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嗜杀酵母质粒的提取及琼脂糖凝胶电泳   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

秦玉静  高东 《生物技术》1998,8(1):39-40
本文介绍一种在平板上直接检测嗜杀酵母产生的毒素蛋白活性的方法,此方法操作简便,可分析不同条件下毒素蛋白对敏感酵母细胞的嗜杀作用.  相似文献   

嗜杀酵母Killer Yeasf,杀伤酵母或逆戟酵母,是指能释放毒素杀死其同类的酵母。具有杀伤性质的真菌有酵母属(Sac-charomyces),黑粉菌属(Usfflago),吲酵母属(Torulopsfs),德巴里酵母属(Debaromyces),汉逊酵母属(Han-  相似文献   

以酿酒酵母两种不同类型的嗜杀菌株SK4(K1型)和ERR1(K2型)为材料,分析了不同嗜杀酵母的嗜杀特性,两株嗜杀酵母具有相互杀死作用,其嗜杀活性与菌体生长有关。SK4和ERR1的嗜杀质粒的比较表明:M1-dsRNA质粒和M2-dsRNA质粒分子量分别为1.7kb和1.5kb,两株菌的L-dsRNA质粒均为4.0kb。用高温和紫外线处理嗜杀酵母,嗜杀活性随之消失,消除菌中的M-dsRNA质粒也相应  相似文献   

利用细胞质导入法选育嗜杀啤酒酵母   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用细胞质导入(Cytoduction)法中的核融合缺陷细胞融合技术,在对酿酒酵母(Saccharomyces cerevisiae)D518菌株不做任何遗传标记,将嗜杀酵母5045菌株的嗜杀质粒转移到受体菌D518中,获得了具有两亲株优良性状的融合子KD102菌株。对融合子分析表明:融合子遗传性状稳定,不仅含有供体菌5045的嗜杀质粒,而且受体菌D518的核基因被原封不动地保留下来,为异质体细胞(Heteroplasmon)。将融合子KD102菌株用于小型、中型及生产性酿酒试验,结果表明,具有与亲株D518同样的酿造特性。在发酵过程中,能抑制野生酵母污染,净化发酵体系。对于保证啤酒纯种酿造及提高成品酒的生物稳定性具有明显效果。  相似文献   

利用细胞质导入(Cytoduction)法中的核融合缺陷细胞融合技术,在对酿酒酵母(Saccharomyces cerevisiae)D518菌株不做任何遗传标记,将嗜杀酵母5045菌株的嗜杀质粒转移到受体菌D518中,获得了具有两亲株优良性状的融合子KDl02菌株。对融合于分析表明:融合子遗传性状稳定,不仅含有供体菌5045的嗜杀质粒,而且受体菌D518的核基因被原封不动地保留下来,为异质体细胞(Heteroplasmon)。将融合子KDl02菌株用于小型、中型及生产性酿酒试验。结果表明.具有与亲株D518同样的酿造特性。在发酵过程中.能抑制野生酵母污染,净化发酵体系。对于保证啤酒纯种酿造及提高成品酒的生物稳定性具有明显效果。  相似文献   

以酿酒酵母两种不同类型的嗜杀菌株SK4(K1型)和ERRI(K2型)为材料,分析了不同嗜杀酵母的嗜杀特性,两株嗜杀酵母具有相互杀死作用,其嗜杀活性与菌体生长有关。SK4和ERRI的嗜杀质粒的比较表明:M1-dsRNA质粒和M2-dsRNA质粒分子量分别为1.7kb和1.5kb,两株菌的L-dsRNA质粒均为4.0kb。用高温和紫外线处理嗜杀酵母,嗜杀活性随之消失,消除菌中的M-dsRNA质粒也相应消失,嗜杀活性的消除率随菌株和消除剂的不同而变化。实验证明两株菌产生的毒素蛋白的最适嗜杀作用条件不同,最适pH和温度分别为4.8、16℃和4.0、22℃,但两种毒素蛋白均对在对数生长期的敏感细胞作用最显著。  相似文献   

根据嗜杀酵母T158c/S14a中L-A病毒-1移码效率改变影响M1病毒的存活,导致K1毒素减少,在低pH的美蓝平板上用杯碟法通过抑菌圈的大小检测酵母K1毒素的嗜杀活性,建立了一个以酵母嗜杀系统为基础的抗病毒药物筛选模型。研究了杯碟法检测酵母毒素嗜杀活性的各种条件。对不同pH和温度下酵母的嗜杀活性进行了研究,确定了模型用于筛选的最适pH范围为4.3~4.7,最适温度范围为20~22℃。运用该模型研究了几种中药对嗜杀活性的抑制作用,发现了金银花和升麻具有一定的抗病毒作用。该模型为抗病毒药物的高通量初筛奠定了基础。  相似文献   

电融合构建嗜杀啤酒酵母及其发酵性能的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以MK2-3:K^+R^+leu^-p^+(n)为供体菌,AS2420-1;K^-P^-leu^+p^0(2n)为受体菌,通过电融合技术构建一批嗜杀啤酒酵母。其中4株融合子具有较高的嗜杀活性,对这4株融合子的遗传性状、DNA含主细胞大小、形态、嗜杀质粒ds-RNA提取及电泳等研究表明,这4株菌具有双亲的互补性。对其中MAR1的进一步实验表明,MAR1的某些发酵性能接近甚至优于亲株AS2420-1,  相似文献   

