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Abstract. Characters of the head of larvae of Metrius contractus Eschscholtz, Ozaenini and Paussini are interpreted phylogenetically. The monophyly of Metriini + Ozaenini + Paussini is substantiated by several synapomorphies such as hyperprognathism and strong constriction of the neck. Ozaenini and Paussini together form the sister-group of Metriini. Ozaenini are paraphyletic. The monophyly of Paussini + Ozaenini excluding Pachyteles is indicated by two possible synapomorphies. Several synapomorphies are shared by Physea + Paussini. Secondary prognathism, large membranous submento-mental area and other derived features are considered autapomorphies of Paussini. Paussini excluding Platyrhopalopsis are characterized by the loss of the palpifer. The monophyly of a group which comprises Geadephaga excluding Trachypachini is suggested by several synapomorphic features. A very basal position of the metriine—paussine lineage within Carabidae is indicated by several plesiomorphic features. A hypopharyngeal filter apparatus with a dense fringe of well-arranged, long hairs is a possible autapomorphy of Anisochaeta. The results of this study do not indicate a close relationship between the metriine—paussine lineage and the tribes Brachinini and Crepidogastrini as has been suggested in recent works.  相似文献   

On the systematic position of the family Gyrinidae (Coleoptera: Adephaga)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Various characters of adult and larval members of Adephaga and Cupedidae were analyzed, and suggest that Gyrinidae are the sister-group of the remaining Adephaga, and are not closely related to the remaining aquatic Adephaga. The aquatic families Noteridae, Amphizoidae, Hygrobiidae and Dytiscidae seem to form a well founded monophyletic unit. The following characters are considered as synapomorphies of Adephaga excluding Gyrinidae: bifurcate condition of the muscle (= M.) tentoriopraementalis inferior, reduction of hypopharynx, strongly developed prosternal process, reduction in size and specialized modification of the ventral sclerite of the mesothorax, strongly developed mesofurcal arms, a high mesopleural ridge, globular mesocoxae restricted to rotatory movements, invaginated sternum VIII (coxostemum), the strongly curved base of the median lobe of the aedeagus, which articulates with the parameres, the rotated position of the aedeagus in repose, fusion of the larval clypeolabrum with the frons and reduction of the larval lacinia. Mesal shifting of M. episterno-coxalis prothoracis, and the fusion of the apical portions of the malpighian tubules of either side are considered as synapomorphies of Adephaga excluding Rhysodidae and Gyrinidae. Lateral reduction of the meta “sternal” transverse ridge and the presence of the subcubital setal binding patch of the hind wing are considered as synapomorphic characters of Trachypachidae, Noteridae, Amphizoidae, Hygrobiidae and Dytiscidae. We postulate that the metacoxal fusion occurred independently in gyrmids and the common ancestor of Trachypachidae, Noteridae, Amphizoidae, Hygrobiidae and Dytiscidae. Consequently we consider this character state as another synapomorphy of Trachypachidae and Hydradephaga excluding Haliplidae and Gyrinidae. The following characters are considered as synapomorphies of Noteridae, Amphizoidae, Hygrobiidae and Dytiscidae: Loss of tactile setae on the head capsule, metafurcal origin on the intercoxal wall, expansion of the intercoxal wall, elongation of the subcubital setal binding patch, loss of Mm. furca-coxale anterior and posterior, reduction of the larval abdominal segments IX and X, and the shifting of the uropmphi onto the ventral side of segment VIII. Presence of M. tentorio-mandibularis and M. stipitopalpalis intemus are certainly primitive features of adult gyrinids but the distribution of these character states among most members of Adephaga is yet unclear. Chemical defence gland constituents point towards a very isolated position of Gyrinidae. The old age of the group, documented by a larva found in upper Permian deposits, may support the hypothesis of a sister-group relation-ship between Gyrinidae and the remainder of Adephaga.  相似文献   

