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Phytoremediation of trichloroethylene (TCE) can be accomplished using fast-growing, deep-rooting trees. The most commonly used tree for phytoremediation of TCE has been the hybrid poplar. This study looks at native southeastern trees of the United States as alternatives to the use of hybrid poplar. The use of native trees for phytoremediation allows for simultaneous restoration of contaminated sites. A 2-mo, greenhouse-based study was conducted to determine if sycamore (Plantanus L.), eastern cottonwood (Populus deltoides), sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua L.), and willow (Salix sachalinensis) trees possess the ability to degrade TCE by assessing TCE metabolite formation in the plant tissue. In addition to the metabolic capabilities of each tree species, growth parameters were measured including change in height, water usage, total fresh weight of each tissue type, and calculated total leaf surface area. Willow trees had the greatest increase in height among all trees tested; however, at higher concentrations TCE inhibits growth. Sycamore trees had the highest overall leaf surface area and total biomass, which correlated with sycamore trees also having the highest average water usage over the course of the experiment. Carbon tubes used to sample transpiration gases from sycamore, sweetgum, and cottonwood trees did not contain detectable levels of TCE. Tenex sample collection tubes used to sample willow trees during TCE exposure showed average TCE concentrations of up to 0.354 ng TCE cm?2 leaf tissue. All exposed trees contained TCE in the root, stem, and leaf tissues. The concentration of TCE remaining in tissues at the conclusion of the experiment varied, with the highest levels found in the roots and the lowest levels found in the leaves. Metabolites were also observed in different tissue types of all trees tested. The highest concentrations of trichloroacetic acid were observed in the leaves of the sycamore trees and cottonwood trees. Based on the growth parameters tested and the ability to metabolize TCE, sycamore and native cottonwood species are the best candidates for phytoremediation from this study.  相似文献   

Bottomland hardwood forests of the southeastern United States have declined in extent since European settlement. Forest restoration activities over the past decade, however, have driven recent changes in land use through an intensified afforestation effort on former agricultural land. This intense afforestation effort, particularly in the Lower Mississippi Alluvial Valley, has generated a demand for alternative afforestation systems that accommodate various landowner objectives through restoration of sustainable forests. We are currently studying an afforestation system that involves initial establishment of the rapidly growing native species eastern cottonwood (Populus deltoides Bartr. ex Marsh.), followed by enrichment of the plantation understory with Nuttall oak (Quercus nuttallii Palm.). In this article, we examine the growth and biomass accumulation by Nuttall oak seedlings to determine whether this species can be established and whether it will develop beneath the cottonwood overstory. After 3 years of growth beneath cottonwood canopies, Nuttall oak seedlings were similar in height (126 cm), but were 20% smaller in root‐collar diameter than seedlings established in open fields. Seedlings established in the open accumulated more than twice the biomass of seedlings growing beneath a cottonwood canopy. However, the relative distribution of accumulated biomass in seedlings did not differ in the two environments. Ten percent of total seedling biomass was maintained in leaf tissue, 42% was maintained in stem tissue, and 48% was maintained in root tissue on open‐grown seedlings and seedlings established in the understory of cottonwood plantations. Though establishment in the more shaded understory environment reduced Nuttall oak growth, seedling function was not limited enough to induce changes in plant morphology. Our results suggest that an afforestation system involving rapid establishment of forest cover with a quick‐growing plantation species, followed by understory enrichment with species of later succession, may provide an alternative method of forest restoration on bottomland hardwood sites and perhaps other sites degraded by agriculture throughout temperate regions.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Forest restoration has been undertaken on >200,000 ha of agricultural land in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley, USA, during the past few decades. Decisions on where and how to restore bottomland forests are complex and dependent upon landowner objectives, but for conservation of silvicolous (forest-dwelling) birds, ecologists have espoused restoration through planting a diverse mix of densely spaced seedlings that includes fast-growing species. Application of this planting strategy on agricultural tracts that are adjacent to extant forest or within landscapes that are predominately forested has been advocated to increase forest area and enhance forested landscapes, thereby benefiting area-sensitive, silvicolous birds. We measured support for these hypothesized benefits through assessments of densities of breeding birds and reproductive success of 9 species on 36 bottomland forest restoration sites. Densities of thamnic (shrub-scrub dwelling) and silvicolous birds, such as yellow-breasted chat (Icteria virens), indigo bunting (Passerina cyanea), and white-eyed vireo (Vireo griseus) were positively associated with 1) taller trees, 2) greater stem densities, and 3) a greater proportion of forest within the landscape, whereas densities of birds associated with grasslands, such as dickcissel (Spiza americana) and red-winged blackbird (Agelaius phoeniceus), were negatively associated with these variables. Vegetation structure, habitat edge, and temporal effects had greater influence on nest success than did landscape effects. Taller trees, increased density of woody stems, greater vegetation density, and more forest within the landscape were often associated with greater nest success. Nest success of grassland birds was positively related to distance from forest edge but, for thamnic birds, success was greater near edges. Moreover, nest success and estimated fecundity of thamnic species suggested their populations are self-sustaining on forest restoration sites, whereas these sites are likely population sinks for grassland and open-woodland species. We recommend restoration strategies that promote rapid development of dense forest stands within largely forested landscapes to recruit breeding populations of thamnic and silvicolous birds that have reproductive success sufficient to sustain their populations.  相似文献   

