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Personality is a trait that affects behavior and lifestyle, and sleep quality is an important component of a healthy life. We analyzed the association between personality traits and sleep quality in a cross-section of 1,406 young women (from 18 to 40 years of age) who were not reporting clinically meaningful depression symptoms. Surveys were carried out from December 2011 to February 2012, using the Revised NEO Personality Inventory and the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI). All analyses were adjusted for demographic and behavioral variables. We considered beta weights, structure coefficients, unique effects, and common effects when evaluating the importance of sleep quality predictors in multiple linear regression models. Neuroticism was the most important contributor to PSQI global scores in the multiple regression models. By contrast, despite being strongly correlated with sleep quality, conscientiousness had a near-zero beta weight in linear regression models, because most variance was shared with other personality traits. However, conscientiousness was the most noteworthy predictor of poor sleep quality status (PSQI≥6) in logistic regression models and individuals high in conscientiousness were least likely to have poor sleep quality, which is consistent with an OR of 0.813, with conscientiousness being protective against poor sleep quality. Personality may be a factor in poor sleep quality and should be considered in sleep interventions targeting young women.  相似文献   

Abnormal lipid levels are important etiological factors associated with the development of atherosclerosis and with increased cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. Lipid levels are also influenced by lifestyle and behavioral factors, which suggests that personality traits might be related to abnormal lipid profiles. Studies on personality traits and lipid levels are relatively scarce in Korea. Therefore, the objective of this study was to examine the association between lipid levels and personality traits in young Korean women. A total of 1,701 young Korean women [mean age  = 24.9±4.6 years (range 17–39)] who volunteered for personality trait evaluation were recruited for this study. Lipid levels, including total cholesterol, high density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, and triglyceride, were measured in all subjects after an overnight fast, and a low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol level was calculated. The study population was divided into abnormal and normal lipid level groups according to the clinical criteria. Personality traits were measured using the Revised NEO Personality Inventory for the Five-Factor Model of personality. High neuroticism was associated with low HDL cholesterol levels. Low extraversion and openness were associated with high levels of triglyceride. At the facet level, the association between personality and lipid levels were generally consistent. Angry hostility, self-consciousness, vulnerability to stress, activity, and straightforwardness were associated with HDL cholesterol levels. Activity, positive emotion, aesthetics, actions, and deliberation were associated with triglyceride. When applying clinical criteria, conscientiousness was less likely to have abnormal total cholesterol levels. Our results showed that the women with the low HDL cholesterol levels are like to be more neurotic and the hyperglycemic women are prone to lower extraversion and openness in Korea. Understanding the associations between blood lipid levels and personality traits may have a beneficial effect for the managing of dyslipidemia.  相似文献   

Obesity is a chronic inflammatory state characterized by altered adipokine production and increased levels of inflammatory cytokines. The study explored the effect of zinc supplementation on inflammatory markers and adipocyte hormones in young obese women. Twenty five non-obese women and forty obese women (body mass index ≥25 kg/m2) aged 19–28 years were recruited for this study. Twenty obese women of the study group took 30 mg/day of supplemental zinc as zinc gluconate for 8 weeks and 20 obese women of control group took placebo. Usual dietary zinc intake was estimated from 3-day diet records. Serum zinc and urinary zinc concentration were measured by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry. Inflammatory markers such as high sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP), tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α), and interleukin (IL)-6 and adipocyte hormones such as lepin and adiponectin were measured by enzyme immunoassay. Inflammatory markers and leptin were significantly higher, but adiponectin was significantly lower in obese women than non-obese women. Zinc supplementation increased serum zinc by 15 % and urinary zinc by 56 % (P?<?0.05). The levels of hs-CRP (P?=?0.03) and IL-6 (P?=?0.006) significantly decreased with zinc supplementation, but not in placebo group. Serum leptin and plasma adiponectin concentration did not differ with either zinc supplementation or placebo. The levels of IL-6 and leptin were inversely associated with dietary zinc intake. These results suggest that zinc may have a favorable effect on obesity-related inflammation in young adults.  相似文献   

