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This paper reports on efforts to reduce woody successional growth by the native shrub Iva frutescens L. in a created salt marsh by using prescribed fire and cutting. Experimental treatments included a winter burn, cutting plants at ground level, and a combination burn-and-cut treatment, with replicate plots of each. Iva frutescens proved to be extremely hardy, with zero mortality following the cutting, burning, or combination treatment; similar levels of regrowth were observed for all treatments. Individual shrub response, however, was found to be related to initial plant size, ground water level and salinity, and two fire characteristics (total heating >60°C and total heat index >60°C). Fire severity, sediment nutrient concentrations, and other abiotic factors had no observable effects.  相似文献   

The role of salt marshes as nitrogen sink is examined taking into consideration the seasonal variation of above and belowground biomass of Spartina martima and Halimione portulacoides in two marshes from Tagus estuary, Pancas and Corroios, and the degradation rates of belowground litter. Total nitrogen was determined in plant components, decomposing litter and sediment. Biomass was higher in Corroios, the saltier marsh, with 7190 g m−2 y−1 dw of S. maritima and 6593 g m−2 y−1 dw of H. portulacoides and the belowground component contributed to 96% and 90% of total biomass, respectively. In the other marsh, Pancas, belowground biomass contributed to 56% and 76% of total biomass for S. maritima and H. portulacoides, respectively. Litterbag experiment showed that between 25% and 50% of nitrogen is lost within the first month and remained relatively constant in the next four months. Slower decomposition is observed in sediments with higher nitrogen concentration (max. 0.7% N in the saltier marsh). Higher concentrations of N were found in the sediment upper layers. Considering the sediment-root system, most of the nitrogen is stored in the sediment compartment and only about 1–4% of the total N was found in the roots. Considering these results, Tagus salt marshes act as a sink for nitrogen.  相似文献   

W. G. Beeftink 《Plant Ecology》1985,61(1-3):127-136
  1. The population dynamics of two Salicornia species from the Bergen op Zoom salt marsh (south-west Netherlands) was examined. Based on the results of several field studies three preliminary life tables were constructed, two for S. procumbens agg. populations growing respectively on the mud flats and in the salt marsh, and one for S. europaea agg. living in the upper marsh.
  2. The life cycles are described and quantified in terms of eight phases and the transition probabilities between them, starting from a notional individual representative of each population.
  3. The models depicting the life cycle of S. procumbens show a mean offspring number of 4.26 individuals per parent for the mud-flat population and 0.18 for the salt-marsh population. The S. europaea model gives an output of 0.44 individuals per parent. These results reflect the fluctuations in population size observed in sample plots over the years 1976–78.
  4. Comparison of the transition probabilities reveals that on the mud flats most S. procumbens individuals die during pollination and seed germination, while the population in the salt marsh proper is thinned especially during the seed phase in winter time and during the growth from established seedlings to maturation. S. europaea behaves in a similar but less pronounced way to S. procumbens in the salt marsh.
  5. Probabilities for one flower or one seed to produce a mature flowering plant were calculated, and were compared with those found in the literature. They are roughly of the same order of magnitude as the probabilities for other annual species, but much higher than those reported for biennial species.

New data of aboveground biomass and production of four angiosperms over a 12 month period for the Cantabrian Sea salt marshes (Bay of Biscay, N. Spain) are presented. Based on harvest methods, maximum aboveground total biomass values for Spartina maritima (Curtis) Fernald, Spartina alterniflora Loisel, Salicornia ramosissima J. Woods and Halimione portulacoides (L.) Aellen were 628, 1109, 480 and 1267 gm-2, respectively. We conclude that although a slight latitudinal gradient in biomass is revealed in the data compiled with reference to some of the species studied, more work is neccesary in order to assess the potential productivity of these ecosystems on the coasts of Europe and/or to make comparisons with salt marshes of the American coasts. Annual net aerial primary production estimates using Smalley's method were: 296, 1160, 486 and 952 gm-2yr-1, for Spartina maritima, Spartina alterniflora, Salicornia ramosissima and Halimione portulacoides, respectively. These results together with turnover rate estimates point to the lack of vigour of the native S. maritima, while the exotic S. alterniflora, which seems to be spreading along the Cantabrian estuaries, behaves like a veritable pionner throughout the low marshes in this region.  相似文献   

