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Song YM  Lu ZQ  Guan MX 《生理学报》2012,64(3):333-340
It has been shown that mitochondria not only control their own Ca(2+) concentration ([Ca(2+)]), but also exert an influence over Ca(2+) signaling of the entire cell, including the endoplasmic reticulum or the sarcoplasmic reticulum, the plasma membrane, and the nucleus. That is to say, mitochondria couple cellular metabolic state with Ca(2+) transport processes. This review focuses on the ways in which the mitochondrial Ca(2+) handling system provides integrity and modulation for the cell to cope with the complex actions throughout its life cycle, enumerates some indeterminate aspects about it, and finally, prospects directions of future research.  相似文献   

Gastrin stimulates cell proliferation through the CCK(B) receptor coupled to Gq-protein, whereas the m3 muscarinic receptor, which also couples to Gq, has no trophic effects. In order to elucidate the cause of the difference, we stably transfected CHO cells with human CCK(B) and m3 receptors. Stimulation of the CCK(B), but not the m3 receptor increased cell growth. Activation of MAP kinase via the m3 receptor was to the same extent as that via CCK(B), indicating that there is an initial signaling common to both receptors. Stimulation of either receptor induced a transient increase in [Ca(2+)](i) followed by a sustained plateau phase. After 2 h of stimulation, the [Ca(2+)](i) response to the m3 receptor disappeared, whereas that to the CCK(B) receptor remained as a [Ca(2+)](i) oscillation. Removal of extracellular Ca(2+), which abolished [Ca(2+)](i) oscillation, completely inhibited DNA synthesis via CCK(B). When the C-terminal part of the CCK(B) receptor was truncated, the trophic effect as well as the [Ca(2+)](i) response after 2 h of stimulation disappeared, whereas the chimeric CCK(B) receptor with the C-terminal region of the m3 receptor preserved its ability to elicit both DNA synthesis and [Ca(2+)](i) oscillation. These results suggest that desensitization might be a principal determinant of cell proliferation, and the persistence of the [Ca(2+)](i) response as [Ca(2+)](i) oscillation could be essential for this type of signal transduction.  相似文献   

The ubiquitous sarco(endo)plasmic reticulum (SR/ER) Ca(2+) ATPase (SERCA2b) and secretory-pathway Ca(2+) ATPase (SPCA1a) belong both to the P(2A)-type ATPase subgroup of Ca(2+) transporters and play a crucial role in the Ca(2+) homeostasis of respectively the ER and Golgi apparatus. They are ubiquitously expressed, but their low abundance precludes purification for crystallization. We have developed a new strategy for purification of recombinant hSERCA2b and hSPCA1a that is based on overexpression in yeast followed by a two-step affinity chromatography method biasing towards properly folded protein. In a first step, these proteins were purified with the aid of an analogue of the SERCA inhibitor thapsigargin (Tg) coupled to a matrix. Wild-type (WT) hSERCA2b bound efficiently to the gel, but its elution was hampered by the high affinity of SERCA2b for Tg. Therefore, a mutant was generated carrying minor modifications in the Tg-binding site showing a lower affinity for Tg. In a second step, reactive dye chromatography was performed to further purify and concentrate the properly folded pumps and to exchange the detergent to one more suitable for crystallization. A similar strategy was successfully applied to purify WT SPCA1a. This study shows that it is possible to purify functionally active intracellular Ca(2+) ATPases using successive thapsigargin and reactive dye affinity chromatography for future structural studies. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: 11th European Symposium on Calcium.  相似文献   

