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Habitat use of the endangered chevron skink (Oligosoma homalonotum) was investigated between 1997 and 2002 at three sites on Great Barrier Island, New Zealand. Habitat preferences were determined by pitfall trapping and radio-tracking studies, and a comparison of catchments with and without chevron skinks. Over the course of the research, 88 skinks were encountered. Significantly more skinks were caught in pitfall traps set in stream habitat than in alluvial terrace, boulder bank or ridge habitat. Eight chevron skinks were radio-tracked for periods between three and eight days, and 118 fixes were taken from 55 different retreat sites. When compared with randomly selected sites, chevron skinks were more likely to be found at sites that had crevices, debris dams and trees than those that did not. The further a site was away from the stream edge, the less likely it was to be a chevron skink retreat site. Chevron skinks were more likely to be found in catchments with narrow streams with rocky, as opposed to silty, substrates. We recommend that future management of chevron skinks incorporate sites that contain mature forest and rocky streams. While forest habitats on Great Barrier Island appear to be increasing in area, chevron skinks may still be declining due to the effects of introduced predators.  相似文献   

林植华  樊晓丽  陆洪良  罗来高  计翔 《生态学报》2010,30(10):2541-2548
在许多蜥蜴种类中,尾自切是一种主要的逃避天敌捕食的防御性策略。虽然断尾使蜥蜴获得短期的生存利益,但同时也需为此承受多方面的代价。利用从丽水采集的117条蓝尾石龙子来评价该种动物断尾的能量和运动代价。81条(约69%)石龙子至少经历过1次尾自切。断尾个体中,原先断尾事件的发生频率在不同尾区间存在显著差别,但两性间无差别。将实验组17条具完整尾的石龙子依次切去3个尾段,然后测定断尾前后石龙子的运动表现以及每个尾段、身体各部分中的脂肪含量。另15条具完整尾的石龙子作为对照组,仅测量其运动表现。尾部的脂肪含量与尾基部宽呈正相关,说明具较粗尾部的石龙子一般具有相当较多的尾部储能。尾部脂肪含量随尾长呈非等比例分布,大部分脂肪集中于尾近基部端。断尾几乎不影响蓝尾石龙子的运动表现,仅当大部分尾部被切除时疾跑速有较小程度的降低。显示了蓝尾石龙子因遭遇天敌捕食攻击或其它因素作用而产生的部分断尾可能并不会导致严重的能量和运动代价。由于野外种群蓝尾石龙子个体的断尾情况主要发生在尾近基部或中部位置,因此可以认为自然条件下该种动物的尾自切通常会遭受明显的能量和运动代价。  相似文献   

I tested several hypotheses regarding the antipredator behaviorsof ground skinks (Scincella lateralis) based on a simple-optimalitymodel for avoiding predation. Field studies demonstrated thatS. lateralis with lower body temperatures fled earlier in predatoryevents when the predator was farther away than did warmer animal.This may reflect a compensatory shift in behavior related todecreased sprint speeds observed at lower temperatures. Thesedifferences in maximum sprint speeds at five substrate temperatureswere not linked to morphological characteristics such as mass,snout-vent length, or tail length. Body temperatures of S. lateraliswere highly correlated with substrate temperatures in the field,and these environmental temperatures correlated with the dailyand seasonal activity schedules of S. lateralis. The thermoregulatorystrategy of ground skinks closely parallels theoretical predictionsfor forest-dwelling lizards based on optimum performance curves.In the laboratory, S. lateralis did not alter flight responsesbased on the availability of cover objects or tail conditionof the lizards. Escape behaviors of males and females did notdiffer. Likewise, S. lateralis. showed no differences in responseto differently sized predator models. Differences were foundbetween the reactions of adult and juvenile skinks to an approachingpredator model. Also, S. lateralis collected in Louisiana fledfrom the same predator model with greater frequency than S.lateralis collected in Oklahoma  相似文献   

