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The phylogeny of Phytosciara Frey, Prosciara Frey, Dolichosciara Tuomikoski (together forming Phytosciara sensu Tuomikoski), Lobosciara Steffan and Bradysia Winnertz was studied by parsimony analysis using the computer programs Pee‐Wee and NONA. The analysis was based on sixty‐four morphological characters from adult males, coded for thirty‐nine ingroup and two outgroup terminals. Three cladograms of the maximum fit (Pee‐Wee) and one of the minimum length (NONA) were obtained, some of them with polytomies. Many characters showed much homoplasy in the cladograms. The solution by the fittest cladograms was chosen as the main hypothesis of the phylogeny. Of the groups studied, only Lobosciara appeared monophyletic. The relationships of the taxa in their now revised monophyletic sense are: Dolichosciara + (Lobosciara + ((‘Prosciara’ fuscina group + ‘P’. vulcanata) + (‘P’. mima group + ((‘P’. perfida + (Bradysia + Phytosciara)) + Prosciara)))). Phytosciara Frey, Prosciara, Dolichosciara and Lobosciara in their revised concepts are regarded as genera.  相似文献   

The phylogeny and taxonomy of the drosophilids have been the subject of extensive investigations. Recently, Grimaldi (1990) has challenged some common conceptions, and several sets of molecular data have provided information not always compatible with other taxonomic knowledge or consistent with each other. We present the coding nucleotide sequence of the Cu,Zn superoxide dismutase gene (Sod) for 15 species, which include the medfly Ceratitis capitata (family Tephritidae), the genera Chymomyza and Zaprionus, and representatives of the subgenera Dorsilopha, Drosophila, Hirtodrosophila, Scaptodrosophila, and Sophophora. Phylogenetic analysis of the Sod sequences indicates that Scaptodrosophila and Chymomyza branched off the main lineage before the major Drosophila radiations. The presence of a second intron in Chymomyza and Scaptodrosophila (as well as in the medfly) confirms the early divergence of these two taxa. This second intron became deleted from the main lineage before the major Drosophila radiations. According to the Sod sequences, Sophophora (including the melanogaster, obscura, saltans, and willistoni species groups) is older than the subgenus Drosophila; a deep branch splits the willistoni and saltans groups from the melanogaster and obscura groups. The genus Zaprionus and the subgenera Dorsilopha and Hirtodrosophila appear as branches of a prolific “bush” that also embraces the numerous species of the subgenus Drosophila. The Sod results corroborate in many, but not all, respects Throckmorton's (King, R.C. (ed) Handbook of Genetics. Plenum Press, New York, pp. 421–469, 1975) phylogeny; are inconsistent in some important ways with Grimaldi's (Bull. Am. Museum Nat. Hist. 197:1–139, 1990) cladistic analysis; and also are inconsistent with some inferences based on mitochondrial DNA data. The Sod results manifest how, in addition to the information derived from nucleotide sequences, structural features (i.e., the deletion of an intron) can help resolve phylogenetic issues. Correspondence requests to: F. J. Ayala  相似文献   

Cloeodes Traver is atypical among Baetidae (Ephemeroptera) because it seems to possess a unique Pantropical distribution. Thirty‐nine species have been described to date, 26 from the Neotropics, four from the Southern Nearctic, seven from the Afrotropics and two from the Oriental region. Several genera have been considered related to Cloeodes during the last decades, of which the following remain valid: Crassabwa Lugo‐Ortiz & McCafferty, Dabulamanzia Lugo‐Ortiz & McCafferty (both Afrotropical), Bungona Harker (Australasian) and Chopralla Waltz & McCafferty (Oriental). Despite their supposed relationship, a phylogenetic analysis between all of these genera has never been performed. In the present paper, based on an extensive analysis of all genera that have been considered related to Cloeodes, a phylogenetic analysis using morphological characters (continuous and discrete) was performed in order to address the monophyly of the genus Cloeodes within the Cloeodes complex of genera. According to our results, Cloeodes and the complex are paraphyletic. Based on this, Cloeodes is restricted to the New World, Potamocloeon is revalidated to include most representatives of Afrotropical Cloeodes and is divided into two subgenera: Potamocloeon (Africa) and the new Aquaediva (Madagascar). In addition, the concept of Bungona is expanded to include Australasian and Oriental taxa – namely the subgenera Chopralla and the revalidated Centroptella – and finally the new genus Crassolus is established to include C. inzingae comb.n. from Africa. This published work has been registered in ZooBank, http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:C416090E-C43D-481A-9A3D-F3B1EEE41176 .  相似文献   