The adult head of the Hessian fly Mayetiola destructor was examined and described in detail. Morphological features are evaluated with respect to phylogenetic implications and possible effects of miniaturisation. Preserved groundplan features of Diptera are the orthognathous orientation of the head, the vestiture of small microtrichia (possible autapomorphy), filiform antennae inserted frontally between the compound eyes, the presence of a clypeolabral muscle (possible autapomorphy), the presence of labellae (autapomorphy), and the presence of only one premental retractor. Potential synapomorphies of the groups assigned to Bibionomorpha are the origin of M. tentorioscapalis medialis on the frons and the loss of M. craniolacinialis. Further apomorphies of Cecidomyiidae identified in Mayetiola are the unusually massive anterior tentorial arm, the absence of the labro‐epipharyngeal food channel, the absence of the lacinia, and the presence of antennal sensilla connected by a seta, a feature not known from any other group of Diptera. The very large size of the compound eyes (in relation to the entire head surface) and the complete loss of ocelli are possible effects of miniaturization. The large size of the brain (in relation to the cephalic lumen), the unusual shape of the optic lobes, and the absence of the frontal ganglion as a separate structure are probably also linked with size reduction. J. Morphol. 274:1299–1311, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The evolution of the coleopteran suborder Adephaga is discussed based on a robust phylogenetic background. Analyses of morphological characters yield results nearly identical to recent molecular phylogenies, with the highly specialized Gyrinidae placed as sister to the remaining families, which form two large, reciprocally monophyletic subunits, the aquatic Haliplidae + Dytiscoidea (Meruidae, Noteridae, Aspidytidae, Amphizoidae, Hygrobiidae, Dytiscidae) on one hand, and the terrestrial Geadephaga (Trachypachidae + Carabidae) on the other. The ancestral habitat of Adephaga, either terrestrial or aquatic, remains ambiguous. The former option would imply two or three independent invasions of aquatic habitats, with very different structural adaptations in larvae of Gyrinidae, Haliplidae and Dytiscoidea.  相似文献   

The family Trachypachidae is a critical group for understanding the evolution of the coleopteran suborder Adephaga. In this article, we report the first karyotypic data on Trachypachus showing a diploid number of 2n = 36 + X (meioformula n = 18 + X) and a single autosomal localization of the rDNA clusters. The evolutionary dynamics of this karyotype are discussed in the light of recent phylogenetic hypotheses of the order Coleoptera. We conclude that chromosome analysis supports a close relationship between trachypachids and the other Geadephaga and that a male karyotype with 36 + X chromosomes may well be considered ancestral for the whole suborder Adephaga.  相似文献   

A supertree for Adephaga was reconstructed based on 43 independent source trees – including cladograms based on Hennigian and numerical cladistic analyses of morphological and molecular data – and on a backbone taxonomy. To overcome problems associated with both the size of the group and the comparative paucity of available information, our analysis was made at the genus level (requiring synonymizing taxa at different levels across the trees) and used Safe Taxonomic Reduction to remove especially poorly known species. The final supertree contained 401 genera, making it the most comprehensive phylogenetic estimate yet published for the group. Interrelationships among the families are well resolved. Gyrinidae constitute the basal sister group, Haliplidae appear as the sister taxon of Geadephaga+Dytiscoidea, Noteridae are the sister group of the remaining Dytiscoidea, Amphizoidae and Aspidytidae are sister groups, and Hygrobiidae forms a clade with Dytiscidae. Resolution within the species-rich Dytiscidae is generally high, but some relations remain unclear. Trachypachidae are the sister group of Carabidae (including Rhysodidae), in contrast to a proposed sister-group relationship between Trachypachidae and Dytiscoidea. Carabidae are only monophyletic with the inclusion of a non-monophyletic Rhysodidae, but resolution within this megadiverse group is generally low. Non-monophyly of Rhysodidae is extremely unlikely from a morphological point of view, and this group remains the greatest enigma in adephagan systematics. Despite the insights gained, our findings highlight that a combined and coordinated effort of morphologists and molecular systematists is still required to expand the phylogenetic database to enable a solid and comprehensive reconstruction of adephagan phylogeny. See also Supplementary material in the online edition at doi:10.1016/j.ode.2006.05.003  相似文献   

