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This study investigates the diel vertical distribution and the diet of the most important chaetognath species found in the 0–50 m surface layer of a coastal area in the eastern Mediterranean during a 24-hour period in July 2004. Among the recorded chaetognaths, Sagitta enflata was the most abundant species (41.6%), followed by S. minima (32.5%) and S. serratodentata (20.8%). Those three species exhibited a “twilight migration” pattern, with only small differences among them. Vertical separation was found between S. enflata and S. minima. Both species preyed mainly on cladocerans, although copepods were the most abundant group in the zooplankton assemblage. The chaetognath species followed partially the diel vertical migration of their prey. S. enflata showed high feeding intensity at different times in both day and night, while S. minima fed more intensively at midday (12:00) and at dusk (20:00), and S. serratodentata in the morning (08:00). It seems that in order to coexist in an area of low productivity the chaetognath species follow the basic ecological rules of space, time and food-type separation, in order to reduce the inter- and intra-specific competition. The high preference of S. minima and especially of S. enflata for the cladocerans made them probably the most important predators of cladocerans during summer.  相似文献   

The vertical distribution and feeding of pelagic chaetognathsat 5°S, 160°W in the Central Equatorial Pacific wereinvestigated using a series of 0–500 m vertical haulswith a VMPS net over a 24 h period between 6 and 7 October 1990.The total number of individuals per haul was between 370 and688. Fourteen species in four genera were found at this station.The most abundant species was Sagitta enflata which comprised32.4–61.1% of the individuals collected from the 0–500m layer. Mesopelagic species made up 9.3–15.1% of thetotal number of individuals. Sagitta enflata and Pterosagittadraco were found in the upper part of the thermocline both byday and at night. The fraction of the population containingfood items (FCF) of S.enflata in the 0–50 m layer variedbetween 4.8 and 12.5% (mean 10.8%) and feeding activity washighest between sunrise and noon. The percentages of Copepoda,Foraminifera, crustacean larvae, Chaetognatha, Pteropoda, Ostracoda,fish and unidentified material in the gut of S.enflata were51.9,6.7,3.8,2.9,1.9,1.9 and 30.9%, respectively. Sagitta enflataconsumed food organisms which were mainly between 0.5 and 1.0mm in length. The daily feeding rate of S.enflata was 1.81 preyper individual, which was equivalent to 8.06 mg C m–2day–1. This corresponded to  相似文献   

Zooplankton samples were collected in Mejillones Bay, northernChile (23°00'15'S, 70°26'43'W ). Sampling was conductedat 4 h intervals, for 24 h during three seasons, austral spring(October 2000), summer ( January 2001) and winter (August 2001)at three different strata (0–25, 25–50 and 50–100m). Five species of chaetognaths were collected. Sagitta enflatawas the most abundant species, representing up to 65% of allchaetognaths in total numbers, followed by Sagitta bierii, makingup 34% of the total abundance of chaetognaths. S. enflata wasdistributed mainly above the Oxygen Minimum Zone, while S. bieriiremained below this zone. Feeding rates were relatively constantwithin the upper layer (0–25 m depth), for each samplingdate, averaging 1.2 prey S. enflata day–1, and decreasingwith depth. Gut content analyses demonstrated that predationwas principally focused on small copepods (<1500 µm),with greatest feeding activity occurring at night. The dailypredation impact on the total standing stock of small copepodsvaried seasonally between 6% in spring and 0.4% in winter. Thispercentage may represent a negligible impact on the entire copepodcommunity, but it is relevant at the species or genus level,since S. enflata removed more than 20% of the standing stockof Centropages brachiatus and Corycaeus sp. Thus, during someperiods of the year, chaetognaths may strongly influence theabundance and size distribution of copepods in coastal upwellingecosystems.  相似文献   

