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Complete bleaching of melanin in strongly pigmented specimens embedded in paraffin or polystyrene, and sectioned and mounted on slides, is possible in 1-3 hr at 37 C in a solution of 20 ml of benzyl alcohol, 10 ml of acetone, 5 ml of 10% hydrogen peroxide and 4 drops of a 25% ammonia solution. The bleached tissues are well preserved and tolerate further histochemical treatments. All the stains and reactions tested give results identical to or better than those obtained after 24-48 hr oxidation in 10% hydrogen peroxide.  相似文献   

A hydroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA) monomer medium containing 2-butoxyethanol as the plasticizer requites only one stock solution consisting of: 50 ml of 94 or 96% HEMA containing 200 ppm inhibitor (Rohm and Haas, Philadelphia) is mixed with 12 ml 2-butoxyethanol; 0.25 gm benzoyl peroxide is added and permitted to dissolve at 20-25 C. This mixture is activated by the addition of 0.8-1.0 ml of pyridine. Polymerization of the activated mixture is initated in 15-20 hr at 25 C and in 2-4 hr at 50 C; polymerization of the mixture is complete in 2-3 days and 3-6 hr, respectively. The activated monomer mixture is stable at temperatures below 18 C; hence infiltration of tissues may be extended to 7-10 days by keeping the mixture at 0 to -40 C.  相似文献   

Tissues were fixed at 20° C for 1 hr in 1% OsO4, buffered at pH 7.4 with veronal-acetate (Palade's fixative), soaked 5 min in the same buffer without OsO4, then dehydrated in buffer-acetone mixtures of 30, 50, 75 and 90% acetone content, and finally in anhydrous acetone. Infiltration was accomplished through Vestopal-W-acetone mixtures of 1:3, 1:1, 3:1 to undiluted Vestopal. After polymerisation at 60° C for 24 hr, 1-2 μ sections were cut, dried on slides without adhesive, and stained by any of the following methods. (1) Mayer's acid hemalum: Flood the slides with the staining solution and allow to stand at 20°C for 2-3 hr while the water of the solution evaporates; wash in distilled water, 2 min; differentiate in 1% HCl; rinse 1-2 sec in 10% NH,OH. (2) Iron-trioxyhematein (of Hansen): Apply the staining solution as in method 1; wash 3-5 min in 5% acetic acid; restain for 1-12 hr by flooding with a mixture consisting of staining solution, 2 parts, and 1 part of a 1:1 mixture of 2% acetic acid and 2% H2SO4 (observe under microscope for staining intensity); wash 2 min in distilled water and 1 hr in tap water. (3) Iron-hematoxylin (Heidenhain): Mordant 6 hr in 2.5% iron-alum solution; wash 1 min in distilled water; stain in 1% or 0.5% ripened hematoxylin for 3-12 br; differentiate 8 min in 2.5%, and 15 min in 1% iron-alum solution; wash 1 hr in tap water. (4) Aceto-carmine (Schneider): Stain 12-24 hr; wash 0.5-1.0 min in distilled water. (5) Picrofuchsin: Stain 24-48 hr in 1% acid fuchsin dissolved in saturated aqueous picric acid; differentiate for only 1-2 sec in 96% ethanol. (6) Modified Giemsa: Mix 640 ml of a solution of 9.08 gm KH2PO4 in 1000 ml of distilled water and 360 ml of a solution of 11.88 gm Na2HPO4-2H2O in 1000 ml of distilled water. Soak sections in this buffer, 12 hr. Dissolve 1.0 gm of azur I in 125 ml of boiling distilled water; add 0.5 gm of methylene blue; filter and add hot distilled water until a volume of 250 ml is reached (solution “AM”). Dissolve 1.5 gm of eosin, yellowish, in 250 ml of hot distilled water; filter (solution “E”). Mix 1.5 ml of “AM” in 100 ml of buffer with 3 ml of “E” in 100 ml of buffer. Stain 12-24 hr. Differentiate 3 sec in 25 ml methyl benzoate in 75 ml dioxane; 3 sec in 35 ml methyl benzoate in 65 ml acetone; 3 sec in 30 ml acetone in 70 ml methyl benzoate; and 3 sec in 5 ml acetone in 95 ml methyl benzoate. Dehydrated sections may be covered in a neutral synthetic resin (Caedax was used).  相似文献   