Although extensive studies have demonstrated that several genera formerly placed in the family Flacourtiaceae are the closest relatives of Populus-Salix. However, the closest relative or relatives remain uncertain due to the relatively low phylogenetic resolution and insufficient phylogenetic information. In addition, the question as to whether Populus and Salix are truly monophyletic remains open because of the absence of comprehensive studies with large-scale samples of both genera. In the present study, 54 species representing 11 genera of Salicaceae sensu lato (now including the genera of Flacourtiaceae) were studied using a combined rbcL and matK gene sequence dataset with a total length of 2134 bp, to explore the closest genera that are relatives of Populus-Salix and to determine the relationships between Populus and Salix. The resulting phylogenetic trees showed high resolution in each of the main clades. The results confirmed that (1) Idesia and Bennettiodendron are the closest relatives to Populus-Salix, followed by Poliothyrsis, and (2) Populus and Salix are a truly monophyletic lineage in which the most recent ancestor is shared by the two genera. This finding is significant for a wide variety of evolutionary studies and for understanding the classification and biosystematics of Salicaceae.  相似文献   

The taxonomic status of Hystrix and phylogenetic relationships among Hystrix and its related genera of Pseudoroegneria (St), Hordeum (H), Psathyrostachys (Ns), Elymus (StH), Leymus (NsXm), Thinopyrum bessarabicum (E(b)) and Lophopyrum elongatum (E(e)) were estimated from sequences of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of nuclear ribosomal DNA. The type species of Hystrix, H. patula, clustered with species of Pseudoroegneria, Hordeum, Elymus, Th. bessarabicum and Lo. elongatum, while H. duthiei ssp. duthiei, H. duthiei ssp. longearistata, H. coreana and H. komarovii were grouped with Psathyrostachys and Leymus species. The results indicate that: (i) H. patula is distantly related to other species of Hystrix, but is closely related to Elymus species; (ii) H. duthiei ssp. duthiei, H. duthiei ssp. longearistata, H. coreana and H. komarovii have a close affinity with Psathyrostachys and Leymus species, and H. komarovii might contain the NsXm genome of Leymus; and (iii) the St, H and Ns genomes in Hystrix originate from Pseudoroegneria, Hordeum and Psathyrostachys, respectively, while the Xm in Hystrix and Leymus has a complex relationship with the E or St genomes. According to the genomic system of classification in Tiritceae, it is reasonable to treat Hystrix patula as Elymus hystrix L, and the other species of Hystrix as species of a section of Leymus, Leymus Sect. Hystrix.  相似文献   

运用核糖体DNA内转录间隔区ITS序列对狭蕊龙胆属Metagentiana10种及其近缘属22种植物进行了系统发育分析。ITS分析结果表明狭蕊龙胆属是一个多系群:在系统发育树上,双蝴蝶属Tripterospermum和蔓龙胆属Crawfurdia的种类位于狭蕊龙胆属各分支中,而且双蝴蝶属和蔓龙胆属的种类也相互交叉;这一结果不支持将3个属各自独立为属。但是,在所有分析中,3个属共同形成一单系分支,是龙胆属Gentiana的姊妹群;这一结果与形态学、花部解剖学、细胞学、孢粉学和胚胎学等证据基本一致,狭蕊龙胆属应该从龙胆属中分离出来,它与双蝴蝶属和蔓龙胆属有更为密切的亲缘关系。根据分支图,在狭蕊龙胆属、双蝴蝶属和蔓龙胆属组成的复合群中,现已知的染色体基数x=17、21和23可能存在网状和平行进化。  相似文献   