Chaetognaths are one of the most numerous organisms in the zooplankton community off the coast of North Carolina. During two years of offshore sampling in the late winter to early spring, sixteen chaetognath species were identified, four of which had not previously been reported in the waters of the United States South Atlantic Bight. Offshore samples were dominated by Sagitta enflata Grassi, 1881, one of the larger species, which contributed > 61% of total chaetognath abundance while dominant coastal species were S. tenuis Conant, 1896 and S. hispida Conant, 1895. Abundances, body sizes and spatial distributions were determined for the most abundant chaetognath species along with the overall abundance of three common co-occurring larval fish species (spot, Atlantic croaker and Atlantic menhaden). In addition, laboratory feeding experiments were conducted using S. tenuis and S. hispida to estimate the potential impact of chaetognath predation on representative North Carolina larval fish which spawn offshore and subsequently migrate into local estuaries. Feeding rates (no. prey items day− 1) varied with prey type and the condition (starved/fed) of the chaetognath. Weight specific daily rations (SDR) were found to vary inversely with chaetognath size, decreasing exponentially with an increase in chaetognath length. The observed abundance and distribution data indicate that wintertime chaetognath populations in offshore waters of Onslow Bay, North Carolina have the potential to interact with recently spawned larval fish and may simultaneously act as competitors, predators, or prey. Furthermore, calculations using published values of chaetognath abundance, zooplankton standing crops, and our SDR estimates indicate that chaetognaths in a representative North Carolina estuary would require a minimum of 5.96 cal m− 3 day− 1 to sustain their biomass. Allowing for the reported spatial and temporal variability in zooplankton abundance in these systems, chaetognaths should consume 4.4%-20.9% of the estimated total zooplankton production day− 1. This further emphasizes the role of chaetognaths not only as predators, but also as competitors with larval fish for zooplankton food stocks in southeastern United Sates estuaries.  相似文献   

Notes on feeding of Chaetognatha in Guanabara Bay, Brazil   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A preliminary analysis, by means of the gut content, of thediet of Sagitta friderici and Sagitta enflata occurring in GuanabaraBay was carried out. The samples were collected at differenttimes over a 4day period in September 1995, during verticaltows with a conical net of 200 µm mesh size at a fixedstation (30 m depth). In total, 1000 individuals were examined.Copepoda were the numerically dominant group of prey of S.fridericiand S.enflata (67.2 and 74.6%, respectively); both species behaveas opportunistic carnivores, feeding mainly on the more abundantcopepod species throughout the water column. Adult individualsof S.fnderici and S.enflata (stages III and IV) seem to havefood requirements different from juveniles: adults fed on otheritems (chaetognaths, crus tacean larvae, hydromedusae and luciferidae),and the food containing ratio (FCR) was higher in indi vidualsof stage Ill. In general, only one prey per gut was registered.Chaetognaths may have chosen their prey in relation to theirsize, since the size of the prey was proportional to the sizeof their predators. Feeding intensity (NPC) was higher in individualscollected during the night periods.  相似文献   

The interaction of the chaetognath Sagitta elegans with thecopepod community of the southeast Bering Sea middle shelf wasexamined in relation to environmental conditions during 1995–1999.Predation impact was estimated for 2 years, 1995 and 1997, usinggut content analysis, experimentally derived digestion time(DT) and abundances of chaetognaths and prey. Pseudocalanusconcentrations correlated with water temperature and Calanusmarshallae with sea ice extent. Sagitta elegans were less abundantbut individuals were larger in 1995, when C. marshallae predominated,compared to 1997, when Pseudocalanus and Acartia were the primaryprey. Predation by S. elegans removed <1% standing stockday–1 of Pseudocalanus or C. marshallae in 1995 and 1.7to 2.3% of Pseudocalanus in 1997. The percent of the copepodcommunity biomass required by chaetognaths was estimated tobe <1% in 1995 compared with 8–12% in 1997. Calanusmarshallae may be more vulnerable than Pseudocalanus to cumulativepredation effects because of its reproductive strategy. Theeffect of chaetognath predation on the copepod community dependson which copepod species is predominant and its susceptibilityto cumulative predation effects, as well as on daily predationimpact, both of which varied between years with different climaticconditions.  相似文献   