Narrow fringing salt marshes dominated by Spartina alterniflora occur naturally along estuarine shorelines and provide many of the same ecological functions as more extensive marshes. These fringing salt marshes are sometimes incorporated into shoreline stabilization efforts. We obtained data on elevation, salinity, sediment characteristics, vegetation and fish utilization at three study sites containing both natural fringing marshes and nearby restored marshes located landward of a stone sill constructed for shoreline stabilization. During the study, sediment accretion rates in the restored marshes were approximately 1.5- to 2-fold greater than those recorded in the natural marshes. Natural fringing marsh sediments were predominantly sandy with a mean organic matter content ranging between 1.5 and 6.0%. Average S. alterniflora stem density in natural marshes ranged between 130 and 222 stems m−2, while mean maximum stem height exceeded 64 cm. After 3 years, one of the three restored marshes (NCMM) achieved S. alterniflora stem densities equivalent to that of the natural fringing marshes, while percentage cover and maximum stem heights were significantly greater in the natural than in the restored marshes at all sites. There was no significant difference in the mean number of fish, crabs or shrimp captured with fyke nets between the natural and restored marshes, and only the abundance of Palaemonetes vulgaris (grass shrimp) was significantly greater in the natural marshes than in the restored ones. Mean numbers of fish caught per 5 m of marsh front were similar to those reported in the literature from marshes adjacent to tidal creeks and channels, and ranged between 509 and 634 fish net−1. Most of the field data and some of the sample analyses were obtained by volunteers as they contributed 223 h of the total 300 h spent collecting data from three sites in one season. The use of fyke nets required twice as many man-hours as any other single task. Vegetation and sediment parameters were sensitive indicators of marsh restoration success, and volunteers were capable of contributing a significant portion of the labor needed to collect these parameters. The U.S. Government's right to retain a non-exclusive, royalty-free license in and to any copyright is acknowledged.  相似文献   

Vegetation changes in salt marsh communities of the Dee estuary, northwest England, were analysed with a combination of remote sensing techniques using data dating back to the 1950s. The distribution of communities in 1997 was classified using Airborne Thematic Mapper data and used to develop a methodology for the analysis of black and white photographs of the marsh. These methods were then applied retrogressively to a time sequence of monochrome photographs running from 1955 to 1975. At the apex of the salt marshes on the English shore of the Dee estuary, the marsh expanded dramatically to 1975, and consisted predominantly of pioneer and low marsh vegetation types. Between 1975 and 1997, however, there was only a slight increase in salt marsh area, but with an increase in mid and high marsh vegetation, replacing pioneer marsh. In a second area of the salt marsh on the English shore, a different pattern of salt marsh expansion was observed. The area occupied by marsh continued to increase right up to 1997, with extensive pioneer vegetation suggesting a process of continuing expansion. However, the pattern of marsh colonisation appeared to be different in 1997 compared to 1975. The significance of the changes in salt marsh distribution within the Dee estuary are discussed in relation to the historical pattern of salt marsh colonisation, the importance of Spartina anglica in the process and the implications for strategic management of the estuarine resources.  相似文献   