Many important cell functions are controlled by Ca(2+) release from intracellular stores via the inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor (IP(3)R), which requires both IP(3) and Ca(2+) for its activity. Due to the Ca(2+) requirement, the IP(3)R and the cytoplasmic Ca(2+) concentration form a positive feedback loop, which has been assumed to confer regenerativity on the IP(3)-induced Ca(2+) release and to play an important role in the generation of spatiotemporal patterns of Ca(2+) signals such as Ca(2+) waves and oscillations. Here we show that glutamate 2100 of rat type 1 IP(3)R (IP(3)R1) is a key residue for the Ca(2+) requirement. Substitution of this residue by aspartate (E2100D) results in a 10-fold decrease in the Ca(2+) sensitivity without other effects on the properties of the IP(3)R1. Agonist-induced Ca(2+) responses are greatly diminished in cells expressing the E2100D mutant IP(3)R1, particularly the rate of rise of initial Ca(2+) spike is markedly reduced and the subsequent Ca(2+) oscillations are abolished. These results demonstrate that the Ca(2+) sensitivity of the IP(3)R is functionally indispensable for the determination of Ca(2+) signaling patterns.  相似文献   

Ryanodine, a plant alkaloid, is one of the most widely used pharmacological probes for intracellular Ca(2+) signaling in a variety of muscle and non-muscle cells. Upon binding to the Ca(2+) release channel (ryanodine receptor), ryanodine causes two major changes in the channel: a reduction in single-channel conductance and a marked increase in open probability. The molecular mechanisms underlying these alterations are not well understood. In the present study, we investigated the gating behavior and Ca(2+) dependence of the wild type (wt) and a mutant cardiac ryanodine receptor (RyR2) after being modified by ryanodine. Single-channel studies revealed that the ryanodine-modified wt RyR2 channel was sensitive to inhibition by Mg(2+) and to activation by caffeine and ATP. In the presence of Mg(2+), the ryanodine-modified single wt RyR2 channel displayed a sigmoidal Ca(2+) dependence with an EC(50) value of 110 nm, whereas the ryanodine-unmodified single wt channel exhibited an EC(50) of 120 microm for Ca(2+) activation, indicating that ryanodine is able to increase the sensitivity of the wt RyR2 channel to Ca(2+) activation by approximately 1,000-fold. Furthermore, ryanodine is able to restore Ca(2+) activation and ligand response of the E3987A mutant RyR2 channel that has been shown to exhibit approximately 1,000-fold reduction in Ca(2+) sensitivity to activation. The E3987A mutation, however, affects neither [(3)H]ryanodine binding to, nor the stimulatory and inhibitory effects of ryanodine on, the RyR2 channel. These results demonstrate that ryanodine does not "lock" the RyR channel into an open state as generally believed; rather, it sensitizes dramatically the channel to activation by Ca(2+).  相似文献   

Henzl MT  Tanner JJ  Tan A 《Proteins》2011,79(3):752-764
Birds express two β-parvalbumin isoforms, parvalbumin 3 and avian thymic hormone (ATH). Parvalbumin 3 from chicken (CPV3) is identical to rat β-parvalbumin (β-PV) at 75 of 108 residues. CPV3 displays intermediate Ca(2+) affinity--higher than that of rat β-parvalbumin, but lower than that of ATH. As in rat β-PV, the attenuation of affinity is associated primarily with the CD site (residues 41-70), rather than the EF site (residues 80-108). Structural data for rat α- and β-parvalbumins suggest that divalent ion affinity is correlated with the similarity of the unliganded and Ca(2+)-bound conformations. We herein present a comparison of the solution structures of Ca(2+)-free and Ca(2+)-bound CPV3. Although the structures are generally similar, the conformations of residues 47 to 50 differ markedly in the two protein forms. These residues are located in the C helix, proximal to the CD binding loop. In response to Ca(2+) removal, F47 experiences much greater solvent accessibility. The side-chain of R48 assumes a position between the C and D helices, adjacent to R69. Significantly, I49 adopts an interior position in the unliganded protein that allows association with the side-chain of L50. Concomitantly, the realignment of F66 and F70 facilitates their interaction with I49 and reduces their contact with residues in the N-terminal AB domain. This reorganization of the hydrophobic core, although less profound, is nevertheless reminiscent of that observed in rat β-PV. The results lend further support to the idea that Ca(2+) affinity correlates with the structural similarity of the apo- and bound parvalbumin conformations.  相似文献   