The present study was conducted to investigate whether hair calcium levels are related to nutritional habits, selected status parameters, and life-style factors in young women. Eighty-five healthy female students neither pregnant nor lactating, using no hair dyes or permanents were recruited for the study. Food consumption data, including fortified products and dietary supplements were collected with 4-day records. The calcium levels in hair and serum were analyzed by atomic absorption spectroscopy. Serum osteocalcin and the C-terminal telopeptide of type I collagen were assayed by ELISA. The women were divided into four groups according to their total vitamin D and calcium intakes and hair calcium levels. At adequate calcium intake and comparable serum bone biomarker levels, supplemental vitamin D increased the hair calcium levels. On the other hand, at lower than estimated adequate requirement of vitamin D intake the hair calcium levels were comparable in women with low calcium intakes but consuming high amounts of meat products or those whose diets were rich in dairy products, possibly due to homeostatic mechanisms. Elevated hair calcium was seen in 25% of subjects and could not be related to nutritional or life-style factors. The results show that the hair calcium levels were weakly related to the quality of diet, with some synergistic interactions between nutrients, especially vitamin D and magnesium.  相似文献   

Objective: The ability of young women (n = 132, average age 17 years) to recall body size and age at menarche was examined. The use of body silhouettes to assist women in recalling their body size at menarche and to represent their current body size was also evaluated. Research Methods and Procedures: Subjects, who previously participated in a cohort study, were asked to recall height and weight at the time of menarche, to select body silhouettes that best reflected their body shape at the time of menarche and their current body shape, and to recall age at menarche. Two sets of body silhouettes were developed, one representative of an adult body shape and another representative of an adolescent body shape. Results: Pearson correlation coefficients between the adult and adolescent body figures and actual body mass index (BMI; kg/m2) at the time of menarche were not significantly different (r = 0.82 for adult figures vs. r = 0.72 for adolescent figures, p > 0.05). The correlation between actual BMI at the time of menarche and body silhouette (r = 0.77, all subjects) was similar to the correlation between actual and recalled BMI at the time of menarche (r = 0.83) as well as the correlation between current BMI and current body silhouette (r = 0.75). Recalled and actual ages at menarche were highly correlated (r = 0.83). Discussion: The recall of body shape was considered to be a less precise measure of body size than asking about height and weight, but use of body silhouettes may offer advantages in certain situations.  相似文献   



Serum cytokines and C-reactive protein (CRP) are known as one of the major risk factors in atherosclerosis. The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of zinc have been suggested, but few data are available on the relationship between zinc status and inflammatory markers in epidemiological studies.


The present study aims to investigate the cross-sectional relationships of serum cytokines and CRP with dietary zinc intake and serum zinc levels in healthy men and women aged 40 and older in rural areas of South Korea.

Materials and Methods

A group of 1,055 subjects (404 men, 651 women) was included in dietary zinc analysis while another group of 695 subjects (263 men, 432 women) was included in serum zinc analysis. Serum IL-6, TNF-α, and CRP were measured as inflammatory markers.


There was no significant inverse relationship between dietary zinc intake and inflammatory markers. We found a significant inverse relationship between serum zinc levels and all three inflammatory markers in women (P for trend = 0.0236 for IL-6; P for trend = 0.0017 for TNF-α; P for trend = 0.0301 for CRP) and between serum zinc levels and a single inflammatory marker (IL-6) in men (P for trend = 0.0191), although all R2 values by regression were less than 10%.


In conclusion, serum zinc levels may be inversely related to inflammatory markers (IL-6, TNF-α, and CRP), particularly in women.  相似文献   