Brains of rat with surgical lesions 3-5 days old are fixed in 10% neutralized formalin (excess of CaCO3), 20 μ serial frozen sections cut therefrom and kept in neutralized formalin for an additional 24-48 hr. The sections are soaked in distilled water 12-24 hr, transferred to 50% alcohol containing 0.75 ml of concentrated NH4OH (sp. gr. 0.91) per 100 ml 12-24 hr, placed in distilled water 2-3 hr and then in silver-pyridine solution (AgNO3 3% aq., 20 ml; pyridine, 1 ml) for 48 hr. Test sections are transferred directly to each one of 3 ammoniated silver-solutions, pH 12.8, 13.0 and 13.2, made as follows: To 200 ml of solution 1 (silver nitrate, 6.4 gm; alcohol 96%, 220 ml; NH4OH (sp. gr. 0.91), 28 ml and distilled water, 440 ml) is added respectively 8-12 ml, 12-16 ml and 16-20 ml of solution 2 (2% NaOH) to give the pH desired. The test sections are studied and the optimal ammoniated silver solution chosen. Two baths of ammoniated silver are used, the section placed with continuous agitation into the first bath for 30 sec and the second bath for 60 sec. The sections are then transferred directly into a reducing bath (formalin 10%, 2ml; alcohol 96%, 5 ml; citric acid 1%, 1.5 ml and distilled water, 4.5 ml) for 2 min and from there to 5% Na2S2O3 for 1 min, rinsed in 3 changes of distilled water, dehydrated and mounted.  相似文献   

The stain is applied routinely to tissues fixed in 10% buffered formalin (pH near 7.0) or in Bouin's fluid. Bring paraffin section to water as usual and mordant 72 hr in 5% CrCl3 dissolved in 5% acetic acid. Wash in water and in 70% alcohol and stain 6 hr. Formula of staining solution: new fuchsin, 1% in 70% alcohol, 100 ml; HCl, conc., 2 ml and paraldehyde, 2 ml, mixed together and added to the dye solution; let stand 24 hr before use. After staining, wash in running tap water 5-10 min, rinse in distilled water and counterstain if desired. Dehydration in alcohol, clearing and covering completes the process. When the paraldehyde is obtained from a freshly opened bottle, standardized staining times can be used and thus eliminate the necessity of differentiating individual slides. The granules of beta cells stained deep blue to purple and were demonstrated in the pancreatic islet of man, dog, mouse, frog, guinea pig and rabbit.  相似文献   

Mitochondria were stained in liver, kidney, pancreas, adrenal and intestinal mucosa of rat and mouse. Tissues 1 mm thick, were fixed in a mixture of saturated aqueous HgCl2, 90 ml; formalin (37-38% HCHO), 10 ml, at room temperature (25°C) for 1 hr. Deparaffinized sections 3-4μ thick were treated with Lugol's iodine (U.S.P.) followed by Na2S2O3 (5%), rinsed in water and the ribonucleic acid removed by any of the following procedures: 0.2 M McIlavaine's buffer, pH 7.0, 2 hr, or 0.2 M phosphate buffer, pH 7.0, 2 hr at 37°C; 0.1% aqueous ribonuclease, 2 hr at 37°C; 5% aqueous trichloracetic acid overnight at 37°C; or 1% KOH at room temperature for 1 hr. After washing in water, sections were treated with a saturated solution of ferric ammonium alum at 37°C for 8-12 hr and colored by Regaud's ripened hematoxylin for 18 hr. They were then differentiated in 1% ferric ammonium alum solution while under microscopic observation.  相似文献   

Mitochondria were stained in liver, kidney, pancreas, adrenal and intestinal mucosa of rat and mouse. Tissues 1 mm thick, were fixed in a mixture of saturated aqueous HgCl2, 90 ml; formalin (37-38% HCHO), 10 ml, at room temperature (25°C) for 1 hr. Deparaffinized sections 3-4μ thick were treated with Lugol's iodine (U.S.P.) followed by Na2S2O3 (5%), rinsed in water and the ribonucleic acid removed by any of the following procedures: 0.2 M McIlavaine's buffer, pH 7.0, 2 hr, or 0.2 M phosphate buffer, pH 7.0, 2 hr at 37°C; 0.1% aqueous ribonuclease, 2 hr at 37°C; 5% aqueous trichloracetic acid overnight at 37°C; or 1% KOH at room temperature for 1 hr. After washing in water, sections were treated with a saturated solution of ferric ammonium alum at 37°C for 8-12 hr and colored by Regaud's ripened hematoxylin for 18 hr. They were then differentiated in 1% ferric ammonium alum solution while under microscopic observation.  相似文献   