Monophyly for the Nematodirinae, with 5 genera, Murielus, Rauschia, Nematodiroides, Nematodirus, and Nematodirella was confirmed based on comparative morphology and phylogenetic analysis of structural characters. This concept for the nematodirines excludes the monotypic Lamanema chavezi, but otherwise corroborates generic-level diversity as defined in prior studies. Exhaustive analysis resulted in 1 most parsimonious tree (36 steps; consistency index [CI] = 0.94; retention index [RI] = 0.93; excluding phylogenetically uninformative characters, CI = 0.92). As an inclusive or monophyletic group, Nematodirinae was diagnosed by 8 synapomorphies (7 are unequivocal): (1) large eggs, (2) long filiform spicules, (3) basal division of the dorsal ray, (4) symmetrical membrane enveloping the spicule tips, (5) fused structure of the spicule tips, (6) absence of the gubernaculum, (7) development of the third-stage larva within the egg, and (8) ornamentation in the form of discrete bosses on the bursa. Exclusion of Lamanema will require new assessments of historical biogeography and the evolution of host associations for the nematodirines.  相似文献   

The suppressor of forked, su(f) locus is one of a class of loci in Drosophila whose mutant alleles are trans-acting allele-specific modifiers of transposable element-insertion mutations at other loci. Mutations of su(f) suppress gypsy insert alleles of forked and enhance the copia insert allele white apricot. Our investigations of su(f) include genetic and molecular analyses of 19 alleles to determine the numbers and types of genetic functions present at the locus. Our results suggest the su(f) locus contains multiple genetic functions. There are two distinct modifier functions and two vital functions. One modifier function is specific for enhancement and the other for suppression. One vital function is required for normal ecdysterone production in the third larval instar, the other is not. We present a restriction map of the su(f) genomic region and the results of an RFLP analysis of several su(f) alleles.  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(4):277-289

The phylogeny of the genus Bryum was studied using cladistic analyses under the maximum parsimony criterion of evolution of anatomical and morphological characters. Three analyses were made with 32 Bryum species plus 20 species from genera supposedly closely related to Bryum, and with Amblyodon dealbatus (Sw. ex Hedw.) Bruch & Schimp., Meesia uliginosa Hedw., and Leptostomum macrocarpum (Hedw.) Bach. Pyl., as outgroups. It is here suggested that under earlier systematic concepts the genus Bryum is paraphyletic. A clade with Bryum billarderi Schwägr., B. capillare Hedw., B. donianum Grev., B. russulum Broth. & Geh., Rhodobryum giganteum (Schwägr.) Paris, and R. keniae (Müll. Hal.) Broth. are circumscribed by spathulate stem leaves that are crowded in the stem apex, suggesting that the rosulate species of Bryum are more closely related to Rhodobryum than to the rest of Bryum. Stem leaf costae without stereids and spores that mature in the winter are synapomorphies for a clade with Anomobryum julaceum (P. Gaertn. et al.) Schimp. and Bryum argenteum (Hedw.). The tropical species B. cellulare Hook. and B. flaccum Wilson ex Mitt. appear in a clade with Plagiobryum zieri (Dicks. ex Hedw.) Lindb. and Synthetodontium pringlei Cardot. In one analysis, B. limbatum Müll. Hal., Epipterygium tozeri (Grev.) Lindb., Leptobryum pyriforme (Hedw.) Wilson, and Roellia roellii (Broth. ex Röll) H.A. Crum came out in a clade with Mniobryum atropurpureum (Wahlenb.) I. Hagen, Mnium hornum Hedw., Pohlia cruda (Hedw.) Lindb., P. longicollis (Hedw.) Lindb., and Pseudopohlia didymodontia (Mitt.) A.L.Andrews. It is here suggested that gametophytic features, such as the orientation and anatomy of the stem leaves and the appearance of vegetative propagules, are important for the internal relationships within the studied ingroup, whereas characters related to the sporophyte, especially those of the peristome, may obscure phylogenetic relationships. Most of the subgenera and the sections of Bryum, as defined by earlier authors, appear to be paraphyletic. However, due to the low stability of most clades it is suggested that analyses including anatomical, morphological, and molecular data are needed.  相似文献   