Avian Response to Bottomland Hardwood Reforestation: The First 10 Years   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Bottomland hardwood forests were planted on agricultural fields in Mississippi and Louisiana predominantly using either Quercus species (oaks) or Populus deltoides (eastern cottonwood). We assessed avian colonization of these reforested sites between 2 and 10 years after planting. Rapid vertical growth of cottonwoods (circa 2–3 m/year) resulted in sites with forest structure that supported greater species richness of breeding birds, increased Shannon diversity indices, and supported greater territory densities than on sites planted with slower‐growing oak species. Grassland birds (Spiza americana[Dickcissel] and Sturnella magna[Eastern Meadowlark]) were indicative of species breeding on oak‐dominated reforestation no more than 10 years old. Agelaius phoeniceus (Red‐winged Blackbird) and Colinus virginianus (Northern Bobwhite) characterized cottonwood reforestation no more than 4 years old, whereas 14 species of shrub‐scrub birds (e.g., Passerina cyanea[Indigo Bunting]) and early‐successional forest birds (e.g., Vireo gilvus[Warbling vireo]) typified cottonwood reforestation 5 to 9 years after planting. Rates of daily nest survival did not differ between reforestation strategies. Nest parasitism increased markedly in older cottonwood stands but was overwhelmed by predation as a cause of nest failure. Based on Partners in Flight prioritization scores and territory densities, the value of cottonwood reforestation for avian conservation was significantly greater than that of oak reforestation during their first 10 years. Because of benefits conferred on breeding birds, we recommend reforestation of bottomland hardwoods should include a high proportion of fast‐growing early successional species such as cottonwood.  相似文献   

I evaluated responses by 16 native woody species to differential soil compaction and density of ground cover. The trees and shrubs studied represent sites in southern Illinois that commonly have restrictions to root growth from soil or drainage conditions. The study site was a restored surface coal mine in southern Illinois with a rooting medium compacted by grading and a dense ground cover of pasture species. Soil compaction was alleviated in half the study area before tree planting by mechanically ripping the soil to a depth of 1.2 m. Roots of half the trees and shrubs were dipped in a Terra® slurry before planting, and the ground cover around all planting spots was afterwards sprayed with herbicide. In year 2 after planting the ground cover in half of the unripped and half of the ripped area was further controlled by repeated application of herbicides. Ripping significantly increased height growth of all trees combined and all species individually in each year of the study. Second-year control of ground cover increased height growth of all trees combined and of seven species individually. Some species were damaged by herbicides. Terra® had little evident effect on species performance. Animal damage reduced early survival and growth, especially of Acer (maple) and Cornus (dogwood) species, and later growth of Quercus rubra (red oak). Removal of ground cover with herbicides tended to increase deer browse. Soil ripping, herbicide application, and choosing tree species unattractive to deer can be recommended to increase success in planting trees for forest restoration.  相似文献   

