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Summary Fertilizer/soil N balance of cropped and fallow soil has been studied in a pot experiment carried out with grey forest soil (southern part of Moscow region) at increasing rates of15N labelled ammonium sulfate (0; 8; 16; 32 mg N/100 g of soil). The fertilizer15N balance has been shown to depend upon its application rate and the presence of growing plants. Fertilizer N uptake efficiency was maximum (72.5%) and gaseous losses-minimum (12.5%) at the application rate of 16 mg N/100 g of soil. Fertilizer N losses from the fallow soil were 130–220% versus those from the cropped soil. At the application of fertilizer N the plant uptake of soil N was 170–240% and the amount of soil N as N–NH4 exchangeable + N–NO3 in fallow was 350–440% as compared to the control treatment without nitrogen (PK).After cropping without or with N fertilizer application at the rates of 8 and 32 mg N/100 g of soil, a positive nitrogen balance has been found which is likely due to nonsymbiotic (associative) N-fixation. It has been shown that biologically fixed nitrogen contributes to plant nutrition.  相似文献   

Female rats were kept on a diet with a low content of animal protein (5.5%) beginning from the 2nd day after delivery. Beginning from the 10th day after delivery their body weight was persistently lower than that of control females. Also the body weight of their young was lower than that of control animals throughout the experiment, with significant differences appearing on the 17th day of life. Spontaneous termination of maternal milk intake occurred in malnourished young 10 days later than in the controls. Retention of 85Sr in malnourished females was in keeping with their milk production. Irrespective of the differences in body weight and the quality of solid food, the malnourished young began consuming solid food at the same age and in the same relative amounts as the controls. Thus in malnourished young the period of gradual weaning was prolonged by more than to 3 weeks in contrast to 2 weeks in the controls. This is probably due to the slower extinction of the oral sucking mechanism resulting from changes in the maturation of the CNS. No changes were found in maternal behaviour (nest building and efficiency of retrieving) in malnourished females during the suckling period. However, infanticide appeared in some females during the weaning period.  相似文献   

Inadequate dietary intake during late pregnancy may have significant effects on the developing fetal lung which undergoes rapid cellular multiplication and differentiation shortly before birth. The morphology, glycogen distribution and acid phosphatase activity in normal and starved neonatal rats have been studied sequentially, by using histochemical and cytochemical methods. It has been shown that the normal pattern of lung growth and enzymatic development is retarded in neonates of malnourished mothers. A slowed rate of cellular division and differentiation in the critical prenatal period resulted in a more immature air-blood barrier at birth, with glycogen retention by some epithelial cells. Delayed Type 2 cell maturation with diminished acid phosphatase activity suggests a decrease in surfactant production in the malnourished newborn. In addition, fewer alveolar macrophages with reduced acid phosphatase activity were observed in the perinatal period of starved rats; this finding might have implications for the handling of inhaled bacteria shortly after birth. These results indicate that nutritional status of the mother has a marked effect on fetal lung growth and development by inhibiting cellular proliferation, differentiation and enzyme development by epithelial and macrophagic cells.  相似文献   

This study examined the effect of maternal hyperglycemia during pregnancy due to streptozotocin-induced diabetes on the synthesis of glycogen in the brain and liver of embryonic and newborn rats. Maternal hyperglycemia (serum glucose 25.3 +/- 0.9 mM) during gestation had no effect compared to controls (5.7 +/- 0.2 mM) on embryonic and newborn glycogen content in liver. In contrast, embryos experiencing hyperglycemia in utero had a two-fold higher brain glycogen content than controls at term; 1.6 mg/g vs. 0.84 mg/g, respectively. Interestingly there was a significant delay in the mobilization of brain glycogen during the immediate postnatal period in the offspring of diabetic mothers and control animals. These results suggest that uncontrolled maternal diabetes during pregnancy may significantly increase the availability of a potentially important local fuel source for the newborn brain: glycogen.  相似文献   