Matrix population models, elasticity analysis and loop analysis can potentially provide powerful techniques for the analysis of life histories. Data from a capture–recapture study on a population of southern highland water skinks (Eulamprus tympanum) were used to construct a matrix population model. Errors in elasticities were calculated by using the parametric bootstrap technique. Elasticity and loop analyses were then conducted to identify the life history stages most important to fitness. The same techniques were used to investigate the relative importance of fast versus slow growth, and rapid versus delayed reproduction. Mature water skinks were long‐lived, but there was high immature mortality. The most sensitive life history stage was the subadult stage. It is suggested that life history evolution in E. tympanum may be strongly affected by predation, particularly by birds. Because our population declined over the study, slow growth and delayed reproduction were the optimal life history strategies over this period. Although the techniques of evolutionary demography provide a powerful approach for the analysis of life histories, there are formidable logistical obstacles in gathering enough high‐quality data for robust estimates of the critical parameters.  相似文献   

Abstract Coppertail skinks (Ctenotus taeniolatus) are medium‐sized diurnal lizards that are widespread in eastern Australia. Field surveys on sandstone outcrops in the Sydney region showed that these animals use available rocks non‐randomly: coppertails were found under large, sun‐exposed rocks on deep soil. Choice trials in the laboratory documented selection of retreat sites that were warm, with substrate preferences shifting in a diel cycle. Lizards selected retreats with rock substrates during the day but with sandy substrates at night. Rocky retreats attain higher temperatures during daylight hours, but burrows in sand beneath rocks may provide greater protection against ingress by nocturnal predators. During fieldwork we rarely found lizards under rocks with either ants or centipedes, suggesting that coppertails may avoid these predatory invertebrates. Tongue‐flick trials showed that the lizards could discriminate among common ant species based on chemosensory cues, but apparently could not detect centipede chemical cues. In experimental trials, the lizards did not avoid retreat sites scented by either ants or centipedes. Our data thus suggest that retreat‐site selection in coppertails is driven by abiotic cues (rock size, sun exposure and substrate type) that may confer fitness benefits in terms of thermoregulation and predator avoidance, with biotic cues playing a less important role.  相似文献   

The non‐linearity and fear hypothesis predicts that certain non‐linear sounds are one way to evoke antipredator responses in both birds and mammals. This hypothesis, however, has not been studied in non‐vocal species or in reptiles. Such a study would be important because if non‐linear sounds are evocative even in a species that does not produce sounds, then there may be generally salient cues of risk in these sounds. We asked whether non‐vocal lizards, white‐bellied copper‐striped skinks (Emoia cyanura), respond to experimentally broadcast non‐linearities. This species is ideal to ask the question in because prior research has shown that they respond to predator sounds and alarm calls of other species even though they are not vocal. We conducted playback experiments with three computer‐generated simulated non‐linearities to assess whether or not skinks increased antipredator behavior after hearing them. We controlled for novelty by broadcasting a 3‐kHz, 500‐ms pure tone and tropical kingbird (Tyrannus melancholicus) song. Our treatments consisted of a 3‐kHz, 400‐ms pure tone followed by a frequency shift up to 5‐kHz for 100‐ms, a 3‐kHz, 400‐ms pure tone to frequency shift down to 1‐kHz for 100‐ms, and a pure tone followed by 100‐ms of white noise. Following a total of 222 playbacks, we categorized responses into looking, locomotion, and high locomotion, focusing on how skinks changed their rates of time allocation from baseline. We examined 95% confidence intervals to identify whether skinks responded to playbacks and fitted general linear models followed by pairwise comparisons to ask whether skinks discriminated between broadcast stimuli. We found that skinks were especially responsive to frequency downshifts: They significantly increased looking and locomotion, consistent with our predictions based on the non‐linearity and fear hypothesis. Surprisingly, they decreased rates of looking behavior after hearing frequency upshifts, possibly suggesting an increase in relaxed behavior. While skinks responded to noise by increasing their rate of locomotion, this response was not significantly different from controls. We conclude that skinks increase antipredator behavior after hearing downshifts more than any other type of non‐linearity. This provides some support for the non‐linearity and fear hypothesis; even non‐vocal species may respond fearfully to specific types of non‐linear sounds.  相似文献   

In recent years, human tick‐borne disease occurrence has risen in Oklahoma, U.S.A., but year‐round data on tick presence in frequently used recreational areas is not widely available. In this study, ticks were collected monthly for one year at residential and non‐residential sites in a suburban area of Oklahoma County, OK, U.S.A. At each trapping site, dry ice traps were used in both woodland and grassland areas and fabric tick drags were used in grassland areas. Four species were collected from each park: Amblyomma americanum, Amblyomma maculatum, Dermacentor variabilis, and Ixodes scapularis. Prior to this study, A. americanum was the only species with an established population in Oklahoma County. Consistent with this, A. americanum was collected in all months of the year and accounted for over 90% of ticks collected at each site. Based on our tick survey, we report that A. maculatum, D. variabilis, and I. scapularis, which were each collected in numbers greater than six within a single sampling occasion, are now each confirmed as established populations in Oklahoma County.  相似文献   