Functional expression of T-type Ca(2+) channels is developmentally regulated in chick nodose neurons. In this study we have tested the hypothesis that extrinsic factors regulate the expression of T-type Ca(2+) channels in vitro. Voltage-gated Ca(2+) currents were measured using whole-cell patch clamp recordings in E7 nodose neurons cultured under various conditions. Culture of E7 nodose neurons for 48 h with a heart extract induced the expression of T-type Ca(2+) channels without any significant effect on HVA currents. T-type Ca(2+) channel expression was not stimulated by survival promoting factors such as BDNF. The stimulatory effect of heart extract was mediated by a heat-labile, trypsin-sensitive factor. Various hematopoietic cytokines including CNTF and LIF mimic the stimulatory effect of heart extract on T-type Ca(2+) channel expression. The stimulatory effect of heart extract and CNTF requires at least 12 h continuous exposure to reach maximal expression and is not altered by culture of nodose neurons with the protein synthesis inhibitor anisomycin, suggesting that T-type Ca(2+) channel expression is regulated by a posttranslational mechanism. Disruption of the Golgi apparatus with brefeldin-A inhibits the stimulatory effect of heart extract and CNTF suggesting that protein trafficking regulates the functional expression of T-type Ca(2+) channels. Heart extract- or CNTF-evoked stimulation of T-type Ca(2+) channel expression is blocked by the Jak/STAT and MAP kinase blockers, AG490 and U0126, respectively. This study provides new insights into the electrical differentiation of placode-derived sensory neurons and the role of extrinsic factors in regulating the functional expression of Ca(2+) channels.  相似文献   

Overexpression of frequenin and its orthologue neuronal Ca(2+) sensor 1 (NCS-1) has been shown to increase evoked exocytosis in neurons and neuroendocrine cells. The site of action of NCS-1 and its biochemical targets that affect exocytosis are unknown. To allow further investigation of NCS-1 function, we have demonstrated that NCS-1 is a substrate for N-myristoyltransferase and generated recombinant myristoylated NCS-1. The bacterially expressed NCS-1 shows Ca(2+)-induced conformational changes. The possibility that NCS-1 directly interacts with the exocytotic machinery to enhance exocytosis was tested using digitonin-permeabilized chromaffin cells. Exogenous NCS-1 was retained in permeabilized cells but had no effect on Ca(2+)-dependent release of catecholamine. In addition, exogenous NCS-1 did not regulate cyclic nucleotide levels in this system. These data suggest that the effects of NCS-1 seen in intact cells are likely to be due to an action on the early steps of stimulus-secretion coupling or on Ca(2+) homeostasis. Myristoylated NCS-1 bound to membranes in the absence of Ca(2+) and endogenous NCS-1 was tightly membrane-associated. Using biotinylated NCS-1, a series of specific binding proteins were detected in cytosol, chromaffin granule membrane, and microsome fractions of adrenal medulla. These included proteins distinct from those detected by biotinylated calmodulin, demonstrating the presence of multiple specific Ca(2+)-independent and Ca(2+)-dependent binding proteins as putative targets for NCS-1 action. A model for NCS-1 function, from these data, indicates a constitutive membrane association independent of Ca(2+). This differs from the Ca(2+) myristoyl switch model for the closely related recoverin and suggests a possible action in rapid Ca(2+) signal transduction in response to local Ca(2+) signals.  相似文献   

Two new potential near-membrane iminocoumarin-based fluorescent Ca(2+) indicators were synthesized and the spectral profiles of their free and Ca(2+) bound forms were studied. The probes incorporate in their BAPTA-related structures, the 3-(benzimidazolyl)iminocoumarin or the 3-(benzothiazolyl)iminocoumarin moiety, substituted at the imino nitrogen with an n-dodecyl lipophilic chain. The compounds are excited with visible light and have Ca(2+) dissociation constant values of 5.50 and 4.49 microM, respectively, the highest reported to date in the literature. Fluorescence spectra studies indicated a clear shift in their excitation wavelength maxima upon Ca(2+) binding along with changes in fluorescence intensity that enable the compounds to be used as ratiometric near-membrane, low Ca(2+) affinity probes.  相似文献   

