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Malnutrition during lactation reduces milk production and changes pup's leptin serum levels. To test prolactin role in this nutritional state, we evaluated whether prolactin suppression during lactation changes serum leptin in dams, its transfer through the milk, and pup's serum leptin. Lactating rats were treated with bromocryptine (1 mg/twice a day, s.c.) or saline three days before sacrifice (days 2-4 or days 19-21). Food intake and body weight were measured until sacrifice (4th and 21st day). Serum prolactin and leptin were determined by radioimmunoassay. Bromocryptine injected dams had lower serum prolactin and milk production as expected. The mothers presented lower food ingestion (day 21: -25%), lower body weight (day 4: -12%; day 21: -10%), higher serum leptin (day 4: +68%), lower milk leptin on the 4th day (11 times) and higher (8 times) on the 21st day. The offspring of bromocryptine-treated mothers presented lower body weight in both periods of lactation and lower serum leptin on the 4th day (-40%) and higher on the 21st day (+37%) of lactation. We suggest that prolactin, through its effect on leptin secretion into the milk, may play an important role in signalizing maternal nutritional status to the pups.  相似文献   

Milk was analyzed at 5 and 15 days of lactation in rats fed an ethanol liquid diet or appropriate control diet. Alcoholic rats showed blood ethanol levels as high as 43 mM at the end of lactation. Milk from ethanol-fed rats showed an increase in pH, protein and lipids and a decrease in lactose, compared with controls. Chronic ethanol consumption seems to reduce the yield of milk. The nutritional status of sucklings from alcoholic mothers seems to be related more to the quantity of milk than to its quality.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that protein restriction during lactation is associated with changes in iodine secretion into the milk and that a pup's serum leptin concentration was increased at the end of lactation. So, here we evaluate whether leptin treatment during lactation affects iodine transfer through the milk to the pups. Lactating rats were divided into two groups: the leptin (Lep) group, single injected with recombinant rat leptin (8 microg/100g of body weight, daily for 3 consecutive days), and the control (C) group that received the same volume of saline. We studied iodine transfer to the pups through the milk on Days 4, 12 and 21 of lactation. In those days, the dams were separated from their pups for 4 h. Then, the mothers received an injection of 131I (2.22x10(4) Bq ip) and the pups were allowed to nurse for 2 h. The animals were sacrificed 2 h later. Leptin, total serum T3 and total serum T4 concentrations were higher (P<.05) in pups of Lep mothers only on Day 4, suggesting a higher transfer of leptin through the milk at this period, probably with a direct stimulatory effect on thyroid hormone secretion. In other periods, however, even without a detectable increase in a pup's serum leptin concentration, maternal leptin administration increased the pup's thyroid iodine uptake (Day 12, 39%; Day 21, 34%), probably caused by a higher transfer of iodine through the milk, since they had a higher gastric content of 131I on Days 12 (31%) and 21 (128%).  相似文献   

Ghrelin, a novel acylated peptide and endogenous ligand for growth hormone (GH) secretagogue receptor, was originally isolated from rat and human stomachs. In addition to its GH-releasing activity, ghrelin plays an important role in many physiological functions, including food intake, gastric acid secretion, neonatal development, and so on. In this study, the effect of daily treatment with ghrelin on milk production was investigated in lactating rats and the development of the pups was monitored. Daily subcutaneous injection of ghrelin into nursing dams for 8 days from parturition caused a significant increase in milk yield and litter weight gain. When litters nursed by ghrelin-treated and saline-treated dams were interchanged on day 4 of lactation, the growth curves were reversed. Daily injections of ghrelin also increased plasma GH levels. Northern blot analysis revealed that daily injection of ghrelin significantly increased mammary casein mRNA expression. In addition, RT-PCR analysis showed that a ghrelin receptor was present in the mammary glands of lactating rats. These results suggest that ghrelin may play an important role in milk production in lactating dams.  相似文献   

Lead-exposed neonatal rats are frequently used as a model for plumbism in children. In most studies,PPb is administered to the dam, and it is assumed that the pups are exposed to Pb primarily from the dam's milk. Rat pups, however, are coprophagic and begin to consume the maternal feces in their second postnatal week. This experiment was designed to determine whether the maternal feces are a significant source of Pb in pups exposed via the lactating dam. Dams were administered Pb as lead acetate (PbAc), either through their drinking water (500 ppm PbAc) or through twice daily intubations (3 mg PbAc/Kg body wt) from postpartum d 1 (P1) to P21 (P0=day of birth). Control dams were administered deionized water. The dams were housed with their litters in stainless-steel hanging cages with wire-screened bottoms. Litters of exposed and control dams treated through their drinking water had access to either Pb-containing or Pb-free maternal fecal matter for 2 h/d during the late lactation period. Half of the litters from intubated dams had continuous access to maternal feces throughout the lactation period, whereas access was curtailed at P14 in the other litters. Lead content of the feces from Pb-exposed dams ranged from 1000 to 5000 μg Pb/g wet wt. At P21, Pb concentrations were 2–4 times higher in blood, brain, bone, and liver of pups that had access to Pb-contaminated feces than in pups that were exposed to Pb primarily through the mother's milk. When estimating exposure levels in pups receiving Pb through the lactating dam, coprophagy and the high content of Pb in the dam's feces must be taken into consideration.  相似文献   

