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The ascidian endostyle is a mucus-secreting pharyngeal organ, it has iodine-concentrating activity and the biosynthesis of thyroid hormones has been well documented. According to our recent findings, ascidians possess thyroid hormones, which are localized in mesenchymal cells. We have studied the presence and localization of l-thyroxine (T4) in Ascidia malaca (Traustedt), Ascidiella aspersa (Müller), Phallusia mamillata (Cuvier) and Ciona intestinalis (Linnaeus) larvae and its involvement in metamorphosis. In vivo treatment of swimming larvae with exogenous T4 and thiourea (a thyroid hormone synthesis inhibitor), demonstrate the presence of T4 during larval development. These results were confirmed by in vitro experiments utilizing dot blotting, radioimmunoassay and immunoperoxidase staining. The hormone was localized in mesenchymal cells of all four ascidians, spread out in the body cavity, under the adhesive papillae and around the intestine. The presence of TH in mesenchymal cells could be related to blood cells, musculature and heart tissue differentiation. The results suggest that this hormone could be involved in the control of metamorphosis.  相似文献   

Summary In larvae of Diplosoma macdonaldi one sensory nerve extends along the dorsal midline of the tail and another extends along the ventral midline. Each nerve is composed of 50–70 naked axons lying in a groove in the base of the epidermis, and each projects to the visceral ganglion. The cell bodies of the caudal sensory neurons occur in pairs within the epidermis, and are situated along the courses of the nerves. A single cilium arises from an invagination in the soma of each neuron, passes through the inner cuticular layer of the tunic and enters a tail fin formed by the outer cuticular layer. We propose that these cells are mechanoreceptors. The caudal sensory system is similar in representative species of ten families of ascidians.Abbreviations a axial complex of the tail - ac accessory centriole - ax axon - bb basal body - bl basal lamina - c cilium - cep common epidermal cells - cs ciliary sheath - dcv dense-cored vesicles - dsn dorsal sensory nerve - ec ependymal cells - ep epidermis - gj gap junction - h hemocoel - hc hemocoelic chamber - icl inner cuticular layer of the tunic - m caudal muscle - nc dorsal nerve cord - ncl neurocoel - no notochord - ocl outer cuticular layer of the tunic - sc sensory cell - sn sensory nerve - sv sensory vesicle - vg visceral ganglion - vsn ventral sensory nerve  相似文献   

Tadpole larvae of the ascidian Halocynthia roretzi show morphological left-right asymmetry. The tail invariably bends towards the left side within the vitelline membrane. The structure of the larval brain is remarkably asymmetric. nodal, a conserved gene that shows left-sided expression, is also expressed on the left side in H. roretzi but in the epidermis unlike in vertebrates. We show that nodal signaling at the late neurula stage is required for stereotypic morphological left-right asymmetry at later stages. We uncover a novel mechanism to break embryonic symmetry, in which rotation of whole embryos provides the initial cue for left-sided expression of nodal. Two hours prior to the onset of nodal expression, the neurula embryo rotates along the anterior-posterior axis in a counterclockwise direction when seen in posterior view, and then this rotation stops when the left side of the embryo is oriented downwards. It is likely that epidermis monocilia, which appear at the neurula rotation stage, generate the driving force for the rotation. When the embryo lies on the left side, protrusion of the neural fold physically prevents it from rotating further. Experiments in which neurula rotation is perturbed by various means, including centrifugation and sandwiching between glass, indicate that contact of the left epidermis with the vitelline membrane as a consequence of neurula rotation promotes nodal expression in the left epidermis. We suggest that chemical, and not mechanical, signals from the vitelline membrane promote nodal expression. Neurula rotation is also conserved in other ascidian species.  相似文献   

 With the use of the monoclonal antibody UA301, which specifically recognizes the nervous system in ascidian larvae, the neuronal connections of the peripheral and central nervous systems in the ascidian Ciona intestinalis were observed. Three types of peripheral nervous system neurons were found: two located in the larval trunk and the other in the larval tail. These neurons were epidermal and their axons extended to the central nervous system and connected with the visceral ganglion directly or indirectly. The most rostral system (rostral trunk epidermal neurons, RTEN) was distributed bilateral-symmetrically. In addition, presumptive papillar neurons in palps were found which might be related to the RTEN. Another neuron group (apical trunk epidermal neurons, ATEN) was located in the apical part of the trunk. The caudal peripheral nervous system (caudal epidermal neurons, CEN) was located at the dorsal and ventral midline of the caudal epidermis. In the larval central nervous system, two major axon bundles were observed: one was of a photoreceptor complex and the other was connected with RTEN. These axon bundles joined in the posterior sensory vesicle, ran posteriorly through the visceral ganglion and branched into two caudal nerves which ran along the lateral walls of the caudal nerve tube. In addition, some immunopositive cells existed in the most proximal part of the caudal nerve tube and may be motoneurons. Received: 8 September 1997 / Accepted: 14 December 1997  相似文献   