Predator-limited population growth of the copepod Pseudocalanus sp.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The impact of predators on population growth of Pseudocalanussp. was investigated in Dabob Bay, Washington. Mortality ofPseudocalanus sp. was determined from stage-specific survivorship,from seasonal changes in mortality rates of adult males andfemales and from incidence of injuries to adult copepods. Theprincipal predators of adult Pseudocalanus were identified asthe predatory copepod Euchaeta elongata, the omnivorous euphausiidEuphausia pacifica and the chaetognath Sagirta elegans. Predatorattack rates - and prey mortality rates - are highly density-dependentand thus sensitive to prey dispersion in the water column, particularlyto layering in the vertical plane. Predation rates by the threeprincipal predators exceeded 100% of the recruitment rate toadult Pseudocalanus sp. beginning in early summer, thus restrictingpopulation growth. Planktivorous fish predation (by adult three-spinestickleback, Gasterosteus aculeatus, and juvenile chum salmon,Oncorhynchus keta) on Pseudocalanus sp. adults was estimatedto be two orders of magnitude lower than consumption rates bypredatory zooplankton, at a deep water station in July. Analysisof seasonal changes in prey ingested by Sagitta elegans revealedthat Pseudocalanus sp. was the major prey item of S. elegansin April (61.0% of prey) and in June (67.0% of prey), thereafterdeclining seasonally in importance. Predation by S. elegansvaried seasonally with changes in chaetognath stage structure,vertical distribution and diapause, not size structure alone.Although chaetognath recruitment and population growth appearto be directly coupled to the abundance of Pseudocalanus sp.,predation by S. elegans has little reciprocal impact on Pseudocalanussp. population growth; hence asymmetries may occur in the interaction of planktonic prey and predators.  相似文献   

Seasonal changes in the population structure and patterns ofvertical distribution and migration of the dominant chaetognath,Sagitta elegans, in a fjord off Puget Sound were determinedwith samples collected at approximately semi-monthly intervalsfrom November 1972 to November 1973. S. elegans bred continuouslyfrom March through August, with major recruitment in June andJuly. Seasonal changes in the vertical distribution of the populationand in the proportion of the population that vertically migratedreflected the stage of maturity and size of the individuals.Small chaetognaths were non-migratory and distributed in thetop 100 m. Stage II individuals were dispersed throughout thewater column; some did migration was evident. Breeding stageswere restricted to a layer between SO and 100 m during the dayand migrated to the surface layer at night, enhancing the probabilityof successful reproduction.  相似文献   

Summary The effects of predation by the chaetognath Sagitta hispida and nutrient enrichment on estuarine copepod community structure were studied by experimental manipulations in large enclosures. Chaetognath abundance and nutrient addition rates were manipulated in a factorial design. Predation by chaetognaths resulted in a significant decline in the relative abundance of Acartia tonsa and an increase in the relative abundance of Oithona colcarva. However, these effects were evident only at chaetognath densities far higher than observed in natural populations. Nutrient enrichment resulted in a decline in relative abundance of Paracalanus crassirostris, and, in the absence of chaetognath predation, an apparent increase in the relative abundance of A. tonsa. The effects of chaetognath predation were independent of enrichment level, apparently because of the absence of effects of enrichment on total copepod and chaetognath densities.  相似文献   

During a hydrographical survey in the northern Kattegat, 1975to 1977, vertical plankton hauls were taken monthly at fourstations between Göteborg and Frederikshavn. Hydrographicalparameters were measured at 10 stations along the transect.Sagitta setosa J. Mailer was by far the most dominant chaetognath(99% of individuals). Sagitta elegans Verrill and Eukrohniahamata Möbius occurred simultaneously with inflowing highsaline water during autumn and winter. The transport of S. setosaby currents was an important factor influencing the abundancesand the breeding period in the Kattegat. The abundance peakin 1977 was only one fifth of that found in 1975. The startand the duration of the breeding period (defined as presenceof stage 1 individuals <3 mm) varied between the three years.Breeding occurred between the middle of July and December witha peak in August and September. Changes in size distributionwere small during winter and spring, possibly due to low temperatures.S. setosa has probably a life span of one year in the Kattegat.Some earlier results regarding the number of breeding periodsof S. setosa per year are questioned. It is proposed that thenumber of generations per year of S. setosa and the start andthe duration of the breeding period(s) in western European watersshould be regarded as an open question until further informationis available.  相似文献   

