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Summary An antiserum raised against gamma aminobuyric acid (GABA) was used to stain the thoracic nervous system of the locust. It stained both neuronal somata and processes within the neuropile. Among the stained somata, those of the three pairs of common inhibitory motor neurones could be identified in each of the three thoracic ganglia. In the pro- and mesothoracic ganglia five discrete groups of somata are stained, four ventral and one dorsal. In the metathoracic neuromere, an additional second dorsal group can be identified. In the abdominal neuromeres of the metathoracic ganglion both dorsal and ventral somata are stained but the latter cannot be divided into discrete populations. In each ganglion, dorsal commissures (DC) IV and V are composed of stained neurites, DCVII, the supramedian commissure, the perpendicular tract, and all the longitudinal tracts contain both stained and unstained neurites. DCI, II, III and VI, the T and I tracts are unstained. An abundance of GABA-like immunoreactive processes is found throughout the neuropile except for the anterior ventral association centre where stained processes are sparser. Some of the stained cell groups contain neurones that have been studied physiologically. The function of these neurones is discussed.Beit Memorial Fellow  相似文献   

Summary Freeze-fracture replicas of the neuromuscular junction were prepared from untreated retractor unguis muscles of the locust Schistocerca gregaria that were rapidly frozen by contact with a copper block cooled by liquid helium. These replicas were compared with others prepared from tissue following fixation with glutaraldehyde and cryoprotection in glycerol. Freeze-fracture of rapidly frozen tissue produced replicas of high quality with little evidence of tissue damage by ice crystals in the superficial layers. The gross fracturing characteristics of the neuromuscular junction were consistent with replicas from fixed and cryoprotected tissue; all of the membrane specializations were recognisable but with some alterations in infrastructure. In tissue replicas prepared using either method intramembranous particles in the presynaptic membrane were arranged in a bar-like array. The intramembranous particles of this presynaptic bar array of the rapidly frozen material were large and found on the E-face of the cleaved membrane. This contrasts with the P-face distribution of the comparable particles in muscles fixed in glutaraldehyde and cryoprotected in glycerol, in which they are also smaller and more numerous. This difference in partitioning between rapidly frozen, and fixed, cryoprotected nerve terminals is not found at cholinergic synapses and thus may reflect functional differences between the two types of junction.Indentations of the nerve-terminal membrane occur in replicas from rapidly frozen muscle as well as fixed and cryoprotected muscle suggesting they are not fixation or glycerol-induced artifacts. It is suggested from their position and size that these indentations are more likely to be part of a membrane retrieval system than exocytotic figures.This work was supported by an S.E.R.C. project grant to I.R.D.  相似文献   

External mechanoreceptors and contact chemoreceptors on the cuticle of the sixth abdominal segment of locusts have divergent primary projections of their sensory neurons that form arbours in the segmental and anterior abdominal ganglia. Homologous interganglionic projections from adjacent segments converge in the neuropile of each abdominal ganglion. Of the contributing types of sensilla, three were previously unknown for locust pregenital segments: tactile mechanosensory hairs with dual innervation, external proprioceptors of the hairplate type covered by intersegmental membranes and single campaniform sensilla that monitor cuticular strain in sternites and tergites. In general, interdependence of motor coordination in the abdominal segments is based on a neural network that relies heavily on intersegmental primary afferents that cooperate to identify the location, parameters and strength of external stimuli.  相似文献   

Summary The distribution of FMRFamide-like immunoreactivity in the metathoracic ganglion of the locust, Schistocerca gregaria, has been investigated in serial semithin transverse sections with the use of the peroxidase-antiperoxidase (PAP) technique. The topographical distribution of approximately 120 immunopositive neurons was established. Antiserum against bovine pancreatic polypeptide (BPP) stains the same ganglionic cells as FMRFamide-antiserum, yet this staining is largely blocked after preabsorption to FMRFamide. A comparison of these results with those from other studies suggests that there may be more than one type of endogenous RFamide-like peptide.  相似文献   