Bile acids (BAs) play an important role in the digestion of dietary fats and act as signaling molecules. However, due to their solubilizing properties, high concentrations in the gut may negatively affect gut epithelium and possibly afferent fibers innervating the gastrointestinal tract (GI). To determine the effect of BAs on intracellular Ca2+ and membrane permeabilization we tested a range of concentrations of two BAs on vagal nodose ganglion (NG) neurons, Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO), and PC12 cell lines. NG explants from mice were drop-transduced with the genetically encoded Ca2+ indicator AAV9-Syn-jGCaMP7s and used to measure Ca2+ changes upon application of deoxycholic acid (DCA) and taurocholic acid (TCA). We found that both BAs induced a Ca2+ increase in NG neurons in a dose-dependent manner. The DCA-induced Ca2+ increase was dependent on intracellular Ca2+ stores. NG explants, with an intact peripheral part of the vagus nerve, showed excitation of NG neurons in nerve field recordings upon exposure to DCA. The viability of NG neurons at different BA concentrations was determined, and compared to CHO and PC12 cells lines using propidium iodide labeling, showing threshold concentrations of BA-induced cell death at 400–500 μM. These observations suggest that BAs act as Ca2+-inducing signaling molecules in vagal sensory neurons at low concentrations, but induce cell death at higher concentrations, which may occur during inflammatory bowel diseases.  相似文献   

M K Manion  Z Su  M Villain  J E Blalock 《FASEB journal》2000,14(10):1297-1306
Calmodulin (CaM), as well as other Ca(2+) binding motifs (i.e., EF hands), have been demonstrated to be Ca(2+) sensors for several ion channel types, usually resulting in an inactivation in a negative feedback manner. This provides a novel target for the regulation of such channels. We have designed peptides that interact with EF hands of CaM in a specific and productive manner. Here we have examined whether these peptides block certain Ca(2+)-permeant channels and inhibit biological activity that is dependent on the influx of Ca(2+). We found that these peptides are able to enter the cell and directly, as well as indirectly (through CaM), block the activity of glutamate receptor channels in cultured neocortical neurons and a nonselective cation channel in Jurkat T cells that is activated by HIV-1 gp120. As a consequence, apoptosis mediated by an influx of Ca(2+) through these channels was also dose-dependently inhibited by these novel peptides. Thus, this new type of Ca(2+) channel blocker may have utility in controlling apoptosis due to HIV infection or neuronal loss due to ischemia.  相似文献   

Ca(2+)-induced inactivation of L-type Ca(2+) is differentially mediated by two C-terminal motifs of the alpha(1C) subunit, L (1572-1587) and K (1599-1651) implicated for calmodulin binding. We found that motif L is composed of a highly selective Ca(2+) sensor and an adjacent Ca(2+)-independent tethering site for calmodulin. The Ca(2+) sensor contributes to higher Ca(2+) sensitivity of the motif L complex with calmodulin. Since only combined mutation of both sites removes Ca(2+)-dependent current decay, the two-site modulation by Ca(2+) and calmodulin may underlie Ca(2+)-induced inactivation of the channel.  相似文献   

P Sah  E M McLachlan 《Neuron》1991,7(2):257-264
We examined the possibility that Ca2+ released from intracellular stores could activate K+ currents underlying the afterhyperpolarization (AHP) in neurons. In neurons of the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus, the current underlying the AHP had two components: a rapidly decaying component that was maximal following the action potential (GkCa,1) and a slower component that had a distinct rising phase (GkCa,2). Both components required influx of extracellular Ca2+ for their activation, and neither was blocked by extracellular TEA (10 mM). GkCa,1 was selectively blocked by apamin, whereas GkCa,2 was selectively reduced by noradrenaline. The time course of GkCa,2 was markedly temperature sensitive. GkCa,2 was selectively blocked by application of ryanodine or sodium dantrolene, or by loading cells with ruthenium red. These results suggest that influx of Ca2+ directly gates one class of K+ channels and leads to release of Ca2+ from intracellular stores, which activates a different class of K+ channel.  相似文献   