Hurricane Katrina caused large losses of bottomland hardwood forests on the Gulf Coastal Plain. Heavy‐seeded species such as oaks (Quercus) generally require direct planting for restoration after such losses. However, evaluating the performance of various oak planting stocks using biometric data alone can be challenging due to their slow juvenile growth and belowground carbon allocation. Our study goals were to evaluate physiological parameters including photosynthesis, stomatal conductance, and water‐use efficiency (WUE) and their correlation with annual height growth to determine differences in functional performance and drought tolerance between seedling types and whether physiology can predict height growth. Monthly growing season gas exchange measurements were made on two oak species (Quercus texana and Quercus shumardii) and three planting stocks (bare root, conventional containerized, large containerized [LC]) planted on two sites in coastal Mississippi. We found that photosynthesis decreased throughout the growing season while stomatal conductances increased leading to decreasing WUEs in all seedling types. Physiological parameters differed across planting stocks but not species. Particularly, LC seedlings exhibited greater WUEs and sensitivity to vapor pressure deficit (VPD) suggesting increased moisture stress compared with other planting stocks. Across seedling types, photosynthesis, stomatal sensitivity to VPD, and seasonal changes in intrinsic WUE measured in year one of the study were significantly correlated with year two, but not year one height growth, suggesting belowground allocation of carbon during the first growing season. In total, these results highlight the use of physiological measurements in selecting successful planting stocks for various site conditions.  相似文献   

Twedt  Daniel J. 《Plant Ecology》2004,172(2):251-263
Reforestation of bottomland hardwood sites in the southeastern United States has markedly increased in recent years due, in part, to financial incentives provided by conservation programs. Currently >250,000 ha of marginal farmland have been returned to hardwood forests. I observed establishment of trees and shrubs on 205 reforested bottomlands: 133 sites were planted primarily with oak species (Quercus spp.), 60 sites were planted with pulpwood producing species (Populus deltoides, Liquidambar styraciflua, or Platanus occidentalis), and 12 sites were not planted (i.e., passive regeneration). Although oak sites were planted with more species, sites planted with pulpwood species were more rapidly colonized by additional species. The density of naturally colonizing species exceeded that of planted species but density of invaders decreased rapidly with distance from forest edge. Trees were shorter in height on sites planted with oaks than on sites planted with pulpwood species but within a site, planted trees attained greater heights than did colonizing species. Thus, planted trees dominated the canopy of reforested sites as they matured. Planted species acted in concert with natural invasion to influence the current condition of woody vegetation on reforested sites. Cluster analysis of species importance values distinguished three woody vegetation conditions: (1) Populus deltoides stands (2) oak stands with little natural invasion by other tree species, and (3) stands dominated by planted or naturally invading species other than oaks. Increased diversity on reforested sites would likely result from (a) greater diversity of planted species, particularly when sites are far from existing forest edges and (b) thinning of planted trees as they attain closed canopies.  相似文献   

The major focus of ecological restorations has been on understanding local factors. However, landscape factors such as dispersal limitation of individuals or propagules across the surrounding matrix can also constrain the restoration progress. We investigated to what extent native woody species colonize and thrive in plantations, focusing on both the role of local factors such as grazing and canopy cover as well as on landscape factors. We recorded all native tree and shrub species in 60 small Eucalyptus plantations embedded in an open agricultural landscape at 0.1–12 km from a remnant continuous forest in central Ethiopia. We found a total of 1,571 individuals of native woody plants belonging to 55 species. Number of such species in a plantation increased significantly with the height of the grass sword indicating their sensitivity to grazing. Moreover, the number of woody species in the patches decreased significantly with distance to the forest. Our results illustrate the need for regulating the grazing pressure for a successful regeneration of native species in Eucalyptus plantations. In addition, sowing or planting native trees will be necessary in most plantations, as only few remnant natural forests that could act as seed sources occur across the Ethiopian highlands. Another main obstacle might be the prohibition of selling timber of native trees, which indirectly discourage farmers from letting native trees regenerate. Thus, the increasing cover of Eucalyptus seen across the country will not automatically foster a recovery of native woody plant biodiversity, even if managed to optimize local environmental conditions.  相似文献   