A hydroxyethyl methacrylate monomer medium incorporating 2-butoxyethanol requires 2 stock solutions for embedding. Solution A: 80 ml of hydroxyethyl methacrylate (Rohm and Haas Co., Philadelphia, Pa.) is mixed well with 16 ml of 2-butoxyethanol; 0.27 gm of benzoyl peroxide, the catalyst, is added and permitted to dissolve. Heating to 40-50 C may be used to accelerate its solution. Solution B: polyethylene glycol 200 or 400, 15 parts, and N,N-dimethylaniline, 1 part, are mixed thoroughly. Tissues are dehydrated in the customary manner to absolute ethanol or other comparable dehydrant, infiltrated completely with A, then cast in a mixture consisting of 42 parts of A well mixed with 1 part of B. Polymerizaion occurs in 4-7 hr. In a water bath at 20 C the time required was about 7 hr; at 28 C, 4 hr. This medium is based on the author's water-polyethylene glycol-hydroxyethyl methacrylate monomer medium (Stain Techn., 42: 119-23, 1967).  相似文献   

Muscle spindles were isolated from freshly removed cat lumbrical muscles in oxygenated Ringer's solution and placed in a solution containing 10 ml of 0.1% nitro blue tetrazolium and 10 ml of 0.2 M phosphate buffered sodium succinate, pH 7.6. Spindles were incubated in this solution at 37 C for 4-12 hr, returned to Ringer's for 30 min at room temperature, fixed in 10% formal-Ringer's for 30 min, and stored indefinitely in distilled water. With this technique the patterns of sensory innervation can be clearly visualized by the deposition of diformazan. The stained preparations may be mounted in glycerol and teased further for whole mount inspection or they may be embedded in Epon and serially sectioned for more detailed study.  相似文献   

The following procedure is recommended: Fix ces-todes and trematodes (while held flat between glass slides) 0.5-2.0 hr. in the following mixture: formalin, 15; acetic acid (gl.), 5; glycerol, 10; 95% ethyl alcohol, 24; distilled H2O, 46; all proportions by volume. After freeing them from the slides, wash thoroughly in running water and stain immediately thereafter. Stock staining solution: ferric ammonium alum (violet cryst.), 2 g.; distilled H2O (cold) 100 ml.; after solution, add 2 ml. concentrated H2SO4, bring to a boil; add 1 g. coelestin blue B (Nat. Aniline), boil 3-5 min.; cool and add 10 ml. absolute methyl alcohol and 10 ml. glycerol. Dilute 1 vol. with 3 vol. distilled H20 for use. Stain 5-30 min., depending on size of specimens. Wash with 2 changes 0.5 hr. each of distilled H2O, then 50% isopropyl alcohol 12-16 hr., 50% isopropyl alcohol 2 hr., followed by graded isopropyl alcohol for dehydration. Ether: ethyl alcohol (equal parts), 1 hr., is followed by embedding in celloidin in a sheet just thick enough to cover the specimens. Trim embedded specimens and dehydrate with isopropyl alcohol, 80%, 90% and absolute. Clear in beechwood creosote. Mount in balsam with cover glasses that overlap the edges of the celloidin 1-2 mm. While drying at 37°C, refill edges of mount with fresh balsam as needed. When dry, remove excess balsam and ring the edges with ordinary gloss enamel paint.  相似文献   

Plasma is obtained from dog blood after 3 hr settling in a syringe. Portions of the plasma (0.5-1.0 ml) are added to 4 ml of a medium consisting of 17 parts of BME Spinner, 3 parts of calf serum, 0.5 parts of glutamine, 0.5 parts of penicillin-streptomycin, and 0.1-1.0 parts of Scarlet Runner bean phytohemagglutinin. Colchicine, 0.1 ml of 10:1 stock solution, is added after 72 hr and incubation continued for 2 hr, then centrifuged 5 min at 700 rev/min. The supernatant is discarded, 3 ml of distilled water added, and the cell suspension centrifuged again. The supernatant is discarded and the fixative, consisting of 45% glacial acetic acid allowed to act for 0.5 hr. Acetic-orcein stains of smears were very satisfactory.  相似文献   