The aim of this work is to control the waterenvironment for culturing larvae of the swimmingcrab, Portunus trituberculatus, using microorganisms.The bacterial strain PM-4 (Thalassobacter utilis)improved the survival rate of crab larvae andrepressed the growth of Vibrio anguillarum (bacterium)and Haliphthoros sp.(fungus) in seawater. PM-4 wascultured and added daily to seawater during the firstto third zoean growth stage of the crab with diatomsand rotifers. Numbers of PM-4 decreased in culturewater during the first 3 days, because of feeding bythe first zoean stage of larvae. The finalconcentration of PM-4 was 105 to 106 cellsml–1according to the plate count method in larval rearingwater.During 1989 to 1993, we tried seed productions of aswimming crab in 200 m3 containers at TamanoStation, Japan Sea-Farming Association. In 33trials of the biocontrol methods, average survivalrate of crab larvae was 28.3% when the bacterialstrain PM-4 was added. In 42 trials in which the strainPM-4 was not added, average survival rate of crab larvae was15.6%. We conclude that thebacterial strain PM-4 is effective as a biocontrolagent.  相似文献   

In this study we investigated the presence and localization of thyroxine in Ciona intestinalis larvae and its involvement in metamorphosis. To date, the mechanisms regulating the metamorphosis of ascidians remain largely unknown. In vivo treatment of swimming larvae with exogenous L-thyroxine and thiourea, and in vitro experiments utilizing high performance liquid chromatography, radioimmunoassay, and immunoperoxidase staining demonstrate the presence of thyroxine at the larval stage. This suggests that this hormone may participate in the control of metamorphosis and thus play a different role from that observed in adults.  相似文献   

Ascidian larvae of Ciona intestinalis change their photic behavior during the course of development. Newly hatched larvae show no response to a light stimulus at any intensity. At 4 hr after hatching, larvae were induced to start to swimming upon the cessation of illumination, and to stop swimming upon the onset of illumination. At a weaker light intensity (5.0 x 10(-3) J/m (2).s), the larvae showed similar responses to either a single stimulus or repeated stimuli of onset and cessation of light until 10 hr after hatching. At a stronger light intensity (3.2 x 10(-1) J/m(2).s), when the stimulus was repeated, they showed sensitization and habituation of the swimming response. At 3 hr after hatching the larvae failed to show any response to an initial stimulus at any intensity of light, but after several repeated stimuli (sensitization) they showed a swimming response at light intensities above 4.0 x 10(-2) J/m (2).s. At 5 hr and with intensity above 1.0 x 10 (-2) J/m(2).s, the larvae showed photoresponses to the first stimulus, but after several repetitions the larvae failed to stop swimming upon the onset of light (habituation). A repeated series of stimuli at stronger intensities of light caused greater habituation; this habituation was retained for about 1 min. Since the larval central nervous system in Ciona is comprised of only about 100 neurons, learning behavior in ascidian larvae should provide insights for a minimal mechanism of memory in vertebrates.  相似文献   

Determinative properties of muscle lineages in ascidian embryos   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Blastomeres removed from early cleavage stage ascidian embryos and reared to 'maturity' as partial embryos often elaborate tissue-specific features typical of their constituent cell lineages. We used this property to study recent corrections of the ascidian larval muscle lineage and to compare the ways in which different lineages give rise to muscle. Our evaluation of muscle differentiation was based on histochemical localization and quantitative radiometric measurement of a muscle-specific acetylcholinesterase activity, and the development of myofilaments and myofibrils as observed by electron microscopy. Although the posterior-vegetal blastomeres (B4.1 pair) of the 8-cell embryo have long been believed to be the sole precursors of larval muscle, recent studies using horseradish peroxidase to mark cell lineages have shown that small numbers of muscle cells originate from the anterior-vegetal (A4.1) and posterior-animal (b4.2) blastomeres of this stage. Fully differentiated muscle expression in isolated partial embryos of A4.1-derived cells requires an association with cells from other lineages whereas muscle from B4.1 blastomeres develops autonomously. Clear differences also occurred in the time acetylcholinesterase activity was first detected in partial embryos from these two sources. Isolated b4.2 cells failed to show any muscle development even in combination with anterior-animal cells (a4.2) and are presumably even more dependent on normal cell interactions and associations. Others have noted an additional distinction between the different sources of muscle: muscle cells from non-B4.1 lineages occur exclusively in the distal part of the tail, while the B4.1 descendants contribute those cells in the proximal and middle regions. During the course of ascidian larval evolution tail muscle probably had two origins: the primary lineage (B4.1) whose fate was set rigidly at early cleavage stages and secondarily evolved lineages which arose later by recruitment of cells from other tissues resulting in increased tail length. In contrast to the B4.1 lineage, muscle development in the secondary lineages is controlled less rigidly by processes that depend on cell interactions.  相似文献   

