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In order to determine the critical period(s) during which estrogen alters sexually dimorphic behavior and neuroanatomy in zebra finches (Poephila guttata), nestlings were injected daily 20 μg estradiol benzoate (EB) during posthatching week 1, week 2, week 3, or weeks 1, 2, and 3. At 7 months of age, birds were implanted with testosterone propionate and tested with female partners for singing, dancing, and copulatory mounting. Brains were subsequently processed for morphometry, and the volumes of the song system nuclei HVC, area X, and RA and the soma sizes and densities of neurons in RA were determined. Males given EB during week 1 failed to mount. Females given EB during week 1 were fully masculinized with respect to dancing and RA neuron soma size and density, and were partially masculinized with respect to song nuclei volumes and singing. Treatment beginning after week 1 was ineffective or less effective for all measures. Only for RA neuron measures was treatment for all three weeks more effective than week 1 treatment. Thus the first post-hatching week is the most influential period of those tested for effects of exogenous estrogen on sexual differentiation in this species, and is a period during which both masculinization of females and demasculinization of males is possible. 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Mechanisms regulating sexual differentiation of the zebra finch song system present an intriguing puzzle. Masculine development of brain regions and behavior can be induced in genetic females by posthatching estradiol treatment. That result is consistent with the hypothesis that estradiol, converted within the brain from testicular androgen via the aromatase enzyme, masculinizes neural structure and function. In contrast, treatment during specific stages of development with the aromatase inhibitor Fadrozole has not prevented masculine development, and the presence of testicular tissue in genetic females did not induce masculine organization of neuroanatomy or singing behavior. Fadrozole treatments in those previous studies were limited, however, and most genetic females had both ovarian and testicular tissue. The present experiments were designed to provide increased aromatase inhibition and to reliably produce genetic females with only testicular tissue. Eggs received a single injection at a later age or with higher doses of Fadrozole than had been used previously. Some embryos were exposed to Fadrozole more frequently by either injecting eggs on 2 days of development or dipping them for 10-12 days in Fadrozole. Finally, in some individuals from Fadrozole-treated eggs, the left gonad was removed, leaving each genetic male and female with a single right testis. None of these treatments significantly affected development of the song system compared to appropriate control groups. These results suggest that sexual differentiation of the zebra finch song system is not regulated by embryonic aromatase activity or by gonadal secretions and instead involves events that need not be mediated by steroid hormones.  相似文献   

We investigated the effect of a novel trait, a red feather on the forehead, on sexual imprinting in the dimorphic zebra finch, Taeniopygia guttata. Parents reared young in one of four imprinting groups: (1) both parents adorned with the red feather; (2) the father only adorned; (3) the mother only adorned; (4) both parents unadorned. After the young matured, we tested their preference for adorned and unadorned conspecifics of the opposite sex in simultaneous double-choice tests. Females but not males sexually imprinted on the red feather when their parents or father were adorned. In further tests, females that had sexually imprinted on the red feather did not generalize from the learned preference for a red feather to a preference for an orange or blue feather. Neither males nor females reared by unadorned parents showed a latent preference for potential mates adorned with a red, orange, or blue feather. Our results show that in the dimorphic zebra finch, only females sexually imprint on a novel trait. Sexual imprinting can support the evolution of novel male traits and would enhance the dimorphism in this species.Copyright 2003 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.   相似文献   