The relationships of extant and extinct lineages of Adephaga were analysed formally for the first time. Emphasis is placed on the aquatic and semiaquatic groups and their evolution in the Mesozoic. ?Triadogyrus and ?Mesodineutus belong to Gyrinidae, the sister group of the remaining families. ?Triaplidae are the sister group of the following groups (Haliplidae, Geadephaga, Dytiscoidea incl. ?Liadytidae, ?Parahygrobiidae and ?Coptoclavidae [major part]). The lack of a ventral procoxal joint and a very short prosternal process are plesiomorphies of ?Triaplidae. ?Coptoclavidae and ?Timarchopsinae are paraphyletic. ?Timarchopsis is placed in a geadephagan clade. In contrast to other coptoclavids, its metathorax is close to the condition found in Haliplidae, with a complete transverse ridge and coxae with large plates and free mesal walls. ?Coptoclavidae s.str., i.e. excl. ?Timarchopsis, is a dytiscoid subgroup. The mesal metacoxal walls are fused, the coxal plates are reduced, and the transverse ridge is absent. ?Stygeonectes belongs to this dytiscoid coptoclavid unit and is therefore misplaced in ?Timarchopsinae. ?Liadytidae belongs to a dytiscoid subgroup, which also comprises the extant families Aspidytidae, Amphizoidae, Hygrobiidae and Dytiscidae. ?Parahygrobia is the sister group of Hygrobiidae. The larvae are characterized by a broad gula, the absence of the lacinia, retractile maxillary bases and very long urogomphi set with long setae. ?Liadytiscinae is the sister group of extant Dytiscidae. There is no support for a clade ?Eodromeinae and for Trachypachidae incl. ?Eodromeinae. ?Fortiseode is nested within Carabidae. The exclusion of fossil taxa has no effect on the branching pattern. The evolution of Adephaga in the Mesozoic is discussed. Possible reasons for the extinction of ?Coptoclavidae are the rise of teleost fish and the competition of Gyrinidae and Dytiscidae, which possess efficient defensive glands and larval mandibular sucking channels.  相似文献   

The beetle suborder Adephaga is traditionally divided into two sections on the basis of habitat, terrestrial Geadephaga and aquatic Hydradephaga. Monophyly of both groups is uncertain, and the relationship of the two groups has implications for inferring habitat transitions within Adephaga. Here we examine phylogenetic relationships of these groups using evidence provided by DNA sequences from all four suborders of beetles, including 60 species of Adephaga, 4 Archostemata, 3 Myxophaga, and 10 Polyphaga. We studied 18S ribosomal DNA and 28S ribosomal DNA, aligned with consideration of secondary structure, as well as the nuclear protein-coding gene wingless . Independent and combined Bayesian, likelihood, and parsimony analyses of all three genes supported placement of Trachypachidae in a monophyletic Geadephaga, although for analyses of 28S rDNA and some parsimony analyses only if Coleoptera is constrained to be monophyletic. Most analyses showed limited support for the monophyly of Hydradephaga. Outside of Adephaga, there is support from the ribosomal genes for a sister group relationship between Adephaga and Polyphaga. Within the small number of sampled Polyphaga, analyses of 18S rDNA, wingless , and the combined matrix supports monophyly of Polyphaga exclusive of Scirtoidea. Unconstrained analyses of the evolution of habitat suggest that Adephaga was ancestrally aquatic with one transition to terrestrial. However, in analyses constrained to disallow changes from aquatic to terrestrial habitat, the phylogenies imply two origins of aquatic habit within Adephaga.  相似文献   