Climate change related risks and impacts on ectotherms will be mediated by habitats and their influence on local thermal environments. While many studies have documented morphological and genetic aspects of niche divergence across habitats, few have examined thermal performance across such gradients and directly linked this variation to contemporary climate change impacts. In this study, we quantified variation in thermal performance across a gradient from forest to gallery forest‐savanna mosaic in Cameroon for a skink species (Trachylepis affinis) known to be diverging genetically and morphologically across that habitat gradient. Based on these results, we then applied a mechanistic modelling approach (NicheMapR) to project changes in potential activity, as constrained by thermal performance, in response to climate change. As a complimentary approach, we also compared mechanistic projections with climate‐driven changes in habitat suitability based on species distribution models of forest and ecotone skinks. We found that ecotone skinks may benefit from warming and experience increased activity while forest skinks will likely face a drastic decrease in thermal suitability across the forest zone. Species distribution models projected that thermal suitability for forest skinks in coastal forests would decline but in other parts of the forest zone skinks are projected to experience increased thermal suitability. The results here highlight the utility of mechanistic approaches in revealing and understanding patterns of climate change vulnerability which may not be detected with species distribution models alone. This study also emphasizes the importance of intra‐specific physiological variation, and habitat‐specific thermal performance relationships in particular, in determining warming responses.  相似文献   

Animals must balance the benefits of predator avoidance with costs. Costs of predator avoidance, such as being forced to spend long periods inactive, should select for careful discrimination among predator species. Although prey responses to multiple predators have been well researched across many taxa, no studies have tested whether lizards discriminate among larger lizard predators. We examined the responses of three species of skink to two species of predatory goanna, one that occasionally consumes skinks, and the other a skink specialist. Three litter‐dwelling, tropical skink species, Carlia rostralis, C. rubrigularis and C. storri, were given a choice between a retreat site treated with the odour of one of the goanna species, and an odourless control. The two goanna species used for stimulus scents were: Varanus tristis, a species that consumes skinks as a major proportion of its diet, and Varanus varius, a species that consumes skinks occasionally. Both goannas are broadly sympatric with all three skink species. Carlia rostralis and C. storri both avoided the scent of V. tristis, whereas C. rubrigularis did not. However, no skink species avoided the odour of V. varius. Prey are clearly able to avoid predators based on chemical cues, and can discriminate among similar predators that pose different levels of threat.  相似文献   

The striped skink (Oligosoma striatum) is a poorly known New Zealand endemic species rarely seen in the wild despite ongoing efforts to locate specimens. It is uncertain whether its threatened status is due to low numbers, or to unusual habitat use and activity patterns that make it difficult to detect. Anecdotal reports indicate the species may be partly arboreal. We carried out captive-based behavioural comparisons between striped skinks and the common terrestrial brown skink (Oligosoma zelandicum). Brown skinks are of similar mass to striped skinks and overlap in geographic range and habitat, but are easily captured by hand and pitfall trapping in the wild. They were therefore a suitable comparison from which to assess activity levels and arboreal tendencies in striped skinks, with the aim of improving survey methods. Point samples and total frequencies of behaviours were collected using time-lapse video recordings taken concurrently of individuals of each species occupying identical enclosures. Striped skinks had significantly higher levels of diurnal activity than brown skinks. They also showed periods of nocturnal activity associated with high moisture levels. When active, the types of behaviours carried out by each species were very similar, as were the proportions of active time spent carrying out each behaviour. Striped skinks spent significantly longer periods at greater heights within the enclosure than brown skinks, indicating stronger arboreal tendencies. High levels of arboreal activity and in particular nocturnal activity may make striped skinks more vulnerable to introduced predators such as rodents and possums. In order to accurately assess the status and carry out long-term monitoring of the striped skink, new survey and capture techniques will be required. Arboreal traps, visual canopy surveys and surveying felled trees are recommended.  相似文献   

