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Abstract   Australia is isolated from the rest of the world geographically but not scientifically: Australian entomology has a long and distinguished record of collaboration with a diversity of other countries. Much of the focus relates to keeping new pests out of Australia (biosecurity and quarantine) and managing those that do get in (biological control and insect pest management). Many projects have cooperated with neighbouring countries, to assist them to control pests and thereby reduce threats to Australia. Biological control projects have also had two-way benefits, and examples are given of various collaborations in these fields.  相似文献   

Currently an estimated two million tissues are distributed for transplantation annually. With increasing use of recovered tissue, clusters of transplant-transmitted infection have shown the difficulty of tracking tissues from an infected donor to the recipient. The challenge of tissue tracking to multiple transplant recipients was illustrated in a recent investigation of transmission of hepatitis C virus infection from a donor of organs and tissues. When a tissue bank issued a recall of the donated tissue, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention was notified to assist public health authorities; the mean time to locate and notify the physicians who had transplanted the tissue was 13 days, while the mean time to notify, inform, and test the patients was 29 days. Lack of common coding and nomenclature was one of the key challenges in tracking tissue to the recipient. Some changes that could improve timeliness in the event of a recall includes: (1) standardized tissue nomenclature and coding through unique donor identifiers; (2) tissue traceability requirements using systems similar to that used for blood products; (3) a surveillance system for adverse events that provides feedback at the provider level.  相似文献   

We developed a virtual world to study the effect of predators on predator recognition. We trained a neural network to discriminate between the shapes of simulated aerial and terrestrial predators and non-predators. Then, the network's weighting values were fixed into the genomes of a set of autonomous agents. These animats were required to eat, avoid death due to starvation, and avoid predation, by fleeing from approaching predators. We systematically varied the predator's lethality, the mutation rate, the cost of fleeing a predator, and the presence or absence of aerial and terrestrial predators. We used ANOVA to analyse the average recognition ability (a measure of directional selection) and the standard deviation of recognition ability (a measure of relaxed selection) after 500 generations of selection. Mutation rate and the cost of flight had the greatest effect on both the average and standard deviation of recognition abilities. The loss of all predators relaxed selection on predator recognition abilities. The loss of specific predators had complex effects on recognition abilities. Persistence is largely influenced by escape costs.  相似文献   

Summary The kinetics of replication of the inactive (late replicating) X chromosome (LRX) were studied in karyotypically normal lymphocytes and human amniotic fluid cells. Both cell types were successively pulse labeled with 1-h or 1/2-h thymidine pulses in an otherwise BrdU-substituted S phase after partial synchronization of the cultures at G1/S. For the first time with this technique, the entire sequence of replication was analyzed for the LRX from the beginning to the end of the S phase, with special reference to mid S (R-band to G-band transition replication). The inactive X is the last chromosome of the metaphase to start replication, with a delay of 1 or 2h, after which time a thymidine pulse results in R-type patterns. In mid S, the inactive X is the first chromosome to switch to G-type replication (without overlapping of both types and without any detectable replication pause). Until the end of S, a thymidine pulse results in G-type patterns. To rule out artifacts that might arise by the synchronization of cultures in these experiments, controls were carried out with BrdU pulses and the BrdU antibody technique without synchronization. In the course of replication, no fundamental difference was seen between the two different cell types examined. In contrast to studies using continuos labeling, this study did not reveal an interindividual difference of replication kinetics in the LRXs of the seven individuals studied; thus it is concluded that the inactive X chromosome shows only one characteristic course of replication.  相似文献   

Core temperature (tympanic and rectal temperatures) is lowered for several hours under diurnal bright light exposure and its evening fall is inhibited under evening bright light exposure. Melatonin may be involved in the behavior of these core temperatures. Diurnal bright light exposure for several hours may make dressing behavior and thermal sensibility in the evening cold slower and dull, compared with diurnal dim light exposure. On the contrary, evening bright light exposure for several hours may make the dressing behavior and thermal sensibility in the evening cold quicker and sharper, compared with evening dim light exposure. The underlying physiological mechanisms for these findings are that the thermoregulatory set-point would be reduced more markedly in the evening under the influence of higher elevation of melatonin under the diurnal bright light exposure, and its evening decline would be inhibited by suppression of the nocturnal rise of melatonin under evening bright light exposure.  相似文献   