贾美玉  张金屯  梁钰  丁沫冲  曹格  贾冰玉 《生态学报》2018,38(20):7499-7507
林线过渡带作为气候变化的预警区,有很重要的研究意义,林线过渡带中人工林的生存与发展对自然保护区景观生态系统影响显著。选取五台山林线内占绝对分布优势的华北落叶松为研究对象。设置50m×50m样地,随机选取5个10m×10m样方进行群落物种信息收集,对乔木的胸径和位置信息进行调查,利用点格局方法和CSR(完全空间随机模型)、HP(空间异质性过程模型)、RL(随机标签模型)对华北落叶松的活立木和枯立木的格局过程进行0—25m尺度上的分析,结果发现:活的华北落叶松平均胸径在11.54cm,死的华北落叶松平均胸径是8.27cm,这个对于30年以上华北落叶松来说胸径值偏小,其生长慢的特点是和林线这个生境特点相适应的。华北落叶松枯立木的聚块很大,在0—15m上都是聚集分布;活立木聚块小出现在0—3m、和21m上。空间异质性过程模型模拟的格局与活立木实际格局差异检验不显著,说明空间异质性可以很好解释活立木格局的成因。随机标签模型模拟结果表明现有活立木和枯立木只在21m附近出现负相关,主要是负密度制约效应是导致的华北落叶松死亡的主要原因,而且对幼苗到幼树的影响最大。同时推测灌木和华北落叶松幼苗和幼树的种间相关作用与其死亡也有一定关系。  相似文献   

Abstract Interest in restoring native ecosystems is resulting in conversion of marginal agricultural lands to bottomland hardwood‐dominated forests in the midwestern and midsouthern United States. Growing stock for these efforts typically consists of planted oak (Quercus spp.) and volunteer vegetation. Reports of mixed reforestation success and the lack of post‐establishment tree growth data prompted this evaluation of vegetation characteristics of 5‐ to 7‐year‐old operational restorations in the Lower Cache River Watershed in southernmost Illinois, U.S.A. Fraxinus pennsylvanica (green ash), Acer negundo (box‐elder), and Liquidambar styraciflua (sweetgum) together comprised 77% of all tree stems observed. Full stocking of overstory tree species can be expected to produce a closed canopy stand within 160 m of a forested edge, due primarily to the abundance of rapidly growing volunteer‐origin trees. Planted oaks contributed minimally to total tree stocking but were present in sufficient numbers to eventually improve wildlife habitat, and therefore satisfied restoration objectives. Oak height was 23% greater when in the presence of a non‐oak tree species. Herbaceous cover was dominated by Solidago gigantea (late goldenrod) and Juncus spp. (rushes). Solidago gigantea was associated with poor growth and low density of non‐oak stems, whereas Juncus dudleyi (Dudley's rush) was associated with taller non‐oak stems. These results suggest that the presence of volunteer‐origin trees is crucial for the creation of full stand stocking that will result in rapid development of a closed canopy forest. Improved success of future reforestation efforts will require more intensive methods to establish adequate stocking beyond 160 m of a forest edge. Methods described here could be adapted for agricultural field to forest restorations in other regions to predict critical distances from volunteer seed sources within which supplemental planting would be unnecessary to meet tree stocking objectives.  相似文献   

Multi‐species mixed plantations can be designed to meet social, economic, and environmental objectives during forest restoration. This paper reports results from an experiment in southern Sweden concerning the influence of three different fast growing nurse tree species on the cover of herbaceous vegetation and on the performance of several target tree species. After 10 years, the nurse trees had reduced the competing herbaceous vegetation but the effect was weak and it may take more than a decade to achieve effective vegetation control. The nurse tree species Betula pendula and Larix x eurolepis did improve stem form in some target tree species, but had a minor effect on survival and growth. The open conditions before crown closure of nurse trees strongly influence seedling performance and so delayed planting of target tree species may provide a means to avoid those conditions. Survival and growth differed greatly among the tree species. Besides the two nurse tree species mentioned above, high survival was found in Picea abies and Quercus robur and intermediate survival in Fagus sylvatica, Tilia cordata, and in the N‐fixing nurse tree Alnus glutinosa. Survival was low in the target tree species Fraxinus excelsior L. and Prunus avium. For restoration practitioners, our results illustrate the potential of using nurse trees for rapidly building a new forest structure and simultaneously increase productivity, which might be a cost‐effective strategy for forest restoration.  相似文献   