 In vertebrates, excess all-trans retinoic acid (RA) applied during axis formation leads to the apparent truncation of anterior structures. In this study we sought to determine the type of defects caused by ectopic RA on the development of the ascidian Herdmania curvata. We demonstrate that H. curvata embryos cultured in the presence of RA develop into larvae whose trunks are shortened and superficially resemble those of early metamorphosing postlarvae. Despite RA-treated larvae lacking papillar structures they respond normally to natural cues that induce metamorphosis, indicating that chemosensory functionality previously mapped to the most anterior region of normal larvae is unaffected by RA. Excess RA applied during postlarval development leads to a graded loss of the juvenile pharynx, apparently by respecifying anterior endoderm to a more posterior fate. This structure is considered homologous to the gill slits of amphioxus, which are also lost upon RA treatment. This suggests that RA may have had a role in the development of the pharynx of the ancestral chordate and that this function has been maintained in ascidians and cephalochordates and lost in vertebrates. Received: 27 February 1998 / Accepted: 20 April 1998  相似文献   

Due to the lack of appropriate methods to transport high amounts of larvae ex situ over large distances, the availability of coral larvae was so far mainly limited to their place of origin. For a research project at Rotterdam Zoo, The Netherlands, we transported several thousand larvae of three broadcast spawners (Acropora tenuis, A. digitifera, Diploria strigosa) from the Indo Pacific and the Caribbean to Europe. Beside logistics and packing techniques, post-transport survival rates were mainly influenced by larvae density and transport duration. Our results indicate optimum survival rates of >90% at densities of 4 larvae ml−1 when not exceeding a transportation time of 4 days. The ex situ transport of coral larvae over large distances might offer new possibilities for research, conservation, and aquaculture.  相似文献   

Modern research makes frequent use of animal models, that is, organisms raised and bred experimentally in order to help the understanding of biological and chemical processes affecting organisms or whole environments. The development of flexible, reprogrammable and modular systems that may help the automatic production of ‘not-easy-to-keep’ species is important for scientific purposes and for such aquaculture needs as the production of alive foods, the culture of small larvae and the test of new culture procedures. For this reason, we planned and built a programmable experimental system adaptable to the culture of various aquatic organisms, at different developmental stages. The system is based on culture cylinders contained into operational tanks connected to water conditioning tanks. A programmable central processor unit controls the operations, that is, water changes, temperature, light irradiance, the opening and closure of valves for the discharge of unused foods, water circulation and filtration and disinfection systems, according to the information received by various probes. Various devices may be set to modify water circulation and water changes to fulfil the needs of given organisms, to avoid damage of delicate structures, improve feeding performances and reduce the risk of movements over the water surface. The results obtained indicate that the system is effective in the production of shrimp larvae, being able to produce Hippolyte inermis post-larvae with low mortality as compared with the standard operation procedures followed by human operators. Therefore, the patented prototype described in the present study is a possible solution to automate and simplify the rearing of small invertebrates in the laboratory and in production plants.  相似文献   