The study of the Chaetognatha picked out from 21 plankton samples taken along the Argentinian, Uruguayan and Brazilian coasts, revealed the presence of the following species: Krohnitta pacifica, K. subtilis, Pterosagitta draco, Sagitta bipunctata, S. enflata, S. friderici, S. hexaptera, S. hispida, S. lyra, S. maxima, S. minima, S. planctonis, S. serratodentata, S. tenuis and S. sp. A. All specimens were measured and a complete biometrical table is included. Based on the Chaetognatha and the Thecosomata fauna analyzed by means of the Sorensen's index of similarity between samples, the area is divided into four zones with different hydrological characteristics. There is a distinct relationship between the total length of fully mature specimens and latitude. Based on diagrams, an inter-specific competition between S. enflata and S. t tenuis is suggested. The geographic distribution of K. subtilis and S. planctonis is enlarged.  相似文献   

The daytime vertical distribution of Sagiita crassa in TokyoBay was examined from February 13, 1988 to February 20, 1989.High densities of larger-size chaetognaths were found near thesea bottom, whereas the smaller animals tended to inhabit theupper layers. This feature of distribution is discussed in relationto the distribution of their main food organisms, e g. Pseudodiaptomusmarinus, Acartia omoru, Centropages abdomialis and Oithona davisae.The two periods of replacement of two morphs were confirmedby the variation only in mean body length of this chaetognath,unlike the previous authors who made additional morphologicalobservations. It was hypothesized that S.crassa has at leastfive generations Two generations, including mostly the largerforms, had higher growth rates than the generation consistingmainly of the small form. Yearly respiration of S.crassa was8.2 g C mAbstract. Yearly production of this animal wasestimated to be 3.8 g C m. A feeding estimate revealedthat chaetognaths require a prey production of 13.1 g C myear1. The impact of this chaetognath on the prey populationin Tokyo Bay and the propriety of an estimated value of annualproduction of S crassa is discussed.  相似文献   

Trophodynamics and predation impact of the 2 dominant chaetognaths Eukrohnia hamata and Sagitta gazellae were investigated at 19 stations in the vicinity of the Prince Edward Islands and at a 24-h station occupied at the sub-Antarctic Front in late summer (April/May) 1996. During the entire investigation, the zooplankton assemblages were numerically dominated by copepods with densities ranging from 21 to 170 ind. m−3. Amongst the copepods, Clausocalanus brevipes, Metridia gerlachei and M. lucens dominated accounting for >90% of the total. Generally, chaetognaths were identified as the second most important group composing at times up to 30% (mean = 14.7%) of total zooplankton abundance. Of the two chaetognath species, E.␣hamata was generally numerically dominant. Gut content analysis showed that both chaetognath species are opportunistic predators generally feeding on the most abundant prey, copepods. No feeding patterns were evident during the 24-h station, suggesting that both species feed continuously. The feeding rates of E. hamata ranged from 0 to 0.50 prey ind. day−1 and between 0 and 0.90 prey ind. day−1 for S. gazellae. The maximum total predation impact of E. hamata was equivalent to 5.2% of the copepod standing stock or up to 103% of copepod production per day. For S. gazellae the predation impact was lower, reaching a level of 3.2% of the copepod standing stock or 63% of the daily copepod production. Chaetognaths can, therefore, be regarded as an important pelagic predator of the Prince Edward Islands subsystem. Received: 27 March 1997 / Accepted: 11 September 1997  相似文献   