The effect of manganese chloride (10 mg Mn l-1), EDTA (18 mg l-1) and a mixture of these compounds on the nitrogen balance in maize xylem exudate was investigated. The compounds were applied as experimental solutions to the roots of 20 day old plants 24 h before excision. Application of Mn resulting in a lowered nitrogen level in the xylem exudate increased the relative content of the organic N-compounds in the exudate, particularly that of free amino acids. EDTA appreciably enhanced the content of total nitrogen in xylem exudate, however no significant changes were found in the proportion of inorganic and organic N-compounds in comparison with the water control. The significant features of the free amino acid exudate fraction of all experimental variants were, among others, the relatively high lysine content and the absence of proline arid sulphur containing amino acids. By gel filtration on Sephadex G-25 of xylem exudates UV (254 nm) absorbing fractions, four in the water control, five in Mn and six in EDTA variants were isolated. The UV absorbing fractions with the exception of one in each experimental variant (Kav 0.73 in water control, Kav 0.61 in Mn-variant, Kav 0.75 in EDTA and Mn + EDTA variant) were of peptide character, proline and sulphur-containing amino acids were missing in them. In the exceptional UV absorbing fractions (Kav 0.61–0.75) in spite of their high N-content (10.23%) after hydrolysis practically no amino acid could be detected.  相似文献   

Anxiety and locomotion were studied in offsprings of female rats subjected to everyday stress (one a day being displaced into another cage with pregnant rats) during the 3d stage of pregnancy. At the age of 1 month, the prenatally stressed rats had higher anxiety and lower locomotion in comparison with control animals. At the age of 3 month, the prenatally stressed females did not significantly differ from the control in the level of anxiety and locomotion, while the males demonstrated lower ambulation than the control animals.  相似文献   

Rats with 15-day pregnancy were exposed to two-hour hypoxia corresponding to 8,000 m altitude. On the 18th day of pregnancy they were administered thymidine-3H three times. Quantitative autoradiographic studies were performed on brain cortex neurons of 30-day rat progeny. The animals who had sustained intrauterine hypoxia were shown to have obviously higher number of labeled neurons in IId, IIId and Vth layers of the sensomotor area than controls. Differences in the label intensity were also revealed. It is suggested that maternal hypoxia may delay differentiation and maturation of the brain cortex neurons in the progeny.  相似文献   

The effects of maternal malnutrition on fetal lung growth and surface forces were studied in albino rats. Pregnant albino rats were subjected to one of the following diets: rat chow ad lib. (controls), partial food deprivation (intake one-half that of the controls), complete food deprivation for 4 days (on gestation day 3-7, 9-13, or 17-21), low protein (8%), and fat free. The fetal lungs were studied on the 21st day of gestation (delivered by cesarean section) or at birth (gestation day 22). Fetuses and neonates after maternal food deprivation (FD) on the 17-21 day of pregnancy, and after a low-protein (LP) diet during pregnancy, had significantly smaller body weight and lung wet or dry weight/body weight ratio (hypocellular lungs). The minimum surface tension (gamma min) of fetal lung extracts was significantly increased with FD and LP. This was associated with a reduction of about 35% in lung lecithin content, expressed per lung DNA. The earlier in pregnancy the rat was subjected to 4-day food deprivation the less the effect on the fetus. At birth the gamma min and the lung lecithin content reached control values. This recovery occurred after birth (at age 4-10 h) and prior to first feeding. However, the lungs remained small and hypocellular. The results indicate that the nutritional status of the pregnant rat influences the surface activity and the growth of the fetal lung.  相似文献   

Repeated oxytocin administration to adult rats causes a long-term decrease of plasma levels of corticosterone and blood pressure and stimulates growth and fat retention. Maternal undernutrition increases blood pressure and plasma corticosterone in adult offspring. We hypothesized that oxytocin treatment early in life would alleviate adverse effects of intrauterine food restriction. Male pups from ad libitum-fed and food-restricted (fed 60% of ad libitum intake) dams were injected with oxytocin or saline in days 1-14 after birth. At 4 mo, blood pressure, plasma levels of corticosterone, and adiposity were assessed. Oxytocin treatment decreased blood pressure independently of nutrition, whereas the increased plasma levels of corticosterone were lowered to normal levels in food-restricted offspring. Blood pressure and adiposity were not affected by in utero food restriction, whereas birth and adult weight were. In conclusion, postnatal events may alleviate adverse effects caused by in utero food restriction. In contrast to more severe food restriction, a moderate general food restriction during gestation had no effect on blood pressure in the offspring.  相似文献   

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