Females are predicted to adjust their reproductive investmentin relation to resource quality. In zebra finches (Taeniopygiaguttata), diet quality has been found to influence egg massboth between and within clutches. We tested the prediction thatdiet quality also affects the quantity of maternally allocatedyolk testosterone and 5-dihydrotestosterone (DHT) between andwithin clutches. We also investigated whether this pattern differedbetween male and female eggs. Females laid eggs on a high-quality(HQ) or a low-quality (LQ) diet. Eggs were removed at layingand artificially incubated for 72 h, after which time embryoswere sexed and yolk androgens assayed. Diet treatments werethen swapped and the experiment repeated. Because there wasevidence of a carry-over effect between breeding rounds, webased our conclusions mainly on the results from the first breedinground. On the HQ diet, but not on the LQ diet, infertile eggscontained more testosterone than did fertile eggs in round one.Although there were no overall differences in within-clutchpatterns of androgen deposition between the diets, this changedwhen embryo sex was taken into account. On the HQ diet, testosteronedecreased with laying sequence for male eggs but increased withlaying sequence for female eggs. On the LQ diet, mothers' maleeggs contained more testosterone and DHT than did female eggsregardless of position in the laying sequence. Our data suggestthat there are complex, context-dependent mechanisms of sex-specificandrogen allocation in this species.  相似文献   

In zebra finches the gonadal steroid estradiol (E2) directs the sexual differentiation of neural regions controlling song and synergizes with androgens to stimulate song in adulthood. To identify regions where E2 may act to exert these effects, steroid autoradiographic techniques were used to assess cellular accumulation of 3[H]-E2 or its metabolites within various nuclei of the zebra finch brain. In Experiment 1 we examined brains from juvenile females, still within the critical period for E2's effect on sexual differentiation. In Experiment 2 the pattern and extent of labeling in adult male brains was determined following injection of 3[H]-E2, 3[H]-testosterone, or 3[H]-dihydrotestosterone. The results suggest that, both during development and in adulthood, most song-control nuclei contain few E2-accumulating cells. In contrast, many cells densely labeled by 3[H]-E2 or its metabolites are present in the hypothalamus and in close proximity to one song-control region, the hyperstriatum ventralis pars caudalis (HVc). The distribution of these latter cells overlaps with cells that project to another song-related nucleus, Area X. Thus, in Experiment 3 fluorescent retrograde tracing and steroid autoradiographic techniques were combined to determine if E2-accumulating cells project to Area X in adult males. Although a few retrogradely labeled cells were lightly labeled by 3[H]-E2 or its metabolites, for the most part these appear to be two distinct populations of cells. The sparse accumulation of E2 in the zebra finch song system contrasts with that described in other song birds and has important implications as to the mechanism of E2 action on the developing and mature song system.  相似文献   

Zebra finches demonstrate selective affiliation between juvenile offspring and parents, which, like affiliation between pair partners, is characterized by proximity, vocal communication and contact behaviors. This experiment tested the hypothesis that the nonapeptide arginine vasotocin (AVT, avian homologue of vasopressin) and nonapeptide receptors play a role prior to fledging in the development of affiliative behavior. Zebra finch hatchlings of both sexes received daily intracranial injections (post-hatch days 2–8) of either AVT, Manning Compound (MC, a potent V1a receptor antagonist) or saline (vehicle control). The social development of both sexes was assessed by measuring responsiveness to isolation from the family and subsequent reunion with the male parent after fledging. In addition, we assessed the changes in affiliation with the parents, unfamiliar males, and unfamiliar females each week throughout juvenile development. Compared to controls, MC subjects showed decreased attachment to the parents and MC males did not show the normal increase in affiliative interest in opposite sex individuals as they reached reproductive maturity. In contrast, AVT subjects showed a sustained affiliative interest in parents throughout development, and males showed increased interest in opposite sex conspecifics as they matured. These results provide the first evidence suggesting that AVT and nonapeptide receptors play organizational roles in social development in a bird.  相似文献   