On some zooplankters common in the Cabo Frio (Brazil) upwelling.In the waters off Cabo Frio zooplankton maxima are observedbetween February and April, which is the period of upwellingoccurrence. Copepods are highly diversified; we identified 96species at a single collecting station during one year. In summerCalanoides carinatus, Paracalanus parvus and Oncea media areabundant, whereas we observed dominance of Temora stylifera,Clausocalanus furcatus, C. arcuicomis, Oithona plumifera andgreat quantity of Creseis acicula during winter. Chaetognatha(Sagitta enflata), Appendicularia (Oikopleura longicauda), Ostracoda(Conchoecia spp.) and Pteropoda (Limacina sp.) are permanentthroughout the year, and maximum in summer. The vertical distributionof zooplankton depends on the hydrological structure, i.e. natureof the water mass and degree of mixing between different waters.Brazil current water, with low quantity of organisms and dominanceof copepods (Clausocalanus furcatus, Mecynocera clausi, Corycaeidae,Oithonidae, Oncaeidae) accompanied by Evadne spinifera and Lucifertypicus. South Atlantic Central Water (upwelling water) characterizedby rare deep copepods and abundance of Calanoides carinatusand Ctenocalanus vanus which are excellent indicator speciesfor upwelling occurrence. Coastal water, with low salinity,where some species with brackish affinity are observed, likeOithona ovalis and Podon polyphemoides.  相似文献   

Six species of isopods and 18 species of amphipods were collectedin the neuston of the Bay of Fundy and adjacent waters. Collectionswere made over a grid of stations covering 2.4x104 km2 duringthree spring, three summer and two autumn surveys. No isopodsand only five species of amphipods were found in spring surveys.Isopods and amphipods were diverse and plentiful in the neustonin summer and autumn. Dominant isopods were Idotea baltica andI.metallica, and dominant amphipods were Calliopius laeviusculusand Parathemisto gaudichaudi. Amphipods and isopods reach theneuston of the Bay of Fundy in three ways. Idotea metallica,the only euneustonic species present, was probably advectedinto the Bay of Fundy from southern waters in summer, and didnot appear to overwinter in the Bay. Most species, includingI.baltica, were collected with drifting littoral vegetation,and we suggest that transport by surface currents is an importantfactor in dispersal of some shoreline crustaceans. Midwaterplankton, such as Parathemisto gaudichaudi, reached the neustoneither by advection in upwelling waters or by an extension oftheir normal diel vertical distribution.  相似文献   

The seasonal variation and life history of the pelagic chaetognatha,Sagitta elegans Verrill, in Toyama Bay, southern Japan Sea,were investigated using a time series of 0–500 m verticalhauls with a Norpac net from 1 February 1990 to 30 January 1991.Nine species of one genus occurred in Toyama Bay throughoutthe year, including the cold-water species S.elegans. Therewas no remarkable variation in abundance throughout the year,although many individuals were collected in August. Juvenilesoccurred mostly in spring and summer, from late March to August.Adults (Stage 3) occurred in all seasons, except summer. Thebody length of adults ranged from 26 to 30 mm. There were twoprincipal spawning periods. One was in March-May and the otherwas in August. Life spans of both cohorts were 10–12 months.Copepods were major prey of S.elegans inhabiting Toyama Bay.The annual mean food-containing ratio (FRC) was 6.1%, but values>10% occurred in February, April, May, July and September.  相似文献   

The annual cycle of the zooplankton community in a coastal embaymentof the Bay of Biscay was studied from data on zooplankton fractionslarger than 45 and 250 µm Smaller zooplankton and chlorophyllmaxima coincided in summer, while larger zooplankton reachedthe maximum in spring. Copepods dominated in both fractionsmost of the year, being copepod nauplii and postnaupliar stagesof Oithona nana and Paracalanus parvus the main constituentsof the microzooplankton maxima, and older copepodites and adultsof Acartw clausi of the meso-macrozooplankton maxima. Secondarypeaks of abundance due to protozoan blooms of Steno-semellanivalu, in early spring, and Noctiluca santillans, in summer,were also observed in smaller and larger fractions respectively.The collapse of phytoplankton biomass in early autumn was followedby a strong decrease of zooplankton in mid autumn. From thisperiod to winter, chlorophyll and zooplankton abundance showedsmall variations, but noticeable changes in the compositionand size spectra of zooplankton were observed. In winter, valuesof chlorophyll and zooplankton abundance reached minima, A.clausidominated the copepod assemblage and carnivorous zooplankterswere absent or negligible The annual development of the mainpredator populations (Sagitta frideria, Luiopc tetraphylla andanchovies) were found to be synchronized with the variationsin abundance and size spectra of zooplankton in the study area.  相似文献   