The goal of restoration is to accelerate ecosystem recovery, but in ecosystems that naturally regenerate rapidly restoration techniques need to be selected carefully to facilitate rather than impede natural recovery. We compared the effects of five restoration techniques, such as plowing the soil, removing grasses, adding forest litter, seeding, and planting nursery‐growing seedlings, on the regeneration of seasonal deciduous forest trees in four abandoned pastures in central Brazil. We monitored all woody stems immediately prior to treatments and again 14 months after the treatments. We recorded an average of 16,663 tree stems per hectare and a total of 83 species before implementing treatments. Planting strongly increased species richness; adding litter and seeding had weaker positive effects on richness; and plowing and grass removal had no effect. Plowing substantially reduced the density of naturally established stems. Despite the high survival of planted seedlings, stem density in planting treatments did not change because the tractor and digging holes to plant seedlings caused mortality of naturally regenerating seedlings. Tree stems grew more in the grass release plots than in the control plots. Our results suggest that early succession of seasonal deciduous forest in pastures in the region studied does not need to be stimulated once the perturbation is stopped and that intensive restoration efforts may actually slow recovery. We recommend only enrichment planting of seedlings that are not able to resprout.  相似文献   

Restoration of wetland and associated ecosystems is a major goal of land management agencies throughout the world. On the lower Colorado River, creation of riparian forests is planned to mitigate riparian habitat degradation by historic land-use conversions and river management. Current restoration practices use propagated plant stock. If direct seeding can be implemented, genetic and structural diversity could be enhanced at restoration sites even while reducing costs compared to vegetative propagation methods. A small-scale field study was implemented in Cibola, Arizona, to determine the effectiveness of direct seeding of Fremont cottonwood (Populus fremontii), Goodding's willow (Salix gooddingii), and coyote willow (S. exigua). For the first growing season, establishment of Fremont cottonwood averaged 7% of pure live seed rates for all treatments combined, whereas establishment of willows was less than 1%. Volunteer species were abundant, with grasses dominating cover and biomass after one growing season. Saltcedar (Tamarix ramosissima) established in abundance, but showed lower growth rates than Fremont cottonwood during the first growing season. Monitoring for three growing seasons indicated higher growth rates and survival of Fremont cottonwood compared to all volunteer species. Study results indicated that direct seeding of Fremont cottonwood is likely to be an efficient method for tree re-vegetation. Additional studies are required for willow species to determine if establishment from seed can be increased through enhanced weed control and elimination of Fremont cottonwood from the seed mix.  相似文献   

In the Mississippi River Alluvial Valley (MAV), complete alteration of river‐floodplain hydrology allowed for widespread conversion of forested bottomlands to intensive agriculture, resulting in nearly 80% forest loss. Governmental programs have attempted to restore forest habitat and functions within this altered landscape by the methods of tree planting (afforestation) and local hydrologic enhancement on reclaimed croplands. Early assessments identified factors that influenced whether planting plus tree colonization could establish an overstory community similar to natural bottomland forests. The extent to which afforested sites develop typical understory vegetation has not been evaluated, yet understory composition may be indicative of restored site conditions. As part of a broad study quantifying the ecosystem services gained from restoration efforts, understory vegetation was compared between 37 afforested sites and 26 mature forest sites. Differences in vegetation attributes for species growth forms, wetland indicator classes, and native status were tested with univariate analyses; floristic composition data were analyzed by multivariate techniques. Understory vegetation of restoration sites was generally hydrophytic, but species composition differed from that of mature bottomland forest because of young successional age and differing responses of plant growth forms. Attribute and floristic variation among restoration sites was related to variation in canopy development and local wetness conditions, which in turn reflected both intrinsic site features and outcomes of restoration practices. Thus, understory vegetation is a useful indicator of functional progress in floodplain forest restoration.  相似文献   