Permanent sex differences in the brain are found in many vertebrates, and are thought to be induced by sex differences in secretion of gonadal steroid hormones during critical periods of early development. This theory has received support primarily from many experiments conducted on mammals, but also from studies on other vertebrate classes, including birds. The only avian neural dimorphism that has allowed extensive tests of this hypothesis is the neural circuit for song in passerine birds, which is much larger in males than in females. Experiments in zebra finches have yielded contradictory results. Although it is relatively easy to induce masculine patterns of development in genetic females with estrogen, it has not been possible to induce feminine patterns of development in males with any treatments, including antiestrogens and inhibitors of estrogen synthesis. Moreover, genetic females that develop with large amounts of functional testicular tissue but with virtually no ovarian tissue nevertheless have a feminine song circuit. The latter studies fail to support the idea of steroid induction of sexual differentiation. An alternative to the steroidal control hypothesis is that nonhormonal gene products expressed in the brain early in development trigger sexually dimorphic patterns of development. Although current evidence in several neural and nonneural systems indicates that sexual differentiation of some somatic phenotypes cannot be explained by the actions of gonadal steroids, the idea of direct genetic (nonhormonal) induction of sexual differentiation has yet to be proved. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Neurobiol 33: 572–584, 1997  相似文献   

On their introduction to a novel female, unpaired male zebra finches showed initial courtship, followed by a phase of nest soliciting. Pairing the partners changed the balance between these activities, speeding the transition from courtship to nest soliciting. This experience with the partner involved both the formation of a pair-bond, and changes in her familiarity, and it was the latter which was most important; hormonal changes were probably not involved. The behaviour is compared with that of doves and pigeons, and the possible role of aggression in the, causation of courtship is discussed.  相似文献   

Individual differences in sexual behavior have received much attention by evolutionary biologists, but relatively little is known about the proximate causes of this variation. We studied the quantitative genetics of male and female sexual behavior of captive zebra finches and found surprisingly strong maternal effects (differing between individual mothers) on the aggressiveness and song rate of sons and on the daughters' mating preferences for these male traits. We also found that daughters differed in their choosiness during mate-choice experiments depending on whether they originated from eggs produced early or late within the laying sequence of a clutch. Because this effect of laying order occurred independently of hatching order in cross-fostered broods, it must have been caused by consistent within-mother variation in maternal effects transmitted through the egg. Our findings raise the question whether these maternal effects might represent strategic programming of offspring behavior in response to the environment experienced by mothers or whether they are merely nonadaptive byproducts of developmental processes.  相似文献   

State dependence is thought to be an important factor in resource allocation decisions, particularly in those decisions relating to parental care. Incubation behaviour is a costly part of avian parental care, and therefore likely to depend on the parent's body condition. We manipulated the body condition of zebra finches, Taeniopygia guttata, during incubation by using prelaying diets of different protein content, and induced birds to lay a similar number of eggs. We tested the hypothesis that birds in better body condition would invest more in incubation than birds in poorer condition when incubating on the same diet. Females that had received a high-protein prelaying diet lost more body mass than those that had received a low-protein diet. They also increased the length of their incubation bouts between early and middle incubation, whereas females that had received a low-protein prelaying diet increased bout length only between middle and late incubation. There were no differences between males from the two diet groups, and males were responsible for a lesser proportion of incubation than females. These results indicate that incubation behaviour is state dependent in female zebra finches, and that birds of different body condition adopt different incubation strategies. We found no differences in incubation duration and hatching success between the two incubation strategies in captivity, but the potential risk of nest predation in the wild may differ. We suggest that only females in good condition can afford to adopt a strategy of increasing bout length early in incubation; females in poorer condition first have to recover their body condition after having produced a clutch. Copyright 2003 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd on behalf of The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour    相似文献   