This study seeks to determine the effects of local hydrography on the distribution, abundance and feeding of chaetognaths in the Lazarev Sea, an area strongly controlled by physical processes which has been held responsible for initiating the Weddell Polynya. Zooplankton samples were taken at 39 stations on four transects located between 6°W and 3°E and from 60°S to 70°S between surface and 350 m. The dominant species, Eukrohnia hamata, accounted for 86.5% of all chaetognaths, followed by Sagitta gazellae (8.1%) and Sagitta marri (5.4%). These three species showed distinct vertical and horizontal distribution patterns. While E. hamata and S. marri had maximum abundances below 250 m depth, S. gazellae showed a narrow distribution band in the upper 150 m depth. The distribution pattern was strongly modified at the Greenwich meridian with an upward transport of a high abundance of deep dwelling organisms (S. marri and E. hamata) and a displacement of S. gazellae to the surface, likely coupled with the rise of the warm, saline halo around the Maud Rise. Small copepods were the main prey of all three chaetognath species. Feeding rates (FR) varied among species and depth. Sagitta marri showed the highest FR with 0.38 prey d−1, followed by S. gazellae and E. hamata (0.22 and 0.07 prey d−1). Feeding rates were usually highest in the 25–80-m stratum. Size distribution and maturity of E. hamata revealed a dominance of small and immature organisms along all depths and stations, suggesting that this area might be acting as an important source of recently spawned organisms to the surface.  相似文献   

A field sampling was conducted before the onset of the northeasterly monsoon to investigate the copepod community composition during the monsoon transition period at the northern coast of Taiwan (East China Sea). In total, 22 major mesozooplankton taxa were found, with the Calanoida (relative abundance: 66.36%) and Chaetognatha (9.44%) being the most abundant. Mesozooplankton densities ranged between 226.91 and 2162.84 individuals m?3 (mean?±?SD: 744.01?±?631.5 individuals m?3). A total of 49 copepod species were identified, belonging to 4 orders, 19 families, and 30 genera. The most abundant species were: Temora turbinata (23.50%), Undinula vulgaris (17.92%), and Acrocalanus gibber (14.73%). The chaetognath Flaccisagitta enflata occurred at all 8 sampling stations, providing a 95% portion of the overall chaetognath contribution. Amphipoda were abundant at stations 4 and 5, with Hyperioides sibaginis and Lestigonus bengalensis being dominant, and comprising about 50% of all amphipods. Chaetognath abundance showed a significantly negative correlation with salinity (r?=?0.77, p?=?0.027), whereas mesozooplankton group numbers had a significantly positive correlation with salinity (r?=?0.71, p?=?0.048). Densities of four copepod species (Calanus sinicus, Calocalanus pavo, Calanopia elliptica and Labidocera acuta) showed a significantly negative correlation with seawater temperature. Communities of mesozooplankton and copepods of northern Taiwan varied spatially with the distance to land. The results of this study provide evidence for the presence of C. sinicus in the coastal area of northern Taiwan during the early northeast monsoon transition period in September.  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to quantify mesozooplanktongrazing in the eutrophic waters of Guanabara Bay. Mesozooplankton(>200 µm) was dominated by the copepods Acartia lilljeborgi,Acartia tonsa, Parvocalanus crassirostris and Paracalanus furcatus.Dinoflagellates, specifically the species Prorocentrum triestinum,were an important group for mesozooplankton nutrition, beingingested in significant amounts during all experiments. On average,12.3 ± 2.9 P. triestinum cells were ingested copepod–1min–1 (other dinoflagellates: 11 ± 8 cells copepod–1min–1). Filamentous cyanophyceae and nanoplankton wereingested in one experiment each, but the mesozooplankton communitygenerally preferred dinoflagellates to these groups, which werealways abundant in the water column. Euglenophyceae were notingested, although they dominated in one experiment. Mesozooplanktoningested, on average, only 0.2% of the nano- and microplanktonbiomass per day. The results suggest that grazing was not acontrolling process for the nano- and microplankton communityin the study area. Addition of zoeae larvae of Chasmagnatusgranulata (Decapoda: Brachyura: Grapsidae) in one experimenthad a significant effect on the mortality of adult copepods,probably due to a predator–prey relationship.  相似文献   

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