternity occurred in 31-47% of allnests and accounted for 11-14% of all offspring. Most malesthat fathered extrapair young did not lose paternity themselves,males never "exchanged" paternity, and within nests the extrapairoffspring were usually fathered by a single male. Comparisonsbetween males that did and did not lose paternity and pairwisecomparisons between the extrapair male(s) and the within-pairmale showed that successful males had longer tarsi and sangon average longer strophes during the dawn chorus. Successfulmales weighed less (relative to their size) during the nettlingstage, but nevertheless they survived better. Male age did notinfluence their likelihood of losing paternity, but extrapairmales were usually older than the within-pair male they cuckolded.Within nests with mixed paternity, extrapair young were morelikely to survive than within-pair young in cases of partialbrood mortality. Our data also suggest that extrapair offspringwere more likely to be males. Because extrapair males were usuallyclose neighbors, male quality should be considered relativeto the quality of the neighbors. Despite this, we found consistencyin female choice over years. Our observations provide supportfor the hypothesis that female blue tits engage in extrapaircopulations to obtain good genes for their offspring.  相似文献   

Determining the degree to which variation in traits is controlled by genetics and/or environment is fundamental to understanding adaptation. In this study, we examine the genetic and environmental influences on color pattern expression in male bluefin killifish, Lucania goodei. This is a compelling system because both male color patterns and vision physiology are correlated with basic properties of the environment. Across populations, males with blue anal fins are more abundant in waters with low transmission of UV and blue wavelengths. Here, we present results from two paternal half-sib breeding experiments (one in the laboratory, one in the greenhouse) in which offspring were raised under light treatments that mimicked natural variation in the spectral composition of light. In both experiments, we found that red-versus-yellow expression is controlled by an autosomal locus of large effect where yellow (Y) is dominant over red (y). There was little blue expression in the laboratory. In the greenhouse, we found higher expression of blue anal fin morphs when males were raised in tea-stained water (low transmission UV/blue) than when raised in clear water (high transmission UV/blue). We also found genetic effects of sires and an interaction between sire and lighting environment (i.e. heritable plasticity). These results show that a relatively simple, environmentally dependent, epistatic interaction can produce a large amount of variation in male color patterns that presumably function in sexual selection.  相似文献   

Structural coloration has been hypothesized to play a role insexual selection, and we tested whether this was the case ina field study of the barn swallow Hirundo rustica. The dorsaliridescent plumage of barn swallows has a strong reflectancein the ultraviolet (UV) region, with adult males on averagereflecting 8-9% more than adult females, as revealed by a 2-yearstudy in southwestern Spain. The correlation between structural coloration (described by the reflectance in the UV part of thespectrum, UV chroma and blue chroma) and three other secondarysexual characters significantly associated with male matingsuccess (tail length, tail asymmetry, and red facial coloration)was weak and generally nonsignificant. Nor was there a significantrelationship between color parameters and body condition. Wetested for an association between structural coloration of the dorsal plumage and sexual selection in a number of independenttests. Arrival date of males was not significantly relatedto color; there was no significant relationship between colorationand probability of survival or age; mated males did not havestronger reflectance than unmated males; and the duration ofthe premating period was not significantly related to color.Reproductive success was not significantly correlated withplumage coloration in males, nor was the feeding rate of offspringby brightly colored males higher than that of males with lessbright plumage. Given that sample sizes were large, and the power of statistical tests high, we conclude that current sexualselection on the coloration of the dorsal plumage in the barnswallow is, at best, weak.  相似文献   

Sexual selection by female mating preference for male nuptial coloration has been suggested as a driving force in the rapid speciation of Lake Victoria cichlid fish. This process could have been facilitated or accelerated by genetic associations between female preference loci and male coloration loci. Preferences, as well as coloration, are heritable traits and are probably determined by more than one gene. However, little is known about potential genetic associations between these traits. In turbid water, we found a population that is variable in male nuptial coloration from blue to yellow to red. Males at the extreme ends of the phenotype distribution resemble a reproductively isolated species pair in clear water that has diverged into one species with blue-grey males and one species with bright red males. Females of the turbid water population vary in mating preference coinciding with the male phenotype distribution. For the current study, these females were mated to blue males. We measured the coloration of the sires and male offspring. Parents-offspring regression showed that the sires did not affect male offspring coloration, which confirms earlier findings that the blue species breeds true. In contrast, male offspring coloration was determined by the identity of the dams, which suggests that there is heritable variation in male color genes between females. However, we found that mating preferences of the dams were not correlated with male offspring coloration. Thus, there is no evidence for strong genetic linkage between mating preference and the preferred trait in this population [Current Zoology 56 (1): 57-64 2010].  相似文献   