This technique has been developed especially to stain sensory receptors which have been localised intramuscularly by electrophysiological means. Rat intertransverse caudal muscles, removed immediately after death, are fixed for 24 hr in a freshly prepared mixture of absolute ethyl alcohol, 4.5 ml; distilled water, 5 ml; and concentrated HNOa, 0.1 ml. After a further 24 hr in 10 ml of absolute ethyl alcohol containing 0.1 ml of ammonia solution (sp. gr. 0.88), the muscles are washed in distilled water for 30 min and placed in full strength pyridine for 2 days. They are then washed for 24 hr in distilled water (changed 5-8 times) and left in 2% AgNO3, in the dark for 3 days at 25 C. Following reduction in 10 ml of 5% formic acid containing 0.4 gm of pyrogallol for 6-24 hr, the specimens are washed briefly in distilled water and stored in pure glycerol. The nerve endings can then be teased out and mounted in glycerol, under cover glasses ringed with a waterproof cement. The advantage of this method is that it gives consistently good staining of receptors and motor end-plates in small muscles of the rat  相似文献   

Rat and rabbit brains containing surgical lesions of 5-10 days' duration were fixed in 10% formalin (neutralized with calcium carbonate) for 1 week to 6 months. Frozen sections (15-20 n) were rinsed and then soaked 7 minutes in a 1.7% solution of strong ammonia in distilled water. Subsequent treatment was as follows: rinse; 0.05% aqueous potassium permanganate 5-15 minutes; 0.5% aqueous potassium metabisulfite, 2 changes of 2.5 minutes each; wash thoroughly in 3 changes distilled water; 1.5% aqueous silver nitrate, 0.5-1.0 hr.; 1% citric acid, 5-10 sec.; 2 changes distilled water; 1% sodium thiosulfate, 30 see.; 3 changes distilled water. Each section is then processed separately. Ammoniacal silver solution (450 mg. silver nitrate in 10 ml. distilled water; add 5 ml. ethanol; let cool to room temperature; add 1 ml. strong ammonia water and 0.9 ml. of 2.5% aqueous sodium hydroxide), 0.5-1.0 min. with gentle agitation. Reduction of about 1 minute is accomplished in: distilled water, 45 ml.; ethanol, 5 ml.; 10% formalin, 1.5 ml.; 1% citric acid, 1.5 ml. Rinsing; 1% sodium thiosulfate, 10 sec.; thorough washing followed by dehydration through graded alcohol and 3 changes of xylene or toluene complete the staining process. Normal nerve fibers are slightly stained to unstained, degenerating fibers, black. The treatment in potassium permanganate is critical since too little favors overstaining of normal fibers and too much abolishes staining of degenerating fibers.  相似文献   

A double embedding technique for tangential sectioning of hair and wool fibres is as follows: The cleaned fibre bundle is attached to a U-shaped, 16 gauge, tinned-copper wire frame with collodion adhesive, soaked in 6% nitrocellulose for 1 hr, and treated with chloroform for 2 hr. The hardened bundle is then cut fom the wire support and embedded in paraffin-beeswax, 95:5. Sectioning is at 6-8 μ. The use of 2% orange G or saturated aqueous picric acid for quantitative study of the fibres, and the demonstration of wool fibre cortical fractions by staining with polychrome methylene blue after oxidation of the sectioned fibres in a solution of formic acid (98/100 w/v) 25 ml; distilled water, 65 ml; and H2O2 (30% w/v), 10 ml, for 1 hr, is recommended.  相似文献   