Zebra finches evolved in arid areas of Australia. Their reproduction is stimulated by water availability, which is unpredictable. Cheng (Poult. Sci. Rev. 5 (1993) 37) hypothesized that the primary mechanism controlling reproduction in species relying on unpredictable cues should be inhibitory. The onset of stimulatory environmental conditions terminates the inhibition, allowing rapid initiation of reproduction. As the primary hormone regulating water balance in birds, arginine vasotocin (AVT) appears a likely candidate to modulate reproduction in finches. Drought conditions cause sustained AVT release, which in other species inhibits androgen production. To determine whether increased AVT inhibits reproductive behavior, intact males were tested with females and divided into three groups matched for courtship behavior. Osmotic minipumps containing (a) saline, (b) 264 ng AVT, or (c) 1320 ng AVT in saline were implanted subcutaneously and males tested 48 h later. AVT-treated males socialized with females, but the high dose significantly reduced singing and courtship displays. To determine whether AVT acted by depressing androgen secretion, additional males were given subcutaneous androgen implants and divided into two groups matched for courtship behavior. Males were then implanted with minipumps containing (a) saline or (b) the high AVT dose. Males treated with AVT plus androgen showed no deficits in courtship behavior. These data suggest that AVT secretion during periods of drought may inhibit reproduction by inhibiting androgen production. Inhibition of reproductive behavior by AVT may be a more general phenomenon. Large quantities of AVT or, in mammals the closely-related peptide vasopressin (VP), are released when animals are stressed, and high levels of AVT/VP may inhibit reproductive behavior. The extremely short half-life of these peptides means that once proximal factors become more favorable, the gonads should rapidly be released from the peptides' inhibitory actions.  相似文献   

The responses of single cells to computer-generated spots, bars, gratings, and motion-in-depth stimuli were studied in the ectostriatum and the adjacent neostriatum of the zebra finch, Taeniopygia guttata. No differences in neuronal properties could be detected between ectostriatum and neostriatum. The receptive fields of ectostriatal neurons are large, often extending over the entire visual field of the contralateral eye, and have oddly defined borders. The centers of the receptive fields, located in the foveal region, generally yielded better responses than the periphery, and exhibited different subdivisions. Neurons responded selectively to moving bars, preferring those moving parallel to their longest axis. An SDO (sensitivity, direction, orientation) analysis of responses to sinusoidal gratings showed that all orientations were equally represented by ectostriatal neurons, while there was a slight preference for forward and upward movements. The neurons also showed preferences for gratings of a particular spatial frequency, and responded vigorously to stimuli moving towards the eye (looming). Our results indicate that the ectostriatum is involved in both detecting displacement of the surround and in stimulus identification. By comparison with results obtained in the extrastriate cortex of mammals, it is concluded that the homology of the ectostriatum with the extrastriate cortex of mammals, which was proposed on the basis of hodological findings, is supported by our study.Abbreviations Di index of directionality - HW HH half-width at half-height - PLLS posterolateral lateral suprasylvian cortex - PMLS posterior medial lateral suprasylvian area - PSTH poststimulus time histogram - SDO sensitivity, direction, orientation  相似文献   

We describe a karyotypic polymorphism on the zebra finch Z chromosome. This polymorphism was discovered because of a difference in the position of the centromere and because it occurs at varying frequencies in domesticated colonies in the USA and Germany and among two zebra finch subspecies. Using DNA fluorescent in situ hybridization to map specific Z genes and measurements of DNA replication, we show that this polymorphism is the result of a large pericentric inversion involving the majority of the chromosome. We sequenced a likely breakpoint for the inversion and found many repetitive sequences. Around the breakpoint, there are numerous repetitive sequences and several copies of PAK3 (p21-activated kinase 3)-related sequences (PAK3Z) which showed testes-specific expression by RT-PCR. Our findings further suggest that the sequenced genome of the zebra finch may be derived from a male heterozygote for the Z chromosome polymorphism. This finding, in combination with regional differences in the frequency of the polymorphism, has important consequences for future studies using zebra finches.  相似文献   

Feeding in zebra finches occurs in clearly defined bouts, but strong individual differences have been found in the finer details of its pattern. Some birds showed a constant probability of starting feeding with passage of time between meals and a constant probability of stopping during a meal. In these cases meal length (number of pecks at seed) tended to correlate with the length of the preceding gap. By contrast, in most individuals both meals and gaps tended to be of a typical length, and in some of these autocorrelation showed feeding to follow a cycle approximately 24 to 30 min long. Meal length in most of these birds correlated strongly with the length of the succeeding gap. The individual differences found are discussed and hypotheses put forward for their causation.  相似文献   