Forest restoration is most efficient if it can take advantage of facilitative interactions between established vegetation and planted trees. However, positive and negative interactions have been identified in a number of plant communities. After centuries of anthropogenic fires, forest recovery has been extremely slow in southern bog forests previously dominated by the slow‐growing and vulnerable conifer Pilgerodendron uviferum on Chiloé Island, Chile. Today, the landscape is dominated by secondary shrublands with scattered patches of Sphagnum moss and limited natural tree regeneration. We hypothesized that the retention of secondary shrubs facilitates the early performance of P. uviferum restoration plantings by providing better microsite conditions. To test this hypothesis, we compared the response of seedlings planted on sites prepared at two levels of intervention: after shrubs had been removed or where shrubs were retained. Shrub retention showed a nurse‐plant effect on P. uviferum seedlings 4 years after planting, which resulted in reduced physiological stress (measured as Fv/Fm) for seedlings, as well as reduced browsing. Consequently, the seedlings growing in areas with shrub retention had larger height increment and higher vitality than those in areas where shrubs had been removed. Thus, the more open micro‐site conditions created by shrub removal resulted in generally poorer seedling performance, although seedling mortality—which was low overall (approximately 2–4%)—showed no significant difference between the two levels of intervention. These findings have direct implications for the restoration of slow‐growing conifers that can tolerate extreme wet conditions in highly degraded forests.  相似文献   

Frugivores and pollinators are two functional groups of animals that help ensure gene flow of plants among sites in landscapes under restoration and to accelerate restoration processes. Resource availability is postulated to be a key factor to structure animal communities using restoration sites, but it remains poorly studied. We expected that diverse forests with many plant growth forms that have less‐seasonal phenological patterns will provide more resources for animals than forests with fewer plant growth forms and strongly seasonal phenological patterns. We studied forests where original plantings included high tree species diversity. We studied resource provision (richness and abundance of flowers and fruits) of all plant growth forms, in three restoration sites of different ages compared to a reference forest, investigating whether plant phenology changes with restoration process. We recorded phenological data for reproductive plant individuals (351 species) with monthly sampling over 2 years, and found that flower and fruit production have been recovered after one decade of restoration, indicating resource provision for fauna. Our data suggest that a wide range of plant growth forms provides resource complementarities to those of planted tree species. Different flower phenologies between trees and non‐trees seem to be more evident in a forest with high non‐tree species diversity. We recommend examples of ideal species for planting, both at the time of initial planting and post‐planting during enrichment. These management actions can minimize shortage and periods of resource scarcity for frugivorous and nectarivorous fauna, increasing probability of restoring ecological processes and sustainability in restoration sites.  相似文献   

Riparian vegetation has great functional importance in agroscapes because it establishes physical connections between natural ecosystems embedded in an agricultural matrix. Throughout the tropics, the historical demand for cropland and pastures in the lands adjacent to streams has led to the replacement of forests by exotic grasses. In order to find new methods for initiating the restoration of riparian forests, we evaluated the use of the pioneer shrubs Tithonia diversifolia and Piper auritum as nurse species for their effects on (1) competition with dominant grasses; (2) natural regeneration and the ecological facilitation of six native tree species of different successional stages; and (3) influence on microclimate. Over a period of 15 months, 4.4% coverage of P. auritum was insufficient to inhibit grasses. In contrast, 81% coverage of T. diversifolia limited the growth of dominant grasses such as Cenchrus purpureus, Paspalum paniculatum, and Cynodon plectostachyus likely by intercepting more than 90% of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), even though other factors cannot be ruled out. T. diversifolia showed simultaneous effects of facilitation and competition by promoting higher survival of the planted native trees while slowing the growth of pioneer species and inhibiting the regeneration of native woody plants probably as a result of high light interception. This study suggests that planting T. diversifolia as a nurse shrub may facilitate early stages of restoration by inhibiting the growth of pastures, but requires pruning, both to increase light availability and promote the growth of planted trees and the recruitment of woody plants.  相似文献   

Soil and litter arthropods represent a large proportion of tropical biodiversity and perform important ecosystem functions, but little is known about the efficacy of different tropical forest restoration strategies in facilitating their recovery in degraded habitats. We sampled arthropods in four 7‐ to 8‐year‐old restoration treatments and in nearby reference forests. Sampling was conducted during the wet and dry seasons using extractions from litter and pitfall samples. Restoration treatments were replicated in 50 × 50‐m plots in four former pasture sites in southern Costa Rica: plantation – trees planted throughout the plot; applied nucleation/islands – trees planted in patches of different sizes; and natural regeneration – no tree planting. Arthropod abundance, measures of richness and diversity, and a number of functional groups were greater in the island treatment than in natural regeneration or plantation treatments and, in many cases, were similar to reference forest. Litter and pitfall morphospecies and functional group composition in all three restoration treatments were significantly different than reference sites, but island and plantation treatments showed more recovery than natural regeneration. Abundance and functional group diversity showed a much greater degree of recovery than community composition. Synthesis and applications: The less resource‐intensive restoration strategy of planting tree islands was more effective than tree plantations in restoring arthropod abundance, richness, and functional diversity. None of the restoration strategies, however, resulted in similar community composition as reference forest after 8 years of recovery, highlighting the slow rate of recovery of arthropod communities after disturbance, and underscoring the importance of conservation of remnant forests in fragmented landscapes.  相似文献   