Mapacalcine receptors have been found to be associated with a Ca(2+) permeability insensitive to all known calcium blockers. Recently, high densities of mapacalcine receptors have been detected in the choroid plexus of rat brain. To determine a possible role for these channels, we have investigated their presence on other structures which, like choroid plexus, are involved in the secretion of biological fluids. Our data demonstrate that there are specific mapacalcine receptors on kidney membranes and glomeruli preparations. The mapacalcine receptors were present in all structures of the kidney. However, autoradiographic data demonstrated that superficial part of the cortex was more labeled than the other part of the kidney. These data would suggest that mapacalcine receptors could play a role in calcium homeostasis.  相似文献   

The type 1 ryanodinereceptor (RyR1) from rabbit skeletal muscle displayed two distinctdegrees of response to cytoplasmic Ca2+ [high- andlow-open probability (Po) channels]. Here, weexamined the effects of adenine nucleotides and caffeine on thesechannels and their modulations by sulfhydryl reagents.High-Po channels showed biphasicCa2+ dependence and were activated by adenine nucleotidesand caffeine. Unexpectedly, low-Po channels didnot respond to either modulator. The addition of a reducing reagent,dithiothreitol, to the cis side converted thehigh-Po channel to a state similar to that ofthe low-Po channel. Treatment withp-chloromercuriphenylsulfonic acid (pCMPS) transformedlow-Po channels to ahigh-Po channel-like state with stimulation by,-methylene-ATP and caffeine. In experiments under redox controlusing glutathione buffers, shift of the cis potential towardthe oxidative state activated the low-Pochannel, similar to that of the high-Po or thepCMPS-treated channel, whereas reductive changes inactivated thehigh-Po channel. Changes in transredox potential, in contrast, did not affect channel activity ofeither channel. In all experiments, channels with higherPo were stimulated to a great extent bymodulators, but ones with lower Po wereunresponsive. These results suggest that redox states of criticalsulfhydryls located on the cytoplasmic side of the RyR1 may alter bothgating properties of the channel and responsiveness to channel modulators.


Replacement of amino acids 4187-4628 in the skeletal muscle Ca(2+) release channel (skeletal ryanodine receptor (RyR1)), including nearly all of divergent region 1 (amino acids 4254-4631), with the corresponding cardiac ryanodine receptor (RyR2) sequence leads to increased sensitivity of channel activation by caffeine and Ca(2+) and to decreased sensitivity of channel inactivation by elevated Ca(2+) (Du, G. G., and MacLennan, D. H. (1999) J. Biol. Chem. 274, 26120-26126). In further investigations, this region was subdivided by the construction of new chimeras, and alterations in channel function were detected by measurement of the caffeine dependence of in vivo Ca(2+) release and the Ca(2+) dependence of [(3)H]ryanodine binding. Chimera RF10a (amino acids 4187-4381) had a lower EC(50) value for activation by caffeine, and RF10c (4557-4628) had a higher EC(50) value, whereas the EC(50) value for chimera RF10b (4382-4556) was unchanged. Chimeras RF10b and RF10c were more sensitive to activation by Ca(2+), whereas RF10a was less sensitive to inactivation by Ca(2+), implicating RF10b and RF10c in Ca(2+) activation and RF10a in Ca(2+) inactivation. Deletion of much of divergent region 1 sequence to create mutant Delta4274-4535 led to higher caffeine and Ca(2+) sensitivity of channel activation and to lower Ca(2+) sensitivity for inactivation. Thus, deletion results demonstrate that caffeine, Ca(2+), and ryanodine binding sites are not located in amino acids 4274-4535. Nevertheless, the properties of the deletion and chimeric mutants demonstrate that amino acids 4274-4535 and three shorter sequences in this region (F10a, amino acids 4187-4381; F10b, 4382-4556; and F10c, 4557-4628) in RyR1 modulate Ca(2+) and caffeine sensitivity of the Ca(2+) release channel.  相似文献   

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