It has long been recognized that diffusive boundary layers affect the determination of active transport parameters, but this has been largely overlooked in plant physiological research. We studied the short-term uptake of cadmium (Cd), zinc (Zn), and nickel (Ni) by spinach (Spinacia oleracea) and tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) in solutions with or without metal complexes. At same free ion concentration, the presence of complexes, which enhance the diffusion flux, increased the uptake of Cd and Zn, whereas Ni uptake was unaffected. Competition effects of protons on Cd and Zn uptake were observed only at a very large degree of buffering, while competition of magnesium ions on Ni uptake was observed even in unbuffered solutions. These results strongly suggest that uptake of Cd and Zn is limited by diffusion of the free ion to the roots, except at very high degree of solution buffering, whereas Ni uptake is generally internalization limited. All results could be well described by a model that combined a diffusion equation with a competitive Michaelis-Menten equation. Direct uptake of the complex was estimated to be a major contribution only at millimolar concentrations of the complex or at very large ratios of complex to free ion concentration. The true Km for uptake of Cd2+ and Zn2+ was estimated at <5 nm, three orders of magnitude smaller than the Km measured in unbuffered solutions. Published Michaelis constants for plant uptake of Cd and Zn likely strongly overestimate physiological ones and should not be interpreted as an indicator of transporter affinity.Internalization of metals by biota is traditionally described by Michaelis-Menten kinetics (Wilkinson and Buffle, 2004). The Km corresponds to the concentration in solution at which the uptake is one-half of the maximal uptake, Fmax. The Michaelis-Menten equation relates the uptake flux, F, to the free ion concentration at the site of uptake, [M]s:If diffusion of a metal across a diffusive boundary layer adjacent to the roots is the rate-limiting step for uptake, the concentration at the site of uptake will be lower than that in the bulk solution. As a result, diffusion limitations result in an overestimate of the Km, if the concentration at the root surface is assumed to be the same as in the bulk solution, as is usually done. This bias in Km has been discussed in detail by Winne (1973) and has, for instance, been demonstrated experimentally for uptake of Glc in rabbit jejunum (Thomson and Dietschy, 1980) and for uptake of several sugars, amino acids, and bile acids in rat ileum (Wilson and Dietschy, 1974).Models used to predict ion availability and toxicity of metals by plants usually rely on the assumption that uptake is controlled by the free metal ion activity and the activity of competing ions in the bulk solution. For instance, the biotic ligand model (BLM), originally developed to predict metal toxicity to aquatic organisms, assumes that toxicity of an ion is mitigated by the presence of competing ions that bind on the biotic ligand (Paquin et al., 2002). Hough et al. (2005) used a free ion activity model taking into account proton competition effects to predict cadmium (Cd) uptake by soil-grown ryegrass (Lolium perenne). The uptake was reasonably well predicted; however, as the authors pointed out, it was not clear whether the derived constants truly represented physiological affinity constants or were just fitting parameters in a rate-limited uptake process. In case of strong diffusion limitation, ion competition effects on the internalization are expected to have negligible effect on the uptake, as the uptake is controlled by diffusion and not by internalization (Campbell et al., 2002; Degryse and Smolders, 2012).In previous studies, we found strong evidence that uptake of Cd and zinc (Zn) is limited by the diffusive transport of the free metal ion to the root at low free ion concentration. At constant free ion concentration, the uptake of Cd and Zn increased in presence of metal complexes and the contribution of the complex increased with increasing dissociation rate of the complex (Degryse et al., 2006a, 2006c). In unbuffered solutions, i.e. solutions without metal complexes, stirring increased Cd uptake by plants (Degryse and Smolders, 2012). For nickel (Ni), however, contribution of complexes was small or undetectable, and stirring did not increase the uptake (Degryse and Smolders, 2012). Given this evidence that Cd and Zn uptake by plants is limited by diffusion, it is likely that published Km values for uptake of Cd2+ and Zn2+ by plants overestimate true physiological values. This bias in the Km when a diffusive boundary layer is present has been largely ignored in plant-physiological research. Indeed, in numerous studies the Km value has been interpreted as a characteristic of the carrier-mediated transport process, while in many cases it may reflect mass transfer properties. In addition, these diffusion limitations may mask ion competition effects in the uptake.The aim of this article was (1) to present evidence that Km values determined for Cd2+ and Zn2+ uptake by plants in general reflect transport limitations rather than transporter affinity; (2) to derive true Km values by determining the Km under conditions where the uptake is not transport limited; (3) to identify the consequence of diffusion limitations on competition effects; and (4) to describe uptake of Cd, Zn, and Ni by plants in a single comprehensive model that combines competitive Michaelis-Menten kinetics with a diffusion equation.