Summary Neurones in the suboesophageal ganglion of the locust Schistocerca gregaria were stained with an antiserum raised against gamma amino butyric acid (GABA). This ganglion consists of the fused mandibular, maxillary and labial neuromeres. Immunoreactive cell bodies of similar size and distribution occur in the lateral, ventral and middorsal regions of all three neuromeres. Approximately 200 cell bodies stain in both the mandibular and maxillary neuromeres and 270 in the labial neuromere. A few distinctly larger cells occur in the ventral groups and one large pair occurs in the lateral group of the maxillary neuromere. Dorsal commissures DCIV and DCV are composed mainly of stained fibres, while DCI–DCIII are largely unstained. A ventral commissure also stains in the maxillary neuromere. All longitudinal tracts contain both stained and unstained fibres. Many processes within the neuropil are also immunoreactive. A stained axon is found in the posterior tritocerebral commissure which enters the anterior dorsal region of the mandibular neuromere. The salivary branch of the 7th nerve contains one stained axon and two axons stain in nerve 8 which innervates neck muscles.  相似文献   

Summary An antiserum raised against GABA was used to stain the abdominal nervous system of the locust. To interpret the results, however, it was first necessary to describe the structure of the free abdominal and terminal ganglia. This was done on the basis of ethyl-gallate staining. The free abdominal ganglia are similar in structure to the abdominal neuromeres of the metathoracic ganglia. The terminal ganglion is composed of four neuromeres (representing ganglia 8–11), but only three can be distinguished in the adult on morphological grounds. The eighth neuromere resembles the free ganglia, but the ninth lacks DCI (dorsal commissure I) and the T tracts. In the tenth, only DCII and III are recognisable of the commissures, but two more posterior ones of uncertain homology are also present. Immunocytochemistry reveals three populations of somata in each abdominal ganglion. Of these only one, the medial posterior group, is found in the thoracic ganglia. DCIV and the supra-median commissure are composed of stained neurites, DCII and V contain both unstained neurites and DCI, III and VI are unstained. With the exception of the median ventral tract, all the longitudinal tracts contain some stained axons.  相似文献   

Desert locusts demonstrate pronounced density-dependent polyphenism: a complex suite of traits shifts over the lifetime of an individual in response to crowding or isolation. These changes also accumulate across generations through a maternal effect. Female desert locusts alter the developmental trajectory of their offspring in response to their own experience of crowding. The mother possesses a memory of both the recency and extent of crowding and shifts the phase state of her hatchlings accordingly. Extensive experimental work has shown that offspring behaviour is controlled by a low molecular weight, polar compound (or compounds) released from the mother's accessory glands. The chemical identity of this agent is not yet known.  相似文献   

A polyclonal antibody against allatostatin 1 (AST-1) of cockroach Diploptera punctata was used to investigate the distribution of AST-like immunoreactivity within the abdomen of the locust, Schistocerca gregaria. In the abdominal ganglia, AST-like immunoreactivity was found in both cell bodies and neuropile. In ganglia 6 and 7, staining was found in serial homologous cell bodies in anterior dorsolateral and dorsomedial, and posterior ventrolateral and ventromedial locations. In the terminal ganglion, the numerous immunoreactive somata were smaller in size than those in the unfused ganglia. The combination of backfill experiments with immunocytochemistry showed that, in abdominal ganglion 7, one neuron of the ventromedian cell body cluster and two of the ventrolateral cluster innervated the oviduct, which itself was covered with a dense mesh of AST-immunoreactive varicosities. Combining electron microscopy with immunohistochemistry revealed AST-like immunoreactivity in dense-core vesicles located in neurohaemal-like terminals lacking structures normally found in synapses. A mesh of AST-immunoreactive varicosities was also found on the muscles of the spermatheca and the spermathecal duct. In addition, a mesh of strongly stained varicosities was present in the distal perisympathetic organs (neurohaemal organs in the abdomen) and on the lateral heart nerves (a putative neurohaemal release zone). These data indicate that AST is an important neuroactive substance that is probably involved in multiple tasks in the control of the locust abdomen.  相似文献   