Current hypotheses regarding family relationships in the suborder Adephaga (Coleoptera) are conflicting. Here we report full-length 18S ribosomal RNA sequences of 39 adephagans and 13 outgroup taxa. Data analysis focused on the impact of sequence alignment on tree topology, using two principally different approaches. Tree alignments, which seek to minimize indels and substitutions on the tree in a single step, as implemented in an approximate procedure by the computer program POY, were contrasted with a more traditional procedure based on alignments followed by phylogenetic inference based on parsimony, likelihood, and distance analyses. Despite substantial differences between the procedures, phylogenetic conclusions regarding basal relationships within Adephaga and relationships between the four suborders of Coleoptera were broadly similar. The analysis weakly supports monophyly of Adephaga, with Polyphaga usually as its sister, and the two small suborders Myxophaga and Archostemata basal to them. In some analyses, however, Polyphaga was reconstructed as having arisen from within Hydradephaga. Adephaga generally split into two monophyletic groups, corresponding to the terrestrial Geadephaga and the aquatic Hydradephaga, as initially proposed by Crowson in 1955, consistent with a single colonization of the aquatic environment by adephagan ancestors and contradicting the recent proposition of three independent invasions. A monophyletic Hydradephaga is consistently, though not strongly, supported under most analyses, and a parametric bootstrapping test significantly rejects an hypothesis of nonmonophyly. The enigmatic Trachypachidae, which exhibit many similarities to aquatic forms but whose species are entirely terrestrial, were usually recovered as a basal lineage within Geadephaga. Strong evidence opposes the view that terrestrial trachypachids are related to the dytiscoid water beetles.  相似文献   

Adephaga is the second largest suborder of beetles (Coleoptera) and they serve as important arthropod predators in both aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. The suborder is divided into Geadephaga comprising terrestrial families and Hydradephaga for aquatic lineages. Despite numerous studies, phylogenetic relationships among the adephagan families and monophyly of the Hydradephaga itself remain in question. Here we conduct a comprehensive phylogenomic analysis of the suborder using ultraconserved elements (UCEs). This study presents the first in vitro test of a newly developed UCE probe set customized for use within Adephaga that includes both probes tailored specifically for the suborder, alongside generalized Coleoptera probes previously found to work in adephagan taxa. We assess the utility of the entire probe set, as well as comparing the tailored and generalized probes alone for reconstructing evolutionary relationships. Our analyses recovered strong support for the paraphyly of Hydradephaga with whirligig beetles (Gyrinidae) placed as sister to all other adephagan families. Geadephaga was strongly supported as monophyletic and placed sister to a clade composed of Haliplidae + Dytiscoidea. Monophyly of Dytiscoidea was strongly supported with relationships among the dytiscoid families resolved and strongly supported. Relationships among the subfamilies of Dytiscidae were strongly supported but largely incongruent with prior phylogenetic estimates for the family. The results of our UCE probe comparison showed that tailored probes alone outperformed generalized probes alone, as well as the full combined probe set (containing both types of probes), under decreased taxon sampling. When taxon sampling was increased, the full combined probe set outperformed both tailored probes and generalized probes alone. This study provides further evidence that UCE probe sets customized for a focal group result in a greater number of recovered loci and substantially improve phylogenomic analysis.  相似文献   