Theoretical Framework

In the following, we qualitatively discuss the bias in the Km because of diffusion limitations, based on Figure 1. Equations are given in the “Materials and Methods” section. Figure 1A presents a case where the potential internalization flux by the plant at low concentrations is much larger than the maximal rate at which the free ion can be supplied through diffusive transport of the ion to the root surface. In this case, the actual uptake flux by the plant will approach the maximal diffusive flux, and the free ion concentration at the root surface is much smaller than that in the bulk solution. The apparent Km (Km*; determined as the concentration where the uptake flux is one-half of the maximal uptake) is much larger than the true Km value. In Figure 1B, the potential internalization flux at low concentration is of the same order of magnitude as the maximal diffusion flux. In this case, the concentration at the root surface is slightly smaller than that in the bulk solution, and there is only a slight bias in the Km value.Open in a separate windowFigure 1.Conceptual diagram of the internalization flux (Michaelis-Menten curve; full line), maximal diffusive supply from solution to root (dashed line), and actual uptake flux (dotted line) as a function of free ion concentration for two theoretical cases. Left and right sections show the same curves, on log (left) or linear (right) scale. In A, the potential internalization flux is much larger than the maximal diffusive supply at low concentrations, i.e. the uptake is strongly limited by the transport of the free ion to the root. The plant acts as a near-zero sink, and the actual plant uptake equals the maximal diffusive flux. The Km* is much larger than the true Km, and the experimental permeability P (slope of the actual uptake curve) is much smaller than the membrane permeability Pm (slope of the internalization curve). In B, the maximal diffusive flux is larger than the potential internalization flux. The uptake is not limited by diffusive transport, and the Km* and true Km are almost equal.Given the evidence that uptake of Cd and Zn by plants is diffusion limited, even in stirred nutrient solutions, we hypothesize that reported Km values of Cd2+ and Zn2+ are biased, and that the physiological Km values are much smaller. To test this hypothesis, we measured the uptake of Cd, Zn, and Ni in solution, in absence or in presence of labile hydrophilic metal complexes. If diffusion limitations prevail, the complexes dissociate within the diffusion layer and thus enhance the diffusion flux and therefore the metal uptake. By adding labile complexes in large amounts, it should be possible to abolish the diffusion barrier completely, in which case the physiological Km can be determined.In addition, the effect of competitive ions on uptake was tested. The presence of competitive ions decreases the internalization flux. However, if uptake is rate limited by the diffusive transport to the uptake site and not by internalization, competition effects should theoretically not affect the uptake flux.  相似文献   

Many studies have reported magnesium's role in nutrition as a vital factor involved in bone health. However, not enough studies have evaluated magnesium (Mg) intakes in young women. In this study, we evaluated Mg intake in healthy adults and its relation with bone quality. A total of 484 healthy young women in their early 20s were enrolled into the study. Anthropometric measurements, dietary intake survey using 3-day dietary records, and the bone quality of the calcaneus using quantitative ultrasounds were obtained and analyzed. Average age, height, and weight of the subjects were respectively 20.20?years, 161.37?cm, and 54.09?kg, respectively. Also, the average broadband ultrasound attenuation, speed of sound (SOS), stiffness index (SI), and calcaneus T scores were 114.32?dB/MHz, 1,568.45?m/s, 95.23, and 0.36?g/cm(2), respectively. The subject's average intake of energy was 1,543.19?kcal, and the average Mg intake was 185.87?mg/day. Mg intake per 1,000?kcal of consumed energy in our subjects was 119.85?mg. Subjects consumed 63.11% of the recommended intake for Mg. Food groups consumed with high Mg content in our subjects included cereals (38.62?mg), vegetables (36.97?mg), milk (16.82?mg), legumes (16.72?mg), and fish (16.50?mg). The level of Mg intake per 1,000?kcal showed significant correlation to the SOS in the calcaneus (r?=?0.110, p?相似文献   

The pace-of-life syndrome(POLS)hypothesis predicts that most variation in life history,physiology,and behavior among individuals,populations,and species falls a...  相似文献   

1. Opioid (, , ) and cannabinoid (CB1, CB2) receptors are coupled mainly toGi/Go GTP-binding proteins. The goal of the present study was to determine whether different subtypes of opioid and cannabinoid receptors, when coexpressed in the same cell, share a common reservoir, or utilize different pools, of G proteins.2. The stimulation of [35S]GTPS binding by selective opioid and cannabinoid agonists was tested in transiently transfected COS-7 cells, as well as in neuroblastoma cell lines. In COS-7 cells, cotransfection of - and -opioid receptors led to stimulation of [35S]GTPS binding by either -selective (DAMGO) or -selective (DPDPE) agonists. The combined effect of the two agonists was similar to the effect of either DAMGO or DPDPE alone, suggesting the activation of a common G-protein reservoir by the two receptor subtypes.3. The same phenomenon was observed when COS-7 cells were cotransfected with CB1 cannabinoid receptors and either - or -opioid receptors.4. On the other hand, in N18TG2 neuroblastoma cells, which endogenously coexpress CB1 and -opioid receptors, as well as in SK-N-SH neuroblastoma cells, which coexpress - and -opioid receptors, the combined effects of the various agonists (the selective cannabinoid DALN and the selective opioids DPDPE and DAMGO) were additive, implying the activation of different pools of G proteins by each receptorsubtype.5. These results suggest a fundamental difference between native and artificially transfected cells regarding the compartmentalization of receptors and GTP-binding proteins.  相似文献   