Summary The distribution of octopamine in the metathoracic ganglion, brain and corpus cardiacum of Locusta migratoria and Schistocerca gregaria was investigated by means of immunocytochemistry with an antiserum against octopamine. The dorsal unpaired median (DUM) cells of the metathoracic ganglion were found to be strongly octopamine-immunoreactive. In the rostroventral part of the protocerebrum a group of seven immunopositive cells was demonstrated. Stained nerve fibres of these cells run into three directions: circumoesophageal connectives, midbrain, and optic lobes. As far as the protocerebrum is concerned, immunoreactive fibres were found in the central body, the protocerebral bridge, and in other neuropile areas. In the optic lobe a dense plexus of immunopositive fibres was found in the lobula and in the medulla. In the brain one other immunopositive cell was demonstrated, situated at the lateral border of the tritocerebrum. Octopamine could not be shown to occur either in the globuli cells of the mushroom bodies or in the dorsolateral part of the protocerebrum, where the perikarya of the secretomotor neurones are located that innervate the glandular cells of the corpus cardiacum. In the nervi corporis cardiaci II, which contain the axons of the neurones that extend into the glandular part of the corpus cardiacum, and in the corpus cardiacum proper no specific octopamine immunoreactivity could be found.  相似文献   

Summary The haemocytes of locusts (Schistocerca gregaria) have been partially separated, by centrifugation on discontinuous Percoll gradients, into 3 subpopulations of plasmatocytes of which the most dense (band 5) displays more than 95% morphological homogeneity. The cells of band 5 are very granular, adhere and spread on glass, and contain nearly all the phenoloxidase activity of the total haemocyte population, as shown by 1,3-glucan (laminarin)-stimulation of both haemocyte lysate supernatant and monolayers of living cells. Cells from band 5 show negligible endocytosis of fluorescent latex beads, whereas those of band 4, which are less granular, plasmatocyte-like cells, are actively endocytic in vitro. The majority of the haemocytes are found in band 3, which is a mixture of coagulocytes and agranular plasmatocytes, with negligible phenoloxidase activity. The in vitro locomotory behaviour of adherent cells from bands 3 and 5 was compared, and addition of laminarin-activated haemocyte lysate supernatant, in which the prophenoloxidase activation sequence had been initiated, stimulated chemokinesis in cells of band 5 but not band 3. The separated fractions thus show marked behavioural and biochemical differences.  相似文献   

Summary The development of GABA-like immunoreactivity was investigated in embryonic and juvenile locusts using an antibody raised against GABA-protein conjugates. GABA-like immunoreactivity was first detectable in the neuropile of embryonic ganglia at 55% development, and in neuronal somata at 62% development. The total number of immunoreactive somata increased between 62% and 85% embryonic development, and followed an anterio-posterior pattern of expression. At 85% development, the number of immunoreactive somata reached adult levels and no change in number was then seen. In embryonic stages and first and second juvenile instars two dorsal and four ventral groups of somata were labeled in all three thoracic ganglia, whilst in later juvenile instars one of the dorsal groups was visible as a separate entity only in the metathoracic ganglion. These early patterns were modified by alterations in the positions of some of the groups during late embryogenesis and during juvenile development to produce the adult pattern. The results show that the development of GABA expression is similar to that of other neurotransmitters. The characteristics of the development of immunoreactivity indicate that some of these immunoreactive clusters may be derived from clonally related neurones. Finally, we demonstrate the presence of immunoreactive somata and processes in embryos, which correspond to those of identified local and intersegmental interneurones studied in the adult.Abbreviations Ab1–3 first-third abdominal ganglion - CON connective - CI 1–3 common inhibitors 1–3 - CTC tract - DC I–VII dorsal commissures I–VII - DIT dorsal intermediate tract - DMT dorsal median tract - LDT lateral dorsal tract - LF lateral fibres - o, iLVT outer and inner lateral ventral tract - MVT median ventral tract - N1–5 nerves 1–5 - aPT anterior perpendicular tract - PT perpendicular tract - aRT anterior ring tract - R1–5 nerve roots 1–5 - PVC posterior ventral commissure - SMC supra-median commissure - T3 metathoracic neuromere - TT T tract - aVAC anterior ventral association centre - VC I ventral commissure I - d,vVCII dorsal and ventral parts of ventral commissure II - VF ventral fibres - VIT ventral intermediate tract - VLT ventral lateral tract - VMT ventral median tract - (d,v)LAG (dorsal and ventral) lateral anterior group - LDG lateral dorsal group - LVG lateral ventral group - MDG medial dorsal group - MPG medial posterior group - MVG medial ventral group  相似文献   