We describe the diet of introduced European hedgehogs Erinaceus europaeus (Linnaeus, 1758) in a New Zealand dryland system and provide the first quantitative analysis of food selectivity for this species. We also describe and compare the diets of nine hedgehogs and measure dietary overlap between these individuals. The most commonly eaten foods were beetles, including rare native species (in 94% of droppings), earwigs (92%), spiders (25%) and native skinks (14%). Remains of at least three skinks were found in one dropping. Earwigs and darkling beetles (Tenebrionidae) were the most preferred food types, and Hymenoptera and cylindrical bark beetles (Colydiidae) were least preferred. Consumption of most foods mirrored their availability. Most individuals’ diets conformed to the pattern seen at the population scale, with 21–54% of dry faecal mass derived from beetles and 13–39% from earwigs. One animal frequently consumed large amounts of fruit. Dietary overlap between pairs of individuals was high (mean Horn’s index, 0.84). This may be the result of limited opportunities to diversify in a very moisture-limited and low diversity habitat.  相似文献   

Although the Louisiana black bear (Ursus americanus luteolus) is currently listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act, there have been no attempts to estimate range-wide abundance. This subspecies was thought to occupy a near contiguous range across southern Mississippi, Louisiana and east Texas but is now restricted to three isolated areas in Louisiana. In 1964, Louisiana initiated a restocking program in which black bears from Minnesota were introduced into two of these areas. It is not clear how the additions affected population structure or if substantial breeding occurred between native and introduced bears. Using baited sites to snare hair samples, and microsatellite DNA analysis to distinguish individuals, we estimated abundance of two geographically isolated bear populations in south central Louisiana: Inland and Coastal. Additionally, we examined genetic variation both within and between the two populations. Mark recapture analysis of the distribution of individual captures during two primary sampling periods resulted in population estimates of 77 ± 9 for Coastal and 41 ± 6 for Inland. Genetic analysis revealed significant population differentiation (F ST = 0.206) between the two populations. The apparently smaller Inland population exhibited more diversity than the Coastal, which suggests that the genetic structure of the Inland population has been influenced by the reintroduction. Both of these populations are isolated and face considerable demographic and genetic threats, thus conservation measures to protect both are warranted. However, the Coastal population is more representative of Louisiana black bears prior to reintroduction and special consideration should be given to insure its integrity.  相似文献   

The successful eradication of introduced rodents from islets off the coast of Mauritius has led to local conservation bodies investigating the possibility of translocation as a measure of safeguarding endemic reptile populations. The present study was the first to determine the habitat and microhabitat requirements of Telfair's skinks (Leiolopisma telfairii) on Round Island, Mauritius, with a view to aiding future translocation projects to islands within their historic range. Contrasting preferences found for Telfair's skink at macro- and micro- habitat levels underline the importance of sampling at multiple ecological scales in such investigations. Significantly fewer sightings of L. telfairii were recorded in bare rock habitats compared to more vegetated habitats. Conversely, at a microhabitat scale principal component analysis indicated structural characteristics were the primary determinant of microhabitat choice. The first dietary analysis of Telfair's skinks confirmed their status as omnivores. Cockroaches (Blattodea spp.) appeared to be a primary food source. Four exotic plant species were also present in faecal samples and the potential for L. telfairii to aid their dispersal is discussed. Implications for the long-term management and proposed translocation of Telfair's skinks are discussed.  相似文献   

Detailed investigations of ecology and life history of lizards in New Zealand/Aotearoa are needed to inform their conservation and management. An early demographic study of copper skinks (Oligosoma aeneum) in a suburban garden was undertaken in Lower Hutt using mark–recapture methods, sampling weekly from March 1971 to December 1973. Oligosoma aeneum were seen on 1372 occasions, with 972 captures of 169 individuals. The maximum snout–vent length was 66 mm, 33% of skinks had complete tails, and colour differences suggested sexual signalling and warrant further study. Most captures occurred over November–March, with fewest over June–August. The estimated spring/summer population size in the garden (± SEM) was 83.6 (± 9.4) skinks, and the annual survival rate (± SEM) was 38.0% (± 16.0%). This is one of the few New Zealand lizard studies that have extended through all months of the year and it adds to limited information on lizard populations in suburban areas.  相似文献   