Microcirculation of the sheath of the rat sciatic nerve fiber was investigated by using an intravital microscope, and changes in the diameter of the epineurial arterioles in response to highly oxygenated Krebs-bicarbonate solution were evaluated. Superfusion of low-oxygen (0%) Krebs-bicarbonate solution (LKS) onto rat sciatic nerves did not affect changes in the diameter of the arterioles. Nifedipine, a Ca(2+)-channel blocker, caused a dose-dependent dilation of the epineurial arterioles in LKS. In contrast, superfusion of high-oxygen (21%) Krebs-bicarbonate solution (HKS) onto rat sciatic nerves significantly constricted the epineurial arterioles in a time-dependent manner. The HKS-induced constriction of the epineurial arterioles was significantly reduced by treatment with 120 U/ml superoxide dismutase (SOD) alone or 5,000 U/ml catalase alone. In the presence of 120 U/ml SOD plus 5,000 U/ml catalase, 10(-4) M tempol, 10(-6) M diphenyleneiodium, 2 x 10(-4) M apocynin, or 10(-6) M allopurinol, the HKS-induced constriction of the epineurial arterioles completely disappeared. These results suggest that superfusion of highly oxygenated solution onto rat sciatic nerves constricts the epineurial arterioles through reactive oxygen species (ROS), including superoxide and hydrogen peroxide, and that production of superoxide involves a NADPH oxidase- or xanthine oxidase-dependent pathway. In conclusion, ROS play significant roles in the regulation of microcirculation of rat sciatic nerves in vivo.  相似文献   

Tissue fixed in 10% formalin, formalin-95% ethanol 1:s CaCO2 or phosphate buffer neutralized formalin, or methanol-chloroform 2:1, was dehydrated and embedded in paraffin or double-embedded by infiltration in 1% celloidin followed by a chloroform-paraffin sequence. Sections were attached to slides with either albumen or gelatine adhesive and processed throughout at room temperature of 24-26 C. For either method, mordanting 30-60 min in 1% iron alum was followed by a 10 min wash in 4 changes of distilled water. For brazilin-toluidne blue O, myelin was stained for 20-60 min, depending upon section thickness, in a self-differentiating solution consisting of: 0.15% Li2CO3 75 ml; 6% brazilin in 95% ethanol, 25 ml; and NaIO3 75 mg. After a thorough washing, Nissl material was stained for 3-8 min in a solution consisting of: 0.1 M acetic acid, 90 ml; 0.1 M sodium acetate, 10 ml; and 1% toluidine blue 0, 2.5 ml. For hematoxylin-Darrow red, myelin was stained for 2-6 hr in a self-differentiating solution consisting of: 0.15% Li2,CO3 95 ml; 10% hematoxylin in 95% ethanol, 5 ml; and NaIO3 25 mg. After a thorough washing, Nissl material was stained for 20 min or less in a solution consisting of: 0.1 M acetic acid, 90 ml; 0.1 M sodium acetate, 10 ml; Darrow red, 25 mg. This mixture was first boiled, cooled to room temperature and filtered. In both methods, washing, dehydration, clearing, and mounting completed the process. In the brazilin-toluidine blue technic, myelin sheaths were stained reddish purple; neuronal nuclei light blue with dark granules of chromatin; nucleoli dark blue; and cytoplasm blue with dark blue Nissl granules. In the hematoxylin-Darrow red procedure, myelin sheaths were blue-black; nuclei light red with dark granules of chromatin; nucleoli almost black; and cytoplasm red with bright red Nissl granules.  相似文献   

The difficulties in impregnating bony tissues, which occur after decalcification with acids or electrolysis are avoided by decalcification with ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid at pH 8.2-8.5. The decalcification of adult human teeth which have been cut to a thickness of 2-5 mm takes 1-2 mo. If frozen sections of the decalcified teeth are impregnated 24 hr in 20% AgNo3, rinsed through 6 changes of 20% neutralized (CaCO3) formalin, blotted thoroughly with a cloth and placed in an ammoniated silver solution for 15-20 min, reliable impregnation of nerve fibers is obtained. The stock ammoniated silver solution is prepared by adding concentrated NH4OH to 10-20 ml of 20% AgNO3 until the precipitate formed by it is dissolved and then adding a few drops of the silver solution until the first permanent opalescence of the mixture is obtained. From this 2 ml are diluted directly before use with 6 ml of distilled water and 4 drops of concentrated NH4OH added. The diluted stock solution should be used for few (5-10) sections only. The rest of the technic is done in the routine manner.  相似文献   