SchistoFLRFamide (PDVDHVFLRF-NH2) is one of the major endogenous neuropeptides of the FMRF-amide family found in the nervous system of the locust,Schistocerca gregaria. To gain insights into the potential physiological roles of this neuropeptide we have examined the distribution of SchistoFLRFamide-like immunoreactivity in the ventral nervous system of adult locusts by use of a newly developed N-terminally specific antibody. SchistoFLRFamide-like immunoreactivity in the ventral nerve cord is found in a subgroup of the neurones that are immunoreactive to an antiserum raised against bovine pancreatic polypeptide (BPP). In the suboesophageal ganglion three groups of cells stain, including one pair of large posterior ventral cells. These cells are the same size, in the same location in the ganglion and have the same branching pattern as a pair of BPP immunoreactive cells known to innervate the heart and retrocerebral glandular complex of the locust. In the thoracic and abdominal ganglia two and three sets of cells, respectively, stain with both the SchistoFLRFamide and BPP antisera. In the abdominal ganglia the immunoreactive cells project via the median nerves to the intensely immunoreactive neurohaemal organs.  相似文献   

The distribution of glutamate-like immunore-activity in the thoracic and abdominal ganglia of the locust was studied using two polyclonal antibodies against glutamate. Because glutamate is a precursor of the inhibitory transmitter -amino butyric acid (GABA) the distribution of immunostaining by antibodies against glutamate and GABA was closely compared in adjacent serial sections. When the antibodies were used at optimal dilutions there was no overlap in the distribution of immunostaining for glutamate and GABA. In the pro- and mesothoracic ganglia 360–400 somata are immunoreactive for glutamate, while in the metathoracic ganglion about 600 somata were stained. These range in diameter from 10–100 m in diameter and include the majority of the large somata in these ganglia. Bundles of primary neurites emerging from these large somata can be traced through the neuropile. Most of the bundles correspond to the known paths of motor neurone primary neurites. In addition the T-tract is also immunolabelled. The free abdominal ganglia each contain 80–100 somata ranging in size from 10–45 m while the terminal ganglion contains about 250 somata, 10–60 m in diameter.  相似文献   

The central projections of trichoid hairs and of some scolopidial organs of the mesothoracic leg of the locust Schistocerca gregaria were studied by using nickel chloride backfilling and single cell recording. Trichoid hair sensilla on different parts of the legs project somatotopically in the ventral part of the ipsilateral neuropile of the mesothoracic ganglion. Generally, distally located receptors have their terminal arborizations in ventro-lateral areas of the neuropile, and proximally located receptors in ventro-medial areas. The axons of the subgenual organ and tarsal chordotonal organs project into the intermediate neuropile.  相似文献   

Summary The distribution of FMRFamide-irmunoreactive cell bodies in the brain and retrocerebral complex of the locust, Schistocerca gregaria, is described. Most of the immunoreactive cell bodies are found in the pars intercerebralis and in the optic lobes. Many, but not all, of the cell bodies also react with an antiserum raised against bovine pancreatic polypeptide, but this antiserum also reveals another population of cells that stain selectively with this antiserum. In addition to the cell bodies, numerous immunoreactive processes are revealed by both antisera in neuropilar regions of the brain. The results of blocking experiments suggest that a differential distribution of three locust antigens can be determined from the examination of alternate serial sections stained with the two antisera used.  相似文献   

Methanolic brain extracts of Locusta migratoria inhibit in vitro juvenile hormone biosynthesis in both the locust L. migratoria and the cockroach Diploptera punctata. A polyclonal antibody against allatostatin-5 (AST-5) (dipstatin-2) of this cockroach was used to immunolocalize allatostatin-5-like peptides in the central nervous system of the locusts Schistocerca gregaria and L. migratoria and of the fleshfly Neobellieria bullata. In both locust species, immunoreactivity was found in many cells and axons of the brain-retrocerebral complex, the thoracic and the abdominal ganglia. Strongly immunoreactive cells were stained in the pars lateralis of the brain with axons (NCC II and NCA I) extending to and arborizing in the corpus cardiacum and the corpora allata. Although many neurosecretory cells of the pars intercerebralis project into the corpus cardiacum, only 12 of them were immunoreactive and the nervi corporis cardiaci I (NCC I) and fibers in the nervi corporis allati II (NCA II) connecting the corpora allata to the suboesophageal ganglion remained unstained. S. gregaria and L. migratoria seem to have an allatostatin-like neuropeptide present in axons of the NCC II and the NCA I leading to the corpus cardiacum and the corpora allata. All these data suggest that in locusts allatostatin-like neuropeptides might be involved in controlling the production of juvenile hormone by the corpora allata and, perhaps, some aspects of the functioning of the corpus cardiacum as well. However, when tested in a L. migratoria in-vitro juvenile hormone-biosynthesis assay, allatostatin-5 did not yield an inhibitory or stimulatory effect. There is abundant AST-5 immunoreactivity in cell bodies of the fleshfly N. bullata, but none in the CA-CC complexes. Apparently, factors that are immunologically related to AST-5 do occur in locusts and fleshflies but, the active protion of the peptide required to inhibit JH biosynthesis in locusts is probably different from that of AST-5.  相似文献   