The yeast Hanseniaspora uvarum liberates a killer toxin lethal to sensitive strains of the species Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Secretion of this killer toxin was inhibited by tunicamycin, an inhibitor of N-glycosylation, although the mature killer protein did not show any detectable carbohydrate structures. Culture supernatants of the killer strain were concentrated by ultrafiltration and the extracellular killer toxin was precipitated with ethanol and purified by ion exchange chromatography. SDS-PAGE of the electrophoretically homogenous killer protein indicated an apparent molecular mass of 18,000.Additional investigations of the primary toxin binding sites within the cell wall of sensitive yeast strains showed that the killer toxin of Hanseniaspora uvarum is bound by -1, 6-d-glucans.  相似文献   

Indigenous yeasts associated with surfaces in three North Patagonian cellars were isolated by means of selective media developed for the isolation of Dekkera/Brettanomyces yeasts; 81 isolates were identified as belonging to Candida boidinii (16%), Hanseniaspora uvarum (38%), Pichia guilliermondii (3%), Saccharomyces cerevisiae (1%), Geotrichum silvicola (16%) and the new yeast species Candida patagonica (26%). No Dekkera/Brettanomyces isolate was obtained, however, 41 isolates (51% of the total isolates) produced some enologically undesirable features under laboratory conditions including the production of 4-ethylphenol and 4-vinylphenol, observed in the Candida boidinii and Pichia guilliermondii isolates. The sensitivity of the 41 spoilage isolates and seven Brettanomyces bruxellensis collection strains was evaluated against a panel of 55 indigenous and ten reference killer yeasts. Killer cultures belonging to Pichia anomala and Kluyveromyces lactis species showed the broadest killer spectrum against spoilage yeasts, including Dekkera bruxellensis collection strains. These killer isolates could be good candidates for use in biocontrol of regionally relevant spoilage yeasts.  相似文献   

Fungal chitinases are hydrolytic enzymes responsible for degradation of chitin. Chitinases are involved in several aspects of fungal biology, including cell wall remodelling during hyphal growth, conidial germination, autolysis, mycoparasitism and nutrient acquisition. They are divided into three distinct phylogenetic groups; A, B and C. Chitinases from the C group show structural similarities with the killer toxin zymocin produced by the yeast Kluyveromyces lactis and it is speculated that they have a similar function in filamentous ascomycetes, by facilitating penetration of toxins into cells of competing individuals. Genome analyses show that certain fungal species with a mycoparasitic lifestyle contain high numbers of killer toxin-like chitinases, compared with specialized saprotrophs and plant pathogens. Recent developments within this research field have revealed considerable variation in the modular structure and regulation of killer toxin-like chitinases, suggesting more diverse roles than merely fungal-fungal interactions. In this review, we summarize the current knowledge about this intriguing class of chitinases, including their modular structure, evolution, gene regulation, and functional analyses in mycoparasitic as well as in saprotrophic species. We also propose important questions for future research.  相似文献   

Wang X  Chi Z  Yue L  Li J 《Current microbiology》2007,55(5):396-401
The molecular mass of the purified killer toxin from the marine killer yeast YF07b was estimated to be 47.0 kDa. The optimal pH and temperature of the purified killer toxin were 4.5 and 40°C, respectively. The toxin was activated by Ca2+, K+, Na+, Mg2+, Na+, and Co2+. However, Fe2+, Fe3+, Hg2+, Cu2+, Mn2+, Zn2+, and Ag+ acted as inhibitors in decreasing activity of the toxin. The toxin was strongly inhibited by phenylmethanesulphonyl fluoride (PMSF), iodoacetic acid, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, and 1,10-phenanthroline. The Km of the toxin for laminarin was 1.17 g L−1. The toxin also actively hydrolyzed laminarin and killed the whole cells of the pathogenic yeast in crab.  相似文献   

Lisichkina  G. A.  Bab'eva  I. P.  Sorokin  D. Yu. 《Microbiology》2003,72(5):618-620
Using a solid nutrient medium containing alkaline buffer (pH 10) and an antibiotic, alkalitolerant yeasts were isolated from samples of soda-rich saline soils (solonchaks) of Armenia (Arazdayan) and the Transbaikal region (the Kungur Steppe). The species diversity of the yeast populations of the tested soda-rich soils was relatively insignificant. They only contained alkalitolerant representatives of asporogenic capsulated yeasts belonging to the species Cryptococcus laurentii, C. albidus, Rhodotorula glutinis, R. mucilaginosa,and Sporobolomyces roseus. C. laurentii representatives clearly dominated the isolates obtained, their number exceeding that of the other species by two to three orders of magnitude. All of the isolates grew on acidic wort agar, suggesting that they did not include obligate alkaliphiles.  相似文献   

Killer toxins are proteins that are often glycosylated and bind to specific receptors on the surface of their target microorganism, which is then killed through a target-specific mode of action. The killer phenotype is widespread among yeast and about 100 yeast killer species have been described to date. The spectrum of action of the killer toxins they produce targets spoilage and pathogenic microorganisms. Thus, they have potential as natural antimicrobials in food and for biological control of plant pathogens, as well as therapeutic agents against animal and human infections. In spite of this wide range of possible applications, their exploitation on the industrial level is still in its infancy. Here, we initially briefly report on the biodiversity of killer toxins and the ecological significance of their production. Their actual and possible applications in the agro-food industry are discussed, together with recent advances in their heterologous production and the manipulation for development of peptide-based therapeutic agents.  相似文献   

Extremely Rapid Extraction of DNA from Bacteria and Yeasts   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
A very simple and rapid method for extracting genomic DNA from Gram-negative bacteria, Gram-positive bacteria and yeasts is presented. In this method, bacteria or yeasts are lysed directly by phenol and the supernatant is extracted with chloroform to remove traces of phenol. The supernatant contains DNA that is suitable for molecular analyses, such as PCR, restriction enzyme digestion and genomic library construction. This method is reproducible and simple for the routine DNA extraction from bacteria and yeasts.  相似文献   

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