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The effects of ultraviolet light (UV) on the gastrulation of sea urchin embryos were examined. The results suggest that gastrulation is inhibited by UV irradiation and that stage sensitivity to UV suppression of gastrulation changes biphasically: higher sensitivity at early and late blastula, and lower sensitivity at the mid-blastula stages. The UV-induced inhibition of gastrulation was completely reversible by subsequent exposure to visible light.  相似文献   

Four developmental stages of sea urchin embryos were labeled with colloidal gold in an attempt to elucidate the intracellular trafficking patterns within the cells that produce the glycoprotein matrix of the embryonic spicule. The primary mesenchyme cells (PMCs) form a syncytium and secrete an organic matrix on which calcium carbonate is laid down to form an endoskeletal spicule. The organic matrix has been isolated and characterized as glycoprotein consisting of four major bands. Polyclonal antibodies to these glycoproteins were used to label embryos from the mesenchyme blastula, early gastrula, late gastrula, and plutei stages of development. The label is concentrated in the Golgi complex and associated vesicles, in secretory vesicles, and in the organic matrix. The density of the labeling increases as development proceeds.  相似文献   

Studies on normal and hybrid sea urchin embryos show that, beginning at gastrulation, hybrid cells express cell-surface antigens specific to both species. The appearance of these antigens is shown to be correlated with a change in the adhesive specificity of hybrid cells: Beginning at gastrulation, hybrid cells recognize and adhere to embryonic cells of both normal genotypes. Prior to gastrulation, hybrid cells adhere to cells of the maternal genotype only. Two adhesion assays demonstrate these adhesive preferences. (i) When cell aggregates are placed together in a dish, Lytechnius aggregates fuse together, and Tripneustes aggregates fuse together, but aggregates of the two species do not fuse with each other. Hybrid cell aggregates, if they are past the beginning of gastrulation, fuse to both Tripneustes and Lytechinus aggregates. (ii) In a collection assay, midgastrula cells of the hybrid embryos are collected at a high rate to aggregates of either species. Pregastrula hybrid cells collect at a high rate to aggregates of the maternal species only. This change in adhesive preference is temporally correlated with the appearance of new cell surface antigens. Antiserum was prepared in rabbits against membranes from Lytechinus gastrulae. Indirect immunofluorescence tests show that hybrid cells of the cross (T♀ × L♂) express Lytechinus-specific antigens at the cell surface beginning at gastrulation. Furthermore, an apparent relationship between the new cell-surface antigens and adhesion exists in that Lytechinus cell adhesion is inhibited specifically after binding Fab fragments of the Lytechinus antiserum. The antiserum has no effect on Tripneustes adhesion. The Lytechinus adhesion-inhibiting activity can be removed by absorption of the antiserum with Lytechinus cells.  相似文献   

Esterase active antigens in sea urchin eggs and embryos   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Embryos of the sea urchin, Stronglyocentrotus purpuratus, synthesize several classes of sulfated and non-sulfated glycoproteins during gastrulation. The antibiotic tunicamycin, which is a specific inhibitor of the N-glycosylation of proteins, inhibits the synthesis of lipid-linked oligosaccharides in these embryos at concentrations which have little effect on the biosynthesis of other classes of glycolipids or on protein synthesis. As a consequence of this inhibition, glycoproteins with oligosaccharide side chains of the general type (Man)5-7-(GlcNAc)2 are not synthesized. In addition, the biosynthesis of a novel class of sulfated glycoproteins is inhibited. In contrast, no effect upon the synthesis of sulfated glycosaminoglycans is seen. The morphogenetic consequence of tunicamycin treatment is that development of embryos from the mesenchyme blastula to the gastrula stage is arrested. The results provide evidence that during development glycoproteins containing both unsulfated and sulfated N-glycosidically linked oligosaccharide chains are synthesized via the lipid-linked pathway. The biosynthesis of these molecules appears to be a prerequisite to the differentiation and morphogenesis that occurs during gastrulation.  相似文献   

Glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) are a heavily sulfated component of the extracellular matrix (ECM) implicated in a variety of cell signaling events involved in patterning of embryos. Embryos of the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus were exposed to several inhibitors that disrupt GAG function during development. Treatment with chlorate, a general inhibitor of sulfation that leads to undersulfated GAGs, reduced sulfation of the urchin blastocoelar ECM. It also prevented correct specification of the oral-aboral axis and mouth formation, resulting in a radialized phenotype characterized by the lack of an oral field, incomplete gastrulation and formation of multiple skeletal spicule rudiments. Oral markers were initially expressed in most of the prospective ectoderm of chlorate-treated early blastulae, but then declined as aboral markers became expressed throughout most of the ectoderm. Nodal expression in the presumptive oral field is necessary and sufficient to specify the oral-aboral axis in urchins. Several lines of evidence suggest a deregulation of Nodal signaling is involved in the radialization caused by chlorate: (1) Radial embryos resemble those in which Nodal expression was knocked down. (2) Chlorate disrupted localized nodal expression in oral ectoderm, even when applied after the oral-aboral axis is specified and expression of other oral markers is resistant to treatment. (3) Inhibition with SB-431542 of ALK-4/5/7 receptors that mediate Nodal signaling causes defects in ectodermal patterning similar to those caused by chlorate. (4) Intriguingly, treatment of embryos with a sub-threshold dose of SB-431542 rescued the radialization caused by low concentrations of chlorate. Our results indicate important roles for sulfated GAGs in Nodal signaling and oral-aboral axial patterning, and in the cellular processes necessary for archenteron extension and mouth formation during gastrulation. We propose that interaction of the Nodal ligand with sulfated GAGs limits its diffusion, and is required to specify an oral field in the urchin embryo and organize the oral-aboral axis.  相似文献   

Evidence is presented of cell-type specificity of surface proteins from the 16-cell stage sea urchin embryo. The protein composition of the micromere cell surface has been examined by 125I labelling of intact cells followed by SDS-PAGE. In Arbacia punctulata, four high molecular weight (HMW) proteins are detected on the surface of isolated micromeres--but not on mesomere-macromere fractions. In Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis, a micromere-specific protein of 133 K molecular weight (MW) was identified. This 133 K protein binds to wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) but not to concanavalin A (conA). Lectin binding was studied using a new technique. The procedure involves the separation, by SDS-PAGE, of iodinated cell-surface proteins followed by their electrophoretic transfer to lectin-coated nitrocellulose membranes. Using this procedure, cell-type-specific surface proteins which are also lectin-binding-specific, were detected.  相似文献   

Based on the fact that the development of sea urchin embryos is arrested at the blastula stage in sulfate-free sea water (SFSW), we attempted in the present study to elucidate the nature of sulfated polysaccharides (PSs) which appear at the time of gastrulation in embryos of the sea urchin Clypeaster japonicus. Electrophoretic analysis of PSs prepared from embryos at different developmental stages revealed that three kinds of PSs (3A, 3B, 3C) appear de novo at the gastrula stage, and that these PSs are not found in embryos at the hatching blastula stage, nor are they found in permanent blastula reared in SFSW. These, three PSs were mostly of extracellular matrix origin. Among them, 3C was identified as dermatan sulfate on the basis of its electrophoretic mobility and sensitivity to enzymatic digestion. 3A and 3B remained to be identified. Further, a plausible precursor of 3C, which was sulfated under normal conditions, was detected as 6D in the embryos reared in SFSW. Autoradiographic analysis using [35S]sulfate revealed that these three PSs, accounted for more than 90% of [35S]sulfate incorporated into the acid PS fraction during gastrulation.  相似文献   

Size classes of replication units in DNA from sea urchin embryos   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Sea urchin DNA containing replication structures was isolated from two to four cell stage and blastula stage embryos, and examined by electron microscopy. In addition to the expected eye forms, we also observed molecules with large internal single-stranded gaps. Such structures were not present in DNA devoid of replicating molecules such as that isolated from sea urchin sperm. When the size of eye forms and interbubble distances between the two stages were compared, there was no detectable difference. In both stages, we observed two distinct size classes of bubbles and of interbubble distances. In the case of bubble sizes, the smaller size class was comprised of clustered microbubbles that ranged from 200 base pairs to 1 Kilobase (kb) with a mean of 432 base pairs. The large eye forms measured 1--35 kb with a mean of 6.8 kb. Interbubble distances also yielded two distinct populations, with the smaller class ranging from 400 base pairs to 2.3 kb (mean = 1.1 kb) and the larger population ranging from 2.8 to 36 kb (mean = 10.9 kb). Although other possibilities cannot be entirely excluded, the data support the contention that a substantial fraction of the larger eye-form population arises from the fusion of the clustered microbubbles.  相似文献   