Delayed autonomous self-pollination allows outcrossing to occur while also ensuring that seeds are produced in the absence of pollen vectors. We investigated variation in the efficacy of this pollination mechanism in populations of Hibiscus laevis. Recurvature of stylar branches occurred after 1 d of anthesis, and in plants from Ohio, Illinois, Arkansas, and Oklahoma this behavior resulted in autonomous selfing (surprisingly, stylar movement was facultative in that it did not take place when the stigmas were already pollinated). In contrast to these more northern populations, the distance between anthers and stigmas was too great to allow autonomous selfing in plants from Texas, Mississippi, and Louisiana. Greenhouse studies of plants from Ohio demonstrated that autonomous selfing resulted in an average of 29.5 seeds per flower, as compared to 59.9 seeds per flower from hand-pollination of stigmas with self pollen. In an assessment of the possible significance of this selfing mode, emasculated flowers did not set significantly fewer seeds in a natural stand in Ohio, suggesting that few seeds resulted from autonomous selfing at that site. Modest inbreeding depression was detected at this population. Our results suggest that delayed autonomous selfing is more common in northern populations, where it may facilitate population establishment and persistence at times when pollinators are scarce.  相似文献   

We used the Chinese skink (Eumeces chinensis) as an experimental model to study influence of food type on specific dynamic action (SDA) of feeding. Thirty-three adult males collected from a natural population were divided equally into three (one control and two experimental) groups. We starved all skinks at 30 degrees C for 3 days and then provided the experimental skinks with a single meal consisting of either mealworms or meat [the flesh of the bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana)]. Food ingested by skinks of the two experimental groups differed in lipid content and lean dry mass but not in total dry mass and energy. Defecation following feeding occurred slightly earlier in skinks ingesting mealworms (mean=41.7 h) than in those ingesting meat (mean=47.7 h), but the difference was not significant. Analyses of variance (ANOVAs) with repeated measures showed that temporal variation in oxygen consumption over 72 h after feeding was evident in the experimental skinks but not in the control ones. Oxygen consumption was higher in the experimental skinks than in the control ones during the time interval between 4.5 and 36 h after feeding. The peak metabolic rate was greater but occurred later in skinks ingesting meat than in those ingesting mealworms. The estimated amounts of oxygen consumed by mealworm-fed, meat-fed and unfed skinks at 30 degrees C over 72 h after feeding were 356.5, 393.8 and 295.2 mL, respectively. Our results provide a support for the previous prediction that SDA is affected by types of food ingested by animals as skinks ingesting mealworms and meat differed in the time to reach a peak metabolic rate, the level of the peak metabolic rate and the magnitude of the SDA effect.  相似文献   

Allozyme variability of 91 brown hares (Lepus europaeus) from seven regions in Greece was compared to existing data of Bulgarian populations to test the hypothesis of the occurrence of specific alleles in Greece, likely stemming from an isolated Late Pleistocene refugial population in the southern Balkans. This hypothesis is particularly suggested by some subfossil Late Pleistocene hare remains in Greece and the reported high mtDNA diversity in Greek hares. Allozymic diversity could be higher in Greek hares than in hares from neighboring regions as a result of the accumulation of variants in a long-lasting Pleistocene refugium. Conversely, Greek hares could exhibit reduced genetic diversity because of long-lasting low effective population sizes during the Late Glacial Maximum and a lower chance of postglacial gene flow from other populations into this rather marginal part in the southern Balkans. Horizontal starch gel electrophoresis of proteins from 35~loci revealed three alleles (Es-1 –162, Pep-2 114, Mpi 88) at low frequencies, which were not found in Bulgarian or any other brown hare population. In contrast, some alleles from the populations from Bulgaria and other regions of Europe were absent in the Greek samples. Population genetic statistics indicated only a slight tendency of increased gene pool diversity in Greek hares, little substructuring in Greek and Bulgarian populations, respectively, as well as an only slightly lower level of gene flow between the two neighboring regions, as compared to the gene flow within each region. The results conform to the hypothesis of a Late Pleistocene refugial population in the southern Balkans, with some few specific nuclear gene pool characteristics, but little effect on the overall genetic differentiation between Greek and Bulgarian hares.  相似文献   