Song in oscine birds is a culturally inherited mating signal and sexually dimorphic. From differences in song production learning, sex differences in song recognition learning have been inferred but rarely put to a stringent test. In zebra finches, Taeniopygia guttata, females never sing and the species has one of the greatest neuroanatomical differences in song-related brain nuclei reported for songbirds. Preference tests with sibling groups for which exposure to song had been identical during the sensitive phase for song learning in males, revealed equally strong influence of the tutor's song (here the father) on males' and females' adult song preferences. Both sexes significantly preferred the father's over unfamiliar song when having free control over exposure to playbacks via an operant task. The sibling comparisons suggest that this preference developed independently of the song's absolute quality: variation between siblings was as great as between nests. The results show that early exposure has an equally strong influence on males' and females' song preferences despite the sexual asymmetry in song production learning. This suggests that the trajectory for song recognition learning is independent of the one for song production learning.  相似文献   

Bird song is a complex communication behavior that requires the coordination of several motor systems. Sound is produced in the syrinx and then modified by the upper vocal tract, but the specific nature and dynamics of this modification are not well understood. To determine the contribution of beak movements to sound modification, we studied the beak gape patterns in zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata). Subsyringeal air sac pressure and song were recorded together with changes in beak gape, which were monitored with a magneto-sensitive transducer. Beak gape was positively correlated with fundamental frequency, peak frequency, and subsyringeal air sac pressure in all but one bird. For harmonic stacks, peak frequency increased with increasing beak gape, and the relationship between fundamental frequency and beak gape was no longer significant. Experimentally holding the beak open or closed had acoustic consequences consistent with the model in which beak movements change upper vocal tract length and, thus, the filter properties. Beak gape was positively correlated with sound amplitude in all but two birds. The relationship between beak aperture and amplitude may, however, be indirect because air sac pressure is correlated with amplitude and beak gape. The beak is opened quickly and to its widest aperture immediately prior to the onset of sound and at rapid transitions in sound, suggesting that beak movements may affect vibratory behavior of the labia.  相似文献   

The transition from an amorphous subsong into mature song requires a series of vocal changes. By tracing song elements during development, we have shown that the imitation trajectory to the target could not be predicted based on monotonic progression of vocal changes, indicating an internal component that imposes constraints on song development. Here we further examine the nature of constraints on song imitation in the zebra finch. We first present techniques for identifying and tracing distinctive vocal changes, and then we examine how sequences of vocal change are expressed and coordinated. Examples suggest two types of constraints on song imitation, based on the nature of the temporal context. Developmentally diachronic constraints are imposed by sequential dependencies between vocal changes as a function of developmental time, whereas developmentally synchronic constraints are given by the acoustic context of notes within the song. Finally, we show that the tendency of birds to copy certain sounds in the song model before others might be related to such constraints. We suggest that documenting the full range of distinctive vocal changes and the coordination of their expression would be useful for testing mechanisms of vocal imitation.  相似文献   

Z Chi  D Margoliash 《Neuron》2001,32(5):899-910
In the zebra finch forebrain nucleus robustus archistriatalis (RA), neurons burst during singing. We showed that the internal structure of spike bursts was regulated with a precision of circa 0.2 ms, and yielded alignment of acoustic features of song with a precision of circa 1 ms. In addition, interburst intervals and corresponding syllable durations displayed systematic variation within song (average elongation 0.3 ms/s song), and slower "drift" across songs. Systematic variation on even a coarser time scale might be difficult to detect in other systems, but could affect the analysis of temporal patterning. The close relationship between precise timing of individual spikes and stereotypic behavior suggests that song is represented in RA by a temporal code.  相似文献   

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