Standardized atlas of the brain of the desert locust, Schistocerca gregaria   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
In order to understand the connectivity of neuronal networks, their constituent neurons should ideally be studied in a common framework. Since morphological data from physiologically characterized and stained neurons usually arise from different individual brains, this can only be performed in a virtual standardized brain that compensates for interindividual variability. The desert locust, Schistocerca gregaria, is an insect species used widely for the analysis of olfactory and visual signal processing, endocrine functions, and neural networks controlling motor output. To provide a common multi-user platform for neural circuit analysis in the brain of this species, we have generated a standardized three-dimensional brain of this locust. Serial confocal images from whole-mount locust brains were used to reconstruct 34 neuropil areas in ten brains. For standardization, we compared two different methods: an iterative shape-averaging (ISA) procedure by using affine transformations followed by iterative nonrigid registrations, and the Virtual Insect Brain (VIB) protocol by using global and local rigid transformations followed by local nonrigid transformations. Both methods generated a standard brain, but for different applications. Whereas the VIB technique was designed to visualize anatomical variability between the input brains, the purpose of the ISA method was the opposite, i.e., to remove this variability. A novel individually labeled neuron, connecting the lobula to the midbrain and deutocerebrum, has been registered into the ISA atlas and demonstrates its usefulness and accuracy for future analysis of neural networks. The locust standard brain is accessible at http://www.3d-insectbrain.com .  相似文献   

Abstract The optomotor yaw response of the desert locust, Schistocerca gregaria (Forsk.), was investigated under open- and closed-loop conditions. When flying tethered in the centre of a vertically striped hollow sphere, the polarity of response of the locust was always the same as the stimulus. The response, therefore, appears suitable to stabilize body posture against passive rotations around the yaw-axis in free flight. Responses were induced by contrast frequencies up to 150 Hz with a maximum of amplitude at about 20 Hz. The characteristic curve, measured between 0.3 and 160 Hz, is widened up towards higher frequencies as compared with those of bees and flies.
Variability was the most striking feature in the locust's yaw response. The amplitude of modulation not only varied greatly between individuals but also changed with the same visual stimulus in the course of an experiment. We therefore suppose that the locust's turning behaviour is subject to gain control mechanisms and that spontaneous gain modulations are responsible for the observed variability in the stimulus-response conversion.  相似文献   

Neuromodulators orchestrate complex behavioral routines by their multiple and combined effects on the nervous system. In the desert locust, Schistocerca gregaria, frontal ganglion neurons innervate foregut dilator muscles and play a key role in the control of foregut motor patterns. To further investigate the role of the frontal ganglion in locust behavior, we currently focus on the frontal ganglion central pattern generator as a target for neuromodulation. Application of octopamine, a well-studied insect neuromodulator, generated reversible disruption of frontal ganglion rhythmic activity. The threshold for the modulatory effects of octopamine was 10–6 mol l–1, and 10–4 mol l–1 always abolished the ongoing rhythm. In contrast to this straightforward modulation, allatostatin, previously reported to be a myoinhibitor of insect gut muscles, showed complex, tri-modal, dose-dependent effects on frontal ganglion rhythmic pattern. Using a novel cross-correlation analysis technique, we show that different allatostatin concentrations have very different effects not only on cycle period but also on temporal characteristics of the rhythmic bursts of action potentials. Allatostatin also altered the frontal ganglion rhythm in vivo. The analysis technique we introduce may be instrumental in the study of not fully characterized neural circuits and their modulation. The physiological significance of our results and the role of the modulators in locust behavior are discussed.Abbreviation CPG central pattern generator - FG frontal ganglion - JH juvenile hormone - STNS stomatogastric nervous system  相似文献   

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