The present study focuses on the spatial and temporal distribution of the macroinvertebrate community of the salt marsh areas of the Tejo estuary, based on surveys conducted from autumn 1998 to summer 2000. Samples were collected quarterly in five different intertidal areas along an elevation gradient in: mudflats, creek mouths, creeks, pioneer salt marsh areas and middle marsh areas. A total of 36 benthic invertebrate taxa were identified. Insect larvae were the most well represented group, with 10 taxa identified. Oligochaetes and ostracods were the most numerically abundant taxa, whereas bivalves dominated in biomass. Benthic macroinvertebrate assemblages were dominated, both in number and biomass, by deposit feeders. Three distinct macroinvertebrate assemblages were distinguished along the elevation gradient, based on species presence, density and biomass: the unvegetated muddy areas with a macrobenthic assemblage composed mostly by infauna; the salt marsh pioneer areas of Spartina maritima in which several epibenthic taxa were found, as well as endobenthic taxa characteristic of muddy sediment; and the creek margins, with epifauna taxa such as insect larvae and crustaceans and a low abundance of benthic infauna. Total biomass in the unvegetated and Spartina areas was higher during spring and summer mainly due to the increase in biomass of Scrobicularia plana and Hydrobia ulvae. No decreases in the salt marsh macroinvertebrate biomass values were observed during the highest densities of their potential nektonic predators (summer). This fact might indicate that macroinvertebrates are not a limiting resource for the nektonic species, and that the natural biomass increment of these invertebrate species could be masking the predation/disturbance caused by the nektonic species.  相似文献   

We investigated the roles of flooding, salinity, and plant competition in creating a bimodal zonation pattern of the marsh dominant annual plant, Suaeda salsa, along coastal topographic gradients on the Pacific coast of northern China. In two consecutive years, we manipulated salinity and flooding, salinity, and competition for S. salsa seedlings that had been transplanted into the mudflat, the high marsh, and the upland, respectively. S. salsa plants that had been transplanted into the mudflat were completely eliminated in the non-elevated treatments whereas they performed much better in the 10 cm elevated treatments, regardless of salinity treatments. Although the performance of S. salsa transplanted into the high marsh did not differ between the fresh (watered) and the salt (control) treatments, S. salsa seedling emergence in the high marsh was nearly completely inhibited in the salt treatments. In contrast, a large number of S. salsa seedlings did emerge in the fresh treatments. S. salsa transplanted into the upland performed well when neighbors were removed, whereas it appeared to be strongly suppressed when neighbors were present. These data indicated that flooding, salinity, and competition all played a role in determining the zonation pattern of S. salsa. Furthermore, the importance of salinity was found to vary with life-history stage. Based on the results from these field manipulative experiments, we suggest that the marsh plant zonation paradigm may hold true for plant distributions along landscape-scale topographic gradients from mudflats to uplands in general. The relative importance of flooding, salinity, and competition, however, may vary at different elevations within a site and between sites. Handling editor: Pierluigi Viaroli  相似文献   

Transpiration, leaf conductance, net photosynthesis, leaf growth, above-ground biomass and regeneration of new culms were studied in a rapidly subsiding Spartina alterniflora Lois. salt marsh following the addition at 47 and 94 Kg m–2 of new sediment. Plant growth was enhanced in response to sediment addition as was evident by a significant increase in leaf area, above-ground biomass production and regeneration of new culms (p 0.05). Leaf conductance and transpiration rates were significantly greater in sediment treated plants than in control plants (p 0.05). Enhanced production of culms per unit area of marsh resulted in increased leaf area which allowed a greater capacity for net photosynthesis and contributed to increases in above-ground biomass of sediment treated plots.  相似文献   

As glycerol was suggested as an osmotic agent in the salt tolerantDebaryomyces hansenii the concentrations of total, intracellular, and extracellular glycerol produced by this yeast was followed during growth in 4 mM, 0.68 M, and 2.7 M NaCl media. The total amount of glycerol was not directly proportional to biomass production but to the cultural salinity with maximum concentrations just prior to or at the beginning of the stationary phase. In all cultures the cells lost some glycerol to the media, at 2.7 M NaCl the extracellular glycerol even amounted maximally to 80% of the total. A distinct maximum of intracellular glycerol, related to dry weight or cell number, appeared during the log phase at all NaCl concentrations. As the intracellular calculated glycerol concentrations amounted to 0.2 M, 0.8 M, and 2.6 M in late log phase cells at 4 mM, 0.68 M, and 2.7 M NaCl, respectively, whereas the corresponding analysed values for the glycerol concentrations of the media were 0.7 mM, 2.5 mM, and 3.0 mM, glycerol contributes to the osmotic balance of the cells.During the course of growth all cultures showed a decreasing heat production related to cell substance produced, most pronounced at 2.7 M NaCl. At 2.7 M NaCl the total heat production amounted to-1690 kJ per mole glucose consumed in contrast to-1200 and-1130 kJ at 4 mM and 0.68 M NaCl, respectively. TheY m -values were of an inverse order, being 129, 120, and 93 at 4 mM, 0.68 M, and 2.7 M NaCl, respectively.  相似文献   