An individual′s survival and fitness depend on its ability to effectively allocate its time between competing behaviors. Sex, social tactic, season and food availability are important factors influencing activity budgets. However, few field studies have tested their influences. The African striped mouse (Rhabdomys pumilio) lives in highly seasonal habitats in southern Africa, and individuals can adopt different social tactics. We investigated seasonal changes in activity budgets of different tactics and predicted that individuals will reduce their activity in the non‐breeding season to save energy when food availability is low and that young non‐breeding adults (‘philopatrics’) invest mainly in activities related to gaining body mass to increase survival probability. We predicted old adults (‘breeders’), which bred during the previous breeding season, to invest mainly in maintenance of their social status. We conducted 90 focal observations during the non‐breeding season and 73 during the breeding season. Activity budgets of striped mice were season and tactic specific, with philopatrics, but not breeders, reducing activity when food availability was low, possibly to decrease energy expenditure. Philopatrics of both sexes foraged and basked more in the breeding season than during the non‐breeding season. Male philopatrics gained body mass and female philopatrics maintained their body mass in both seasons. Sex‐specific differences occurred during the breeding season, when female breeders foraged more than male breeders, while male breeders chased other individuals more than female breeders. These findings indicate that individuals adopting different social tactics display distinct behaviors to fulfill tactic‐specific energetic needs .  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the zinc fractional absorption of young Chinese men and women from the Shandong rural region under the routine dietary pattern by stable isotope technique. Ten men and 10 women, aged 20 to 35 years, and with a representative diet during the experiment were recruited from the Shandong rural region. Stable 67Zn was used as a tracer to label ZnCl2, and Yb was used to monitor the excretion of 67Zn in urine and feces. All volunteers were given rice containing 4.0 mg 67Zn and 1.0 mg Yb on the fourth day. Then the food and fecal samples of all subjects were collected for 12 consecutive days. The total zinc and the stable zinc isotope ratio of all samples were determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometer and thermal ionization mass spectrometer, respectively. The determination of the other nutrients was performed based on the Chinese National Standard Methods. Among volunteers, the daily intake of zinc was 15.50 mg, 103.33 % of recommended nutrient intake (RNI, set by the Chinese Nutrition Society) in men and 15.43 mg, 134.17 % in women. The fractional absorption of Zn was 23.42 ± 2.23 % in men, and 22.49 ± 2.19 % in women. The protein candidates got from the typical diets was 93.96 % of RNI in women. Calcium and ascorbic acid intakes were 76.23 % of RNI and 27.91 % of RNI in men, respectively and 51.17 % of RNI and 34.23 % of RNI in women, respectively. Our results showed that a typical meal for someone in the Shandong rural region presented an adequate intake of zinc and a moderate Zn bioavailability. The shortage of protein and the inappropriate protein pattern may play important roles in reducing zinc bioavailability.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that mood disorders and depressive status may be accompanied by lowered zinc status in the body, and adequate consumption of zinc increases a general perceived well-being. The main objective of this study was to assess the correlation between serum zinc concentrations and dietary zinc intakes with depression scores in university female students. In the first phase, Beck's depression questionnaire was applied in a random sampling of 308 selected 20–25-year-old female students (one third of total students in Ahvaz Jondi-Shapour University of Medical Sciences Golestan dormitories) to assess the major depressive disorder (MDD) scales. Then, in the second phase, 23 students who identified as having moderate and severe depression were selected as the case group, and 23 healthy age matched were chosen as the controls. Each of them completed a 12-item semiquantitative food frequency questionnaire containing the main food sources of zinc in the usual dietary patterns and also a 24-h food recall questionnaire to assure the daily zinc intakes. Daily zinc intakes were obtained by multiplying each portion size by its zinc content using food tables. A 5-ml blood sample was taken for further serum zinc status using flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry technique. Pearson's r was used to show the correlation between quantitative variables. Both daily zinc intake and serum zinc concentrations of MDD group were about two thirds of healthy index (p < 0.01). Depressed individuals used to eat lower servings of red meats and chicken as the main food sources of zinc in students' usual diets (p < 0.001). Consumption of other foods as the sources of zinc was not significantly different in two groups. A linear significant correlation between dietary zinc intakes and its serum levels was seen in samples (r = 0.62; p < 0.001) and MDD students (r = 0.55; p < 0.001). There was a linear inverse correlation between Beck questionnaire scores and serum zinc concentrations in all of the investigated students(r = -0.65; p < 0.001) and MDD girls (r = −0.71; p < 0.001). Beck questionnaire scores and diatary zinc intakes were also inversly correlated (r = −0.58; p < 0.001). However, no statistical correlation was seen between these two variables in MDD cases. In depressed female students, dietary zinc intake is correlated to its serum concentrations; however, the serum zinc levels are inversely correlated to depression scales. Consumption of the main dietary sources of zinc such as red meats and chicken should be encouraged in young depressed girls.  相似文献   