Historically, Australia has been important in the study of, and the development of hypotheses aimed at understanding, the evolution of viviparity in amniote vertebrates. Part of the importance of Australia in the field results from a rich fauna of skinks, including one of the broadest ranges of diversity of placental structures within one geographic region. During the last decade, we have focussed our studies on one lineage, the Eugongylus group of skinks of the subfamily Lygosominae because it contains oviparous species and some that exhibit complex placentae. Our specific objective has been to attempt to understand the fundamental steps required when viviparity, and ultimately complex placentae, evolve from oviparous ancestors. We have taken a three-prong approach: (1) detailed study of the morphology and ontogeny of the placentae of key species at the light microscope level; (2) study of changes in the uterus associated with pregnancy, or the plasma membrane transformation; and (3) measures of the net exchange of nutrients across the placenta or eggshell of key species. In turn, we have found that: (1) details of the morphology and ontogeny of placentae are more complex that originally envisaged, and that the early conclusions about a sequence in the evolution of complex placentae was naïve; (2) a plasma membrane transformation occurs in viviparous, but not oviparous lizards, and thus may be a fundamental feature of the evolution of viviparity in amniotes; and (3) species with more complex chorioallantoic placentae tend to transport more nutrients across the placenta during pregnancy than those with simpler chorioallantoic placentae but, because the correlation is not tight, the importance of the omphaloplacenta in transporting nutrients may have been overlooked. Also, the composition of yolk of highly matrotrophic species is broadly similar, but not identical, to the yolk of oviparous species. Some of the interpretation of our data within the context of our specific objective is not yet possible, pending the publication of a robust phylogeny of Eugongylus group skinks. Once such a phylogeny is available, we are in a position to propose specific hypotheses about the evolution of viviparity that can be tested using another lineage of amniotes, possibly Mabuya group skinks.  相似文献   

Rock boulders or ‘bush‐rocks’ provide essential habitat for many organisms and there has been interest in rehabilitating areas denuded of rock with artificial substitutes. We examine whether the density and size of bush rock influences the density of the coppertail skink (Ctenotus taeniolatus). The success of habitat rehabilitation is contingent on dispersal of rock‐dwelling organisms into areas that have been remediated. To gauge the likelihood of this we characterize geneflow of coppertail skinks among discrete patches of rocky habitat associated with ridge tops. We genotyped 154 individuals from seven localities at six microsatellite DNA loci and from a subset of these individuals we obtained sequence data from the mitochondrial ND4 region. Our field survey established that lizard density was positively associated with the availability of suitably sized bush‐rock (P < 0.001), highlighting the importance of maintaining this habitat element, or replacing it where it has been lost. Despite the presence of habitat features that might be presumed as barriers to dispersal for coppertail skinks, such as intervening gullies and dense vegetation, our genetic data demonstrated high levels of geneflow among rocky ridge tops. Levels of partitioning estimated by global FST were significant but low for both microsatellite (FST = 0.020) and mitochondrial data (FST = 0.113). Spatial autocorrelation of genotypic similarity supports our conclusion of regular longer‐distance geneflow, and we infer lower levels of dispersal in juveniles than in adults. This study suggests that dispersal of coppertail skinks can be sufficient to naturally colonize areas of restored habitat.  相似文献   

Sea oats, Uniola paniculata, is a characteristic and often dominant perennial dune grass of the southeastern Atlantic and Gulf coasts of the United States. However, U. paniculata loses its dominance and becomes almost nonexistent along a relatively narrow portion of its range, from west of the Mississippi River delta, Louisiana, through northeastern Texas. In Louisiana, U. paniculata is abundant on the Chandeleur Islands east of the delta, but along the barrier island chain west of the delta only three sizable populations have been identified, all on the Caminada-Moreau coast. We measured seed production and germination response to various moisture and temperature combinations in these populations. Seed production was found to range from one to three orders of magnitude less than what has been reported in areas where U. paniculata is dominant. Rates ranged from 0.091 seeds/spikelet on the Chandeleur Islands to only 0.002 seeds/spikelet on the Caminada-Moreau coast; one population failed to produce any seeds at all. Seed germination in an 18.3–35.0 C alternating thermoperiod was high (65–88%) after exposure of the seeds to a variety of pregermination moisture and temperature conditions. Exposure to 4.4 C during imbibition did not increase percentage germination, but did significantly increase the rate of germination over the pregermination treatments that did not include moisture. The very low seed production rates of these populations could explain the limited distribution of this species along the Louisiana coast, where overwash events are frequent, and rates of coastline retreat often exceed the highest measured rates of vegetative lateral spread.  相似文献   

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