Spatial patterns of plant cover and species composition in arctic salt marsh and salt affected tundra near Prudhoe Bay, Alaska reflect gradients in elevation, soil conductivity, and soil concentrations of the ions prevalent in seawater. Soil conductivity and soil concentrations of Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+, SO4 = and Cl were significantly related to site elevation, decreasing as elevation increased. Vascular plant species richness increased significantly as soil conductivity and soil ion concentrations decreased, and site elevation increased. Puccinellia phryganodes was the only species present in low elevation sites with low plant cover, high soil conductivity and high soil concentrations of Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+, SO4 = and Cl. Mid-gradient sites were dominated by Carex subspathaceae. Plant cover at these sites was greater than at lower elevation sites, but bare ground was still present. Higher elevation sites had the lowest concentrations of soil ions and the lowest soil conductivities. These sites had little bare ground, contained as many as 16 species, and were dominated by Dupontia fischeri and Eriophorum angustifolium. Ordinations indicated that a complex topographic gradient related most closely to elevation and site distance from the coast best explains variation in the vegetation cover. Irregular deposition along the coastline partially or completely buried three sites in peat or sand up to 20 cm deep. Such rapid changes in plant cover and species composition contributes to the community patch mosaic typical of these marshes. Results suggest an individualistic response of plant species to the environmental gradients in salt marsh and salt affected tundra and are indicative of successional models developed in other marginal arctic environments.  相似文献   

We studied the effect of triacontanol (TRIA) on shoot multiplication and rooting of in vitro derived shoot tips of Capsicum frutescens and Decalepis hamiltonii W & A. In both shoot multiplication and rooting phases, TRIA was administered at 2-20 g l–1. TRIA resulted in highest promotion of axillary shoot proliferation at 2 g l–1 in Capsicum frutescens and 20 g l–1 in Decalepis hamiltonii while rooting was maximum at 5 and 10 g l–1 for Capsicum frutescens and Decalepis hamiltonii respectively. TRIA enhanced shoot growth and chlorophyll content of leaves and also influenced root induction and supported growth of the roots. This work reveals that TRIA can be used as an effective growth regulator in the micropropagation of Capsicum frutescens and Decalepis hamiltonii, an endangered shrub of Deccan peninsular India.  相似文献   

Summary Interspecific segregating populations derived from a cross between tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) cv M82-1 -8 (M82) and the wild species L. pennellii accession LA-716 (Lpen716) were used to study the genetic basis of salt tolerance and its implications for breeding. BC1 (M82 x (M82 x Lpen716)) and BC1 S1 (progenies of selfed BC1 plants) populations were grown under arid field conditions and irrigated with water having electrical conductivities of 1.5 (control), 10 and 20 dSm-1. The evaluation of salt tolerance was based on total fruit yield (TY), total dry matter (TD) and TD under salinity relative to the control (RD). Sodium, potassium and chloride concentrations were measured in the leaves and stems. The methods for estimating heritability were adapted to BC1 plants and BC1S1 families. TY, TD and RD had heritability estimates of 0.3–0.45, indicating that salt tolerance can be improved by selection. Genetic correlations between traits indicated that high yield may be combined with salt tolerance and that ion contents are not likely to provide an efficient selection criteria for salt tolerance. Genetic correlations between performances under various salinity levels suggested that similar mechanisms affect the responses to salinity treatments of 10 and 20 dSm-1. Responses to paper selection confirmed that salt tolerance of the tomato may be improved by selection, and that this selection should be based on dry matter and yield parameters under salinity.Passed away May 1986  相似文献   