Nucleotide sequences within a phage genome can be detected in individual phage plaques by in situ hybridization with complementary RNA sequences. Results with phage A and a derivative having 10% of its DNA deleted indicate that sequences 500 to 1000 base-pairs long should be detectable with confidence.  相似文献   

Classical embryological studies have provided a great deal of information on the autonomy and stability of cell fate determination in early sea urchin embryos. However, these studies were limited by the tools available at the time, and the interpretation of the results of these experiments was limited by the lack of information available at the molecular level. Recent studies which have re-examined classical experiments at the molecular level have provided important new insights into the mechanism of determination in sea urchins, and require us to re-evaluate some long standing theories on the process of differentiation.  相似文献   

Takata H  Kominami T 《Zoological science》2004,21(10):1025-1035
To know whether behavior of pigment cells correlates the process of gastrulation or not, gastrulating embryos of several species of regular echinoids (Anthocidaris crassispina, Mespilia globulus and Toxopneustes pileolus) and irregular echinoids (Clypeaster japonicus and Astriclypeus manni) were examined. In M. globulus and A. crassispina, the archenteron elongated stepwise like in well-known sea urchins. In the embryos of both species, fluorescent pigment cells left the archenteron tip and migrated into the blastocoel during gastrulation. In T. pileolus, C. japonicus and A. manni, on the other hand, the archenteron elongated at a constant rate throughout gastrulation. In these species, no pigment cell was observed at the archenteron tip during invagination processes; pigment cells began to migrate in the ectoderm from the vegetal pole side toward the apical plate without entering the blastocoel. These results clearly indicate that the behavior of pigment cells closely correlated the manner of gastrulation. Further, it was examined whether the archenteron cells are rearranged during invagination, by comparing the number of cells observed on cross sections of the archenteron at the early and late gastrula stages. The rearrangement was not conspicuous in A. crassispina and M. globulus, in which archenteron elongated stepwise. In contrast, the archenteron cells were remarkably rearranged in C. japonicus, alothough the archenteron elongated continuously. Thus, neither the behavior of pigment cells nor the manner of gastrulation matches the current taxonomic classification of echinoids.  相似文献   

Early morphogenetic events of primary mesenchyme cell (PMC) ingression and gastrulation were examined by scanning and transmission electron microscopy, with special attention directed to changes in the shape of vegetal pole cells, the length of their microvilli, and interactions between microvilli and the hyaline layer (HL). Eight cells (vegetal pole cells) with elongated microvilli remained in the vegetal pole region while surrounding cells ingressed into the blastocoel to form the primary mesenchyme. These vegetal pole cells indented with the surrounding cells at the stage of gastrulation. The outer surface area with elongated microvilli of vegetal pole cells expanded at the stage of PMC ingression, but was considerably reduced at gastrulation. Microvilli on vegetal pole cells continued to adhere to the HL up to the stage of PMC ingression, but ceased to do so at the time of gastrulation. Thus, the area with separated HL, which is restricted to the region of the PMC released at the stage of PMC ingression, spreads almost entirely throughout the area of the indenting vegetal plate at gastrulation. The apical lamina, apparently consisting of fibrous material intertwinning the stalks of the microvilli, filled the space between the HL and ectodermal cells. The cells surrounding those of the vegetal pole and indenting with those at the stage of gastrulation appeared to behave in the same way as ingressing PMCs in both cell-shape and loss of adhesion of microvilli to HL. The role of vegetal pole cells in early morphogenetic events is discussed.  相似文献   

A gamma-like DNA polymerase devoid of DNA polymerase-alpha and -beta activities was prepared from the nuclear fraction of blastulae of the sea urchin, Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus. The enzyme sedimented at the position of an approximate sedimentation coefficient of 3.3 S under high salt conditions by sucrose gradient centrifugation. An isoelectric point was determined to be pH 5.8. The enzyme activity was sensitive to sulfhydryl blocking reagents. Poly(rA) . oligo(dT)12--18 followed by poly(dA) . oligo(dT)12--18 was effectively utilized as a template-primer. From the above results, this polymerase seems to resemble the vertebrate DNA polymerase-gamma.  相似文献   