It has been shown that the trace elements and lipids play role in the growth, development and maintenance of bones. We aimed to investigate serum selenium (Se), zinc (Zn), copper (Cu) and lipid (total cholesterol, triglyceride (TG), high density lipoprotein-cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein-cholesterol) levels in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis, osteopenia and in healthy controls, and to determine the relationship between Se, Zn, Cu and lipid parameters and bone mineral density (BMD). The study included 107 postmenopausal women; 35 healthy (group 1), 37 osteopenic (group 2) and 35 osteoporotic (group 3). The women in all three groups were carefully matched for body mass index (BMI). Serum concentrations of Se, Zn and Cu were measured by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Plasma Se, Cu, Zn and lipid levels were similar in all groups (p?>?0.05). When we combined the women in each of the three groups, and considered them as one group (n?=?107) we found a positive correlation between BMI and lumbar vertebra BMD, femur neck BMD, femur total BMD; a positive correlation between TG and femur neck BMD, femur total BMD; a positive correlation between Zn and lumbar vertebra BMD (total T score) (p??0.05). Although BMI has a positive effect on BMD, trace elements and lipids, except Zn and TG, did not directly and correlatively influence BMD. Further studies are needed to clarify the role and relationship of trace elements and lipid parameters in postmenopausal osteoporosis.  相似文献   

Females in numerous rodent species engage in communal nesting and breeding, in which they share one or more nests to rear their young. A potential cost of communal nesting and breeding is that mothers divert resources to unrelated offspring. One way mothers could avoid this cost is to recognize and favour their own young over unrelated offspring when allocating maternal effort. We assessed whether female degus (Octodon degus), a communally nesting and breeding caviomorph rodent, discriminate between their own and unrelated offspring during lactation. Female degus previously have been shown to distinguish between their own and unrelated pups when exposed to odours from both. We measured pup discrimination based on differences in the retrieval behaviour of females that were in early or intermediate lactation directed towards their own and unrelated offspring; offspring presented were of similar or different age. Before any event of pup retrieval, lactating females spent similar amounts of time and interacted to a similar extent with their own and unrelated pups. During pup retrieval, all lactating females transported both pups to the nest. Neither relatedness to pups, nor pup‐age differences, influenced the order in which pups were retrieved to the nest. Dams waited similar amounts of time before retrieving the first pup when the first transported young was their own or unrelated. Likewise, females waited similar amounts of time before retrieving the second pup when the pup transported first was their own or unrelated. The time between first and second pup transport events was longer when dams were in early when compared with intermediate lactation, but only when pups were of similar age. All experimental subjects nursed unrelated pups after they were retrieved. Collectively, our results do not support the hypothesis that communally breeding female degus use their recognition ability to discriminate against unrelated offspring in favour of their own young.  相似文献   



To assess the effects of creatine supplementation, associated or not with strength training, upon emotional and cognitive measures in older woman.


This is a 24-week, parallel-group, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial. The individuals were randomly allocated into one of the following groups (n=14 each): 1) placebo, 2) creatine supplementation, 3) placebo associated with strength training or 4) creatine supplementation associated with strength training. According to their allocation, the participants were given creatine (4 x 5 g/d for 5 days followed by 5 g/d) or placebo (dextrose at the same dosage) and were strength trained or not. Cognitive function, assessed by a comprehensive battery of tests involving memory, selective attention, and inhibitory control, and emotional measures, assessed by the Geriatric Depression Scale, were evaluated at baseline, after 12 and 24 weeks of the intervention. Muscle strength and food intake were evaluated at baseline and after 24 weeks.