Summary Lacunal allocation as the fraction of the total cross sectional area of leaves, stem bases, rhizomes, and roots was determined in both tall and short growth forms of Spartina alterniflora collected from natural monospecific stands. The results indicate that in both growth forms lacunal allocation is greater in stem bases and rhizomes than in leaves and roots and that tall form plants allocate more of their stem and rhizome to lacunae than short form plants.Measurements made in natural stands of Spartina alterniflora suggest that total lacunal area of the stem base increases with increasing stem diameter and that stem diameter increases with increasing plant height and above-ground biomass. However, the fraction of cross section allocated to lacunae was relatively constant and increased only with the formation of a central lacuna.Experimental manipulations of surface and subsurface water exchange were carried out to test the influence of flooding regime on aerenchyma formation. No significant differences in lacunal allocation were detected between plants grown in flooded (reduced) and drained (oxidized) sediments in either laboratory or field experiments. While aerenchyma formation in Spartina alterniflora may be an adaptation to soil waterlogging/anoxia, our results suggest that lacunal formation is maximized as a normal part of development with allocation constrained structurally by the size of plants in highly organic New England and Mid-Atlantic marshes.The cross sectional area of aerenchyma for gas transport was found to be related to the growth of Spartina alterniflora with stands of short form Spartina alterniflora exhibiting a lower specific gas transport capacity (lacunal area per unit below ground biomass) than tall form plants despite having a similar below-ground biomass supported by a 10 fold higher culm density. The increased specific gas transport capacity in tall vs. short plants may provide a new mechanism to explain the better aeration, higher nutrient uptake rates and lower frequency of anaerobic respiration in roots of tall vs. short Spartina alterniflora.  相似文献   

Crab: snail size-structured interactions and salt marsh predation gradients   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
We studied size-structured predator-prey interactions between blue crabs (Callinectes sapidus) and marsh periwinkles (Littoraria irrorata) with a combination of field studies, laboratory experiments and individual-based modeling. Size distributions of Littoraria differed among years at the same sites in a salt marsh and could largely be explained by dominance of strong cohorts in the population. At a given site, abundance increased with elevation above tidal datum. Size-selective predation by blue crabs does not appear to be an important regulator of snail size distributions but may have a major effect on local abundance. Laboratory studies indicated that predator-prey interactions between Callinectes and Littoraria are strongly size-dependent. Crabs were generally effective at feeding on periwinkles at size ratios greater than approximately 6 (crab width: snail length). At lower size ratios crabs were far less effective at manipulating the snails, which often survived but with damaged shells. An individual-based model which incorporated information about incidence of snail shell scarring (resulting from non-lethal interactions) and snail density, predicted reduced predation rates and smaller average crab size with distance from the low tide refugium for crabs.  相似文献   

We report the isolation and expression analysis of two cDNAs encoding 3-ketoacyl-acyl carrier protein synthases (KAS) that are involved in the de novo synthesis of fatty acids in plastids of perilla (Perilla frutescens L.). The cDNAs, designated PfFAB1 and PfFAB24, encoded polypeptides with high sequence identities to those of KAS I and KAS II/IV, respectively, of various plants. Genomic Southern blots revealed that there was a single PfFAB1 gene but two PfFAB24 genes in the perilla genome. Of interest is that the expression of both genes was developmentally regulated in seeds. Their mRNA expression patterns in seeds were also discussed in comparison with the profile of fatty acid accumulation.  相似文献   

Improving salt tolerance of economically important plants is imperative to cope with the increasing soil salinity in many parts of the world. Mutation breeding has been widely used to improve plant performance under salinity stress. In this study, we have mutagenized Echinochloa crusgalli L. with sodium azide and three selected mutants (designated fows A) with salt tolerant germination. Their vegetative growth was compared to that of the wild type after short-term and long-term salt stress. The germination of the three fows A mutants in the presence of inhibitory concentrations of NaCl, KCL, and mannitol was better than that of the wild type. Early growth of the mutants in the presence of 200 mM NaCl was also better than that of the wild type perhaps due to improved K+ uptake and enhanced accumulation of sugars particularly sucrose at least in two mutants. But the three mutants and the wild type responded similarly to long-term salt stress. The tolerance mechanisms during short-term and long-term salt stress are discussed.  相似文献   