Unified explanations seek to situate the traits of human beings in a causal framework that also explains the trait values found in nonhuman species. Disunified explanations claim that the traits of human beings are due to causal processes not at work in the rest of nature. This paper outlines a methodology for testing hypotheses of these two types. Implications are drawn concerning evolutionary psychology, adaptationism, and anti-adaptationism. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We analyzed the survival rate of the immature stages of Trichogramma species and lines that differed in their mode of reproduction. Specifically, we compared the mortality of arrhenotokous (W(-)), irrevertable thelytokous (W(-)), and Wolbachia-associated thelytokous (W(+)) forms. The embryonic mortality of the W(+) strains was significantly higher than that of the W(-) lines. The embryonic mortality was negligible for the arrhenotokous Trichogramma evanescens and the thelytokous Trichogramma cacoeciae, which is not infected with Wolbachia. Only 30% of the eggs of the Wolbachia-infected strains developed to adults, while the emergence rate of the Wolbachia-free strains was more than 78%, irrespective of the origin of the strains. More than 78% of the overall mortality in W(+) strains happened during the early stages of development. About 35% of embryos of W(+) strains remain in the mitotic stage even 48 h after oviposition. Most embryos of W(-) strains had already developed to cellular blastoderm after 6 h, regardless of strains. The mortality of immature stages in W(+) strains was mainly caused by the failure of the mitotic divisions.  相似文献   

Among its many roles in body and brain, oxytocin influences social behavior. Understanding the precise nature of this influence is crucial, both within the broader theoretical context of neurobiology, social neuroscience and brain evolution, but also within a clinical context of disorders such as anxiety, schizophrenia, and autism. Research exploring oxytocin's role in human social behavior is difficult owing to its release in both body and brain and its interactive effects with other hormones and neuromodulators. Additional difficulties are due to the intricacies of the blood-brain barrier and oxytocin's instability, which creates measurement issues. Questions concerning how to interpret behavioral results of human experiments manipulating oxytocin are thus made all the more pressing. The current paper discusses several such questions. We highlight unresolved fundamental issues about what exactly happens when oxytocin is administered intranasally, whether such oxytocin does in fact reach appropriate receptors in brain, and whether central or peripheral influences account for the observed behavioral effects. We also highlight the deeper conceptual issue of whether the human data should be narrowly interpreted as implicating a specific role for oxytocin in complex social cognition, such a generosity, trust, or mentalizing, or more broadly interpreted as implicating a lower-level general effect on general states and dispositions, such as anxiety and social motivation. Using several influential studies, we show how seemingly specific, higher-level social-cognitive effects can emerge via a process by which oxytocin's broad influence is channeled into a specific social behavior in a context of an appropriate social and research setting. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled Oxytocin, Vasopressin, and Social Behavior.  相似文献   

Previous research has demonstrated that U.S. no-fault divorce laws implemented between 1953 and 1987 resulted in more divorces in some states than would have occurred otherwise. In other states, divorce patterns appeared to follow prevailing trends even after implementation of no-fault divorce legislation. A more distal question is whether implementation of no-fault divorce laws had an effect on birth rates. We analyzed state-level birth data from all 50 states to assess the birth response to the enactment of no-fault divorce law in each state. Results suggested that birth rates decreased significantly two to four years following the enactment of no-fault divorce law for the group of 34 states whose divorce rates responded to no-fault divorce legislation. As predicted, among the 16 states whose divorce rates did not respond to no-fault divorce legislation, the enactment of no-fault divorce law had a small and nonsignificant positive influence on birth rates. Generally, the group of 34 states had lower post no-fault birth rates than the group of 16 states.  相似文献   

The study of sexually antagonistic (SA) traits remains largely limited to dioecious (separate sex), mobile animals. However, the occurrence of sexual conflict is restricted neither by breeding system (the mode of sexual reproduction, e.g. dioecy or hermaphroditism) nor by sessility. Here, we synthesize how variation in breeding system can affect the evolution and expression of intra- and inter-locus sexual conflicts in plants and animals. We predict that, in hermaphrodites, SA traits will (i) display lower levels of polymorphism; (ii) respond more quickly to selection; and (iii) involve unique forms of interlocus conflict over sex allocation, mating roles and selfing rates. Explicit modelling and empirical tests in a broader range of breeding systems are necessary to obtain a general understanding of the evolution of SA traits.  相似文献   