A phylogenetic analysis of Adephaga is presented. It is based on 148 morphological characters of adults and larvae and focussed on a placement of the recently described Meruidae, and the genus‐level phylogeny of the smaller aquatic families Gyrinidae, Haliplidae and Noteridae. We found a sister group relationship between Gyrinidae and the remaining adephagan families, as was found in previous studies using morphology. Haliplidae are either the sister group of Dytiscoidea or the sister group of a clade comprising Geadephaga and the dytiscoid families. Trachypachidae was placed as the sister group of the rhysodid‐carabid clade or of Dytiscoidea. The monophyly of Dytiscoidea including Meru is well supported. Autapomorphies are the extensive metathoracic intercoxal septum, the origin of the metafurca from this structure, the loss of Mm. furcacoxalis anterior and posterior, and possibly the presence of an elongated subcubital setal binding patch. Meruidae was placed as sister group of the Noteridae. Synapomorphies are the absence of the transverse ridge of the metaventrite, the fusion of abdominal segments III and IV, the shape of the strongly asymmetric parameres, and the enlargement of antennomeres 5, 7 and 9. The Meru‐noterid clade is the sister group of the remaining Dytiscoidea. The exact position of Aspidytes within this clade remains ambiguous: it is either the sister group of Amphizoidae or the sister group of a clade comprising this family and Hygrobiidae + Dytiscidae. The sister group relationship between Spanglerogyrinae and Gyrininae was strongly supported. The two included genera of Gyrinini form a clade, and Enhydrini are the sister group of a monophylum comprising the remaining Enhydrini and Orectochilini. A branching pattern (Peltodytes + (Brychius + Haliplus)) within Haliplidae was confirmed. Algophilus, Apteraliplus and the Haliplus‐subgenus Liaphlus form a clade. The generic status of the two former taxa is unjustified. The Phreatodytinae are the sister group of Noterinae, and Notomicrus (+ Speonoterus), Hydrocoptus, and Pronoterus branch off successively within this subfamily. The search for the larvae of Meru and a combined analysis of morphological and molecular data should have high priority. © The Willi Hennig Society 2006.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships among three paraneopteran clades (Psocodea, Hemiptera and Thysanoptera) were analysed based on the morphology of forewing base structure. Monophyly of Paraneoptera was supported by nine autapomorphies, monophyly of Condylognatha (= Thysanoptera + Hemiptera) by two autapo‐ morphies, monophyly of Thysanoptera by five autapomorphies and monophyly of Hemiptera by one autapomorphy. Thus, (Psocodea + (Thysanoptera + Hemiptera)) were proposed to be the phylogenetic relationships within Paraneoptera. A homoplastic similarity of the third axillary sclerite was observed between Thysanoptera and Heteroptera, and a possible evolutionary factor providing this homoplasy was discussed. The present analysis also suggested a monophyletic Auchenorrhyncha, and reduction of the proximal median plate was considered as an autapomorphy of this clade.  相似文献   