Three methods that are adapted to the various consistencies of plants are as follows: 1. Samples are placed for 10-14 hr at 60° C in a 1% aqueous solution of basic fuchsin, to which 10 gm of solid NaOH per 100 ml are added. 2. Samples when taken out of 95% alcohol are placed in a 1% solution of basic fuchsin in 95% alcohol for 24 hr; after washing in water, they are placed in a 15% solution of NaOH at 60° C until cleared. 3. Samples are placed in a 15% aqueous solution of NaOH at 60° C until cleared, then for 24 hr at 60° C in 15% NaOH containing basic fuchsin. After being stained and cleared by one of these three methods, the samples are rinsed in water, dehydrated and then passed into a mixture of absolute alcohol and concentrated HC1 (3:1) for 1-15 min, rinsed in absolute alcohol, cleared in xylene and mounted in Canada balsam. The lignified tissues appear red; the others, transparent.  相似文献   

Test tissues consisted of: (1) popliteal lymph nodes of rabbits, removed 6 hr after injection of hind footpads with 0.2 ml of 125 mg/ml solution of 5× crystallized chicken ovalbumin, and (2) lungs from guinea pigs, passively sensitized with rabbit antiovalbumin serum, then anaphylactically shocked by intracardial injection of a 1% chicken ovalbumin solution. Similar control tissues from normal rabbits, and lungs of passively sensitized guinea pigs, but shocked with histamine instead of ovalbumin, were included. Pieces of fresh tissue not exceeding 2 mm3 were fixed as follows: (1) Cyanuration—lymph nodes, 1 hr; lung, 0.5 hr; both at 23-27 C—in anhydrous methanol containing 0.5% w/v cyanuric chloride and 1% v/v N, N-diethylaminoethanol. (2) Control fixatives—all specimens 18-24 hr at 4—6 C—absolute methanol; 95% ethanol; neutral buffered 10% formalin; and an FAA mixture (formalin, conc., 6; glacial acetic acid, 2; 30% ethanol, 92). Freeze-dried material was either left unfixed (a control) or fixed in xylene or toluene containing 0.5% w/'v cyanuric chloride and 1% v/v N, N-diisopropylaminoethanol; time and temperature as for fresh tissues. All tissues were routinely dehydrated, cleared, and vacuum embedded in an ester wax, diethylene glycol distearate, or in paraffin at 52 C. Sections 2-4 μ thick were attached to gelatin-coated slides, the wax removed in petroleum ether, and stained 20 min at 23-27 C in a 0.10% solution of fluorescein isothiocyanate-conjugated rabbit antiovalbumin globulin, washed in phosphate buffered saline 10 min, dehydrated, cleared and covered in a nonfluorescent medium. With ultraviolet illumination, brightly immunofluorescent, anti-genically specific staining was obtained in cyanurated fresh and freeze-dried lymph node and lung tissues. In contrast, specific staining was diminished or absent in comparable tissues reacted in the control fixatives.  相似文献   

After recordings had been taken from a microelectrode used for mapping nerve impulses, a current of 100 μa from the positive pole of a direct current generator was run through the electrode for 5 sec while it was still in place. On terminating the experiment, in which the use of several electrodes was possible, 50-75 ml of a 1:1 mixture of 4% potassium ferrocyanide and 4% acetic acid was injected into each common carotid artery, and the brain left in situ for 0.5 hr. It was then removed and the electrode-bearing part fixed 5-6 hr in a 1:1 mixture of 40% formalin and 95% ethyl alcohol at 55 °C. This specimen was washed in running water 5-10 min, the electrodes removed and frozen sections of 40-80 μ cut and placed in 95% alcohol. Sections were stained 5-10 min at 25-30°C in 10% silver nitrate solution in 75-80% alcohol acidified by 3-4 drops of glacial acetic acid per 50 ml, washed 4-5 sec in each of 2 baths of 95% alcohol, and reduced while being agitated constantly in a 2% solution of pyrogallol and 6-7% formalin in 75-80% alcohol. Washing in 95% alcohol, clearing in clove oil or methyl salicylate followed by xylene and mounting in synthetic resin or balsam completed the process. Sites of electrolysis at the tips of electrodes (under magnification) were blue before silver staining and black after staining. Axons stained brown to black on a yellow background.  相似文献   

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