The neotropical genusExostema comprises 25 species of trees and shrubs, ranging in distribution from Bolivia to Mexico and throughout the West Indies, with most species endemic to the Greater Antilles. Infrageneric relationships and species-level patterns of evolution were investigated in phylogenetic analyses using morphological, molecular, and combined data sets. All data sets resolved three main species groups which correspond to the three sections recognized byMcDowell (1996). However, the analyses of ITS sequence data placed the two South American species basal to the three main clades. Otherwise, the morphological and molecular data are highly compatible, and produce a more robust yet consistent phylogeny in the combined data analysis. Morphological evolution inExostema involves many specializations for xeric habitats, reflecting repeated ecological shifts from moist forest to exposed, seasonally dry environments during the diversification of the genus. Both moth and bee pollination syndromes are found inExostema, and shifts in pollination ecology appear pivotal to the differentiation of the three sections. Biogeographically,Exostema likely originated in South America and migrated via Central America to the Greater Antilles, where the morphological diversification and speciation are most extensive.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic and physiological methods were used to study the evolution of the opsin gene family in Drosophila. A phylogeny based on DNA sequences from 13 opsin genes including representatives from the two major subgenera of Drosophila shows six major, well-supported clades: The blue opsin clade includes all of the Rhl and Rh2 genes and is separated into two distinct subclades of Rhl sequences and Rh2 sequences; the ultraviolet opsin clade includes all Rh3 and Rh4 genes and bifurcates into separate Rh3 and Rh4 clades. The duplications that generated this gene family most likely took place before the evolution of the subgenera Drosophila and Sophophora and their component species groups. Numerous changes have occurred in these genes since the duplications, including the loss and/or gain of introns in the different genes and even within the Rhl and Rh4 clades. Despite these changes, the spectral sensitivity of each of the opsins has remained remarkably fixed in a sample of four species representing two species groups in each of the two subgenera. All of the strains that were investigated had R1-6 (Rhl) spectral sensitivity curves that peaked at or near 480 nm, R7 (Rh3 and Rh4) peaks in the ultraviolet range, and ocellar (Rh2) peaks near 420 nm. Each of the four gene clades on the phylogeny exhibits very conservative patterns of amino acid replacement in domains of the protein thought to influence spectral sen sitivity, reflecting strong constraints on the spectrum of light visible to Drosophila.  相似文献   

A molecular approach was used to study the phylogeny of 12 genera of Prasinophyceae and two genera of Pedinophyceae (Chlorophyta). The study was based on maximum likelihood and LogDet transformation analyses of a 1094-basepair fragment of the large subunit of ribulose-l,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (rbcL), a chloroplast-encoded gene. With the inclusion of homologous sequences from two cyanobacteria (Anabaena PCC 7120 and Anacystis nidulans (Richter) Drout et Daily) and a prochlorophyte(Prochlorothrix hollandica Burger-Wiersma, Stal et Mur), the maximum likelihood reconstructions suggested that species referred to the family Mamiellaceae are secondarily reduced forms rather than the most ancestral eukaryotic green plants. The systematic position of Micromonas pusilla (Butcher) Manton et Parke based on morphology is ambiguous, but the rbcL-based inferences indicated that it is related to the Mamiellaceae. In spite of being morphologically very different, Pycnococcus and Pseudoscourfieldia appear to be closely related, and it is suggested that Pseudoscourfieldia be included in the family Pycnococcaceae. The phylogenetic framework when based on first and second codon positions identifies the Mamiellaceae, Pycnococcaceae, Halosphaer-aceae, and Mesostigmataceae as monophyletic families, whereas the Chlorodendraceae appears to be of polyphyletic origin. However, this branching pattern was not confirmed by bootstrap analyses. The analysts based on a LogDet transformation matrix also supported the close relationship among species belonging to the Mamiellaceae (including Micromonas pusiila) and that the pedinophytes form a separate group. The branching pattern among most of the prasinophyte genera was not resolved giving a tree topology similar to those obtained in the bootstrap analyses. A relative rate test showed that the rbcL gene in the Pedinophyceae has evolved at a slower speed relative to that in the Prasinophyceae.  相似文献   