External and internal structures of the head of adults of Clambus are described and illustrated in detail. The results are compared with structural features found in the clambid genus Calyptomerus, in representatives of other scirtoid families, and also in species of other coleopteran suborders, notably Myxophaga. The results tentatively support the monophyly of Scirtoidea and a close relationship between Clambidae and Eucinetidae is suggested by one shared derived feature of the mandible, a long and slender apical tooth with a serrate edge. The monophyly of Clambidae is very strongly supported and Acalyptomerus is probably the sistergroup of a clade Calyptomerus + Clambinae. Potential scirtoid autapomorphies are the loss of the dorsal tentorial arms, a bulging gula, a strongly transverse labrum, and a ridge separating the mediostipes from the lacinia. However, all these features are homoplasious. The monophyly of Clambidae is supported by modifications of the head capsule which is strongly flattened and broadened, by a deep clypeofrontal incision enabling vertical antennal movements, and a series of antennal features. Synapomorphies of Clambinae + Calyptomerus (Clambidae excluding Acalyptomerus) are the conglobate body form with the ventral side of the head capsule in contact with the mesocoxae, and compound eyes integrated in the contour of the head. The completely subdivided eye is an autapomorphy of Clambus. An entire series of features is shared by Clambidae (or Scirtoidea) and Myxophaga. Most of them are apomorphies that apparently evolved independently in both groups. However, the presence of well‐developed maxillary and labial glands is arguably a retained groundplan feature of Coleoptera, with parallel loss in Archostemata, Adephaga and various groups of Polyphaga. J. Morphol. 277:615–633, 2016. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The beetle suborder Adephaga has been the subject of many phylogenetic reconstructions utilizing a variety of data sources and inference methods. However, no strong consensus has yet emerged on the relationships among major adephagan lineages. Ultraconserved elements (UCEs) have proved useful for inferring difficult or unresolved phylogenies at varying timescales in vertebrates, arachnids and Hymenoptera. Recently, a UCE bait set was developed for Coleoptera using polyphagan genomes and a member of the order Strepsiptera as an outgroup. Here, we examine the utility of UCEs for reconstructing the phylogeny of adephagan families, in the first in vitro application a UCE bait set in Coleoptera. Our final dataset included 305 UCE loci for 18 representatives of all adephagan families except Aspidytidae, and two polyphagan outgroups, with a total concatenated length of 83 547 bp. We inferred trees using maximum likelihood analyses of the concatenated UCE alignment and coalescent species tree methods (astral ii , ASTRID, svdquartets ). Although the coalescent species tree methods had poor resolution and weak support, concatenated analyses produced well‐resolved, highly supported trees. Hydradephaga was recovered as paraphyletic, with Gyrinidae sister to Geadephaga and all other adephagans. Haliplidae was recovered as sister to Dytiscoidea, with Hygrobiidae and Amphizoidae successive sisters to Dytiscidae. Finally, Noteridae was recovered as monophyletic and sister to Meruidae. Given the success of UCE data for resolving phylogenetic relationships within Adephaga, we suggest the potential for further resolution of relationships within Adephaga using UCEs with improved taxon sampling, and by developing Adephaga‐specific probes.  相似文献   

Larval head structures of Xyela sp. are described in detail. The characters are compared to conditions found in larvae of other groups of Hymenoptera and Endopterygota. Like other symphytan larvae the immature stages of Xyelidae are mainly characterized by presumably plesiomorphic features of the head. The head sutures are well developed and all parts of the tentorium are present. The labrum is free and a complete set of labral muscles is present. The maxillae are in a retracted position. In contrast to other hymenopteran larvae Xyela possesses a clypeofrontal suture, a comparatively long antenna and three well‐developed antennal muscles. Apomorphic features of Xyela are the absence of muscles associated with the salivarium and the complete absence of Musculus craniocardinalis. A clade comprising Orussidae and Apocrita is supported by the unsegmented maxillary and labial palps and the absence of the lacinia. Six potential autapomorphies for the Hymenoptera were revealed: (1) the caudal tentorial apodeme, (2) the bifurcated tendon of Musculus craniomandibularus internus, (3) the lateral lobe of the cardo, (4) the origin of M. tentoriohypopharyngalis from the posterior head capsule, (5) the exceptionally strong prepharyngo‐pharyngeal longitudinal muscle and (6) the longitudinal muscle of the silk press. The maxillolabial complex, the vestigial M. craniocardinalis and a distinctly developed labio‐hypopharyngeal lobe bearing the opening of the salivary duct are potential synapomorphies of Hymenoptera and Mecopterida. The globular, orthognathous head capsule, the modified compound eyes, the occipital furrow and the X‐shaped tentorium are features with unclear polarity shared by Hymenoptera and Mecoptera.  相似文献   