Abstract: Lowland riparian vegetation in the southwestern United States is critically important for maintaining a high richness and density of breeding birds. Further investigation is needed within riparian corridors, however, to evaluate the relative importance of vegetation type and hydrologic regime for avian density and nest survival as targets for regional conservation or restoration efforts. We estimated the densities of 40 bird species and for species grouped on the basis of nest height and dependence on surface water in gallery cottonwood–willow (Populus spp.–Salix spp.) forests, saltcedar (Tamarix spp.) shrub lands, and terrace vegetation types along a gradient in the hydrologic regime of the San Pedro River, Arizona, USA. We also assessed nest survival for shrub-nesting insectivores and herbivores. Canopy-nesting birds as a group and 14 individual bird species reached their greatest densities in cottonwood forests regardless of the hydrologic regime. Water-dependent birds as a group reached their highest density in both intermittent- and perennial-flow cottonwood stands, but certain species occurred almost exclusively in perennial-flow sites. Two shrub-nesting species and the brown-headed cowbird (Molothrus ater) were most abundant in saltcedar shrub lands, and the brown-headed cowbird was most abundant in saltcedar stands with intermittent flows. Mesquite (Prosopis spp.) and big sacaton (Sporobolus wrightii) grassland each maintained the highest densities of certain species within ≥1 hydrologic regime. Shrub-nesting insectivores had the greatest nest survival in cottonwood, including Arizona Bell's vireo (Vireo bellii arizonae), and also had lower proportions of nests parasitized and preyed upon, although 95% confidence intervals among vegetation types overlapped. Nest survival for both shrub-nesting insectivores and herbivores was lowest in intermittent-flow saltcedar, although, again, confidence intervals overlapped. Nest survival was lower in parasitized than nonparasitized nests in mesquite and across vegetation types for Arizona Bell's vireo and in cottonwood for Abert's towhee (Pipilo aberti). Riparian management that maintains heterogeneous riparian vegetation types, including floodplain vegetation comprising cottonwood–willow gallery riparian forests with some stretches of perennial flow, are important for maintaining the high diversity and abundance of breeding birds on the San Pedro River and probably across the region. Cottonwood stands also appear to maintain highest nest survival for some shrub-nesting birds.  相似文献   

Forests are vital components of the urban landscape because they provide ecosystem services such as carbon sequestration, storm‐water mitigation, and air‐quality improvement. To enhance these services, cities are investing in programs to create urban forests. A major unknown, however, is whether planted trees will grow into the mature, closed‐canopied forest on which ecosystem service provision depends. We assessed the influence of biotic and abiotic land management on planted tree performance as part of urban forest restoration in New York City, U.S.A. Biotic treatments were designed to improve tree growth, with the expectation that higher tree species composition (six vs. two) and greater stand complexity (with shrubs vs. without) would facilitate tree performance. Similarly, the abiotic treatment (compost amendment vs. without) was expected to increase tree performance by improving soil conditions. Growth and survival was measured for approximately 1,300 native saplings across three growing seasons. The biotic and abiotic treatments significantly improved tree performance, where shrub presence increased tree height for five of the six tree species, and compost increased basal area and stem volume of all species. Species‐specific responses, however, highlighted the difficulty of achieving rapid growth with limited mortality. Pioneer species had the highest growth in stem volume over 3 years (up to 3,500%), but also the highest mortality (up to 40%). Mid‐successional species had lower mortality (<16%), but also the slowest growth in volume (approximately 500% in volume). Our results suggest that there will be trade‐offs between optimizing tree growth versus survival when implementing urban tree planting initiatives.  相似文献   

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