The effect of starvation, starvation and refeeding and feeding a low-protein diet on concentrations of the mRNAs for the alpha-, beta- and gamma-caseins, alpha-lactalbumin and whey acidic protein has been determined using dot-blot hybridization analyses with total RNA extracted from mammary acini isolated from lactating rats. Starvation for 48 h decreased the concentrations of all RNA species to between 5 and 20% of those for rats feeding ad libitum when expressed on a DNA basis. Refeeding for 24h restored the concentrations to control values. Consumption of a low protein diet reduced the concentrations of each mRNA by about 50%. Only minor changes were detected in the mRNA concentrations for alpha-casein, alpha-lactalbumin and whey acidic protein in samples prepared at six hourly intervals from rats receiving a restricted intake (40% ad libitum) of the control diet.  相似文献   

L-[U-14C]Leucine was infused into the right-hand mammary glands of lactating goats. Milk from both glands of the animals was sampled at intervals for 36 h. After 3 h the specific activity of milk serum albumin from the infused glands was more than six times that from the non-infused glands. The specific activity of milk serum albumin was considerably lower than that of alpha-lactalbumin or beta-lactoglobulin which are exclusively synthesized by mammary secretory cells. Following the intravenous injection of 125I-labeled serum albumin, maximum specific activity of this protein appeared in milk in 12 h. The specific activity of serum albumin in milk attained no more than 45% of the specific activity of the serum albumin in blood. It is concluded that milk serum albumin has multiple origins and that a portion of it, at least (10-20%), is made in the mammary gland.  相似文献   

A survey based on 838, samples of milk obtained from 537 dairies covering 70 of 95 districts in France was organized to assess iodine content of milk and its contribution to total intake. Iodine levels were significantly higher in winter than in summer. Very low iodine contents (<25 μg I/kg) were found in the eastern part of the country (the Vosges, Jura, and the Alpes) and the Massif Central. During milk processing, much of the iodine is lost in the whey. The other significant sources of dietary iodine are fish and eggs. Iodized salt is sold only to households and not to industry. Even if about 20% of the iodine is lost over the first 3 mo, salt remains the main source for this trace element. It is concluded that, if iodized salt is not provided systematically for both domestic and agro-industrial use, then milk may be the most important source of iodine. This key role may explain seasonal and geographical variations in the frequencies of goiter in France.  相似文献   

Aluminium inhibits prenatal and postnatal brain development. However, aluminium incorporation into the brain of sucklings through maternal milk has not yet been well clarified because aluminium lacks a suitable isotope for radioactive tracer experiments. Using 26Al (26AlCl(3)) as a tracer, we measured 26Al incorporation into the brain of suckling rats by accelerator mass spectrometry. Lactating rats were subcutaneously injected with 26AlCl(3) from day 1 to day 20 postpartum. Suckling rats were weaned from day 21 postpartum. From day 5 to day 20 postpartum, the amounts of 26Al measured in the cerebrum, cerebellum, spinal cord, liver, and kidneys of suckling rats increased significantly. After weaning, the amounts of 26Al in the liver and kidneys decreased remarkably. Alternatively, in the cerebrum, cerebellum, and spinal cord, as much as 12 to 20% of the 26Al amounts present on day 20 postpartum remained in the tissues on day 730 postpartum. As the life span of rats is about 2 years, we conclude that considerable amounts of the 26Al taken up into the brain of suckling rats through maternal milk remained in their brain throughout their lifetime.  相似文献   

Female rats received an ip injection of aluminum chloride, (10 mg Al/kg/d) during the first 12 d after parturition; this treatment led to a reduction in food intake associated with a reduction in body wt. Pups of the intoxicated dams showed a growth retardation after postnatal day 7. One day after treatment, the female rats intoxicated with aluminum had a considerably higher level of aluminum in milk than controls. The aluminum levels of plasma, liver, spleen, and kidneys were also significantly higher in treated female rats than controls. On the contrary, in the same tissues of pups from treated or not treated dams, no differences in aluminum levels were observed. No effect of aluminum treatment was detected on plasma silicon levels in dams and pups.  相似文献   

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