Survival of extrapair and within-pair young in tree swallows   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
In monogamous species, it is generally accepted that males seekextrapair matings to increase their reproductive success withoutadditional parental investment; however, the benefits of extrapairmatings to females are much less clear. One possibility isthat females obtain genes for enhanced offspring viabilityfrom the extrapair sires. If this is the case, then the increasedviability of extrapair young may be evident throughout the periodof embryonic development as well as later in life. Tree swallows(Tachycineta bicolor) have one of the highest known levelsof extrapair mating in birds, and females have substantialcontrol over the paternity of their offspring. We used moleculartechniques to determine the parentage of nestlings and unhatchedembryos to examine the possibility that female tree swallowsgain viability benefits for their extrapair offspring. Althoughboth extrapair paternity and mortality of embryos and nestlingswere high (89% and 54% of broods respectively), we found nodifference in the viability of within-pair and extrapair youngprior to fledging. In addition, extrapair young were not morelikely to be male. There was no bias in the sex of young atfledging, but unhatched embryos were more likely to be male.Our results do not support the idea that female tree swallowsengage in extrapair mating to increase offspring viability,at least early in life.  相似文献   

Extrapair fertilizations complicate our understanding of cooperativebreeding in a number of ways. For example, auxiliaries may reducethe costs of seeking extrapair fertilizations for breeding malesor females, and auxiliary males may themselves seek copulationswith the breeding female in their own group. We employed microsatellitemarkers to examine patterns of parentage in the cooperativelybreeding splendid fairy-wren (Malurus splendens melanotus).Our study population exhibited a relatively high level of extrapairpaternity (42% of 386 offspring) with considerable annual variation(range = 24–52%). Across years the proportion of offspringsired by extrapair males was significantly correlated with theaverage number of auxiliaries per group. Furthermore, the proportionof extrapair young within a brood was related to group composition;groups with multiple auxiliaries were twice as likely as groupswith zero or one auxiliary to contain extrapair young. Mostoffspring were sired by dominant breeding males, but auxiliarymales sired approximately 25% of all extrapair young (10% ofall offspring), and about half of these were cases in whichthe auxiliary male sired offspring in his own group. Within-groupsirings by auxiliary males were most common after replacementof the breeding female, and they also appeared to be more likelywhen the auxiliary was not related to the breeding male. Thus,the presence of auxiliary males increased the likelihood thatfemales would produce extrapair young, and although incest avoidancemechanisms usually prevent within-group copulations by auxiliarymales, a conflict of interest among group males arises whena new female joins the group.  相似文献   

Male cichlid fish, Astatotilapia burtoni, live in a lek-likesocial system in shore pools of Lake Tanganyika, Africa, asone of two distinct social phenotypes: territorial (T) malesthat comprise approximately 10–30% of the population andnonterritorial (NT) males that make up the rest. T males arebrightly colored either blue or yellow with chromatic body patternsand are larger, reproductively capable, and defend territoriescontaining a food resource used to entice females to spawn withthem. NT males are camouflage colored, smaller, have regressedgonads, and shoal with females. Importantly, males shift betweenthese social states depending on their success in aggressiveencounters. It is not known whether there is a difference betweenyellow and blue T morphs. Here we asked whether T males preferentiallydefend their territory against a male of the same or oppositecolor. T males observed in social groups had agonistic interactionspredominantly with neighboring T males of the opposite color,and yellow morphs initiated significantly more aggressive interactions.When agonistic preference was tested experimentally, T maleshad significantly more agonistic interactions toward males ofthe opposite color, and yellow T males became territorial inthe majority of those interactions. Taken together, these resultssuggest that male coloration is an important social signal amongneighboring T males in this species and support the hypothesisthat T males differentially direct agonistic behavior dependingon the color of neighboring males.  相似文献   

Tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor) show one of the highestlevels of extrapair paternity in birds, and there is evidencethat females have control over who fathers their offspring.However, it is unclear which benefits female tree swallows obtainfrom mating with multiple males. Using microsatellite DNA fingerprinting,we studied extrapair paternity in relation to nesting successand male, female, and offspring characteristics. More than 70%of all nests contained extrapair young, and more than half ofall offspring were extrapair. Within broods, the extrapair youngwere often fathered by several males. Despite screening allresident and some floater males, we could identify the biologicalfather of only 21% of all extrapair offspring. All identifiedextrapair males were close neighbors. Extrapair males did notdiffer from within-pair males in any of the measured characteristics,except that the former had larger cloacal protuberances than thelatter. Extrapair males were equally successful in gaining paternityin their own broods as males that did not father extra young.In nests with mixed paternity, extrapair young did not differfrom within-pair young in body size or mass. However, nestswith extrapair young had higher hatching success than nestswithout extrapair young. All examined unhatched eggs were fertilizedand thus hatch failure resulted from embryo mortality. The availabledata are in accordance with the genetic diversity and the geneticcompatibility hypothesis, but not with the good genes hypothesis.  相似文献   

Although the condition‐dependence and signaling function of ornamental plumage coloration among adult males is well studied, less research has focused on the information content of ornamental coloration among juvenile birds. Eastern Bluebird (Sialia sialis) nestlings grow their nuptial plumage while in the nest and dependent on parents for food, making them an ideal species for studying the development and function of elaborate plumage. Previous research suggests that plumage brightness of Eastern Bluebirds functions, in the juvenile stage, in parent–offspring interactions as a sexually selected trait in adults. Using an experimental approach, we tested the effects of supplemental food on the structural plumage coloration (i.e., tips of primary feathers) of Eastern Bluebird nestlings in Watauga County, North Carolina, during the 2011 breeding season. We provided supplemental mealworms daily to breeding pairs from the onset of incubation through the nestling period, and measured plumage brightness, UV chroma, and mass of nestlings (N = 89 males and 71 females). Male nestlings of supplementally fed parents exhibited brighter plumage. The mass and UV chroma of young bluebirds were not significantly affected by food supplementation. However, the relationship between mass and brightness differed between male nestlings in the control and supplementally fed treatments. Males reared in food‐supplemented territories exhibited a positive relationship between color and mass. Nestlings in control territories, however, exhibited a negative relationship between size and brightness, suggesting that reduced food availability results in a tradeoff between allocating resources toward somatic growth and development of bright plumage. Our results suggest that UV‐blue structural plumage in male juvenile Eastern Bluebirds is at least partially condition‐dependent and may help to explain why plumage color can influence social interactions in Eastern Bluebirds.  相似文献   

Identifying correlations among behaviors is important for understandinghow selection shapes the phenotype. Correlated behaviors canindicate constraints on the evolution of behavioral plasticityor may reflect selection for functional integration among behaviors.Obligate cavity-nesting birds provide an opportunity to examinethese correlations because males must defend limited nest cavitieswhile also competing for mating opportunities and providingparental care. Here, I investigated the role of behavioral correlationsin producing a counterintuitive relationship between nest defenseand reproductive success in western bluebirds (Sialia mexicana)such that males that defended their nests most intensely hadthe lowest reproductive success, measured as the number of withinand extrapair offspring that fledged. By experimentally measuringaggression across contexts, I show that this cost of nest defensewas due to the correlated expression of aggression across thecontexts of nest defense and male–male competition coupledwith a trade-off between male–male aggression and parentalcare. In particular, more aggressive males provisioned theirfemales less during incubation and this led to disrupted incubationpatterns and fewer fledged offspring. However, aggressive malesdid not benefit from avoiding parental investment by gainingextrapair fertilizations, and thus, it is unclear how high levelsof aggression are maintained in this population despite apparentcosts. These results suggest that there are constraints to theevolution of plasticity in aggression and emphasize the importanceof considering the integrated behavioral phenotype to understandhow variation in behavior is linked to fitness.  相似文献   

Male structural plumage coloration and UV signals in particular can provide information on individual quality and influence female choice, while melanin-pigmented plumage is largely considered to be important in intrasexual competition. Many avian species demonstrate both types of plumage ornamentation that may convey different information about the signaller's quality or condition in addition to age. We examine rufous and blue plumage ornamentation across multiple body regions in relation to age, condition and reproductive performance in male western bluebirds Sialia mexicana. We demonstrate a strong positive relationship between head plumage brightness and both male age and the mass of the offspring. Older males are in better condition and display a reduced plumage patch on the back while the size of the rufous breast patch increases with increasing condition but not with age. Spectral characters from the wings and rump were not associated with any of the reproductive parameters measured. In conjunction with published evidence showing that females preferentially accept extrapair copulations from older males, these data suggest a need for experimental manipulation of plumage colour in known-aged birds to understand mate choice in this species.  相似文献   

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