Both phenotypic plasticity and local genetic adaptation may contribute to a species’ ability to inhabit different environmental conditions. While phenotypic plasticity is usually considered costly, local adaptation takes generations to respond to environmental change and may be constrained by strong gene flow. The majority of marine species have complex life-cycles with pelagic stages that might be expected to promote gene flow and plastic responses, and yet several notable examples of local adaptation have been found in species with broadcast larvae. In the ascidian, Ciona intestinalis (Linnaeus, 1767),—a common marine species with broadcast spawning and a short larval stage—previous studies have found marked differences in salinity tolerance of early life-history stages among populations from different salinity regimes. We used common-garden experiments to test whether observed differences in salinity tolerance could be explained by phenotypic plasticity. Adult ascidians from two low salinity populations [2–5 m depth, ~25 practical salinity units (PSU)], and two full salinity populations (25–27 m depth, ~31 PSU) were acclimated for 2–4 weeks at both 25 and 31 PSU. Gametes were fertilized at the acclimation salinities, and the newly formed embryos were transferred to 10 different salinities (21–39 PSU) and cultured to metamorphosis. Adult acclimation salinity had an overriding and significant effect on larval metamorphic success: tolerance norms for larvae almost fully matched the acclimation salinity of the parents, independent of parental origin (deep or shallow). However we also detected minor population differences that could be attributed to either local adaptation or persistent environmental effects. We conclude that differences in salinity tolerance of C. intestinalis larvae from different populations are driven primarily by transgenerational phenotypic plasticity, a strategy that seems particularly favourable for an organism living in coastal waters where salinity is less readily predicted than in the open oceans.  相似文献   

Among sessile marine invertebrates, the dispersion patterns of settling larvae are likely to strongly affect the nature and strength of subsequent intraspecific interactions. We use a recently developed graphical analysis technique to examine in situ spacing among settled larvae of the colonial ascidian Clavelina moluccensis. Larvae were mapped at settlement each day for 1 month at the time of their release from adults. Experimental plots measuring 90×90 mm were located on naturally occurring bare patches of wood on pier pilings which were extensively encrusted with sponges and ascidians. An inclusive one-tailed nearest-neighbour analysis applied at the time of the maximum number of individuals per plot revealed consistent fine-scale regular spacing between settled larvae. Furthermore, a two-tailed goodness-of-fit analysis indicated two modes of spacing: one at about 4.5 mm and the other at around 9 mm. No contact between larvae was observed at settlement and the spatial regularity is interpreted as a response of settling larvae to water-borne cues released from settled individuals. The two modes of spacing indicate the possibility of kin recognition as has been demonstrated for bryozoans. Water-borne cues may also limit local population density, as those plots with a high density of settlers showed a much greater decrease in settlement rate over time than low-density plots. Our findings are consistent with the hypothesis that intraspecific competitive interactions shape the patterns of dispersion of these invertebrates on hard substrata in the field.  相似文献   

Development Genes and Evolution - UnfertilizedCiona eggs were centrifuged, stratifying their mitochondria and some other cytoplasmic components. Each centrifuged egg had a mitochondria-free,...  相似文献   

In vertebrates, melanins produced in specialized pigment cells are required for visual acuity, camouflage, sexual display and protection from ultra violet (UV) radiation. There are three pigment cell types that are classified based on their distinct embryonic origins. Retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) cells originate from the outer layer of the optic cup. Pigment cells of the pineal organ are formed from the developing diencephalon. Melanocytes are derived from the neural crest unique to vertebrate embryos. Some of these pigment cells also play roles that are independent of the activity of tyrosinase, the key melanogenesis enzyme, or melanin: production of substrate(s) for catecholamine synthesis, maintenance of endolymph composition in the cochlea, maintenance of photoreceptor cells in the retina and retinoid metabolism essential for the visual cycle. To deduce the evolutionary origins of vertebrate pigment cells and a possible archetypal genetic circuitry, which may have been modified and utilized to generate multiple pigment cell types, comparison of developmental mechanisms of pigment cells between vertebrates and closely related invertebrate ascidians are proposed to provide useful information. The tadpole-type larva of ascidians possesses two melanin-containing pigment cells, termed the otolith and ocellus pigment cells, in the brain that are believed to be required for photo- and geotactic responses during swimming. In this review, current knowledge on the development of the two ascidian pigment cells is summarized, i.e. complete cell lineage, structure and expression of genes encoding two melanogenesis enzymes, and molecular developmental mechanisms involving BMP-CHORDIN antagonism, and possible evolutionary relationships between ascidian and vertebrate pigment cells are discussed.  相似文献   

The organization of the sarcotubular system has been examined in the caudal muscle cells of the ascidian. Botryllus schlosseri. At variance with striated muscle of other protochordates. Botryllus muscle cells are endowed with a well-developed T system, which has a peculiar laminar structure. The thin T laminae are in continuity with the plasma membrane and extend longitudinally in the intermyofibrillar spaces. At the level of the I-band the T laminae are focally associated with SR cisternae in dyad junctions similar to those observed in invertebrate muscles. These findings are discussed in relation to the origin of the sarcotubular system in vertebrate muscle.  相似文献   

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