External and internal head structures of Caurinus dectes were examined and described in detail. The features are compared to conditions found in other groups of Antliophora. Caurinus is obviously crucial for the reconstruction of the mecopteran and antliophoran groundplan. It displays a remarkable series of plesiomorphic character states such as a complete clypeolabral suture, the presence of M. hypopharyngomandibularis (M. 13) and M. frontohypopharyngalis (M. 41), a subdivided clypeus, a short head without rostrum, a dorsal tentorial arm attached to the head capsule, the absence of a cranial dilator of the antenna, and large mandibles with a well developed apical tooth, two distinct subapical teeth, and a basal molar part. The first three plesiomorphic features render potential autapomorphies of Mecoptera in the traditional sense invalid. Autapomorphies of Caurinus are the distinctly flattened labrum, the absence of the labroepipharyngeal muscle, the very large size of M. 13, the strongly enlarged penultimate palpomeres, the partition of M. 41, the very strongly developed precerebral sucking chamber, strongly curved optic lobes, the presence of a large protocerebral extension in the genal region and deep posterior excavations of the protocerebrum. The maxillolabial plate, the absence of cardines as separate structures, the reduction of ocelli, and the origin of maxillary palp muscles on a median ridge or area of the maxillolabial plate are likely autapomorphies of Boreidae. Another potential autapomorphy of the family is the presence of longitudinal furrows on the mandibles. However, they are absent in Boreus. The thick strongly sclerotised, median ridge of the maxillolabial plate, the missing retractibility of the prementum, the absence of extrinsic labial muscles, and the presence of a median ridge on the prepharyngeal roof suggest a clade Boreus + Hesperoboreus. The origin of extrinsic maxillary muscles from the clypeus has probably evolved independently in Boreus and Hesperoboreus, and in Panorpa, respectively. The absence of M. craniolacinialis and the presence of a row of several subapical mandibular teeth are autapomorphies of Boreus. The presence of a specific intrinsic muscle of the salivary duct and a membranous galea enclosing the labrum and mandibular base are derived features shared by Boreidae and Pistillifera (galea absent in Nannochorista, Siphonaptera and Diptera). The loss of M. frontolabralis (M. 8) is a potential apomorphy of Mecoptera incl. Siphonaptera. A sister group relationship between Boreidae and Siphonaptera is not supported by characters of the adult head. Head structures of Siphonaptera are extremely modified in correlation with ectoparasitic habits.  相似文献   

The larvae of the grooved whirligig beetle Macrogyrus oblongus (Boisduval, 1835) are described and illustrated including detailed morphometric and chaetotaxic analyses of selected structures. Larvae of Macrogyrus Régimbart, 1882 Régimbart, M. (1882), ‘Essai Monographique de la Famille des Gyrinidae. 1re partie’, Annales de la Société entomologique de France, 51, 379458. [Google Scholar] exhibit the characters traditionally recognised as autapomorphies of the Gyrinidae. The first instars bear egg bursters on the parietal, a potential additional autapomorphy. Putative larval autapomorphies of the tribe Dineutini are the presence of additional setae on the mandible, the absence of the seta TR2, and the presence of pore-like additional structures on the ultimate palpomeres. Macrogyrus larvae differ from those of the other known dineutine genera (Andogyrus Ochs, 1924 and Dineutus MacLeay, 1825) in the absence of a neck constriction and in the distal position of the pore LAc. Other useful characters to distinguish genera within Dineutini are the presence or absence of additional setae on the cardo and coxa, and the posterior margin of the lacinia dentate or smooth.  相似文献   

External and internal head structures of Nannochorista species were examined and described in detail. The characters are discussed with regard to their functional and phylogenetic implications. The structure of the mouthparts indicates that adults of Nannochorista feed on fluids. The loss of the mandibular muscles and the precerebral pharyngeal dilators are presumptive autapomorphies of the genus. A possible clade comprising Nannomecoptera, Siphonaptera and Diptera is supported by the presence of a labral food channel, the absence of the galea, a sheath for the paired mouthparts formed by the labium, very strongly developed labial palp muscles and cibarial dilators, and the presence of a well‐defined postcerebral pharyngeal pumping chamber. Closer affinities of Nannomecoptera with Diptera are suggested by the presence of a unique sensorial groove on the third maxillary palpomere. Further potential synapomorphies are the presence of a frontal apodeme and a primarily lamelliform mandible without teeth. The presence of a salivary channel on the laciniae and a subdivided labrum are shared derived features of Nannochorista and Siphonaptera. A derived condition present in Mecoptera including Boreidae but excluding Nannochoristidae is the secretion with a strongly developed intrinsic muscle of the salivary duct. The loss of the lateral labral retractor, the cranial muscle of the cardo, and of two of the three premental retractors, and the absence of transverse epipharyngeal muscles are potential autapomorphies of Antliophora. The formation of a maxillolabial complex is a possible synapomorphy of Hymenoptera and Mecopterida.  相似文献   