《Biochemical education》1998,26(1):22-23
The authors of many recent popular textbooks of biochemistry quote values for the ‘energy content’ of triacylglcyerol and dry carbohydrate on a weight basis as well as presenting calculations for the yield of ATP obtained when a molecule of glucose, or palmitic acid, is completely oxidised to CO2 and H2O. By extending these calculations and computing the yield of ATP in terms of the weight of glucose or palmitic acid oxidised to CO2 and H2O, it can be shown that the value for the ratio of the energy content of fat to that of carbohydrate is almost identical to the ratio of the yield of ATP per gram of palmitic acid oxidised, compared with that of glucose. Therefore, the efficiency (on a per gram basis) by which energy is made available as ATP is comparable for both the oxidation of fat and carbohydrate, thus underscoring the fact that the catabolic pathways for both fat and carbohydrate ultimately use the same means of generating ATP, namely, oxidative phosphorylation.  相似文献   



Policymakers and regulators in the United States (US) and the European Union (EU) are weighing reforms to their medical device approval and post-market surveillance systems. Data may be available that identify strengths and weakness of the approaches to medical device regulation in these settings.

Methods and Findings

We performed a systematic review to find empirical studies evaluating medical device regulation in the US or EU. We searched Medline using two nested categories that included medical devices and glossary terms attributable to the US Food and Drug Administration and the EU, following PRISMA guidelines for systematic reviews. We supplemented this search with a review of the US Government Accountability Office online database for reports on US Food and Drug Administration device regulation, consultations with local experts in the field, manual reference mining of selected articles, and Google searches using the same key terms used in the Medline search. We found studies of premarket evaluation and timing (n = 9), studies of device recalls (n = 8), and surveys of device manufacturers (n = 3). These studies provide evidence of quality problems in pre-market submissions in the US, provide conflicting views of device safety based largely on recall data, and relay perceptions of some industry leaders from self-surveys.


Few studies have quantitatively assessed medical device regulation in either the US or EU. Existing studies of US and EU device approval and post-market evaluation performance suggest that policy reforms are necessary for both systems, including improving classification of devices in the US and promoting transparency and post-market oversight in the EU. Assessment of regulatory performance in both settings is limited by lack of data on post-approval safety outcomes. Changes to these device approval and post-marketing systems must be accompanied by ongoing research to ensure that there is better assessment of what works in either setting. Please see later in the article for the Editors'' Summary.  相似文献   


Importance and Objective

Prior influenza infection is a risk factor for invasive meningococcal disease. Quantifying the fraction of meningococcal disease attributable to influenza could improve understanding of viral-bacterial interaction and indicate additional health benefits to influenza immunization.

Design, Setting and Participants

A time series analysis of the association of influenza and meningococcal disease using hospitalizations in 9 states from 1989–2009 included in the State Inpatient Databases from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality and the proportion of positive influenza tests by subtype reported to the Centers for Disease Control. The model accounts for the autocorrelation of meningococcal disease and influenza between weeks, temporal trends, co-circulating respiratory syncytial virus, and seasonality. The influenza-subtype-attributable fraction was estimated using the model coefficients. We analyzed the synchrony of seasonal peaks in hospitalizations for influenza, respiratory syncytial virus, and meningococcal disease.

Results and Conclusions

In 19 of 20 seasons, influenza peaked≤2 weeks before meningococcal disease, and peaks were highly correlated in time (ρ = 0.95; P <.001). H3N2 and H1N1 peaks were highly synchronized with meningococcal disease while pandemic H1N1, B, and respiratory syncytial virus were not. Over 20 years, 12.8% (95% CI, 9.1–15.0) of meningococcal disease can be attributable to influenza in the preceding weeks with H3N2 accounting for 5.2% (95% CI, 3.0–6.5), H1N1 4.3% (95% CI, 2.6–5.6), B 3.0% (95% CI, 0.8–4.9) and pH1N1 0.2% (95% CI, 0–0.4). During the height of influenza season, weekly attributable fractions reach 59%. While vaccination against meningococcal disease is the most important prevention strategy, influenza vaccination could provide further protection, particularly in young children where the meningococcal disease vaccine is not recommended or protective against the most common serogroup.  相似文献   

The use of wood for energy — including the burning of solid wood and black liquor from pulping — has been growing at a rate significantly greater than that for all other uses such as lumber, pulp, or particleboard. In the United States, the end of most wood is not lumber or pulp and paper but feed for energy. In 1983, 155·5 M Mg of wood were used for energy. This could threaten to increase the price of wood for those other uses, or it can stimulate us to seek more creative ways of using untapped wood resources for fuel.On the basis of estimates of heavy wood energy use relative to other uses for wood, and estimates of continuing high costs for fossil fuels, we suggest here the feasibility of meeting the demand for fuelwood through small-scale cooperatives. Such an approach can improve forestry practices and can avoid unduly increasing the cost of wood for other end uses.  相似文献   

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