Phylogeny of the genus Pythium is analyzed based on sequences of the large subunit ribosomal DNA D1/D2 region and cytochrome oxidase II gene region of Pythium isolates and comprehensive species of related taxa belonging to the Oomycetes. The phylogenetic trees show that the genus Pythium is a highly divergent group and divided into five well- or moderately supported monophyletic clades. Each clade is characterized by sporangial morphology such as globose, ovoid, elongated, or filamentous shapes. Based on phylogeny and morphology, the genus Pythium (s. str.) is emended, and four new genera, Ovatisporangium, Globisporangium, Elongisporangium, and Pilasporangium, are described and segregated from Pythium s. lato.  相似文献   

Abstract. Adult death's head hawkmoths (Acherontia species) have a unique feeding biology as cleptoparasites of honeybees, stealing honey from the combs, rather than imbibing nectar from flowers. The moths have a range of features, both morphological and behavioural, that enable them to successfully enter, feed and escape from the colonies. These adaptations may vary among the three Acherontia species and allow them each to target different species of honeybee. A cladistic analysis is presented of the hawkmoths of tribe Acherontiini. The study aims to resolve the relationships of the genera and species of Acherontiini, with a particular focus on the three species of Acherontia. The dataset comprises sixty‐five characters derived from adult, larval and pupal morphology, and larva host‐plant biology. These data are analysed using equal weighting and implied weighting. Acherontiini and each constituent genus are recovered as monophyletic. However, within Coelonia, there is ambiguity in that the sister‐species relationships C. brevis+C. fulvinotata and C. fulvinotata + C. solani are equally parsimonious under both weighting schemes. Furthermore, under equal weighting Agrius is placed equally parsimoniously as the sister group of either Acherontia + Coelonia or Callosphingia. Under implied weighting, however, only the latter relationship is most parsimonious (fit). Within Acherontia, A. atropos and A. styx are always recovered as sister species to the exclusion of A. lachesis. The results of the phylogenetic analysis provide an objective basis for future studies of the unique cleptoparasitic association of these moths.  相似文献   

Phylogeny of the genera Trichophyton using mitochondrial DNA analysis   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Diversity of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) was investigated in 92 Trichophyton rubrum strains, 2 T. mentagrophytes var. mentagrophytes, 2 T. m. vor. interdigitale, 2 T. m. var. goetzii, 1 T. m. var. erinacei, 2 T. quinckeanum, 2 T. schoenleinii, 1 T. tonsurans, 2 T. verrucosum var. album, 2 T. v. var. discoides, 1 T. violaceum var. violaceum, 1 Arthroderma benhamiae, and 1 A. vanbreuseghemii using endonucleases, Hae III, Msp I, Hind III, Xba I, and Bgl II. Trichophyton species were divided into 7 groups, and a phylogenetic tree was produced based on sequence divergence within mtDNA. The following results were obtained: (1) T. rubrum was divided into 2 groups Type I and Type II, and was suggested to be a complex. (2) A. benhamiae was closely related to T. m. var. erinacei. (3) T. rubrum Type II, T. tonsurans, and A. vanbreuseghemii showed identical restriction profiles, and were suggested to be closely related to each other or identical. (4) T. quinckeanum and T. schoenlenii showed identical restriction profiles, which differed slightly from those of A. vanbreuseghemii. (5) mtDNA analysis was useful in identifying pleomorphic strains.  相似文献   

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