The antenna cleaner of the Adephaga (Coleoptera), parallel evolutionary perfection of a complex structure Independent evolutionary perfection of a complex character ist to be expected in a splitting phylogenetic line, if selective advantages for improving this character persist in the various lines after splitting. Independent perfection leading to very similar results is termed “parallel perfection”. It can either be based on a narrow channelling, due to limitations of the evolutionary substrate (i. e. morphological structures and patterns of behaviour, inherited from the common ancestor), or on very specific functional advantages. The evolution of the antenna cleaner on the protibia of adephagous beetles is analysed under this aspect. The phylogenetic relationships within the Geadephaga are discussed. After defining the terms “anisochaetous” and “isochaetous” somewhat differently from previous usage, the two phylogenetic lines Anisochaeta (Carabidae in a broad sense) and Isochaeta (Metriidae, Ozae-nidae, Paussidae) may be considered sister groups. The Cicindelidae might have split off from the line of the Anisochaeta very early. The Rhysodidae are interpreted as an aberrant offshoot from the primitive adephagous stock. An attempt is made to reconstruct the antenna cleaner of the common ancestor of Anisochaeta and Isochaeta from the sum of plesiomorphous characters. This primitive cleaner might have corresponded in many respects to the array of setae found on an undifferentiated protibia (see comparison with mesotibia). The cleaner of the Cicindelidae, in spite of many plesiomorphous characters cannot be regarded as a model for the common ancestral form, because it already shows some differentiation towards the condition found in the Anisochaeta. The antenna cleaners of highly evolved Anisochaeta and Isochaeta, which correspond surprisingly well in many details, can be traced back to a common basis, but most of their conformities must have evolved independently. The following parallelisms were established: the ventral side of the tibia is shifted to the functional inner side and forms an oblique groove (cleaning channel); the antenna cleaning comb, originally placed transversely, becomes lengthwise oriented and is shifted in proximal direction; several setae are modified so as to form together a pressure clamp; the cleaning channel is completed by a spine-like extension projecting from the tibia; the terminal setal ring forms an additional comb. The gradual perfection of the antenna cleaner can be studied in the more primitive species in both the groups Anisochaeta and Isochaeta. Apparently, the two lines entered different pathways of perfection to begin with, and the cleaners became similar again by convergence later on. This indicates a very slight channelling effect of the common evolutionary substrate. The numerous conformities in the higher evolved genera must result from “parallel selection” (channelling for functional reasons). By observing grooming behaviour in primitive and highly evolved genera, the following advantages connected with the more complex structures could be established: the engagement of the antenna into the cleaning channel is facilitated; the mechanical strain on the antenna during grooming is reduced; the cleaning of antennae and eyes becomes more effective. That the antenna cleaner itself can better be kept clean by a comb of the Mesotibia was proved quantitatively.  相似文献   

Abstract:  The fossilized larva of an aquatic beetle, Protodytiscus johillaensis gen. et sp. nov., is described from a ferruginous micaceous siltstone bed of the Permo-Triassic Parsora Formation of the South Rewa Gondwana Basin, Madhya Pradesh, India, and its systematic position and ordinal relationships within the coleopterous suborder Adephaga are discussed. Hitherto, the oldest known fossils of the hydradephagan superfamily Dytiscoidea have been Jurassic. The discovery of P. johillaensis extends the range of the Dytiscoidea back to the Permo-Triassic period.  相似文献   

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