The sea urchin embryo is a good model system for studying the role of mechanical and cell-cell interactions during epithelial invagination, cell rearrangement and mesenchymal patterning in the gastrula. The mechanisms underlying the initial invagination of the archenteron have been surprisingly elusive; several possible mechanisms are discussed. In contrast to its initial invagination, the cellular basis for the elongation of the archenteron is better understood: both autonomous epithelial cell rearrangement and further rearrangement driven by secondary mesenchyme cells appear to be involved. Experiments indicate that patterning of freely migrating primary mesenchyme cells and secondary mesenchyme cells residing in the tip of the archenteron relies to a large extent on information resident in the ectoderm. Interactions between cells in the early embryo and later cell-cell interactions are both required for the establishment of ectodermal pattern information. Surprisingly, in the case of the oral ectoderm the fixation of pattern information does not occur until immediately prior to gastrulation.  相似文献   

Inhibition of cell migration in sea urchin embryos by beta-D-xyloside   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This investigation examines the effect of exogenous xylosides on primary mesenchyme cell behavior in Strongylocentrotus purpuratus embryos. In confirmation of studies in some other species the addition of 2 mM p-nitrophenyl-beta-D-xylopyranoside blocks the migration but not the initial ingression of primary mesenchyme cells. The blastocoel matrix of treated embryos appears deficient in a 15- to 30-nm-diameter granular component that is observed extensively on the basal lamina and on filopodia of migrating primary mesenchyme cells in untreated embryos. Other blastocoel components appear unaffected by ultrastructural criteria. The incorporation of 35SO4(2-) per embryo into ethanol precipitates of isolated blastocoel matrices was reduced significantly after xyloside treatment but the distribution of 35SO4(2-) after polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis or the glycosaminoglycan composition was unaffected. Chromatography on Sepharose CL-2B demonstrates a reduction in size of sulfated components of the blastocoel. While over 60% of the 35S-labeled material from the blastocoel of normal mesenchyme blastulae is voided from a Sepharose CL-2B column run in a dissociative solvent, only 10% from xyloside treated embryos is voided. Instead, there is a large included peak with Kav of 0.33. This material is acid soluble but cetylpyridinium chloride precipitable. It apparently consists largely of free glycosaminoglycan chains. Based on analysis of chondroitinase ABC digestion products this material consists of 41% chondroitin-6-sulfate and 58% dermatan sulfate. These results are consistent with a role in cell migration for intact chondroitin sulfate/dermatan sulfate proteoglycans in the sea urchin blastocoel matrix.  相似文献   

Whole mount preparations of dissociated testicular cells from the sea urchin, Strongylocentrotus purpuratus, were exposed to monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) directed against sperm surface proteins. Indirect immunofluorescence microscopy and Western immunoblot analysis show that mAb J18/29 binds to the entire surface of the mature spermatozoon and membrane proteins ranging in relative molecular masses from 25 to 340 kDa. MAb J18/2 binds to the acrosomal and tail regions of the mature spermatozoon and mainly to a 210-kDa membrane protein. MAb J17/30 binds to the midpiece and tail regions and monospecifically to a 60-kDa membrane protein. MAb J16/33 binds specifically to the sperm midpiece but does not bind to Western immunoblots of sperm membrane proteins. With the exception of J16/33, which shows a punctate binding pattern, all of these mAbs show uniform binding over the entire surface of the early spermatid. This uniform and complete surface binding is observed through all stages of spermiogenesis for mAb J18/29. By the midspermatid stage, when tail formation first begins, but before the nucleus condenses and the cytoplasm decreases in volume, localized binding patterns of mAbs J17/30 and J16/33 become evident. Localized binding of mAb J18/2 is not observed until the late spermatid stage. These results show that the sea urchin sperm surface is composed of at least four different domains and provide the first insight into differentiation of the cell surface during sea urchin spermatogenesis.  相似文献   

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