Coastal marshes represent an important transitional zone between uplands and estuaries. One important function of marshes is to assimilate nutrient inputs from uplands, thus providing a buffer for anthropogenic nutrient loads. We examined the effects of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) fertilization on biogeochemical and microbial processes during the summer growing season in a Spartina patens (Aiton (Muhl.)) marsh in the Narragansett Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve on Prudence Island (RI). Quadruplicate 1 m2 plots were fertilized with N and P additions, N-only, P-only, or no additions. N-only addition significantly stimulated bacterial production and increased pore water NH4+ and NO3 concentrations. Denitrification rates ranged from 0 to 8 mmol m−2 day−1. Fertilization had no apparent effect on soil oxygen consumption or denitrification measured in the summer in intact cores due to high core-to-core variation. P fertilization led to increased pore water dissolved inorganic phosphorus (DIP) concentrations and increased DIP release from soils. In contrast the control and N-only treatments had significant DIP uptake across the soil-water interface. The results suggest that in the summer fertilization has no apparent effect on denitrification rates, stimulates bacterial productivity, enhances pore water nutrient concentrations and alters some nutrient fluxes across the marsh surface.  相似文献   

We examined habitat use, movement, and growth of young-of-the-year (YOY) Fundulus heteroclitus and Fundulus luciae with a tag/recapture experiment in tide-dominated salt marshes to determine if movements from Spartina marsh surface can account for the occurrence of larger, older individuals in other habitats. Evaluation of the tagging techniques in laboratory experiments with YOY F. heteroclitus (15-35 mm TL) found that coded wire tags were retained at least up to 77 days. The high rates of recapture in the field also indicate that the tagging approach generally worked well. Of a total of 5748 YOY F. heteroclitus (14-40 mm TL) and 133 YOY F. luciae (17-40 mm TL) tagged, 56.0% and 74.4% were recaptured, respectively. Most (44%) YOY F. heteroclitus recaptured occurred at or near (0-5 m) the release site, but some were captured up to 299 m away up to 166 days after tagging. By comparison, movement of F. luciae was very limited, with 99% of recaptures occurring at the exact site of release after up to 66 days at liberty. These different movement patterns by YOY Fundulus indicate that species-specific behavior plays an important role in habitat selection. In addition, it appears that dispersal of YOY F. heteroclitus can help to explain the occurrence of larger individuals of this species in Phragmites-dominated marshes even though there is little evidence of use of this habitat by small YOY.  相似文献   

B. L. Howes  J. M. Teal 《Oecologia》1994,97(4):431-438
Spartina alterniflora has been reported to lose significant amounts of oxygen to its rhizosphere with potentially important effects on salt-marsh biogeochemical cycling and plant productivity. The potential significance of this oxidative pathway was evaluated using laboratory split-chamber experiments to quantify oxygen loss from intact root systems under a wide variety of pre-treatment and incubation conditions including antibiotics to inhibit microbial respiration. The aerenchyma system of S. alterniflora was found to transport O2, N2, Ar, and CH4 from above-ground sources to its below-ground roots and rhizomes. While non-respiratory gases were observed to move from the lacunae to water bathing the root systems, net O2 loss did not occur; instead oxygen present outside of the roots/rhizomes was consumed. Net oxygen loss was found when resistance to gas transport was reduced in the lacunae-rhizosphere pathway by placing the root systems in a gas phase and when plant respiration was significantly reduced. Root system respiration appeared to be the major variable in the plant oxygen balance. When root and rhizome respiration was inhibited using poisons or lowered by cooling, the oxygen deficit was greatly reduced and oxygen loss was indicated. The effect of seasonal temperature changes on root system oxygen deficit presents a possible explanation as to why Spartina produces root systems with respiration rates that cannot be supported by gas transport. Overall, while oxygen loss from individual plant roots is likely, integrating measured root system oxygen loss with geochemical data indicates that the mass amount of oxygen lost from S. alterniflora root systems is small compared to the total oxygen balance of vegetated salt marsh sediments.  相似文献   

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