After the 24-week intervention, both training groups (ingesting creatine supplementation and placebo) had significant reductions on the Geriatric Depression Scale scores when compared with the non-trained placebo group (p = 0.001 and p = 0.01, respectively) and the non-trained creatine group (p < 0.001 for both comparison). However, no significant differences were observed between the non-trained placebo and creatine (p = 0.60) groups, or between the trained placebo and creatine groups (p = 0.83). Both trained groups, irrespective of creatine supplementation, had better muscle strength performance than the non-trained groups. Neither strength training nor creatine supplementation altered any parameter of cognitive performance. Food intake remained unchanged.


Creatine supplementation did not promote any significant change in cognitive function and emotional parameters in apparently healthy older individuals. In addition, strength training per se improved emotional state and muscle strength, but not cognition, with no additive effects of creatine supplementation.

Trial Registration

Clinicaltrials.gov NCT01164020  相似文献   

应用三个种子含锌量不同的小麦品系为实验材料,研究了在缺锌和供锌条件下锌在小麦幼苗中的分配规律。实验证明在缺锌的条件下,小麦幼苗植株含锌量与种子的含锌量成正相关。锌在三个品系小麦不同叶位中的分配规律是一致的,但种子含锌量低的小麦向幼叶中分配的锌量比例大。在供锌的条件下,种子含锌量高的品系地上部的总锌量比低锌品系高。  相似文献   

Longitudinal studies on bone mass decline for healthy women are sparse. We performed a retrospective longitudinal study to evaluate the factor associated with bone mass changes at the lumbar spine in healthy Korean pre- and perimenopausal women over the age of 40. We examined the relation of blood tests including thyroid function tests at baseline and follow-up to the annual percentage changes in average BMD of L2-L4 (A%ΔLSBMD). Four hundred and forty-three subjects without diseases or medications pertaining to bone metabolism were analyzed. The mean A%ΔLSBMD in these subjects was -0.45%/year. Though a significant correlation was observed between the A%ΔLSBMD and age, serum thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) level, total cholesterol (TC) level, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) level, and estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) at baseline and follow-up, there was a weak correlation between A%ΔLSBMD and these variables. From multiple linear regression analyses, the percent body fat, age, serum TSH level, serum uric acid level, and the menopause at follow-up were showed to have a significant association with the A%ΔLSBMD. Unlike age, percent body fat, and menopause at follow-up, which had a negative association with the A%ΔLSBMD, serum TSH level and serum uric acid level, had a positive association with the A%ΔLSBMD. The results from our study showed that the notable risk factors of BMD loss at the lumbar spine in population of our study were advancing age, menopause, higher percent body fat, lower normal TSH, and lower serum uric acid levels.  相似文献   

Research has investigated the participation of zinc transport proteins and metallothionein in the metabolism of this mineral. However, studies about the genetic expression of these proteins in obese patients are scarce. The study determined the expression of zinc transporter protein codifying genes (ZnT-1, Zip-1 and Zip-3) and of metallothionein in 55 obese women, aged between 20 and 56 years. The assessment of body composition was carried out using anthropometric measurements and bioelectrical impedance. Zinc intake was obtained by recording diet over a 3-day period, and the nutritional analysis was carried out using NutWin software version 1.5. The plasmatic and erythrocytary zinc were analyzed by atomic absorption spectrophotometry (λ = 213. 9 nm). The determination of mRNA expression of the zinc transporter proteins and metallothionein was carried out using blood, using the RT-PCR method. The mean values of body mass index were 37.9 ± 5.5 kg/m2. The average intake of zinc was 9.4 ± 2.3 mg/day. The analysis of the zinc plasma concentrations showed values of 58.4 ± 10.9 μg/dL. The mean values of zinc in the erythroytes were 38.7 ± 9.1 μg/g Hb. The metallothionein gene had a higher expression in the blood, when compared to zinc transporters ZnT-1, Zip-1, and Zip-3 (p = 0.01). The study shows that there are alterations in the biochemical parameters of zinc in obese patients assessed, as well as higher expression of the codifying gene metallothionein, when compared to the investigated zinc transporters.  相似文献   

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